HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-01, Page 1f E NTY-FOURTE VOL. Whole Number 1239 CLINTON, ONT., NOVEMl,ER 1, 1Sii(.). 1 ROBERT HOLMES Pu blibber i' 41.60 a year ID advan TO CORRESPONDENTS Thursday next being Thanks• giving Day, necessitates that we issue one day earlier than usual. Will correspondents please bear this in mind, and send their notes as early as possible, so that our staff may enjoy the privileges of the day. tet Wingham.• Mrs Yates has returned from her Goderich visit, -Dr Chisholm was in Goderich three days last week, as witness in a stab- bing affray. Rev Mr Moorehouse delivered a very eloquent discourse, on Sunday, from the words, "A new command - 4 went I give unto you, that ye love one another." tee tet•REL.&TEDe-We_thiuk.wexeeegnize in your Blyth correspondent a brother Forester, as well as a brother scribe, or he would not be so well posted in that order, as he undoubtedly is. AN ERROR. -We mentioned in a previous issue that Mr Diamond had rented Mr Korman's butcher shop, . ---aut-Mr,Korman is. cu'n _it limed in connection with his hotel. FIGHT. -A fight took place at Bren- nan's tannery, the other day, which resulted in the flowing of blood. hostilities, however, were stayed by the strong arm of John Foster, who bas by no means forgotten his early military training. . Goon RIDDANCE. - McKay, of whom mention was made last week, obtained bail, but has since skipped from our midst. No sorrow is felt for his departure, save that he escap- ed the clutches of the law, which, for such as he, is altogether too lenient. A FACT. --The people of Wingham are fond of good living, consequently they have some real good cooks, nev- ertheless another little lady cook was imported to town last Saturday, who will stay for a few years beneath the instructions of Mrs A. Cook. Music. -The National Trabado its held a concert at the town hall, on Tuesday night, under the auspices of the town band. As the boys have but lately re -organized, and are badly in need of more cash, the patronage should have been large, to the full capacity of the hall. NEVER SAY DIE. -Mr S. Fleuty, formerly of the Advance office, is in town paying, his uncle a visit. He was one of the passengers on the ill- fated Montreal this. fall, bound for "merrie England," but his hopes (for the time being) sank with the vessel: Sam is 'not discouraged, however, but says, all being well, he will take his trip in the spring. PRACTiSE Ie BETTER THAN PRE- CEPT. -Mr G. Fowler, formerly in the employ of P. W. Hayward, Clin- ton, is now in .the employ of Mr W. Holmes. George says he likes Wing - ham, but we are of tho opinion that he likes a certain young lady dwell- ing within its borders very much bet• ter, eh, George ? Anyway she is worthy of our esteem. , 22 M Goderich Township. • °Mrs Colborne, of the Maitland concession, who has rented her farm, will move to Londesboro to reside. Mr C. Lovett's new house, on the base line, built by Mr S. S. Cooper, of Clinton, is completed, and be will move into it in a few days. Mr Henry Carter, late of the 9th concession, has bought the farm formerly rented by Mr Thos. Jewitt, on the Bayfield line, consisting of 125 acres. About 80 acres, cleared, but no buildings. The pripe at which it was bought was $28 an acre. He is now busy erecting buildings thereon: The Sabbath School Anniversary services of Coles church, will be held on the 10th of November. Rev. J. Edge will preach in the afternoon, at 2 30, and Rev. W. F. Campbell, in the evening, and a tea will be served on the following Monday evening, at which addresses will be delivered.' Music by choir, • FARM RENTED,-MrGeorge J.Cou• nell tea Tented hia?arm; beittg•'lot 32,.: on the 9th concession to Mr Wesley Hearn, of ,the 4th concession, for three years, at an annual rental of about $276 a year. George says he thinks he will spend the next year in looking for a wife, but If he has not already got the promise of a life lease "fi<eerireertain young- lady, he -has been spending his time to poor effect. STRAIGHT To THE POINT. - Rev 'Mr Scott preached a regular practical temperance sermon, on Sunday even- ingwords,ordrunk- t ard186s shfrom shall Nall enter the kingdom of Heaven." It was his firm belief that this abominable treating habit caused more drunkenness than any other thing, and gave good illustrations to demonstrate his assertion. A PAINFUL OPERATION- - Mrs Robert Mitchell, who of late ,has been suffering a great deal with one of her eyes, resolved to have it taken out last Thursday. Dr Gardner, of the Diamond Medicine Co., perform- ed the operation. As her health would not permit of her taking enough drugs to deaden the pain, her strfler- ings were very great. We are glad, however, to state that she is doing as well as could be expected. MonTALITY.