HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-10-25, Page 7vin ` `"-s;igR..-71..: 1 17. 1 NASAL BALM. A certain and speedy cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages.' SOOTHING, CLEANSING", HEALING. Instant Relief,, (tossMent Cure, Faire Many So-ealtec diseases are sim Iy symptoms of Catarrh such as 'headache, partial deafnese, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, nausea, general feel4.g of debility, etc. If you are troubled with any u' .1.ese or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and ,outd lose no time in procuring a bottle of Nasi BALM. Ise warted in time, neglected cold in toad results in Catarrh, followed by consumption u• t death. NASAL BALM is sold by all druggists, .,r V,11 be sent, post paid, on receipt of Trice (so cons .d $; t.o)) by addressing LF ORD & CD., BROCKVILLE, ONT. EC..' -re C: imitations similar in name. For Sunday Reading "A LITTLE WHILE." "A little while, and ye shall see Me!" Surely Thou tarriest long,�k� Bridegroom beloved! when shall this night of weeping. Be turned to song? With heaven so far between us And earth so near to lure us and be• guile, How long? Oh Thou didst promise but to tarry." "A little while." A little, while, the. arr oowii1g and the • sinning are not for ever.. There charms that earth and sense have wound2around me, Thine hand shall sever, How long ere I awake Where nothing entero that can me de- file? Ihear the voice of my beloved saying " A little while." "A little while," my heart and flesh are failing, So long the night. My feet are sore : Mine with straining Toward the light. Oh! when wilt Thou array mo In glorious body, no more weak and vile? Come quickly ! Thou didst promise but to tarry "A little while." eyes are dim "A little while," I say with wistful glances - At your bright skies, Where is the promise of thy Master's coming ? The world replies. How long shall 1 be weary with,hearing Men thy name and laws revile ? Oh teach them that Thou didst but mean to tarry "A little while." "1tA.little while," the whole creation waits Thee In hope and fear, Surely the sound of that swift:driven chariot At length I hear. O Earth ! Earth ! Earth! arouse ,thee, Awake from thy tears, put on thy glory, smile ! Surely He cometh; and He will but . tarry " A little while." —REV.4a.S. CA1ttIC11AEL, M. A. ..BOBBY BURNS UNDER- STOOD IT. "Man, and sharp the numerous ills Inwoven in our frame, More pointed still we make • oiirselves Regret, remorse and shame,'' Among the most dangerous as well as vexing of illy "inwovcn with our frame,"are Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, coalsr.nd lung troubles generally. ITow- ever, the timely use ofDr.Piet'ee's Golden Medical Discovery takes away their fearful consequences, but which neglected, leaves "re- gret, remorse and shame." ,But ,you need not I;e ashamed to ask for the "b)iscovery," as it has be- come a standard remedy, found at all the drug stores, Where thou- sands call for it every day. and where it is recognized as the lead- ing medicine for all lung and throat affections. • THE NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS. The Toronto Empire told its readers the other day an archi- tect had informed it that tho new Legislature buildings in Toronto would cost $3,500,000. Asked to give the name of its informant, as some guarantee of good faith, this specimen Tory organ is dumb.— Hon. Mr Drury gave the mislead- ing and' untruthful assertion its quietus -vhen ho spolco at the Aylmer: Liberal Convention on Tuesday. Nr Drury assured the audience that the Commissioner of Public Works was determined the cost would not exceed $1,300,- 000 estimated. In certain quart r ors, said the minister, oven this sum was held to be extravagant. But he showed that Toronto and York county had given contracts for public buildings for $1,600,- 000, and surely it could not be said that the Province was extra- vagant in spending $300,000 less than Toronto and York county. CATARRH, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS --HAY FEVER A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research. however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result of this discovery is that a eimplo remedy has been formulated where- by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are, permanently cured in from ono to three simple applications made at home by the patient once ' in two weeks. N.B.-This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment ; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. IL Drxoe 6c Ser., 803 West Bing Street, Toronto, Canada.--Tnronte Globe. Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should • •p,t nfg119 rear'. t0.. • NEWS NOTES.' Dr T'ierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets :—veg;etablo,harm les, paiu- less, sure! While Albert Robinson, son of Wm. Rubinson, proprietor of' the Carleton brick lards, was return- ing home from Toronto Thursday evening in a brick wagon, the vehicle was struck by a train and Robinson instantly killed. Ayer's Pills, being convenient, efficacious, and safe, are the best cathartic, whether on land or sea, in city or country. For constipa- tion, sick headache, indigestion, and torpid liver, they never flog. Try a box of them; they are sugar-coated. On the Michigan side of Port Huron the G. T. R. tunnel has boon advanced four hundred feet from the entrance, and the work is going on steadily and to the satisfaction of the engineers. On this side also most satisfactory progress is now being made. The shield has been advanced about ono hundred and sixty feet from the entrance, and travelling steadily westward an average dis- tance of about six feet per day. The work is being carried on day and night by a working force of about two hundred and twenty men, divided into three shifts, working et ht bows each. The builders tell a rather in- teret3til g story of it Butf/Ito-cap 'italist, who was pretty summarily taken down for trying to set him- self up as the end of all things in whatever he undertook. No mat- ter what was on foot, if he went into it, he must have all the say, and nobody else was allowed even a side remark. riot Ling ago he built &'fine brick house. In this undertaking, as in all others, .he was boss on all hands, dictating to builders, architects and all, without the slightest hesitation. At last they grew very tired of the browbeating they had to stand, and lot him have his Ns ay,whother it was right or wrong. The house was finished, and shortly after- ward the owner sot about building furnace fires, to test his heating apparatus, when behold, there was not a chimney in the house! Stovepipe jokes come in with the cold weather, but there is nothing remarkably jocular in the story told by Mrs Gibson in a bill filed by her for divorce in a Chi- cago court. In it she declares she married Christopher Gibson at Uxbridge, Canada,in February, 1883. During Christmas week of the following year Christopher tackled the frolicsome stovepipe. Ho got - mad because ono of the joints point blank refused' to have anything to do with the rest of the pipe. He struggled with if until lie was mad trying to jam it into another length, then turning round and slapped his' wife • in the mtig, who no doubt had been rather boisterously, enjoying; the fun. Christopher then retired to rest. But next morning he was as mad as ever and threateded to kill his wife with an hatchet. She then left and now seeks a divorce. LONDON COMMERCE The recent strike of the Lon- don dockmen has brought out in a forcible manner the immense commerce which annually goes on at' the port of London. 111 Il'e yet.r 1888 no less than 79,000 vt s sols entered and cleared from that pori, being 216 a day for every day in the year, including Sun- day. These vessels had atonnage of more than 20,600,000 tons, and carried goods to the value of moi than $1,100,000,000. There'is no other port in the world which can present a record of this kind. The nearest p.ppcoach is it is Liverpool, and probably following Liverpool would come the city of New York. ' Tho total entrances and clearances made at Liverpool during the year 1888 were in tonnage '16,135,000 tons, that is, about 80. per cont. of the tonnage of the port of London. The value of exports and imports for Livor - pool is proportionately greater, being only about $100,006,000 less than the value of'Lcndon. It is,' however, a curious fact that, while the exports and imports of Liverpool should balance each other, the value of the exports front London aro about ono- third the value of the imports. This arises from the fact that while from London are shipped largo quautities of cheap material, such as chemicals, paints, leather, paper, etc., the. shipments made from Liverpool represent in a large degree the manufactured wares of the iron and cotton dis- tricts of England. The trans- atlantic trade represents more than half the entire business of Liverpool, while it is less than one-sixth of time commerce of Lon- don, :What London has is the .Australian trade, and by fa,• the larger part of the East India trade. Besides this, shipments to the continent of Europe are, with the single exception of Spaiii, made more generally from Loudon than from Liverpool. Still, Liverpool presses London very closely, and if it is a fact that the dock system at Liverpool in consequence of municipal regulation, is better than the dock system at London, thei),dt is not improbable that in a foe years more the port on the Mersey will more than equal ii: commercial imponlance the 11'- t repo! is on the Thorne. CURiOSI-TIES OF NEWS. An electrical omnibus is running in Lon- don. It goes through the crowded streets without difficulty and without exciting alarm on the part of carriage horses. It is said that in many