HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-01, Page 64.1 A i, 20 and 25 per c►. Discount Sale FROM NOW TILL DEC. 1st We do not buy Goods to put on our shelves or in show oases, but we and here is what we will do for the next 30 days. 15 per cent discount on all CLOCKS and WATCHES, (the Watoh excepted) 20 per cent discount on JEWELLERY and SILVERWARE. 25 per cent discount on FANCY GOODS. See how it wants. buy to. sell, Waterbury Take our Celebrated $5.50 Watch, with 15 per cent off, Domes at 54.08 Take our New American 56.00 Watch, with 15 per Dent off, comes at 55.10 Take our Sorew-bezzle American 59.75 Watch, with 15 per of off, comes at 58.30 Take our Gold -Filled 20 year guarantee 525 Watch, with 15 per cent off, at$21.25 These are prices that are sure to sell the goods. Our Motto, "A nimble shilling is better than a slow shilling." ROB. W. CO -A..."1 S, JEWELLER and- ENGRAVER. CLINTON. CllAS CRUICKSHA\K BOOTS AND SHOES My stock is now complete in every department for the FALL and WINTER trade. I have also ou hand a large supply of AMERICAN RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES, in all grades and sizes, the best ever imported into this market, ___ _ - . _ -:.-.. -all-of-which I.am.t}elliug' at theieweet tx,ssible price; .L. ._ CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Five per cent discount for oash. Call on C. CRUICKSHANK, the Great Shoe Man, and get value for your -money. . Situ of the Golden Root,Albert St. Clinton Imeana- INSURANCE E. CORBETT, agent for London and Lan- cashire, City of London and Atlas, all first- class English Stock Companies, and two first, class Mutuals and Federal and Manufac- turers Life Companies. WANTED.—A FIRST CLASS FRESH milch cow, for cash. II. 13. MARCY, Huron St., Clinton. Tit OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—SIT- IIATED on West side of Victoria St., con- taining seven rooms and Kitchen, with all appurtenances thereto belonging. Posses- sion 1st .October. JNO. MCGAItVA. FOR SALE That property about a quarter of a mil() from the railway station at Clinton, about 327 acres, with two-story frame house and orchard, garden, orn2iJJ'ontal trees, barns, &c., bounded on one side by the River Hay- field, known as that formerly occupied by Major Murray, being part of Lot 49, on the 13ayfield Road; good clay loam, high and dry Also the house in Clinton lately occupied by Mr Itacey, two story, with attic, large out house, excellent orchard; it stands on two .acres, and is bounded entirely by four streets Will be sold at auction on THURSDAY, NOV 21st, at 2 p m, at the Waverly Hotel, Clinton, where a plan can now be seen The owner is willing to sell by private contract Time given for part payment Information of any sale that may have boon made there- under, and other particulars can bo had of . A LEITH, Queen's Hotel, Toronto, Or D DICKINSON, Auctioneer, Clinton BERKSHIRE BOAR Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that tho partner- ship heretofore existing between Cuniug- hamo C McMurray, as grocers, &c., in the Town of Clinton, has been dissolved by mu- tual consent, the business having been dis- posod of, Parties having claims against the late firm, will prusont theta at ouco, and all outstanding accounts must bo paid without further delay. JOHN CUNINGHAME, JOHN 11IcMURR,AY. Clinton, Oct. 4, 1[89 Property for sale or to rent. • A cottage on Albert St., lately occupied by lir James Moore. Five bed rooms, double Parlor, dining room, kitchen, summorkitch- en and pantry. Hard and soft wator. Stab - lo, carriage hone and fruit trees. There are throe lots on Maple Street besides the ono on which the cottage stands, making au acre of grcund in all. Tho cottage and ono lot will able terms. Possession given at ouco. Ap- ply to 10145 THOMAS COOPER, Clinton. o sold separately if desired and on reason - Subscribo; has just received a thoro•bred Berkshire Boar from the Gold Medal herd of J G Snell & Bros, of Edmonton, which is of excellent pedigree and registered in tho Dominion Herd Book. Tho same will bo kopt for servico at Lot 26, Gth con Hullutt— Teruts .31 at time of service, with privilege of retro ning, if neeesearv, or 81.25 if booked WILLIAM S:dELL, Hullett, Of the late firm of H Snell & Son Lots for Sale in Clinton. Two valuable Town Lots, Nos., 21 and. 22, corner of Fulton and Dunlop Streets, will be ' sold cheap for cash. Well fenced and oou- tral Apply to II IIALE I;SINPSti CHANGE.