HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-09-27, Page 6slip..\\#15WEED. 'rite only medicines Gold by druggists, under s positive guarantee from their manufact- urers. that they 'will do just what is claimed for them—that is, benefit or cure in all oases of diseases for which they are recommended, or the money paid for them will be promptly refunded --are Dr. Pierce's world,famed spe- cifics, manufactured by World's Dispenaary • Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures all diseases .arising from a torpid or deranged liver, or from impure blood, as Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, Salt -rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, and Scrofu- lous Sores and Swellings. Consumption, or Lung -scrofula, is also cured by this won- derful remedy, if taken in time. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the world -famed remedy for all those chroniu weaknesses and distressing derangements so common to American women. It is a most Potent invigorating, restorative tonic, or atreA giver, imparting tone and vlgor'to the w ole system, As a soothing cervine it is unequaled. See guarantee printed on the bottle - wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. Copyrlgbt,1888, by WORLD'S DI& MBD. dss'N. $500 �F_ for an incurable ease of Ca- tarrh in the Head by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. By its mild, soothing and heating properttes, tt cures the worst cases. no matter of bow long standing. By druggists, 60 cents, - REDUCED 1{.A'I's'Es si To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA And the NOR•WE_S•TERN STATit., VIA BEATYS SAI Pd, a >t Steamers, United Emp e, Ontario and Catnp.tna, sailit:g froth Sarnia '"ring navi- gation (woatharpermittin') evbr,, ton(!." and Friday night, and calling on N'eduer day and Saturdays at Goderich and Kincar dine, contracting at the latter place with the 0.1'. 11. train leaving Clinton at 10 a, tn., for St Joe's Island, Garden River, Sault 5to. Mar,.; Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific ltailway. end at Duluth with the 'Rod River Valley Railway. Lowest states, beat accom- modations, Express.' time and choice of routes. JAMES R. BEATTY, W. JACKSON Gen'. Manager Sarnia A, 0. PATTISON Agents, Clinton 1 ' TRADEM.aRIc,.: LIQUiD'C ORS APPANTED PUtiE LiNS D Q� PAINT Theseready Mired Paints are no chemical combination of benzine or soap mixture, but simply old-fashioned Paints. They are guaranteed to give better results than any other paint - • A23.6 1.1;' " • ef, ; pdb,1 • .. rE .;.' n r .c, AKR Ma,LAREn GMII E CookMEG No Alum. Nothing lnj u: iotm. RETAILED El1ERVIREIEr t a�}let ti t. fi,rYr7,.r. r:S vt U.F ,irP Volvos, Ironi i_eac2'i;a Loose Steam Jet Pumptt,i'xm `d Pumps, WIntsial;, Cream •and La•:ndry'rtc�si;:. 536 CEAii; MONTREAL. CHADWICK'S SPOOb COTTON Forand and Machine Use. 4{il1S HO SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LEAT + P (1D STEEL -Li 26 TiIIN'r:S In $amnio„ tidies' and an other ku,as. • Llb!itsst az! Strmust TRUNKS In the World. J. EVEL MONTREAL, Sell1'Ifrs. for Lilo Dsgil:'ll HOTEL BALMORAL. ISIO TiFt EAE. Notre Douse 50., one of tfte mint const at and elegantly Yurnislitul Hotels In tiro ' CIt A.eeemmodntlttu for 400 gucNta,. rdetes: (1 17 N TOOrifitiFf, $R tosaper day. 1). Vs VY . ,Man tiger PE RS° Sole Ag'ts for Confide, v. J.PALMER&SON Wholesale Imp'trs of ORUGGISTS'•SUNDRIES , 1743 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL. • SOAP. RECKITT'S BLUE. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. 'Manufacturer. or ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION. PULLEY BOARD, Thi* isa PerfeotPriotion THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS Wrapping, (&mita, MEWS, ALL SIZES AND 44 WEIGHTS to ORDER 2l DeBresoles St. Is ;-Perthes!, •- * OH SUNS U � EF' *EtGREAT PERFECT F000 OR THE sICR AgMING h Ilu1RITI0USOEVEPAGE POWERFUL INVIGORATOR 6 4, TRTitta4WO I'BUF'.! ] O''-) i 1 DD,ITi' WANT RBIf,,TW(' BUT The Bev Charles EI. Fowler, D.D., of San -4101016W, a I)iaho of the l4;letbodirlt Episcopal Churg) `vbo has. just completed . trip around the world, on Selptatmbur 16th ozpreased the belief that ten yea hence America would pay. for its anti-Cbineee Iowa with the blood of her citizens. He occu- pied the entire session of the Methodist Ministers on that day in speaking about his obaervu- •tions of Missionary work, the ob- ject of his trip being personally to inspect the workings of foreign missions. In speaking of the law prohibiting the Chinese from com- ing -VS -America. Bishop Fowler said it was • the. most dastardly and disgusting thing that Ameri- ca ever did. 