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The Clinton New Era, 1889-10-04, Page 7
For the small sins. of 25 cents cash, we will send the Clinton Neve r, to new ubserlbers in ani' art of Canada or the U. nited states, for the balance of this year. w Now the time to sub eri.be for the largest paper in the county, Sexed it to your fmonds, it .is betterthan a letter, and contains a vast amount of home news and general information weekly.`,, NEWRAUR BORES. ' W NOW THE EXCHANGE FiENDS MAKE replee 1 TKE EDITOR'S LIFE A BURDEN. 104111loff et AM Naurs of the flay and Ask- f 106 An8eatm of Questions -Odd Types of marwotar. Everybody has beard of the exchange, fiend. Possibly he is regarded by many ae a purely f naginary character, with no more real existence then the John Doe and Richard Roe of the old-time' legal documgat or the Serslnith and Sjona of the msorbro newspaper dla- 109" grinder. Yet he bm a being, My lords and gentleman, as truly, as the human rite, v gkoee saltaseaoe was y"eb. ed for by the dtaAgarsA -hero of, Yictpr $ego's story of "Tho Man `li►bo Lttt�ttl.•• aiatw�rs trio-.tL►ga�pato► t ,be nbte to Aori tJlem at 1plt ru advoriitiva agenpy,' chance. editor wearily. N. 'tiuvm TOO A 1r cLlI os`-eei ritAX010010 - Pirs3al" 'Vane you s itis at Ban D'madsco pa- rt hoA4 o dew 1 liaep Ales at, anj' "Fem.'s "lidless tea I toad titomr' 4 4'"At* �S*Movnfowureg '�' of wtka taw as/ low iba'1 kabo MW J9&m fie last ones era bW . Sae � t W If yoi l :a IIO Od}aC 1"1091a look at tlydma 4 At*" a hair sad fi&d! g�ea pulse wile a cowl low Lis lace and VW606 nt saykig 'pltaNal rhankviort'h half a mMau Comes hL Won scam mmim Tke erekatnge editor of a large daily new o me ftdneoaae. .h - n his buaieka•t6;1m k tlkt oagit al the awbwtpae O at come to 111re oem to make sates• titins of sise0my kr vanious depart- merits. epartmerits. to out ovarsaid lay • aoide smiter that may ire of lelerest or importance to the poi do", 60MA94, lnaaeial, musi- cal, spordec. or other a,dkors, to ougaut materw forage ob "DOW ocosaious or eertain drays of idles wsalt. and otken ,to prepare spacial dersrtmente conetetfng of the siffsMato comment of tke press At large iregard to nMUs n of public ing terest. V aslm and sb4ps. and pigeon- holes matt "Vosges in Paso, pastes dtp- I /t Made ser Strong` "Mr mother bas. been uslsg PAI:4EIS. CLL1:HV COMPOUND for nen-ous � prwtratlon, accurnpan. I'M by ntel:ureholla, etc.. nn.! It has done , her y Y, o. 1,1 otgood. ; It t3 llw only ntedl- ' clat� that strength I one the nerves.' c. u. llscr.8, t Orblsonla, ` Pak- - ar •' I am In mr' 64th year. bare been aflileted 11 several ways -could DOC steep, had no appetite,, no courage, low spinas. 1 crommenced u�g Pain's Celery compound, and felt relief fmm the third day after using it l now have a mood Appetlto andcas sleep well- .Ley spirlts and eouxabe are aln1wa 111ie Litre ut a yOUnii DlalL" S. C, yu.Llxa n, 1), D-, Gon2alt6, 1" Paine's Celery tOompo and streftmensanxt bwutq 1qP133 03, and cures their infirmities, 1 1i:nt• �t; sn. nt Ilgrvion and marvowuass .rieid +�:i•:::i s t ysitr• a ar..tl r ,power of Paine's Velkry, u.,cpc,'in.L A Perfeet T&a:rm a"o Aawfuorator, it CIVE9 Yc W, LIFE. --I vim aow +'1 y.+s + a .t ,tits! h,xve : reed several Tweet)". but r. )II,;t&tl ,,,Iy ereC•t Rnill I used rasps', CPIC.17' 'n. a+ ! -4: 1 vee! eaClrely ciff- ferent for. the xfi rr; =Ora t.r-r used it. I can walk searly stra4,k:_ -,r+u )s::•2 ,Ind wail, :end feel as tlwturh tyert- c, t :., •: :wry and energy somiug Law,rnp rehcaa�. a. lD." 11• C:1^.-vvAm.d, Tena. Pain's+ Celery UY zplun,l to of unequaled value to women Fr ng fir++ rue nerves, regulali•s•tho h7:lue7t9 a net h..i i w, �:uelertnl power In curlug the palatal t` tt.. ens rs wh which wo- mon so ut:en :,dente r .•rsfte r. F1 per'bottle. -t w Zr `5. Fir +. lets w tris, rilCrf4dLDtit).Y.'ll{: l.'d ..+l�ii r,hei. 8/A;NOND DYES Dile to is-ux and Color. rlelhiAg, Mn Egr/ul Them. r Ira+ q aJr 'r, ii: ur r•n:u.7:!'unip and traits {j47:ven L':1C:'a:;i:/!'OOD. t. v 3 YEASS SYSTEM Are monthly, gmrtorly or half -yearly pay- ment fanlight advance on the renbal rate) buys the imtrument. Any piano may be chosen one of a magnificent *",rtmont of l5prights, Sqsinres and Grande, un crbd pings on i sioah of paper, Writes 'mrAY [ LOOK OVER 70tIn 8o13tOIQ 1"Lrq= smrpamed in quality and) value. Ministerei Teaeb heads and Ctlldlts,' sad Occasionallyy uses A MOml,'b2Ti' ems, Government OHlc6W ana those in retelpt o strong lsagnade.whea he Sada tate Ax- VGood momoins. , May I took over regular Incomes will and this a convenient and ad Chanjaa f 7 bo va of material. 7o$r $oston a MoMentt Ilya* veatageous mode for socurin; a firvt class lnstru at the close of tete day his table to COy' ped that ment. when the instrmnent Ie nosed for practice Bred with ppalper. 