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The Clinton New Era, 1889-09-27, Page 2
I; > . ; A �` FRUDAY, SEPT. 27, 1880 t t.4e Bartons. If such is hie idea, longer than was absolutely Moos.- tained ,papa so late at that dreadful approval. Your (Ave l,`ti:,t, is u ; f " •^-•----- -` - -� be will be the gainer by the connec ; sary; he had walked quickly the factolr-, Paptt said I +was to ask sweet one. Jlary--rher(: I� Iwile I 1UIR est Il rt diytauca 1 iu betweal .e on fur at1 ax )laDatloD, bwP.ete! . nap Baby waa sick, we gave her Caetorla, t(0) � . Could Aught Atone . n promised Copse and his own home' but it had The innocent childlike face, with I "It was waluula's tl Well asluille, whenahewaaaChU,d,ah0artedforCastorla,' W .. 1-1 tion, I am aide, I feel sure it m s u y, g Y 1 1 be that, Ralph Bal to p m � C p l; W� 11 - -- „ m, husbattd that he would see to br•ea lata when be left the factory, its exquisite beauty-buw strangely, ' It a great favorite with Irapa, but When she became Miss, sitedungtoCaatoria,41 8Y Tfi$ AUTi34S OF iAf3DALEN'a �UthFeCt. It can be noshing else." and talktag, toU, to Len had hinder- haw Sar ply.the sight of it moved `not with me. In uty ears it always w1anohewChildren,she&&TothemCattgriaZ "M Cl ' LEGACY, ETC. And straightway Airs Somerset ed him. him! The strong love suaging with- sounds cold and formal. I wish W - set to building some most airy "I had alutost given you up for in him would no longer be put aside; .1 had some other, by which those CONTINUED. fabrics. this -evening," ;lir Bartorl said. it criA out, demaudingeatisfaction. who love me could call ate." � Z:g, - - SA . * ,•f * * * t`It was mare than half -past aix Ardent, passionate words rose to his "There is bray -what do you TI'9!� ifA1�► rs• �:. "'•That is just like Me Barton," "Air Cuthbert! Me Cuthbert!" when I left the factory, if you re- lips ; it was with difficulty he con- think of May?" v a Mrs ,Somerset cried, petulantly- The voice sounded just as Cuthbert member•," Cuthbert explained; "and trolled his emotion so as to speak "It is too. common. I should like M9 i :D<.,.'1C1a Q "thoughtless for everybody except reached the gate leading into the just as I was coming away Ban de- with a resemblance of calmness. He something -some term which I have himself! One would think that the lane, Gained we with some grievance." stretched forth )lis hands and again never heard applied to any one W proper business hours were long ' "Mr Cuthbert, air, I am sure I Ben was no less a favorite with: possessed himself of one of hers. else." CUT AND MUGI � 100011.-, enou1.gh for him without trenching beg your Mardon; but if you would Me Batton than he had been with "Mary," he said, softly, "I love Her earnestness amused Cuthbert. p upon those which should be devoted just spare me a minute, I should be the late Me Somerset. Cuthbert you." "Tell me what you viould like- S[11'Ulitlh T�X3ACC1� I ��Rp N MILLIS to me. Heaven knows I see little ao much obliged." knew this. By the faint pale light he could that is, if anything has presented Are taking the load in GrtatPntl ana estop enough of you!" "I am in a great busty, Ben," he "I have just come in from the see how the fast coming blushes itself to you." FINER THAN EVER. ; PIs, which will be done at all times, on the . `But I am bete now, mother. 1 said pleasantly, surnin in the di- ,vaso " 1VIr Barton said, i esentl , dyed the delicate cheeks -how the shortest notice. CHOPPING only iS bents, e I Am I permitted to enter b the g g P Y Y "Yen said a little while ago," she SEE bag. (live us t trial, and you will he con• P Y , rection whence the voice proceeded, I left Mar there -in the surannler , whit lids, with their loo heavy whispered, clasping her tin delicate Gristi g doneat , asteveryohe a gatace tthet our window, or must I behave properly i !!rout I dare sayI can manage tofringes,P g y' Granting done, as everyone gets the your Y g Y P , and o round to the door?' g arbor I think she is." suddenly drooped over lite fingers about his atm with a shy,B manufactured doped from his own whet,. Farm - ,ere can depend on gutting their stns home t g i give you what you ask for," ,,May i-bave I your pet glorious dark eyea• hesitating grace, "that it seemed as with them. 11 1. For S few moments his winning ,' 31If you would just step round to to join bar?" Cuthbatt asked, his .tI ha'velovedyou fOralongtime," though you }lad never