HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-09-27, Page 5And see the prices of ROB. W. 00.ATSWATCHES. A Stem -Winding Watch$2 75 A Soz. S. American Watch6 00 A stem -wind icrew bezzle Am- erican Watch 9 00 .A solid silver dust -proof Walt- ham Watch . ..-10. 45 A solid Gold, 15 jewelled La- dies Watch, with chain 18 00 . Gent's Gold•Filled Elgin Watch,warranted,20 yeas 28 00 A Solid Gold Stem Winding Elgin Watch 28 00 REDIEMBER tHE PLACE ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. THE POPULAR CX,PTor DIAREPTP Qorreeted every Thtioeley oman. ; The Toronto Oloba of Sept. 22 says Barley, some mOvement.seeme to be ex- pected this week but prices are IfOt en- couraging, several U.S. dealers are here and all appear satisfied that prices will continue low this :season. The United States crop is large and fair (panty so that our crop will not be taken except at low quotations. Toronto street market. Barley easier, 2 loads sold at 42ko to 43o. Receipts of barley, owing probably to low prices have ao far been m11, new barley sold to -day from ao to 2o lower than it did on Saturday last. Thureday. Sept. 26,1889. Wheat, fall old and newa 0 90 Wheat, spring a 0 93 Oats 22 a 0 25 Barley - 0 35 0 45 Peas 0 50 0 50 Flour per bal 500 a 500 Butter 0 15 a 0 15 Eggs 0 14 a 0 15 Pork 5 75 a 6 00 Hay 9 00 a 9 00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, Sept. 26, 1889. Wheat, fall 0 85 a 0 90 Wheat, spying 0 70 a 0 75 Barley 0 42 a 0 45 Oats 0 30 a 0 32 Peas 0 59 a 0 60 Butter, rolls 0 14 a 0 18 Butter, large rolls 0 15 a 0 17 0 16 a 0 16 RY GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO Opened this week two cases Ready -Made Clothing. We are now showing a grand as- sortment of Child's, Boy's, Youths & Men's Suits. See our LITTLE BOY'S SUIT at $2, it's a dandy. Be sure and look through our stock if you are wanting a Suit for yourself or the boys. We have special drives in MEN'S OVER COATS Remember, we are showing the largest and best -assorted lot of DRESS GOODS that we have ever had in stock, with Plushes and Braid Trimmings to match.I Will be pleased to show you through our entire stock, whether you are wanting to buy or not. You will see many things that are decided bargains W. L. OU I M ETT t-1 0 to tan enBoRo Eggs per dozen FALL FAIR DATES. North Perth at Stratford,Oot.3 and 4 East Wawanosh, at Belgravo Oct. 1.2. Stanley, at Bayfield, Oct. 3-4. Morris, at Blyth, Oot. 8-9. SALH REGISTER._ Farm stock, &c., of J. and H. Hunk: ing, los 35, con. 12, Hallett, on Thum day, Oct. 10. James Howson, suet. • TWO GOOD PAPERS. The best paper for your family or your friend's family is the Montreal Witness which, while it is abreast with the news, is notable for it unexceptionable family reading and for its adherence to the great principles whish it has consist. ently advocated for a generation. It has been daring all Meat time the tin. compromising foe of oppression, among which it counts protection. It has de- voted itself much of late years to the pro- motion of reciproeity with the United States and has recently been filled with the contest against Jesuit aggression,on which battle -field it is, as might be ex- pected, the foremost and most fearless champion. The question and answer departments, of the Witness have grown into an institution in the country, and the paper is well known as an old friend and instructor of the farraer, "Linden - bank" and "Rustier's" being still cone stant contributors. The ohildren look for their special stories and for the puzzle department. The yearly sub- scription to the Daily Witness is 113.00 and to the Weekly Witness 51.0s, which should be addressed to the publishers, John Dougall & Son. The Northern Messenger, issued by the same publishers,is still the cheapest illustrated paper published, and is full of the best of family reading as well as reading for the young. The subscrip- tion price is only 30 cents ayear. Londesborough 'Zoller Mills. As the mill changes hands ou the 1st of Sept., all persons indebted are requested to pay up without any delay, in order that the business may be closed up. H. S. HUBER, Londesboro. • Notice to theyublic I As Mr James Shepprmilias gone on a trip to Manitebe.nor the benefit of bit health I • have placed my books at Mr F. Rumball's carriage shop, who is authorized to collect accounts and grant receipts on my behalf. Parties interested will please bear this In mind. WILLIAM STANLEY, Holmesville. i