'And,' be said, with Blow emphasis, which was very impressive, 'it will be paid for some day by the blood of some of America's best men.' He thought every American should blush for shame when ho thought of the violation of the -treaty with China, whereby Chinese were not per- mitted to land on dur shores. 'I tell you you are thinking and trouble is brewing.' The greatest prince in China said to me, one day, 'We are looking to our home interests now. Ten years will put China into shape as to her interior arrangements, then we will look after her outside interests.' They are making great guns and iron - clads and are manning them. In ten years the country with one- third of the inhabitants of the globe will be _ready to .ask what we mean by trifling with her treaty. ♦5. Gostin,.. r is the . eS.elatnation of thousands , suffering from catarrh. To all such we say : Oaterrh Gran be 1 cured by Dr Sage's Clitat`rh items- dy. It bas been done in thou,. sands of cases ; why not in yours? Your danger is in delay., Enclose a stamp to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y., for pamphlet on this disease. NEWS NOTES. The King of Portugal is serious- ly ill. .Dr. Blackstock, of' Thorold, died of congestion of the lungs Wednes- day night. A .clist:eterous land slide took place at Quelea on Thursday, burying many people in the debris of their own houses:.. A Dakota fanner ie in Mani— toba seeking locations for himself and twonty•five others who have found it impossible to live with comfort in Dakota, The Tate bin Gooderhani's be quest of $200,000 to Victoria Col- ege, on condition of removal from Cobouig to Toronto,w ill likely set the knotty question of federation at rest. • Mr John Seloiore, a Maidstone farmer, was killed on Wednesday. He went up in his barn to throw down some hay, when he • fell through a hole. He fell on his bead and shoulders, causing his .death. Ho leaves a wife and children. A disgraceful exposure has just been made at Spokane Falls, which implicates two members of the Common Council and a police officer. They are charged with .having formed a conspiracy to appropriate the funds and supplies furnished by contribution for the relief of those, who suffered by the recent di,iagtrous fire. Wm. Watkins, Chief of' Police of -the Town of Parsons, while watching for burglars early Wed- nesday morning, fell asleep on the edge of the platform of the Delaware & Hudson Depot with his head resting on his hands. The engineer of a fast train failed to observe the sleeping Hifi r and he was struck by the train and killed. Jrfinard's Liniment relieves JTe'ural"gics The Ottawa Free Press. notes trio absence of Mr G. E. F'ostor, Dominion Finance Minister, from the recent Dominion Alliance meeting in Toronto. "Mr Fos- ter," says our contemporary,"has n� more use for the Dominion Al- liance. Ho is now busy counting try the revenue derived by his Government frcdm what be used to call 'the traffic in distilled dam- nation and soul-destroying poison, and finds that it pays better than delivornig temperance lectures at tent dollars a night." These be words which would cut through the cuticle of a rhinoceros. Poor girl, poor girl, 'so young, so fair, And doomed to die so soon The seeds of death are scattered there, And long before life's noon The grass will grow upon her grave: So friends, in sorrow say, • And think no power on earth can save The dear one from decay. Why do they 'think and talk like this? Simply because some of her family have died from- scrofulous rom-scrofulous poisoning ,of the blood, and they see indications of the same taint in her. Scrofula of the Lungs, commonly called Con- sumption, is a terrible disease, and it is not to be wondered sit that they dread it. But it can be conquered. The poison can:' be driven out of the blood. Tho taint can he. eliminated from the system. Dr Pierco's Golden Medi- cal Discovery has cured thou- sands of persons who were expect- ed to find early graves because 'there was scrofula in the family,' ' Golden Medical Discovery' is warranted to remove all blood taints from whatever cause aris- ing. It cures nil scrofuloui,; skin and scalp diseases, or money paid for it will be returned. otton Root Compound Composed of Cotton Root, Tansy and Pen• nproyal—{{,rapnred by an old pphyy•alelaa, I3 S000E,691:LLLT C,ED MONTLOW/ by thousands of practice and has been pre. Prteo $1. 