HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-01, Page 41, " -.-",- — -- - ___-_--7---__.-1_ .T ... . .......... �_,_ . F I .1 it I -_ -�­ — ---- . - -__.7_'.,__,V_- , i f_ 1 7 ' .1 . . I � . Ill 7�� , ! , , I I ­_�l "" " "I' . PP : li" ) .f1U .�lttU>; Ci><O 31il�liCfii. Oauada's Hest lrllarket. uptil thiq Is settled the jury's verdict . The U (pe of Coming Years to obey the` summous. We would 14 without effect. A. 113 '3's ver felt; pIDp nip pp (� hp Cgonly. NFDWS NOTAS w`'- '"- most urgently recommend that a I �eWs Notes Aloud Tke Cgonly Whose our hatter Jackson Bros, The trade t'etlli'us O the United •--•• --- Y house of refuge or suiue more fitting for plff; Garrow & Proudfoot for deft. A tram Tailoring -I allots Ju°, 1lodgens. Status continue to explode lora of Very .uric. c�.ysflll Auuiversary place than a ail b r g Parish vs. Parish, an action for The Choicest Stealln q > L' entered the residence 9f HousSo4vae wanted- Na7v Iter.' 8+ r> ler+ uY Ttithotlis"eub'"' deservin and unfortun deg poor the alimony was settled out of court. Our oExchangesg Qn4 d dem4uded foar od. Re refused p a4 House to rent -Otis Patterson. the stock contentions of the Cu. Strr rt 6ltsthuclisi g Por t?p County Al the county. We consider it a m Fortune vs. Wood ymeat and ordered Mrs Wilcox to flux, Stray cow -W. M. Gtttitt. uadi.en trade restrictionigcs. They Stlllbatiy► �;cl',1r11' for congratulation that the criminal aside a sale of goods s franuduleat I ish him with A cup of tea and bega;40 Watch lost -New Eaa office. Show that thorn is an ample and a James Finn, an old resident of Port abusive. Mr. Wilcox appeared on the Teacher wanted -W. H. Hine. I The anni.•rrnary �, rvinn. of this calendar is so light, thele beth oil Argument adjourned toTorottto. Gar•• Berkshire boar-- E. ➢fanning. profitable market for Canadian Sabbath Schnul tr rrr h. Irl .,u 8+unday g y row, C., and Manning for plff.; F, Albert, died last Thursday night. scene land the tramp failing to leaps 3 cases laid before us fur our consid Q g ,,ration. We cannot talose this Mackeloan, C., for deft. J. G. Fisher has moved from Ben. wag clubbed into insensibility. Dies urakiub DIiSs Connolly. and Monday last, aucl t,vre u,t,re nuc- , our Q• millet and gene to reside in Goderieh• Woodstock was Business change --17 Tewsley. products in the neighboring re• ceseful than even the must sanguine presentment, without gratefully ac- Ewan vs, Neil, en action for wprk greatly startled on House to rent -J, 1I, Worsell. a public, and that Our people find it antieipatedr On Sunday appropriate It°Owledging our appreciation of the donor and goods sold. Referred to the Mayor Wilson is negotiating with a Sstuday by a report that Thomas Shop fur sale -T. Lubb. valuablef assistance rendered its in Local Master. Garrow, Q.C., and Sin. firm In St Marys for the establishment Carter was in financial difficulties and ' t0 their advantage t0 trade with and acceptable se Wilson, were preached discharge of dur duties olair for pifi.; E. E. Wade for deft. of a large flax mill in Seaforth. that he was On the other side of the by Rey Jasper Wilson, of Easter, Ship., b hensi Lord- Mr C. E. Mason, of Brueefield, hoe border. Mr. Carter was an extensive ---- — - - - - - --- their American neighbors, The who, though not what is known as a in Your very comprehensive and Farren at al vs. Roach et al,anaotion sold to Messrs Glavin Ba Hooper, dealer in pianos and organs, returns of the various articles im- g lucid charge, We are also indebted for geode sold and to establish a lien. p Mfchi- g ns, and was "children's man," is a good and pow- t g an, the imported c, besides this a local r erful reacher, teachiu the chi,dren ° the Crown Counsel, and Crown $38 andehipgave.jndgment for plff.#or g „ ported bores Donglae Ger- p esohe>r o4 the $884 and costs, and declarin old• Methodist church. He went there r., ported into the United Status last P g Attorpe for information they have g a lien on „ stoat five years ago and first started J'h� t y some excellent lessor.+. A n,auN so cheerful! rendered um. All of the Iands mentioned for sale and pay. r Jas. Cameron, of Tnekersmith, rip a small jeweller ,5: .�,, year indicate the kind of products meeting, bald on Sundt v afteruuvn y meat out o! rooeede who has been seriously ill for over a business a( ,; ; g' ' which is raspeetfull s P , •with the usual Y , after. r'r�iiar which the American people re- was also well attended. Uri Monday W J, SH.&NNOlu fitted. reference to the Master to take account. week, is recovering. Y which branching ed his out rain to the business, This closed the business of the court. Mr J. Mason, of Wiu ham, has dis' the talk e! the whole town, for itrwas rrr' •' . =�' quire, and which Canada cap, and evening the church orae filled to its , Foreman, pr ',7�•aCc•9 u ca,Ysv:L-' utmost, some having to go away. Blackrock v. ll0ugheFLq et al.