known the FLOUR AND FE ED. -➢roar tndfeedkept debonair• gaiety caused Mrs Somer- the kitchen garden sir, it wouldn't treating heart renderin distinct ar- he said bending over the small form , ® oonetontly on hind. full meaning cf the word 'gladness' D. B, MaLEAIf, Sippen Milia: set to forget her fretfulness. hinder you scarce a minute, and Cou!'ation a thing of difficulty, - -t'so daar{v that at last I feared to until this evening. Call me Glad rx asoszE oN .,`' "Through the window of course, would .be doing me a good turn. I "Certainly. I told' Mavy that ! treat m self in our resents lest CLibrary MECHANIC'!! INSTITUTE, Y Y presence, ness, little Gladness, Cuthbert.," Library and Reading Rooms, Town �; if you like, she said, with a Sallie, should like you, sj., to have a look would prl:bably come this evening. by word or look I might betray my "Little Gladness! Little Glad- 13au, down stairs. About 9,(l0o valamee which made her son think how The twilight was deepening into I a „ EACH PLUG AI�.D PACKAGE in the Library and all the Leadlnq Newt? at the late taturs and cauliflowers, p g love. nese! papers and Periodicals o1 the day ontho , charming she must once have been. Me Cuthbert." the uric+-rtain darkness of a fine Still the white lids drooped, and tante, Memberehtp rocket 8n per annam "Come whichever way ou'tli'a ori t He bent over bar, with a strong O. lit. C®OKs Open from g to a p m., and from 7 to 9 p. y Y Y4 -There was not much that Guth- atlttttlin evening as Cuthbert went she shrank back a little, Fbore, in sense of pleasure, almost amounting Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Oraau m. Appplioations for membership received 1 are al wa s like a loam of sun$hiue ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. o lite Librarian in the room, I}.,; . Y g beet would not willingly have done out to L cru his fate. The jasmine the shadow, he could not see her to pain, and took sweet kisses from y `4 to me." for Ben. Ben had been an old fa- had all fs dod, and the summer flow- face so plainly. the innocent, tender lips. Ay, to Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the ' "You dear, flattering, indulgent vorite servant with his father. Some I dreaded lest I should tetra g dnem-na painless extraction of !carr,. ti wether! But I ho a you have not era, but crimson clove carnations tr l y him she had brought �,la y, Office over Jackson's Ciotbing store, next JI 111a���' l` NUbi Ci ft 1•, P Y of the happiest reminiscences of his and a fi•w uper� late roses and ger- my lows, and so incur your diaplea- joy --the remembrance of which to PoeUOffice,cuuv,u. , w waited tea for me," be added, "as he childhood were connected with Ben xniuuta crunbined to fill the air with sure;" ho continued. "I feared too could never entirely fade ewny isp oa eight ben answers l 1► oi lrHII1T tan ONNAbIEI'iTAL TREE4 caught sight of the table with its tea At his father's death,in the family's a faint subtle fro rsnce; Stara gli"t- that your father would be annoyed 40RVPAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH f''equipage and a oltttmanta for two. g Y y long as life should last. MUti EY : MONEY ! MONEY ! AND ASTRACHAN PINE, „r,:PP strai;btened cireuImataneds, Ben tens tering yin tl.e evening sky, and a if he learnt that I had presumed to "Little Gladness! Little Glad- we can malte a tewgoodloanafrom private rag nAMIess or •awn a ec►aa s aracrearT. Vis- Mrs Somerset's cheerfulneae van- discharged, but directly brighter, lift my thoughts to his daughter; ness! 'L sunnier fair, pale crescent moon had arisen a " fundsa.tlow rates and moderate expense. 'L f ished as quickly as, it had come, suanior da a be an t dawn a on .+� ; Terme merle toau(t hocrom4rs• y g P which cast a silvery,fiickering,gha find so I resolved to stay away from * * * * MANNING & IiCOTT, Clinton LARGE STOCK OR HAND "You know very well, Cuthbert, the- Somersets, and Cuthbert had Iv radiance atound on shrubs ;f1 , the Cop"*-., and try to conquer my "Air Cuthbert has explained to - .. ' * - - - -- -' - ` that I cannot enjoy m meals unless The above orna:mo y wt j Y Y hired the pretty cotiage in which iso flowers The birdis long before had 1 love." me that it was not through any E. KEEFER be sold at very low prices and thosebwantin you partake of them with me," she and his mother now lived, Ben 'was sun their vesper hymn, and folded The slight form shrank still Earth- fault