HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-01, Page 5I; JENKS'. DREAM. Jenks had a queer dream the other night .8e thought he saw a prize-fighters' ring and in the middle of it stood a doughty little +obampion who met and deliberately knocked over, one by one, a score or more of big, burly -looking fellows, as they advanced to *be attack. Giants as they were in size, the vailawtptgmy proved more than a match for them. It wap all so funny that Jenks woke up laughing. He accounts for the dream by the fact that he had just come to the conclu- sion, atter trying nearly every big drastic p111 On the market, that Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellet, or tiny Sugar- coated 'Granules, easily knock out" and beat all 'tthe big pills hollow 1 They are the original and only genuine Little Liver Pills. ewarerot fmitatienerwbieh-eenta vonus Minerals,. Always ask for Dr. Pierce Pellets, which are Little Sugar-coated P111 or Anti -bilious Granules. One a Dose. For ►�«oday Reading UPQT1 ri i8 snuBFs OEGALILEO. T e Saebath morn was sweet to see the e shores of Galilee. Pet jvixt white clouds, like lakes of blue, The sapphire of the sky shone through ; Where Magdala once flourished fair. A falcon poised in languid air : Mist fashioned into strange design. Far mountains loomed in purple line : Sweet strains that swelled to choral close From oleander corpses rose, And through the calm beat boomed the bee Upon the shores of Galilee. Beneath the leaves along the morge The swelling fig -grew ripe and large ; Perpetual summer seemed to rest Upon the water's tranquil breast. No white sails swept the lake along, There rang no soaring worship song ; Bethsaida's razed walls were dumb, And silence sealed Capernanm ; Gray old Tiberias alone Upreared its parapets of stone ; And yet what joy it seems to be Upon the shores of Galilee ! Here trod his ever -patient feet In twilight cool and noontide heat Percba;pce beside yon fountain's brink He paused awhile to rest and drink, ,,s Beod-tife shit e r p Pills, Before he took his onward way. These are the waves be bade be still That even now obey his will; The same sky throws its arch above As when he taught his creed of love, The same winds blow their blessings free Upon the shores of Galilee. SICK HEADACHE, Billions headache, Dizziness, Constipa- tion. Bil- ious Attacks, and all de- rangements of the stomach and bowels, aro promptly relieved and permanently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They are gently laxative, or strongly cathartic, according to size of dose. Smallest, Cheapest, rEae1est.ta taste– 25 canter a.vial, bYslrugg1eta. Coprriaht, 1888, by WORLD', 1ISPENsARY MED- re683 Main 64Tnufalo, Ixley, SMLES.MEN WANTED . Having done business in Canada for over $0 years, our reputation and rosirousiblity ..e 1lay.aala1:Y_alrcl cxpeusee from the start, if everything is eatlsfa.etorv. No previous cep erieuoe is required. 'Write ne for terms, which aro very liberal, before e aging with any other frim. REI••rrta::c1 e.—Bradstrderrs•or Dun Wintan & Go's Commercial Ageuoic's, well known to business 'nun ; ur Standard Bank, Culboa•ue, Ont. CHASE 141tOTR)- 1 '(' COMP AMY NURSERYMEN, Uoltlorrtu, Ontario. White Braze Memel el cO.Y, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. We have the only factory in the Do- minion. Our material is pure and fine, and is endorsed by leading scientists as being practically imperishable. It can- not absorb moisture and consequently is not affected by the frost. J. Baker Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L., F. C. S., of Montreal, P. Q., says its great d ra- bility under all exposure to weather and storm is fully assured by its high' quality. It is nior'e durable than stone and will not loose its handsome appea' twee from generation to generation. know of rio other material which equally capable of ,combining elegant of form, beauty of surface and indefini durability. Please call On or write to our agent Clinton and see designs and prices b fore placing your order. W. M. GIFFIN, AGENT' CLINTON Tire 'ST. Trionr.As WHITE BRONZE MOND- MEM COMPANY, ST. Those s, O r. THERE T kAKING POWDER IS Cook's GENUi11E Cook's !ofltI No Alum. Not ling Injurious. PERILED E'I`EPSNi111. GARwd'p1). FACTORY 511M.ii'S Valves, iron & Leel Pfpu Loose Puilay Guar:, Steam lot Pumps, Fum Pump„ W rid Mills, Crown .Separrtors1 Cxlry and Latandry Utonsils. US CHAIR STREET, MONTREAL. CHADW CK'SI SPOOF iOTTOOi For Ifand and Machine Use. MA: !10 SUPERIOR. ASIC son IT IJEA.THEIN1711 STEEL-.LillwD TRUNKS all othor kinds. In the Voris. . CYELEIGz &.C3 ttr,'3I TPILAT., II ter 012 O^l� HOTEL BALMO ' AL Notre Dame @,t., one of the /n.•4 eentrnl and elogantly furnlnlr,d IT,,:els in the Cli, AorwrutnodDY.u+: for 400 gue.