The Clinton New Era, 1889-10-04, Page 5Tl NEW PliIZE STORY iia eegerl sought for, read with pleasure or dis- appointment. ot- ten. But ladintment. is then tossed aside and forladies who read of Dr. Pierce'sgFa- write Prescription, read it again, for they dis- cover in it something to prize—a messenger of joy to those suffering from functional.derange- ment8 or from any of the painful disorders or weaknesses peculiar to their sex. Periodical ppains, internal inflammation and ulceration leucorrhea and kindred ailments readily yield to Be wonderful curative and healing powers. It is the only medicine for women, sold by driiggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give antis - faction In In every case, or money will be ro- funded This guarantee has been printed on r - • the bottle.wrappers and faithfully carried•out for many ears. V1.UU by druggists, or six 'i. bottles for PM. opyright.ISA by woni.n's nes. Mao. Ase'N. is DOCTOR PIERCE'S ie'aaln't PELLETS 111.,° Purely Vegeta- VI Ilk P Unequaled as a Liver. Pili. Smallest, cheapest easiest to take. One Pellet a Dose. Do not gripe Cures Siert Head- ache, nil ons3 Headache, Constipa. tIOu, In gestiou inions Attache and all derangements of the stomach and bowels. Put up in glass vials, hermetically • sealed Always fresh and reliable. Gently laxative, or an active cathartic, according to size of dose. 26 cents, by druggists. REDUCED RATES To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA And,tlie NOR -WESTERN STATE VIA BEATYS SARNIA :.iN THU FIRST DAYS OF A LAMB. NEWS NEAR ROUE. After a business career of 40 About five minutes after a lamb years, Mr E. Long, of St Marys, is born he is on his feet. The decided to retire. unsteady earth under him now On Sunday evening a boas° in heaves to the right, surges up Stratford, owned by I11r John B. and then down, and whirs and Capitaine, caught fire and was twirls with him while he staggers burned down while the occupants, and struggles, and twists one leg ' Mr. Stephen Etherington, and fami- around the other like a vine ly, were out. The furniture was around a tree, or else he spreads totally destroyed. those members all out until they On Tuesday Mr Peter McLaren, look like the forks under a weath- o.f Hampstead, attempted repair- er vane. He tumbles down for in the roof of his barn. While the fiftieth time,and for the fiftieth carrying a bunch of shingles along time renews the fight to secure the roof he Blipped and fell to the that footing in the great; world ground. ►3everal of his ribs were from which only can he reach the broken and other injuries received life-giving milk. His mother— Hiss Nellie Creighton, daughter particularly if it is her first—in her crazy anxiety to help, knocks of Ms Henry Creighton, near him down, steps on him, and does Blanshard, showed three speci- • -without leaving out a possible mens of her needlework at the rnduetrial, Toronto, and took two exception—everything she should not do, while she leaves nearly first prizes and a second. The ethat might honor is enhanced when it is everything undone help the little fellow to get the known that Miss Creighton is only desired nourishment. --" h, the sixteen years of age. , poor, dear little thing, isn't it to The wife of Dr Bowie went up' 1 ` " bad ?" says the sympathetic to Seaforth a couple of weeks ago stranger, "The confounded pair to visit her daughter, 1lrs Robt of idiots!" frets the impatient Coleman. She had not been in shepherd, who does not care to the best of health for some months drive them until the lamb finds past, and while there became milk. In half an hour his sides worse, and died on Friday morn - bulge out; and as the shepherd ing last, at the age of 81 years. slowly urges the old ewe towards Deceased was an old settlor cf home the lamb goes reeling and Mitcbell,and came from one of the rolling along like an old talc• just' best French•Canadian families f ashore from a year's voy age.-- Quebec. She was well educated, About the first error the lamb and a most intelligent woman. makes in life is to mistake the Few had more real warm friends, shepherd or his dog for its mother, and although she passed the allot - and many aro 'the manc>uvres ed span, her -death is much re - h • h with rettec1 Ilei hod was taken t fart I* a> Il- "Ceeoodads so weneds i M �al s fA; Ceastripssam. [ recommend it as superlar Oaf precwiplias dye A+ Eructation, �- Mowa to me " 1t_ A. Assam. M.D., �sggeews�r 'deep, �► promotes 11180. Oattoe08R, Brooklyn, N. Y. WOOrlt i• lipstasiteWoa Tar Cges.0 Oormuerr` 17 Murray Street, 1;. 