=THII Hultsultdll- 1.31:u having bought out the barbering business of \[r S. Anderson, will continue the saute at the old stand, opposite the Pest • Office. Having had considerable experience he fouls confident that ho can givo sntisfac- 1 tion. Shaving, Hair cutting and Dressing, atrcasdnable rates. Children aril Ladies' Hair Dressing pr<nnlr'ly attended to. J. T. E-MItIERTON, Clinton. •111 0 LET. -,'r11,1 DESIRABLE ]) iNc:house ou Kattoniniry street bttcic occupied by Jlrs S, 11. Mance. The house contains 9 rooms with good cellar anti hard and suit water, snafu stable aud good gar- den. Iuxtitudiate 1,ossessi011 Apply to 1t. RASSFOltD, Clirtuu. T1AIM FOlt SALE.—FARAI 01? 50 ACRES L being ono mile from Clinton, being lot u 45, Hayfield con., Goderich tow shs t 1. Good soil, well watered, sit acres bush, good orch- ard, frame house and cellar and (mane barn and stable. Possession to work at any time ; this fall, JAS. STEEL', Clinton, FARMARM FOR SALLA.—SUIISCRIBEa OF for sale his farm of 112 acres, being part of lot 20, on the Bayfield lino, Godorieu township, About ninety acres cleared, tho rest hard wood and cedar and in good state of cultivation. On the faun is a good brick house and wood shod, hard and soft water, close to school and church and is well wat- ered. Also good bank barn with stone foun- dation and drive shed. Tbie 'farm will be sold or L echangod for property in Manitoba. Address PETER COLE, Clinton, Ont. FARM' FOR ` SALE — UNDERSIGNED offer for sale the farm of 100 acres, being lot 30, llth concession of Hallett, belonging to the estato of the late Richard Colo. On the place there is a frame house, good barn, stables, &c„ young bearing orchard of one acro; first-class' walls. Situate about one mile wast of. Londosboro. About 90 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation.— Possession 1st A prilt Apply On the pretuisus or to either of the Executors JOHN COLE, Bolgrave tf H. 1RADFORRD, Londosboro HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO REND --There is offered for sale or to rent that beautifully situated Krick residence at present occupied by Mr P. W. Hayward, on the corner of Princess and Orange Streets, Clinton. The house contains dining room, parlor, kitchen, and two other rooms down stairs, with bathroom, 3 bedrooms and 2 closets upstairs. Splendid cellar, with hot air heater, hard and soft water. Lot one- eighth of an acro, ttoasonable terms, Ap- ply on the premises. House and Lot for sale or to rent. The large cottage owned and formerly oc- cupied by Mr E. Holmes on Queen Street, Clinton, is offered for sale or to runt on lib- eral terms. The house oontains 8 rooms downstairs, with woodshed and kitchen at- tached, and two rooms upstairs, good cellar, hard and soft water, half -acre lot with fruit trees and stablo thereon. The house is situ- ated in one of the most pleasant parts of the town. Purchaser or tenant could have pos- session at any time. Full particulars on ap- plication at irw Enc Ofllco. Births, Marriages and Deaths By chapter 40, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1887, all Births, Marriages and Deaths aro re- quired to be registered with tho Clerk of Ole municipality in which such may take place, The person required to report a birth is the father or mother of the child ; regis- tration must bo made within30days after birth. The person required to register a marriage is the plergyman who celebrntee it and hie report must be furnished within 90 days after the data of snot marriage. The person required to register a death is the occupier of the house In which the death takes place, and the rotnrn mnst bo made boforo the interment of the body. Any me- dical o-dical pian who was last in attendance dur- ing the last illness of any deceased person, is required to register the cause of death,— Negloot to make any of these reports within the specified time, will subject the person so neglecting to a pen�]alty of 820 and costs. Ml persons ilitet'estedAill ta.ito notice and gov- orn themselves aecordingly, WILLIAM COAT Division Registrar, Clinton. • Londesboro Mills. J. L. Eidt has rented the Londosboro Rol. ler dills and is prepared to do