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mol In %be theatre a: t I THAT TERRIBLE PARE I SIS, -
. TORONTO'S NEWSBOYS. I � They am �0 ie P ,near A PLAIN TALK ABOUT AIR. tar to one of the former. Cabolo *Ad p I
AV& ; . the " I" us 90tai, and it is only the b familiarly "an in soda WsitArl `ch*MP%FW1 A. Me Canadian People B:co
In Ili g Its
I Notion of tful
. I "'dead broke" beyop "t stand at the door and other isterated beverages. itis besilwg N "Umsti,ci T -Th,
Pe6ple Wondur NOW THEY LIVE AND ENJOY LIFE IN and beg for -aboselm" DR. ANDREW WILSON DISCOURSES ON enough to us when prawn"A in- this latte incrouse of this -t peculiar Insanity I
THE CITY. T=M KNOWL"03& 01P.PERFORMANCM T H F, AIR WE BREATHE. form; but underother circums"M to ti and how it ht cured.
`WI= t,bosy find how rapidlyhealthI be -regarded as an eneaty to limoth and HA 4
is restored by taking Ayees Bar- . and periesommse is adonisbing and their as- � L . - - , 11
6%parilla. The reason Is that this owning no Rgater and Knowing No Mine- timate of an actor or a play is as accurate as. IFopular knorance the source of Bluch Ols- of uncompromising kind. IudUdjL'thfWW
preparation contains only the purest Wend of the Theatre and Baseball and . ! case-11sw=s That are Air-Tialit BoXea- Story Of ventilation if 10941Y the "In of' I
' - the majority of adult critics. ad fight with carbonic sold goe.. It exists 11 ,--
and most powerful alteratives and Fxvorta " Pitch and Toss -Girls and When money is flush with tissm they "O t P011116111A 111111allioll by the Lungs -
tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a . mines and wells, and Is thus toured by th )
Licensing System. great eater, and smokers, They will go off I There in nothing more familiar than the
veritable elixir of life. 01, colliers ; but an regards ire ordinary relatiox)
Mrs. Jos. Lake, Brockway Centre, One of the avocations that is always full to a cheap restaurant and have what to I eir we breathe, and there is probably noth. to us, it has to be home In mind that cart
Mich., writes. "Liver complaint and of interest to the general public is that pur- them is a sumptuous repast, often indulging g I In regarding which there exists a greater acid gas forma part and parcel of the wash
THE P,r,.4 IjV (.Ironz a photo��aph,) "
indigestion made my life a burden . lVioolt Paresis L i"U.
and came near ending My existence sued by the newsboy. The familiar saying - In oysters and such like. much of their amount of popular ignorance a til miscon. of the human body and of ,all other animal Irto 1hal,el,y Candifian.
For more than four years I suffered un. "Old Old Heads Upon Young Shoulders" applies earning goes for cigarettes for which they ' caption. If any of my readers are inclined likewise. Itis this fact which constitute, There are many well known men confined
told agony. I was reduced almost to this class with great force and accuracy, early develop an inordinate fancy. I to think I ant saying rather hard th* -
to lugs one of the main details of breathing ant in our Asylunts who but a iihort time ago were
a skeleton, and burd1l had strength business and social
d If about. 11 of and one never tires of watching their sharp, Often they make or lose a good deal of about the popular culture of our day, and , ent among our
kinds food ventilation as health topics. The breath vv� "roll"n .
=1g=tne, and only the most deli- business methods and listening to their money through gambling. They are exceed- under- estimating the education of the give out from our lungs is thus largely car circles
cate could be digested at all. Within tough but philosophical remarks as they ingly fond of pitching coppers. Several people in science matters, I may retort that Why are they there? I
the time mentioned several physicians aline or I do net make the assertion without know -
acid gas ; and to re-breatbe our owl 111=sisl I
treated m6witbotit giving relief. Neth- stand on the street corners spatting custom- boys agreeing to pitch coppers to breath or that of other people, is to qualify Did it conic on at once?
ing that I took seemed to do any per- I arc, their eyes and feet all activity too get the wall, the nearest thrower .winning aLl, ledge. How many, otherwise well-educated ourselves for illnesses and diseases of maul N(ji, at all. It was a'graduil but positive
I manent good until I began the use of Shead of their rivals. There is hardly eon. the coppers on the ground. people, I might ask, could answer at once groo.%th. Theyovenaxednature. The drain
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pro- clition is so other method of gambling it is the Y"ag and correctly, the question, "What is ills different kinds, ,,,, their vitality, their nerve powers, their
duced wonderful results. Soon after other bueiness where the compe The remaining elements in the air steei
keen. --a in ad Inexperienced that loses, the older and composition of the air we breathe ?" How rain tissue, was too great, and they gradually
commencing to take the Sarsaparilla I On so busy corner such as K g and 0, not detain us long. As a.1ready remarked, tht brain
surely sank under it. The things they
could see an me
_`.,"`,o'n ,;._,�_q.J�w Yon streets it is the wide-awake boy who sharper boys watching out for such and in" warty, may I add, could correctly reply to carbonic acid gas of pure air does not aiii,aum did to bring this sad end about arc precisely
improvement does the big trade. Rushing here and there duaing them to play by terrorizing or over, the query, 11 What do . we do when we to more than 4 partsin 10,000 of air, whip the same things that arc being done by
and everywhere, selecting the customer be. awing. I breathe?" the ammonia, and nitrous and nitric snide thousands of inert and women to -day. It is
m appetite began to u.-! not necessary to name then!. They ail end
return and with it came the ability to fore he has put his hand in his pocket, The Newsboys' Home is not really the : If one's professional experiences are to like the ozone, will be present in II trace(i
Dome of the genuine newsboy, and anyone I be trusted at all, the percentage of correct disastrously unless checked or regulated.
digest all the food taken, my strength counting out change with lightnir�g rapidity; ' only Ina pure atmosphere. Organictuatterc' jorof,- Phelps, of Dartmouth College knew
.Improved each day, and after a few who fosters the Idea that the youth who ex- replica which would be received in answer ,
,on the street car and off again; over to that which is the collective name applied too thiA 11jis fully when he began his CXper'I'luents
months of faithful attention to your d on the to the above questions, worn-out calla and microscopic particles of which resulted in the discovery of the
directions, I found well gentleman who has just whistled an back hibits suoh precocity and wickedness may be safely set
woman, able to attend to 411 household to that lady who waves her parasol ; into streets is at least cared for in t-h-e""Home at I
down as of infinitesimal kind. There are our frame, must likewise not, exceed thq wonderful Paine's Celery Compound. Ile
direc myself a
.. duties. The medicine has given rue a that store where several people are standing; night, is cherishing a very pleasant delusion. other proofs than those which are afforded merest traces in pure air. Be that we' may realized that paresis (consumption .of the
br,ii,l) was our great National weakness. H e
now lease of life, and I cannot thank I re6 spirits by ordinary educational experience, of the shortly sum up all that need be known i -new that the brain and nervous system must
you too much." down to the newspaper office for another I The Home is regirded among the I �
itsig supply, and, in fact, a hundred places of the streets only as ignorance which prevails about the air and o�)c fortified to meet the great str,LinS Which
"We, the undo ,nod, 'citizens ol -0 about the composition of the air we broatho
Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify In a little over a minute. No room for the . A LAST RMORT, breathing. Everybody Is constrained to by saying that It consists essentially of mr)(lern life bring upon it. Ilesaw that men
that the above statement, made by I �
Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular ,idler or the aloa,gard.hera, A.inany other � and some of them, would ,not go to it ever, ,,dmiltl,,,t.irl,,,,vllaln,,.,""ty- W -con" oxygen and nitrogen, with .. email q,santIt, wc,c becoming debilitated and women
and entitled to fall credenco."-O. P. sphere of life's duties, it is the earnest, ener- then. They prefer a perfect freedom. In Dot exist without it for any length of time, of carbonic acid gas, and with a varying weakened by the prQ,s,ire and demands of
Chamberlain,- G. W. Waring, C. A. Static, indefatigable worker who succeeds. the summer they search rut many a com- In this respect air Is not like water or amount of water and traces of ammonift, life, and be sought anal (11.�c,wcred the remedy
Wells, Druggist. . lid food I Paine's Celery Compound, if rightly taken,
I .I My brother, in England, was, fora The rates at which the papers are purchas. fortable nook along the wharves, and there ordinary food. For water or so organic matter, ozone, and the n troue and will renew the orain and build up nerve
long time, unable to attend to his ecru- I nitric arida already named, Whenevre the tissues as fast as they become ex , ust ( It
, I ad enables at boy to make, are many empty sheds along Front and E8- aro only demanded at intervals, while air is ha c 1. .
patron, by reason of sores on his foot from 62 to $3 par week, and only work half plauade streets that suit their requirements perpetually required for the maintenance of elements other than the oxygen andnitroger is not a narcotic. It Contains -) drugs,'no
tisent hint Ayer's Almanac and the tes. d . I Now, if we think of, say water or gas, (the quantities if which never alter) increase nostrums. It is perfectly pure. It is
mouials it contained induced him to a, ,y, while an energetic and determined exactly. In the winter they can got shelter life. ase absolutely harmless. The high character
try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it I boy can make as high as $5. By hard work in cheap lodging houses for a small sum, and as part and parcel of our ,'social needs, it is beyond "traces " in amount, and whenever of its discoverer guarantees this, and the
a little while, he was cured, and is now both morning and evening a boy could make there is one ouch place on Front street wort at .Clear we require to provide pipes to bring the carbonic acid gets begins to Increase over in
of thq tnedlc�d and chemical
A well man, working in a sugar mill ' t what provision 4 parts in 10,000 of air, the atmospheroll professions prove it. I
at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." - $S in a week, but very few exhibit such present, where by paying five cords the boys each Into our houses. But I .