of Jaure, Ben, Sitar that horrid anything in this connection will save mono, x" said, with the air of -i-martyr. "If reinstated in his former post,tas gen- theta heads beneath their wings and er back; amidst the shadow dimness DENTIST, . purbhasuw here. you had the least consideration for , 7 insect was brought to table the oth• oral factotum, greatly to his delight. gone t' rest; but ever and anon a of the arbor. Cuth bert fellvwed or day," began Mrs Somertset, as she NORFOLF,VILLA;'N' Ew No. 321 COLLLrOIt ST. Orderle by lYNl radii be peas, sly attend �._ me you would have reminded Me " mr Cuthbert, air," he said,paue- soft ioutherl wind came et hili sO Adf� Barton of that fact perhaps he Y g g her. sauntered out into the garden in the TORONTO, _ Jm STMAK, 0kamiller. would not have detained you had "I makes bold to ask you what ori never knows, until this evesftt tie :j: ] 7 and whispered sweat sounds to the iI, was some little excitement in the , {� Co._ you mentioned it, I have been thinks of them 'flowers." abrubo and flowers. The very at, meaning of the word 'gladness' -as lady's manner, and she was looking' S. • W 11�JWN $ ���il�� ��lllal I�s�r��c�i y 4T` longing for n1y tea for nearly an ;;u hey look very otos itldeed,," he mosphere seemed full of peace and though I had never known before more'than usually animated; lady- �. .Ei .gi ' tt kK, `_ hour replied, trying to repress an amused gladness. The night appeared from- how fair was tyre owtb. Tke flow- like and graceful too, in her rich . 1. "I am so sorry , mother; I will amik. "I should think they are -re- ed for uttering nows of love, era seem to have gained now beauty, dress of gray silk. ``The blame lies EIUW)a STRF:E'r, ('LINTO\. not keel) you five minutes longer- markabl fine." As Cuthbert Somerset entered the Repairng of all Irina. promptly attended to T; �{�'�, LOCK 1, onlyest while T remove some Of the lsesg d the birds, lseweo ttDatA with Elizabeth it appears. I have reaaonrhio rates. A trial solt(ntedy J Ben responded by a gratified nod, alley leading to the summer arbor joyful even the sunshine seems .spoken to her, and she has promised - GSNESAL AGENT• a: the factory dust." "And I reckon that there ain't! he paused for a minute t w which phis broader and brighter;and all because BIBLES &, TEST&MENVi AT COST "He is a dear, handsome boy," to be more careful in future. Not Isolates town tea village property, as wet o6nev sample to be found in all a vision at the sight of h of a few words Me Barton spoke to that I think she will keep her prom- The Clinton Bra Blhlc society nave int ail farm buildinpa andstook, insured. Insur- e Mrs Sowerset mused, bar still bril- King's !Minster,. Yet, air, the mis- pulses thrilled and his heart bound- me before he left the factor " P P anoea balitet against stock that may be. Bale at DR WORTHINGTON'S DRU<' leant eyes following tt a receding tress isn't satisfied elle glowed u) Y• Ise -she is so iDbeneely selfish; but, STORE, Albert street,.anne Rssort.mentat killed by lightning, ii you want Insurance 1 ed even more expectantly than i'v A great Silence reigned around Bibles and Testaments. drop, card to the above address. figure, "but thoughtless and selfish , >t P g g as it is t1,e first time such 9 thing TESTAMENTS FROM sets. UPWARDS ' g ever so much this mornin . had done before-tbd vision of a them -there wets met so tsticL fie a . has occurred, I am willing to forget B1sr.Es FROM 250ts UPWARDA. PAINTING. PAINTING. like all men era." "Wily, what aboutV Cuthbert young irl who nli ht have bean rustle amidst the folia a of the trees. COME eNllSF;E. DR WORTHINGTON, lie• - z * * * asked feeling that some remark wa y ' g g it. The garden ie looking very w.11 positnry. t: "You are never solo, out again ' g easily mistaken for a child, she was All was silent and calm. just now, Tien. I think tbat you do The undersigned desires to intixaate to the expected from biro. so small and slight. "Mar m love m darling, will „ people of Olintou and vicinity that he has 1. this evening, I should think!" Mrs "Well, sir it seems as if the 'flow- g Y, Y Y 8, your haat `,please me. J. T. WILKIE, SGP.GEON, DENTIST bore pe to town, and intends to rem tId She stood at the doorway of the I you give me the sweet hope that I Ben's eyes glittered with delight- -'-- theaan every, to do anything whateveprepared In the yr( Somerset exclaitned, when tea was era I cut for yesterday's