all kinds of [Hill ,Work. Custom work a specialty. Through honest work and fair dealing he,ex- poets a good share of tho patronage of the sunrouudiug country. Flour and food al- ways on hand. Will deliver ou short notice, Farrel for Sale Undersigned offers for sale Lot 23, 3rd eon., Iiullctt, (near tho Cemetery) 100 auras; 00 cleared and free of stutups, balanc•o bush. Comfortable house, fraute barn GO x 30, with good stabling, orchard nearly aft acre, never failing spring creek. School house adjoin- ing the futri . No butter soil around—el ay and clay loath- Situate 11< utiles from Clin- ton Possession given any tithe atter the crop is oil. Turrets ea::y. lITre chance to secure a good place. MRS HODGSON, or FRANCIS 11IL'TY, uu the premises. ;Notice to lila Public CLINTON 11IAREETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Oat, a1' 1889. Wheat, fall old and new.. 0 80 a 0 90 Oats 22 0 25 Barley 0 35 0 45 Peas 050 0 60 600 a 5.00 0 10 a 0 '16 Flour per hal ' Butter Eggs • 0 17 a 0 17 Pork 5 75 a 600 Say • • 9 00 a 900 .1s 1ir.f-,m, Sheppard has gone 0! a rip v I benefit flu. health o:,Iaui Hint for t'iu LL c C u t t le.t\e lilure,l toy boc,les at lir i.?. Ituuiball's ec•rri 10 shop, who is authorized to collect accounts and grant receipts on uty behalf. 1'rn•tics interested will please boar this in mind. WiLLIA'M STANLEY, Idohnosville. NEWS N NOTES. The London World says the Queen will open the next session of Parliament in person. Meredith leads an Opposition that is composed chiefly of states- men who have just ability enough to judge butter at a township show.—Toronto Telegram, Con. 1 In the Northwest Legislature oa Tuesday a memorial to the j Dominion Government was adop-' ted by a vote of seventeen to two, praying for a change in the North- west Territories Act to abolish the dual language.system in offi. tial printing. Natives of New Guinea have massacred Rev. Mr Savage,who was sant out by the London Mis- sionary Society, several native natiyo teachers who were with h:m, and thelcrew of the Mission- ary Society cutter. The firm of Brown, Belfour & Co., wholesale grocers, Hamilton, has suspended payment. Mr Adam Brown, M. P.., is the senior.. piirtiier, and like been in the btisi_. nese since 1852, The idea that imprisonment for debt has been abolished is incor- rect. In England and Wales there aro at present 9,000 persons imprisoned. as debtors, and if Ire- land and Scotland were -included the gland total,wotlld exceed 10, 000. ° Samuel White, of Columbus,' 0., a life prisoner who was pardoned in May, 1881, on condition that he abstain from strong drink, was on Tuesday brought back to prison to remain the remainder of his life, having violated the condition after observing it for Dight years. His daughter's wedding was the occasion of his taking it protract- ed spree. . Annie Price, Forepaugh's fat woman, has died from the effects of a congestive chill. Sho was47 years old and married to the Chatham Square Museum Albino. Sho weighed 400 pounds wbon she died, having lost 125 pounds in her two weeks illness. Tho deceased was born in Ireland and has been a freak for eight years. Sho was . married twice and was the mother of two children. Mr James Ballantyne, of Lang - side, in the township of Downie, mot his death very suddenly last Tuesday night. While seeing that his stock was attended to for tho night he fell from the window of the straw Molise to the ground, a distance of 28 feet, receiving SUCK injuries as to cause instant death. Deceased was 44 years old and leaves a wife and two small children. He was a nephew of Thos. Ballantyne, 11. P.P, for South Perth, and recently tilled the position of President of the _North Perth Agricultural Society. pOIt SALE OR TO RENT.—HOUSE AND lot fol solo of to cent, on Townsend St. The house, trhieh is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with riot air. There is alsoa good stone cellar, good lawn and hard and soft water in abundance. The lot cOu- tains of of an acre. 'Terms reasonable. Ap- ply 011 the promises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. t f. