HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-10-25, Page 6"MITC H WILL NW DE/ Which is the fairest, a rose or a lily? Which is the sweetest, a peach or a pear? sherry's coquetisb, and charming ie Milly Dora is gentle and fair. [her. Sweet as a dower was her face when I kissed (Love Is the romance and ,glury of life,) ]Hilly, my playmate. I love ' like a sister," But Dora I choose for my wife. That is right. young man, marry the girl you love, by all means, 1f she will have you. Should her health become delicate and her beauty fade after marriage, remember that this is usually due to functional disturbances, weaknesses, irregularities, or painful disor- ders peculiar to her sex, in the cure of which Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is guaran- teed- to give satisfaction, or money refunded. See the printed certificate of guarantee on bottle -wrapper. For overworked, " worn-out," " run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop -girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gener- ally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the • greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic, or strength -giver. Copyrlght,1888, by WORLD'S 8)ls. MED. ASS'N. ,', • Or. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and per- fectly harmless. One a Dose. Sold by druggists. 25 cents a vial. SAL ESMEN WTED. Saving done business in Canada for over 30 years, our reputation and reaponsiblity is well known. We pay salary and expenses from She start, if everything is satisfactory. No previous experience is required. Write ns for terms, which are very liberal, before engaging with any otber firm. Reena NOES. Bradstreet'sorDunWiman & Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to +� business men ; or Standard Dank, Colborne, Ont. CHASE BROTHERS' COMPaMY Nrmu uiYMEN, Colborne, Ontario. Vag Brame Monument col, BEYOND TRE Swath Mika, in which eau many petty wars have been fought in recent years, is on the eve of more exciting experieuees. 'Chis tune the e1 plosion threatens to take place in the South Ali'icidn or TranevaisISRepublic. In this country life 60,000 Boors, about 15,000 of whom are adalt males qualified to vote. They elect the President and the members of tho Volksraad or Parliament, aiid live in a pieta, reserved, p••sto''al manner. Their forefathers left Natal which had been captured SE1ViNU ON BUTTONS. um you ever see rt mini hi the sulitude and privacy of his study attempt to sew a button on by him.olt•t asks a writer in the New York ?flail, ft is. in all its• de - Nils, one of the most interesting perfbrinacces in the world. First, he hunts for a button. Generally, to Necure it, bo robs Peter to pay Paul, and cuts 'ono from surne other garment. This may.. be much larger or much smaller than .the size he is wear- ing. Next, he hunts for a needle. Probably he goes out and buys a by the British in 1842, and Pros- paper of needles. He always sed the mountains amd the Veal , cootamest, tacingan River. In that new territory, chooses that large w ll after many troubles with the sew stronger than small needles. Kaffirs, the deseendnnts of the As to the thread, he gets the early Dutch settlers repeated the coarsest he can find, and this he experiment tried by another , doubles. He takes the big needle branch of the seine family, who in .,no hand, and his coarse, black shook the dust of Cape Colony � thread in the other; he bites off from their feet the moment it was 1 the thread to the desired length ; hopelessly placed under tho con- then he trios to twist it to a fine trol of the British, and founded point. Generally in this he see- the Orange Free State. The Boers in the Transvaal are met with the same old trouble : the 'trillions still pursue them'—that is British men with plenty of British capital have gone troop- ing into the region, to the num- ber of 100,000 it is said, and have opened mines and nines built two towns, in comparison with which the capital, Pretoria, looks mean and seedy. Though these new -comers have brought wealth and enterprise into• the Republic, they have -received a far from warm welcome. They have not been admitted to citizenship, and so 15,000 Boers are making all the laws that goven 100,000 aault immigrants. These. neve-comers thought a while ago they would like to build a railroad from Pre- toria to Jeinstown, but theSotons in the Volksraad voted the project down. The minors are building a City hall to cost $500,000, but the 45 lawmakers at, Pretoria won't let them have a railroad. Of course this state of things can- not last