A. Attewell, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. close application. There are several strik. can lie down on the basement. Over twenty let me ask, do we make for the supply of showing such a composition is to be regarded
Ing Itistatices, however, where wealth has of them frequent this place, and in their way our houses of the infinitely more necessary as impure ;and the impurity'increases wits
I been attained in Toronto by diligent news- they enjoy the hard couch as thoroughly as air? I answer, "None at all, as a rult. " the amounts of the substances just indicate, , 11 ON
Ayers'Sonaparilla, , boys. Davy O'Brien, who for years has another would appreciate the most luxurious Hence this utter lack of all consideration ed. �, ! - _; I .1.11,
. as a necessity '�i �4 """.. �,t��,
find regard for fresh air of fw� , I ,�k % 6,
PREPARED BY I sung out the dailies at King and Yonge bad. I The common source of air -impurity is mail ,�fi'! I t, 1@`1__l 10 si 1-1 - THE
streets, has accumulated sufficient to 13;,y L Tho girl element in th6`riewspaper bust- life, must be regarded as a proof of the himself. Every animal readers the atmos. b"! Wnr.e_=-=-_T1-U-u"V= �
Dr. J. G. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. $1,200 fora house recently and is said to uess, has not yet, been noticed, for somehow dense ignoAnce and mental fog which pro• phere around it unhealthy. It givea forth
Price Z,J; ollt bottles, SC
Worth $5 a bottle. have $600 in the bank besides. He deals I . n one does not like to_regard the feminine vails regarding the subject of breathing at to the air it IcLrge share of the waste -matters 2� Yvi,IRS 31YSTEN
evening papers and gender as a factor in such a calling, where large. E,�4 LV6 1, . ��, P..
. I * of irately in its breath ; and man, in addi.
For an ordinary room Is, practically, al- I
E31PLOYSABOOTTEN BOYS the morals are so corrupted and the heart ex- tion, through his factories, vomiting forth A •,,,,Illoxr tilouth ,N', li,4aro,16 ol* 11"'r-Yelf-l'o. ploill-
I The Clinton Now `� tra to deliver to warehouses and stores, with posed to so many pernicious influences. most an air -tight box. It is not the fault smoke and chemical vapors, contaminates `1`1 01 411�,'11 tadvalwe --I, t t I , r, tino mi 0 buys t, w
I 4s published every Friday Morning by But whether from 6 cruel necessity or in of the public if the room Is not air -tight. inlil'-Ut. I .
the employees of which he has regular eon. th,Y atmosphere to an extent which onlyAlly ptano nlav i,o- vii.,,oi ,o, t , f q n,,,o,,-nif1cw,t
Its i'lori-1,t, 1,1tt.,r,1 A11.1 OrrOlds, tar
the proprietor, ROBT. HOLMES, at 11' �' clinatidn, it is a fact that a large sprinkling The room is represented by a square space- scientists can appreciate and understand. sortmeno M I .
19 tracts, collectirigI the money weekly. In surpfts,od ill (111,11il. Zi oi� %.o,-. :limner., Teaeli-
printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin- some of these places as many as twenty of the news children are 'o � tour . wells with a floor and a roof, and nos- This great fact of our breath beings danger. ere, (�overunwnL (,W,,!11,. �11.0 Hi,.se- iw ro.vvipt ,,!
Gn, Ont - I , � sessing a window or two. a door, and a fire. orne in rt�gtilariiicoiiiL-�,kiii'(it,,,tiil,;..�.,�ti,c-Tiipiit�iind ail
TI,Raiq�1.50 per annum, paid in ad Papers a� delivered every evening, and . I LITTLN GIRLS. place. Suppose the door and windows to ous thing to re -breathe, must be b vimiagentiq mit(le for -k-Moriti,-, ik t�rit cltiss iws,tru:
� these with the number sold on the streets They ply their calling with as much lulus- miud,,as..I have previously hinted; and nielit. wit,r, ti,(- ioortiowitt -Is u�vfl for loraetio,�,'
. vance . be closed, when provision is made for air- , 0111'13cft St'.1, ,,r l""It-ti".. [`o'..'1111 -,1v,:i "'ar ,or, tlic,
,bring in quite a respectable revenue. try an the boys, and generally with as much upon the application of this truth rests the TNTA, W; `,Vo:tJJ ,,I, I've"'J., ,,, 11". l,W. Of the 11,1110.
J01B PP.IXTIENG supply ? Essentially none. That is to say? 71",r Patent F."A flo!'!.1 1,o-.l,.11T.,t ror Malta, is
The chief of the morning newsboys in the success, owing to the favor shown them by logic of all our attempts to better the evils of 01 � toacber,.
In every style and of every description ws are dependent on chance for this vital . invaluable L., w, lolfl,>,, 'tudwitq olot
matter of enterprise is John Clods, popular. men. This latter, though done in a spirit air impurity. Let' -us endeavor to see how l>rIee-mi%molk-,tiwt 1,it,,,;0,,l%ili1(,,L
executed with neatness and dispatch, need of cure. Air comes in to us by the much waste matter a human being will con. .
and at reasonable rates. ly known as 'Itho trcotter,'� owing to the of gallantry, has a most injurious effect, crevices of the windows, under the door, tribute through his lungs to the air around OCTAVIOW" W,WCOMB&I Co.
- peculiar . jogging trot at which be always since it tends to increase the number of girls 0 i.,
NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. ' lambulates, He is 'only , about seventeen engaging in the business. At some of the and is even drawn through the porous focus him. Ila man breathes eighteen times pal Nvjll-uq).oT11s--1t,7 ,;,d ,0 0,1,1',' �4• , TOMWO,
1. Any person or persons who take a years of age, but possesses the business ability officeis newspapers are refused to girls, but walls of obe.room. Thefiroo�laoceinllhoonly- minute, we may assume that he will giV0 Factory. tbeflite- i:j � -ii;i;aot to!, �,I:Ipjtlilllw", I ,
paper regularlK from a post office direct communication with the outer atmos. . Ill 1,11(i OtIv., "9 to, 9" 1:..-Ilv ";* ,%Yt, I
n I of two or three men twice his age. His this difficulty is got over �by boys purchasing out about -80 cubic inches of air at each . I
whether direct d in his name or a - . phere, and in summer, this outlet Itself, as breath. Now in'eaph breath there will be . .
. other's, or whether he has subscribed stand is at Spadina avenue and College them. we all know, may be blocked up intentional- ' . I 0 .i . .
or not, is responsible for payment. street, where he meets` all the citios and sup. There in a pzapogitibn under consideration ly, while the damper of the grate is closed.- contained about 1.29 outAoii fault of carbonic I .
2. If s. person orders his paper dis - plies the passengers. with papers.. the major- that inaugurate a licensing syst,em, for To-, Thus we ace that our alor,supply is allowedI acid I gas ; this . quantity givial; us about 16 .
- .
�ontinaed he must pay all arrears, or I ity of whom are regular coustoment. By ronto news ish0di;Ion, and this, if adopted, cubic feet in the twenty-four hours. Thin .
I , '
the publisher may continue to send it long "uai , ntaric"es with the neighborhood would exclude girls from the business, to -be a more matter, of chance after &IL amount of gas, we further find, equals abo at :
until payment is made, and then col- , � I I The majority of usnotther heed nor care .
set the whole amount whether the pa- he has made Iftis'elf master of the situation. Many of the newsboys axe anxious to be about i1he'soaroes, ways6 op inanow whereby 7 14 ovoont"a of pure carbon or charcoal.
er is taken or not. He, like O'Brien, employs a large number properly licensed, as they chdin that school- I When larg i numbers of human beings eon. . . .