(e. Antes: V WOODRUFF, kis . t2 to $3 per day. r Manager ' LEATHER BOARD solaA¢'tDOMINION s for Canada, J.PALmER&SON Wholesale Imp'tre of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOTRE DAME MONTREAL. SOAP. COMPANY.1 Manufacturer. of ASBESTOSrAILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARS, 771 ur is a Perfece Friotion RECKITT'S BLUE. THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS. Wrahllintf, tan1ia,, t: ') ALL SStZIS O ��OHOST.ONS t1 fLUIt'EEF 'THE SREAT STRENGTH GIVER A1PEt�FECT Food 1•c! THESInc( A^ID � WARMIN^o r V1EI!;IATS TO OP1SP !) yr --':. �• W ERFT1^t- eir ay And though wild desolation now Rests on the shores and mountain's brow, The living words that here had birth Have zoned with glory all the earth. They dwell in prayerful hearts afar Beneath -the new'world's'zenith sort; • And spread where blue Pacific smiles Upon her peaceful palm -girt isles; And when in years to Dome with men The lonely land shall teem again, Revered of all his name shall be Upon the shores of Galilee. MARTYRDOM. The worst part of mat tyrdonl is not the last agonising moment ; it is the wearintr, dailystefidfaetnese. Men who can make up their minds to hold out against Iha for. tunes of an hour have sunk under the weariness and the harass of small prolonged vexations ; 'arid there are rllUny Christians who have the Weight of some deep,. incommunicable grief pressing, cold as ice, upon their hearts. To bear that Manfully and cheerfully is to be a martyr. There is many ii Christian bereaved and stricken in the hest hopes of life. For such an olte to say quietly "Fa- ther, not as 1 will, hut as thou wilt," is to be a martyr. There is many a Christian who feels the irksomeness of' the duties of life, and feels his spirit revolting against them. To get up every morning with the firm resolve to find pleasure .in those duties, and do them well, and finish the ::orb which God has ;,riven its to do, that is to drink Christ's cup.—F. W. Robertson, TIIE ART OF hELr-BEFENCE. Have you ever studied the art. of self-defence ?' -said a. young fel- low to a plan of magnificent phy• sique and noble bearing. The elder man looked at his question- er with a quiet •smile, and then answered thoughtfully : ' Yes,. I have both 'studied and practised it.' 'Ah !' said the other, eagerly, 'whose system did you adopt— Sutton's or Sayc is?' 'Solomon's,' was the reply; 'and as 1 have now been in training, for F0111e time On bis principles, 1 can confidently recommend his system.' Some- what abashed, the youth Stam• mered out. ' Solomon's ! And what is the speeia.l point of his system of training?" Briefly this,' replied the other : "A soft answer turneth away wrath."'— For a moment the young man felt an inclination to laugh', and looked at his friend anxiously to• sec whether he was serious. But a glance at the accomplished athlete was enough ; and soon a very dif- ferent set of feelings came over the youth as his muscular eom- panion,addoel, 'Try it I' I3E(IN iN SECRET. Ah, how many departures from God, ending in a total shipwreck of faith, have begun in the secret chamber ! In. some sense they have all begun there. If only we could loot: into the inner records of some young ' man's life, who trained in a Christian household, and himself seeming to have well begun, has yet after ,twhile for - felted the promise of his youth, gone forth and forgotten the sanc- tities of home, and the faith pledged 'fiot to God alone, but to father, and mother and sister— still loved, and to be forever loved, but with a tearful, aching love so unlike the proud love which re• garded hint once—could we look, 1 say, into that story, hero, I am sure, would be most often found the secrc+t of all. • Ilo counted that he could do without that which the Saviour himself would not do without -that he could live on his own resources—that he could lean upon his own strength. JC aye's .7.:inimcnt Cures t11t'phtFe•ict. A cotton picker h• s been in- vented which hit ' tr to displace hand labor. ' no' machine does the work of " hundred negroes. '•1;nrty.te be and early to rise Makes a man - lthy. W'altlly, and says the0ldcn-time 11(4 Ii -(',V rhyn •, bot We think that — ;'I:arly to drink from the foin.t,u of health Will hying i,o111, the wisdom and much -longed for wealth," :incl that filtlntain IH't( lo round in 1)1'. Pierre's oolden)Ieclical i)is:covery the world (:Irr:ed remedy for im- purities of the blood. It cures tiScrofnit us Sores and Swelling, Skin nll,1 Seal)) diseases, Totter, Sall-111,':trn and allldood taints. BESTINci'f HIS WAY. A little over three months ago, Alfred Son er',ofSomervi11e,Maas.,v Nystr",. and L. B. riftiin,of Lowell,Mass , wag;ervd $.1,b0o,S.enter to win the money if he succeeded in beating his way in first-class coaches from B(ston to:San Francisco and back, and lose it' he paid 'fare while en - route. Edward F. Lucke, the re- feree, was to accompany Seater, and his expenses were to be borne by the loser. Senter and Locke arrived