1 OD .(>irotrkk i ssad our Soft Stop nr Practice Ftdal naves wear on thi elippla and tile. door to its tulle it. ,fed I feel lost if 1( dool @lel itt nerves, as well as preseripi the toile of the Piano vicinity Wli knee-deep with the once in a raids." Our Patent Foot nisi at•ra db nts for Pianos t Mutilated renalneof newspapers. Ima - invaluable t., oriranist peeti n1 and teachers the him hard at work with scissors, aYMV now man with a lavender npepEtio Prices on application. ]nspeetiou invi[ed4�++ ate- oe, and and a new raft ed br•eedeioth sppeara. ,rr �f/an p p. pencil. The door&.opeae ••I would like to see the llltonespond OCTAVIOUS NEWCOMB & CO and 'a smiling stronger enters. .. ., pa of ke lerndZ Wareronms-107 :rad ]0) Church St., Toronto. Do ]on -ah --exchange with the j� n0 �i®Cy 111 "af?�6g Up" F¢etory, tl a am t io lis egniprurate and appliance emmeroogia BteDleY" this teuth - He is from 111anespolls, in the ci(), to to n; 1101w n + Ave. was named the day t;efore yesterday, I The Hatmetack Surd TimeW. has Came to Chicago on his wedding ..No." tour, as els Miamspoittans do who can &toed it. and ke wishes to aee what the papers of hi a native city say of the wedding. v The man who comes in every day for f the Jerusalemville ruugw and makes a facetious- comment on the- weather or the latest police mystery drops in about this time. He is followed in a few minutes later by a somewhat angular '1 , but self-possessed young woman, who ' i contributes to the cookery 'department of the Passamaquoddy Danner of Liberty. yf she is out Nest on a visit and would 1 ' like to see a copy of the paper. She is ; la directed to Winks & Biinkem's, N t i, )jtl A young man, attired in a salt of loud checks and stripes and wearing his hat !� on one side, comes in with a sniffing and ry r sore -eyed pug dog. 1 Have you any English sporting pa- v� pers?" is his inquiry. "Or, maybe you !� can tell me what I want to know. I've ixot a bet up. What year was it that Yankee Sullivan and Tom Flyer---" The Mose l3aeoesafhl Remedy ever dor "DO YOU EXCHANGE WITH THE AXME- "Don't know anything about it. covered, ae ccest is rale Rein effects a ver and I10001A BUGLE?" Sporting editor 1s In the room at the doea•notblister. Read'prdof below. "Can you tell me where I can find farther end of the hall." aTRIETSrrLLE, P. Q„ MAY 8, 18W. them?" A wild -looking man in search of the DIL B. J. Xnmmm Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. d Gentlemen -I have used Hen• "Possibly at the advertising agency of city editor Wanders into the exchange dales spavin Cure for sDavine Winks & Blinkem,' editor's room and Inquires in menacing andalsoinacueoflamoneesand , "All , thank you, I'll jtmt look through tone 1f the fellow who wrote up that outiff vent especa'icosaai y this pile of papers a minute if you are shooting scrape in, Barney McQan's recommend it to au horsemen. . done with them." saloon last night is about ' the office. Very top satfuuyyours, And he looks through them for half While he Is waiting for the city editor r CH"M J. BLACIIALL. an hour, to see If the exchange editor or reporters to appear he sits down andT has lied to him, looks over the otchangee. KENDALL'S SPAYlN CUREs Them is no escape from the eacbsn a Br. TfIOUA9, P. Q., AvM122,Im Neat comes a reasy-looking man g Da. R J. ]CEIMALL Co.. Enosbursh Falls, vt- with stoop shoulders and enormous $end. Remorseless, implacable, and in• Gentor-tea eusedalow nottleaof.yourlSen. hands. evltable as the swarthy orange peddler ii. dwam's spavin Cure on my colt. hlchwas suffering from Influ from sunny Italy, Ce will mount to the enzaina very baa form, andcau 4 top floor of the tallest building if neees- ar c ye mace complete anti spavin t ea and make his way into the most care. lean recommenditasthe bent and most effective liniment \\ �, see tided room thereon. to worry the life I have ever handled. Slndlyeend out of his victims, and slowly but surely meone o yourvaluablebookfientitled ••ATrea• C We on the Horse." Yours respectfully, a he is furrowing their faces with wrink- les, broadenfn the ex arse of prairie on their domes of thought, and pbringing KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE.. their silvering hairs In sorrow to the FORT ELLIca, MAx.. Ma _10 law' \ c ; tomb. -Chicago llribune, DGeoilemon- ILaalw ye�keop Sour kendall'a I Spavin Cure and Blister on hand Go West, Gaijle. and they have never failed in what ybu stato they win do. I Some amiable people the other even have cured a bad case of Spavin and also two eases or Ringbono D ing were good enough to ask me to are- ofyearsetandingobmareswhich ception, and the prettiest and most I bought to breed from, and have P I not seen any signs of dlsoase in charming wOmRn I met, the wife of a i their orspring. , . Yours truir� y{ I J. O'Esnrra. rich young merchant, remarked that she Price 81perbottle, orsix bottiosforat5• Ait \� t came from Beaton. 