3. The Courts haveof boys, whom he stations on corners or boys of well-to-do parents interfero with our atmospborlo food Is obtained ; and in 3 . I
decided that re- I gregate together, f% can readily be surmised 19 0 ?, .
-aIs places on routes, paying them usually 81,50 their business simply to make a few cent this fact, I repeat, one, finds a distinct proof
. fusing to take newspapers or periodic tr of the widespread ignorance which besets that the amount of waste carbonic acid gas, -
from the post office or removing and with a bonus on Saturdays. But pocket .a(" I I I water, and other materials, which they emit . 4- I � .
leaving them uncalled for is prima facie per week w , in Y* � the whole question. ;V
evidence of intentional fraud. the fact that he is an employer and making . from lunge and skin together, will be of re- . .
1� . This carelessness about air and Its purity .
ADVERTISING RATES. money independent of his own efforts, does I . FASHION, NOTES. I is a source of much illness and disease. lativelyoriormous extent. It is calculated )f
sol not abate his zeal or lessen his activity. . I I that an audience of 2,000 persons, seated in .I. #.1 .
LOCAr, NOTICES -At head of local I Lung troubles are increased materially ,11.•, .
column, 10 cents per line or portion He has a long list of customers whom he Jet has one out of fashion. I througliour breatbingan impure atmosphere - shall for two hours, will give off from lungs It A , ., I .
I .1 I I . I
insertion.thereof, each meets at different corners and on different I Irish poplins are coming into favor. . and skin Boventoen gallons of water, and as to- , , I I
Articles lost or found, girls wanted, cars. A newsboy has been known to go Parasol handles have grown ridiculously contrariwise, when we make open spaces in much carbon (contained in the carbonic acid . _. . I
&c., not exceedirif three lines, 25 cents I towns, and thereby secure "lungs" for our gas coming from the lungs) as would equal a . �
each inserton. 1. ive lines, 50 cents for into a car in advance of the trotter and long. in the i 0.1 I I
one insertion, and 25 cents for each sub- NOT ,ELL A FAI�FR skillfully imi- I cities, we decrease the death -rate hundredweight of coal -which, of course, to .
I Russian leather has been . no4hboqhood of these spaqes, not only from I
, I Astalf a form of carbon. This calculation Sequent insertion. while the Intitter, coming along a few mo. tated, . I lung -troubles, but from most'other causes as I
Muses to lot or for Sale,? farms to menta later, would sell half a dozefi. Some Sailor Data are only in use for yachting well. It is necessary for us in the first place will show us how powerfully man himself 11 ',- I
rent or for sale, stray cattle and all I effects, in'the direction of Impurity, the air I (,_
similar advertisements not exceeding of the customers pay weekly, and though excursions. � I I to glance at the composition of the air we he breathes, and on which he depends for � .
to breathe. If, we analyke, say 1�,O of our . .
eight lines $1 for one month, and 50 it might be regarded as a doubtful policy. About one lady in every six has her hair I PWID life and health. The Most Succosaftl Remedy ever did- -
cents for each subsequent month. trust people whose names and residences' dressed low. . atmosphere, we find it to consist osisentially . covered, as it is certain in its offeree and
I � . does not blister. Read proof below.
Advertisements without specific .in- am unknown, the trotter seldom has to com. Tan, blue, gray and black are the favorite i If a mixture of two gases, oxygen and nitro- Re Was morn Too Soon. 8TftZrX7=Z. P. Q., BraY 81 IM9.
structions, inserted till forbid. plain of deadbeats. In addition to his out- gen. fn .the proportion of about 21 parts of DG B. 3, RENDAilto Co.. Enos
Falls. VL
arrangements with colors for snake. "I Gentlemen �1 have used K
Special contract side business he has a grocery and news ' the former gas to 79 of the latter. Air Is \ dall'o ,., en'ft-
business men. . Fashion in drew is governed by individu- Me - i spavin Cara for Spavins I
. store on Lippincott street. thus I more mixture of gases; it is not a and also In scasts of lame
General adveftiBing rate for unclassi- I ality this season. � I I � stiffJointean(i tounlin=W M
fled advertisements and legal adver- At a first glance one would think the Some of the new spring hats are like chemical compound., But ordinary and fair- . ,i. , , cure in every respect. I cordially
tising, 10 cents per line for first inser- money made at newspaper selling and boot- ly pure air contains, in addition to these two , I \. recommend It to all bonemen. ,
tion, and 3 cents per line for each sub- blacking a sufficient explanation of the large 111118,11 flower gardens. essential gases, at certain proportion of a gas ' Very re4ectfuily years,
sequent insertion. number of boys who are to be seen engaged Gentlemen who ridoliorseback wear black called carbonic acid. This gas Ina pure at- i I CUARLZ9 J. BIAMCEr. I
Changes for oontracted advertise. in this business. But there is another sea- Melton cutaway costs. morphere abould not exceed four parts to , -_ ..,o, . �) KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURED',
. � ,
ments must be handed in as early in I . . �� I ST. TiloblAS, P. Q., April 22, IM. ,
. the week as possible to insure a change eon and one of which, not the -boys, but 11 Pattern" dresses in wool and other Ina- 1 the lo,'OW of air. , . I C.� Da. V. J. RP,KD&LL cc., Exiosburph Falls. Vt.
I - (
their parents and society at large is to aerials find great favor. I Then we also discover In ordinary air � e, ,,, ) ,31 ,� , Qeuts:-I lin uged a few t3ott as of your ICen-
that week. ,. .r> t'. dall's Spavin Cure on my colt,
blame. News children have aptly been ; traces of ozone, of ammonia-, and of nitrous " .^ % which was suffering from Influ-
. . Ladies who are *Ioo never touch the hair I I,. 4. . enza Ina ver F bad form, and can
. - called "the children of the street." Many with the curling tongs. . I and nitric acid ; while as regards the watery - r , 0 0 11 say that our Kendall's Spavin
- I
I - RAILROAD 1. . PIME TABLE of thentriever knew a home; never experi- Green and gray are decidedly the reign. ; vapor of the air, that constituent depen . do -,.- , It I .. . complete and rapid
' . I cure, I can recommend It as the .
- snood the pure influence of a mother I a love; � for its amount -upon the varying conditions . , best and most effective liniment
ing colors of the season, � I lo,ot #,�Llo I have ever liandled. Kindly send
I Issued May let, never received any of the training necessary , I of the weather. It is the oxygen of the air I me 0(n)e 0 your valuable books entitled "ATrea-
There are more elegance in simplicity � ' - : 77 ties ntlienoroe.11 Yours respectfully,
The departure of trains at the several to direct the mind in Pryor channels, but I which is the essential element ft)r animal " ... I � - . 114 I. F. wummir. I
station's named, is according to the while hardly out of the. lisping period were than in all the furbelows in creation. I No animal can -exist without a, supply f, , I KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE,
last officiwl time card: It is no longer considered a part Of . girl's I life.
I . turned out of doors 6 earn, be or steal ofthisgas. It forms, ns, have'said, part of I FORT ELLICE, MA . a 10 IBM.
I CLINTON , their livelihood, or starve, Not only this, education to have her ears pierced. 11 the food of the animal body. It Is required Dm V. So RMAL o,. Enosbur ` your
Falls Vt.
It L Istee Gentlemew- I always keep Voridall's
Grand Trunk Division I - but in many cases their youth and innocence There is a summer airiness about - for'tho production of heat in the frame of Officer Houlihan -An' does this ripri ApavinoCureandBli ranh
Going West are used by degraded parents for purposes hats that is decidedly fit their favor. I v and they bave never failed In
Going Last man and all other animals, and it discharges ,int, Teddy? , what you state they will do. I
ha e oured abed case of Spavin
7.43 a.m. 10.05 a.m. of deception, and while their higher natures There are many imitators of the Mar- many other and important duties in our his. " Officer Rourke -Hercules. and also two cases of langbono 1
2.25 p.m. 1.20 p.m. are entirely neglected they are taught by guerite style of dregs at the present time. tory - � The nitrogen gas of the air, on the ofyours standing on mares which
4.55 p.ryj. 6.55 P.m. * Officer Houlihan -An' is he dead now T I bought to breed from, and have
9.27 p.m. example, if not by precept, that lying is A ruching of fringed -out silk is the prin. . other hand, is an inert auk-tance, whose t seen any signs of disease In
I Officer Rourke (impatiently)-Yis ; these 11boeir offspring. Tours trot 13
London, Huron and Bruce Division more lucrative khan truthfulness, that to cipal trimming for summer silk dresses. . I chief use appears to be that of diluting the �1. J. 019no"..