-The death of Mrs J. Anderson, near Belgrave, was very sudden, last week. She went to the pump for water, and there expired. Her eon, who is living in Wingham, had the same day gine borne with a wounded hand, and instead of having a mother's care, had to weep over her mortal" remains. Mrs Deans, of Wingham, is a daughter of the de- ceased, Mr Crowe, on Thursday last, departed for his long last home, at the age of seventy-six; in him there departs from our midst another old pioneer ; he was buried on Saturday, in the R.C. cemetery at Teeswater. As one friends leave us one by one, Reminds us all our turn will dome. 4.0 i Sunlnierhill. On the evening of November 5th, Rev, W. Craig will preach in the Episcopal church here to the Orange- men of this neighborhood, after which an oyster supper will be given in the hall. A good house, is ex- pected, • Kinburn. The weather has been so dry of late that many of the farmers cannot continue their fall plowing, Our veteran thresher Mr S. S. Cole, has purchased from Messrs White & Co., London, a new - steam engine. Things will hum now. Mrs George Clark and Mrs James Robinson are on the sick list at pre- sent, but we hope to be able to chron- icle their convalescence shortly. Mr Peter Papineau, who was Mr Murray's assistant in the cheese fact- ory during the past season, has secur- ed a position in Grieve's seed store, Seaforth, I3ullett. IMPROVED STOCK. -Mr. W. Snell, of the gravel road, has lately bought a thoro•bred I3erkshire boar, and Mr. John Goviers, of the Base Line, has also bongbt a thorn•bred Yorkshire boar. The enterprise of these farmers will doubtless meet with its just re- ward, Mr S. Gray has also lately }',ought a thorobred Berkshire beer from .Messrs Snell's Sone. ' 14ondesboro. The itegular Quarterly Meeting ',f the Londeaboro circuit was held last Sabbath, Rev. Mr Tonge, of Blyth, preached an npprotlriate and £ tie live sermon from Ac's t,, 31, The lave f, e.,t and ,acramental ser- vi.e nrro largely attended end n his 1 ir,'! t nt e prevailed, Turnberry. Auburn, Mr James Wallace has gone to Mr W. Yungblut, who had been Miehigan for the winter, confined to his bed for moraine with Mr John Johnston left for the Al- goma lumberwoods Friday last. Mr W. Gooderich, and family, left for ThessalopAlgoma, Friday last. Mr Jas. Thompson attended the assizes at Goderich last week, on the jury. Mr Wm. McIntosh and family, ot Duluth, are visiting friends in Lower Wingham. Mrs Brinnen of Muskoka, is visit - Mr George Stephenson, purchased from Mr Thos. McLean on Monday last ten,as fine steers as are to be found in any yard, Next summer Mr Mc- Lean will be buying them from Mr Stephenson at $75 per head. Benmiller. Mr David Warner is visiting friends in Waterloo. Mr Robt Karr lost a valuable horse the other week. . Mr Wm, Scharffe has. poorly in health. Mr and Mrs H, Mew, jr., last week to Essex. Mr Jesse Gledhill has fountain and a fish pond, Mr Rogers has moved on on the Huron Road. Mr Geo. Sanderson, near this vil- lage, left last week for California. The members of Benmiller church .have put a furuace in the cburcb. Mr Turner, ofTuckersmlth, spent a few days visiting at Mr Amos Fish er's. Rev,' if Hareis has been holding revival meetings in°Bethel Methodist church. been very moved a cancer, died last Saturday night, and was buried on Wednesday after- noon in Ball's cemetery. He leaved a large family who have the sym- pathy of the community in their sor- row. SAD DEATH, -Another has been added to the long list of burning accidents. Mrs Jos. Johnson, of Westfield, north of this place went to one of her neigbbots on Tuesday fore- ing her father Mr Miller, of Lower noon -to make a short cal!, !eavingher Wingham. little girl at home. The little oue The Hooper trial was the cause of while playing near the stove had her site a number from around Bluevale �, dress set on fire by a spark from it going to Goderich last week. and