1' Steamers, United Emp 0, ,Ontario and Casnpana, sailing from Same �nring navi- gation (weather permitting) ever; and Friday night, and calling on Wednes • day and Saturdays at Goderich and Rincar dine, connecting at the latter place with the G. T. R. train le'..ving Ulinton at 10 a. rn., Inc St Joe's Island, Garden River, Sault Ste. Mar.1 Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port, -Arthur with the Canadine Pacific Raihtay and at Duluth with the Red River .Salley Railway. Lowest Bates, best accom- modations,- Express time and choice of routes. JAMES H, BP•.ATTY, W. JACKSON Genf. Manager Sarnia .Aours, Clinton that must be gone t g g 5 o to make the new arrival follow Williamstown, county Glengarry, the right party. His next error on Monday and buried in the is likely to be an attempt to walk family plot. on air when he comes to a place r TRADE�1� Li QUID%Od' OIRS" 4 ARRANTED,RORE:LINSEED.OIa ,PAINT, where he should go down dill.— CLEANLY SAVAGES. His ten minutes' experience ih life has made him believe that all Cleanliness is a virtue which is the earth is a level plain, and in not supposed to bo practised to any broad daylight he steps oft the top large extent among uncivilized of a hill just as serenely as a tnan people. It is a fact, however, that steps of the top landing of the some savage tribes aro cleanly in stairs in total darkness when he their habits, and in this respect is certain that the stairs are yet 2Oft. away. Tho result is a great surprise in each instance. The lamb picks himself up, and con- tinues down the hill; lie soon come to the conclusion that everything i7 clown hill in his life and not on a dead level.— Upon getting to the foot of the hill he still tries to continue down- ward, and as a result runs his nose into the ground, and looks surprised again. Ile now comes -Co a place to get up hill, and goes up just as our man starts to go up stairs in total darkness, when he thinks the stairs are still 20 feet away. Our lamb is now getting very suspicious. He was pushed over and growled at for following the dog when he thought it was his mother ; the shepherd kicked and abused him for following him; he tumbled down hill when, he saw nothing unusual in the looks of the ground, and up hill again under similar circumstances. .In this frame of mind he comes to. a shadow cast by a neighboring hill. This is the most appalling thing he has yet seen in life. Hestands in • the bright sunshine; twelve inches ahead of him all the world is black. How shall he get over that terrible line ? It must be worse than going down hill' or up -hill, or r•unni;.g after a dog that growls or a man that kicks. It surely looks much more frightful than any of these things, His mother is in the shadow, and coaxes him, to come along, but he Will not risk it; he stands on the edge and bawls at the top of his powers. The shepherd with his big foot comes to the rescue, and our little lamb is lifted from sun- light to shadow on the end of a No. 10 boot. He trots along after+' his mother fora few yards and meets a new difficulty, This time it is from shadow to sunlight. It looks rough ; the situation pre- sents no end of difficulties. He walks across, the line with fear and trembling, only to find it very simple and easy, and concludes that things are not so bad as they look. Ho has already begun to find out that things which seem easy in life lead often to disaster•, and forbidding things often pre- sent no real danger. At this time he is about one hoer old; for a whole:hour he has been running his respirativo, cir.;ulativo and locomotive powers as an indepen- dont being, and has become quite a lamb. Just at that instant a carriage drivel rapidly along the road. His quick eye sees it; he thinks, perhaps, it is his mother, and that she is running from dam ger. He strikes out after it. It is wonderful what an hour has done for him in the way of dove)- opment; he runs faster than, the shepherd, faster than his mother, and is in imminent danger of get- ting under the horses' feet or the wheels of the carriage. --Montana Wool Grower. If you have catarrh, use the surest remedy—Dr Sage's. George Latham, a prominent Kansas cattleman, was found dead on Sunday 25 miles from Wichita. His valuables were missing. Queen Victoria has a remark- ably fine head of hair, for a lady of her age; but her son, the Prince of Wales, is quite bald. Had ho used Ayer's Hair Vigor earlier in life, his head might, today have been as well covered as that of his royal mother. It'e not too late I yet. Theseready Mixed Paints are no chemical gombinatiou of benzine or soap mixt tire. but simply old-fashioned Paints. They are guaranteed. to give better results than ,any other paint A23.G rHE BEST *.AKING POWDER +IS•,— cLARER'S DE1DIIE Cofl's_Friii1 No Mum. Nothing Inj urioua. RETAILED, EVER.TVIRERE, GARTH &CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves, Iron & Load Pipe L000e Palley eikwe, Stem° let Pumila raw Pompe, Wind ill ills, Creees 9epareters, Dairy,. aid Laundry Uiensils. 