HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-10-11, Page 51 f Wake up And see the prices of ROB. W. COATS' WATCHES. A Stem -Winding Watch". .$2 75 A Boz. S. American Watch5 00 A stem -wind screw bezzle Am- erican Watch 9 00 A solid silver dust -proof Walt- ham' Watch , .10 45 A solid Gold, 15 jewelled La- dies Watch, with chain ..18 00 Ate Gent's Gold•Filled Elgin Watch,warranted 20 years 28 00 A Solid Gold Stem Winding Elgin Watch 28 00 REMMENIBER THE PLACE ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. HUB GROCERY Keeps A 1 Black, Young Hyson and Japan TEA. Keeps A 1 COFFEE, fresh ground. Keeps A 1 GROCERIES of all kinds, cheap. Also, WOODEN WARE; BRUSHES, BROOMS, &c CORDWOOD—Orders left .at shop for wood will be promptly filled at lowest figures. No charge for cartage. GEC). A'V 'A-LL()W. CLLNTON DR. WASHINGTON. M. D„ L. C. P. S. O. and T. L. 8. Eminent Throat and Lung Surgeon, OF TORONTO, will bo at the •r " > latter ury nous: CLINTON, October, 21, FROM 1 P. M. DR. WASHINGTON graduated in 1872, at Victoria College, with honors. Alan passed the examination of the College of Physicians and Surgeons the same your. In.1881 and 1883, vis- ited the best colleges in America, taking a spec- ial POLOCLYNIC course of DISEASES OF THE THROAT and LUNGS. Since has devoted his whole time to this speciality, The success of his NEW METHOD of COLD INIIALATION, by which "Cold Medicated Vapor" is convoyed di- rectly to the seat of the disease, is almost mar- vellous : DISEAI3ES TREATED : "WARM F014 SALE.—VARM O➢ 1203 ACRES 1. being one mile from Clinton, being lot 46, Bayfield con., Goderioh townshsp. Good soil, well watered, six acres bush, good orch- ard, frame house and cellar and trams barn and'stable. Possession to work at any time this fall. JAS. STEEP, Clinton. FARM FOR BALE,—SUBSCRIBER OF visas for sale his farm 01 119 acres, being part of lot 80. on the Bayfield line, Godericn township, About ninety acres cleared, the rest hard wood and cedar and in good state of cultivation. On the farm is a good brick house and wood shed, bard and soft water, close to school and church and is well wat- ered. Also good bank barn with stone foun- dation and drive shod. This farm will be sold or exchanged for property in Manitoba. Address PETER COLE, Clinton, Ont, • Notice, to the Public As Mr James Sheppard has gone on a trip to Manitoba for the benefit of his health I have placed my books at Mr P. Rumball's carriage shop, who is authorised to collect accounts and grant receipts on my behalf. Parties interested will please bear this in mind. WILLIAM STANLEY, Holmesville. WANTEDGo kll ranted FIRST-CLASS. Perma Bent, plena - ant, profitable positions for the right men. Good salaries and expenses paid tteekly. Liberal inducements to beginners. Nb prev- ious experience noceeeary. Out free. Catarrh, r - Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Write for terms, giving age. CHARLES H. Asthma, Consumption, LOSS of Voice, Removing CHASE, Nurseryman' Rochester, N; Y. Enlarged Tonsils from the Throat, Growing of Mentionhis Paper. Polypi from -the nose, &c„ Without the knife. • Question, -Tho question has been asked, can Catarrh and Consumption bo permanently cured? Answer,—Catarh can boas per W. H. Stoney, who has been cured for over 2 years (no return), and hundreds of others. Consumption can ba if taken in time and the patient has a good fam- ily history. Mrs Armstrong, of Cornwall, has hien cured and is well to -day, after 4 years. Read her tes- timonial below :— DEAR iia—I ant.happY to say that your treat - meut has entirely euredque. My case was con- sidered hopeless and I dirt not expect tore over, having had several attacks of bleeding of the lungs, night sweats, cough, raising large quan- titiy'r of mattes, gave up all hope of ever getting well, hut I am thankful to you beyond the ex- pression of words ' for your timely treatment, which saved my life. All who are thus afflicted should apply before it is too late. Yours Truly, MILS, GEO. ARMSTRONG. A few prominent references of perman- ent cures. Mrs Juhn MleKelvey,,l"Sugston, catarrh and con- sumption, ��fi John McKelvey, Kingston, catarrh. Mrs A. Hopkins, broncho -consumption. Mrs E. Scott, Kingston, catarrh, head :.nd throat. A. E. Fish, gents' furnisuiugs, Belleville, ca- tarrh. Mr Milino, Kingston, asthma. Peter Hogan, Amherst Island, catarrh and bronebu-cousomptlon. Treated by tLo best city doctors without any good results. John Phippon of Sandhurst, cured of catarrh of the head and nolo—bad case. • James