dinner arbor and in the fast fAding twilight, HoldstheOf the for ended and Cuthbert took tt his , o g I may one day call you my wife? I ed pride; his red, honest face grew the fiord process of ndmimsterinR ahenli. painting or paper hatt®Ing Line. All orders P hadn't been washed properly; for , oti11 pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the entrusted to him wil receive prompt and hat. P l ya aided by the flickering, pale moos I %ave your father's permission to ask yet more red under Mrs Somerset's y p careful shentton. when the were served there was " Safest and best system yet disoovered for GEORGE POTTS, ,Kirk St., Clinton. "Ont to Mr Barton's mother Y rays, her loveliness was plainlj to you " praise, moderate satistactionRukranteed.COfficee,, Y "l ub at the bottom of the disb. he seen, The form, dainty and But still she aid note'` ,spears;;.;and "I stn sure it's very kind of you, ELLIOT•i,s BLOCK, over Rance% Taller .' :don't sit up for me." g "Oil, yea, I remember!" Cuthbert small, was set off by an evening t hope, which had been so high! is ma'am, to say so. There's noboby shop, Baron Street, Clinton.11 As though _I could sloop while c)jed, with a laugh at the recollec pink, gm in the world I'd care to- please be- VITALITY. dress Of )ink of some thin gauzy Cuthbert Sotnersata breast b. EXHAUSTED - you were out, even if I went to bed! .tion. maie)ial. A fine white Shetland to fade away. sides you, ma'am, and the youngj rt SfEyUNffi�Only to Me Bartons! . It appears "Nell Me C Uthbert,. instead of shawl which should have covered „ " 't „ I IIIE SCIENCE of cal J v 11 r ' . My darling, he pleaded, I logo master. 1 the groat Medical >• as though you thought a great deal going to 'Lizabeth who ought to ', more.of Dir Barton than ori do of g g tela shoulders and protected wenn you so dearly -give me some hope. work of the age on ratan- l „ Y hays been blamed,tpe mistress carne from the dews which were beginning But nota word 'did She utter. TO BE CONTINUED; hood, Nervous and mature . your mother, Cuthbert. • to me. I never did see her so put ori ins, Debility, Premature "I have not been to the Copse P to fall, had dropped away and ex- � sopa died out then. Re released � ���� , , aDualtUo Errors eerie -THE LEADING - out before. She said that in all the posed to view the exquisitely mould -1 her band with a heavy sigh, and If tworo down, Ghon tis down consequent theroon, Soo A �; for more than a week,mother. Both town, nobody bad such inferior ve-. ed shoulders. The face was upturn- `�;' Y it were wall 'swats down quickly.! pages vola l c peases. - UNDERTAKER Mr and -and Miss Barton wonder turned awe ,f .t is what - arson thinks when he tions for tai aiaeasee.- getablPa sent to table as she has edl.t the evening eky,and Cuthbert I "Forgive me, ho said, if I hs.ve P Cloth; fun sill, only ,31, by mail, seals . n• . why I have not been." said that the 'taturs was wax and is contem Latin taking a dose of lustrated sample free to all young and mid• --A1QD Tho nam, of Alar rose to his y could discern the air of*wistfulness, , slued' -you. Perha s bliss Barton P g g die men. sena now. The Gqld and Y di aeefu] and that I had no busi• almost amounting to longing, which ma think I resume if her father ©ld•fashionod pills. Dr Pieree'e Jewelled •Medal awarded ci the .Adauthor 6s •p���p lips, He had called her by that ' g Y presume, Pleasant Purgative Pellets are , p. 0. B x,18 Medica, Association, . W. 1 e IF -M A 't -M_ name m h'ia thoughts rattly, ness to let drubs get into the cauli- it wore. The contour of it was deli. does' not.' +� PAR PARKER, a Boston, lineae., or di l H,• +�+►+++Arl..+r++++e flowers." cats its beauty was of xn order rare I He stood for a moment in the ttn3 ,sul;ar coated granules, scarce- PASiKER, graduate of Harvard Medical Col- - Lego, 2'u years practice in Beaton, who may "I cannot imagine how you Can „ ' doorway. The uloonbearne fall!❑ 1 larger than mustard seeds. A8 be consulted confidential] Specialty, Dis- Y But of cours=e you cannot help and peculiar: LArge, luminoue,and y g S g ease of Mau. Otlice, No, a Hulfinch St. endure .to spend your evenings in that Ben " Cuthbert a sin hazard upon his face revealed its deathlike a remedy for all derangements of A FULL LINE OF , the society of a vain senseless doll ' g star -like were the dark eves• the „' ed, with a sensation of insecurit_,. complexion of a clear olive, bad not whiteness -its rigid, set .expression the stomach, ane, liver and bowels, 7 r�►t like 31ary Barton, Mas Somerset `'Lor' bless you, Me Cuthbert no. F olor exce )t indeed where they are unequalled. The' nli9eof Par Uci118.55. GOODS KEE, iD STOCK said, a little spitefully. t Y ' , a tinge o. c , j of hitter pain. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. Help it. Why, it's as natural for the dee,, criulson of the sweet tender "Good evening, Aliss Barton," he _ The color pained into his cheeks, - --- CAPITAL, - - $2 000,00!1, grubs to come to cauliflowers as it lips showed itself, G, eat masses of „tied; "I pray that you will forget T REST FUND,, - �1,000,UOU - - Iie did not relish hearing his earl- is for rosea to row bn rose bushes, jetty hair were drawn back from the Vrof 6� laual auft other Card in his love his heart's 'idol g f J Y that. I have ever go far pr .__1__-_-_______... - The bestEmbalming Fluid used ing, his e, a "vain, senseless or apples (,n apple -trees And then pure and perfect face, and arranged upon your kindness. MANIVC& SCOTT, r 1 the .pertaturs. But I m hinderingHEAD �FFIU MONTREAL. doll," even by his mother, A quick, „ in roils around the top of the head. He stepped out into the garden . you, sir? This was Mar Barton, the only alley, never lookingbehind him, THOMAS WORKMAN ......... President. angry retort rose to bis lips, but he `tDo you want me for an thin ? Y y' J. H. R. IIOL,80N. .,........Vice -Pres. Splendid HeBI'Se, Y anything! child, the cherished darliug of the Barristers, rtJ011Cit01'S Wounded pride and love ware mak- 1 ! F, NOLFERSTAN TIiO'1fAS, D6aeral Manager did not give it utterance, Can I help you in any way!" rich mill ro rietor's heart, in life Seem a most undesirable ifs _ , "Don't you think you are a little g CONVEYANCERS, &o., Notre discounted,Collt,ctions made, Drafts soother!„ "•well, sir,if you would just speak Her quickeardetected the tom- t him just then. onim,ssiouaxs for Oatarioand Manitoba iaaaed, Sterling and American ex. ALBERTST.,CLINTON, unjustr a few words to the mistress,I should i❑ footsteps; her teat luminous C4xn e bought caul sok! at lowest But ha.: s Somerset preserved a feel reatl obliged," ' g P ' g Then there was a rustle of silken pI V14CE NEXT DOOR To rlEw ERA, CLINTON 9 Residence over store. Y o eyes were instantly turned in the garments,a little faint cry of "Cath- ' -'-` currert rates. V dignified ai}e1: Ce• "TVhat about --the potatoes and Y MONEY TO LOAN: MORTGAGES Interest at 3 per cent allowed• on deposits. "I romiaed Air Bartonthat I p direction whence the sound proceed- bert!" and a tiny trembling hand A'•a• Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT, OPPOSITE TOWN HALL Oftioo over J Jackson's store, Clinton. V-&-nlil l_atS . P cauliflowers!" ed. As Cuthbert reached her he "was laid Upon his arm. would g " tinLlOd. "I am - P Moneyed vaubod to farmers . the! ortia notes go, lie dol. do not lease "Not quite that, sir. Mrs Som-, could not fail to perceive the gaeat, Oh, the change that passed over MARRIAGE LICENSES.- APPLY To with one or more endorsers. No morb�ago ro- She undersigned at the Library Rooms, quired as security, sorry my xrrangementh P erset was terribly put out, and said unmistakable expression of gladness his face-tbe joy that flashed into JAMES SCOTT, Clinton. H. c. BRE1yER, Aranager, you. I thought you wo,'e glad for which came to her face. _� January lest, Clinton AT (� T nail " that she must look cut for another his gray eyes. ' , �,nRRInGE LICENSES ISSUED BY FARRAN 1� 1� (X, TTSDAL L . ane to go to the Copse eccaale y gardener, for she could not tolerate In another moment he stood be ;'Alar , m lore m darling," he g `- `-"- rset undereignod at'rosidence or drug store, Really in liar heart hers Somv. Y Y , Y g' AIRS A. WOlt'rHINGTON. my selfish thoughtlessness. If you aide her, his eyes eagerly feasting whispered, bending over her, "may Tet ONEY TO LEND IN 'LARGE OU Clinton P®tel 9�9$lCe Time Table felt na iittio pride whea she refle0�-I would just tell her.. air, that I Could upon her loveliness; in another be I h0 e?" *all sums on good mortgageseourity, Matisare(tuefor deliveryand close for despatch BANKERS, ed that her son was welcomed and t bol the rah' and speak a word P hopel,, H HALE,Clinton . P held in his own the hand extended "I love you," abe murmured; "I at the Clinton Post Office as Ptihotvs:- CLINTON. CN"� I receive(] as an