HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-10-18, Page 5rra And see the prices of ROB. W. COATS' WATCHES. A Stem -Winding Watoh$2 75 A Boz. S. American Watch,5 A stem -wind screw bezzle Am- erican Watch 9 .A. solid silver dust -proof Walt- ham Watch .. .....10 A solid Gold, 15 jewelled La- dies Watch, with chain ..18 A. Gent's Gold -Filled Elgin Watch,warranted 20 years 23 00 A Solid Gold Stem Winding Elgin Watch.. 28 00 00 mop Port 00 ; Ray CLINTON "MAR -K -ATS Oorreetad every Thuraduy afternoon. Tb,aireday, Oct. 17, 1889. Wheat, fall Woad new.. 0 83 a 0 90 Oats Barley Peas Flour per bal Butter 22 0 25 0 35 0 45 O 50 0 50 500 a 500 o 16a017 • 017 a 017 575a 600 • • 1900a900 45 : NEWS NOTES S. B. Burdett, M. P., is confined to 00 his room with an attack of asthma. REMEMBER THE PLACE ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON D'A vignon's Cream of (Witch -Hazel, THE NEW TOILET LOTION. Softens the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation from the face and hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. It is an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake this superior pre- paration for any paints, enamels or injurious cosmetics or inferior complexion lotions. It prevents eruptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, cold sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. In short D'AVIOvoN's CREAM OF WITCH -HAZEL i8 at once a remedy and a preventative for every form of surface inflammation or irritation. Price 23 oents per bottle. Manufactured by JA:IOZE 3 JE -I. 40400311:3E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. CLINTON, ONT. HUB GROC Keeps A 1 Black, Young Hyson and Japan TEA. Keeps A 1 COFFEE, fresh ground. Keeps A 1 GROCERIES of all kinds, cheap. Also, WOOD WARE, BRUSHES, BROOMS, &c CORDWOOD—Orders left tkt .shop for wood will be promptly filled at lowest figures. No charge for cartage. G -E®, .147V1v AiIL.IL,G'w, C1.-_ti14i a` Co t WOOS AnPANCY GOO The death is reported at Delaware of Robt. Bodkin, merchant of that place and clerk of the township of Delaware. Mr Bodkin was an old resident of the township and well and popularly known in this district. Mr John S. Bruner, Ruthven, offered the apples in his orchard for ;1500 early in the season estimating there would be about 400 season, They are gather- ing them now and have in the neighbor- hood of 900 barrels. He is glad his offer was not taken. Mr Francis Westlake of London has gone on a trip to San Francisco, and may go to Australia. Some years ago he fell heir to some proPerty near s large city then of trifling value. NoW the oity, has grown over the property - and he wants to have a look at it. The Rev. Geo Fuller, pastor of the Brantford Congregational church and president of ; the 'Western Congre- gational Union, has sent in his resign- ation to Ithe board of deacons, which has been accepted. The rev. gentleman has been separated from his wife, who has a suit now Doming np at the assizes. Public weddings are to be no longer Celebrated in Grace Church, Brantford, so the Trustee Board has decided. In future admission to weddings in that church will be by cards of invitation. This determination hue resulted from the•fact that an unruly mob took pos- session of the building on a pacent oc- casion, destroying the furnitlhinge of the cnurch. DR. WASHINGTON. M. D., L, C. P. S. 0. and T. L. S. nutrient Throat and , Lung Surgeon, Our stock is noW_X0Inplete of the latest Fancy G, ds. New Shades in Pi_ushes, 24 inches wide, at $1.35, $2, $2:50 and $4, per -yard Stamped FELT-_CDods • Fancy hair Pins, Baskets, Brass Goods, Pomppns, Cords, &c. EMBROIDERY AND ART MATERIALS An eles;ant Fingering at 10c., also Baldwin, Barker and Peacock qualities. Fast dyes, test quality. J COOP -Fig& CO - Clinton, tealatt=5;121,1C•KT'L.,9q,.1.3.5"fJte/11.,,,Ini.r..YL.11XI .4 'IW, 7071".A�Ln :-4:14ZYJI1•.:'iC•are.