-Ae posed of his photography plant to Mr thoaght he was doing _-_.._.. does to a Considerable extent eu tion of ejectment. His Lordship O an immense P The children o! the infant close were J p---+ao- IV. J. Fairfield, of Brussels, paying business. Several Woodstock r: . Cm,a - ply, During the Dight months accommodated with places on the rear dispensed with jury. Mabee & Darl- OUR LETTER $Ox A fine three year old Clydesdale stal- men are reported to be heavy losers. e, " of the platform, on raised seats, while a ing for p}fE ; Cameron & Holt and [We wish it distinctly understood that lion, imported b A. Allen of Dunlop, The Dundas street Methodist church is Ii nti) t� -Ifir to ending with August, 18$9, there profusion of flowers graced the front Ormiston for deft. Judgment for IT we are not, direct! or indirect! re- P Y one of the losers, Carter having sub- . p 1 P g P s onsible Y y' has been sold to J. J. Connors, of Kings- g '+ • __. were imported into the United thereof, A new departure had been in possession be given the firat day of P , for any opinions expressed bridge, for $1,500. scribed $1,000 towards the erection of b ache o Oriuced n of rites formethiss year, March, 1800. Meantime no damages under this head.] Winthrops to have the old hotel o the new west end building, 1'1;IUA�' �'v Ji:11B}✓R 1, 1889, States horses to the value of $3 • Y g p y 1 or injury to be done or committed by P P �- - _ 735,289 ; Cattle, $236,861; sleep, Bible topics,the prize essay in each de- deft. Duugberty on the said land or Price of Bread. ened out on the first of November. A A telegram from Toronto on Monday --,� 000 p,4 n partment to form a psrt of the pro. erections. If so then s writ for os- -- son-in-law of Mr Robert Hanna the aftern000nnarnnounced the death in that --Tli�'� :: i ti`l`l: 1: - _ _ .a..r-'�-r"y- s, &�=�. - M _ • q'la"chnlan; red with zest a ' ' P- ? o the - - -____ of the ClintonNew Fra owner, is going to run it this time. n of Hon, Alex. Morris, 'ir .J. ,'sborlpts shipped lock barb 111,624, eggs, �p30S,- into it, a,id some good essays was the si@n-mayee issue:_ aa- Lien tenan - Workman vs. Cornish -Action Eo CLINTON,�0 acre farm,— of 11, on. s Grey, � eta. troch n + I.::. t r • ;,:tion on Saturday result. At the time appointed for cum- Oct.O.ct. 30, 1889. dmf° sees ed' orae the eldest eon of Hon, t Y 0(i 9; crude' phosphates, $188,966; menciu the Su erintendent, Mr H. restrain deft.from sellin lime in Hen- DEex SIa, - Bavin noticed an to Arch. Duncanson',, sons. Mr' John- thm' Morrie, for 39 years amember of I ii, Er uud fifty .lnml s, g+ P g g le i'h, } tu+ f, r ti . 1' = warkets.-Lxetvr fresh fish, X71,209,504; salt a> d I"oster, called the gathering to order, Collins for plff, ; Garrow and item in the News -Record with regard, stun will remove to the Northwest, Legfstative Assembly and Council P 8 to the rice of bread in f UPpez Canada, who died in 1859. Tntiv, i esti ved fish $1 414 526• barle and commenced the ro�ram. A cod Elliott for deft, Judgment reserved. P Clinton,, I Mr George Levy, of the 3rd con., Col- He was born ie Perth, Ont., on March p v ' y, man seas a ware sent in, but oil think it is only jostles to myself to borne 1.'lu,, v. uta t , lm.vent him ship- , many , Y i y Hamacher vs. Bettler et al. -Ac- has rented his farm to his broth- 17th, 1826, and educated M the Univer- 1 •i3,041,950; oatmeal, Xi30,5$F,; Ce- lust prizes were awarded, although tion for administration. Collins for may that those statements are ineor- er John, and has moved back to Mitch sit oY Glasgow and McGill College, pi:,:; . , ::; land, where >.o } books were given to the other writers. 1 rect and must have been made either ell Y would r:,t I,,, .r ' t+ duty men., $1,091,070; bituminous coal P ff ; Bitzer for deft. Counsel con- ' , where he ir(tends to go into the Montreal. Hews called to the bar t' ! ) � The followiu+� are the writers with the __.. r X+2,231,478; hay, $767,230; hope j titles :-" Betrayal of Christ," Mr Bow- aeufing, his Lordship directed that in ignorance of the facts, or with an business. in 1851• In 1864 he aided in bringing r19-4 eriug, first prize; Mr Watson, each of all matters in question herein be re- idea that they would not be refuted, David Lamb, of the 5tl1 line, Morris, g g 658 ; iron ore 0 aboattheCOalitionthatresultedinCon. rl,aal:i,.h <.: ti. l,usition assumed by ', X1,880,499; those young men being presented with ferred to the local Master ofthia court for in the first place, bread is 12 ets., and family, have removed to some place federation', being elected for South tic pjca;,Ib.!:w, .tsal,tist Church on barley malt, X02,572 ; cl,oese, handsome Bibles. "Ruth,' Hattie Dodd, at Berlir, under section 101 formerly and not 10 Cents, in all the surround- alcor Stratford, this week. !3e did not Lanark in 1861. In November, 1869 -' "tlie ifulj�ttail"of-titxtttion, the E'zt adiara his rize; Flossy Pattison, Rosa Cun- 47 J. A. O., parties to have liberty to ing towns, as the writer in the Neea- Make a success of farming and le#t he was appointed Minister of LIMP ii9g;150; salt, �rJ82;150; beans y c r 1. I r,d,q, ri .i, yup s,, t,)e abolition of all ingham, Emma 6tepLeni;dli; SilsyEao7c - 'amend within ten days, i,9 -•they may - d eteteq,-@od I doubt it,cen poorer than he came. Revenue, whish .offioe he held until •........ Jul special ,rivilegea to ulturohes and settee- and peat✓, $49.,383, potatoes, L Gideon, Louis Carter, first prize; be advised. be bought as low. as urns cents, even •Much sympathy is felt for ' Mr and y' 1&72 -"when was appointed - iastical institutions is the most effec- Lrarnie Cooper, Louie Doherty, Harry ;. • in Hamilton. Therefore I would Mrs Samuel T. Gibson, of Goderieh, the Fie# Chief Juagee of Manitoba. A 985,574 ; wood pulp, 358,501; Nicol vs. N icol.