honored visitor at for ti.e healthy state of the pertaturs towards him. The dear,fragile,deli- APPLETON-OFFICE- AT REST- I have loved you as long as I can re• D DEveu on Ontario street, Clinton, op- I c1 Osa I nes the residence of his employer, the and c %ULIflowei'S, I should be glad, ca.te hand -how frail, bow tiny it member.' posite Eu,gllsh Church. Entrance by side Hamilton, Toronto, strut- I , wealthy Ralph Barton;buteshe gave She will notice what• you. AIr looked with the Saint ruffles of Rath• turd, seat and Grand y , Y He caught her in his strong arms, J 1VAL1iE2i,TERINAEtY SURGEON Trunk oast and Interne• Advances made to farmers on their owti j DO outward giQn. Cuthbert." COBtI lace almost ,co it -as J ditto oHicos .:......... 7.00 ami. 1.5up.n, y g and held her against his heart --the Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col• Toronto, Stratford, sea• ilgtea, at' low rates Of interest. "One would have ttiougtlt that "All rigllt,Ben;I will not forget," though a' quick, determined grasp loge. Telegraphfo messages prom )tly at forth. T, and 9. east,. 1.55 p.m. 8 a.m g q , g 1' dainty, fragile form which seemed genaoa'to, ombe-Lonabe orough,nt. Goderich Helmesvillo and A general Banken Business transacted I Ale Barton would have said all that "And if you would kil:•dly. ask her would break and shatter it to £rag• as that of a bah in his embrace; he Grand 7Prunk west...... 1 p.m. s.lo a.m g g i Y ' RS WHITT -TEACHER OF MUSIC- (Ioderlch, • •.:....., .... „ 8,a5 p.m. 2.40 ) n, Interest allowed on deposits. he wanted to say when ho kept you turret me stay on, Alr Cuthbert, and ments! pressed fond; lingering losses upon M Member of the Oanadian Society of Hamilton Toronto .. . 4.15 p, in 10.25a,m Sale Notes bought 1 so late dila cyening," she grumbled, tell her that, if I bare been selfish t( y the Crimson lips. Musicians, .Piano and Organ for the use of London It is more than a weak since you f ,, H, et A. south aim. p,m, a.m. ,m 1 P up'Is, Re,3ldonce; Mr 8 Hartt's, opposite 7 J. P. TISDALL Manager. but evidently softening a'littla. "1 and Care-j(as it has been alta nobs 'were here last " were h©r words of 't77 life m lova m queen " he rile Whitohoad's, Albert street, Clinton and intermofliata otflcos r.00 4,15 10.25 ,00 g shonl(l in,u;inc the inesiriess must q Y ' Y Y q Blyth, Wingham„Kincar• __ known to me. It would break my greeting tend the tones had is them murmured, "I could not }Iva with- UR ftF;EVE,-OFFICE, RATTENBLJRY an,e,Lucknow, �., FIB. „ north and Intermediate a.m, p m. a.m. p,m have been something special to keep old heart to be sent away. the sound of a silver bell; "I began outyou! How I love you-oh,how Mt. Murray Block, two doors east of officer ................ 9.30 0.I5t a.I05•W p Rewarded are those �ybo read AlrBRrtODatthelAillasolata, r< Y „ ,I,iodgons'entrance. Realdenceopposftee. British malls,Monday,wed•RICHLYtbisandthouact;theywillfind There is no danger of that, Ben; to fear that I had in some way of- I love you. Army Barracks, Huron St, Clinton. Omce neadny Thursday ...... 7.00 n. m.' honorable employment that will not take "Very specil;l, mother," make your mind easy on that point, fended ori." hours, 8.a m to a p m. 1 them from their homes and familles. The They stood silently then,she nest- _ _ __ Bayaeld'Varna, Herbison, -••• . }' I h0 e?" Y -'' " - E lIll I.......,....„.. 2.3op.m,I12.45p.m, profitsare largoandaeroforevery i re no i• Nothina wrong, P and 1 !l speak to my mother. Good His bear's boat 80 (.11tiCkly that ling to ills aide, as thOtlgh there She (�P. S'IAN1tURY, GRADUATF. OF Ti'iL Snmmorhill, Tuesday and ons person, many have h,acio and are now "Not at. ill!- sorne.hing eery $� Medical Department of Victoria Unf- Friday . .. ............ 5.30 m,1 5,30 rCi malclnp bvoralhundroddollarsamonth, h ' g evening, for minute j10 Could not nil:jweC had rOlind a homl. She was t1Ut A y,),Hity, Toronto, formerly of the hospitals p' . P. tg easy tor any person to make Sa per day gcotl,svid wit r., 1 think will greatly ,: rood evening, Me Cutbbert and' Money Ordcra issued and Deposita receiverl•Pront and a )wo,rds,who igwillit) g Y C g, , her, The aubtle,namelPaa influence rand dignified woman, this Mary and llia)rensarles, New York, l/nronur POr Ono dollar u ,wards, 1 R to work. Sithe delight yon ' tit^ nk Olt kindly. I make bold to g g tlm County of Huro)l, Baytlulrl, Ont. f sex,vantig or old ; capitalnot