Going North - Going South steal is easier than W earn, and that, in oxygen so as to render the'atmosphere are- four t'ousand years, ye blamed fool I - Price 91 per bottle, or six bottles for 133. All
Mecicio collars are likely to take the place . Officer Houlihan (sadly)-Pbwat a pity_ druggists haveit coir can get It for you, or ltwul ba
a.m. p.m a.m. P.M brief, it is spirable mixture of gases. Nitrogen does sent to any address on receipt of price by thal
of the straight high collars so long worn. look at tire club av him. Sure It's a foind Er
iierletors .1 I
Winghant. ..11-00 7.45 . 6.50 3.40 HASIRR TO PREY ON SOCIETY not appear to exert any Influence or action B. J. kENDALL CO., Enosburgh Falls, Vt.
Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 7.05 4.00 Silver -lined cooking utensils are taking the on our bollen. It passes in',and out of the man he would have made on the foorce I I SOLD BY ALL DILUGGISTS.
Blyth. - :..: 10.28 7.12 7.18 4.15 than to be honest"and industrious. Think• place of those made of copper and brass. . lungs well nigh unchanged in quantity, and A Ithyming Boverio. 11 . i .
. Londesboro 10.19 7.03 7.26 4.25 Ing of the children in view of these facts, Fashionabie ladies Indulge in swee"cent. i certainly not altered in quality.
Clinton - - ..10.00 6.45 7.55 4.45 and reflecting on the future before them, - It was a dainty lady's glove-
Brucefield, . 9.42 6.26 8.15 5.04 ed note paper, but their taste is questionable. 1 The other subbtanceg in the air are de' A ,' I I
one feels like applying the words of Long, souvenir to rhyme with love. I
. Kippen . � .. 9,34 6.17 8.24 5.12 I Artificial poppies are to be had in any ' serving also of a brief mention. Tire ozone I
Ilensall .... 9,28 6.09 8.32 5.19 fellow to them:- color desired. Such are the modern improve- is a peculiar, much condensed, and very ac- It was the memory of a kiss- I
Exeter .... 9.16 5,57 8.50 5.33 Oh, little feet that such long years menta on nature, tive form of oxygen gas. It is onlyfound in So called to make It rhyme with bliss. � - I
London.... 8.05 4,'25 10.15 6. 45 Must wander on through toil ai,d fears, I ' I io .y :': ?
1, hearer to the wayside inn, I White summer gowns for morning wear air of the utmost purity, and is thus present There was a month at Mount Desert- 1 - Q .; :_ i
� . are as fashionable as they were in the time ' In the atmosphere of the sea and of the hills. Synonymousd it , , i I � tP ._1 Z, - �.
Where toil shall cease and rest begin, � of Matio Antoinette. . ozone is also a powerful disinfectant and a," 1� 77!!"� ,� 31 v_ ,� 7,� -I,.- - j.
4 A pretty girl and lot style j; ; ='�,,,i-"'*?;
CONSUMPTION CURED. Am wea"ry tbiriking of your load. I r
� ,I - 5 . � , .: �
� r-,
I burning up and destroring foul Which rhymes with 'Happy for a Ile.*- 0 � N*�� a:,11��.-c-O.V
And yet to come back from the septi- � Now that the seasori'm fashions have been deodorizer, C,u - - �� , - 's �, 1-7� Z. 6 ,E�,.11
An old physican retired from prac- . matter whenever It comes In contact with ::3 . ;M . � 4 Z
settled1liti discovery is made that some of li�k ,-_�..;,,,�.-. �.��
lace, having had placed in his bands by mental to the practical, the genuine news. ' There came a rival, old and hold- r."', .r S :`.'on 0 - Z " � .'.- E -
bonnets are as high an ever. such material. On the human body, ozone !'') " ; ;. ; , - '. .- -.
an East India missionary the forum" boy enjoys life abouf as well as most people. 4; T -1 I.r 4 .. Z� - .! 7 , , 11
5� . . � .: �,� ; -,i- -
Of a simple vegetable remedy for the himself ,jo The round waists of the simple gowns now exerts a iMmulatilig action, and it Is hence To make him rhyme with gold and sold, I , J �,', � . -IJ 41; 4 L "' - ^ �_ t. M
He early learns to accomodateI - -kwv�10= * , �4
C,t r 4 �� : , ,_ �" - -4 -
speedy and porme.fientoure of'consump- worn show but one seem, but the lining is all regarded as one of the sources of the exhilar. A broken heart there had to be- I W , . �,, � ..:
Catarrh, Asthme, and she prevailing order of things and develops' - r g _- *. �- ; " . .
tion. Bronchitis, perfectly fitted as the art of dressmaking can ating effects of sea and country air. The Alaa I the rhyme just fitted me, -{Life . ! 01" �, � E- ' :1
ful indifference to cold, bringer p I I , Z . 57
I " , . r: :.; �"�
Lung Affections, also a a wonder ably � . Ct`,� , ,• ; , ._`
all throat and Lunj devise. � watery vapor of the atmosphere probably 7--`1y!1r_,_1, 1�
bitivo and radical cure for Nervous and fatigue or rebuff. No professional base. I ' depends most largely on the tehiperaturo The Grocer -Good morning, Mr. Oatcake, I I - ..i...�'.1,�,..k,e7��,�i-�"ot,".",'I .14 7 . - -, ,� -,
English girls who have a fancy for the or ,,, r ul "`� - - - , .,
!, I 1�, , ,� ,, - . ., ,
N'bility and Nervous Complaints, after ball match is played that they do not wit- What brinjayon back to the city' � . _�.4
unique wear as apart of their yachting w, beat of the air. The higher its temperature, so soon I , . . , , .�
- F!; " 11 _f4t. ! , 'Y', :. , - -
having tested its Wonder" curative ness, and during the winter they attend the - 1 "•', . " -, , -, -, - ,, -, -1 I
powers in thousands of cases, has felt turns, under a ohort,open jalaket, a shirt the mqrb water can the air retain. A calcu. Farmer Oatcake -Waal, I'm going to, have a I ".. 4! A I ,
. I -ss I , "! , 1. '. �-. , , `-
it known to life suf- theatres regularly and go into raptures over l� 1-11 ..... ..... I
, Cation gives us about 1 1.2 parts of water in good many more summer boarders than I ! . ' �"" "i "
it his duty to make made like a man's. 1:,k'.trJF-1r- " '.':','-
ot. Irish Drama or Buffalo Bill scones, They expacted, so you might send me ton more � �,__, ' i '. , �: I �.n
fering fellows. Actuated by this in I J00 parts of air as a fair average o8timato of ! . . .. ,�.,_ *
I . I -S-1 �, % - , , , I F Z
relieve human suf never pay whenever they can by any possible Mignonette and marguerites are the favor- I .��1;1�6.1'.00z;), .. ^ - :.,.-:
ave and a desire to . the quantity present ; but in some cases the cases of canned vegetables I .1 . I " �,
foring, I will send free of charge, to all means avoid doing so. At the baseball Ito floweii, for window boxes, which aro seen . may become loaded with water, or vapor, Mrs. A (continuing the discussion) -And, I . .1... . -..:a
who desire it, this receipt, in German, none too often against the browntitone facings air in
ior a grounds they will glite their eye to a hole � to the extent of 50 per cent, or oven more. pray, what ago were you, major B., when I
French or English, with full direct . or sit on top of a shed, of cotirmo of New York houses. . The carbonic acid gas of air, or carbonic you were nrarried ? major B, -Really, my ' A COM" 0 C"I 0 K
for prepating and using, Simt, I by mail in the fence are in I
by addressing with Stump, naming this trying first to steal past the �atckcepor or Useful as well an pretty begs made dioxide, as chemists name it, is a compound dear madam, I do not remember with any FREE
paper, W. A. NOYT, I burrow their way into the grounds, and if picot -edged ribbons in three colors. The rib• gas, since it consists of carbon and oxygen, Ay Mai; i�, wy,a,ly sero;oz .1o; �.P. poll om")
s, 149 Power's Block, exactness, but I certainly had not yet reach, (
Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y,e.o.w, the worst comes to the worst, they can bons are sewed together to form a bag, then Cn the proportion of two vol-imca -r.4 the lat. ed the ago of discretion. address. Weds, R,charosen & Co i mont,5al.
manage to produce the price of admission. lined and tied with narrower ribbon.