=.211 ,X1iVT..1•^M 5Lernit ,Ot.P.f.9 CUAS. CRUCKSHA NK SH'E My stock is now complete in every department for the FALL and WINTER trade. I have also on hand a large supply of ADIERICAN RUBBERS AND OVERSIIOES. in all grades and sizes, the best ever imported into this market, all of which I am lolling at the lowest possible prices. CUSTOiMM WORK AS,USUItL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Five' per cent discount for cash. Gall on C. CRUICKSHANK, the (;treat Shoe Man, and get value for your money. • Sitih al the Gicldeill iltuot,Albert St. Clinton Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore existing between Cuning- hamo erg McMarray, as grocers, \c., in the Town of Clinton, has been dissolved by u:a- tualconsent, the business having been diz- posed of. Parties having claims against the late firm, will present them at once, and all outstanding accounts must be paid without further delay. JOHN CUNINGHAMI:, JOHX McMl liltAY, Clinton, Oct. 4, 1%5 Property for utile or to rent. A cottag,e on Albert St., lately occupied by Ur James Moore. live lied rooms, double parlor, dining roost, kitchen summerkitch- en and pantry. Bard and soft water. Stab- le, carriage house and fruit tree's. There aro three lots on Maple Street besides the ono on which the cottagn stands, making en nem) of grcund in all. The cottage and one lot will be sold separately if desired and on reason- able terms, Possession given at once. Ap- ply to MRS THOMAS COOI'B.It, Clinton. WANTED'took A l l o wail Nursery took, Al] Goods War- ranted FIRST-CLASS. Perrnantxtt, ploae- enttt profitable positions for the right urea Good salaries and expanses pail weekly. Liberal Indnoemosle to beginners. No pre" - Ions experience neonseary. Ort fres. Nitrite for term., giving age, CHAMLlts H, CHASE, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. Mention this Paper. Properties for Sale SRVIIN ACRES RRCI1LLfiDT OF LAND, situated almost adjoining Clinton, on the Gravel road. There is a small barn, Thia property is very imitable for a'retired farm• or or market gardener, there being two dis- tinct kinds of soli thereon. Terms each, and balance at7per emit interest. There is nu incumbrance on this prnpi'rl y. Also, SPLENUii) HOUSE .\ND LM'. S19'flAT;t on the mast side of Albert St., Nnrth, Cllutnu. The house contains Hall, i'arlor, four Boil. rooms. Pantry. ('lothe<C:losot. J<itchon, l tmn- nio, liitelom,loath and Path "conn,('Alar, Snit and Hard Wet, r •nxi lu and outside, Lawn 141 ndc'rr,e; burn, t n ., ori In excel. 'en, i•ra:e of Topa r, Trrins, d ,'ash and time liar beh,ree nt p!'t'r, ut ul'r'rr t. Thrre jr, na eu lnu'rraucn on this !'r"c'orty, Arldtoss 171 AL"Uoilrll Ave. 'i'nli inn, \l M. FOSTER. Myra Two. ;Tool r') lana n;1Sf Ili 1:r) :altar alt(' 't'rt'in Ricer , (:;ii tiff. .'tit)'ly' to ,L 1". ri'l'e 1) a I.I„ Ag•ei : !':In:1'L! Lire itI'. ('o';.' Londesboro Mills. J, L, Bidt has rented the Loudosbero Rol. for Mills and is prepared to do all kinds of mill ,work. Custom work a specialty. Through honest work and fair dealing ho ex- pects a good share of the patronage of the surrounding country. , 1 lour and feed al- ways on hand. Will deliver on short notice. P a'PELtTIFs for ELLE. The variolas properties re- maining undisposed ofbelong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for alae. In order to close up the estate these properties must be sold. Full particulars .and tering will be made known on appli- cation to the undersigned. • MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. 