WANTE 8 A L E S MEN to sell Nursery Goode War - Stook. All . ranted FIRST-CLASS. Permanent, pleas- ant, profitable poeitions for theright men, Good salaries and expenses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners. No prev- ious experience necessary. Outfit free, Write for terms, giving age. CHARLES H. CHASE, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. Mention this Paper. kR11 TO RENT. — SUBSCRIBER OF- FERS to rent that farm of 32i acres, being part of lot 33, on the 5th concession of Bul- let, (part of the Miller farm) all cleared and fit for cultivation. Good barn and stabling, frame house, good water, small orchard, manure on hand to put on fall wheat; leasee can have immediate possession of lend, stabling for teamand house room. For particulars apply to MRS. M. COTTLE, 16th con Goderich township, fi miles from Clin- ton, or C.A. HARTT, Clinton, lin 0 R N T, Two good rooms upstairs and one Store4 situate in Perrin (Block, Clinton. Apply to ' J. P. TISDALL, Agent Canada Life Ins. Co'r TOWN LOTS FOR In the Town of Clinton. Belonging to thesAttmolfy the , Late NEL- There will bo sold by Pul lie Auctiou, ou tho AIARKET SQUARE, CLINTON, on Sat• URDAY, OCTOBER FIFTH, 1869, at one o'clock P. M„ the following property :—Lots 62 and 63, Matildo street, no buildings ; Lot 39, James street, with small Frame Dwelling thereon. Title Perfect. TERMS CASH. • ROBT, PEACOCK, C El AS. SPOONER, Executors D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer, To Colleglato Ipstlfute Pupils. In accordauce with the SC11001 LON! aud rosol ution of the Board of Trustees, Colleg ate Institute Fees rn ust be paid in advance, Pupils who have failed to observe this Will please take notice and act accordingly, as all fees must be paid before the end of the pros. ent inOnth. ' Pupils not payiug their foes TENS MONTII, ,vill be debarred from any further instruc- tions. W. If, HINE, Treasurer Board of 'Trustees. lfilARM FOR SALE.—FARM OF 80 ACRES being one mile froin Clinton, being lot 45, Hayfield con., Goderich townshsp. Good soil, well watered, six acres bush, good orch- ard, frame house and collar and frame barn and stable, Possession to work at any time this fall. JAS, wriao, cnnt.n. BUTCHERING OUT TFIFOR SALE.— The butchering outfit owned by Mr. A. May, Clinton, and consisting of it full set of tools, shop furtiitiirn, etc., with use of the Slaughter House and mitimildines. As Clin- ton affords 00 tunistielly good opening for A meat inneket this is nil opportunity nob often presented. For particulars npply tri FRANK Al AY, at Meier & Co's store, - • ^ $ 1 I 00(ieriTt7:'tc4,7effir,T1)All12:11:t. The home tontsins Heil, Parlor, tour Bud - rooms, Pantry, Clot lio4;loset, Eitehen, quin- ine'. filiation, 111,1 li and Lath %t(0,0, SO, stit Tiara \ tor 4r1 4‘1, 1,1)1 outtiide. Lawn, Shade Trees I't.rn, to,, r11 in :,x(n.,I• !ont state of r' sir. T,rin A. t 'n'h end time /or hithoire r.: por ii3Ori,t• T101', I, otl,,n•Coton,o on Ping Addy o,t. 174 11 '1' \`, \I 1 044 ER. Notice of Dissolution. • gs o Visit the Huron Central Exhibition in CJinton, on Tuesday, Wednesday • and Thursday, Sept. 24-25-26, While in Clinton visit the Dry Goods PALACE and see the magnificent display of Millinery, Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Carpets, Gent's Furnishings, - and General Dry Goods. Our Show Rooms will be open on those days. We invite all to call on us and examine our stock of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, which will be found complete in every particular. 5 per cent off for cash. Estate J. EXCMCIENB, GreatCloraringS",e CALL AT DETLOR &.CO'S • BOOTS AND •SHOES 4'., . • as. 1 While attending the Far and see their New and Stylish . GOODS In order to make room for my large purchases of Fall and Winter Goode, I will sell my entire Spring and Summer Stock AT LESS THAN MANUFACITURER'S PRICES. See my job lots'which will be sold at less than half cost. This is a good chance for cash buyers to get goods at their own prices. NO HUMBUG, BUT A GENUINE SALE Sign of the Golden BootAlbert Si. Clinton B 6ROCERY — THE PLACE TO BUY— Your Sugars, Teas, Raisins, Currants, or anything in Groceries. Also, GLAS, STONE & WOODEN WARE 451-EIVI AT About COST CHOICR TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. —AND— Mantle Cloths • (Mantles cut free of charge) During this month they are offering FLANNELS, Grey COTTONS, TABLE LINENS, and SHEETINGS at marvellously low prices. Don't forget to see them. A lot of TWEEDS, job in price. The rush continues for their great line of KID GLOVES DETLOR (4tri CO. CLINTON • The parachutist Leroux in de- scending from a bolloon at Revel, France, on Tuesdajrlfell into the ea and was drowned. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—SIT- uATED on We4t side of Victoria St., con- taining seven rooms and Kitchen, with all appurtenances thereto belonging. Posses- sion 1st October, JNO. MeGARVA. • OLS. and :YARNS T. JACKSON, Sr. "'OUSE TO LET. — THAT COMFORT - Li ABLE house ou the corner of Huron and Orange Streets: Possession given 16th of September. Apply at MISS IffOUNTCAST- LE'S Studio opposite. ousE AND LCYT FOR SALE OR TO 1-11. rent, at corner of Rattenbury and Erie Streets, containing seven rooms, with cellar good stable on the lot, hard and soft writer good bearing orchard and all conveniencee. Possession given at once. THOS. TIMING SALE OR TO RENT.—HOUSE AND 12 lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St. 'The house, which is new, contains fourteen• rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn and bard and soft water in abundance. The lot con- tains of an acre. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on the premises or to MRS C. CARTER, Clinton. • t f. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore subsisting between us, tbe undersigned as organ manufacturers under the name and style of "The Oakes Organ Co.," in the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, has been this day dissolved by the retirement of James W. Worry, the business to be continued by Messrs. Oakes & Swallield wider the said name and style of The Oakes Organ Co. All debts owing to the said part- nership are to be paid to the said Oakes and Swaffield; at Clinton, aforesaid, and all shims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said Oakes & Swaffielll by whom the same will be settled, Dated this Fifth day of August, A. D. IRA9. GEORGE F. OAKES WILLIAM H. SWAFFIELD • JAWES H. WERRY. Witness .— JAMES SCOTT. SMLESMEN WANTED. Raving done business In Canada for over 30 years, our reputation rtud responeiblity is well known. We pay salary and expenses frorn the start, if everything is satisfactory. No previous experience is required. Write us for terms, which aro very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. IiiIVERENCES.—Bradstroot's or Dun Wiman & Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to business meu ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. ' CHASE BROTHERS' COMP ANY . -NURSERYMEN, Colborne, Ontario. BUY THE WHITE THE fowl OF SEWING MACHINES FIRST PRIZE, AT CINCINNATI CENTEN- NIAL OVER ALL OTHERS oviv, SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND NOW IN USE. J, H. woilsr.L.L, Agent, Clinton PROPERTIES for SALE The various properties re-. maining 'Indisposed of belong ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for sale. In order to close np the estate these properties must be sold. partienlars and ternis will lie math' iilloW11 011 flp1i11- Cat 101i to the undersigned. MANN I :S°(I SCOTT, FARM FOR SALE. — FARM EIGHTY acres(seventy oleared)beautifnhly Situated on Maitland River. Lots 45 and 74 Maitland concession, GoLerich township, five miles and a half from Clinton. Best land for gen- eral farmieg, well watered, buildingsin good repair. Possession by let October. Terms easy. ' II.W. EVANS, 64 St. Mary St. Toronto. iDlARM FOR SALE .—SUBSCRIBER OF , 12 rias for sale his farm ol 112 acres, being part of lot 20, on the Bayfield lino, Godericn township. About ninety acres cleared, the rest hard wood and coffer and in good state of cultivation. On the farm is a good brick house and wood shed, bard and Bon water, close to school and church and is well wat- ered. Also good bank barn with stone foun- dation and drive shed. This farm will bo sold or exchanged for property in Maniteba. Address PETER COLE, Clinton, Ont.i We handle nothing but the BEST -QUALITY, and sell - at the CLOSEST PRICES. LARGE STOCK OF • BEIRJT The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks Of the Profession, 2, 4 and 8 fold. Andelusian, Crewel and Ice Wools,„ Saxony Yarn. FINGERING and SANITARY YARN made • specially for underwear. W. COOPER & CO), Clinton. • And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock IM•••••••••••••=1....111, - - HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO RENT—There is offered for sale or to' rent that beautifully situated brick residence at present occupied by Mr P. W. Hayward, on the corner of Princessand Orange Streets, Clinton. Tho house contains dining room, parlor, kitchen, and two other rooms down stairsp with bathroom, 3 bedrooms and 2 closets upstairs. Splendid cellar, with hot air heater, hard and soft water. Lot one- eighth of an acre, Reasonable terms. Ap- Ply on the premises.