8e Will be mal M tot anyoAddress Inovera Canada and VA. Docto'r's consultation boors, 0 toll an'd 1 to d,' •0100505R of women treated only. Sealed partici). IS,,, two stamps, Lndira only, address POND LILY COMPANY. ho, 3 Plshet Dlock,131 R'nodward avenue Drtrolt.Dnclt. Aug 30.3mp NEWS NOTES Hon. John Carling is confined to hitt house, having contracted a severe cold. Rev. S. H. Couch, a Baptist minister at Little Rock, Ark., is cbargod with forgery. At Catnpbellford, on Friday, a man named Vaublariicunl deliber- ately shot another man named Fleming. 1%L' John McLellan, one of the pioneers of \Vest Williams, passed away early Thuisday morning, at the ripe ago of 82 year s and six months. • The North Perth exhibition takes place in Stratford on Ooto- bef' 3rd and 4th. Ono of the prin- cipal features will be a stallion race for a purse of $200. At Charles Straet Presbyle Han Citur('h, Tot Onto, on Friday night, three young ladies were set apart tin• work in the foreign. mission field. The ,receipts of the Toronto Ex- hibition, on \Yeduesday 'were several thousand dollars more than ever before in the history of' the institution, viz., $16,060,165. E. II. Pratt and John Allen, who left Now York City, May 14, on horseback, with the intention of'erossing the Contin_ opt, arrived at Sacramento, Cal., Saps, 19. Jt'inard's Liniment Cures' Oandrufr Messrs. Thomas McDonald and Thos. McClay are each building handsonie brick house~ in Wood- stock. When finished they will move their families from Miteholl, . Mrs Hiram Snell, of Malad Ida- ho, has given birth to tbi•e•:- soya and three girls. They weigh eightpounds altogether. All are bright and heart} and promise to live. A 'young son of Mr Chas.Whit- worth, of St. Marys, while play- iug et. School on Tuesday, Rota stepped on I),' Some larger boys, and hall 'hit; leg broken al,ovo the ankle, A Waterspout burst over Cerro Gordo, near Arandes Jalisco, Mex- ico, on Thursday, causing several deaths. Much live stock was swept away and houses were de- stroy,ecl: - At Owon Sound, on Friday, the .Magistrates committed for trial the four prisoners, Russell, Tripp, MaFadyen and Dagett, accused of being the principals in the Baltic outrage. , ' The now frame house of Conrad Eckert, of Sebringville, was de- stroyed by fire recently with its contents. It originated in the chimney. Insured for $600 in the Downie Mutual. The Crossley -Hunter revival meetings in Parkhill closed 00 Tuesday evening, after over.$hree weeks of great success and power, during -which time about 200 persons expressed conversion. .Miss Maggie Hamilton, of Ful- lerton, who was plucked by the Board of Examiners, feeling dis- satisfied with their decision, ap- pealed to the Minister of ;Educa- tion, and succeeded in getting a certificate. Mr Nagle, of the G.T.R. works, Stratford, was raising one of the heavy windows in the shop the other day, when the stick which he had placed under it Co hold it up slipped •out, and the window. fell on his arm, breaking ono of the bones below the elbow. Boils, pimples and•skin diseases of all kinds speedily. disappear when the blood is purified by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It`has no equal as a tonic alterative, the results being immediate and satis- factoiy. Ask your 'druggist for it, and take no other. 'Archdeacon Reeves, who has labored in the far North for twen- ty years, is at Winnipeg and brings a terrible talo of suffering among the Indians. Archdeacon Reeves said.: "Two months ago thirty died from starvation. Last winter a largo number died, ow- ing to privation 'and failure to procure game. There was a great scarcity of food. It wa not so much the general lack subsistence, but the rabbits were a complete failure." Reeves told of a case of Cannibalism three months ago on the Peace River the only one ho hoard of, where one woman killed another. He had aeon the woman at Fort Ver— million. She said she killed her sister in order to procure enough meat to keep herself alive. Some- times the fish in the waters failed and intense suffering resulted. MESSRS. C. C. RICRARDS & Co. GEns ,—I have used your MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT successfully in a serious case of croup in my family. -- In fact I consider it a remedy no home shoilld bo without. Cape island: ,1 F. Cnsitsorr:}t. So SAY ALL,—That M1NAItD'S LINIMENT ie the standard liniment of the day, as it does just what it , is represented to do. for Inf�I alre ••Caa*u M�MwsU Flpdbe�llldeeu*L►t MS Oaatadl recommend fist p9psrkr<W eP7Pr�RP Sawa to ms" u A. Astasia, KU. wag gam ~p' and �°wu«a au So, wag8k, lf. Y. W Tea 01111VACI; Charm•, 77 Murriiy latreet, N. Y THE POPULAR pnr OoHouse LONDESBORO We are now showing the richest and most complete stock of DRESS GOODS we have every offered to our customers. Many