HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-10-18, Page 6I ME $AUGHED WITH SHERitMAN •Mtio.. TO THE SEA 1 Trudged all the way on foot, over mountain and through morass carrying• knapsack and - • gun slept on brush heaps to keep out of the mud, caught cold, from the effects of which lie s friends thought he would never recover. Lingering withslow consumption for many years, he saw Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery advertised in a country newspaper, and he determined to try it. A few bottles worked a change; six months' continued use cured him. Always too independent to ask bis country for a pension, he now says ho needs none. He helped save his country, ho saved himself! Consumption is Lung-ecrof- i!'ula. For eorofula, in -all its myriad forms, the Discovery' is an unequaled remedy. It ' • el asses the system of all blood -taints from L. whatever cause arising, and cures all Skin and Scalp Diseases. Set -rheum, Tetter. Ecze- ma, and kindred ailments. It is guaranteed .; to benefit or euro in all diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will v. be refunded. Sold by druggists. ( Copyright.1888, by.wouras Dre. Man Ass's. "'"" DR; SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY Pstanding. 5st 0r ents,eby druggists., no atter how long 74,44,V= IG A LITTLF,' TIME. One evening last week a popu- lar young stock broker started out to have a little time with "the boys." lie had it. It was about 2 a.m. when he began to think that bo had reached the limit, and he summoned a cab and gave the driver the number of his residence On his way home he searched his pockets for contraband matter. By the flickering light of the gas lamps be passed he gathered in hits lap a pile of crumpled paper, and this he tore into bits and Scatter- ed along the roadway. When he SILESMEN WANTED. Having done business in Canada for over 30 years, our reputation arid responsiblity is and expenses fromlthlestart, if everythinge pay iis satisfactory. No previous experience is required. Write uB for terms, whioh are very liberal, before ngaging with any other firm. IRrr.�r++P.rusvcc s.—Bradstreet' a or D un W luso & Co's Coinnteroial Agencies, well known to business men ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. CHASE BROTHERS' CODIPASIY Colborne, orne, Ontario. • CANADIAN LIVE STOOK., In the current issue of the Farmer's Advocate a correspondent, describing the Buffalo Fair, writes as follows:— "Were any doubts expressed as to the euitability of Capzda, and more especially of Ontario, as a stock rais- ing country, or as to the quantity or quality nf the pure-bred animals of various breeds owned and raised there, I do not think any more con- vinciug proof of the groundlessness of his fears could be given to the sceptic in question than would have been giv• ea him by taking him to the grounds of the Buffalo International Exposi• tion and showing him the various ex hibits of live stuck made there by r. laves, reached home ha paid the cabby Canadians, for, with one or two ex - and repaired to his room, where ceptions, in every class the Canadian exhibit was placed well to the front, ho proceeded to disrobe. It was always his habit to lay his mon- ey and valuables on the dresser when he retires, and when' the children come in before he arises in the morning they ate permit- ted to appropriate every coin of a value less than $1. As he laid his money out on this occasion he happened to think of a cheque of $10,000 which ho bad been paid for margins by a certain firm after banking hours the previous day. He searched his pockets and could not find a trace of it. Then he happened to think of the documents he had torn up in a maudlin way in the cab. It dirt did not take him lona to draw a e Whits Bram IEoligelt co'y, ST. THOMAS; ONTARIO. • We have the only factory in the Do- minion. Our material is pure and fine, and is endorsed by leading scientists as being practically imperishable. It can- not absorb moisture and consequently is not affected by the frost. J. Baker Edwards, Ph. D.,D. C. L., F. C. S., of ,Montreal, P. Q., says its great d ma- bility under all exposure, to weather and storm is fully assured by its high quality. It is more durable than stone -and will not loose its handsome appear ance from gener}ation to generation. know ' of no other material which ' equally.capable of combining elegant of form, beauty of surface and indefini durability. Please call on or write to our agent r Clinton and see designs and prices b fore placing your order. W. M..GIFFIN, AGENT CLINTON Tex ST. THOMAS WuIT'E BRONZE MONO- - SIENT COWAN'S, ST. TOoMAs, . O.NT• f ilt."