The Clinton New Era, 1889-10-11, Page 6't II11I11111IIl 'OItIEN AND 11IICE. . The reason why a woman is afraid of a Mouse is a profound mystery—indeed, it has never been very clearly proven that she is. But some women are constantly in such a .r nervous, irritable condition that the slightest thing annoys and startles thein. The cause of this unfortunate state of affairs is usually some functional derangement; some distress- , , lug or painfulirregularity, some derange- ment or peculiar weakness incident to her lex; or, it may be dile to inflammation, ul- ceration or displacement. of some of the pelvic viscera, or to other organic lesions peculiar to her des.. From wlnchover cause it may arise, Dr.. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion is a positive remedy, so certain in its curative results that its manufacturers sett • it, through druggists, under a guarantee of its giving satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it will be promptly re- :! funded. As a soothing and strengthening nervine, "Favorite Prescription' is une- qualed and is invaluable in allaying and sub- duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex- baustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com- monly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induces refreshing_ sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de- spondency. Copyrigat,188S, by WORLD'S his. DIED. ASS'N. DR. PIERCES f Anti - Bilious PELLETS Granule. aro '.: Laxative, or Cathartic, according to size of dose. By Druggists, 25 cents a vial. 25 cents cash will get the NEW ERA, to new subscrib- ers, for the balance of 1889 :SAL ESM.EN D. Having done business in Canada for over 30 years, our reputation' and resl,onsiblity is well known. We pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satisfactory. No previous experience is required, Write us for terms, which are very liberal, before • engaging with any other firm. ItEFL`IiENCEs.--Dradstreet's or Dun caiman & Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to business men ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. CHASE BROTHERS' COMP AMY NURSERr&IEN, Colborne, Ontario. White Bronze Monument co`l, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. We have the only factory in the Do• minion. Our material is pure and fine,,, 'and is endorsed by leading scientists as being practically imperishable. It can- not absorb moisture and consequently is not affected by the frost. J. Baker Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L., F. C. S., of Montreal, P. Q., says its great d ra- bility under all exposure to weather and storm is fully assured by its high _quality. It is more durable than stone and will not loose its handsome appea' ante from generation to generation. know of no other material which equally capable of combining elegant of form, beauty of surface and indefini durability. Please call on or write to our agent I Clinton and see designs and prices b fore placing your order. W. M. GIFFIN, AGENT CLINTON THE ST. TIHOMAS WHITE BRONZE MONII- . TIENT COMPANY, ST. THOMAS, ONT. 1IFIEBEST vigKIIAC POWDER . is +- ;ficLAAEl'S GRIN GOOFS Fried No Alum. Nothing Injurious. - DETAILED EVERYWHERE; CARTH&CO. FACTORY SU?PLIES Valves, Iron et Lead Pipe Loose Pulley Oilers, Steam let Pumps, Farm Pumps, Wind Mills, Cream Soptiratorr, Dairy aed Laundry Utonslla. 536 CRAI3 STREET, IignNTREAL. WI -IAT INVENTION J L.S DONE I 1 h n cutting out cat in; acid cloth caps with dies one worker,. does the work of three by the old I he new Orleahs steamer Coro- methods. oramethods. - let wars- blown up Thursday and In leather manufacture modem, forty people killed, methods have reduced the necess- When you need a good, safe asy number of workmen froth 5 laxative, ask your druggist for a to 50 per cent.. box of Ayer's Pills, and you find A carpet measuring and brush- that they give perfect satisfaction. For indigestion, torpid liver, and sick headache there is nothing superiar. Leading physician» recommend them. A sensation was created at Lit- tle !Falls, Minn., on Thursday once was secessary, • morning by the discovery that In the manufacture of Loots and Mfrs' J. P. Sand, wife of the Deputy NEWS NOTES Thousands of cures 'follow the' use of Dr. Saga's Catarrh Remedy 50 con ta. ing machine with ono operator will do the work of fifteen men by the old method. Iu the manfacture of' flour modern improvements save 75 per cent. of the maual labor that shoes the work of 500 operators is now done by 100, a displace- ment of wage earners of 80 per cent. by aid of machinery. Is nailing on shoe heels one worker and a boy,with