needed,westw of the scene and hour was upon him; Barton; she was simply a clinging, Ornee hours from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m, you. Everything new. No special ability "!)alight mr'I" 5hra repeated. y "" T Savings Bank and Mnney Order Office close rrgnir(A;yon,reader.candoitaswelln'sany g 1 wish you a pleasant walk, sir. be was longing to take the :,mall sonsitive,innocent girl,with a nature W. WMIJAats, B.A., At. D,, GRADU• at 8.30 p,m, ono. WOW tour atonce for hull iarticuiars ATE of Toronto University; THOMAS FAIR, Poxtr. m,lter. which Ave mail frog. Address Stinson & Co "Dots it thor, ufl'uct yourself?" Again the flush mounted to Guth- y; memhuror g, form his kiss upon, t0 press whi011 gave AfleCilOn,and Craved the thO Collogn of Physiciawi and :Surgeons, Ciinton, April '29, 1880. Portland, Maine. . tri', q," he no(idod,with the pleas- l,ett's cheeks and the lad smile fond lin erin k1.yyC9 upon the sweet ' Oat. OI'r•'ICL & RESIDENCE the liouae for- - : y g g g 1 a Imo in return. She loved Gut h- ;n:S q.n iii lnr,:ulenir:�; "arid you in rippled across biS lips. Ah, how crimson li a to listen eagerl • while mort necnpledbyDrRoove,nthort5treet P t g 5 l,ert Somerset, incl the knowledge C1 it 1^IIJRCRt1 Alt1873 IF3�:1I�;E Cr_i,r,71.rf3l_v d directiv." pleasant that walk would be he well the cloar bell -like voice repeated the. that he loved her filled her heaft - "..nd roe? �� hat iait'Clithbert?" knew! charmed words t`I love you," I with a rant restful happiness. Pre v C BRUCE, L.D,s„ DENTIST, grafin- Loan & Investment Cory I[(' }tar! s ol, rl fhe words im )ul g PP �- •oto Royal Collogo of Dental Surgeons Planing p p I t4lA1r Cuthbert," Ben cried in hot She wondered a little that he did sently Cuthbert felt tt alight shiver of Ontnstb. All operations of modern(lets- sively; lie now regretted a little that tlstry Carefully performea, Anaoethetics ad Thi.4XG�`datlpa)ffj is Loaning lltoney ar haste, following him •down the gar- not reply. After a minute's silence gaga over the figura he held so lov- l , ministered for the painless extraction of Farm Security al Lowcat Plates of ha Ind niven them utterance ;t 1 den path, please be sure and tell oho lifted her great dark eyea, filled in0 15 oc , cinch - Will visa oia stand, coats- Interest. t „ g Y „ r Ftlouic, Clinton, Will visit Bl�tb profession- -- { -AND- "I wiii tell you to -morrow, lie the mistress that I had no intention with a soft shy light, to his face. "My dear one, hp'cried, are you auyeveryMonday, at Mason»Hotel. I told her, wi he, hent over heir and of being selfish --As indeed I hadn't "Papa tells me that it was bold?" �R WORTHINGTON, - PFIYSTCIAN, MORTGAGES _ PURCHASEf D � �, H I L N,� took his "hood -Hight" kiss. • air." through you that he remained so "A little," she whispered; 'tmy Surgeon Aceouchor, Licentiate of the gAVINGS BAND BRANCH. "Ilovv lilce his father he grows!" tri will not forget, Ben." late at the office this evening," she p{ Lolwer Canada, Band Pr vaincial Litcentlato 3, and 6 r'r Cent, Interest A•17oweli T P1,19UBaCRIBEit HAVING JUST COitt, dress la tllln and I think I dropped , /7 p rlrlrrsr and furnished his new Planing Ai she sail softly, to herself, as sbe I ,r K , , , my shawl in the arbor." and Coroner Por the County or Huron. Or- on Deposits, according to amount with machinery of the latest improved patter Yr ' I wonder," thought Cuthbert as said. "i. am very angry with yrnl flee and reaidenon,-The building formerly is now rropnred to nttend to all coders in hl j watched him Isms down the garden g Y P 9 "flow thoughtless of me! I do occupied byAlrThwaltes,HuronStreet. and time lVt, line intha.nostprnmptandsatlaPaetorym,nncr F having final! die osed of Ben, he ;lir. omeraet. alley, "There wnS no handsomer walked with a bounding step and a Ile smiled into bar face; his eyes, not deserve my treasure, for I aro Clinton, Jan.ta, re7i. _ _ and at reap ,nable rstes. lie would also retur { OFFICE-Cornerof Marlcetsynar"and North 8 thanks to all who pntr'onizod the old m before Plan in nll Kin,',4 Minister than he, heart elate with joyousness along full of passionate love, looked full not careful Of it. You should geold .CHARLES F. A4. MCGREGOR, VRTLR- HOR.ACE I1ORTO-7, they weremirnod out, nud now being Ina bet - lJ 11IANAouR, when kto niu(lt) DIA his wife, it was t " TNARY Phy Ontario and Surgeon.. No �ca, tar ponfinn he stn Ove orders tion totlalt. the