1 een� totany address ou racelpt of rice by rho t "And did your husband come from pplerlotors DR. D. J, )'iENDALL CO., Enosburgh Fnlrs, Vk Boston?" I asked, BOLD BY ALL DRVOGI3TS. "O, no," she said, "I met him here. He came he year or so after he was } graduated i Amherst, and boarded for a while n the family where I work- ' ed r' t She was a dainty little creature. Her Ills FAVOttITF PAPER. voice was sweet and her manner exceeld.! "What do you do with these papers, ingly refined. I glanced at her hand. It when air- was small and slender,, At the tips of you are done with thaw?" in Y q beer little feet. They were neatly dress- c ed the next caller. ed. I looked at seer costume, and while � "I don't know, Ask the janitor." my knowledge of feminine apparel does "I'd be wilting to pap a halo sono not entitle me to speak authoritatively ;'a thin for thorn. Of course they're not g perfection In this ;`�' u8i:t5!idi Z. _ y as to the degree of case, et there was certainly nothing sLzi' ,.;ani':"`'''J'-'•'` "I have nothing to do with the ex- y y 3 changes after. I have cue through conspicuous about it, and she looked "-.,� r. ,, r if r' o � trim and, in brief, ,just as she ought to them." have looked. Later in the evening I ' �- Don't you suppose ^fT-� e y'- ; 4 asked cameuestfons about her and as- l "I don't suppose anything. Talk to certained that she came West as n ener. , ' !1.;"4&1 the suffer. k>? j al domestic in the family of n New -Eu- • Tho exchange editor is becoming gander. Now sho awns tbo mistress of slightly hupaticut, `- I nmcompiling a book," ohservos t .one of the finest houses In town nod an ornament to society. -Dakota ],cicot'. the fiend who Comes nest, "fu the pro- ---_ paration of which I make use of a grent Alarimm* in ate Iramuy. "? ul c ninny nows.pn{ cis. I vi c d Ill o to 11c.-Now,rn•y dtnr Nannieh , wat � c• ;•r_• '�•.. make an arrangement with you for the shall I got ,yon for a birthday present?" ) exchnngce from the principal titles after She -Nothing at all." oil hnvo--'. � r^ y �I`'rft it sinsrulnr that for once we WC don't Inaltn. any arrangements of n"rce? 1 At lust there is hnnnony N the y that kind. This isn't a news depot nor family. We hnvo lilt upon the snme r• f ' • ' ," an fntellfgenoo mnice." ;• By r'' "t; ui you tril nee ThnrG I ran be idea''-9'r+_rs� rfli»�a. r unlit• :o .,a v �$e Cl Mori New Era i NEWS NOTES. I NEWS NOTES A London cable says: G. Is published every Friday Morning by the ROBT, HOLUESkii his Forestt fires are raging in in South g g n e Shaughnessy, general manager '-' proprietor, printiuB establishment, Isaac >,t. ,lin• ern California. of the Canadian Pa@ilio railroad on, Ont Eighteen inches of snow has arrived in London this week, to - TE&Ms.-`E1.50 per anrmm, paid in ad fallen on Mount Washington. contract for building six steam - Vance . Forest fires have wrought great ships for the trans -Pacific line fo yoffi pjL3[STXNG* destruction in Prince county, P. that road between British Colum - In every style and of every description E. I. bia and China, executed with neatness and dispatch, and at reaeonsble rates. Icon. Sidney Smith, Q. C., died The blacks of Todd county, Ky., at his residence, Cobourg, Friday and Montgomery county, Tenn., NEVY13PAPE1et DECIiSIUI(8. morning. have organized a etoek company 1. Any person or persoaie who hake a paper regularly from apoet office, Principal and Mrs Grant have with a capital ,, of $25,000, and will hold a county fair, beginning 1' 1, whether directed in his name or &n- other's, or whetker ke has subscribed returned to Kingston from the North-west, October 10. Every' officer and or not, is respowlble Mr payment. 2. If a parson enders lei+ paper dim• Kondap *as the O 27th anniver• ersployee is a black mean. Only colored people can contest for sontinaed he not pay all arrears, or the publisher may soatiaras to ,sad it sary of President Lincoln's eman. sipation proclamation. ne tkosaaad five pregm�ad One until pameat to mads, sail *ken eel- hhundi d dollars are offered for act the whole &mount whetksr tks pa- The safe in the Iron ftekange purses is the h•rse races, and er is taken or not. Bank at Xurloy, Nis., was blown and only animals owned and rid. 3. Tke Courts keys isaii1ed tkat ie. fusing to taste sowepapere or periodicals open Friday sight and $44,:00 den b can enter. The Y Ire g mea from the post 0400 or removing and otol®n. blacks .are taking immense into- yy leaving them asesitled iosi prism faote Wilkie Collins, the nevllat, rest is tke affair. ,1 evidenoe of i0arblonal fraud i who has been seriously ill for Persons Wko aro tease• of