machinery can heel 300 pairs of shoes per day. It would require five work- ers to do the same by 'hand. In stave ttlrbssing twelve co - labourers, With a machine, can dress 12,000 staves in the same time that the same 'number of workers by hand could dress 2,500 staves. In the cotton mills in the Unit- ed States the manual labour has been reduced about 50 per cent. Now one weaver manages trorn two to ten looms, where one loom was formerly tended by ..ene- worker. In the manufacture of brick im- proved devices sayo one-tenth of the labor, and in the menu ate - tare of fire brick 40 per cent.' of the manual labor displaced.. CHOW POO COTTO STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample,La'l ee'and all other kinds. Lt;;tnt and itronvot For Hand and TRUNKS 11xc chtile Ude. In the World. NO SUPERIOR*iT. EYELEIGH&CO A9ONTREAL, ASK FOR ts. 201a11trs, for the Dolntn'n HOTEL BkLIVIORAL MONTREAL. 1'Iotrc D'amo St., ono of tho most central and elegantly 'furnished Hotels in the City ' Aceomtnodetiou for 400 guests. notes rV \T WOODRUFF, 1J $2 tO $S per day. , r TY Manager PEARS" f Sole A¢'ts for Canada, J. PALMER& SON Wholesale Imp'trs of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 17d311OTIIE DA1dE ST., MONTREAL SO�IP. In the manufacture of carriages it used to take one man thirty five days to make a carriage. It is now made by the aid of machin- ery with the work of one man in twelve days. In the manufacture of' agricul- tural implements 000 operators, with machinery, including 18 classes of' wage earners, do the work of 2,145 wage earners with- out, machinery, displaciin 1,545 worker's. , The introduction of machinery in the manufacture of children's shoes during the last thirty years has displaced six times the man - tial labor now required, and the product of the manufactalre has been reduced 50 per cent. to the Consumer. In the manutacture of paper ono worker .does the of 100 workers. 1 y manual and 'in cutting and drying paper by machinery four mon and six operators do the work of 100 op- erators by the old methods. The horse power of steam used' in the United States on railways, steamers and in. factories and mines was, in '1888,12,100,000 against 1,020,000 in 1850: • In making tin cans one man and a boy with modern appliances can do the work of tenworkers by Old process." . DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Pnoking, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This Ess PerfaatFriaion RECKITT'S BLUE. THE HEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS. Wrapping, 4ani11a, itWS, ALL Q, SIZES eV ' AND Ay WEIGHTS TO ORDER 21 DellresolesSt. s:.Portnetif, t OH sTprts", '(TTLYBEEF. tTHE,.GREAT RE ietH GIVER 9rfREEt)7 Fo00 R THE S IC K ARMING ft NUTRITIOUS f EVERAGE PovOkfiOut '^K NV OOKtAt R wall work labor, Sheriff, had taken her husband's evolver, keys and fifty dollars, and atter liberating John Mitehell, sentenced fur highway robbery to the State Reformatory, eloped with him. Three then, who gave their names as John Burkot, Alfred Wood and James Walsh, were surprised about 3o'cleck Tuursday while drilling a safe in Bay Tree Botcl, Bay street, Toronto. They were arrested., and the police ma-- gistrate sort then to the peniten- tiary for five years each. William Honey,, a prominent citizen. of Nni'wioh,• shot himself Thursday. Ile placed a revolver clnso to his head and the bullet lodged in his brain. About a year aril tie' L e'%sari bucket -shop speculation, whirls resulted in his finn"ncial ruin. This undoubtedly 1od to the suicide. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physican, retired from prac- tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaintii, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of case0, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot. •ive and a desire -to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 18012.y.e.o.w. C. C RICHARDS& Co. GENTS,—I tock a severe ,colds which settled in my throat and lungs and caused me to entirely lose my voice. For six weeks I suffered great pain. My wife advised me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT and the effect was magical, for after only three doses and an out- ward application, my voice returned and I was able to speak in the Army that. night,a privilege I had been unable to enjoy for six weeks. CHARLES PLIiMSIER. Yarmouth. I-: Mrs -McRae, wife of' the eminent Presbyterian clergymen at St. John, N. 11., has been. poisoned by strychnine put into candy sent her bust/and by mail. Two other St. John ministers received poisoned candy In the same way. The case, which is most mysterious, is similar to the "0110 at Galt, when little Meta Cherry was murdered, and poisoned candy was sent to the family of Rev. John Ridley. A man who arrived at \Vinni- ,peg the other day from England deserves to receive a snbstantial bonus from the Dominion. He brought with -him his wife and seventeen of a family. The Ro- mans rewarded its citizens out • of the imperial exchequer for far loss enterprise than is exemplified " by patriotic. Englishmau. The Massachusetts Democratic Convention adopted a platform which calls for the removal of trade restrictions between Canada and the United States, favors par- tial or entire reciprocitywith the Dominion,. and favors closer com- mercial relations with Mexico. Speaking before:a' meeting . of the Methodist ministers at Minnea- polis, recently, Bishop Fowler told of a new heathen temple in the northern partofJapan. It was of enormous size, and the timbers for the temple from their moun• tain homes were hauled up to the temple and put in place by ropes made from the hair of the woman of the province. An edict went forth calling for the long hair of the women of the province, and two ropes were made from those trusses—one seventeen inches in circumforance and 1,400 foot long, and the other 10 to 11 inches ar- ound and 2,600feet long. • YOU WERE ONCE BEAUTI- FUL, MADAM, but your glass tells you that you are so • no longer. Why is this? It is because you are suffering from functional derangement. You may 'paint an inch thick,'. as Hamlet says, blit you cannot con- -coal the ravages of' disease. No wonder you aro low spirited. But why suffer any longer? Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription will restore the bloom to your cheek, the s larklo to your eyes, the old -tints lightness to your step. IF, will make a happy woman of you again. It cures all those weak- nesses, backaching, bearing -down pains peculiar to your sox. The only medicine sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers that it will give satisfaction in every case, 0r money refunded, See guarantee on bottle Wr'apper, for Intal > :+. "Caetorisiseowell adapted tnshaken that Cast av�tB,Constipation, recommend it as superior to any praseidption Bora IdEiimaoiti sea, F1pati tion, (mown to mc." IL A. Ate, M. D.,Worm,gwea sleep, and promotes di - 111 Bo. Oxford Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y. WI ur ou& medication. THE CE,vs ua Coupartr, 77 Murray Street, N THE POPULAR II if GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO Christopher Harris, a demented man who has been arrested at Kingston several times in crazy fits, left his homy in Storrington Tuesday night, paid a visit to the Baptist Cemetery, about two miles from Steeley's Bay, and set to work overturning and breaking the "tombstones, and monuments. About two hundred were destroyed before he was dis- covered. He is now in tho hands of the village constable. It is estimated that he did 83000 worth of damage. J'11'inard's Liniment is the ,jest, A terrible warning to men who are tempted to seek relief from domestic or other troubles in a dissolute, life was presented the other morning in a New York police Court,when General George 'foster stood in line with common vagrants and drunks. There was little to distinguish this once.riot- ed United States lawyer from his companion inebriates. His hair was disheveled, kis fine grey eyes were bloodshot, and his clothing and person alike lacked in clean- liness. No one was inclined to press the charge against him, and he was,let go. His history is a sad one. He belonged to ono of the best families in Now York, his father being " a distinguished physician, when be graduated, in law. At that time the civil war had just broken out, and ho wont to the front and did good service for his country. Near tho end of the war be went to Washington and served in the Department of Justice. In many important -mat- ters ho communicated chiefly with President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton. After tho murder of the President Gen. Foster assisted in the prosecution of the consp'ra- tors, and the conviction of Mrs Surratt was largely duo to his talent and energy. Leaving offi- cial life Gen. Foster went to New York and dropped into a law practice worth $15,000 or $20,000 a year, and was courted on all sides. Ho collected a fine law li- brary, became a Mason of high rank, and was prominent in the Grand Arley. Less than a year ago the general began on the downward grade, after some do- 'mestic troubles. From being un• ,usually neat in his dress, the general has grown to look like a tramp, and be has no money, ex- cept what he begs from those