HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-09-20, Page 6• $EALTUFVL EXERCISE. Only a few months ago these romping, roay- ,theeked lasses were puny delicate, pale, sickly F,girls. By the aid of Dr. 1'1erce's world -famed avorite Prescription, they have blossomed ,oat into beautiful, plump, hale, hearty, strong •young women. Favorite Prescription " is an invigorating, Tno eter of functional aactiong tathat critical ppe�riod of change from girlhood to woman- hood, it is a perfectly sate remedial agent, and 'can produce only good results. It is care- fully compounded, by an experienced and delicate organization. Itisappu eltyovegeettaable ' . 3n its eompoeition and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. It imparts strength to the whole system. For over- , worked, "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop -girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's J@hvorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cor- dial and restorative tonin. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under . apo$itiveuarantee from the manufacturers, —that it will give satisfaction in every case. nr money will be refunded. This guarantee 1Wutlieen faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright,.1888, by WOau's Dis. Min, AWN. SOOO.`OFFERED by the manufactur- - ere of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head. To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA Andithe NOR -WESTERN STATEN VIA BEATYS SARNIIA @Ni Steamers, United Emp e, Ontario and Camp.tna, sailing from Saru,s '•:ring nav,• gation (weather permit, ingl ever, 'ruooz " and Friday night, and calling on Wednee • day and Saturdays at Goderich and Kincar dine, connecting at the latter place with-le G.T. R. train leaving Clint.in at 10 a. m., for St Joe's Island, Garden River, Sault E;e. Mar... Port Arthur and Duluth, connec'ing at Port, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific Railway. and at Duluth with the Red River Valley Railway. Lowe It Rates, bestaecom- modations, Express time and choice of rot•t.e. JAMES II. BEATTY, Genl. Manager Sarnia W. JACKSON A. 0. PATTISON Agents, Clinton iHim 1O r, , :„ADE �-.�.. MARK. LI QUID'CO--LORS ARRANTED PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT. Theseready Mixed Paints are no chemical combination of • benzine or soap Mixture, but • •simply •old-fashioned Paints. They are guaranteed to give better results than any other paint A23.9 itt .0044 y; � H E B I'`I c, ' i t. li i•"i ii.6.r.:'. • di.L, 'ZING POI I i'tCTOiY F alt'tc.S -t•is4-- ii 1Valves, Iron&LeadPipe 1RcLAflE.I�S GEEllllht Loose Palley 01iors, Stearn Jet 'r' mus, Finn Cub u11111011111 Purnp3, W,n.i ii, iIZ Craar.•i Sepsraters, Cal No Alum, and Lala iy Liens; s. Nothing Injurious. • RE11+i1ED' E�tfli'1fiat, ,,,,i',.;,,,,..,,,, -.;:L":,' . en's t" 3 er rH 'TV -TX"' ' friss r SPOOL COTTON For Hasid (Laid, Afacltine Z:se. tile; !?Q SOPERIGB.1 AMC FOR lT, atuil.iiftli STEEL -WO Tf.'it:liS is Sarni 1e,Ladies' and all etherki: ds. 11Cest and Stz-nzPst T LINKS In the World, u. E tELEIGIIh CO MCMTREADoL, Sola arts, fall tha VE For Sunday Reading LIVING IN VAIN. God grant I may not live in vain, Some useless part fulfilling; Like water, gathered not again, Which careless hand is spilling, May I but add my being's force To that eternal river Which has in God's own love its source, And flows to him forever. Some Christian song may I but write, And to his altar bring it; Some hymn of praise to Christ indite, And after -ages BMA it. To some lost soul the gospel preach, Give him kind exhortation; Some little child the way may teach, And bring it to salvation. By some lone couch may breathe prayer, Or send some tender token To save the tempted from despair, Or bind the heart that's broken. a That me, at last, my Lord may know, And give recognition, Because I walked with Him below, And kept the great commission. A GREAT MAN'S DEATH. A friend of Archbishop Whately said, with unbecoming praise when visiting him on his death- bed : "You are dying as you liv- ed—great to the last." He repli- ed : I am dying as I lived—in the faith of Jesus." Another remark- ed : "What°a blessing that 'onr glorious intellect is unimpattet11" The archbishop rejoined: "Do not call intellect -glorious; there is nothing glorious out of Christ," At another time it was said: "The great fortitude of your character supports you," "No," he replied, "it is not my fortitude that sup- ports me, but my faith in Christ." TRUE FRIENDSHIP. Not all friendly people are friends. 