forever, particularly as there promises to bo 250,000 im- migrants in the Transvaal within the next ten years. One of these fine days,unless the Boer ruralists do the square thing by the now settlers, another Boer hegira will bo in order. The majority will naturally demand to have at least as much to say in the government of the country as the minority ,or know the reason why. ST. THOMAS, -•ONTARIO. We have the only factory in the Do. minion. Our material is pure and fine, and is endorsed by leading scientists as being practically imperishable. . It can. not absorb moisture and consequently is not affected by the frost. J. Baker Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L., F. C. S., of Montreal, P. Q., says its great d ra- bilt* under all exposure to weather and Storni is fully assured by its high quality. It is more durable than stone and will not loose its handsome appea ance from generation to generation. know of no other material which' equally capable of combining elegant of form, beauty of surface and indefini durability. Please call on or write to our agent t Clinton and see designs and prices b fore placing your order. W. M. GrFPfl , ,AGENT CLINTON . THE ST. THoau.s WHITE BRONZE MONU- MENT COMPANY, ST. THtira.s, OW. IHE 0T x 1Klhtl POWDER i81A£,1p� C[11tr'tIC✓r COOTS Pcial No Alum. Nothing luftisf 'sins REUQIIED DMA, • I estAe FICI'O1',Vs"li� 'altiefr, fres Lw ?Ito Loose l0ilay Was, Memo hs8 resist( psi t n3xt tlita:i k, Creels :'k.svIert, Rtk.Y zit i Landry tr'i+esl':. gagia rico, I CHABVI ll;K'S SCOL Corr rar STFEL•LaiE'J TR ll;l{y In Snr'n'.e,Lndlcs'an: Ali otlior kinds. Lt y„,•e U.11)".:2rtZrt Igor •Iricnd and T 3 "1CYCJ,.Lno Use. In the World, EVEIIEIGH R CO tiA: `4.0 SU?'ERalii,l MONTREAL, ASK ro ssur. t1iUvU Loir3:tU1Dom5 111' i L. Nowa Same Ft.., one of the n,n91; central' and elegantly furnished Ifetele in the Clt, Accotumodatioo for 400 guests. ttateet tt 'T WOODRUFF, ' per da , a Manager DOMINION LEATHER BOARD coeds in nlakin” two, and some- times three, fine points out of one end. Of course he can't get all of these points through the needle's eve at once. He tries hard to make the needle and thread got on friendly terms with each other. Sometimes it is the needle that kicks, sometimes the thread. Sometimes he really imagines he has threaded his needle. It is an ocular delusion; the thread has missed the needle's eye by half an inch. It is harder work than sawing wood. At last the needle is threaded. Now be tries to sew the button on without taking his trousers off. This proves a failure. Ile twists himself into an 'uncomfortable position, and su would sew. But ho cannot sew so. He runs the needle into his finger and makes an inaudible' exclamation. Again the needle slips into the fleshy port of the hand, which induces u very audible dash from the oper- ator. The recording angel knows what is going on inside of him, and debits him with every item, Ho sows hard. He has forgotten all about the necessity for a thimble. IIer jams his thumb down on the needle's bend, and it punctures his thumb or runs under the nail. By -and - bye he sews tho button. eye full of thread. His big needle does not pass through any more.`" He must stop. tie ends by winding the thread as many times as it will go under the button, and per- haps he leaves oft, with two or three inches of thread sticking Jdlinard's _Liniment is the Out. l re iruQ for Infants alr<,t� �o .. c''s � . NYs�n��..,taaitrar_rs,�raaotapa,r+r.ao.r�v astortaissowetladaptedtott2lklreatbet Castotla cawres.Colic. Coustlpat;'e, commendlttasauperlorteanypretecriptioa Sour' Stontwh, 'LT•rrttwa, Drueteflen. WO tome." H. 4. A.Arlass, EI. D., �igeWiorsts, gtvee sleep, and promoters ch- ill 8n. Word 8R, Brooklyn, N. Y. Witiaoul ipjurims medication. THE CE,�reon COMPANY, 77 Murray 5crl•et, ::. '. THE POPULAR RY Q�iDSHOUSE LON DESBORO 'NEWS NOTES Judge Oliver, of the counties of Prescot and Russell, died sud- denly at Ottawa on'Thursday 1 ursday night. - Dan McLeod, his wife and son and two tilted men, all of Inver- huron, where lost while out ori a fishinglvoyage. j inard's Liniment' for Rheumatism. Success ill life is the result of push Land energy.' if the blood is impure and sluggish, both body and mind lack vigor. To cleanse and vitalize the blood and impart new life to the system, nothing else has such a marvelous effect as Aycr's Sarsaparilla. William Waterman died at Grands Rapids, on Thursday, aged 114. His first wife lived to age of 75. He married his second wife in his 100th year. She died a few years ago. He used tobac co and liquor, but