lines have been. imported direct, and the balance has been purchased from one of the best Dress Goods Houses in Canada - The prices range from 10c. to $1.25 a yard, and the styles, colors and patterns are so varied that it would be useless to attempt to describe them. See them early and make your selection. ltsl, A little warm, perhaps, to talk about KNITTED 'WOOL, SHAWLS and WOOL FASCINATORS, however, the choicest Goods will be the first sold, and the early Customs shave the preatect to choose from. We have several styles in the leading colors, • NOW, A WORD T0...GE TLEMEN. We have a grand range of T.ROUSERINGS, HATS, CAPS, TOP SHIRTS, buttoned or laced, and UNDER- CLOTHING. Or In READY-MADE CLOTHING, SUITS and OVERCOATS, we still hold our place in the front rank. Will be pleased to have all close cash buyers look fullythroughour entire stock, and compare value fore making fall purchases. care- s be - W. L. �OUIMETTE, ..'Ir LOP _ DISQ R @'A STIFF HATS -- All the leading styles, l:ought from the best manufacturers.. SOFT HATS — The, best and cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent quality, and away down in price. Close buyers shonld not fail to call and see these goeds, the low price and good quality are selling them very fast 'Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring FRAM SHEPHERD, The Data TaiIor, Alberta CLINTON T H 'E JLINTON NEW E R. HOLMES, — — Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. THE NEW' ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, J Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74a CLINTON.• e Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton. ADAMS' BIG E BALANCEOFSUM,MR GOODAt GRATLY REDUCED PM, to make room.. for FALL GOODS that ewe coming in. x FARM and VILLAGE PROPERTY for sale or ex, - changed for good stock of merehandis-'. BUTTER, EGGS atzd FARM PRODUCE. always wanted. Aug. 3otb. 1889. R. ADAMS. --THE LEADING Furniture Dealers, Cabinet • Makers, iN Undertakers, And Upholsterers • PICTURE FRAMING A SPF, IALT Y. CALL AT THE RedRockerFurnituretEmporium 0 �mmm 99- GRO rl „ ra Having bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first. class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will be kept and sold at the closest margin. We have a large stock cf Fi YT rTM.A.S Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We will not be undersold by any house in the trade James Angus 99 Albert 8t. -Clinton. CHINA ALL. To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN(PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on bur large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We Car MEW SEASON JAPAN VI% at 40 cents, .'worth 60. We Offer NSW SEASON GLACE Rb. at 25 cobs, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON G_ E ENTXA M 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and BAWDcheap, 2 BROOMS for 25c, FRESS FINAN fiAD Z 21900i, IEBRING, BLOATERS, &o, Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call., BUTTER AND- EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. • N. ROBSON. CHINA. HALL B. LA URANC-B'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles aro fitted in every instance with B, Lau- rance's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at g �v Z`�3COIVIAS JALC SOY\'OA, 1�.w CLINTON-. The People's GROCERY • CORNER HURON AND ONTARIO STREETS, • Is the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS. We are receiving a tine new stock RAISINS—Ned Valencias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, Layer Valencia C11.7 RANTS—New Barrel Currants, new Box Currants. PEELS—Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels NUTS—Soft•Shell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, Peacans, Peanuts, English Wa nuts, beet gnalitiee. CONFECTIONERY—Our assortment canndt be surpassed. LEMONS and ORANGES—Fresh Sweet Russell Orangce, California Oranges, Valencia and Malagas. CRAP) --White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes j CROCII`ERY and GLASSWARE — We are giving bargains in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. FISH, .S4C.—We also constantly keep in stock Oysters, noddle, Bloaters Ciscoes, &c SUNDRIES—Cranberries, Bermuda Onions, Commotr Onions. TEAS—Special valves in Teas. We have them as low as five pounds for $, and as high as 70o. per lb., and we can gnarantee the quality to be the best Onr assortment is too large to enumerate, and we only menfi6n a few leading articles. Come and ses far yourself. We will give you good value and a libefaf discount for cash. Cuninghame 8c McMurray, THE PEOPLE'S OROCEii`Y, CLINTON