1Vot many true friends come in a lifetime, and young people ought to carefully sift all candidates for their affection, and cherish fondly those that are left behind. • Some can roll together like marbles, with a soft and gen - tle touch, and roll away again without making any impression on each other. Friendly' people they are, a great deal pleasanter to meet than most others, but their relations, theiraequaintances are very different from those of David and Jonathan. There are, on the other hand, some peo- ple who seen made for each other, they find in each other's natures like two brushes. Loyalty to such friends is a lofty virtue; trea- son to them is a crime that God in his infinite love may pardon, but . man .cannot - easily forgive. "There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." This apt quotation has often been usedd, to emphasize divine love, but it was originally a lzhilbsphic statement perhaps the outcome of Solomon's experience. There are in this world friendships even'more deep- ly•based than the delightful re- lationship ofthe family. "Better is a neighbor that is' near than a brother that is•far offf" is anoth- er proverb. There is no sneer more .contemptuous than that which we sometimes hear against the friendship of youth. Let our, young people after prayerful se- lection, recognize the immeasur- able value of the affection of a fellow being. True friendship waxes warmest in times of' trial. A funeral will bring all your'kind- ly neighbor's to yorir door with words of sympathy; provided the disease which t,.ok away your friend was not infectious, or a cruel misrepresentation which those who do not know you are ready to believe, or the loss of money and social prestige, or the disgracful act' of some, friend, has "got into the newspaper," or a big blunder of your own—any Of these things- will immediately act as a social sieve, and those whose friendship is not really good will fall through like sand, while the few true friends will remain. HOTEL IIALMORAL . Iff.01'4 T. REAL. Notre Iznrto St., one of the most central • and el.ev.:anti. furnishes 1ir,t<•ls lu the ' Ci'r Acco,uiUOthe ,on for 400 guests. itutra: liVTOODSUFF, $k to $3 per day. 'r . . Manager PEAA ' LEA.THER B01RR Sola Ltrts for Caaada, J.PALMER&SO V Wholesale Imp'trs of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 MB DAIMB ST., MONTREAL. COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This isa Perfec:Fricfion RECKITT'$ BLUE. '1'HE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USB. PAPERS '00'rlippingr v 'Mills,a ek GUS, :4 al.l. �ir �r sizes 4' AND 7eye WEIGHTS 744, * TO ORDER 21 DeBresoltsSt. Is :-Yaltneut, 0 . OH S, 2N.S r NOP: HE TRENGTR GiV ft PERFECT FOOD Ajt OA THE SICK ARMING lit JIUTP;riousi EVEPAGE Ji A POWERFUL INVIGORATOR OUR FIRST AND ONLY D,;'i,UGU- TER. Dedicated to the new arrival at at 3. C. Klauseu's, Hensall. By Sweetbrier. She has come to us, our daughter, With her smiles and with her tears, With her rosebud mouth and dimples; After all those weary years, Weary years of patient waiting, Filled with doubtful hopes and fears. She has come, our only daughter, With her sweet and girlish grace; With her bliie eyes, soft and tender, And her round and chubby face ; She will e'er in our affections Find a warm and sunny plane. She has come, and don't we bless her, And we wish her every joy, We will praise and ever thank her ; That she ain't a little boy, For onr rosebud is a daisy, And a charm without alloy. She has come, I scarce believed it, But my faith more strongly grows, When at midnight hour she wakes me From a sweet, serene repose, By a song, whose depth of music, No one but a father knows. Has she come? my kindest wishes Please receive. I think.I see, As the twilight shadows deepen, • There upon his bended knee, By the cradle, one -who whispers, "Don't our girlie look like me ?" Holmesville, 1889. LIFE IN JAPAN. In Japa n,says the artist Wonos in the Septem-ber Century,women have always Held ahigher position than other Asiatic countries. They go about frecty wherever they please, and the seclusion 01' the Chinese is wholly unknown to them. The