snaking j -- A;DVidAT116ING I'Lzai6. - some., of tie . died on Moeda at _ r ✓ Wagers may be iam»afiled, by kftow • - LocAL ent-�-At keet of local ]T i ondon,'Ing. , .: ing the extent to whiok the fool. column, to cawma per 'litre or pertdon Theodore Mallott, an old and eek can calTy the practise. The thereof, eiad s insertion, .lztictes test or lodes, hires wanted, rospected resident of the township . other, day slat young Item were &c-., no$-eso"aing three limes, 26 centro ofcissa, 1l11sex county, is dead, j[ rowint in a boat on Lower Lake each itsrtertole. Five lis", So seats for aged 79 years. Killarney. ©ns of then wagered one iasnirtfon. end25 seatsfor•uch sub• The Belford,, Clarke do Co, pall. his comrades that its could capsize s XT*�:s eft' >zonfiM ee kt sr fes• asie.� iarassi to Iiahisg hods* in Chicago has fail- theboat at the third attempt. He rent or for sale, *tray Battle and all ed. Liabilities, 4350;Bel• succeeded and 'won the wager, ger, but similar sdyeetiaeaanN mot exeeediag ford, is a Canadian. will never settle for it is this eight linea •t for cis mentk, sail 60 world, because he and four others cents four *sob sabs"vent won*. The Hamilton Times announces were olrowned when tke boat ca Advestiwm ols6o d'itho•t apecifls in. structions, inserted till forbid. that the Grand Trunk line be- sized. The remsainie outh eo- `� y Special contract arrangements with o anHamilton tween Toronto Hiltis to caped to tell Ike talo. business men. • be double tracked. The October Foram contains an Geasml advertiang rate for anclassi. So far nothing has been discov- artlicle b Eon. Tkomas L. JameB . fled adysrttire..abts aea legal ,dyer.- tieing, 1s sestts per line for first inner- ered to throw light on the MOD- tete the stranger ace area shot ex - postmaster general of the Usi� P g tion, and s cents per line,for each sub- e by the Eami(te❑ ed States, giving' explanations in i Sequent insertion. policeman. regard to what he considers no. I Changes for conkaated adyertise. At Chatham, Friday, Ben. Me- cessary postal reforms. Mr James ments must be handed in as early in Macon was found guilty of murd- declares that the railway mail the week as poesibie to insare a change that week. erin Mr Holton' and was sen- service is twost eats behind the . ►- � • fenced to be hanged on Decem. times, and oagh6 to be very great- etton Root Conponisd ber 13, ly improved; tkat small offices' d Composed .f Cattan toot, Tager and Pae- Hon. Wilfrid Laurier will ad. near to one another ought to be g orreral-•}relrered an eL 0 efdan. Id BUCWBBX re UeaD llOfW ui by dress a mase meeting at St. Cath- consolidated 'ender ono manage- k tboamade at .rmea, ad has been pre- eeribed In a pr.euee of ever 30 ear.. avines on Thursday next, and on men t, so as to save expense; and , r ties, ll. will be Sailed to anddreu in Canada atdU.e. Doetoretan,alteNeaYs ue,rtailadlto Saturday Will speak of New- Y p that ocean Oata • ought greatly postage a � y i t 4. Dimes ofwemw treated only. aealedartlen. lars,twostamos. Ladles only. address POND LILY market. to be chow oned. P 'COMP ANr. An. 3Fisher mloek,Iuwe"ward&Testa Dekoit,Irteh. Avg 30-3ap The Old lad killed while walk. Jlfinard'rLinimeatt relieves]tfeur¢lgis ' RAILROAD TIME Tdi3LE ing on the Grand Trunk track neap Dundas on Wednesday was It is stated in Ottawa that the a Mrs Pottruff,ofHarrisburg,aged Earl of Coventry is likely to be i Issued May let. EO years. the next dovernori Elonsral of The departure of trains, at the several :stations named; is according to the R. Champion, who was running Canada. He is a great sportsman and agrieultarist, and at present last official time card: in the Conservative interest is master of the Queen's buck. 1 CLINTON against Provincial -Secretary Me- hounds. This office is to be abol- Grand Trunk Division Going East Going West Lean in Dennis, Manitoba, has concluded to ret,ire.' inked, and as the Barl is far from 7.43 a.m. 10:05 a.m. wealth he is to find compensation Y 11, ; 2.25 p.m. 1.20 p.m, Specials from points in northern ;isconsin at Ottawa. Lord - Cove%ry fre- 4.55 p:m. 6.55 p.m. and western report gnently acts as judge in t a prin-. 0.27 p.m. London, Huron and Bruce Division that a brisk anowstorm ,prevailed on Thursday, with the tempera• cipal horse rings of England and is a man ofunblernished character Going North Going South a.m. p.m a,m. p.m, ture low. 61 ears Of ane y age, and married to a Wingham ..11.00 7.45 6.50 3.40 jy William Orraff, a Gel man, for- daughter of Earl Craven, by whom Belgrave . -10.42, 7,27 7.05 4.00 merly of Berlin, Ont., for 25 years he has a very numerous family. Blyth ...... 10.28 7.12 7.11 4.15 Londesboro 10.19 7.03 7.26 4.25 engaged in newspaper work at On Thursday, the 19th seat., "Clinton ....10.00 6.45 7.55 4.45 Buffalo, died in the latter )lace on 1 John McDonald, 16tH concession i arucefieid.. 