-Action on pro. #ew months afterwards he was oin. Live solution of some the most, serious p p Mason'. Samuel," Ida Holmes, first A advise the writer to make himself ac who have recently lost their three young pp prize; Dais Doherty, Mabel Detlor, miaeory note. Darrow & Proudfoot ted Lieutenant• Governor of the Prov. of existinf! diflicnitius.' lumber and timbal', X9,119,739, P Y y• qualnted with the facts, and then children through diphtheria, besides Amelia Mason, Flora Crinin Name, H. for.piff, Holt for deft; Counsel Con- ince. At the close of term And it .v ill not be lou before the g stick to them, before raining a quea• having themselves undergone a severe he returned i g All the before mentioned articles Giffin, Ida Everett. "David and Goli- senting, hie Lordship diverted that tion which he evident! knows moth- illness. ° Toronto, and in 1878 was elected M. peuldo µ,;ll ari:c in their might and and many Others, wool, for in- ath," Willie Wilson, first prize; Charley Jurlgmeut be entered for the plff for in aboat. Thanking you for :your Mr D. M. Radcliffe left Seaforth on P. for East Toronto. He waslooked i denuuul ft.,-- aboliLiou of all class Priv- Lawrence, Harry Cluff. $660.24 against deft. Louusbury with s g y Y .y Wednesday, on as the lieutenant of the late M. C Btauce, af•e produced in this conn- pace, I am yours truly, J. A. KiNo. y, for Cleveland, where be Cameron, but on the elevation of that i;,.Lq,y Mr Beesley, Secrotar}', road the fol- Costs of suit. has scented a good position with m live e j _- .. try, and the+ United States is the lowing or the ye o! the working of the Shea vs Fortune -Action for Blau- That 41 Mean Insinuation." stock Insurance company. If he likes gentleman nib the d the bench, i - - - school for the yyear:-Receipts from all delr,Cautc og & .. Molt forplff.; the lace he will hkel brnutural t.it, but the Senate seem Only market evatlablo for Cana sources,$191,84; expenditures,forbooke; P , G}ar• • P y remove his fam_ A few year,, ago the health of the 'o have the immortality of the wicked- rcr raw & Proudfoot for deft. The deft. To the editor of the New Era. ily there shortly honorable entlemau broke .down and---.-� j than ebbs, barley, horses, sawn papers, etc., $192.42. The number o! b his counsel in open court stated Y g ' Mess lb -o tit i.ti h_d like a green bay names on the school roll, 392, compris- y P It is One da last week a valuable cow be- for some time past he had been ver ` tr: Camida it. ,.tient ander the af. lumber, fowls, frosh fisb, potatoes, that he did not intend to charge the quite right that every And all longing to J. Wbelptcn, Ethel, broke feeble. y l p ed of 7 officers, 10 male teaoliers, 22 fe- g diction ++f fin oxpel,aively useless uppQr bituminous coal etc. But our male teachers, 159 male scholars; 194 Plfl ,or John Beattie or Michael Mad. Citizens should scan the voters lists, through the covering of the well and i t hginber T!,e Senate, as now consti- ' female scholars. The school is divided d}gan with willful and corrupt per. and see that they or their friends who fell a distance of 15 feA, She was dis- BURN. inti+l, hi7.:- rrC tc dc,vulop its first spina- producers have t0 pay about, onU-• into primary, intermediate and adult jury, and that if he had used a❑ have a right to be thereon are placed covered in time to secure assistance tol"Is °f he>.lic u::: fatness. It ie of no y there, It is also their right and their and effect her release, not much the 13Eowtr.-At Luckpow, an the 24th ry;re tc t}:•.: tin•. It certain] isnot fifth of the value of their exports classes. The primary department con• language capable of Conveying such duty to see that any one not so en- worse for her bath. Oct., the wife of J. 1� Brown, of a son. ' Y sista of 60 scholars, the intermediate meaning, be withdraws the same and TwtrcuELL,-In Clinton, on the 30th ' ' ,,•inter. t 0, sad, -,m the broad ground for the privilege Of taking their division contains 25 classes, with a expresses regret at having used it, titled stall not in thereon. But Mr A. E. Collis, who, has conducted •l.at tri,. r,: ii i, , 1:•rofit in giving up goods aCt'088 . the bounder line membership of 162; the adult classes and thereupon the iQ, b his coon- there is a mean insinuation in the a flour and feed business on East at., of Oct., the wife of Mr Jas Twitchel},of +m r v i .• , i,.^i. ;value is received, y , P P Y aro five in number, with.a membership eel accepts the apology, and b Expositor's advice t° Huron Reform. Goderieh, for some time past, has be- a son, its ubutai,,ta v., t.i1 be wise. -Toronto while if they invest tits proceeds of 1iv The er, wio attendance at sent accepts m y Con- ere to " Watch the revising officers," come manager of the Auburn flour and IIEani>.roc.-In 'BI th on Oct., 20 1'ulo"ru.r. of their sales in such articles as school per Sunday during the year was p judgment eat is ingbe entered for the the revising officers in this County saw mills, on the retirement of his the wife of Mr S. Herrington, a of soft. lff. for ono shillin and fu,l costa of father, DIr John Collie, who will hetes- i1'u l tarp ); thought and said of officers, 6; teachers, 27; scholars, 245; suit. Plaintiff's counsel also states are the county judges, who are well forth reside in Codorich. WYATT.