ran to the water pail to plunge in her arm, but there was no water Mr William Wheelers spent a in it. Catching sight of her mother couple of days the beginning of this approaching the house, she ran out week visiting friends in Arthers. to meet her, her dress by this time Mr J. H. Cornyn, teacher, has had being in flames. A doctor was sum - a severe cold, which has compelled moned but all that could be done him to close his school for a few was to alleviate her pain At two days. - - The council are having the numer- oak township drains which were put in a few years ago thoroughly clean- ed out. Mr Jos, Gibson,of Vancouver City, B. C., who has been visiting friends in Ontario this summer is at present at Mr H. Gibson's, ou the 9th con. ---The funeral of -illi- Crow,- who_. died in Wingham, of paralysls,was atte:ld- ed Saturday by quite a large number of his acquaintances from this vicin- ity. , A number of the schools in this vicinity are being photographed, Mr Mason, of Wingham, took No. 3, and a gentleman from Parkhill has taken several,among them No. 5 and No. 9. The latter is taking them purely on a speculation, charging for the pictures 50 cents each and selling as many as he tau. erected a his farm Kippen. T. Robertson has returned from 'visiting his swamp farm in Essex County. -Mr D. Campbell, who once taught school near here, intends to take a trip out to the Pacific coast,and spend the winter there. D.Weismiller' is selling off his goods at cost and in- tends to quit storekeeping, and will engage extensively in theegg busi- ness next spring, he will be after D. D. Wilson with a sharp dtiek. Mr H. Schaffer has again resumed butch- ering, and will also buy all the pork, that comes along during the fall and winter; he will yet rival Crawford the pig :king, E. Butt will be director of ceremonies. Mr John Moffatt is again attending the warehouse for D: McLennan, ' he takes in large quantities of grain daily. Mr Somer- ville has again taken charge ot Bell's Mill and the public can rely on get- ting first class. flour. There was an election for elder in the Presbyterian 'church last Sund y, in place of Mr 1'lewcs resigned, but we did not hear who got there. Mr J. Grant has been engaged for another year in S. S. No. 10, Stanley, at an increase of salary. Our populer tailor, Mr. Jemes4Miller suit and is still in business, he makes fits that suits that fit everytlme. Mr Snyder has gone home with his steam thrasher, to take a rest for an- other year, Mr Isaac G. Fisher ha -I moved to Goderich this week, Mr Fisher will be greatly missed here. Dame Rumor has it that la Cantelon from Goderich has taken a Hebei from near this village into partnership. It is correct, St. Beier:..;. Mr Wm. E. Gordon has return- ed from Sault Ste Marie. Mr and Mrs John Radcliffe are away on a trip to Port Huron, Coon hunting .is all the rage uow. Some parties have eecured as many as fifteen this season already. R. K. Miller has opened up a branch store at Baker's corner, under the management of Wm. P. Habkirk. Master Stewart McGee has eifgag- ed with 11, K. Miller, general mer chant of this place, to learn the husi- nese, Our grass widower Charlie is seen wending his way back and forth to work with a melancholy look, as if to say -oh 1 what a horrid thing it is to be alone, and sympathizes with the wretched bachelors ! MARRIAW.E.-A large number of the relatives of Mr and Mre John E. Gordan assembled at their residence, on Tuesday evening last, 22nd inet, to witness the declaration of the twain as one, by Rev. R. Anderson, of their second youngest daughter, Jessie, to Mr John A. MacDonald, of Brandon, Manitoba, The bride was the recipi- ent of many beautiful and valuable presents. The happy couple left the following morning for her home in Brandon, Manitoba, with mnny'good wishes. Our citizens had a meetir)g a short time ago, for the purpose of trying to organize a mechanics institute at which they were successful in getting the requisite number of names, and amount prescribed by-law to estab- lish stich. The municipal council of West Wawanosh also kindly granted a goodly sum towards its assistance. Now by the exertion of those in- terested, and the assistance of many others in this locality,evan make this one of the best rsocieliee ever estab- lished here. Wo can then have a room stored with a fund of good nn d useful literature, which will be of great bvnc(it for many to spend the long winter evenings at. If y do not .