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mol In %be theatre a: t I THAT TERRIBLE PARE I SIS, -
. TORONTO'S NEWSBOYS. I � They am �0 ie P ,near A PLAIN TALK ABOUT AIR. tar to one of the former. Cabolo *Ad p I
AV& ; . the " I" us 90tai, and it is only the b familiarly "an in soda WsitArl `ch*MP%FW1 A. Me Canadian People B:co
In Ili g Its
I Notion of tful
. I "'dead broke" beyop "t stand at the door and other isterated beverages. itis besilwg N "Umsti,ci T -Th,
Pe6ple Wondur NOW THEY LIVE AND ENJOY LIFE IN and beg for -aboselm" DR. ANDREW WILSON DISCOURSES ON enough to us when prawn"A in- this latte incrouse of this -t peculiar Insanity I
THE CITY. T=M KNOWL"03& 01P.PERFORMANCM T H F, AIR WE BREATHE. form; but underother circums"M to ti and how it ht cured.
`WI= t,bosy find how rapidlyhealthI be -regarded as an eneaty to limoth and HA 4
is restored by taking Ayees Bar- . and periesommse is adonisbing and their as- � L . - - , 11
6%parilla. The reason Is that this owning no Rgater and Knowing No Mine- timate of an actor or a play is as accurate as. IFopular knorance the source of Bluch Ols- of uncompromising kind. IudUdjL'thfWW
preparation contains only the purest Wend of the Theatre and Baseball and . ! case-11sw=s That are Air-Tialit BoXea- Story Of ventilation if 10941Y the "In of' I
' - the majority of adult critics. ad fight with carbonic sold goe.. It exists 11 ,--
and most powerful alteratives and Fxvorta " Pitch and Toss -Girls and When money is flush with tissm they "O t P011116111A 111111allioll by the Lungs -
tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a . mines and wells, and Is thus toured by th )
Licensing System. great eater, and smokers, They will go off I There in nothing more familiar than the
veritable elixir of life. 01, colliers ; but an regards ire ordinary relatiox)
Mrs. Jos. Lake, Brockway Centre, One of the avocations that is always full to a cheap restaurant and have what to I eir we breathe, and there is probably noth. to us, it has to be home In mind that cart
Mich., writes. "Liver complaint and of interest to the general public is that pur- them is a sumptuous repast, often indulging g I In regarding which there exists a greater acid gas forma part and parcel of the wash
THE P,r,.4 IjV (.Ironz a photo��aph,) "
indigestion made my life a burden . lVioolt Paresis L i"U.
and came near ending My existence sued by the newsboy. The familiar saying - In oysters and such like. much of their amount of popular ignorance a til miscon. of the human body and of ,all other animal Irto 1hal,el,y Candifian.
For more than four years I suffered un. "Old Old Heads Upon Young Shoulders" applies earning goes for cigarettes for which they ' caption. If any of my readers are inclined likewise. Itis this fact which constitute, There are many well known men confined
told agony. I was reduced almost to this class with great force and accuracy, early develop an inordinate fancy. I to think I ant saying rather hard th* -
to lugs one of the main details of breathing ant in our Asylunts who but a iihort time ago were
a skeleton, and burd1l had strength business and social
d If about. 11 of and one never tires of watching their sharp, Often they make or lose a good deal of about the popular culture of our day, and , ent among our
kinds food ventilation as health topics. The breath vv� "roll"n .
=1g=tne, and only the most deli- business methods and listening to their money through gambling. They are exceed- under- estimating the education of the give out from our lungs is thus largely car circles
cate could be digested at all. Within tough but philosophical remarks as they ingly fond of pitching coppers. Several people in science matters, I may retort that Why are they there? I
the time mentioned several physicians aline or I do net make the assertion without know -
acid gas ; and to re-breatbe our owl 111=sisl I
treated m6witbotit giving relief. Neth- stand on the street corners spatting custom- boys agreeing to pitch coppers to breath or that of other people, is to qualify Did it conic on at once?
ing that I took seemed to do any per- I arc, their eyes and feet all activity too get the wall, the nearest thrower .winning aLl, ledge. How many, otherwise well-educated ourselves for illnesses and diseases of maul N(ji, at all. It was a'graduil but positive
I manent good until I began the use of Shead of their rivals. There is hardly eon. the coppers on the ground. people, I might ask, could answer at once groo.%th. Theyovenaxednature. The drain
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pro- clition is so other method of gambling it is the Y"ag and correctly, the question, "What is ills different kinds, ,,,, their vitality, their nerve powers, their
duced wonderful results. Soon after other bueiness where the compe The remaining elements in the air steei
keen. --a in ad Inexperienced that loses, the older and composition of the air we breathe ?" How rain tissue, was too great, and they gradually
commencing to take the Sarsaparilla I On so busy corner such as K g and 0, not detain us long. As a.1ready remarked, tht brain
surely sank under it. The things they
could see an me
_`.,"`,o'n ,;._,�_q.J�w Yon streets it is the wide-awake boy who sharper boys watching out for such and in" warty, may I add, could correctly reply to carbonic acid gas of pure air does not aiii,aum did to bring this sad end about arc precisely
improvement does the big trade. Rushing here and there duaing them to play by terrorizing or over, the query, 11 What do . we do when we to more than 4 partsin 10,000 of air, whip the same things that arc being done by
and everywhere, selecting the customer be. awing. I breathe?" the ammonia, and nitrous and nitric snide thousands of inert and women to -day. It is
m appetite began to u.-! not necessary to name then!. They ail end
return and with it came the ability to fore he has put his hand in his pocket, The Newsboys' Home is not really the : If one's professional experiences are to like the ozone, will be present in II trace(i
Dome of the genuine newsboy, and anyone I be trusted at all, the percentage of correct disastrously unless checked or regulated.
digest all the food taken, my strength counting out change with lightnir�g rapidity; ' only Ina pure atmosphere. Organictuatterc' jorof,- Phelps, of Dartmouth College knew
.Improved each day, and after a few who fosters the Idea that the youth who ex- replica which would be received in answer ,
,on the street car and off again; over to that which is the collective name applied too thiA 11jis fully when he began his CXper'I'luents
months of faithful attention to your d on the to the above questions, worn-out calla and microscopic particles of which resulted in the discovery of the
directions, I found well gentleman who has just whistled an back hibits suoh precocity and wickedness may be safely set
woman, able to attend to 411 household to that lady who waves her parasol ; into streets is at least cared for in t-h-e""Home at I
down as of infinitesimal kind. There are our frame, must likewise not, exceed thq wonderful Paine's Celery Compound. Ile
direc myself a
.. duties. The medicine has given rue a that store where several people are standing; night, is cherishing a very pleasant delusion. other proofs than those which are afforded merest traces in pure air. Be that we' may realized that paresis (consumption .of the
br,ii,l) was our great National weakness. H e
now lease of life, and I cannot thank I re6 spirits by ordinary educational experience, of the shortly sum up all that need be known i -new that the brain and nervous system must
you too much." down to the newspaper office for another I The Home is regirded among the I �
itsig supply, and, in fact, a hundred places of the streets only as ignorance which prevails about the air and o�)c fortified to meet the great str,LinS Which
"We, the undo ,nod, 'citizens ol -0 about the composition of the air we broatho
Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify In a little over a minute. No room for the . A LAST RMORT, breathing. Everybody Is constrained to by saying that It consists essentially of mr)(lern life bring upon it. Ilesaw that men
that the above statement, made by I �
Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular ,idler or the aloa,gard.hera, A.inany other � and some of them, would ,not go to it ever, ,,dmiltl,,,t.irl,,,,vllaln,,.,""ty- W -con" oxygen and nitrogen, with .. email q,santIt, wc,c becoming debilitated and women
and entitled to fall credenco."-O. P. sphere of life's duties, it is the earnest, ener- then. They prefer a perfect freedom. In Dot exist without it for any length of time, of carbonic acid gas, and with a varying weakened by the prQ,s,ire and demands of
Chamberlain,- G. W. Waring, C. A. Static, indefatigable worker who succeeds. the summer they search rut many a com- In this respect air Is not like water or amount of water and traces of ammonift, life, and be sought anal (11.�c,wcred the remedy
Wells, Druggist. . lid food I Paine's Celery Compound, if rightly taken,
I .I My brother, in England, was, fora The rates at which the papers are purchas. fortable nook along the wharves, and there ordinary food. For water or so organic matter, ozone, and the n troue and will renew the orain and build up nerve
long time, unable to attend to his ecru- I nitric arida already named, Whenevre the tissues as fast as they become ex , ust ( It
, I ad enables at boy to make, are many empty sheds along Front and E8- aro only demanded at intervals, while air is ha c 1. .
patron, by reason of sores on his foot from 62 to $3 par week, and only work half plauade streets that suit their requirements perpetually required for the maintenance of elements other than the oxygen andnitroger is not a narcotic. It Contains -) drugs,'no
tisent hint Ayer's Almanac and the tes. d . I Now, if we think of, say water or gas, (the quantities if which never alter) increase nostrums. It is perfectly pure. It is
mouials it contained induced him to a, ,y, while an energetic and determined exactly. In the winter they can got shelter life. ase absolutely harmless. The high character
try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it I boy can make as high as $5. By hard work in cheap lodging houses for a small sum, and as part and parcel of our ,'social needs, it is beyond "traces " in amount, and whenever of its discoverer guarantees this, and the
a little while, he was cured, and is now both morning and evening a boy could make there is one ouch place on Front street wort at .Clear we require to provide pipes to bring the carbonic acid gets begins to Increase over in
of thq tnedlc�d and chemical
A well man, working in a sugar mill ' t what provision 4 parts in 10,000 of air, the atmospheroll professions prove it. I
at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." - $S in a week, but very few exhibit such present, where by paying five cords the boys each Into our houses. But I .