-In McKillop, on the 23rd of mire, 1v . , ' + ' ,va did not expect their Customers have to'dispose ,raking a total of 278, a,p increase of known to ill deserve this reproach. 1 that no action will be brought b P Dir Frank McCaughey, Oct., the wife of Mr John Wyatt, of a of tits will be mulcted again on one over last year. Number of Scrip- g y They are not partisags, and were d Y, of the 8th son. a Cuu. c: v; :, c 1,,, ,.•; to take the same y b tore 'verses committed to memory, either Beattie or DladdiRan }n respect judges before they were revising of- line, of Morris, while catching one of li:i� , l••,: , l+,i�• i+ :+ is only a matter of attempting to bring their goods 11763, of this number the girls recited to the words used, Hie Lordshi g his mares in the field stunt six weeks N°TT,-In Clay Center, Kansas, 7111 6331, and the bo s g directed judgment P t ers, and should have been spared of Oct. the wife of Mr Jno Nott, V. S. . ,.,,.., into the Dominion. The existing y , 5432, making an j d went to he entered for the inuendo launched against them ago, had the misfortune to be kicked , average of 245 per Sunday. Sunday the pill, for one shilling and Goats OC g in the knee by her foal. The limb was formerly of Brussels, of a son. - restrictions upon trade between ,shoot papers were distributed to the suit, ( by the Expositor. Take the result so bad! of the Court of Revision at Win tam Y injured that there are poor JonN.TOiz.-In Abilene,Kansas, on,the '77 pre.-� .:� .} ileac columns a_few the two Countries deprive' the eo. number of 6240. g , hopes of him having the nee of his limb 7th of Oct., the wife of Dir Wm. John. 7�etlis a,c, ;dr ,i. la. 1Tnsgrove, teacher, p Recitations were given by Duncan er, ane aged woman IIeop- the other day, when Judge Toms again, stun, formerly of Brussels, of a eon. WlJitccl.,tr<i:, has 1 ten selected as tLe pie of a large ,proportion of their .Stevenson, Eliza Cook, Harry Mason, ' g woman and wife of a well- put on 29 Reformers, and struck off local Cc r.4 it; le standard bearer in . le itimate .earniucr Foster Wilson, Mabel Detlor, Mason, to-do farmer living near Bluevale. 17 Conservatives 4 Conservat}vos put Mr James Logan has rented his farm LAIDLife of Seaforth, on the 23rd of g ba. . doll must wae_.tried char ed.-tuixh setting- fire on,•and 13 Refotmers.atrnck off Lhe, to his son William for the term of fif- Oct,, wife of Mr J. C. Laidlaw, of a 11 h.;aa 1.+.-;,•,. ;bran the nominees Haywood, Silas Andrews, Ida Holmen' r g teen..3teara,.at anaunnaLrental of-.SGz• daughter`_-._ g. be aid to custo s officials u on to the 131nevale cheese factory, The net result beim a gain of 29 voters r -- ty , , 1, p p Lewis Doherty, Lewis Haywood, Robbie . _ ..... . ^: as i1 r f , o;i, reeve of Howick, 8 g The farm consists of lu0 scree, and f. MARRIED1. every commercial transaction be Holmes, Mary Lough, Hattie Giffin, Crown called a large number of wit- for the Reformers, Then at Brussels one of the best in the township. Mir Who ' r:„ -vcil�.11y declined." It can Lena Doherty, Ida Haywood. Sadie nesses to prove statements macle by about 40 Conservatives' names were Logan has purchased a neat and corn t}IHrLL-GaEEri.-At the residence o ,l tween the two Countries, but Sibley and Maud Whaley sang a duet, her, and to show that the tracks to disallowed upon a trifling technicali• Portable re idence in Hensal} and will a .brides father, on the 29th of Oct. t,e nets ; ca .v: cut questioning that as also did Misses Bolos and Gauls and from the factory were similar to ty, the Clerk not notice of go there t° reside. by the Rev T. W. Magahy, Rector of St>✓' ,a n .lir' r: ;;.'r, r,'ha is, the strongest nCVel'thC1CSs our people continue y' Thomas Church Seaforth, Mr Wm. T. ➢Istel Doherty, Grace Sheppard, Maud hers, but the case against her utterly them in' ti4ne, though the notices Mr J, R. Dlurray, tubo for the past o n ; i 1:, , : r-''nsed to contest the to sell to at)d purebage from the Whaley, and SadielSialey3 s ala L vias. failed, and after a couple of witnesses were mailed in time. • In fact the re- fourteen year. has had the management Hill, of IIullett,to Miss Susan,youngest ci,ance for any other Americaf,�. Ifere is a statement had been ealIed showin that she was visin officers in Huron invariably sot the Cheese Factor in Kinburn, lifts daughter of Mr Richard Green, of the stone, ,gave a trio. The orchestra, com- at home at the time 6fthefire Mr I give the Reformers the benefit of y y township of Hi-Iiin the count of .i., i,. ::r,u of time the Con- coinniled from the official returns posed of Messrs Shearer, Stewart, Tap- , g tae decided not to reengage for next season• Perth. y Justice Rose withdrew the case from doubt while the Conservatives aro Mr .Murray has a goal farm in the l ! i ':ably ,bring Otlt DII' r pan, Squiers, Quigley, Cantolon, Bal- ' „ county of U:.ford, and he has decided DIED I '+• Wi»ghanl,• in pppo- t31)OlClnb the valine Of the princi' lard and Walton, played twice, and the jury, and litre Hooper was dis- not treated sogeneroualY, =' wore en Dred each time. Instrumental charged. 111r. Lister fat the Crown. B the above which a eared iu to devote his whole attention to it. All W.��Lt ss.