*alto the New Ern for ,.1,1•..x11. you hn111d 'ICT rib. Tuckersmitlt o'clock death ended her misery. Colborne. The Quarterly service of Benmiller circuit will be held at Balls M. C. next Sabbath. The service is to be conducted by Rev. Mr Harris. Messrs Wm. Vanstone and Edwin Walters left here last Tuesday morn- ing for the lumberwoods where they intend - _ A -_ - A meeting was held 'atZion M. C. last Friday evening to raise funds' for a Sunday school library. It decided to have an anniversary in January the funds of which will be for, this purpose: Further arrangements will be made as to how the entertainment will be conducted. Mies Jennie Robb, of Mitchell, spent e, few days at her home, in this vicinity this week. Mr Hunter occupied the pulpit in connection with Turners church, very acceptably last Sunday. Mies Rebeca Townsend, who has been away visiting friends in London for some time, is home again. •Ashfield. The quarterly:services in connec- tion with the Ashfield circuit will be held in Zion church next Sabbath at 10:30 a.m. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered at the close of the service. At the promotion examination held in Zion school the following pupils were promoted to higher grades : viz, W. J. Webster, E. Wilson -from senior III to junior Iv, G. Webster, J, Webster from junior lit to senior IIT, W. Gardner, A. \\'ilson. J, Wil- son. West Wawanosh. Cocsen..-West Wawanosh council met in the township hall, on October 12th ; members all present. The reeve and clerk reported having examined the security given by, the collector, and having the bond executed; the report was adopted. Hamilton Stuart claim- edcompensation for damage done to his property by water being flooded onto it from want of a ditch across the road• way on cons. 4-5; laid over until next meeting. Rev Mr Anderson and W. C. Webb asked for a grant towards the es- tablishment of a Mechanics' Institute and reading room, in St. Iieleas, and were granted 815. The Treasurer's re- poxt for September showed a balance on hand. Joseph M. Smith and W. IT,. Wilson asked for a special grant tow- ards gravelling opposite lots 19 and 20, con. 2-3. and were allowed 630, to be expended where the commissioners• thogght advisable. As there is an. amount in the hands of the treasurer' to the credit of the d'...n account, the clerk was instructed to reduce the as- sessment for Young's ditch, for the cue - rent year, so that the account be a4-. meted. The following accounts weds ordered to -be paid; Hamilton Smith, ditching, -repairieig-eulserteeto, $47:0T; Wm. Smith, gravelling con. 5, $21.76; Richard Begly, ditch, and rep. bridge, con. 4, e8; Jacob Miller, gravelling, -lot 18 and 19, con. 11, $31.69; H. Stone, fnneral expenses of W. Welsh, $12,25; J. Miller, lobs, con. 13 on IL B., and bet. 15 and 113, con. 14, 828; W. Ander- son, breaking stone, con. 2 and 3, 83; Johnatrick; gravelling ops. -14 -eo.. 4 and 537,80; R. K. Miller, part eate- ry, $75; R.Webster,culvert, II.B, 62.25; T. Agar, half culvert, W.B., 88.21; R. Boadfool, heli cedar and culvert,W.B., 87.19; P. Welsh, gravelling, con. 8 and 9, 815.75; G. Armstrong, half gravel, con. 1, 8213.40;•John McCoy, half gravel, E,B., 830.50; John Mole, half job, S.B., 810.46; Wm, Symington, half job, S.B., 831.31; T. Anderson, half grading S.B., 85.50; T. Towler, half breaking snow road, S.B., $2; S. Carr, half breaking stone, S.R., 81; \Vm. Cameron, repair- ing bridge bet. 18 and 19, con. 7, 81.50. Council adjourned to meet on Nov. 9. R. K. MILIEit, Clerk, Porter's Hill, 111r J. W. McDonald lost a ealu- able thoro-bred bull last week. The I. O. 0..T. lodge contemplate purchasiztg an organ, and also talk of building a hall soon. The following is a list of the pupils who were successful at the recent examination in our school. The names are in order of merit. From junior first part to senior.--Reta Elliott, Fanny Lindsay, Jennie Young. Junior. 2nd, part• to senior, Sadie .Johnston, Leslie Cox, Ina Lawrason, Robert Marshall. Sepia'. 