road l'ondiug to the Copse-'- I into her own --Nis rare, fair, pa.e, me, Mary. try A[ombor of Ontario Veterinary Aloaicat Godarich, August• 5th 1!385 feclsoonffdent he ban Said t,h:lt there• N•aq uo girl in the wonder if all risen really are selfish dainty queen. Put Still be spoke But there were ,ho s'gns of scold. society, Treats all dfsnasos of domesticated _ "'' hACTORY-Noss sthef (,nand Trun � C'011nt r49rat b'llifttl to him in point animals: Cott+YttjaryRentiatryaapncialty- Y and if all wom(•n cotleider them so. no words; light<hanteiing ones he ing or Rnger apparmit upon the Charges moderate. o:l,co,one door east of r t Railway, Clinton, / of l,eauty il;:)n I. lit ule,how long It Seems a little a nge, though, Could not atter, his bdixt was too flnsholl happy face of his dainty tltn?ICws•ILboorcbprintingotnco, Clinton- I J. B 1 I?IrEGU11�IB}+:. rltoMAs tr,,t<rtixzrE n:rr) it qCw^t,' t, t1(1 VI's [ am not Rn to\•C, E. BLA 'NALL' VETE)t,iNARY SUR- i b of mother to apply the torm to Ben full. r,id wUlnlilt �it!;•'I'. _i 1\'Oi111CC \t'llat r.r,b1pV,IfonnTarClrndnateofthf•Otltatin f'"w'•^'•�'"y,•. 1 't 1Il +t�lt7gt�y �1I 11 lust because a grub or caterpillar "Did yon list hear me, ,i r Som tr�lt' I�UIIIUCq(t, �l:tt'y 4ni11 81�ftly, :,'tnrinn,ry UoilrR ['mats n.il discakrs oP� (, 1 ,; ��pl�il �! CI4J�11'il 41G+ �����)�j��t�l DO��%�T4q i111S tilf,';.,I 1 : u IN bef woen wRq served with the vegetables. I emetl I am very angry with you. '•wRv this whtlt domino( perp,, till Ilomosticnterl nnimals on th c. most u,n,l n,n .• •, y�o,r,i „I •tmitici-iitirio lu•ineil,l Oince - inttnmll- 7 (:ull,'1 11,1Yt,.t, nI •1 � . !'I!„ rt �'Oln(t ` JENVfal LE',R, &C, CLINTON wonder if Mary thinks n10 selfish. "I hope not," vvvnin;;l 'I m(vin -i- ywi kno w. ,,.nlytctre: ofthr, R„yl,l rf qol. Rnsidolloo-I , thing 'h"t c\, ',111 .r'Ilirertly Rii'rci i aondrr if mother thought ao of tTut indeed I am, lir ` OflrCl':;<!f " l 11111x1 St incl itHtfl rl l}', eq,� 111„ rt Vit , Clinton. (;ails night nrrlay at- x)111101 I'ri; T11F 11 vdiF;T q' U,0E, c1mtou, ,%1tua t:lcturer and Prnprirtt;r f„t the 1,vt trims r, i 1 , 1 , .")ills to in..'t,, I:,,lf,)pr,)n1!+ti1. 1 Ilk( ' (''11'! n my, ftither. Poor mother, sho' has' Ow said, and R little plet isr.d laugh love. I!ut Alharp, \ahv rimer- •t � - _ -�- -- ^rite a►(rly In n�,•. n ;,, t b.r u,� s•tlo tori _ tChrmhn;cr.;•, arn!n^tnssnitrnr•ntof 1i1-HXL(*1J nrt)Ir TK_ NJ 1-'t•aTsaTAtrmter . (Y' -w13at If r" 1' 'ri t " C 1 l Ill Hli)01 t Is f.!1 tr t'1Y O11Y a' ;t. f I (',•4i' ! '..' ,I_ - lilihwil .1 \a M'1tl of xormw'. Cuntt' tri ilii 111 fl'r rn ]Ir.l' lips--�(i Yst, q't y '1' In;a ('t rASRa. 4'r [{A5I Pi."[1\'Ia furlw;v ri 1 It 3. 1�',i1LIUT tQ� c t i �; �.,, g Q ;xl'f llrl`; ,'1''r 1 c r r t + u: , I•,' I,Gt r g rn.l n., {int rn •I, ni Iu hie I s,h+ +, 1' .(.Plwgr y(t1 hi v nt S "tt `d ;(, Sr 1, (i , 1' M I n" I C'i � tit. 0ts twin psi k £'rf'i lb!, : ,' i t I . ' l,l't,';1 r'( 1, ('I .\ k''i'1:1; X }:l. i'r(• t. '11x. ('.t •,, a t, t:',f, 1-__._.. bWliifS6'Nll't^. at.,tp,, r) a r,,,,, 1 . i' 11, U. I.I:i .t, i)., I \�' fr •,+I, f h ,L Ti. t l•: /tot.! obi 1+9:taw r•l Il !.L- t! (ttP . l: r " ' r9- It' :, 1, i A"I . E IN 4'n'i'h, C,1' . i; If ;1,11110 1,.R. nl"( ironer"' replliva�tf f`et,aftitlunf;J I Ur,t, 1, ' t (, _ 1 a , t, I \G'i'rl, tv1• 1%11; "r1, rt tnnF'rnN1, �rIn,1'A. 'O ! 1 ' 1 ( 1. I" ;1, % ! r rA f tea ,e tI', \,Irl! li , 1 I; I. + ( `t., 1; Ii1. 'n• h, 1ti f nt;y e:)J1"iao-`r. ,fl 'f !",' , t'!" hit �I1 i I I • i t,m �! .t., 1 ( I.I. I i i '1 ,IL . . , 1.1J , .( w`,,Krefwf"rf I 1. I `,ult,r t ,.I er•l('h^tk t}.;t ('+'llcr i I 1 t I 'I I 1 ;Il:l• `-i,. , `11 of I0I 1'1\rnu i , I II I,',, .I (,lel RI�y i 111\1` I',t,lt lr,l 1t y-.' : rr 1 , I � 11 0' 1. , It, rte ir,, rl . , ,. ,. ,,1 .,".1r u', "f' tri V: i „ I'1 I r n'I t I (1•It I 1 . . nl { 1 3' t,1 Ah h+n ole n'a,olf him! d nln; r1 •, ire L, Il':+'.1, fs ' I t+tlPn`,rd in. „ I n'I +vt tt ,ri-,•,v-t. qt o.n, nhd R'ntpr PII`ry Enrol Fol curl arts .:L i1.5. ;•t, „ lit(` (., I,I:,{ lit l,fUl Ii:It !111 ,�('rrrl OyM' _ills t(n I , .1i. t t , ,i D. I , , I n �r�, �e !�. ,y ty a�, li yl n i,11•A',t` .1. . . i t j' 'l 1 j! 11 I( r 4 .1 ,\ ,I, 1 ! I, .1 1 1 t ,t ( tY 'v. . y r.1, w.'{�. FICA iS`ti'.N'M �rG#t _ 011 ( r 1.I"., , .1' pi"I" IUIt � I'7! lr, r11 r + .1) - ' ' ,i t," i' y • f t �• �' " . te r , . r . d :, • < > *,:"f. ' 4"N 9 . . M.i't 1 - a ., v + ..., rA. , _ ... ' ,_.rr1