9.43 6.26 8.15 5.04 Monday, aged 77, of West Williams, attem fed to (• Rippen .... 9.34 6.17 8.24. 519 Hensall.... 9.28 6.09 8.32 . It is announced from Quebec commit suicide by cytt lg his Exeter .... 9.16 5.57 8.50 5.33 that 'the Protestant Council of throat with a razor. About 4.30 London.... 8.05 4.25 10.15 6.45 Public Instruction has decided to p.m. Ire went into the garret of Necessary information can always be accept the 60,000 Jesuit grant his house, taking with liim his secured from the company's agents.- Oil Certain cunditions. razor and look ing. glass. Plaein r The early morning train south on the London, Huron and Bruce, and the one P. T. Barnum, in his 30th year, the looking -glass On the window ' east on the Grand Trunk, connect at and a millionaire, rises to remark' ledge,ho deliberatelycut his throat from to Clinton, as do also the morning trains that ho puts all his faith iu God ear ear, the t sevoring rains east and southWest and , and the fi 4the 4.45 5 nnittrain and and printer's ink, With such aid windpipe ai3d exposing the back- bone. The lie and 0.55 p.m. train wont he thinks any man ought to nuc- cee'1. reason gave for committing this act was that he Forebitin off the heads of two , At Chica(ro on Wednesday was tired of life, but sic afterwards expressed his sorro:v foil• havirl,; i kitfons Heinrich 14lalz vvas tom muted to the Dings County Pe ni- night the little daughter of Henry attempted his life, rberc are no tentiary, N.Y., for ono year, by Tonnes overturned a lamp and her clothes caught fire. The mo- hopes of his recovery. He is a married man about sixty ears Judge .Goetting, on, Sept. 20th. Malz, it will be remembered,about then endeavored to save the child oft 'e and has a rOwn up frmil g y' ' two weeks ado, agreed, for u and was fatally burned. The child. will recover. quart of ere to bite oft th© heads ofas manyy kittens as were broughtonald M It is Hinted that Sir John ac•WIT CO'UGH to him. He got as far as two, is urging dIn Sir Leonard Til - when his brother -in law inter- le to re-enter ,blit life,and that 3' P if the latter consents Mr Foster �HENafewdosesofAyeesCherry ,/V f©red. will be at once "fired" from the Pectoral will relieve you? Try it. Keep it in the house. Yon- are liable to An Important Improvement. position as minister of finance. have a cough at any ' The NEW SOFT STOP and Practic Pedal attachment to a NkweosInE 17P[iIOIir It is reported from Ailsa Craig g that Mr J. T. Owens, that time, and no' other remedy is so effective ' PIANO saves the nerves of the listener of vill- age, -tote many as this world. or performer, wE'Ex PRACTISING, as wall years secretary renowned prepara- as the instrument from wear, andpre. -Of' the North Middlesex Reform tion. No bonsehold, serves the tone. -� *•• - Association, is to be the registrar at London, to succeed the late with young children, (� should be without it. i4 �.r We will send the NTE` ` EIiA Col. Walker. Scores of lives are saved every year by Much alarm has been caused in � , its timely use. theyear for the balance of theeat• Ottawa by another outbreak of Amanda B. Jenner, Northampton, Mass., writes', " Common gratitude im- t hoed fever. Amon the latest yP g aufPerers is Rev Dr Moore of Bank gels me to acknowledge the ggreat bene- fits I have derived for my children from to NEW sab.iCribers for the Street Presb terian Church. In 3 the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry the same vicinity there are fi)"ter Pectoral. I had lost two dear children from croup and consumption, and had 'small sum of 2.5 cents cash. or fife other Cases. the greatest fear of losing my only re- maiming daughter and son, as they were According to C. P. R. Officials, delicate. Iia pile, I find that by giving Now is the time to take ad- the Com an. will this Car draw P y y the mAyer'aCherryPectoral,onthefirst symptoms of throat or long trouble, they 1,000 train loads of wheat, each are relieved from danger and are be. consisting of twenty cars, out of coming robust, healthy c ron," vantage Of this low offer, Manitoba alone. We have a "In the winter of 1885 I took a bad CATARRH, great country. All we need is cold which, in ,pito of ©very known remedy, grew worse so that the family incurable, economical government. physician considered me sup. HAV FEVER,' CATARRHAL DOME Mr Ed. Dingman, of Nest Zorra posing me to be in consumption. As a last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pccto- TREATMENT, A NEW HOMO TREATMENT. had the misfortune to lose b18 rel, and, in a short time, the cure was complete. Since then I have never been Sufferers are not generally aware that Brio brooding Clydesdale stallion, without this medicine. Yam fifty years these diseasca are contagious, or that they Prince George, recently, from of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at- tribute my good health to the use Of are due to the presence of living parasites blood poisoning. The horse had Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."