1890 Sfobsth°b`1890 WCFELP MNfl! Canada's Leading Newspaper PATRIOTIC IN TONE TRUE TO CANADA TRUE TO THE'EMI'IfiU THE EMPIRE I5 NOW THE GREAT WEEKLY PAPER TLII: DOMINION and special 't'rn.np'lnients are brine u,'•,,1e to a'1,1 new and sttrne'ive feature., which a111 greotd, l,oroure i1' inter, l and vn'ue. As nu inlnenut fit to pine., 14 in •Ire Land,. of ell I''I'Itlo rI(' ('\'ialll,INY rot, l ,,i4„ n of the pr. =ant wall i,c (;icon VITTfo Trim s'i31bslf.i'd>r)i'n; ?'1.1.' i.. itc•:.',r';, 1''Inrflra•ln•': 1.11.'.•I A1),9)'Z.ESS; "1'51 1'orontn, (1;'t. OF TORON'T'O, will be at the Ihttontnry Roan CLINTON, October, 21, FROM 1 I. DR. WASHINGTON graduated in 1872, at Victoria College, with honors. Also passed the examination of the College of Physicians and Surg ons the same year. In 1581 find 1O88. Vte• ited the hest colleges in Amorlea, tarring a spec- ial POLOCLTNIC course of DISEASES OF THE THROAT and LUNGS. Since has devoted his whole time to tide speciality. The sucrose of his NEW METHOD of COLD INHALATION, by which "Cold Medicated Vapor" is conveyed,. di- rectly to the Beat of the disease, is almost !mar- vellous : D1SEASlir'S TREATED : Catnrrh,Catarrhal Deatnees,Chronic Brunchiti0, Agthuna, Camurnption, Imes of Voice, Removing Enlarged Tonsil's from the Throat, Growing of Polypi from the nose, .,tri., without the hulk.. •Question.—The quosbion.hac been asked, can Catarrh and Consumption he permanently cured? Answer.—Catarh can be as per W. 11. Shonoy, who has leen cured for over I. years (ao return), and'huudrtds of others. CuusuiMptiun can be if taken in time and the patient has a good fam- ily history. Mrs Armstrong, of Cornwall, has been coral and is well to -day, after 4 years. Head her tes- timonial below :-,- Haan 11 fit -I 510 happy to say that your treat - limit has entirely c'urednle. salt dole wao Con- sidered hopeless arid I did nut expect' to rc;over, having had several attacks of bleeding of the lungs, night sweats, cough, raising largo quan- 11ticr of mattes, gave up 011 hope of ever getti lag we'll, but 1 and thiunkful to you hcyoud the ex. pres,i.m of words for your timely truatment, «'1nch }AVIA 15) life. All who are thus afflicted should apply before it is tun luta. Your, Truly, MRS. (:EO. ARMSTRONG. A fow prontinoat references of perman, eat canis, MrsJnlm McKelvey, Kingston, cntan'h.;,ud won-. Gumption, ' - Jthe" McKelvey, Kingston, catarrh.. Airs A. Hoidrius, brnncho•cun+umption, Mrs E. Scott,. Khrµatun', catarrh, M.A.] and throat. A 1.1, Fi im gents' furnientuz+, I ttisntl1' t.0- tarMrrh, \I:ilhw, Kingston, asthma. Toter Hogan, Amherst Island; catarrh and brunehu-euusnmptnoti. Treated by the best city doctors without any good results. Jo11n 1'Itippnn of Sandhurst, cured of catarrh cf the head aid nnae—had ease. !aunt's 7IGthews, F. Mastor, Acture, ( int. 1'. 1 acusis, Berlin, OJIt., maan•i', head and throat. .• Nellie Ifdiy, Berlin, Ont., enlarged tonsil; Henry Scott, Berlin, Ont,. Asthma, 51r; P. Wagner, near Berlin, out., catarrh, head and threat. Levi Korcher, St. Jacobs, Ont., catarrh, head and throat. Mr Stevenson, boiler for ndry, Petrolea, Ont„ catarrh. Mins Y. Cornish, \Yellacebur;, Ont„ asthma and consumption. Mrs Ralph Chamber, Aylmer, (mt., Catarrh, throat. Mrs Jan. Emberson, Napareo, Out , bronchitis, long standing, A. U. Erin's non, Wallacoburg, Ont„ catarrh, heed and throat. Mrs F, Seolt, Stirling, Ont., catarrh, throat, long standing, Eid,th Pierce, Struthroy, Ont., enlarged ton• ails. Mrs John Tait, Vyner, Ont., catarrh, head nod throat. Mr R. Noble, Jeweller and watchmaker Pe-, trulta, Oilt., eatarali; throne, Ir. McColl, 1'. M., Stratbro,y, Ont„ Bronoho eC n48 elution. Mrs \Vu, Swnrtout,Narwieh, Out., cured of asthma