parts of China the literally translated Bibles given to the na- tives by the n,issionariea are so ili appreciat- ed that they are used in the manufacture of cheap boot soles. Up to date Mr. Parnell has paid his solid - tor, Mr. George Lewis $100,000, for the ex- penses of his defence before the Commission. There is still, however, more than $80,000 to the credit of the Parnell Defence Fund. Prof. T. H. Huxley, in as lately published autobiographical sketch, says that he bas never entirely recovetu , front the effects of a blood poisoning contracted during his first post-mortem examination, performed when he was less than fourteen years of age. The motion lately made in the House of Commons by Mr. Labouchere in favor of abolishing the hereditary principle in the House of Lords cane so near success that a change of less than thirty votes from one side to the other would have turned the scale. Scarcely any attempt was tuade to defend the hereditary legislators. It is reported that Mr. Erastus Wiman is organizing, with capital"obtained in London, a colossal whiskey trust, whose aim will be to buy or control all the distilleries in Ken- tucky. Like the beer trueta, thia English company would no doubt allot to the present owners portions of the capital stock and en• trust them with the management of their respective still& An English gentleman has offered to build a National Portrelt.Gallery at his own cost, .provide . She_G9verumcat. swill -tectum a suitable site not more thin a mile and a half from St. James's Street. The Govern- ment ham accepted the offer. The name of the donor le as yet unknown, but he is said to be a person who very seldom visite London, residing almost uninterruptedly in the country. Ili his recent; letter to the Royal Geo. graphical Society, Henry M. Stanley des- cribes a poison used on arrow heads by the natives of the Lower Congo. It appears that the bodies of red ants (in which tornifo acid exists in a free state) are dried, ground to powder, cooked in palm oil and smeared upon the points of the arrows. The effect of this poison is deadly. Its victims die Immediately in frightful suffering. Only old men can remember when Ameri- can newspapers used to report in full the debates of Congress. An approach to a like indifference is now exhibited in England, although thero Parliament dons nearly alk the work which on this side of the Atlantic is performed by Congress and the State legislatures -combined. The Times is now the only d aily newspaper in London which publishes ostensibly complete reports of the debates in Parliament. Dr. Jenkins, who made the second and official examination of the body of Bishop, the mind-reader, declares in his report his inability topositively affirm whether Bishop was alive or dead when- the first autopsy was made. The truth will, therefore, now never be known, and many persons will no doubt continue to believe that the mind- reader was killed by the surgeons while in a state of cataleptic trance. The quickest voyage yet made across the Atlantic is that recently preformed by the " City of Paris." The time was five _days, twenty-three hours and seven lminutes-•-. less by two hours and forty-eight minutes than the shortest trip previously recorded, that credited to the " Etruria" in June, 18SS. As the "City of Paris" is a new ship, and was slowed down during a part of her voyage, she may be expected to do even better hereafter. This ship, it should be noted, uses double engines and twin screws. In a recent number of an American per. iodical, Mrs. Oliphant, 'who is an expert, discusses the elements of success in novel - writing. She begins by admitting that she does not in the least know what those ele- ments are. Subsequently, however, she propounds a rule or two in a tentative, hesitating way. She thinks it is a funda- mental principle that one should write about what he knows and not about what he has no means of knowing, Akin to this is the warning not to begin to write a story until you have a story to tell. As to the note -book, by which some young writers set great store, Mrs. Oliphant has no faith in it. In a recently published sketch of his own life Mr. George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, gives an interesting acoount of his paper, the Ledger.. It seems that when he bought the paper in 1864 it had been sold for a cent ever since it was started in 1836, and a vast amount of money had been sunk in its P ublication. In 1864, although the circula- tion was great and the columns were crowded with advertisements, there was a weekly deficit of $3,000. Mr. Childs made two radical changes. He doubled the price of the paper and increaaod the advertiaing rates. At first there was a decline of pat-' renege. But at the end of a month,, the tide turned, and from that day to. this both circulation and advertising have gone on Increasing. Tho Prince of Wales and some of his august relations will be pleased to loath why they are rather bald. 