-In"4'arnm, ou the 27th of 11 t • +' ionald, for the Do. p•Ll ' fiCios expvt tCd from the P yT ' pp tuba have an canner -.tion with the 'i'n- by DTesars Shearer, Cook, Mr. Cameron for the prisoner, the riews•Record of October 23rd ik y Oct., John Wanless, aged 78 years. ' United States t0 Canada during ' bur„Cheese!'actnrywillrofnetjtLis,ae " Emerton and Ballard, were otpll ren- frirvin ve. Burke was an action to Is evident that the voters' list of 9Jr ;7lurrny, "by hip ental d,jspositiou, 'ATHENIiEAD.—Ill Stanley, on the 30th the first eicrht months of the year dered, one being the "Mocking Bird," set aside three note. given to Asa L. Widgham, as prepared by the revig- of Oct., sirs Margaret Aikenhead,'relict y with variations by ➢ir Fihearer, which g gen ,Wanner suet thoroughly 6 1 „ • ... -r has bee„ ,t hard Burke in connection with a sale of a Ing barristers, had omitted the names honorable destine ,won the confidence of the late John Aikenhead, aged 67 1880 compared with tie figure" was the most beautiful rendering of .tient right of no less than twenty-nine ears. is men nearly all p ght of a waslling machine, y- ine Reform- and respect of ail. Y l because of lint,;,, for tho eorrespondi ng pol,iod 01 this ever -popular pisco that we ever on the ground of fraud, and that the ers, who were justly entitled to be On Tue9day afternoon two little chil- I - -• _-_ . _ __ listened to, The primary class recited notes were iven as security for faith- Put on, while the utmost vigilance of dren of W. J. Fairlitld, Brussels, were ! :r.,. , they hold'on ill the loot C`ti the 100th Psalm in chortis and sang g y SALE REGISTER. r some kindergarten songs in good style, fol conduct in connection with an the faithful could only find four Con. playing. doctor and of counin it wits 1 west relief would "Mas• 1.4, J 8 tics. 1833. agency. The j udge found that ' the servatives that had been thus over. nese,,ary to have a patient. The "floc• i farm stock, i�c. of Mrs T. Colborne' Agricultural. in). shocvin� a thorough training. 1 failure o£ crops c>lemeuts..: , w R!1.:;:11; $ A few boys in the gallery ersistecl In Plaintiff showed a purchase of an looked. On the other hand, seventeen tor" secured a bottle iliad attempted to) lot fit, Maitland Con., Goderieh town. 1 85,540' y g Y P interest in the at Conservatives bad their names on the }� getting a taste ; ship, on Nov, 13th. D, Dickinson, Auct. ,,. I ,.ts of, relief froul Cattle,...,,.... 25,450 24.;)10 malting a noise, otherwiso the order• P ant, and. that there' administer a <lo. e. On Ito s 260,892 and attention was excellent, and the was n0 fraud practised by the defend list that were not entitled to be there aft a me l nn o .1,,. patient,hicll rood ::rtners could still do g' . • • . • , • • '?7,720 and a portion of the lir}hid, v; blob prov• I .� _ ._ _ ^T-. - - . Sheep.......... 55,303 88+141 various porta of the prograttt were well ant, but reserved a legal question as and like favor conferred on only thin, ed to be croton oil, spilled on thechild's ;,, , . ,iness. mon if they Books, maps etc 80,;!80 75,;s.t•1 rendered. Dlrs Wnn. Harland and Miss to the validity of the notes given. teen Reformers, so that had the list 11m I-- (1 Cl l`i,.iV4 tit �. g face dna neck, .It also got ill the little .tion what nra:ay C'or}i.......... 155,14E 1,5,) ,724 had trained the infant °lass Diessrs Garrow and Proudfoot for the been allowed to pass as prepared by fellow's eves. A physician tans spoedi• �---;--,--,--;------ - --- 2 - > c E. Rumball h «'�oat.., ...... 1,160,73•; 143 gag in singing, and Dir Sib ey the adults, plaintiff; Mackelcan Martin, and the revising barristers, Wingham ly surrunoncd and tilt little sufferer UoOc,ENr.t,ni, "Iat ANT wa1rT1 D. Lotti back grain or 1. , A1,1lyatNt:w ERAotlicU. Wheat flour.. „ 2,255,48:3 1,6,30,141 with DIiss Ilolmes as ort,+anist. Diessrs Dlabo for defendant. alone would have lost twenty nine cared for, but !t will be same tine be- , c,u•c, and with tilt Coal........... 3,859,14:1 3,827,293 Lough and Perry had looked after the Blaeklock vs. Dougherty Retorm votes, while Brussels would fore Lc will be fully over it. It was a •ie••� OUSE TO RENT.-wlTll SI\ ROOJiS, , ,i.,rtion of your in. Cotton cloths.. 81,372 91,105 recitations, and all were suitably ro. g Yet al.- have given some fort more Conger, clog° call, but we hunt no bad results A gardou, and usual oou•t.uienecs. Apply, i, .:, ,. 1: fiteanl engines,. 556,20ti 414,5I8 to to by DT r• Foster, who compli- an action for ejectment. Judgment g y to , .S JA8. PATTPESON, Orange Street, votive votes than that, town is entitled will follow, The "I )r." was also blist- _.-- _ __ - --- -."__ __-__ have any. Pay a , melted the choir,. under DIr Doberty's orae given by consent on terms agreed to, 1praving most canrluaively that crept. • ��TitAv Cow'. -A 1tPD cow wtTti S03It3 L°anther........ 6,5 t,3Jt} 4fi3,n1.4 leadership, and the orchestra, un er to, possession to be allowed March 1 1-.iwhito mortis and short stub horns, was ! ;:y all: if every Salt beef...... 347,'21:s 175,844 p' d , n the Ex oaitor was uite justified in t?n Friday afternoon last the out- ' r,:r:nin; a tµo a) Bacon.. , .. , ... 