Mathews, P. Master, Acton, Ont, F. Francis, Burlin, Ont„ catarrh; head and throat. Nellie Eby, Berlin, Ont., enlarged tonsil. , Henry Scott, Berlin, Ont.. Asthma, Mrs P. Wagner, near Berlin, Ont., catarrh, bead and throat. - Levi Karcher, St, Jacobs, Ont., catarrh, head and throat, Mr Stevenson, boiler foundry, Petrolea, Out., catarrh. Miss If, Cornish, Wallaceburg, Ont„ asthma Mid consumption. Mrs Ralph Otamher, Aylmer, Ont„ catarrh, th Mrs Jas. Emberson, Napauee, Out , bronchitis, at. PRO �EI� TIES for .ALL long standing. A. D. Urin's son, Wallaceburg, Ont,, catarrh, head and throat. Airs F. Scott, Stirling, Ont., catarrh, threat, long standing. Eldith Pierce, Strathroy, Ont„ enlarged ton- sils. Mrs John Tait, Vyner, Ont., catarrh, head sed throat, • Mr R. Noble, jeweller and watchmaker Pc- trolea, Ont, catarrh, throat, H. McColl, P. AL, Strathroy, Ont., Broncho .cchsumption. Mrs Wm. Swartout, Norwich, Ont., cured of asthma and catarrh. Mrs Bates, Ridgotowo,Ont., cured of asthma. J. L, Pearce., \Vallacetown, Ont., cured of ca- tarrh, George Go'ng, Titionburg, Ont , cured of asth- • ma and catarrh,. L. A. Copeland, Ottervtlle, Ont,, cured of ca- tarrh. Mrs R. Blake, Nowhere, Out., catarrh and con• etniptinn. John O'Reilloy's son cured et catarrh, P, 0., Strathroy, Ont, Wm, Burchiel, Guilds, Ont., cured of catarrh. Mrs Thos, Paul, Otterville, Ont., cured asthma and catarrh. Mrs Wm. Mitchell, Otterville, 0!it,, cured ca- tarrh and'consumptiun, Mrs Adam Stnskopf, Selcriegville, Ont„ curcd asthma. Win. Marshall, Kingston, Ont.. cnred catarrh. Miss Warren,Goorgetown, Ont., cured catarrh, throat. Mrs B. Varnum, Wanbuno, Ont, cured ca- tarrh, Thos. Shipley, Morpeth, Ont., cured catarrh. Thos. Ross, Sutherland, Ont„ cured catarrh. Mies Nellie Gordon, Ont., cured catarrh. Mrs John Whtto, Wyoming, Ont,, cured: tarrh, Chas, AI. Wager, Croydon, Ont„ cured of ca- tarrh, F. Whitemsrsh, Wolfe Island, Ont., cured of catarrh, 'Henry York, Aylmer, Ont., cured of catarrh, Peter Wise, Stroud, Ont„ Cured of catarrh and consumption, Miss Jennie Stewart, Benmlller, Ont„ cured of catarrh and bronchitis. Miss Ornce McDonald, Eaquossing,'Ont., cured of asthma. Daniel Hadden, Moosetown, Ont., cured of ca- t irrh In the head, bad form. Mrs William Shipley, Clinton, cured of ca- tarrh, brobchitis, with a tendency to consume - Con. Had tried many noted physicians, but all of no avail Mrs E. Moyer, Berlin, Ont„ cured of catarrh, Mrs Thomas Connors, iiiucardrne, removed growths frrmn the nose, catarrh and bronchitis, Geo. Glazier, inlatage; Ont„ growths removed and catarrh cured. Thomas itdward Elliott, Thomnsburg, Ont., cured of catarrh and hrnuchitla, George Onuldin, Toronto, cured of catarrh. Above are a few of the hundreds successfully treated by Dr. Washington's "New Method," td1,Remember, Dr. Washington iswthe only threat ami lung surgeon in Canada wen Is de- votinghia whole time to that one spemality., HEAD OFFICE: -Ontario, b2 McCaul St:, Toronto, say'Rommnher the dates of visits and 00010 early, Consolation free. INSURANCE E, CORBETT, agent for London and Lan- cashire, City of London and Atlas, all first- class English Stock Companies, and two first class Mutuals and Feeieral and Manufac- turers Life Companies. Property for sale or to rent. A cottage on Albert St„ lately occupied by Mr James Moore. Five bed rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen,summorkitch- en and pantry. Hard and soft water. Stab:- le, tab=le, carriage house and frnit trees. There are throe lots ou Maple Street besides the one ou which the cottage stands, making au acre of ground in all. The cottage and ono lot will be -sold separately if desired and on reason- able terms, Possession given at once. Ap- ply to MRS THOMAS COOPER, Clinton. Choice Cattle for sale The undersigned will offer for sale to the farmers, at Smith's Hill, on SATURDAY, OCT. 19th, from fifty to 0110 hundred very choice tura and three year old cattle, suit- able for winter feeding. These are well se- lected, choice (miutals, and will Mt privately sold on reasonable terms. Will commence ee11L-!,g sharp at noon, Farwers who want to secure good cattle for feeding, should at- tend this sale W, McLEAN, Cattle dealer CLINTON ]1 AIiIIETS Qorreoted every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Oct. 10, 1889. Wheat, fall old and new.. 0 80 a 0 90 Oats 22 0 23 Barlay 0 35 0 45 Peas 0 50 0 50 Flour per bad. ( 5 00 a 5 00 Butter 015a015 Eggs 0.14 a 0 15 Pork 5 75 a 6 00 flay 9 00 a 9 00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, Oct. 