'Vies all been ex- plained by Mr. G. H. Wheeler, F,B.T.A.- which, being' interpreted, means Fellow of the British Trichological Association -who has been confiding his discoveries to the Hairdressers' Guild. "The incessant rais- Ing of the hat to the public on certain oc- casions, as processions or opening ceremonies produces frequent variation of follicular - temperature, which results in degeneration of the follicle and loss of hair." What could be more convincing'? People with an in- herited tendency to baldsteee should wear their bats all day, and then they Would al- ways "have their hair on." Policemen keep their heads covered a great deal ; and who ever'hoard of a bald policeman! Rejoice, O young man, in the days of thy. Youth, but remember that, big as he ia,' the Whale dons riot blow much till he reaches the top. A mv-toriolinrdt•r t,ccui'rcd about time,' ani!('. ,tenth of Rend - in'. 111 t l leu: + o'clock Lnat Thursday night. 1•'rai k Brown, ite•ecl nhuttr 40, vis veiled to 11.e 110(11' 1,4• snits (,n" aryl :-hot (lea(l, the ball entering above his loft eye and I:illine• Itim instantly. Isis wife', who w11. ;lll,uc With him, it a tri -ll!. i . ❑11,1 gave the nl tl'm. The four greatest mediad centres of the world are London, Paris. Berlin and Vienna. These cities have Immense heenita(I teeming with suffering humanity. Crowds of students throng the wards studying under the Professors in charge. The most renowned physicians of the world teach and practice here, and the institutions are atorehousea of medical hnowledge and experience. With a view of making this experience available to the public the Hospital Remedy Co. at great expense secured the preacriptiaas of these hospitals, prepared the specifics, and although it would coat from $25 to $100 to secure -the attention of their distinguished originators, yet in this way their pre- pared specifics are offered at the price of the quack patent medicines thatood the market and absurdly claim to cure every ill from a single bottle. The want always belt for a reliable class of domestic remedies is now filled with per- fect satisfaction. The Hospital Remedies make no unreasonable claims. The, specific for CATARRH cures that and nothing else ; so with the specific for BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION and LUNG TROUBLES; RHEUMATISM is cured by No. 8, while troubles of DIGESTION, STOMACH, LIVER and KIDNEYS have their own cure. To these is added a specific for FEVER and AGUE, one for FEMALE WEAKNESS -a GENERAL TONIC and BL000-MAKER that makes blood and GIVES FORM AND FItLNE8Sa pad aft incomparable remedy for NERVOUS OEB/I.ITV. CATARRH, H U NAY FEV£R,ROSE COLD CATARRHAL DEAFNESS —The only authentlo cure emanating from eclentlfioaouroes now before the public. Th1e 1a nota snuff or ointment—both are dis- carded all Injurious. 41.00. �\ f\\ NO. A—COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CON- \`\1tl SOMPTION--An lneomparable remedy ; doe a cough, but eradicates the d/sea* and strengthens the t ntgg and restores wasted Moues 41.00. know e laflat /n this dissent IATISAI AND n Paris,llwho treats nothing glee, built hie reputation on this remedy. 51.00. CONSTIPA l0N and BRIONT'S KIDNEYS. Faso ate slaughter -,field fur the quack wbe has ruined more Own** than alcohol flee a remedy sanetionid /n high play*. 11.00. 1110..5-'h'YfR,AND AGUE; DIgMB,A1U_A; NALitlt/A. NEURALGIA ,rFewhniw uhat.p'rawtadm�ge Vhle.4?fug tfA..gyeteiotit kg treat- ed to break h fir a tiara Us, a remedy that eradicates it. 11. NO. IA—FEMALE' WEAKNESS, IRREGULARITIES, WHITES—Mang woman tilcraodbsaa0.gnylgealthonic dseate. because ainhehan strength. 41.00. NO 1—HEALTH, FORM AND FULNEAG *pend on good blood and tote of it. If weak. 1f bhed is poor, /f gcrawng. use thla perfect tank. 4.00. N0. S --NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF POWER—A queen curt - ridden public will hall a genuine remedy for an unfortunate con dition. No. 818 geld*, which one trial willprom.. Beware of Ignorant quack* who oharge high prlceafor chsapand worthless drugs and p111a, tie properties of which they are utterly Ignor- ant, and who expose you by sailing your confidential lettere to others in the same nefarious business. Use No. 8 and Uta again. 31.00. TO BE HAD OF ALL DRUGGISTS. 11 your Druggist does not keep these remedies ren.it price to us and we will slip to you direct. New fistee t Take no other remedy, discontinue quack cure.att medicines anduse instead these higb•CJans Hospital Real -'W wbicb r•...a„„o from s.