�i'�'f ( 'r w, N 111FIG O DER, -n 15 -1-- KAREN'S LININ COM No Alum. Nothing lnjw:cis:a, RETAILED E"IEtit 'FERE, FAC.JUii? SJ+ ?Lll sialieo, Iron & Load Pl!vs Loose Palley 61 ISM, 9ttsets Jo! Peer, From Prnnpa, W -I'd Wills, Crews S000ratora Dalry aid Laesairy Uteadla 526 C.PA1G 3TREET, fitONiTHEAL. T• Q'r t �� pINN Iia' 4 ._p and in several cases proved entirely unconquerable, winniug every single ribbon, while the American ooaipeti- toralooked on and asked each other how it was that their most famous studs and flocks could not hold their own in competition with those owned by the Canucks across the lake. "That this should be so in some classes more particularly fancied in Canada, such as Clydesdale horses, was not, perhaps, so surprising, but when in the class for aged Percheron stallions the blue rosette was award- ed to a horse owned near Belleville, Out., I think every Canadian horse- man present felt that they- had a- chieved the greatest triumph of all in thus meeting and vanquishing on its own ground the breed that has loos been declared, whether rightly eon lnsion.;,°; Hastily dosing his l or not, to be the favorite with the clothes ho filled his pockets tiaitll ! farmers of the Eastern States." matches and traversed the route ' •,,;'.i • \\"• 1\\W' MILLIONS CARELESSLY ofthe 0;1). After an hour's -search ' IiANUL1J1), be succeeded in picking up nine- teen bits of the destroyed cheque. ; Repeated ex x riencea leith the These bits, on being pasted to- I ups and downs of mining maks gether,formod the valuable whole. Ileen callous. So too, loaf famil- Early in , the morning l:e was' IArity with the sigh,[ of gold and down town. Ise sent the mosaic silver galore breeds. indi�fi''erence, cheque back to the hoose that is 1'Vvhen the train from Phillipsburg sued it, along with a story to the arrived at llrummond, on the effect that it had been accidently destroyed. He 'requested a dup- licate. This was issued at once, and before banking hours he had a duplicate cheque ready for une. the truck down the platform, and OUR .NAT URAL PRODUCTS. left it standing where it would be La Paix, of Three Divers, says convenient for the east -bound there has been a splendid crop of train a couple of hcurs later. hay iii the Province of Quebec; Waiting travellers, as they stroll - but it cannot understand why, ed along, stopped to look at the with first-class hay fetching from big bait's. Some of the most cur - $15 to $16 per ton in the Boston ions turned them over, hefted market, and second-class $12, the them and speculated on the value. price should be so much lowr at The 30 bars -ver° the seini- Three Riyers. One obvious ex- weekly shipment from "the great - planation is thattthc United States est silver mine in the world." Government collects a tax of $2 They might have been so many per ton on Canadian hay. In pigs of' lend, if' one might judge spits of this impost the •Ameti,can -from the manner in which they returns. show that in 1887 they were handled and left exposed. imported 80,000 tons from us, But when they were turned over. which was valued at +800,000.— there was a silvery gleam whore The actual figures are 78;255 tons; the precious metal had solidified value, $759,129; duty collected, at the bottom of the mold. And when the knife or a key was main lino, yesterday- morning, the oxpressmen unloaded from the car 30 big bars of metal. They rolled them out of the car door —Chicago Herald. upon an open truck, trundled for 1 nfan a aa, ., "OsotorialaeowelladapledtooEtldreatihtf1 BoartgaF r , . _ [Era recommend has superior W any preseaipMois W�rmi ��,eypop� � psnu,oiaa I t dl known to me." H. A. Ahearn, IYL. D. s�p�n 131 80. Ostord Si, Brgoldyn, 7Q. Y. Wile ' Tus cerermm 00,DPAM, ST II/array Street, N reI y yT CHADWICK'S SP001.1 COQ TO1 i. For. Rand [coca 115Jac•ltine Ude. iii !''o 'Sti7a7,1;0F.. ASIS ar LEAfEROIB STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladiea'and ' ail, ether Lt ;!hest sad StranReat TRUNK fa In the World. EVELEIGH &i CO MONTREAL S'rir :rs, far lila Oamin'n F'; iP6ro, An La ON T:tflc:Sl•L. Notre 7-mmn 7—mmsit., one rp? the most cent••117 and e:mg„utly furnished 8!ntela In the Cf1, .i..otwrnir odn,tro., for 400 guests. states: - (,9 Vii Y I ,-Manager WOODJIiJF-F . panti5' DOMINION • ..,r7.-•-v.T.-.,-. I,EETHER BOA Solo IQ'tS IOL Canaria, l.,PALMER&SOPI Wholesale Imp'trs of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOTRE DIME ST., MONTREAL. SOAP. RD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOSMILtBOtRO Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Thea ua PerjeotF'riotion RECKITT'S BLUE. THE HEST POR LAUNDRY USE. • PAPERS Wrapping, 4aniIla, f EWS. 