10, 1889. Wheat, fall 0 80 a 0 88 Wheat, spring 0' 68 a 0 75 Barley 0 44 a 0 50 Oats 0 34 a 0 42 Peas 0 58 a 0 64 Butter, rolls 0 18 a 0 20 Bn1 er, large rolls 0 18 a 0 20 Bggs per dozen 0 20 a 0 22 Progress of invention since 1845. In the year 1845 the present owners of the Scientific American newspaper commenced its publication, and soon after established a bureau for the pro- curing of patents for inventions at home and in foreign countries. During that year 1845 there were only 502 patents issued trona the U. S. Patent Office, up to the end of that year, numbering only 4,347. Up to the first of July this year there have been granted 406,413, Showing that since the commencement of the publication of the Scientific Ameri- can there has been issued from the 17. S. Patent Office 402,166 patents, and about one third more applications have been made than have been granted, showing the ingenuity of our people to be phenomenal, and much greater than ever the enormous number of patents issued indicates. Probably a good many of our readers have had business transacted through the offices of the Scientific) American, is New York or Washington, and are familiar with Munn & Co,'s mode of doing business, but those who have not will be interest- ed in knowing some thing about this theoldest patent soliciting firm in this country, probably in the world. Persona visiting the offices of the Scientific American, 361 Broadway, N. Y., for the first time, will be surprised, on entering the main office, to find such an extensive and elegantly equipped establishment with its walnut counters, desks, and chairs bo correspond, and its enormous- safes, and such a large number of draughtsmen, specification writers, and clerks, all busy as bees, reminding ono of a large banking or an insurance office, with its hundred employers. In conversation with one of the firm Who has commenced the business of soliciting patents in connection with the publication of the scientific Ameri- can, more than forty years ago, I learn- ed that his firm had made application for patents for upwards of one hundred thonsand inventors in the United States, and several thousand in foreign countries, and had filed as many cases in the Patent Office in a single month as there were patents issued during the entire first year of their business ca- reer. This gentleman has seen the Patent Office grow from a mere sapling to a sturdy oak, and he modestly hint- ed that many thought the Scientific American, with its large circulation had performed no mean share in stimu- lating inventions and advancing the iatereob;i of the Patent Office. But it is not alone the patent soliciting that occupies the attention of the one hundred persone,employed by Munn & Co., but a large number are engaged on the four publications issued weekly and monthly from their office, 361 Broadway,N, Y`.; viz.: The Scientific American,, the Scientific American Supplement, the Export Edition of the Scientific Ameri- can, and Architects and Builders Edi- tion of the Scientific American. The first two publications are issued every week, and the latter two, the first of every month, Dissolution of Partflership. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore• existing between Cuning- hamo d: McMurray, as grocers, &c„ in the Town of Clinton, has been dissolved by mu- tual consent, the business having been dis- posed of, Parties having claims against tho late firm, will present them at once,- and all - outstanding accounts must be paid without further delay, JOHN CUNINGHAME, JOHN MCMURIIAY, Clinton, Oct. 4, 1889 The various properties re- maining undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for sale. In order to close up the estate these properties must be said. Full particulars and terms will be made known on appli- cation td the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore subsisting between. us, the undersigned as organ manufacturers under the name and style of "The Oakes Organ Co.," in the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, has been this day dissolved by the retirement of James W. Worry, the business Mb() contipued'by Messrs, Oakes & Swatfeld under 11)5 said name and style of Tho Oakes Organ Co., All debts owing to the said part- nership aro to be paid to the said Oakes and Swallield, at Clinton, atoresald, and all claims against the said partnership are to he presented to the said Oakes & Swalfield by whom the same will be settled, Dated this Fifth day of August, A. D. 