was temperate in his habits. J1inard's Liniment Carom iiphtheria, It was on the twelfth of July that the Jesuit bill was assented to by the lieutenant -governor of Quebec,and Mr Mercier announces that ho intends to pay over the $400,000, granted to the Jesuits, on the fifth of NovembFer; the an• niyersary of the closing of the O*tee of Derry. In future the rangemen and Jesuits will be able to hold joint celebrations on each of the two days. t2to$ip s r PEI RSt Sole All'ts far Canada, J.PALMER&SOH Wholesale Imp'trs of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOTRE DAME ST,, MONTREAL. ,SOAP. COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Phis isa PerfeetFrietion RECKITT'S BLUE THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS Wrapping, 4�,nilla, OS, 4. 4 ALL SIZES • AND 7W WEIGHTS To ORDER 21 DEDresale$ It. ills :411111W, 1), 0 0 =t .OHNU OPTS P..irtE 'IE CCHB'r GREAT STRENOTH GIVER $j P RFEGT 10 a I'M SICK ARMING & Stallion i EVERAGE i it That the State of Nevada—the great• silver -producing region of the United States—is in a bad way was shown by the Episcopal bishop of Nevada and, Utah, at tho New York , Conference the other day. Ho pointed out that the first part of' his jurisdiction contained but 40,000 people scat- tered over 110,000 square miles of territory. No improvementcould bo hoped for until silver goes up, better means for .the transporta- tion of low-grade ores to market aro provided, and more water is obtained by irrigation. Speaking of towns whose populations has dwindled from 10,000 or 15,000 to 100 or less, he said that ono once large town contains but one in- habitant, and ho lives there only to take care of the machinery in the abandoned mines. On account of the difficulty of transportation, the inhabitants did not take their furniture with them when they left town, so that the single in- habitant remaining has all the houses in the place furnished to dwell in, ,When he gets tired of ono, ho moves to another. This is but ono more illustration of the adage that it is an ill -wind which blows/nobody good. A POWERFUL 1NVIGOt1ATOR • outside. A woman. eon, through many outward indications, tell when a man has been trying to sew on a button. Ho doesn't know the shibboleth of needle and thread, and it catches somewhere every' time. At last the button is •oil, and he is proud of his work. ADAMSBI1 EIi LIOi\TIoeo C BALANCE'OFSUMMEII 60105 At GREATLY REDUCED PRICItS, to make room for FALL GOODS that are coming in. * * x FARM and VILLAGE PROPERTY for sale or ex- changed for good stock of merchandise. BUTTER, EGGS and FARM PRODUCE. always wanted. We bought for this season's trade the largest stock of DRESS GOODS that were ever brought into our store, and notwithstanding the fact that • the demand has beenunprecedented, we are still showing a magnificent line. .Do not fail to see what we are offering. All who have examined these goods have been delighted with the qualities, the colorings, the variety. Never before have we had so much pleasure in selling DRESS GOODS. They are just what the people want.— SEE THE BRAID SETS. FLUSHES in all colors. Nice range of Buttons. READY MADE CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS Aug 30th. 18,89. R. ADAMS. Another lino in which we lead the trade this Season is READY MADE CLOTH- ING and OVERCOATS. Every mother. likes to see her boy well dressed. We are showing Nobby Suits for boys from 5 to 10 years of age, at $2 to $4. -Suits for older boys $3.75 to $6. MEN'S SUITS, r;5 to $12, the latter Fine Black WORSTED. OUR OVERCOATS are causing a ripple of excitement among our many customers. Wo aro selling a geod Coat, with velvet collar, wool lining, for $5. A. FINE WORSTED, with -Mohair binding, Italian lining, first-class style and workmanship, for 57.50. Wo can save'you two or three dollars in the, price of a coat. Do not be per- suaded to buy until you have seen..ol'ys.