and catarrh, Mrs Bates, liidgetowu, Ont., cured of asthma, .1 L. Pearce, \Vallteetewn, Out., cured of cu - tarn. George Going, Tilsonburg, Ont , cured of asth- ma and catarrh. L. A. Copeland, Otterville, Ont., cured of ea- tarl'h. Mrs R. Blake, Nowboro, Out,, catarrh and Con. John O'Ileilley's son enured of cata,rll, 1'. O„ Strathrny, Ont. Wm.Rurchlel,Guilds, Out, cured of catarrh. Mrs Thos. Paul, Ottorville, Ont,, cured asthma and catarrh. Airs Wm. Mitchell, Ottcrvllle, Ont., cured ca- tarrhr and ct nsumpt,on, Mrs Adam Slnekopf, Selaringvil!e, Ont„ cured asthma. Marshall, Kingstom, Ont., cured catarrh. Mie. Warren,Georgetown, Ont., cured catarrh, throat, Yr. B, Vnruum, Wanbnno, Ont, cured ca• tarrh, Thos. Shipley, Yorpoth, Ont., cured catarrh. Thos, Roam, Sutherland, Ont„ oared catarrh, Mina Nellie Garden, Unt.,,cured catarrh. Yrs ,Iolar a White, Wyoming, Ont., cured e teach, Chiu. M. Wager, Croydee, Ont., erred of es, tarrh, k'. R'hltemarah, Wolfe island, Ont., cured at catarrh, Henry York, Aylmer, Ont., mired of catarrh. Peter Wise, Strood, Out„ cured of eatarrh and consumption. Miss Jennie Stewart, Benmlller, Ont., mired of catarrh and bronchitis, Miss Grace. McDonald, Esquessing, Ont„ cured of asthma Daniel Haddon, Monsotown, Ont., cored of ca- t writ in the head, bad form. Mr. William Shipley, Clinton, oared of ca- tarrh, brohchitis, with a tendency to cmmtmp tlnn, Had trier) ninny noted physic;mie,t 1).4611 of no avail. meter, Borlhl, 11nt,, cured of catarrh. Airs Thouuls Connors, Kincardine, removed tro•.:tl,s h•nn' rho nnae, catarrh and bronehiti•. Geo. t; ardor, 1'llnlege, Out., crrowtl,4 reuto,tel and cairnrh cured, 'Ihoning I. ,,trot I:;iwLE, Vp.n ,) nig', (1111„ cored of eattrrh and hrnnchiti.+. (4• o•,r flunidin, '1'„r„nt.r, nttr I f A'. tee arca [,•w of the hundrrd, , ,1 1 Br. )t,,•i n' ;(ten'4 "NI w Jl. t!, .,1." ,•rm,n,ber, lir. Wrn.1. ••rt" i toe n' a„ :.mc ,111 C, n 1,1 ('.Dun ) uw In lu- v„liusjl,�v to ;Lt'„,o rlr ill nr1,1(:l::-Oe1,ni , 1•` )1,1 n•. F't., Tama to. 4iVRonlon.hur the d 1 - 1 ,t1,0 onrl) . Cut' ibi •n 'roc. ress Goods We have received and passed into stock a fine iessortnlul:t of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. The stock this fall will ho found larger and more varied than any we have ever shown, embracing t.11 the leading and fashionable shades in Loaders, Plaids,Stripes, and plain goofs in llenriettas, So'•ges arid Amazon Cloths, in fact a range of colors, designs and qualities that will make our stock hard to boat 5 per cent of for cash, Ap•M1 ,y, a 41'TLE We open to -day something very nobby in FANCY UL- STERINGS. Full lines BEAVERS, ASTRACHANS PLUSHES and SEALETTES. 1. For the largest and best stock of MANTLE GOODS, DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS go to the Dry Goods Palace Estate J. HOIDCENS, FALL ANNOUNCFJMENT 0. To onrcustomera and the public generally we wish to alalic it known that we are now ready for the Fall Trade with ILLINERY Tho lugHt post '2!•Q�r�e� �toc� � (111111' • That has ever been kept in Clinton, Our two stores are both filled with goods NeW Fall . MILLINERY that are required for a general trade. Full lines in all kinds of DRY GOODS, bought on the best .terms possible. Some special bargains from the stock of goods bought from Dlr. Thomas Jackson, at 04 cents on the t. FULL LINES IN R.eadayMade curium CLOTIIING MADE TO ORDER cheaper than any house in Clinton; come • and try us and sec for yourselves. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, FELT BOOTS of all kinds, coarse and fine, in all the different makes, at from 10 to 90 per Dent cheaper than other houses sell them. We mean business. Full Lines in H , ATS, CAPS, FURSROBEs, To be sold at a small advance on cost. All we ask is a small commission on, these ;,'axis. GROCERIES G PROVISIONS We are getting ready as fast as possible to supply our customers with all kinds of Groceries and Provisions. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. DRESS & MANTLE Making Wo will open out in this department next week, and will give you city work and city styles. Work guaranteed to be second to none in the trade, and prices as. low as tho lowest. • Comm and see us. We are bound to do business; We (lo not advertise anything but what we intend to carry out. Collie and see our stock and getp,pric(e. 2 stores in Searle's Block. PLTJa MSTEEL & GIBBING'S r.tt.H POPiJJLA crmn-urranw.rr,.sa., .measlmsmsurss=.:.;.w;.c,,r;:..,ccss=cnarrrrE11.c==aaa rG'a.SX.,31-s ,ens ;rV etiSIMIMMIEWSIMM LO N D :; S BO fi. 0 v,eT;uia:aw,v.<.. .,..v. +.r•.:r....a.i4 -.r.. ,ncn.T.tr sans c... .e .... .... , .. .... y�Ct��y+o z •r t, J c lit' O�:'C,t8 e 1r. iiia t'1 T{kids. ; Ti 1r C,.2i1P8;l`�+ 1 Idjr, n"c,rl',ji, t ,,-• tIca :a rorc4t ▪ ✓ t ee>�t 613 SW61 �j C,r t'�G .?-69.7-97e& 4aG•'� Fin, 17,7=0,:i.-;;:::. ' 1� r5'akh'•,,4fK,3zs�5'ii `' ."'OI:, I.,.C;xk,',,ea Xksrs'oc to Wo boilght for this season's trade the largest stock of DRESS. GOODS that were ever brought into our store, and notwithstanding the fact that the demand has been unprecedented, we aro still showing a magnificent lino. Do not fail to see what we aro offering. A11 who have examined these goods have been delighted with the qualities, the colorings, the variety. Never before have we had so much plcasnro in selling DRESS GOODS. They are jdlst what the people want,—° SEE THE BRAID SETS. PLUSIIES in all colors. Nice range of Buttons, ,READY MADE CLOTHING AND OVERC3ATS Another line -in which we lead the trade this season is READY ,MADE CLOTH• ING and OVERCOATS. Every mother likes to see her boy well dressed. We are showing Nobby Suits for boys from 5 to 10 years of age, at t2 to 54. Suits for older boys 113.75” to t (i. ,HEN'S SUITS, I5 to $12, the hitter Fine Black WORSTED. n OUJI OVERCOATS are causing a ripple of cxciti',u;cnt Blnonl; (lir many cu!itomors. Wo are selling a (rood Coat, with velvet collar, wood lining, for $5. A FINE 1VORSTEJ), with Mohair Minding, Italian lining, Iilst•cla,tl; htyle and ,workmanship, fi)r $7.50, \Ve can MVO you two or three dollars in the price of a coat. Do not be per- suaded to buy until you have seen our bargains. W. L. oUIM..;TT•L, LO DEsBoRO Big iscotmt ale For Bargains for Cash in PARLOR -SETS, BEDROOM SUITES, CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS &c., for the next 30 Days, oin- din! £mporium J. `-, STEVENSON, Ili',, 1' psi !Ti ".il,( ill(illll —AT— C. DETLOR & CO'S Having.secured the services of MISS KERBY, as bead Millinery all orders will now be promptly executed. Just Opened, a fresh lot of New Dress Goods aihd Mantle Cloi.hs. Also, a choice assortment of TWEEDS, for Suits & Pants DRESS and MANTLE 1MTAKING, up stairs, by Miss SYMo11Ds and Mns TAYLOR 1 J.C.Detlor &' Co.Clinton� �e ACKSON, r. The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro Minae of Ontario, that lie has, Bought C. C. Rance"s Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINS: TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. - Immense bargains will be en in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing,'anl prices quoted fear the next thirty days drat w ill astonish the.closest buyers. T. J ackson, '.r, C linton'1 `1 What's the Matter aim poor feet? wkly vol WANT A PAIR OF Taylor: Sons flneniadiiShoes T I A.7"S .,. /..1,.5..J tt..zeit ill exoltn' ;'t', 114424. (i) .) Part' (chi oil f 1' r1-'jn I'trvlti of 11 La n »Q I .d''o', t `T ttti'r 4,3 1u.• Tn, t:•