in Kansas City this morn- ing yu their way back. Seater is a hunchback, and appears to be about thirty years of age. • 'We:started out,' he said, 'on the evening of July 7th, on the Boston and Albany railroad, and got to Albany without being put off. My troubles began on the New York Central railroad. I was put oft three times the first day, and of course Locke had to go with me, Owing to my de- fJrmity. I was not treated harsh- ] ' . Between Buffalo and Chicago, on the i icigan ou . ern, I con- cocted a tale of robbery , and' on a promise to pay at Detroit was not molested. in order to deceive the 'officials I sent a bogus tele- gram to Chicago for money. Al- together I have been ousted from trains 180 times. On the South- ern roads to California .1 was al- lowed to ride long distances. At one time 1 had to plead with an old Ludy With tears in my Cy ee not 'to p•'1y r;iS fare, s, 3 that- voti td spur! my chances of Winning. the het. 1 hove liad several offers to have my fare paid, but Locke's' eye was ori me, and that nettled it. I have had a rongh experience and would not undertake to c'o it twain for twice the mouey wag- ered: TORIA. for infanta awl Madrona •.castorlaissowell adapted toshlldrenthat CYsoRia R. °o't'ri, Sn, I recommend itassuperior toanyprescripitea, > Worms. espambeeep. and prbitnotea di. known to me." H. A. Aucma, H. D. ���tf°�m, 111 filo. Ozford6t. Broolllya, N. T. WItirou1 Tis Cuvnstta Ooankinv. 7i Murray Street., N. Y The PopularDry Goods House 2101\7DMSBORO UN2 FS I'i;ICTED RECIPRO- CITY. may he of inestimable advantage to Canada or it, may be a mere 'fad' as its opponents 0lall it, but no one can deny that Nasal Balm, has dune more for sufferer; from catarrh than any (t hey 1 ernedy known. ME Thomas Roclie,Roche- flwt, Ont., says :--I have suffered severely from catarrh, and never got any relief until 1 used Nasal Balm. I never thought I could find'so sure a cure It is a pity all afflicted with catarrh do not know of'and use this wonderful rnedi- (in0. NVIIY -MORTAR HARDENS. Until very- recently it Was held by most engineers anis .u•chitec'.s that the iSuliditictttiou of mortars took place in' consequence of the absorption of carbonic acid gas by .tile lime during the process of crystallization, but it has been fairly objected to this theory, that the quantity of carbonic acid gas contained in the atmosphere which could• bo brought into con- tact with the large body of ('c mdnt would not suffice to saturate the latter. The generally I000iv- ed opinion ori the subject now is that limos harden simply in con- sequence of the combination with water, which takes place during the slackening, and that the ra- pidity- of the setting and the per- manence of the newly -formed hydrate of limo depends upon its being combined with some other salt; the pure hydrate of lime is, in fact, insoluble, the hydrated silicate 01 lime is tolerably insol• uble,, but it forms slowly, while the hydrated double silicate of limo and alumina, or of limo and magnesia,are practically insoluble. This may be taken 'as an explana- tion of' the general conditions whish arise, but the obscure sub• jest of the chemical actions which take place under the influence of high degrees of temperature has not yet been 'thoroughly investi- gated; and otters a most interesting field of experiment and research. \VOMEN -WHO MAKE THE 13EST WIV ES. Members -of a Boston debating society have,almost conte to blows over the question, "What women snake the best wives''? Culture was claimed by many to be the .first essential,love and fidelity the second, and knowledge of house• hold dutses and ability to proper- ly perform them,the third. None of the debaters, however, thought to add that very necessary quali- fication—health—without which a wife is far from perfection. vr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will renew the hue of youth in pale and sallow chocks, correct irritat- ingutorine diseases,arrost and cure ulceration and inflammation, and infuse new vitality into a wasting body. "Favorite,Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by druggiscs,undor• a positive guarantee from the m anu factur•ors, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be re-, funded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper,and faithfully c'ar'ried out for many years. Shoupe, the IIOgarsville tele- graph operator, who teas toughly handled by toughs ivh!le going. hone from Ilamilton on a special train whit'll 1':111 (0 I)al'llam's c •il'• ens, died iron) his injuries on Lnrsdny. otton !toot Contyou lid 1'�nn pnwvl ,:( ('. tt., No.!, •r , r nr.: P, u ninon -yr,l nn•,I t,v an oLl p 1 Si I'Q5555) LLS 1 SIN) �Iu53 IIL1 . I!Irviann,li of nun on, .andLa.. r. - seliled in n prnritre '•f r.,r ;, ,.. r•• v. $ I. 8 I,I b,• Mil Heil to nor 51dn w i•11' .. I.•5• 4',,•tur'a „,n,nitullnn La•Ir.