1,113,6311 1,091,67.1 Ilii Shearer, for their ef}tc,ent aid u1 13 0. P „ q J buildings of Mr W. N. Leith,of Kirlrtan, milld"g. Strayed on Mon day, Oct. 28th, 1889, 1'orlt........... 834,01!1 7f 3,1131 making the anniversary n success. The Cameron va, Cain. - An action its advice oto Watch the Revising wt• ire stn red to the round. DIr Leith w .1t. o1F1'iN. 1h a busin,.ss W,n,n 'Po rk..........rine 4:1,!17+, 28,65[, sum of ti100 tea. asked far to efficiently Barristers, Not eatisfied with thus - --- - - - -- -- , mannas the school during the current against deft. as a member of the firm "meanly insinuating," or rather, I lass ill the year firing , thinking and his �T 1TCI!1wIti till cryo Watchtwiib ' ad1L ' 1 ,. . . ,•anidei bV ,t +•rat I Prater. , . , , . , 26.5,030 67,203 of Cain Bros. Lucknow was made a little four year old 1 y, thmkml, ho v to s t,:',!, i Cheese•....... 800,294 751,459 Year, and tile peoplerespouded to the ' might say, eaidentlY showing that chainal..tar,.a. F'iudor7rillberewardedon I. _ , tiu,as, t, hui it is I remnant to next court. lvould have a blare of his own, set fire leaviug it at Ni -;w ERA Office, The extent of 'x,100: Rev Mr Edge closed the revising Barristers had so cooked to the straw stock at t}.te barn. After _ t ' ! t fncrilel. it id icorsd Ph<) f01'C�rOtil�r sitOw IIOt Only the services with the benediction. Torpy vt, 14SCDIichml.-An action the voters, tisk as to bent Wingham the stack was all ablaze tits little fel- TF,ACHPlttiVANTF.D.--FOI�THELpwEPi tiati Canndian8 buy ]at'9C13' frOM . t0 set aside a mortgage as fraudulent out of twenty-nine Reform votes, the low ran to thehunse and told Lis moth- department of Clinton Public School, . 7vi(..+J., ..-. : out as"evory little oduttosto commence in January, 1890: Ap rn�t .1 s . aoj the payment of the United States, but the busi• FALL ASSES ES, was;referred to .the Local master for News -Record, by way of offset,.broad- er to look at his fire. Mr Leith was ply, stating salary and qualifications to tho n0�s Of imi)Ortin;; American pro- enquiry, and report. Cameron and ly asserts that "the -revising officers called' and before anything but stock 7,ndorsigned up to the 16th Inst. W. H. +741y . f s better than no duets is on the in.Crease. And it Concluded Prow last seep;. Hastings for plff, Garrow & Proudfoot of Huron invariably give .Reformers and a binder could be removed the barn I HINE, Secretary. 1''cy''''t '' "' `' _ l)P '� aNT.1fr•.NT or cltAND Jckz.-- for deft. the benefit of an doubt while Con- was enveloped in flames. Mr Leigh is is but natural that out "'people y a beau laser, as the buildings contain- Berkshii•o Boar for service. should buy from tol.so t0 whom We, your grand jurors, have the Ronald vs. Broadfoot,- Action for servatives are not so generoasiy Y 1'!rt i;,,.,;er.,+:ivu— papery are y honor of making the following pre- money ad,ranced. Judgment for treated," ed the season's crops as well as the subscriber will keep for service at bis they Sell. rCsit iCaOnistB Will in- g greater number of the implements. promisos, lot 32, lith con„ of Ituliott, r ure- ;ubilnut I a::, ;ir a:uididate ons sentatiun to. your Lordship :-We plff, for .,405,79. with costs of The writer of this has bad ,some hrodl3erklot32, Boar, of ood pedigree-- sist that Ca pada produces all' Of Several days ago your scribe visited g pedigree.— . „:.'etc l in l;[ :,I:.:u by ,u,';L7rreascd 1 I have visited and examined the jail counter claim being dismissed. opportunitles to observe the manner the sober and quiet village of St. Helens, Torms,::lattimeotservice, with privilege 'tfi . heforo enumerated article”, according to- y,mr instructions, and ' in which Judge Toms deals with which fe blessed with two stores, several of returning if necessary, wajurity, t,ur a.v wind t° the fact that Dlc.p+lade vs. Fortune. -An actio. , F.,MA,;NI-Ta,+Hnllett. but the miners and fishermen of found 'therein 7 prkoners, 4 males for tr`es ass on land in the township voters lists, and can cheerfully testify eburches, and rye far as wp could under - s• l,iberl;l R, a1++, ro-cleated in Jollictte the _Ilaritimo Provinces doubtless and 3 females ; of the males one is P P that his course has always been not- stand had no resident parson, nor yet Dressmalcln•r Of Tuckeremith. His Lordship dis- y C, by a Iar,.;el., int r.': cel majority. Ilow find it cheaper,' and mnro conveni• insane, one a vagrant,undersentenco} penned with .jury -and gnus juga- iceable for marked impartiaiit;# and a doctor, and no hotel ; and the temper• one is committed forcontem t ofcourt nonpartizan fairness and I would n0 onto people hadn't seen a drunken man miss Conony drosamalror, victoria St,, a . will th-v eeplAii reatly inereaseed Cif: to obtain their S lira from P meat dismissing p1Qa, action with P + P P fc7vdoorssontl� r (succus Hotel. aSt,,Dresses mtiurit. "'1 i.:a;lare thatMr tier• iLC ncighborint; Nev 1:.nglan i sad }s under sentence the 41r,h is com• costs, and also the counter claitn of more Chink Judge Toms capable of in their midst for over a year; ' and madu or cut and attod. Atria) solicited. witted for larceny, and is waiting deft, with costs, but deft. to have costa giving Reformers any undue benefit though the village may have enough All orders will receive prompt attention, x4i I , .ir l t r wince on "the Incl "kite" than 1`6 in Ontario; the trial • of the females 2 are insane of the doubt, as the News -Record children for a school, they have to 4 of the injunction motion, Cameron broadly asserts, than be would of walk nearly two miles to one, During ]1111sirless Gliange. :y" in ; +-,., . !',!it cry is now dead fa; rili"P.s of 1<Ianitoba persist in one is a vagrant and is under sent- k Hastings for pla'. Garrow & Proud _ ud buil- i "',: .',(roti the case, how bu3•in.r agricultural implements ence. The two vagrants are aged f )ot for deft, cooking a voters' list, as the Neve- the day we met an old mariner and The subscriber havtn s+ i' ": it t .'ounty' which gave frorn- St. Paul and Minneapolis and fit subjects for a poorhoui,e ; the Record "meanly insinuates." But brother ah with to of captain James Biitchering nusino8q, and t ewg a sfrousbof d+ 1Gv, ;, r' r - 1'.