-G.W.Youker, in the lining membrane of the nose and been imported by him four years Salem, N, J. onstachian tubes, Sficroseopid research, ago from Scotland, and was vahl- "Last winter I contracted a severe however, has proved this to be d fact, and ell at ,2,000. There was no in cold, which by repeated exposure, be. came quite obstinate. I was much the result of this discovery is that a silralice• troubled with hoarseness and bronchial situ le remedy has been formulated where. p y The xtatement- of the pub)ic irritation. After trying various medi. cines, wfthcA . relief, I at last purchased by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay debt of the Dominion on Aug. 31, a liottle, of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On fever are permanently cured in from one,, to three aimploapplications made at home applicable to the fitical year ]RAH- taking this rneilioine, my cough ccased ainnoet imntediatov, and I have been 1 '.9q the patient once in t)vo tvcclts, 8ii xhotvy an increase Uf ;1,113,• f2i) ill the, e, total rl t,x9 t1Cbt ,Ittd n'eftevervfnor.."-Iiev.Thos.l3,Ituasell. Seeretarp L'olrlton t;onfer mce and P. L. the Cireertville B. -This trentme.nt is not a snuff or an ointment • both have been discarded inerca4e of 5710,9143 iii a,vxety, the of District, if. E. C., Jonesboro, Tenn. f by rnpt:table physicians -as ininrious, A pamphlet explaininv this n(w trcatment by A, U. total f!inil dcht bCln.v S28811,37,- 5')l, nwl the n,setx tij0,10�,•17.). 3`> 9�a �pectoralo 1a arra on receipt of ten eonts The total net dchl k 1�287,91'fi .1'3 J►1��a19 '� .Crena & Sotrj, 303 N-nrt Mng Street, Toronto, Canada,--Tnronro Globe. wllii.'1 i, nn 11101,011,;o of �l;l'�,101,' rllrrnRln nv Irm', 01c amollnl r)l 1)0,11•411 )1110, on Or. J. C, Ayer & Co., L.owofl, Mass. Fn f ,rem from Catarrhal troubles should o f' ,l n I )'. d )r, i v a)1 Drur :: is , Priv(,1; alt bottlos,A& -�; • t'llly -os:d tete nllovo., ,„ NEWRAUR BORES. ' W NOW THE EXCHANGE FiENDS MAKE replee 1 TKE EDITOR'S LIFE A BURDEN. 104111loff et AM Naurs of the flay and Ask- f 106 An8eatm of Questions -Odd Types of marwotar. Everybody has beard of the exchange, fiend. Possibly he is regarded by many ae a purely f naginary character, with no more real existence then the John Doe and Richard Roe of the old-time' legal documgat or the Serslnith and Sjona of the msorbro newspaper dla- 109" grinder. Yet he bm a being, My lords and gentleman, as truly, as the human rite, v gkoee saltaseaoe was y"eb. ed for by the dtaAgarsA -hero of, Yictpr $ego's story of "Tho Man `li►bo Lttt�ttl.•• aiatw�rs trio-.tL►ga�pato► t ,be nbte to Aori tJlem at 1plt ru advoriitiva agenpy,' chance. editor wearily. N. 'tiuvm TOO A 1r cLlI os`-eei ritAX010010 - Pirs3al" 'Vane you s itis at Ban D'madsco pa- rt hoA4 o dew 1 liaep Ales at, anj' "Fem.'s "lidless tea I toad titomr' 4 4'"At* �S*Movnfowureg '�' of wtka taw as/ low iba'1 kabo MW J9&m fie last ones era bW . Sae � t W If yoi l :a IIO Od}aC 1"1091a look at tlydma 4 At*" a hair sad fi&d! g�ea pulse wile a cowl low Lis lace and VW606 nt saykig 'pltaNal rhankviort'h half a mMau Comes hL Won scam mmim Tke erekatnge editor of a large daily new o me ftdneoaae. .h - n his buaieka•t6;1m k tlkt oagit al the awbwtpae O at come to 111re oem to make sates• titins of sise0my kr vanious depart- merits. epartmerits. to out ovarsaid lay • aoide smiter that may ire of lelerest or importance to the poi do", 60MA94, lnaaeial, musi- cal, spordec. or other a,dkors, to ougaut materw forage ob "DOW ocosaious or eertain drays of idles wsalt. and otken ,to prepare spacial dersrtmente conetetfng of the siffsMato comment of tke press At large iregard to nMUs n of public ing terest. V aslm and sb4ps. and pigeon- holes matt "Vosges in Paso, pastes dtp- I /t Made ser Strong` "Mr mother bas. been uslsg PAI:4EIS. CLL1:HV COMPOUND for nen-ous � prwtratlon, accurnpan. I'M by ntel:ureholla, etc.. nn.! It has done , her y Y, o. 1,1 otgood. ; It t3 llw only ntedl- ' clat� that strength I one the nerves.' c. u. llscr.8, t Orblsonla, ` Pak- - ar •' I am In mr' 64th year. bare been aflileted 11 several ways -could DOC steep, had no appetite,, no courage, low spinas. 1 crommenced u�g Pain's Celery compound, and felt relief fmm the third day after using it l now have a mood Appetlto andcas sleep well- .Ley spirlts and eouxabe are aln1wa 111ie Litre ut a yOUnii DlalL" S. C, yu.Llxa n, 1), D-, Gon2alt6, 1" Paine's Celery tOompo and streftmensanxt bwutq 1qP133 03, and cures their infirmities, 1 1i:nt• �t; sn. nt Ilgrvion and marvowuass .rieid +�:i•:::i s t ysitr• a ar..tl r ,power of Paine's Velkry, u.,cpc,'in.L A Perfeet T&a:rm a"o Aawfuorator, it CIVE9 Yc W, LIFE. --I vim aow +'1 y.