-+e,,r.6,- sources. and thus prelung your lata ( Send Stamp for Descriptive Circular to ummutnalepnndll' �O<N ,reeeo; ��yq✓'/alt � -r• P ,✓ S,/�'jRAGE MRI. ��� CUARANa EGC y 9t2PERCFidiIRON . '. N F ACTUFtru •1:;, W iO • NSONII&o: This Paint is a rich brown color. It the BEST TAINT in the world, covers double the surface,loohs bet- ter and lash longer than the best lead and oil paint mauct'd rm � tr! In thanking you for past custom and sc liciting a continuance of the same, I beg to intimate to the public that 1' have a full stock of D.M. FEUR1'S'and STEELE 13ROS (-Ai 1)EN, FLOWER, FIELi) and GRASS SEEDS. Also :t large ilutt otity of POTATOES. FULL STOCK OF FARM Alibi GARDEN TOOLS A full case of BIRD CAGES, cheap. 111y stock of GROCERIES, GLASS, GLASSWARE, IIA'-IDWARL•', HARNESS, fie., is full and complete. Large stock of CROCKERY just arrived direct from the old country. .A good r1'e.>, Set for !i1. 5, tend a better fur $2..7i0 LARD, HAMS and BACON in stock, jAll'kinds of Produce taken fur• goods GEO, NEWTON, LONDESBORO NEW PUMP FACTORY Rowell's old Blacksmith shop, Huron Street., Clinton Tho undersigned has his new factory thoroughly equipped and fitted up for the manufacture of First Class Well and Cistern Pumps. There being nothing doing in the building-moying business in the winter time, I have improved the opportunity by getting out primps, and am, therefore, pre- pared to supply therm at the lowest possible rate. Those wanting anything in this line will find it to their advantage to see me. This wi 1 bo carried on inde. pendent of the moving of building, which business is stilllattonded to as hereto- fore, byathe uudersigned, Cistern Tanks and Pumps supplied at Lmcestllates JOHN STEPHENSON; CLINTON. Selling Off AT G OSZ The! undersigned will sell off his well assorted stock of Wall Paper tend Decorations at cost for cash on delivery. This sale will probably coutinuo without change;' until the whole stock is sold. -A.WO]- T E{ IIsTGTON,Llinton Groceries, Crockery, Teas, &c. 15 TO 25 PER CENT twiecgel:.' Subscriber having purchased the entire stock of Palliser & Co. at a groat bargain, and added it to his own largo and magnificent' stock, also bought on favorable terms, offers the entire lot for the next GO 4 days, at 15 to 25 per cent less than the regular prices, Call and in- spect and thus prove that this statement is correct. Or Terms cash. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. J. W. IRWIN, The Tinges Tea Warehouse Cooper's Old Slant, Co'. 5 's Ricin, ('l.INTOX A. HUTTON DIXON, Prop. Canada and United States. BANKRUP.T Stoct -of- Hardaro 0 Special Prices for One- MGnt On the Hardin are Stock of R. ». Race3 In• Cutlery, Spoons; •Spades anti 'Shovels; (lakes and Roes, Harvest Nails and,Ifinges, Paints, Oils and Glass. • We hare also REDITCEIS' OUR PRICES ON STOVES, and our prices on Tinware are now about 2:i pew cent less than ordinary prices. • PURE MANILLA and FLAX .i3INI)I.NG• TWINE, ,orde% early so as to s” re it. Full stock OIL 12) at- ANNEALED WIRE, RIBBON 'WIRE, BARBED WIRE, &e. ' e Call earl: ia:;ure a bargain before all is cleared out. .a Iron alld Hardware Merchants; Stoves and Tiny. re, aiiitOil WA igon's Cream of Witch -Hazel } TIIE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skih, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation from the•faco an Laude, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion, . It is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake this superior pre- paration fur any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion lotions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, cold sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. 'In short D'Avutvor:'e Ceneit or Wrrcn-IInzELis at once a remedy and a preventative for every form of surface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per bottle. Manufactured by 4 or.A. ji!olit ' LJ. 0001e113 ., CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. • "EW T3:A1=Zd MSF3 11R.] John son &ArrnoIL. PRACTICAL HARNESS and COLLAR MAKERS :x. Having bought the busikless and stock of GEO. A. SHARMAN, we are prepared to fill all orders in our line at the lowest living prices. We are both practice workmen, well known tc the people of Clinton and vicinity, and can guarantee superior class of work at moderate rates. The material will always be found of tho best, and by strict. attention to business and honest dealing, we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid Iine of SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTOli OUK HATS Youi Like. We are'showing the finest lino of Fall & Winter Goods Ever brought to this town. All Now Styles, Best Quality, and Prices Low. TRY ITS ONCE. WE CAN PLEASE YOLT. We have everything theta gentleman requires, at prices to suit all pockets. Our extensive line of IIOSi.ERY comprises goods of all weights, in a variety of colors and qualities, from an expensive Sock to the cheapest grades. SUSPENDERS will also be found in great variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock of Shirts, Collars, Cliff, and Neel: wenr is larger than ester before, and the finest in the place (CEO. GLASGOW, CLINTON Eg