2nd part to second class,Sophie Lind- say, Louie Wigle, Annie Elliott, Willie Cantelon, Adele Cox. Junior 2nd to denier, \Villie Mere:maid, Eudo Newton, Nellie Jervis. Senior 2nd to 3rd class,• Golden Newton, John Torrance. Recommended, Florence McDonald Leland Wigle, Bertie Cox, Sadie Gardner. Jnnier 3rd to Senior, Lorne Elliott, Edith Cox, Phennie Cox, Jane Marshall, Lily Cox. Senior .3rd to 4th, Effie Gardner, br d Lindsa y,O liver Jervis, Herbert Cox, Fred Burke. Mrs James Orieh, who has been very sick during the past week, is recovering, and will soon be around again. Mr William Punt, and family, who have resided in this vicinity for some time left for Algoma last Wednesdav, ataich they intend to make their ftiture horse. Mr William Elcoat removed into his new .house, on Monday ; he has got a very comfortable and at- tractive house, and the worst wish of his many friends is that in a few years he will even find it too small for his accommodation. The builder was Mr S.S. Cooper, of Clinton. Leeburn.. ._ Mrs John Morten is suffering from an .ulcerated stomach. The Taffy social held here in aid of the church was well attended and proved a grand success, the proceeds amounted to $18. SICK. -The sad news wee received here last week, that Mrs IL Morris, of Dakota, 'nee' Miss Matt ie Mc- Manus is very sick with typhoid fever. We hope 'soon to hear of her recovery. Mr Robert Hogart who was mar- ried last week to Miss Fanny Strong, third daughter of the late John Strong, has taken up his residence in our Burgh in the cottage at the large gate entrance to the Point Farm. Mt Jeffrey who was visiting a t hie daughter Mrs John Clinton, was stricken down with applopletic fiat on Wednesday morning and small hopes were entertained of his recovery. But we are glad to say he is recover- ing slowly, The following following are the officer,' elect- ed for the Leeburn Lodge for the next quarter., O T. h,, Williams; Secretary W. Felt 11), Assistant Secretary, A. H. Clutton, Finance Secretary, 1-1. 1•Iorton,Treasurer, Jnn. Linkleter, V. T., E, Linf,£,ld, I. r.., J. Horton, Se -i, Jahn L!nfiehl,Cnnp. I John liertc.el, Viers., A. Gordon. The good Templare of the plata in- tend holding a pancake seek' in th( j hall on Friday the Sth of November. Refreshments consisting; of panealres. tea and Cakes, served fro;n half -past six till 9 o'clock when there will be n gond programme rendered 1 f mus;r dialogues end rendiegs, l.-nitati'ite' Admission () cents a couple. Come all, pre teed; in air) of fittin:; u1. the ' hill f•Ir winter, Stanley. Miss Aggie Campbell, of Kincar- dine,who has been visiting in Stanley for some time, returner) home on Tuesday last. Myth. A. G. Fleming, of,llamilton, is in town this week. Mr P. Kelly, our esteemed reeve', is in Chicago this week. • , Division Court will be held here next Saturday, Nov. 2nd. Measrs John Emigh, Chas. Frazer and A. Somers start this (Friday) morning for Cleveland. Messrs Geo. Il. Phillips and W. Davis left this (Friday) morning, for Detroit. Mr (leorge Powell is away after butter avert, and is prepared to take any amotit(if good butter. " Mr Wm„ Laidlaw has eo far recov- ered as to be' able to move around town. The congregetio:. Presbyterian el,I'r• l• • annual busint-s . i,.t , ing of Thanks,. An enterta-nr_ Industry ')fall at which dsannly. - the Holy Land and s f'.,, life of Christ will be eh. „ At a meeting or Maple i held on Friday evening last tee , ,.- lowing officers were elected :-G, B. Phillips, C T; Mise C. Moffatt, V I Jos. Maguire:1'S J T; S. Mathers, Sec; Wm. Taman, F Sec; M. A'IcTavish, Tress; W. H. Stewart, Chap; W. J. Sims, M; Mies Frazer, (l; Jas. Somers, Sentinel. CHURCH OPENIN i.r-- The new Methcdist church will be opened on Thanksgiving day; Nov. ith. Rev I)r Potts, of Toronto, will preach at 2 p.m. A platform meeting will be held in the church in the evening, at Which nddreslses will be delivered by several ministers, On _`iabbath, een working in Woodstock during the summer, returued home last Fri- day ; be likes Woodstock very much, and talks of moving hie family there in the spring. - ILolmesville. Mrs Reys, and daughter, from Mi- chigan, are the guests of Mr Stanley The Methodist district Sabbath S. convention is to be held here onWed- nesday next ; a number of delegates have already signified their intention of being present Mr George Lavis, of the Huron Re.ae, has leased hid farm to Mr R. Lawson, at an annual rental of $90 ; George moves his family into what was known as the Calbick house Mr H Elford, of this village, raised 325U lbs of carrots, on a little legs than 9 square