„ate a majority of dealers, the' people lo. Of Ontttri0 use 3 insane are all sped, and the proper Stretton vs, 1101mes.-An action why don't Judge Toms shoot that BOg'p' who with the captain sailed with closing up his accounts hereby notifies all 1 Y P p for malpractice and negligence, the the British Lion in 1866, and in the partfos indebted to him that the same must 7:1 ii, 1 +•,�', ; "•c , lr:•ts him with a lila- Pennsylvania coal and the Brit. place for them is a poorhouse,as their . News•Record mar_, Pnd put a Atop to memorable voyage from Chicago o raid b 3 , parties being reddents of Brussels.- ,his -"mean insirm0:,ms?” EChosan- ° O rtdb thattimewilltboo lacedcel cohere I ; ish Columbians import from San insanity, especially 2 of them, might Plfl: beim Ill bad received a reseal 7 Port Colborne, in June of that year, e t. 1:.,, I looks iia if the P more properly be called dotagd the g P P' seen, 7 ~' Coi<t, when the Fenians were alive on rho oClintontioll. 9th 1VT ,,Placed ( Llwr:::.+ ..rc tt„i,gcr now that the Francisco. The geographical posi- 3 cases of insanity]lave all been re- tion from deft, Holmes, which "ons lake and in the neighborhood of Port --- I:;"I ,t,;it. t ,t. 1 : d,,ad and burled then •tion of Canada and the United cited b the sheriff so now the are filled at the drug store of deft. Dead- To Olt Editor of the Nev, Era. - -' --- P y y man. The prescription called for Colborne. The Captain took charge of Houde to Rant. tboy tc•e: o whit, it was at its height. States makes each Country the all waiting removal to the asylum. I Ifaving acted unadvisedly in writ-- the vessel while be and some of the We hydrochloric or muriatic acid, in- ing the letter which appeared in your P 6 y The Lib, rf.'s :rtr, i�d Jolliettellin 1886 natural customer of the other. A and the found the Jail clean and orderly, stead of which was given hydrocyanic o in on and in an.wer to the tunatd on a whoa a`rttonbnry stroot an coatatsuin t? manufacturer in the Eastern a pniecaers well leased with I issue of Au oat ., tit 2889. I hereby roc, o with Henry scree , a hales et ae tet Ly ;9 �.,r:t ;,. 1 u January last they their treatment We were leased to or prussic acid. It was charged that withdraw an 0 ' duty he gave the British Lion as bis lar, liars and nota water, is t n,ie d et rent on l Townships puts the Case well , P after taking a dose of this medicine y statement reflecting on password, The sergeant of the guard roasonrble terms. Possession at onto. Al. �+ ectad ihwr ca"A,dato to the house of hear your Lordships charge, in re- the Character of Rev. J. M. 5ntith as so the house turmoil p when he ,nays that when he tries , plff. became seriously ill, and that it told him about having to be very strict y coca ied by the late Connnone by a majority of 178, and gard to the Prisoners Aid Associa- it was far from my intention to zeflect in lectin .trap ere Mrs smith, at the northern limit of albeit to find a market for his goods in tion of Clanada. The circular handed was only by Holmes administeri°g on the character•Of an QYson. g g by. We hopesome• e un Wednegday secured a majority of an emetic or antidote that her life I y C® 8t., witb stable, orchard and 1 acres of land, Nova Scotia British Columbia , Y P time this winter bo mbet the ell p- good for sma11 famil gardnor or retired far. 19:3 for .1Ir i3azinet. These figures ' > to re o, your Lordship in reference was saved and that she is still agffer- J. C. COLE. tain to have a chat about their sailing mer, Apply to J a wOIt817LL, at'Harland and Ontario his refits are eaten thoroto we have earefuil read anal - -- — Bros:, Clinton, ' p ' y days 23 years ago. denote tl� ! incrcasing popularity of rho up in the cost of carriage, where• considered, and fully endorse every ing from the injurious effects of the The stock on Sir John Lister Hayes' .