1889. GEORGE F. OAKS WILLIAM S. SWAFFIELD 'JAMES H. WERRY, Witness:— JAMES SCOTT: Properties for Sale SEVEN ACRES EXCELLENT OF LAND, situated almost adjoining Clinton, on the Gravel road. There is a small barn. This property is very suitable for a retired farm- er of market gardener, there being two dis- tinct kinds of soli thereon. Terms b each, and balance at 7 per cent interest, There is no fucatinbranoe on this property. Also, SPLENDID'HOUSE AND LOT, SITUAT'E on the east side of Albert St„ North Clinton, The house contains Hall, Parlor, North, Bed- rooms Pantry, ClothesCroset, Kitchen, Bum. mer Kitchen, Bath and Path Stoom, Cellar, Soft end Hard Water inside and outside, Lawn, Shade Trees Barn, etc„ all In zxcel- lent state of repair. Terms, 3 cash and time for balance at 7 per cent interest. There is n0 ononmbrance on"this property. Address 174 McDonnell Ave, Toronto, WM. FOSTER TO RENT, Two good rooms upstairs and one Store, situate in Perrin Klock, Clinton. Apply to ,T. P. TLSDALL, Agent Canada Life ]nes. Co',y -- int T. lit. TOM Agelloi 0 ubbcr CIRCULARS, 'The IIZILLINERY Department We have secured a line of Ladies and Children's Circu- Is now in full running order. WE INVITE YOU TO lars, which have been marked at $1.25. The goods are C ALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. It will be well worth $1.75 but as they were bought cheap, they will be sold at close prices, The stock of these goods is found very complete. SHAPES, STYLES & TRIM - well assorted in all qualities and styles, sizes 36 to 62in. MINGS the very newest 5 per cent off for cash. Estate J. I MSCEN'Br • �,Clear 1 �� _--OF Chas. CRUICKSHAN \Vo sell tickets to all points on the ■ystem. Coupon tickets to all parts of the continent. Full information from W. JACKSON TOWN AGENT G. T. R„ CLINTON HOUSE FOR BALE OR ,TO BENT.—SIT- UATian on West side of Victoria 5t„ con- taining seven rooms and Kitchen, with all appurtenances thereto belonging. fosses= sion 1st October. JNO. McGARVA. . HOUSE TO RENT—JUST BELOW THE Grand Trunk Railway, on the Bayfield Road. Half -an -acre of land, good stable,&c. Rent low, Apply to LACK KEN'NEDY, tho Central Hotel, Clinton HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO rent, at corner of Rattenbury and Erie Streets.", containing seven rooms, with cellar goal stable on the lot, hard and soft water good bearing orchard and all conveniences. Poesession given at once. THOS. TIPLING G1OR SALE OR TO' RT7NT.—HOUSE AND 1` lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St. The house, which is new, coutaius fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn and hard and soft water in abundance. The lot con- tains } of an acre, Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. t f, 77i 1ItaI FOR SALE. — FARM EIGHTY 1 acres(seventycleared tbeautifuliy situated ou Maitland River. Lots 45 and 74 Maitland concession, Goclerieh township, five miles and a half from Clinton. Bost land for gen- eral farming, well watered, buildings in good ' repair. Possession by let October. Terms Sissy. 11.W. EVANS, 64 St. Mary St. Toronto. FARAE FOR 2IALE — UNDERSIGNED offer for sale the farm of 100 acres, being Mt 80, 11tH concession of Hnilott, hclonging to tho estate of the late Richard Cole. On the place there in a frame house, good barn, stables, &c., young bearing orchard of one acre; first-class wells, Situate about one mile west of Londesboro. About 90 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation,— Possession 1st April. Apply on the promisee or to Dither of the Flxocutors JOHN COLE, Bolgrave tf H. RADFORD. Londesboro SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, —SUB- scanzrn offers for sale his farm of 50 sc- ree, being the oast halt of lot 28, 5th eon, of Hallett. All hut four scree cleared and in a first class state of cultivation. Good frame barn 86 by 60, frame stables, &c„ ordinary dwelling house, two good springs of water. An acre of bearing orchard. 