rods of land. This is a yield at the rate of nearly 1000 bush. per acre. Where is the man that can boast of a greater weight from an equal area? The following officers have been elected in Court Selw000d C.O.F. for the ensuing term: -W C R, S. Sturdy; V--0 R, Ed. Levis; R See, Te Murch; F Sec, Thos. Lobb; Chap, J. Phipps; 5 W, Simon McCullagh; J W, Rich. Chambers; S B, Geo, Lavin; JB, Wm. Stanley. Exeter. FAILED. -One of the oldest and meet- prominentmerehants_and- busi-- nese men in the western. part 'of the Province has, after several years of struggling, 'succumbed. Mr James Pickard, merchant and miller at Exeter, has aseigned to Mr Geo Samwell, also of that .town. Mr Pickard started business as a general dealer. in the early days of Western Ontario, and during latter years has occupied a position of the foremost importance in mercantile insterests in the west. He gained the fullest confidence of the farmers, bought their grain and invested their money for them. This is said to have been an element of weakness in the end, and contributed to his embarrassment, Settt'orth Mr Archibald McDonald. of Kill- cert'tine, near Tiverton, who has been assay East far his health, which is considerably improved, end who was visiting in Stanley for a short time an his return., left for his home this week. At a discussion in the "Stanley Sun." Grange lately ou the best mode of "Fencing." The wire fence, the Avery fence, and the portable board fence seemed to be in most favor with the members present. DEATH of MRS.AfRENHEAD-The 'grim'reatier has gathered to himself another of the pioneers of Stanley in the person of Mrs M Aikenhead, relict of the late John Aikenhead, o the 1-t. eon of Stanley,, who td1d on Wednesday, after ttn Tilde+s. of only a few days. She trail one al the earlest residents, being here for n.bout 50 years :111 who knew her loved, her anti her ileal): so Unexpected is gretted by all. She leaves a family of seven sone a-nk two daughters, the latter being Mrs F G. Rumball, of London, and Mrs J C Anderson, of Maryland. Siie was a staunch mem- her of the Presbyterian church. The funeral takes place to -day (Friday) ut 2 p m to the 13rucefieldcemetery. Bayfield. One of those happy events which it always gives us pleasure to report, took place on Thursday, the 31 ult., at the house of the bride's mother, when Mies Woods}, daughter of the late Dr. Woods, was unitedein mar rtage to Mr G. 11. Huston, our popular druggist. Tho happy couple left shortly after ou their wedding trip. We take much pleasure in wishing them a pleasant voyage and a long and prosperous life. While Master Thomas Sanderson was engaged in picking apples he fell from the tree, fracturing hie arm a little above the wrist. One day last week Miss Lizzie Morgan, had,'the misfortune to sprain her wrist, which will disable her for a time. The cider mill is unusually quiet this year owing to the great scarcity of apples. Mr Louis Wild, who has been at- tending Seaforth Coll. Inst., bas left that institution and is attending the public school here He evidently profits; by the experience of others, ae ott't•-oTthil thfee `caniiid'ato ; °1vh6 wrote for third class certificates from here, two were successful. One of these,•Miss Martin, has secured the "uproad" school foathe coming year. The mill -pond was frozen over one day last week for the first time this season. Alesara_ Jas. SValwio _and Frank Kegan have returned home for the winter. Mr. \V. Capp is building a substan- tial frame dwelling on Goderich st, Mrs Chatnberlian, of Guelph, is visiting her uncle Mr Jas. Murphy.' Rev T. W. Cosens, of the Methodist church, preached at Berlin last Sun- day. Quarterly services at the Methodist church nextSuuday to be conducted by the pastor. Love feast will be held at 9.30 in the morning, to be foll'owed by preaching after which tee sacrement of the Lord's Supper will be administered; • - Division Court was held here on Saturday last. A good deal of busi- ness in connectionhe court, was transacted':' A titriveasee.were left over till next court. Mr Peter Robertson and family, of Woodstock, formerly of this place, spent a few days in town this week viiiting friends. The services in connection with the sacramental services at the Pres- byterian cinch were as neual lergely atttended last Sunday. The sermons by Rev. Dr. Wardrope, of Guelph, were rnuca appreciated. Rev. Mr Anderson, of Goderich,conducted toe service on Monday' afternoon. Right Rev. Bishop Baldwin of the Diocese of Huron will conduct con- firmation services in St. 