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to Suction 30, of Chapter 110, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against Ann Coulter, late of the Village of Jllyth, in the County of Huron widow, who departed this life on or about 1 the 28th day of September, 1889, aro request - cid to sand by post, prepaid, addressed to N I II YOUNG, EsQ, Blyth, Ontario, on or boforo the 15th day of Decomber,1889, a statement, of their clot me and the securities (it any)hold I by them; and that after the day tact afore- ! foro-! said, the:Executors under the will of the said Ann Coulter, will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the par- t ties entitled thereto, regard being had only to the claims of which noticeshall have been given as above required, and the said Execu- ,, tors will not be liable for the asseta, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of f whose claim or claims notice shall not have , been received b, them at the time of such 1 distribution. Dated at Clinton this 21st day of October, 1880 MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for the Executors of the iwill of the late Aun Coulter Properties for Sale SEVEN ACRES EXCELLENT OF LAND, situated almost adjoining Clinton, on the Gravel road. Thera is a small barn. This property is very suitable for a retired farm - or or market gardener, there being two dis- tinct kinds of soli thereon. Termed each, and balance at 7 per cent interest. Thorn is no incumbrance on this property. Also, SPLENDID H0138F, AND LOT, SITUATE on the oast side of Albert St„ North, Clinton. The house contains Hail, Parlor, four Bed- rooms, Pantry, ClothesCloset, Kitchen, Bum- mer Kitchen, Bath and Bath Room, Cellar, Soft and Hard Water, inside and outside, Lawn, Shade Trees. Barn, etc., alt in excel- lent state of repair. Terms, 7 cash and time for balance at 7 per cent interest. There is no oncumbranco on this property. Address 174 McDonnell Ave. Toronto, W1 . FOSTER. TO R EN T, Two good rooms upstairs and ono Store, situate in Perrin Block, Clinton. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent Canada Life Ins. PROPERTIES for SALE The various properties • re- maining undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, aro now offered for sale. In order to close up the estate these properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will be made known on appli- cation to the undersigned. MANNING it SCOTT, Clinton. TIES GLOVES 'gin y, c 11;1''''' C?J . 21.<1:t We are offering in the Tailoring and Q y• Gent's Furnishing Departments some .l, ; decided bareains, such as a pair of (T heavy All -Wool Tweed Pants, made to order for $2.25, and a line at $3, C�...•�.�.. with a variety of patterns to choose from, Also a big assortment of Over - Coatings and Suitings• ESTATE JOHN HODGENS OOLLARI Under Wear FALL ANNOUNCEMENT 000 MILLINE TO ourraustomers and...the.public-gcnerally we wish-to.meJee it riow _that_we aie. now ready for the Fall Trade with Tho Lat an most mid took of Goods 1 That has ever been kept in Clinton. Our two stores are both filled with goods that are required for a general trade. Full lines in all kinds of DRY GOODS, r bought ou the best terms possible. Some 'special bargains "from the stook of goods bought from Mr. Thomas Jackson, at 64 Dents onathe 5. • • New Fall MILLINERY Mr W. B. Tisdale private ranl>:N or, at Toeswator, was somewhat startled Tuesday morning on open- ing his office to find a cool oil lamp upset on the floor. Inspection of' the office shows that the lamp had boon thrown in through ono of the windows, whether with the in- tention of burning the hank or a ) else of pure cussedness, remains ft mystery. Tho latter supposi- tion is most likely correct, as from the noise on the street throughout the night it was quite evident that some person or per- sons wore endeavoring to "paint the town red." An extensive schema, by which the, customs have boon defrauded for yerrs, has just:come to light at Winnipeg." It appears that par- ties have been importing basswood from the United States invoiced as whitowood. There is no duty on the latter and only an expert can tell the difference. It is also reported that large quantities of dressed lumbar have' been emuggled.across by the same men the dressed lumber being packed in the ears with a tier of sawed lumbar, on whish there is no duty, piled about it so as to deceive the appraisers. C. W Ilammnt' 1, from CoWan station, Kenitu•ky-, on Monday morning turned a fine blood marc, valued at $500, and a