536 CRAIG STREET, „MONTREAL. DANSCA M_•�?;1y,411=y�^e311t'i � Al P : y . J CARRIAG,G JARN[SHE ''.4 SILVER�:MEAA1SAW ,''%:MDNTR'AL CHADWICK'S SPOOIt COTTON For Hanel and JJachine Use. LEATHEROID STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Sample, Ladies' and all ether kinds. Llaiitest and Strcnzest TRUNKS In the World. HA; '90 SUPERIOR. J. EVELEIGH & CO MONTREAL, r' ASK IT- 1Soler's.for the Domin'i ro R HOTEL BALORAL MONTREAL. Notre Dame St., one of the most central and elegantly furnished Hotels in rho City Accommodation for 400 guests. ,rates DODRUFF, $2 to $3 per day. SI V r, VY Manager PEARS' Sole Aa'ts for canaria, J.PALMER&SON Wholesale Imp'tra of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 NOM DM ST., MONTREAL SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This i.a PerjeoiF'riotion BFeKITT'S BLUE. T BEST FOR, LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS. Wrapping, tains. Q. o` /) 4 ALL 4r 912E>'S .r !Cp • AM0 1 ty WlIOMT I/ TO EIGHT s 21Dallresoles2t, ORDER 1: Portneaf, OH S'L01yS CCHa BREAT H GIVER 4PEI NrcT FOOD eAtI: rNE el INakt UTRITIetIS : EVERASE •,7 :tv A POWERFUL IN ORATOR are far superior to many people COATS ho live in civilized lands. In scores of African tribes the daily bath is regarded as a necessity of Remember, we are showing the largest THE POPULAR MINS RY GOODS HOUSE i.ON DESBORO ADAMS' BIG EMPORIU Opened this week two cases Ready -Made Clothing. We are now showing a grand as- sortment of Child's, Boy's, Youths & Men's Suits. See our L!TTLE BOY'S SUIT at $2, it's a dandy. Be sure and look through our stock if you are wanting a Suit' for yourself or the boys. We have special drives in MEN'S OVER BALANCE oFSUMMER ROODS At GREATLY REDUCED PRIC.k, to mare room for FALL G00DS that are coming in. * x *. FARM and VILLAGE PROPERTY for sale or ex- changed for good stock of merchandise. FATTER, EGGS and FARM PRODUCE. always wanted. life, and the first duty in the morn- ing is to bathe in the river or little stream that flows near the native village. Many Africans never think, of eating without washing their hands and faces after the meal. This habit is widely prac- tised, and has been observed not only among such advanced people as tho Waganda, but also among small and less promising tribes on the Congo. It may surprise some people to learn that the use of tooth -brushes is known in all parts of Africa. The African is noted for his fine white teeth, but he does not keep them white without an effort. The toothbrush used by the nat- ive African consists of a short stick of gbroits wood, which is chewed until the fibres at the and resemble bristles. Tho natives spend considerable time rubbing the end of this little stick over their teeth. Mr Ashe says that the Wauyamwezi, who have splen- did teeth, seldom have the brush- es out of their mouths. We would think it very' hard lines were we compelled to try to keep clean without soap. But many Africans have their soap, too, which, though it is soft and rather dirty in appearance, answ— ers its purpose very well. The, Waganda,for instance, place ashes inplantain leaves folded up in the form of a funnel. Water is pour- ed in, and is caught as lye in an- other vessOl. Then fat is added to the lye, and the mixture is boiled down. The process is al- most exactly the same as that used by our farmers in the manu- facture. of soft soap. There is little doubt that it was introduced into equatorial Africa from Egypt and the Soudan. Aug 30th. 1889. R. ADAMS. 