HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-10-25, Page 5Wake uh And see the prices of ._.:_.._-era ON .A 4tRIt S__ - Qorrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Oet17, ]:8,d9. Wheat, fall old and new.. 0 86 a. 0 90 22 0 25 0 85 0 45 0 50 0 50 500 a 500 016 a 016 017 a 017 5 75 a 6 00 900 a 900 Oats ... Barley,•,, Peas ROB. W. COATS' WATCHES. Flour per bal Butter A Stem -Winding Watch....$2 75 ' Egge A 8oz. S. American Watch... 5 00 k A stem -wind screw heazle Am- ericanHay Watch 9 00 A solid silver dust -proof Walt - .ham Watch10 45 A solid Gold, 15 jewelled La- dies Watch, with chain 18 00 3 Gent's Gold -Filled Elgin Watch,warranted 20 years 28 00 A Solid Gold Stem Winding Elgin Watch 28 00 REMEX1BER THE PLACE ROB. V V. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER, CLINTON. The PopularDry Goods House LONDFISBORO What delightful weather we have had during the month vii of October, just the thing for the farmers, not so favor- able to merchants. Cold, broken weather would cause a greater demand for heavy Woollen Goods. However, anything that tends to enrich the farmer helps to line the pocket of the merchant, so we continue working along, hoping that things will turn out for our mutual benefit, and that all of us, farmers, mechanics and mer- chants, will have a comfortable living this year, and abundant cr'ps,and good times next. And in the meantilne those OVERCOATS, of which we told you last week, are moving. The prices make them move. The Coat that we sell at $5, would, as Coats are usually sold., bring $7, our $7 Coat would in some stores be considered cheap at $10. We show a Nobby Overcoat for little boys, sizes 22 to 27 double-breasted, button close up to throat, with deep cape covering shoulders, chest and back, an elegant gar- • ment, price only $3. The mothers sdy those Child's Suits are just the correct thing, the quality is excellent, and the sty1a and work- manship are all that could be desired. We lead the ,trade in Overcoats and. Ready-made Suits It is scarcely necessary to mention DRESS GOODS,. our lady friends for miles around are sounding the praises of them, and if you have not seen them you should has- ten to do so. Full line of HATS & CAPS. See our line of FINE . TWEED CAPS, all sizes, for 25 cents each. ToP SIIIiTs and UNDERCLOTHING in great variety. W. L. QU I M ETT E, '...,N DESBORO HUB GR Keeps A 1 Black, Young Hyson and Japan TEA. Keeps A 1 COFFEE, fresh ground. Keeps A 1 GROCERIES of all kinds, cheap. Also, WOODEN WARE, BRUSHES, BROOMS, &c CORDWOOD--=Ord.ers left at shop for wood will be promptly .filled at lowest figures. No charge for cartage. G-EC►..-Sw 1s I.I A W, CI.IDiTO N .Big Discount Sale For Bargains for Cash m PARLOR SETS, BEDROOM SUITES, CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS &c., for the next 30 Days, Come Furnituie Emporium. ,„. J. C, STEVENSON Opposite Town Hall-, Clinton. r Best andCheapest Penta STEEL RODS—IRON FOUNDATIO'i. BUILDERS' IRON WORK, Office Railings, Lawn Furniture AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. ADOREGO Barium Wire & Irol Works (7..2M2Z Ea). WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO. Agents wanted to sell our goods in every town PROPERTIES for SALE. The various properties re- maining undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late `Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for sale. In order to close up the estate these properties ;must be sold. Full particulars and- terms will be made known on appli- cation to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. ,INSURANCE 1:. ('ORB TT, agent feir London and Lan- cashire, City of London and Atlas, all first- class English Stock Companies, and two first class Milton's and Fede rel end Manufac- turers Life Coat)'aui ,4. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partner. ship heretofore existing between Cueing - barna & McMurray, as grocers, &o., in the Town of Clinton, has boon dissolved by mu- tual cdnsent, the business having been dis- lposed of, Parties having claims against the ate firm, will present them at once, and all outstanding accounts must be paid without further delay. JOHN CUNINGHAMI8, JOHN McMUIIRAY. Clinton, Oct. 4, 1889 , Property for sale or to rent. A cottage on Albert St. lately occupied by 11r James Moore. Five bed rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen sumu:et'kitch- en and pantry.' Hard and soft water. Stab- le, carriage nonan and fruit trees. There aro three lots on Maple Street besides the one on which the coatage stands, snaking an acre of grcmtd In all, The cottage and one int will be sold separately if desired and 011 renson- ahle tertns. Possession given at mire, Ap- ply to 11119 THOMAS cooi'd;a. Chinon. • NEWS NOTES A rather singular funeral took plane at New Canaan,Essex Coun- ty, the other day. A child of a Mrs Campbell and a child of Mrs Campbell's daughter were buried in the one coffin. An aunt and a nephew of the same were buried in one coffin a few years ago. Rev. William Stephenson, D.D., a former minister of the Meth- odist denomination in Canada, died at Flushing, L. I., on Wed— nesday. The deceased, during a long andlactive career in Canada, filled leading pulpits in Toronto, Hamilton and several other cities. At Point Edward about ten o'clock Saturday morning, as Mrs A.Morrison was looking down into a well, 12 feet in depth,in which a man was engaged in clearing out, she lost her balance and full in, injuring her back considerably, bruising her head, dislocating one 'of her fingers and knocking nearly all teeth out,.