A. Attewell, Sharbot Lake, Ontario. close application. There are several strik. can lie down on the basement. Over twenty let me ask, do we make for the supply of showing such a composition is to be regarded
Ing Itistatices, however, where wealth has of them frequent this place, and in their way our houses of the infinitely more necessary as impure ;and the impurity'increases wits
I been attained in Toronto by diligent news- they enjoy the hard couch as thoroughly as air? I answer, "None at all, as a rult. " the amounts of the substances just indicate, , 11 ON
Ayers'Sonaparilla, , boys. Davy O'Brien, who for years has another would appreciate the most luxurious Hence this utter lack of all consideration ed. �, ! - _; I .1.11,
. as a necessity '�i �4 """.. �,t��,
find regard for fresh air of fw� , I ,�k % 6,
PREPARED BY I sung out the dailies at King and Yonge bad. I The common source of air -impurity is mail ,�fi'! I t, 1@`1__l 10 si 1-1 - THE
streets, has accumulated sufficient to 13;,y L Tho girl element in th6`riewspaper bust- life, must be regarded as a proof of the himself. Every animal readers the atmos. b"! Wnr.e_=-=-_T1-U-u"V= �
Dr. J. G. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. $1,200 fora house recently and is said to uess, has not yet, been noticed, for somehow dense ignoAnce and mental fog which pro• phere around it unhealthy. It givea forth
Price Z,J; ollt bottles, SC
Worth $5 a bottle. have $600 in the bank besides. He deals I . n one does not like to_regard the feminine vails regarding the subject of breathing at to the air it IcLrge share of the waste -matters 2� Yvi,IRS 31YSTEN
evening papers and gender as a factor in such a calling, where large. E,�4 LV6 1, . ��, P..
. I * of irately in its breath ; and man, in addi.
For an ordinary room Is, practically, al- I
E31PLOYSABOOTTEN BOYS the morals are so corrupted and the heart ex- tion, through his factories, vomiting forth A •,,,,Illoxr tilouth ,N', li,4aro,16 ol* 11"'r-Yelf-l'o. ploill-
I The Clinton Now `� tra to deliver to warehouses and stores, with posed to so many pernicious influences. most an air -tight box. It is not the fault smoke and chemical vapors, contaminates `1`1 01 411�,'11 tadvalwe --I, t t I , r, tino mi 0 buys t, w
I 4s published every Friday Morning by But whether from 6 cruel necessity or in of the public if the room Is not air -tight. inlil'-Ut. I .
the employees of which he has regular eon. th,Y atmosphere to an extent which onlyAlly ptano nlav i,o- vii.,,oi ,o, t , f q n,,,o,,-nif1cw,t
Its i'lori-1,t, 1,1tt.,r,1 A11.1 OrrOlds, tar
the proprietor, ROBT. HOLMES, at 11' �' clinatidn, it is a fact that a large sprinkling The room is represented by a square space- scientists can appreciate and understand. sortmeno M I .
19 tracts, collectirigI the money weekly. In surpfts,od ill (111,11il. Zi oi� %.o,-. :limner., Teaeli-
printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin- some of these places as many as twenty of the news children are 'o � tour . wells with a floor and a roof, and nos- This great fact of our breath beings danger. ere, (�overunwnL (,W,,!11,. �11.0 Hi,.se- iw ro.vvipt ,,!
Gn, Ont - I , � sessing a window or two. a door, and a fire. orne in rt�gtilariiicoiiiL-�,kiii'(it,,,tiil,;..�.,�ti,c-Tiipiit�iind ail
TI,Raiq�1.50 per annum, paid in ad Papers a� delivered every evening, and . I LITTLN GIRLS. place. Suppose the door and windows to ous thing to re -breathe, must be b vimiagentiq mit(le for -k-Moriti,-, ik t�rit cltiss iws,tru:
� these with the number sold on the streets They ply their calling with as much lulus- miud,,as..I have previously hinted; and nielit. wit,r, ti,(- ioortiowitt -Is u�vfl for loraetio,�,'
. vance . be closed, when provision is made for air- , 0111'13cft St'.1, ,,r l""It-ti".. [`o'..'1111 -,1v,:i "'ar ,or, tlic,
,bring in quite a respectable revenue. try an the boys, and generally with as much upon the application of this truth rests the TNTA, W; `,Vo:tJJ ,,I, I've"'J., ,,, 11". l,W. Of the 11,1110.
J01B PP.IXTIENG supply ? Essentially none. That is to say? 71",r Patent F."A flo!'!.1 1,o-.l,.11T.,t ror Malta, is
The chief of the morning newsboys in the success, owing to the favor shown them by logic of all our attempts to better the evils of 01 � toacber,.
In every style and of every description ws are dependent on chance for this vital . invaluable L., w, lolfl,>,, 'tudwitq olot
matter of enterprise is John Clods, popular. men. This latter, though done in a spirit air impurity. Let' -us endeavor to see how l>rIee-mi%molk-,tiwt 1,it,,,;0,,l%ili1(,,L
executed with neatness and dispatch, need of cure. Air comes in to us by the much waste matter a human being will con. .
and at reasonable rates. ly known as 'Itho trcotter,'� owing to the of gallantry, has a most injurious effect, crevices of the windows, under the door, tribute through his lungs to the air around OCTAVIOW" W,WCOMB&I Co.
- peculiar . jogging trot at which be always since it tends to increase the number of girls 0 i.,
NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. ' lambulates, He is 'only , about seventeen engaging in the business. At some of the and is even drawn through the porous focus him. Ila man breathes eighteen times pal Nvjll-uq).oT11s--1t,7 ,;,d ,0 0,1,1',' �4• , TOMWO,
1. Any person or persons who take a years of age, but possesses the business ability officeis newspapers are refused to girls, but walls of obe.room. Thefiroo�laoceinllhoonly- minute, we may assume that he will giV0 Factory. tbeflite- i:j � -ii;i;aot to!, �,I:Ipjtlilllw", I ,
paper regularlK from a post office direct communication with the outer atmos. . Ill 1,11(i OtIv., "9 to, 9" 1:..-Ilv ";* ,%Yt, I
n I of two or three men twice his age. His this difficulty is got over �by boys purchasing out about -80 cubic inches of air at each . I
whether direct d in his name or a - . phere, and in summer, this outlet Itself, as breath. Now in'eaph breath there will be . .
. other's, or whether he has subscribed stand is at Spadina avenue and College them. we all know, may be blocked up intentional- ' . I 0 .i . .
or not, is responsible for payment. street, where he meets` all the citios and sup. There in a pzapogitibn under consideration ly, while the damper of the grate is closed.- contained about 1.29 outAoii fault of carbonic I .
2. If s. person orders his paper dis - plies the passengers. with papers.. the major- that inaugurate a licensing syst,em, for To-, Thus we ace that our alor,supply is allowedI acid I gas ; this . quantity givial; us about 16 .
- .
�ontinaed he must pay all arrears, or I ity of whom are regular coustoment. By ronto news ish0di;Ion, and this, if adopted, cubic feet in the twenty-four hours. Thin .
I , '
the publisher may continue to send it long "uai , ntaric"es with the neighborhood would exclude girls from the business, to -be a more matter, of chance after &IL amount of gas, we further find, equals abo at :
until payment is made, and then col- , � I I The majority of usnotther heed nor care .
set the whole amount whether the pa- he has made Iftis'elf master of the situation. Many of the newsboys axe anxious to be about i1he'soaroes, ways6 op inanow whereby 7 14 ovoont"a of pure carbon or charcoal.
er is taken or not. He, like O'Brien, employs a large number properly licensed, as they chdin that school- I When larg i numbers of human beings eon. . . .