large ox in- to the same inclosuro, Tho ani• „mals had been together several times before, hut as soon as they entered the lot that day they rushed at each other. Two or three farm hands attempted to separate them, but narrowly es- caped serious injury, and failed. The marc kicked the ox in the side, nearly stunning hin,ibut the latter recovered and gored the mare two or three times. Both fought with the greattst fury. Tho mare both kicked and bit, tearing chunks of flesh from the ox with her sharp tenth, while she in turn was raked again and again by the .ox's horns, Both were covered with blood, but con- tinued the battle as des lal'atoly as ever, despite all trap cftol'ts of the men to stop thorn'. At last the ox plunged his horns almost en- tirely trough the thick part of the mare's neck. Tho blow was fatal, but as the mare staggered her weight broke the ox's horn short orr- short off, and she fell and died with it in her body. The ox died in the afternoon, FULL LINES IIOT Readyltlade CLOTHING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER cheaper than any house in Clinton ; come and try us and see for yourselves. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, FELT BOOTS of all kinds, coarse and fine, in all the different makes, at from 10 to 20 per cent cheaper than other houses sell thong. We mean business. Full Lines in HATS, CAPS, FURS, ROBES, To be sold at a small advance on cost. All we ask is a small commission on these goods. GROCERIES R. PROVISIONS We are getting ready as fast as possible to supply our cuStomers with all kinds of Groceries and Provisions. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. . DRESS & MANTLE Making We will open out in this department next week, and will give you city work and city styles. Work guaranteed to -be second to none in the trade, and prices as low as the -lowest. Come and see us. We are bound to do business. We do not " advertise anything but what we intend to carry out. Coale and sac onr'stoek and get ;prices: 2 stores in Searle'S Block,' -5, PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS u t • :H;ale For Bargains for Cash in PARLOR SETS, BEDROOM SUITES, CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS &c,, for the next 30 Days, - Emporium. � .nit.Y 0 e E Ooiieto J. C. STEVENSON, . Opposite Town Hall, Clinton.; umaaosaavinnestrzassarsor• 27 Volumes of Pansy Books, nicely bound in cloth, at 35 cents each, paper 15 cents. Large paper Editiolirof such Books as E. P. Roe's, M. J. Holmes and G. McDonald, only, 10 cents each, or 3 for 25 cents. Humboldt's Popular Library of Science, 15c each. Ward Lock's B ograpncaT nr7 lsforicar series, con- taining life of Shakespere, Scott, Bunyan and others, narrative sketches such as Free Trade. and Protection, No Popery Cry, Plague•and Fire of London, etc., 'well written, and only 3 cents each. Call and see them. W. COOPER- & CO,, Clinton. HUB GROCERY Keeps A 1 Black, Young Hyson and Japan TEA. Keeps A 1 COFFEE, fresh'ground. Keeps A 1 GROCERIES of all kinds, cheap. Also, WOODEN WARE, BRUSHES, BROOMS, &c CORDWOOD—Orders left at shop for wood will be promptly filled at lowest figures. , No charge for cartage. Ci -104 0..;'W ALL4W, CLAI TON Best and Cheapest Fence STEEL RODS -IRON FOUNDATION. BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. tarn Woe ADORING Iron Works n WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. Agents wanted to sell our goods in every town 1 C. IIETLOR & CO' Having secured the services of MISS KERB Y, as hea d Milliner, all orders will now be promptly executed. Just Opened, a fresh lot of New Dress Goods and Mantle Cloth s. Also, a choice assortment of TWEEDS, for Suits & Pants DRESS and MANTLE MAKING, up stairs, by M Iss SYMONDS and MRS TAYLOR J.C.Detlor & Co.Clinton Te JACKSON, Sr, The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- . , vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. Immense bargain's will be bit en in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days ,that will. • astonish the closest buyers. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton What's the Matter with you feet? WHY YOU WANT A PAIR OF Taylor & Sons flne�de Shoes TH.A.T'S -A.LL' Eggs taken in exchange. 5 por cent oft for cash. TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND BB.YTH