+s + a .t ,tits! h,xve : reed several Tweet)". but r. )II,;t&tl ,,,Iy ereC•t Rnill I used rasps', CPIC.17' 'n. a+ ! -4: 1 vee! eaClrely ciff- ferent for. the xfi rr; =Ora t.r-r used it. I can walk searly stra4,k:_ -,r+u )s::•2 ,Ind wail, :end feel as tlwturh tyert- c, t :., •: :wry and energy somiug Law,rnp rehcaa�. a. lD." 11• C:1^.-vvAm.d, Tena. Pain's+ Celery UY zplun,l to of unequaled value to women Fr ng fir++ rue nerves, regulali•s•tho h7:lue7t9 a net h..i i w, �:uelertnl power In curlug the palatal t` tt.. ens rs wh which wo- mon so ut:en :,dente r .•rsfte r. F1 per'bottle. -t w Zr `5. Fir +. lets w tris, rilCrf4dLDtit).Y.'ll{: l.'d ..+l�ii r,hei. 8/A;NOND DYES Dile to is-ux and Color. rlelhiAg, Mn Egr/ul Them. r Ira+ q aJr 'r, ii: ur r•n:u.7:!'unip and traits {j47:ven L':1C:'a:;i:/!'OOD. t. v 3 YEASS SYSTEM Are monthly, gmrtorly or half -yearly pay- ment fanlight advance on the renbal rate) buys the imtrument. Any piano may be chosen one of a magnificent *",rtmont of l5prights, Sqsinres and Grande, un crbd pings on i sioah of paper, Writes 'mrAY [ LOOK OVER 70tIn 8o13tOIQ 1"Lrq= smrpamed in quality and) value. Ministerei Teaeb heads and Ctlldlts,' sad Occasionallyy uses A MOml,'b2Ti' ems, Government OHlc6W ana those in retelpt o strong lsagnade.whea he Sada tate Ax- VGood momoins. , May I took over regular Incomes will and this a convenient and ad Chanjaa f 7 bo va of material. 7o$r $oston a MoMentt Ilya* veatageous mode for socurin; a firvt class lnstru at the close of tete day his table to COy' ped that ment. when the instrmnent Ie nosed for practice Bred with ppalper. 1 OD .(>irotrkk i ssad our Soft Stop nr Practice Ftdal naves wear on thi elippla and tile. door to its tulle it. ,fed I feel lost if 1( dool @lel itt nerves, as well as preseripi the toile of the Piano vicinity Wli knee-deep with the once in a raids." Our Patent Foot nisi at•ra db nts for Pianos t Mutilated renalneof newspapers. Ima - invaluable t., oriranist peeti n1 and teachers the him hard at work with scissors, aYMV now man with a lavender npepEtio Prices on application. ]nspeetiou invi[ed4�++ ate- oe, and and a new raft ed br•eedeioth sppeara. ,rr �f/an p p. pencil. The door&.opeae ••I would like to see the llltonespond OCTAVIOUS NEWCOMB & CO and 'a smiling stronger enters. .. ., pa of ke lerndZ Wareronms-107 :rad ]0) Church St., Toronto. Do ]on -ah --exchange with the j� n0 �i®Cy 111 "af?�6g Up" F¢etory, tl a am t io lis egniprurate and appliance emmeroogia BteDleY" this teuth - He is from 111anespolls, in the ci(), to to n; 1101w n + Ave. was named the day t;efore yesterday, I The Hatmetack Surd TimeW. has Came to Chicago on his wedding ..No." tour, as els Miamspoittans do who can &toed it. and ke wishes to aee what the papers of hi a native city say of the wedding. v The man who comes in every day for f the Jerusalemville ruugw and makes a facetious- comment on the- weather or the latest police mystery drops in about this time. He is followed in a few minutes later by a somewhat angular '1 , but self-possessed young woman, who ' i contributes to the cookery 'department of the Passamaquoddy Danner of Liberty. yf she is out Nest on a visit and would 1 ' like to see a copy of the paper. She is ; la directed to Winks & Biinkem's, N t i, )jtl A young man, attired in a salt of loud checks and stripes and wearing his hat !� on one side, comes in with a sniffing and ry r sore -eyed pug dog. 1 Have you any English sporting pa- v� pers?" is his inquiry. "Or, maybe you !� can tell me what I want to know. I've ixot a bet up. What year was it that Yankee Sullivan and Tom Flyer---" The Mose l3aeoesafhl Remedy ever dor "DO YOU EXCHANGE WITH THE AXME- "Don't know anything about it. covered, ae ccest is rale Rein effects a ver and I10001A BUGLE?" Sporting editor 1s In the room at the doea•notblister. Read'prdof below. "Can you tell me where I can find farther end of the hall." aTRIETSrrLLE, P. Q„ MAY 8, 18W. them?" A wild -looking man in search of the DIL B. J. Xnmmm Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. d Gentlemen -I have used Hen• "Possibly at the advertising agency of city editor Wanders into the exchange dales spavin Cure for sDavine Winks & Blinkem,' editor's room and Inquires in menacing andalsoinacueoflamoneesand , "All , thank you, I'll jtmt look through tone 1f the fellow who wrote up that outiff vent especa'icosaai y this pile of papers a minute if you are shooting scrape in, Barney McQan's recommend it to au horsemen. . done with them." saloon last night is about ' the office. Very