3. The Courts haveof boys, whom he stations on corners or boys of well-to-do parents interfero with our atmospborlo food Is obtained ; and in 3 . I
decided that re- I gregate together, f% can readily be surmised 19 0 ?, .
-aIs places on routes, paying them usually 81,50 their business simply to make a few cent this fact, I repeat, one, finds a distinct proof
. fusing to take newspapers or periodic tr of the widespread ignorance which besets that the amount of waste carbonic acid gas, -
from the post office or removing and with a bonus on Saturdays. But pocket .a(" I I I water, and other materials, which they emit . 4- I � .
leaving them uncalled for is prima facie per week w , in Y* � the whole question. ;V
evidence of intentional fraud. the fact that he is an employer and making . from lunge and skin together, will be of re- . .
1� . This carelessness about air and Its purity .
ADVERTISING RATES. money independent of his own efforts, does I . FASHION, NOTES. I is a source of much illness and disease. lativelyoriormous extent. It is calculated )f
sol not abate his zeal or lessen his activity. . I I that an audience of 2,000 persons, seated in .I. #.1 .
LOCAr, NOTICES -At head of local I Lung troubles are increased materially ,11.•, .
column, 10 cents per line or portion He has a long list of customers whom he Jet has one out of fashion. I througliour breatbingan impure atmosphere - shall for two hours, will give off from lungs It A , ., I .
I .1 I I . I
insertion.thereof, each meets at different corners and on different I Irish poplins are coming into favor. . and skin Boventoen gallons of water, and as to- , , I I
Articles lost or found, girls wanted, cars. A newsboy has been known to go Parasol handles have grown ridiculously contrariwise, when we make open spaces in much carbon (contained in the carbonic acid . _. . I
&c., not exceedirif three lines, 25 cents I towns, and thereby secure "lungs" for our gas coming from the lungs) as would equal a . �
each inserton. 1. ive lines, 50 cents for into a car in advance of the trotter and long. in the i 0.1 I I
one insertion, and 25 cents for each sub- NOT ,ELL A FAI�FR skillfully imi- I cities, we decrease the death -rate hundredweight of coal -which, of course, to .
I Russian leather has been . no4hboqhood of these spaqes, not only from I
, I Astalf a form of carbon. This calculation Sequent insertion. while the Intitter, coming along a few mo. tated, . I lung -troubles, but from most'other causes as I
Muses to lot or for Sale,? farms to menta later, would sell half a dozefi. Some Sailor Data are only in use for yachting well. It is necessary for us in the first place will show us how powerfully man himself 11 ',- I
rent or for sale, stray cattle and all I effects, in'the direction of Impurity, the air I (,_
similar advertisements not exceeding of the customers pay weekly, and though excursions. � I I to glance at the composition of the air we he breathes, and on which he depends for � .
to breathe. If, we analyke, say 1�,O of our . .
eight lines $1 for one month, and 50 it might be regarded as a doubtful policy. About one lady in every six has her hair I PWID life and health. The Most Succosaftl Remedy ever did- -
cents for each subsequent month. trust people whose names and residences' dressed low. . atmosphere, we find it to consist osisentially . covered, as it is certain in its offeree and
I � . does not blister. Read proof below.
Advertisements without specific .in- am unknown, the trotter seldom has to com. Tan, blue, gray and black are the favorite i If a mixture of two gases, oxygen and nitro- Re Was morn Too Soon. 8TftZrX7=Z. P. Q., BraY 81 IM9.
structions, inserted till forbid. plain of deadbeats. In addition to his out- gen. fn .the proportion of about 21 parts of DG B. 3, RENDAilto Co.. Enos
Falls. VL
arrangements with colors for snake. "I Gentlemen �1 have used K
Special contract side business he has a grocery and news ' the former gas to 79 of the latter. Air Is \ dall'o ,., en'ft-
business men. . Fashion in drew is governed by individu- Me - i spavin Cara for Spavins I
. store on Lippincott street. thus I more mixture of gases; it is not a and also In scasts of lame
General adveftiBing rate for unclassi- I ality this season. � I I � stiffJointean(i tounlin=W M
fled advertisements and legal adver- At a first glance one would think the Some of the new spring hats are like chemical compound., But ordinary and fair- . ,i. , , cure in every respect. I cordially
tising, 10 cents per line for first inser- money made at newspaper selling and boot- ly pure air contains, in addition to these two , I \. recommend It to all bonemen. ,
tion, and 3 cents per line for each sub- blacking a sufficient explanation of the large 111118,11 flower gardens. essential gases, at certain proportion of a gas ' Very re4ectfuily years,
sequent insertion. number of boys who are to be seen engaged Gentlemen who ridoliorseback wear black called carbonic acid. This gas Ina pure at- i I CUARLZ9 J. BIAMCEr. I
Changes for oontracted advertise. in this business. But there is another sea- Melton cutaway costs. morphere abould not exceed four parts to , -_ ..,o, . �) KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURED',
. � ,
ments must be handed in as early in I . . �� I ST. TiloblAS, P. Q., April 22, IM. ,
. the week as possible to insure a change eon and one of which, not the -boys, but 11 Pattern" dresses in wool and other Ina- 1 the lo,'OW of air. , . I C.� Da. V. J. RP,KD&LL cc., Exiosburph Falls. Vt.
I - (
their parents and society at large is to aerials find great favor. I Then we also discover In ordinary air � e, ,,, ) ,31 ,� , Qeuts:-I lin uged a few t3ott as of your ICen-
that week. ,. .r> t'. dall's Spavin Cure on my colt,
blame. News children have aptly been ; traces of ozone, of ammonia-, and of nitrous " .^ % which was suffering from Influ-
. . Ladies who are *Ioo never touch the hair I I,. 4. . enza Ina ver F bad form, and can
. - called "the children of the street." Many with the curling tongs. . I and nitric acid ; while as regards the watery - r , 0 0 11 say that our Kendall's Spavin
- I
I - RAILROAD 1. . PIME TABLE of thentriever knew a home; never experi- Green and gray are decidedly the reign. ; vapor of the air, that constituent depen . do -,.- , It I .. . complete and rapid
' . I cure, I can recommend It as the .
- snood the pure influence of a mother I a love; � for its amount -upon the varying conditions . , best and most effective liniment
ing colors of the season, � I lo,ot #,�Llo I have ever liandled. Kindly send
I Issued May let, never received any of the training necessary , I of the weather. It is the oxygen of the air I me 0(n)e 0 your valuable books entitled "ATrea-
There are more elegance in simplicity � ' - : 77 ties ntlienoroe.11 Yours respectfully,
The departure of trains at the several to direct the mind in Pryor channels, but I which is the essential element ft)r animal " ... I � - . 114 I. F. wummir. I
station's named, is according to the while hardly out of the. lisping period were than in all the furbelows in creation. I No animal can -exist without a, supply f, , I KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE,
last officiwl time card: It is no longer considered a part Of . girl's I life.
I . turned out of doors 6 earn, be or steal ofthisgas. It forms, ns, have'said, part of I FORT ELLICE, MA . a 10 IBM.
I CLINTON , their livelihood, or starve, Not only this, education to have her ears pierced. 11 the food of the animal body. It Is required Dm V. So RMAL o,. Enosbur ` your
Falls Vt.
It L Istee Gentlemew- I always keep Voridall's
Grand Trunk Division I - but in many cases their youth and innocence There is a summer airiness about - for'tho production of heat in the frame of Officer Houlihan -An' does this ripri ApavinoCureandBli ranh
Going West are used by degraded parents for purposes hats that is decidedly fit their favor. I v and they bave never failed In
Going Last man and all other animals, and it discharges ,int, Teddy? , what you state they will do. I
ha e oured abed case of Spavin
7.43 a.m. 10.05 a.m. of deception, and while their higher natures There are many imitators of the Mar- many other and important duties in our his. " Officer Rourke -Hercules. and also two cases of langbono 1
2.25 p.m. 1.20 p.m. are entirely neglected they are taught by guerite style of dregs at the present time. tory - � The nitrogen gas of the air, on the ofyours standing on mares which
4.55 p.ryj. 6.55 P.m. * Officer Houlihan -An' is he dead now T I bought to breed from, and have
9.27 p.m. example, if not by precept, that lying is A ruching of fringed -out silk is the prin. . other hand, is an inert auk-tance, whose t seen any signs of disease In
I Officer Rourke (impatiently)-Yis ; these 11boeir offspring. Tours trot 13
London, Huron and Bruce Division more lucrative khan truthfulness, that to cipal trimming for summer silk dresses. . I chief use appears to be that of diluting the �1. J. 019no"..