• ;c. td;. ,The report of ttib special audi- tor appointed by the Essex county Council 'to audit Treasurer Wright's books, shows that the township owes Mr Wright $11,- 272. Year after wear Mr Wright found a deficiCi in his books which he couldn't account for, . and he was compelled to sell near- ly $10,000 worth of property at different times to make this good. Ho at length asked for a special audit, and this Showed by his bad book-keeping that he had cheated himself oat of more than $11,000 Tho county council are in a quan- dary how to raise funds to repay the treasurer. Robert Morton, a farmer living about a mile east of Ailsa Craig, had his barn, outbuildings and contents, which consisted of over 1,000 bushels of grain and .bis season's crop of hay, entirely con- sumed Sunday morning. His son, a child 6 or 7 years old, was also burned to death in the barn. The boy and his bother, a lad 10 years old, were playing in the loft of the barn, and when the fire started the oldest got down the ladder and called for the other to come, but th.e• little fellow could not get down for the flames, and although the older child ran for the father before bo could get there the flames had spread so that be could not got to his assis- tance. . The body was afterwards found, the Head and legs,fzeing entirely burned away. It flf sup- posed tho boys must have been playing with matches. Tho buil. Ings were only insured for $300 and tho corftehts' for 'a small amount. House and Lot for sale or to rent. The large cottage owned and formerly oc- cupied by 11r E. Holmes, on Queen Street, Clinton, is offered for sale or to rent on lib- eral terms, The house contains, tonins downstairs, with woodshed and kitchen at- tached, and two rooms upstairs, good cellar, hard and soft water, half•acre lot with fruit trees and stable thereon. The hou?e is situ• ated In one of the Most pleasant parts of the town. Purel3aser or ,tenant could have pos- session at any time. Full particulars on ap- plication at Naw ERA Office. Lon(lesboro Mills. J. L. Skit has rented the Londeshoro Rol- ler Mills and is prepared to do all kinds of mill iworlc. Custom work a specialty. Through honest work and fair stealing he ex- pects a good share of the patronage of the surrounding country. Flour and feed al- ways on hand. Will deliver on short notice. WANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Salary or Commission. I can make a suc- cessful SALESMAN of any one who will work and follow my in- structions. Will furnish handsome outfit free, and pay your salary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont. Farm for Sale. Undersigned offers for Baia Lot 28, 3rd con., Hullctt, (near the Cemetery) 100 acres, 90 cleared and freo of stumps, balance bush. Comfortable house, frame barn 50 x 80, with good stabling, orchard nearly an acre, never failing t Pring creek, School house adjoin- ing the farm. No bettor soil around—clay and clay loam, Situate 11 miles from Clin- ton Possession given any time after the crop is off. Terme easy. A rare chance to secure a good place. MRS HODGSON, or FRANCIS SILTY, on the promises. Notice to the Public As Mr James Sheppard has gone on a trip to Manitoba for the benefit of his health 1 have placed my books at Mr F. nttmball's carriage shop, who is authorized to collect accounts and grant receipts on my behalf. Parties interested will please boar this in mind. WILLIAM STANLEY, Holmesville. WANTED" ENN to soli Nursery !hock. A i1 Goods War- ranted FIRST-CLASS. Permanent, pleas- ant, profitable positions for the right• mon. Good salaries and expenses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners, No prev- ious experience necessary. Outfit free. Write for terms, giving age. CHARLES H. CHASE, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. Mention this Paper. Properties for Sale SEVEN ACRES EXCELLENT OF LAND, situated almost adjoining Clinton, Cm the Gravel toad, There is a small barn. This property is very suitablefor a retired farm- er or market gardener, there being two die- tiuet kinds of soil thereon. Terms } each, and balance at 7 per cont interest. There is no incumbrance on this property. Also, SPLENDID HOUSE AND LOT, SITUATE on the east side of Albert St., North, Clinton. The house contains Hall, Parlor, four Bed- roomsPantry, ClothesCloset, ICitell en Sunt- mer•Kitchen, Bath and Path !Dont, Cellar, Soft and Hard water inside and outside. Lawn, Shade Trees Baru, etc., all in excel- 'ent state of repair. Tornts, } cash find time •or balance at 7 per cent interest. There JR no encumbrance on thin property. Address 171 McDonnell Ave. Toronto, 11•\1. FOSTER, TO R EN T, Two good mows upstairs and one Store, sfdiiate in Perrin Block, Clinton. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent Canada Life lns. Co'y' cess Goods We have received and pass' i d into stock a fine assortment of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS.' The stock this fall will be found larger and more varied than any; we have ever shown, embracing nil the leading and fashionable • shades in Borders, Plaids, Stripes, and plain goofs in Henriettas, Se••ges and Amazon Cloths, in fact a range of colors, designs and qualities that will make our stock hard to beat 5 per cent off for cash. CLdTHSI We open to -day something very nobby in FANCY UL- STERINGS. Full lines BEAVERS, ASTRACHANS PLUSHES and SEALETTES. For the largest and best stock of 1VIANTLE GOODS, DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS go to the Dry Goods Palace Estate J. ' II GENTS, FALL ANNOUNCEMENT 00 To-ourwastomers and the public generally we wish to make it kit , pn that we are now ready for the Fall Tt'ade with nks. The Liroit ini .cost varied 'Stock iI * C „. ds That has ever been kept in Clinton. Our two stores are both filled with,,ggbbods that are required for a general trade. Fall lines in all kinds of DRY. GOODS, bought on the best terms possible. Some special bargains from the stock of goods bought from Mr. Thomas Jackson, at 64 cents on the 6. • FULL LINES IN Readyl`Iade CLOTHING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER cheaper than any house in Clinton; come and try us and see for yourselves. .Roots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, FELT ,BOOTS of all kinds, coarse and fine, in all the different makes, at from 10 to 20 per oent cheaper than other houses sell them. We mean business. Full Lines in HATS, CAPS, FURS, ROBES, To be sold at a small advance on cost. All A Task is a small commission on these goods. GROCERIES a PROVISIONS We are getting ready as fast as possible to supply our customers with all kinds of Groceries and Provisions. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. DRESS & MANTLE -Making We will open out in this department next week, and will give you city work and city styles. Work guaranteed to be second to none in the trade, and prices- as low as the lowest. Come and see us. We are bound to do business. We do not advertise anythin but what we intend to carry out. Come and see our stock and get prices. 2 stores in Searle's Block, PLUMSTEEL & GIBBING'S CIIAS. CRUICKSHANK BOOTS AND SHOES My stock is now complete in every department for the FALL and WINTER trade. I have also on hand a large supply of AMERICAN RUBBERS AND OVERSIIOES. in all grades and sizes, the best ever imported into this market. all of which I tini selling at the lowest possible prices. CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Five per cent discount for cash. . Call on C. CRUICKSHANK, the Great Shoe Man, and get value for, your money. Situ fit the. Golden Boot,Albert St. Clinton CHEAP BOOKS, 27' Volumes of Pansy Books, nicely bound in cloth, at 35 cents each, paper 15 cents. Large paper Edition of such Books as E. P. Roe's, M. J. Holmes and G. McDonald, only, 10 cents each, or 3 for 25 cents. • Humboldt's Popular Library of Science, 15c each. Ward Lock's Biographical and Historical series, con- taining life of Shakespere, Scott, Bunyan and others, narrative sketches such as Free Trade and Protection, No Popery Cry, Plague and Fire of London, etc., well written, autl only 3 cents each. Call and see them; W. COOPER & CO,. Clinton. A DAMS' EMPORIUM IiO1T D BSSBOP,O Now is the time to make money by calling on R. Adams and getting some of those 4' FINE OVERCOAT, They are great value. Handsome and cheap MANTLE CLOTHS. BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS at prices to suit everybody. Best UNDERCLOTHING to be found, from 40c up. Lovely FACINATORS. Latest styles of MILLINERY. Large range of PLUSHES. Every thing marked down to suit the times Oct 25 1.3 t), R. ADAMS. ILLINE New Fall MILLINERY J. C. DETLOR & CO'S Having secured the services of MISS KERBY, as head Milliner, all orders will now be promptly executed. Just Opened, ,a fresh lot of New Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths. Also, a choice assortment of TWEEDS, for Suits & Pants DRESS and MANTLE MAKING, up stairs, by Miss SYMONDS and MRs TAYLOR J:C.Detlor& Co.Clinton T. JACKSON, Sr, The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that the 11as . Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING 'TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. Immense bargains mill bo giveli in Fine Ordered , Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton What's the Matter with pour feet? WHY YOU WANT A PAIR OF Tayloi' & Sons fio malo Shoes TRAY'S AZIZI Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per cent off for cash. TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON ANC BLYTH