top satfuuyyours, And he looks through them for half While he Is waiting for the city editor r CH"M J. BLACIIALL. an hour, to see If the exchange editor or reporters to appear he sits down andT has lied to him, looks over the otchangee. KENDALL'S SPAYlN CUREs Them is no escape from the eacbsn a Br. TfIOUA9, P. Q., AvM122,Im Neat comes a reasy-looking man g Da. R J. ]CEIMALL Co.. Enosbursh Falls, vt- with stoop shoulders and enormous $end. Remorseless, implacable, and in• Gentor-tea eusedalow nottleaof.yourlSen. hands. evltable as the swarthy orange peddler ii. dwam's spavin Cure on my colt. hlchwas suffering from Influ from sunny Italy, Ce will mount to the enzaina very baa form, andcau 4 top floor of the tallest building if neees- ar c ye mace complete anti spavin t ea and make his way into the most care. lean recommenditasthe bent and most effective liniment \\ �, see tided room thereon. to worry the life I have ever handled. Slndlyeend out of his victims, and slowly but surely meone o yourvaluablebookfientitled ••ATrea• C We on the Horse." Yours respectfully, a he is furrowing their faces with wrink- les, broadenfn the ex arse of prairie on their domes of thought, and pbringing KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE.. their silvering hairs In sorrow to the FORT ELLIca, MAx.. Ma _10 law' \ c ; tomb. -Chicago llribune, DGeoilemon- ILaalw ye�keop Sour kendall'a I Spavin Cure and Blister on hand Go West, Gaijle. and they have never failed in what ybu stato they win do. I Some amiable people the other even have cured a bad case of Spavin and also two eases or Ringbono D ing were good enough to ask me to are- ofyearsetandingobmareswhich ception, and the prettiest and most I bought to breed from, and have P I not seen any signs of dlsoase in charming wOmRn I met, the wife of a i their orspring. , . Yours truir� y{ I J. O'Esnrra. rich young merchant, remarked that she Price 81perbottle, orsix bottiosforat5• Ait \� t came from Beaton. 1 een� totany address ou racelpt of rice by rho t "And did your husband come from pplerlotors DR. D. J, )'iENDALL CO., Enosburgh Fnlrs, Vk Boston?" I asked, BOLD BY ALL DRVOGI3TS. "O, no," she said, "I met him here. He came he year or so after he was } graduated i Amherst, and boarded for a while n the family where I work- ' ed r' t She was a dainty little creature. Her Ills FAVOttITF PAPER. voice was sweet and her manner exceeld.! "What do you do with these papers, ingly refined. I glanced at her hand. It when air- was small and slender,, At the tips of you are done with thaw?" in Y q beer little feet. They were neatly dress- c ed the next caller. ed. I looked at seer costume, and while � "I don't know, Ask the janitor." my knowledge of feminine apparel does "I'd be wilting to pap a halo sono not entitle me to speak authoritatively ;'a thin for thorn. Of course they're not g perfection In this ;`�' u8i:t5!idi Z. _ y as to the degree of case, et there was certainly nothing sLzi' ,.;ani':"`'''J'-'•'` "I have nothing to do with the ex- y y 3 changes after. I have cue through conspicuous about it, and she looked "-.,� r. ,, r if r' o � trim and, in brief, ,just as she ought to them." have looked. Later in the evening I ' �- Don't you suppose ^fT-� e y'- ; 4 asked cameuestfons about her and as- l "I don't suppose anything. Talk to certained that she came West as n ener. , ' !1.;"4&1 the suffer. k>? j al domestic in the family of n New -Eu- • Tho exchange editor is becoming gander. Now sho awns tbo mistress of slightly hupaticut, `- I nmcompiling a book," ohservos t .one of the finest houses In town nod an ornament to society. -Dakota ],cicot'. the fiend who Comes nest, "fu the pro- ---_ paration of which I make use of a grent Alarimm* in ate Iramuy. "? ul c ninny nows.pn{ cis. I vi c d Ill o to 11c.-Now,rn•y dtnr Nannieh , wat � c• ;•r_• '�•.. make an arrangement with you for the shall I got ,yon for a birthday present?" ) exchnngce from the principal titles after She -Nothing at all." oil hnvo--'. � r^ y �I`'rft it sinsrulnr that for once we WC don't Inaltn. any arrangements of n"rce? 1 At lust there is hnnnony N the y that kind. This isn't a news depot nor family. We hnvo lilt upon the snme r• f ' • ' ," an fntellfgenoo mnice." ;• By r'' "t; ui you tril nee ThnrG I ran be idea''-9'r+_rs� rfli»�a. r unlit• :o .,a v 1W >, Sim.. �...,- ":.._ . ,: ;._S�,rl.::.,. : '' ... `vYaiti.. .. • . , . ,,; silt.../.... '. •: �,.. - .;:i�. ... __.. .-_....- ., _■..._.._. . ,. __,._. ,...._ ....,.., . .,_ .a, u:..:;,si� _:....f,�►,, �,.:,.,LL 0 1.01 oat Isst to 1W >, Sim.. �...,- ":.._ . ,: ;._S�,rl.::.,. : '' ... `vYaiti.. .. • . , . ,,; silt.../.... '. •: �,.. - .;:i�. ... __.. .-_....- ., _■..._.._. . ,. __,._. ,...._ ....,.., . .,_ .a, u:..:;,si� _:....f,�►,, �,.:,.,LL 0 1.01