Going North - Going South steal is easier than W earn, and that, in oxygen so as to render the'atmosphere are- four t'ousand years, ye blamed fool I - Price 91 per bottle, or six bottles for 133. All
Mecicio collars are likely to take the place . Officer Houlihan (sadly)-Pbwat a pity_ druggists haveit coir can get It for you, or ltwul ba
a.m. p.m a.m. P.M brief, it is spirable mixture of gases. Nitrogen does sent to any address on receipt of price by thal
of the straight high collars so long worn. look at tire club av him. Sure It's a foind Er
iierletors .1 I
Winghant. ..11-00 7.45 . 6.50 3.40 HASIRR TO PREY ON SOCIETY not appear to exert any Influence or action B. J. kENDALL CO., Enosburgh Falls, Vt.
Belgrave ..10.42 7.27 7.05 4.00 Silver -lined cooking utensils are taking the on our bollen. It passes in',and out of the man he would have made on the foorce I I SOLD BY ALL DILUGGISTS.
Blyth. - :..: 10.28 7.12 7.18 4.15 than to be honest"and industrious. Think• place of those made of copper and brass. . lungs well nigh unchanged in quantity, and A Ithyming Boverio. 11 . i .
. Londesboro 10.19 7.03 7.26 4.25 Ing of the children in view of these facts, Fashionabie ladies Indulge in swee"cent. i certainly not altered in quality.
Clinton - - ..10.00 6.45 7.55 4.45 and reflecting on the future before them, - It was a dainty lady's glove-
Brucefield, . 9.42 6.26 8.15 5.04 ed note paper, but their taste is questionable. 1 The other subbtanceg in the air are de' A ,' I I
one feels like applying the words of Long, souvenir to rhyme with love. I
. Kippen . � .. 9,34 6.17 8.24 5.12 I Artificial poppies are to be had in any ' serving also of a brief mention. Tire ozone I
Ilensall .... 9,28 6.09 8.32 5.19 fellow to them:- color desired. Such are the modern improve- is a peculiar, much condensed, and very ac- It was the memory of a kiss- I
Exeter .... 9.16 5,57 8.50 5.33 Oh, little feet that such long years menta on nature, tive form of oxygen gas. It is onlyfound in So called to make It rhyme with bliss. � - I
London.... 8.05 4,'25 10.15 6. 45 Must wander on through toil ai,d fears, I ' I io .y :': ?
1, hearer to the wayside inn, I White summer gowns for morning wear air of the utmost purity, and is thus present There was a month at Mount Desert- 1 - Q .; :_ i
� . are as fashionable as they were in the time ' In the atmosphere of the sea and of the hills. Synonymousd it , , i I � tP ._1 Z, - �.
Where toil shall cease and rest begin, � of Matio Antoinette. . ozone is also a powerful disinfectant and a," 1� 77!!"� ,� 31 v_ ,� 7,� -I,.- - j.
4 A pretty girl and lot style j; ; ='�,,,i-"'*?;
CONSUMPTION CURED. Am wea"ry tbiriking of your load. I r
� ,I - 5 . � , .: �
� r-,
I burning up and destroring foul Which rhymes with 'Happy for a Ile.*- 0 � N*�� a:,11��.-c-O.V
And yet to come back from the septi- � Now that the seasori'm fashions have been deodorizer, C,u - - �� , - 's �, 1-7� Z. 6 ,E�,.11
An old physican retired from prac- . matter whenever It comes In contact with ::3 . ;M . � 4 Z
settled1liti discovery is made that some of li�k ,-_�..;,,,�.-. �.��
lace, having had placed in his bands by mental to the practical, the genuine news. ' There came a rival, old and hold- r."', .r S :`.'on 0 - Z " � .'.- E -
bonnets are as high an ever. such material. On the human body, ozone !'') " ; ;. ; , - '. .- -.
an East India missionary the forum" boy enjoys life abouf as well as most people. 4; T -1 I.r 4 .. Z� - .! 7 , , 11
5� . . � .: �,� ; -,i- -
Of a simple vegetable remedy for the himself ,jo The round waists of the simple gowns now exerts a iMmulatilig action, and it Is hence To make him rhyme with gold and sold, I , J �,', � . -IJ 41; 4 L "' - ^ �_ t. M
He early learns to accomodateI - -kwv�10= * , �4
C,t r 4 �� : , ,_ �" - -4 -
speedy and porme.fientoure of'consump- worn show but one seem, but the lining is all regarded as one of the sources of the exhilar. A broken heart there had to be- I W , . �,, � ..:
Catarrh, Asthme, and she prevailing order of things and develops' - r g _- *. �- ; " . .
tion. Bronchitis, perfectly fitted as the art of dressmaking can ating effects of sea and country air. The Alaa I the rhyme just fitted me, -{Life . ! 01" �, � E- ' :1
ful indifference to cold, bringer p I I , Z . 57
I " , . r: :.; �"�
Lung Affections, also a a wonder ably � . Ct`,� , ,• ; , ._`
all throat and Lunj devise. � watery vapor of the atmosphere probably 7--`1y!1r_,_1, 1�
bitivo and radical cure for Nervous and fatigue or rebuff. No professional base. I ' depends most largely on the tehiperaturo The Grocer -Good morning, Mr. Oatcake, I I - ..i...�'.1,�,..k,e7��,�i-�"ot,".",'I .14 7 . - -, ,� -,
English girls who have a fancy for the or ,,, r ul "`� - - - , .,
!, I 1�, , ,� ,, - . ., ,
N'bility and Nervous Complaints, after ball match is played that they do not wit- What brinjayon back to the city' � . _�.4
unique wear as apart of their yachting w, beat of the air. The higher its temperature, so soon I , . . , , .�
- F!; " 11 _f4t. ! , 'Y', :. , - -
having tested its Wonder" curative ness, and during the winter they attend the - 1 "•', . " -, , -, -, - ,, -, -1 I
powers in thousands of cases, has felt turns, under a ohort,open jalaket, a shirt the mqrb water can the air retain. A calcu. Farmer Oatcake -Waal, I'm going to, have a I ".. 4! A I ,
. I -ss I , "! , 1. '. �-. , , `-
it known to life suf- theatres regularly and go into raptures over l� 1-11 ..... ..... I
, Cation gives us about 1 1.2 parts of water in good many more summer boarders than I ! . ' �"" "i "
it his duty to make made like a man's. 1:,k'.trJF-1r- " '.':','-
ot. Irish Drama or Buffalo Bill scones, They expacted, so you might send me ton more � �,__, ' i '. , �: I �.n
fering fellows. Actuated by this in I J00 parts of air as a fair average o8timato of ! . . .. ,�.,_ *
I . I -S-1 �, % - , , , I F Z
relieve human suf never pay whenever they can by any possible Mignonette and marguerites are the favor- I .��1;1�6.1'.00z;), .. ^ - :.,.-:
ave and a desire to . the quantity present ; but in some cases the cases of canned vegetables I .1 . I " �,
foring, I will send free of charge, to all means avoid doing so. At the baseball Ito floweii, for window boxes, which aro seen . may become loaded with water, or vapor, Mrs. A (continuing the discussion) -And, I . .1... . -..:a
who desire it, this receipt, in German, none too often against the browntitone facings air in
ior a grounds they will glite their eye to a hole � to the extent of 50 per cent, or oven more. pray, what ago were you, major B., when I
French or English, with full direct . or sit on top of a shed, of cotirmo of New York houses. . The carbonic acid gas of air, or carbonic you were nrarried ? major B, -Really, my ' A COM" 0 C"I 0 K
for prepating and using, Simt, I by mail in the fence are in I
by addressing with Stump, naming this trying first to steal past the �atckcepor or Useful as well an pretty begs made dioxide, as chemists name it, is a compound dear madam, I do not remember with any FREE
paper, W. A. NOYT, I burrow their way into the grounds, and if picot -edged ribbons in three colors. The rib• gas, since it consists of carbon and oxygen, Ay Mai; i�, wy,a,ly sero;oz .1o; �.P. poll om")
s, 149 Power's Block, exactness, but I certainly had not yet reach, (
Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y,e.o.w, the worst comes to the worst, they can bons are sewed together to form a bag, then Cn the proportion of two vol-imca -r.4 the lat. ed the ago of discretion. address. Weds, R,charosen & Co i mont,5al.
manage to produce the price of admission. lined and tied with narrower ribbon.
I .
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