* ogbarains, WOMAN'S SUPERIORITY. Sho can come to a conclusion without the slightest trouble of reasoning on it, and no sane man can do that. Six of there can talk at once and get along first rate, and no two men can do that. She can safely stick 50 pins in her dress while he is getting one under his thumb nail. Sho can do more in a minute than a man can in an hour, and do it better. She can drive- a man crazy in 24 hours and then bring him to paradise in two seconds, by sim- ply tickling him under the chin, and there does not lige that mor- tal son of Adam's misery who can do it. Sho is as cool as a cucumber in a half-dozen tight dresses and skirts, while a man will sweat and fume ands growl in one loose shirt. Sho can talk as sweet as poaches and cream to the woman she bates, while two mon would be punching each other's head before they had exdhanged ten words. Sho can throw a stone with a curve that would be a fortune to a baseball pitcher. Sho can say 'no' in a voice so low that it means 'yes.' She can sharpen a leadpencil if you give her plenty of time and plenty of pencils. • Sho can dance all night in a pair of shoes two sizes too small for her and enjoy every minute of tho time. She can appreeiato a kiss from her husband 70 years after the marriage ceremony is performed. Sho can go to church and after- wards toll you what every woman in the congregation had on, and in some rare instances can give you some faint idea of what the text was. Sho can walk half the night with a colicky baby in her arms without once expressing the desire of murdering the infant. ottoll Root Compound Compose! et V.t es Root, Tam and Pen- nppraynl—ppre nred b an o1! Ypsician. 88 SVCCE8$ trLLT £SV }�ORTNI 1. thousands of women, and has hes oorlhed In n practice of aror 30 artee, $1. Will be molted to any Wrens in Ind 1'.8, Dortor's consultation boors, 9 l 11 an +rs in *Himont. ter Ladies only, a, re ss POND 1.11.4 prw oars. 1 to Dlseaoes of women treolo,l only. Seoled parttmr W. L. OUT M ETT E, L OHDESS®Ro WHAT IT- MEANS. . To tho man or woman who has never been i11, the word "health' is meaningless. But to the ono who has suffered and despaired, health appears as a priceless boon. To the thousands. of unfortunate women who are suffering from some of the many forms of weak- nesses or irregularities peculiar to their sex, Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription holds forth tho pro- mise of a speedy restoration of this "priceless boon." ' Tho spooks and"goblins that delight To fill with terror all the night ; That stalk abroad in hideous dreams 1Vith which dyspepsia's fancy teems, 'Will never trouble with their ills T STIFF HAT$ All the leading styles, l'ought from the best manufacturers. soar HATS — The best and cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent quality, and away down in price. Close buyers shonld not fail to call and see these goeds, tbelow price. and good quality are selling them very fast Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring FRANK SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, AibortSt. CLINTON THE - -- 1LINTON NEW ERA Re HOLMES, ; - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. Pr,NP.n �iy, o. 1 Pharr 111aeli 11l woadwardace nue ,�• , 'Ills. Detrcl►,lllah, Aug 30.3 mp The man who trusts in Pierce' I Tr -----THE LEADING Furnitur, e , Dealers, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, And Upholsterer's PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. CALL AT THE RedRockerFurniture•Emporium Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton, 99- GROCERY -99 Having bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first. class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods , will be kept and sold at the closest 'margin. �,• We have a large stock of F'i-E NSE W THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ;. Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation 'and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We will not be •undersold •by any house in t11e trade . dames Angus 99 ,Albert St. Clinton.. JOB DEPARTMENT. C'HINA HAlL To•make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. lst, GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW S ASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 60. We Offer I EW SEASON BLACI TEA at 36 ceps, wrath ie. We Offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, ckeap, 2 BROOMS for 25c. PRESS PINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Jale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Loves, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON, N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. t These celehratcd Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B, Lau- ranco's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE 13. LAURA.NCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at Tag(i)'L A_S QTACKSON'S, CLINTON. .t..�tataaais New : Ftirniture : stook Opemad .u4 in ELLIOTTS BLOCS. NEXT DOOR TO TAB CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, Lc., ANI: A GENl;f:AL A,rzAnR'r1,ENT OF TRE VERY BEST MADE FURNI TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. This lead is known. from Halifax to Bri- tishColumbia as the best, finest &purest in Canada.