8ltusted three Miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reason- able terms, W. T. FARQUHAR, on the place, Clinton post office. t 1' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR •i't7 RENT --There is offered for sale or to rent that beautifully situated brick residence at present occupied by Mr P.. W. Hayward, on the corner of Princeesand Orange Streets, Clinton. The, house contains dining room, parlor, kitchen, and two otbor rooms down Stairs, with bathroom, 8 bedroom4 and 2 closets upstairs. Splendid cellar, with'hot air heater, bard and soft water. Lot ono - eighth of an acre, Reasonable terms, Ap- ply on the premises. ARM TO RENT, — SUBSCRIBER OF - ..I2 to rent that form of 3M2 acres, being pert of int 83, on the 5th concession of Bul- let, (part of the Miller farm) all cleared and fit for enitivation, Oood barn and stabling, frame house, good water, small orchard, manure on hand to put on fall wheat; leneee inn have immediate possession of land, stabling for team and hn1190 room. For Particulars apply to AIRS, M. ('OTTLE. ?lith inn (.nderieh township, Ii miles from ('lin- ton, or C, A. ITAIITT, Clinton, lin �leMILLINERY ��'New Fall MILLINERY In order to make room for my large purcl`asds of Fall and Winter Goods, I will sell my entire Spring and Summer Stock AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. See my job lots, which will be sold at ]ess'than half cost. This i's a good chance for cash buyers to get 'foods" at their own prices. NO HUMBUG, BTJT A GENUINE SALE Sign est the Golden Root,Nlbert Si. Clinton QOLS 4D -FANCY GOODS Our stock is now complete of the latest Fancy Goods. New Shades in flushes, 24 inches wide, at $1',25, $2, $2.50 and.$4, per yard, Stamped FELT Goods Fancy Hair Pins, Baskets, Brass Goods, Pompons, Cords, &c. —EMBROIDERY AND ART MATERIALS An elegant Fingering at 10c., also Baldwin, Barker and Peacock qualities. Fast dyes, best quality. W. COOPER & CO', Clinton. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT 000 - To our customers and the public generally we wish to make it known that we are now ready for the Fall Tracie with Tho Largest and post varies Stock of Goods That has ever been kept in Clinton. Our two stores are both filled with goods that are required for a general trade. Full lines in all kinds of DRY GOODS, bought on the best terms possible. Some special bargains from the stock of goods bought from 111r:'Thomas Jackson, at 6.4 cents on the 2. FULL LINES IN ReadyMade CLOTHING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER cheaper than any house in Clinton; come and try us and see ,,for yourselves. Bots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. FELT BOOTS of all kinds, coarse and fine, in all .ne different makes, at from 10 to 20 per cent cheaper than other houses sell them. We mean business. Full Lines in HATS, CAPS, FURS, ROBES, Tobe sold at a small advance on cost,, All weask is a small commission on these goods. GROCERIES G. PROVISIONS We are getting ready as fast ae possible to supply our customers with all kinds of Groceries and Provisions. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. DRESS & MANTLE Maki ng We will open out in this department next week, and will give you city work and city styles. Work guaranteed to bo second to none in the trade, and prices as low as the lowest. Come and see us. We are bound to do business. 'Ne do not advertise anything but what we intend to carry out. Come and see our stock and get*prices. 2 stores in Searle's Block, PLUMSTEEL & G IBBING'S OUR ITS -You'I Liko. We are showing the finest line of Fall & Winter Good s Ever brought to this town. All New Styles, Best Quality, and Prices Low. TRY US ONCE. WE CAN PLEASE YOE. We have everything theta gentleman requires, at prices to suit all pocitets. Our extensive line of HOSIERY comprises goods of all weights, in a variety of colors and qualities, from an expensive Sock to the cheapest grades. SUSPENDERS will also be found in great - variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear is larger than ever before, and the finest in the place GEO. GLASGOW, CLINTON A --i.. .. —AT— J. C. DETLOR & CO'S Having secured the services of MISS KERBY, as head Milliner, all orders will now be promptly executed. Just Opened, a fresh lot of . New Dress Goods and Mantle . Cloths; 0 Also, a choice assortment of TWEEDS, for Suits & Pants DRESS and MANTLE MAKING, up stairs, by Mrss SYMONDS and MRS TAYLOR e1 J.C.Detlor & Co.Cl-inton. T. JACKSON, Sr, • The .Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begsto announce to tlie.people.of Clinton and Pro-isi vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's. Stock- Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE AT ,THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and.prices quoted for the next thirty days that will - astonish the closest buyers. T. J acks.on,Sr, Clinton What's the Matter id your feet? WHY YOU WANT A PAIR OF Taylor & Sons fneiiShoeS T L T'l .A.T�IL Eggs taken in exchange.• 6 por cent oft for cas . TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND RENIN Ji I