+ !1 t i •! I n, •,t \v,.,e,;I treAted ,r,' . Ve,l, ' r� • � . at trop.. 4 ,,) ,.e, I, odd sea. P1)51{1.11.1 Se• 31"'6• r solo,) 131 8, !I, Yrdni,.•,e •P"Inuit,)tw6. rin 'In 3 What delightful weather we have had during the month of October, just the thing for the farmers, not so favor able to merchants. Cold, broken weather would cause a greater demand for heavy Woollen Goods. However, anything that tends to enrich the farmer helps to line the pocket of the merchant, so we continue working aro g,- loping_ that _things will turn out for,our mutual benefit, and that all o f us, farmers, mechanics and mer chants, Twill 'have a comfortable living this year, and Abundant crops and good times nem`: A-�nd in the meantime those OVERCOATS, of which' we told you last week, are moving. The prices make them move. The Coat that we -sell at $5, would, as Coats are ;us tial1y:sold,iiring $7; our-1T-Coat'would in some stores be considered. cheap at $1011 We show a. Nobby Overcoat for littlq boys, sizes 22 to 27 double-breasted, button close up to throat, with deep cape covering shouldersA chest and back, an elegant gar- ment, price only $3. The mothers say those Child's Suits are just the correct thing, the quality is ,excellent, and the style and work- manship are all -that could be desired., We lead the trade in Overcoats and Ready-made Suits It is scarcely necessary to mention DRESS GOODS, our lady friends for miles around are sounding the praises of them, and if you have not seen them you should has- ten to do so. Full line of HATS & .CAPS. See our line of FINE TWEED CAPS, all sizes, for 25 cents each. Tor' SInI1tTS and UNDERCLOTHING in great variety. VV. L. OU T M 'ETT E, LoNDEsBoko STIFF HATS — All the leading styles, 1 ought from the best manufacturers. SOFT HATS — The best and cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent quality, and away down in price. Close buyers should not fail to call and see these goods, the low price and good quality are selling them very fast Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring PRANK SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, AitertSt. CLINTON A LITTON R. HOL ME S, CLINTON, 4 NEE ERA - - Publisher, - - ONT. X TI1E NiSw ERA is published every Friday ; it X gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and iu this 'neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for .1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT We have all the latest styles of typo for Circulars, L. ale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- . faction guaranteed, Ono trial i5 certain to'bring another. R. IOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. zoi\T±)ESBor-�,o Now is the time to make money by calling on R. Adams and getting some of those FINE OVERCOATS They are :great value. Handsome and cheap MANTLE CLOTHS. BEAUTIFUL DRRESS GOODS at prices to suit everybody. Best UNDERCLOTHING to be found, from 40c up. Lovely FASCINATORS. Latest styles of MILLINERY. Large range of PLUSHES• Every thing marked down to suit the times R. ADAMS. Oct. 25, 1889. IT --THE LEADING Furniture _Dealers, Cabinet__...._ Make--r-s, Undertakers, - And Upholsterers PICTURE FRAMING A SPFCIALTY. CALL AT THE RedRockerFurnitureEmporium Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton. 99- GROCERY -99 Having bought no Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the Ad stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first. class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods -will be kept and sold at the closest margin. We have a large stock of �.L 1\17. w- MAB Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We will not 1)e un(lersold by any house in the trade dames Angus 99 Albert St. Clinton. ,.ER iataaamamomms CHINA HALI,. To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA • • AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 oents, worth 60. We Offer NEW =SON BLACK TEA at 26 cel'ts, aloath 4,0. We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, okeap, 2 _BROOMS for 25c. FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, IN. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. B. LAWRANIC:E'S Specfacies. These celebrated hpcc'lu,'It S are -(11,1(1 in rt'('r)- instanr'e with 13. Lau - 1111100's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. Yon can depend on getting the (i ENU1NE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES rte b)- calling and examining the stock at ri J1 40 NI _A. 0JA.( Tit .64 COI .��' New ; Finhhniture , stook Opened out in ELLIOTTB BLOOM NEXT DOOR TO.TIIE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, kc:,' ;EN Ed A1• Assc5'rMr:r; OF Tit r; VERY. BES', arA11R FURNI fl 111? t'I Til•:AsoNASI.F. PRT'('EH. maticrim:6:rx,rwrimora ..amtnalmfealluarw lagaQrr xygJOHN so TOR WARRANTEb •.pUR' ITE. rc This lead is known from Halifax to Bri- tishOol>°lmbiaas the a bests finest &purest in Canada.