'a rr� p AU. tr SIZES AND 444 WEIONTB re ORDER 21118Bf esoles Sd. Ill s Pottnenf, 0 • OH SUMS pl3E,l erHE 6 REAT STREt1GTh GIVER 4PER- edY v000 OR THE SICK ARMING bt UTRITIOUS:EVERAGE -; A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR $156,510. The duty, of course, came out of the pocket of the Ca- letruck against the side cif one of nadian farmer, for our exports of the bars the sharp, clear ring of hay aro altogether too small to regulate the price in the United States. But that was not all the•• farmers lost by the duty. A con- siderable portion of the hay grown here would probably be rated as second-grade hay, and on this grade the two dollars duty acts like a, prohibitory tax. In other words, when the duty is added to the cost of production and of transportation to the Americans" market, there is nothing left for the Canadian shipper. But lot the duty be removed, and a largo and profitable trade could be done in inferior hay. The fact that the ATherican duty is in many cases quite sufficient to block a trade which other- wise would be remunerative, is clearly brought out in both linos of trade. For example, when Ca- nadian eggs were taxed—the duty was only ton per -cent. ad valorem -we sent very few eggs to the States. But the duty. was taken off some years ago, and as a result our egg shipments have become a valuable item. In 1887 we sent the Americans 13,680,000 dozen, valued at $2,g30,000. In fact tile humble and unprotected hen cont tributed to our foreign trade an export equal in value to over one- half the total export of Canadian manufactured 'goods. Again, so long as the American taxed hem- lock, used for tanning purposes, and hides, •our exports of those articles did not amount to much. But the duties have been repealed, and shipments to the United States aro growing accordingly. In 1887, according to tables 27- 38 of the statistical bureau at Washington, we sent them (30,000 cords of hemlock bark, valued at $273,000, and nearly half a mil- lion dollars worth of hides. Tho demand for hemlock bark is like - to increase. According to' the United States, census of 1880, thero were 728,tannories in New York and the New England Status alone, most of which produced hemlock leather; but hemlock is becoming scarce in those parts, and in order to compete with the Pennsylvania tanners and tho tanners of tho South, who pos- sess a largo supply both of hem- lock' and oak, they must draw more and more largely upon the Canadian forests. All this is .merely a roundabout way of stating the self-evident proposition that trode when froo grows at a rate impossible to it when shaCklod. the cart -wheel dollar was .given forth, Each ono of those bars contained' $1,500 in silver, and the truck as it stood upon the platform held $45,000. But tho silver was safe ,enough, just •as certain to reach Granite Mountain stockholders in the next monthly. dividends, as if' it had boort in- closed in express safes with com- bination locks, or as if X Blendler the ° still surviving and fomous Montana protector of Wells & Co's treasure box of the early days stood guard with his winchoster. The bars of bullion were "hefted" and "rung" until -the depot loiter- ers tired of the sport, and they then were left alone in their glory. In the pioneer period the bankers of Helena thought noth- ing of sending $1,000,000 -worth of gold dust by the freighting wagons across the country 200 miles to Fort Benton for ship- ment by river. They rantrusted the treasure to acquaintances who chanced to be making a trip, ex- acted no bond, and felt no anxiety. Tho millions went through safely, although the boundary of the British dominions is temptingly near part of the routs to Fort Benton. Banker Hershfield, pf Helena, tolls an interesting story .of a man by whom ho once sent $150,000 in gold dust from Hel- ena. Tho dust was put• in the pockets .of a jacket, which was worn next to the body. The man who carried the treasure was only a casual acquaintance of tho hanker. Two or three days out from Helena tho stags by which the trip was being mads met with an accident. It rolled down the hillside, and the treasure carrier was badly hurt. Several of his ribs were broken. He Was taken to a cabin, and their lay in agony, with tho dust still fastened about him, positively refusing to let it bo removed until Mr Horsfield cguld be sent for and the trust could be returned to his hands. Men may not bo more honest in Montana than elsewhere, but it is a fact that thefts of bullion have been of rare occurrence. THE POPULAR Y GOODS HOUSE LION DESBORO 0RING. n.4/ S' BIG EMPD�IU , oi\T-D B,iIiNcE OFSUM.MER GOODS At GREATLY REDUCED PRIC., to make room for'FALL GOODS that are coming in. 4 X FIRM and VILLAGE PROPERTY for sale or ex- changed for good stock of merchandise. BUTTER, EGGS and FARM PRODUCE. always wanted. Imo Cases Overcoats -spelled this wet We now show an immense stock, comprising all varieties, from'a plain heavy Eitoffe, through the ranks of Tweeds, and Black, Brown and Fancy Worsted. The style, cut' and workmanship cannot be excelled, and prices are such that we -feel confident none are lower. Many lines were bought at figures much below regttlar rates, and are now offered at less than the regular