'i'nomas church on Sunday next. The Bishop will preach both morning and even- ing. A large number-tooir en the excur- sion to Stratford on Friday last to hear the Rev. F. Sbiverea, and all were pleased to look upon one whom they had learned to admire 1tnt.1 so hear his voice once again. A meeting of the lovers of music was held in Carduos Hall on Monday evening last for the purpose of form• ing a class, to be known as the Sell - forth [music circle. Prof. Romaine Callander, of Brantford,who has boon engaged as conductor was present and laid before those present a synop:lii of his system of teaching. \V irre informed that quite a large dais lr i•, been organized. We mentioned last week of Mr Cole, travelling Secy of the L 1(I 0 A being in town and conducting meet- ings in.connection with the V P,I 0 here, He did not ai'rlve in town as was expected having telegraphed that he woul'I not be here till next week. On Wednesday the resideii e of Mrs 1) Irrauce„ on Goderich street. was the scene of a happy and intere-t- in7 event i' heing the occasion of the marriage of her daughter, Mise Jenny, to Mr R Ross, of McKillop. The nuptial knot was securely tied by the Rev A 1) McDonald, in the Pres• encs of the friends and relatives of the bride and bridegrnoftf. We wish them every happiness and smooth sailing down through the journey of lite. Tree's '1►' Story, Tile • cote lee item by one of the senior pupils of `;. S. No. 1,. btc❑ley.) I had been standing here for many years, and although 1 had been tossed about many times by the wind, still it never overcame me. The flowers that grew around me had budded and blossomed for many summers and as often had faded and died' in the autumn, 1 used to think I was ,the first to' see the rosy light begin to flame along the eastern sky but the little birds were awake and filling the air with their glad music just as soon. After the days labor eras over and the weary Workmen were on their way home, 1 loved to watch' the golden hues of the we -tiro sky al it shed forth its beams nn every blade of grass anti gilded the leaves that hung on my' branches. The little stream that runs near by me has been flowing down the side of the hill as long as I ,•tri remember. Its waters have al - n calm and peaceful in fair hot when even a summer r . .1 ' -lineup it whuld roll :le sea. The little be nestled on the line grown into a little church that !Se the shade of my ,a destroyed and a ;,;r one now takes its place. Jae weary travellers who had passed by me so often had stopped after their long day's journeyto rest beneath the shade of my hrnnches, and the little bird and s qui•rrel had always found a home among my leaves. 1 have seen people passing and re -passing who have been, many years ago, laid in their r;ilent graves. When night came on I loved to watch the stars as they shone like diamonds in the heavens, The tender blade of the wheat had been lowly exchanged for the golden harvest, and the wild flowers lied hone 'nut their delicate hlo,1,-ams and then scattered them to Nov, loth. the church will be deli- the ',sect scented breeze, when the c:tted to tho wnrs•hip"of 1 Ly the wouti nan came with his axe and cut 1 1I , the ('noS'r1 n•r. not.hin: Int ruins, The de 1 n•:aory ser- 13nr, will 'ne 'i'nched at 10 20 a,in i,•‘%.f, 1;. I lowed„ tC,. \ relent of. me down an, here ie 0 -you see rlr, 31ii1'S (seen. by Re\ it et. Richardnuu, of (lode - rich ; at L',;1') P.m., n rrrrnon will be Hut i:r;,. - Mr Noah Shaeffer, of preached by Rev John Scott, M,A.pp Toronto, is visiting friends here. The Chairman of the District; and at e:30 weekly prayer meeting was held at iii(cKlllop. Drs. Murdio and Atcbeson, of Michigan, were visiting at their old homes here for a few days last week. • Mr William AL:he:ion and wife, left on Tuesday for it short visit to friends in Paris. Miss Grace Scutt has gond to re- side for a' time with her sister, Mrs Inglis, of Carrie: township. Mr Will McLeo•i has gone this week to take Charge of a school in the township of Loan, for the re-. mainder of the year. Miss Givlin, who line taught with much success in this township for a number of years,has signified L-er in- tention of resigning et the end of' She year. - - A young lady of this township while in Seaforth on aaturday last, Wad so unforturatc ae to lose her pocketbook containing a ten dollar bill. A meeting was held in S. S. No, 4 schoolhouse on Tuesday evening to reorganize the Literary society, offic- ers were appointed and.,a committee chosen to purchase • books for the society. The first Meeting will he on Tuesday evening 5th lustant, when the following question will be discuss- ed, whether -is it best for the fariner. to patronize the cheese factory at creamery. or to keep Ste mitt: anti manufacture the bn'i.tor hin;srslf. ' Varna. t)r,.tTtt or Me \VAseees.