- $9fin 7 ACRES EXCELLENT LAND, 11Ufor sale,' situated almost adjoining the town of Clinton (aboitt midway between the Clinton cemetry and Clinton) on the Gravel road. There is a small barn. This property is very suitable for a retired farm- er or mar t gardener, there being two (ifs - tinct kin s of soil thoreon. Terme cach, and balai co at 7 per cent interest. Tharefe no incumbrance on this property. Addr ss WM. gOSTER, 174 McDonnell Avo.,Toronto, ---- • IPLENDID FAitlff FOR SALE. —SUB- kisenirmit offers for attic his farm of 50 ac- res, being the oast half of lot 28, 5th con. of Hullett, All but four acres cleared aud in a first clase state of cultivation. Good frame barn, 36 by 60, frame stables, &e., ordinary dwelling house, two good springs of water. Ail acre of bearing orchard. Situated three miles from Clinton. Will bo Rohl on reason- able terms, W. T. FARQUHAR, on tho place, Clinton post office. t f Property for sale or to rent. --- A cottage on Albert St., Intely.occupiecl by Ahmfames More. Five bed rooms, double parlor, dining room, kitchen, summer kitch• enfold pantry. Hard and Bort water. Stab- le, carriage house and fruit trees, Thera are three lots on Maple Street besidee the 0110 011 which the cottage stands, making an acre of grcund in all. The cottage and ono lot will book] separately if desired and on reasou• ablelierms. Possession given at 01100. Ale Ply to MEM THOMAS (tOOb'EIl., Clinton, ntid Lot for sale or to rent... 10 1" rottnt:o °wile ,11,(1 forininly ec• enploil 1,y Mr 11. 1 1,,lon0, (!lienn Clinton, i onered for .010 01 10 rent on lib- eral terms, '11,1i 110,1,0 contains H r000 downs' lirs, with woodshed and kitchen et- taelied, owl two room., 111,Ainir0, 1.!,)N1 Intra runt 0011 water, Itif.ncre 10t With frill!, 11000 and stable thereon, Til0 1, rit toil in oy,o nI Ow 111.01 picoqnnt pnrts of the nv,tn, i'nrshr( r or tonnnt vonlii hnvo • so10inti at limy time. Pull pert 'rulers 611 44P- pllention ,It 1.1.i0 11 0 011',I. '1 Wonderfully cheap, and will _conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE 111!,-ANNOINCEllENT AT THE OLD STAND, ILIUM% Street. 000 -- To our customers and the public generally we wish^to make it known that we are now ready for the Fall Trade with tost variii:Stook of hob That has ever been kept in Clinton. Our two stores are both filled with goods that are required for a general trade. Full lines in' all kinds. of DRY GOODS, bought on the best terms possible. Some special bargains from the stock of goods bought from Mr. Thomas Jackson, at 04 cents on tho $. FULL LINES IN" ReadyMade CLOTHING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER cheaper than any house in Clinton ; come and try us and see for yourselves. .7-s‘ Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. FELT BOOTS of, all kinds, coarse and fine, in all the different makes, at from 10 to 20 per cont cheaper than other houses sell them. We mean business. Full Lines in HATS, CAPS, FURS, ROBES, • To be sold at a small advance on cost. All we ask is S. small commission on these goods. GROCERIES PROVISIONS Wo are getting ready as fast as possible to supply our customers with all kinds of Groceries and Provisions, Goods delivered to rill parts of the town. DRESS & MANTL I aking We will open out in this department next week, 011(1 will give you city work and ,city styles, Work, gnaranteed to bo sorond to none in the track, and prieee as low as the lowest. Con. and Fire ns. We are bourid 10 do linsiness. We dri not advoitise anything lrit what wo intend to carry nut. Come and SO? 011r. stock and get!prices. 2 storein S :arle's Block, I'LITHSTEEL & OIBBINGS • Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will „astonish -the closest buyers. T. JackQn,$r, Clinton. What's theAatter with your feet? WHY YOU WANT A PAIR OF Taylor & Sous homado Shoes ria-IAT'S" .A.TAD Como and get suited (Wring the Great Fair, Se1t.24-5-6 We will be glad to welcome you: Eggs 'Alton in exchange. YL 5 per cent nIl for ca: -11. & Sons OLONTON AND LILYTH