who may have known him in bettor days, His is a sad downfall, yet it is but a typo of tho fate of many men who fail to realize until it is too late, that nature's laws cannot be broken without bringing disas- ter to the offender. Jdinard's Liniment curer Cold.', et;. °THING. Iwo Cases Overcoats mid this wool, 'We now show an immense stock, comprising all varieties, from a plain beady Eitoffe, through the ranks of,Tweeds, and ,Black, Brown and Fancy Worsted. The style, cut and Workmanship cannot be excelled, and prices are such that we - feel confident none are loNter. Many lines were bought at figures much below regular rates, and are now offered at less than the regular wholesale price.. We show a fine Brown Worsted Coat, lined with fine Italian Cloth, fly front, Mohair binding, got up in the best style, and offered at the extreme- ly low price of $7. We have only 15 coats of this particular line, but plenty of other kinds at prices that we think are from $2 to $3 below all competitors. Our complete stock of Over -Coats numbers nearly, one hundred, and in it are all sizes, from 22 inches to 44 inches, breast measure. , OUR IIEAVY TWEED STJIT, at $6, is a surprise, sizes 86 to 42. TWEED SUITS at $7, SR, $10 and $12, great value. BLACK WORSTED, superior style, fit and workmanship, at $12 BOY'S SUITS—We have now in stock 60 Boy's Suits, for little fel- lows from 5 to 10 years of age., These are elegant goods and vary in price flora $2 to $4.25. Ask to sed them. Suits for the older Boys from $4, to $6. Size 30 to 35 inches. TOP SHIRTS in great variety. UNDERCLOTHING commencing at 25c, going up gradually to $1.50. CARDIGAN JACKETS $1, to Inc German make at $3. You will save money by making your fall purchases from Call and examine, and "if )ou choose," purchase. W. L. OUIMETTE LONDESBORO • STIFF HATS' -- All the leading styles, bought from the best manufacturers. SOFT HATS - The best and cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent quality, and away down in price. Close buyers shonld not fail to call and see these goeds, the low price, and good quality are selling them very fast Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring FRANK SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, AibertSt: CLINTON T E LITTON NEW ERA R. HOLMES, - - • Publisher, CLINTON, ON T. - THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year,, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT°. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Jale Bills, and,any kind of printing that can be dlesired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. CLINTON. BIG EMPORIUM 1.3 O „J 3 8 ''S•..,d•0 BALANCE 0FSUMM I GOODS At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, to, make room for FALL GOODS that are coming in. x FARM and VILLAGE PROPERTY for sale or ex- changed for good stock of merchandis. BUTTER, EGGS and FARM PRODUCE. always wanted. Aug 30th. 1889. R. ADAMS. --THE LEADING Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, And Upholsterers PICTURE. FRAMING A SPFCIALTY. CALL AT THE R e d Roc ke rF u rn i.tu re E m po ri u m Albert Str.et, Brick Block, Clinton. 99- G-ROCERY-99- ilaving bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I interid to continue the business in the old stand; We have everything that is to be had in a first, class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will be kept and sold at the closest margin. We have a large stock of Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We will •not be undersold by any house in the trade James Angus 99 Albert St. Clinton. CHINA- HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEMPER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW REASON JAPAN TEA at. 40 oente, .worth 60, We Offer NEW SEASONBL4.CE TEA at 25 oenbr, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON MEN TEA at 25 cents worth 35. W NEW CURRANTS and INS, cheap, 2 BROOMS for 25c. FRES! FINAN EADDIE, SISCOS, !ERRING, BLOATERS, &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give ne a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. NIROBSONI CHINA HALL. B. LA URANCE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on )0. the GENUINE B. LAURA.NCE SPECTACLES by calling arid examining the stock -at rrla01VIAS JACKSON'S,• aCL.INTON. New : Furniture stock Opened out in ELI1 OTTB BLOCS,. NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANA A 8ENl ERA I, ASSORTMF,NT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURNI TIJRE Al REASONABLE PRICES. �T tr »'. ( l#..1 I.1L.) L 1E'L'. This lead is known from Halifax to Bri- tishColumbiaas the best, finest &purest in Canada." co