--\Vt: re• gret very much to chronicle the death of Mr James Wnnless, Sr., which -took place at his (residence, Varna, on Sunday evening. Mr Wanless was taken suddenly. ill Sat- urday evening. .1nd in spite of all that medical aid could de, pas -eel away on Sunday evening. The de• ceased had reached the good old alp) of 7ti years, He was one of•' the poineers of Stanley having settled in that township l'1 years age, id Wanless was ,t man of more than aver:tee intelligence, a good neighbor and a devoted husband and father, Ile took a very active interest in the p.m., by Rev Mr Howell. the house of \ir Jas„ 1;orilrl,nr, On 1 temper time cause. lle was buried - Teea'lee to ' i l .--v ',Tr I r- t3• ; i • 131 \\',1l((' 1iby Mimi -rem, under the Now is the tint(- to adf:,•r;Ise rI,Nr I,rr 1 C'I,a, , 1'1.1'l1 I\ 11,1 streyed cattle or slue!), An a,lv, r• I ,, ; .or ,,ir. 61: ti'ement in 'I'm Nes- hr t 1; 31-1 111, 'I , I 1 ggr.t 1„ 11 '' " r. , ,� 11,. 1, 'fhe 1n w'it very 1 ! r1 ' .. . 12 i; 1. 1, e t ,t, t;1r21,1,. 1 Ilii 1 • 131 V,111, 11 Is 13 2.1 1'1 Co(' e1l11 626 1616 12! 1 delis:, I1. The Odd Fellow :' oil i+ /saw com- pleted, arid preset ' • 0 1i0r:d:;ornn appearance. ' The upper wen- ,-i '• he used es e lodge roemn, lvn! t11c lower b; lir J. C. 1Cansen as ..Rev. Win Terrillace, -'f \\'altos, formerly of thi, reeve, loss, ir town - . this week. Large quautit.iee of gr<'bin are daily beieg brought t; mails -t here, Han sail still mainteirte her reputation of being the best eater; market !n Western Ontario A great deal of property is ' Ibang- iug hands this rale r,le...tero (.. Petty and .1. Claree exel,aneed residerces. Mr Petty afterwr.:•Ili•• 'r;'rlllrlg to Mr John l-Ioughton, Mr (leo, Kidd, 11:18 Pcdd !ti•s proper- ty recently purch1:'e i from Mr 1:1. Rogerson to Mrs'rliomson. j'd^ 1\;i;1 I In Ia.enarineen 1•,uil,i e4,4041; ' Messrs Blatchford and Brown hetes sold one of their hna.see to Alt 1'. Ballantyne, of Rodgerville. Mr J. Blatchford 1(09 parchne d the farm et 1,'r A. Buchanan, Sr., of lisborne. )Ir 110iIanee will take- •• 1(r Blatchfords re;a1,;nee ill Lfensall • Messrs Stone:ee l loss,, have silo their farm in TI.t;;kerireith to Mr A Buchanan, jr., r,f Tuckeramith, Last Sunday ter rnieziona•ry an niversary services :rcroo held in the Slethedist church l3 -re,ethe depute. tion, Rev. Joseelt Klee, of Clinton, . gave a sou! stirring end practical. rni,sionary i,l,lr:,:.t in ow afternoon, and preached r riven n`cellet t and thnughttul cern:.,: ;.1 the \•mnil;t{, bath of whlcl; r ' ,•G: cr c •1011 :,'1- tuira'l by IC: let ;e.trl! them, The choir ot :' ;) 3r li acquitted themselves in : : r:u litable.. to the occasion ', -•'.'ell(11t and appropriate seine we. '.vatel1 "ley su well rendered n 111:1•. *5 sub• scriptions whir! 3.,re : r-iveeet last year twenty ; • , •rt :'11.; year before the toll r•t-' west enee round On the :3 1 tee.. ?ettri.,k `•l!:c•ehv. \\-iliiarn Leader X111 \\ 31i: 3,1 Turnbull R ero convicted lei J:l l is Drew of an - indecent as"anit ,, 1'l,, deet iOcharrl- 1 4011, at Guelph, 1'.i 11.ta ,;f li,rt•tenl• her. The center. n ^ t , 1 i:n13 t snlntent for it b•' ,21:1 '' ..12•12:2::6 .6 bard labor, and r' 1. :h-: 6. 22220i(3:n,1 with the cat in t!:• 1-• .• •- ,:nr.:rnn, The tint +- 1,,.,,.,,,:s} rr1 1111 �i M1,!nv 1111 22 1 " oh.. 2 Prison. shortly', : •l r et the Warden, 1' t t pts 2 tool, hi - very 1(3;11\, 1,0n,1er, n 13ni ilee,l 811 1 ;.r . hiv enol hn, 1i 3r.ti•ric 1 13133 1. r 11; s,ff, re.l m,'ro t'1 811,1 111=, 5,1:111 t; ° , 1 ,\11 tl.r"e of Ii • 1 1' - I t'1 11131 n i I'ui1 , . -11 . y;l :rt) in its . , , \ 1 the ERA iberis; front url\\' 'i 1 r: 11 ai 1 `°:101 '1'h:tt MCI" ' ` haE;',t,ri' 311' 1liis ', 111' i't • 1' (' ,