wholesale price. We show a fine Brown Worsted Coat, lined with fine Italian. Cloth, fly front, Mohair binding, got up in the best style, and offeredat the extreme- ly low price of $7. Wo have only 15 coats of this particular line, but plenty of other kinds at prices that we think are front $2 to $3 below all competitors. Our complete stock of Over -Coats numbers nearly one hundred, and in it are all sizes, from 22 inches to 44 inches, breast measure. OUR HEAVY TWEED SUIT, at $6, is a surprise, sizes 86 to 42. TWEED SUITS at $7, $6, $10 and $12, great value. BLACK WORSTED, superior style, fit and workmanship, at $12 BOY'S SUITS—We have now in stock 60 Boy's Suits, for little fel- lows from 5 to1.0 years of age. These are elegant goods and vary in price from $2 to $4.25. Ask to see them. Suits for the older Boys from $M to $6. TOP SHIRTS in great variety. UNDERCLOTHING comnieneing at 25o, going -up gradually to $1.50. CARDIGAN JACKETS $1, to fine German make at $3. - You will VIM mo oy by making year faa purchases from us, Call and examine, and' "if lou choose, pi rchass;. . �.WL. OUT 1\4E77115; ,L. ONDE%3ORO .. - Size 30 to 35 inches. Catarrh is in the blood. No euro for this loathsome and dan- gerous disease is possible until tho poison is thoroughly eradicat- ed from tho system. For this purpose, Ayer's Harsa>,parilla is the best and most economical medicine, Price $1. Six bottles $5. Worth $5 a bottle. Aug 30th. 1889. R. ADAMS. 1.71: --THE LEADING St1 Furniture Dealers,, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, And Upholsterers PICTURE FRAMING A SPFCIALTY. .CALL AT THE RedRockerFurnitureEmporium Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton, 99- GROCERY -99 Ilaving bought the Grocery Stock of- A: ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first. class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will be kept and sold at the closest margin. We have a large " stock of Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We will not be undersold by any house in the trade James Angus 99 Albert. 81. Clinton. STIFF HATS — A11 the leading styles, !;ought from the best manufacturers. SOFT HATS — The best and cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent quality, and away down in price. Close buyers should not fail to call and sec those goads, the low prices and good quality are selling them very fast Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring FRANK SHEPHERD, The Leading, Tailor, AihertStl CLINTON Buffalo aldermen aro to receive $1,000 a year for their services, and the mayor is to receive $5,- 000. This is a raise of pay for aldermen from $250 and for mayor from $2,500. Tho alder• men are, kind to themselves. THE WASHINGTON TREATY iR ono of the important topics of the day, but more important still to the sufferer from catarrh is tho question what remedy shall I use? Try Nasal Balm, It never fails. Mr John Kelly, Combermcre, says :—Nasal l3alm has helped me more than I expected it would. I have not felt SO well in nine'years. I am sure it will make a pcT?m•in- ent euro, THE 5LINTPN NEVI ERA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher,, CLINTON, - - ON T. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in adv&rnce. JOB DEPARTMENT. To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TENTER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASII on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS‘ 10 PIECE TOILET SETS.. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We uta Nyco' sum aux i �A 4Pr t ;worth 60. o We Ms NEW nem =act wee 49. We Offer NEW S5ZAM. GEM . M 25 onto, worth 35._ ,NSW GUR$ANTS and RAISINS, clasp, 2 BROOMS for 2c. FRESH FINAN IUABDIE, CIS00S, HERRING, BLOATERS, &o. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give ns a call. rn TTJ;R AND EGGS TAR1 N AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. We have all the latest styles of typo for Circulars, L'a1e Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the uran Lowes, eed�Onetrial Work e is certain Finest s and �, satis- faction to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. 111001=.11,- B. LA UR'ANCE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- ranco's test, and a, certainty nf being suited is,guaranteed. You can . depend on getting the GENUINE. 13. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining tho stock at SriILINrr4COW. New : Furniture . ; stook Opottod out ixi, •EL2XOTTB BLOCS[ NEXT DOOR TO THE CETY,BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES' SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANN A t.ENaRA;. ASSOR'rMliNT ur THE VERY BEST MADE FU.RNI • TURF. A'1 RI AsoNAF5'l,E PRICES. .1 'n tri . ( 1 ICDA. 1L II )11, E. 1 . 02----4JOHN b RRANTEb Ft V — '. MINE to This lead is known from Halifax to Bri- tishColumbiaas the best, finest &purest in Canada." 0