1 --THE LEADING St1 Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, And Upholsterers •PICTURE:'FRAMING A SPECIALTY. CALL AT THE and best -assorted lot of DRESS GOODS that we have ever had in stock, with Plushes and Braid Trimmings to match. Will be pleased to show you through our entire stock, whether you are wanting to buy or not. You will see many things. that are decided bargains W. L. O U I M E TT E, LONDESBO O A frightful accident was report- ed on Thursday morning from North Manchester, Indiana, Joseph Turner was resawing an ash board about three feet long at the sawmill of Scott Dunbar,when it caught in the saw, and flying back the end struck Turner bo- tween the eyes with terrific force. Both eyes were knocked out and almost all the lower part of his face torn away, leaving an ugly hole larger than a man's fist and exposing the brain. Turner lived for a few hours after this accident and was coniscious. He was GO years old and his home was at Milan, Mich.,where he had a wife and several children. Mrs Thomas Woods, of Warsaw, Ind., has begun an abtive war against the saloon's of that place. Some time ago she sc,rled nctices upon the proprietors of several saloons; forbidding them to sell liquor to her husband) who is an ox-ounty clerk, and prominent in -the busritoss world: fie notices wore uniformly disregard- ed, and a few days ago she enter- ed one of the drinking places and smashed a costly mirror. Tues- day she wont into Rosseau's- sa- loon, threw a hammer through a large mirror and broke the front windows of the place. Sho was not arrested and public sentiment is in her favor. She says she means to keep up her peculiar style of warfare until the sale of liquor to her husband is discontin- ued. RIdr' (Iry for Jtinard': Lin:m eat forraieeverywhcre Pitcher's oastorri. iL STI FF HATS — All the leading styles, bought from the best manufacturers. SOFT HATS The best and cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent' quality, and•away down in price. Close buyers shonid not fail to call and. see these goeds, the low price and good quality are selling them very fast Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring FRANK SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, Albert St! CLINTON THE CLINTON ;NEW ERA R. HOLMES, - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. X X X X X X X X RedRockerFu rn itureE m pori u nn Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton. 99- GROOERY-99 Having bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first. class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods Swill be kept and sold at the closest. margin. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports. from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large C%•culation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will • be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. We have -a large stock of P=�TM TWT ZIuAs Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get,prices. 1Vc will not be undersold by any house in the trade dames Angus 99 Albert St. Clinton. MONA HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEMPER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in. need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We ,Ofer NEW SEASON JAPAN . at 41 outs„worth GO.. We Offer NEW SEASON BLACK at 25 oeats, Worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON MEN TEA at 25 cents worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOMS' for 25o. PRESS PINAN /CABBIE, SL9C0S, HERRING, BLOATERS, &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. • These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at THOMAS .JACKSON'S, SIL, CLAN -TON. JOB DEPARTMENT. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, 3a1e Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. - One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX '74. CLINTON. The People's GROCERY CORNER HURON AND ONTARIO STREETS, Ie the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS. We are receiving a fine new stook RAISINS—New Valenoias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, Layer Valencia CURRANTS—New Barrel Cnrranttl, new Box Currants. PEELS=Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels NUTS—Soft.Shell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, Peacane, Peanuts, English Wa nuts', best qualities. CO'I1 L 81�E'It =-odr assortment cannot be surpassed. LEMONS and ORANGES—Fresh Sweet Russell Oranges, California Oranges, Valencia and.Malagas. GRAPLc—White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes CROCKERY and GLASSWARE — We are giving bargains in ibis line, and a liberal discount for cash. FISR, ale.—We also constantly keep in stock Oysters, Haddie, Bloaters Cisooee, &a SUNDRIES—Cranberries, Bermuda Onions,” Common Onions, TEAS—Special valves in Teas. We have them as low as five pound's for $, and as high as 70o. per lb., and we can guarantee the quality to be the best Our assortment is too large to enumerate, and we only mention a few leading articles. Come and see fee yourself. We will give you good value and a liberal discount for cash. Cuninghame 8c McMurray, THE PEOPLE'S 0ROCBRY, CLIITTOIt