--r. 1 p as if the existing restrictions were poison. Deft. Holmes disclaimed Northwest farms aggregates about 18,- Three weeks ago Robert Craig, a sec. 131acksmftil Shop and land Mercier udn:iniytrtttion with rho po u. clause contained therein. We have y into. o much lessors in reporting e ortin that the reapons}bility for any mistake which 000 sheep, 14,000 cattle and 500 blood tion foreman on the Kingston and P. for sale. remoyed he would be able to P P g might have been made in compound- mares, besides thoroughbred stallions Railway,came to town to have a tooth - __ County Council of Huron is in liar- P and 1 000 hos lion. C. F, hrnser, chatting with a supply the neighboring New Eng -y Y p in this inR the prescription, and Deadman + g • ©boat 120,000 bushels oxtracteA. I31oo3 poisoning set in, owned byhirm at°G isatin tti o property �mon with our Lordship of rain of alt kinds were grown this which.resulted in his death. He wasthe rnty of llrockville Reporter representative about la1]d states e:.sily and profitably, subject as we find the council has c1a'med that the clerk was duly gaali- g g4 1 P + year. nnconecious for 48 hours, ing a g It consists o a blseksmith aDop db. fled and denied reapoasibiIit for his g a good business, with dwelling House air r.ourr.fmattcr ,ranted that he had not--•+�--- appointed two Cf its most prominent Y In theDaltotas the suffering and des. The case of Hill vs. Bed, which bleandhatt•aore t • mistake, if made. A targe number of g ■ Y A laud attached. Is to a aecepted a brief in a criminal case, Reports from all over Fairbault court- members, As a committee to co-operate titution is much greater than has yet occupied the Assize Court at Brockville, a lendid farming sectloa, with noopposltfon Y q witnesses were examined and the case p d Wul be sola with or wytbomt tools, setts• sins the time ha entered the Ontario t Minn., of the terrible draughts are with the Prisoners Aid Association castled real interest. Iiia Lordshi boon re ortod. Rnmeay coanty ha a for over bore days) roealted in a verdict taell b ro ld for orntng. For partloutnrs Cabinet, When Dir Fraser was hand- being received, and unless plenty of of Canada. And we trust they may g P population of 7,000 people. Of these for the plaintiff for $900. It appears ap y to THOA. LOIIU, Hnlmoavrlle, or .res lint; caaos of ct'criminpl nature he had.. rain comes before winter sets in the succeed in their efforts as from ob• submitted the fol Cowing questions t0 about G 000 are engaged in farming. that John B. Hill, of the Village. of, Lo°ttfi, aaw.Ia ti the reputation cif being one of the result will be disastrous. servation a proper Classifying of the jury: 1, Did the plff receive any The frost of last year ant off the crops Athens, purchased a trotting horse, cleverest law3 ors in that line in Canada, injury from the administration of the generally, There has been a continual known as Star, from J. Boyd, of Pres. and no doubt hail he continued that An effort was made a feiv days ago prisons would have much of a g Y to arrive at a aettlomont in the suit of morallzig influence, and tend t0 Prosaic (hydrocyanic) acid 7 2. If so, drought throughout the entire season, cart, for $1,800. The horse tanned out i Ton practice world have been very much Law vs, G, T. R. Thiscase arose out some extent to the lessening of crime,was the maineffect merely temporary, pr and rho Crops have been nl ne t e total to rp lamp, ani wag aselos. for racingG better rfI to day, Politics have a sur, of the kinin o4 Mrs Law and child o! has it remained? 3, If the plff.se e°- failure. In thio county aloaa there aro ur ossa. and Bill cued Bo d for the1t1 better for those olio follow it, but g We approve ofyour Lordships charge purposes. 7 �gchy Drumbo, at the Paris station, the day in reference to Ma istrates' unneces- titled to recover, s abut tum ds yon from 200la 500 families, farmers q Ntil. price paid for him, rid re ulwas tried with mrm of the stamp of Dir. 1''ragor, q ,,aril de rt g g all that arc cultist deitiuto. Tn Nal• at the last Aneizea and resulted in a Aming after the St. Geer eaceidont. MrLabe assess the dame ea? To the first the Yi l Y ., and son,,, other prominent men on both oaks for $16,000 for the death of his Y P ulna a Subject Of their jury returned an affirmative answer son and Welsh counties tbere is also verdict for plaintiff for $1,000. A now sides, it is a losing game financially, liberty, in issuing a warrant, and we destitution and suffering, and probably trial ora. applied for on the part of rho mother and his young daughter, while t° rho second, that the injury was DI, W. Nilson, a Northerri Pacific the railwayoffered, witboat prejudice, are of opinion that a Justice of the in tbis district of North DakotA not defendant, and granted on the ground P 1 Peace. should not issue a warrant ea, mere]y temporary: and to the third, loss than 1,000 families are nearly or that the question of the foabgetting We sell tfcttots to an o3i ticket agent, formerly Of Canada, shot to give him (6400. An agreement was that the dams es be $100, Iiia Lore - himself fatal! at Butte, Mentana, not arrived at, and the case will be sept in indictable offences, and in no P g entirely destitute, Then there is a ppowers of the horeo as affected by the fll'flte717. LOUpOt1 tfelrPLfl e� Halm viiia fT•H Y shi reserved ad meat on rho ]e al d,.trict In South Dakota that is Ina di.ease in his foot was improperly sub continent, Full information tram the llnwday, IIs hart gambled and got tried at the Brantford Assizes in a few cake where the ,justice }las summary g nrisrlieti0n exec' t the qu s`ion of re'pondbildy, there beingg like Condition, •A similaratate of things mitted to jury. The rests will, it it W. JACK,,t3N into trouble, days, j , party refuses no precedents to guide In the case,and !prevails in Marshall county, Minn. said, nmount to x2.000 or mor•c. I TOWN' AG1:NT G. T. R. C1,INTO,r r • , . .. ",, , ..