schools receive as rnany.girls as boys, and as a re- sult of my observations I can safely say, without idle compli- ment,that the former are brighter than the latter, By degrees, and under these fa- vorable conditions for general ob- servation, some of the causes of the people's happy spirit of' inde- pendence began to be revealed to rne. The simplicity,of' heir lives in which enters no selfish rivalry to out do one another, accounts in a largo measure for this enviable result. Regarding one another very much as belonging to ono family, their mode of life is more or less on the same plane, and consequently a spirit of great har- mony prevails. A. very small in- come is sufficient to supply the or- dinary necessities of life, and everything else is secured with but li:t]e effort.. Household'effects etre few and inexpensive, and should everythiug bedestroyed by fire or loss in any way,it is not an irreparable calamity. All can be replaced at a small outlay,and life go on as before. The tenant, upon renting a house, is put to little expense to furnish it, indeed, he requires ab solutely no'fulniture at all. The clean, finely woven mats which cover the floor serve as table,ehair and bed; and as it is a universal custom to remove the shoes before entering a house there is no dan- ger of one's bringing with him the dirt from the streets. His bedding consists of cotton, quilts, which are spread out on the floor at night, rolled together in the morning, and stored away in acloset during the day. • A few pictures and specimens of beauti-• fur script decorate the walls,a few vases contain sprays of flowers, and a number of cushions on the floor complete the furnishing of the room. Yet it does not seem empty or cheerless, for the gener- al arrangement of harmonious colors,thediffeaent woods employ- ed in its visible. construction,.and the beauty of the finished work- nlanship make a most harnionious and pleasing combination. CiIILDREN WORTH, SAVING. The following,' from a sermon by DIr Spurgeon; con tai nstencour- agemont for ministers and .teach - ere Who labor for the conversion of children "I have more confi• donee," said a great preacher, "in the conversion of children that 1 have received into the church this year, than I have in the convey sion of adults. I will go furthur than that. I have seen a deeper knowledge and have heard a clear- er statement'bf the things ofChrist from those dear children than from elder folks. And, what may astonish you ,most of all, I have met with deeper spiritual experi- ence in childa en of ten or twelve than I have in some men and woman of fifty or sixty. He is only a child, who should be seen and not heard; He is always get- ting in the way.' Some of you talk like that. God forgive you 1 When the grace of God comes in- to a boy, he is mol•o worth sav- ing than some of you 1" NEEDED A BATH. for Infants and Children. "Caetordsl.eomill adapted tochildren that Castoila. cures Colic, Constipation, [recommenditaseuperiortoanyprescription Sour Stomach, Diarrh®a, Eructation. to me." 11 tl As:assa, DI D., �ss-3Orms, gives sleep, and promotes di - 11180. Axford 8i.. SrooklYn, N. Y. Without innjurious medication. Taz CENTAUR COMPANY, , 7 Murray Street, N. 1' THE POPULAR RY 000Ds House i..ON DESBORO We are now showing the richest and most complete stock of DRESS GOODS we have every offered to our customers. Many lines have: been imported direct, and the balance has been purchased from•one of the best Dress Goods Houses in Canada. A good story was told at a re- cent meeting of the Anti -Vivisec- tion Society. A. woman:came to the London hospital complaining. of 'what was called a skin disease. The clever but sarcastic physician to whom ;she applied for treat- • rnent saw at once that the 'skin disease' was of a peculiar but not very uncommon nature. 'I should advise you, madam,' he said, with -- great courtesy, 'to fill a bath with water of a temperature of 90 deg., and to immerse yourself in it; then take some yellow soap, rub it vigorously on a piece of flannel, and apply the flannel with con- siderable friction to all parts of you body.' ' But, doctor,' said the patient, 'that sounds like tell- ing me to go home and wash my self.' 'I confess, madam,''was the reply, 'that it is open to that ob- jection.' She never came back again. It is astonishing how rapidly the feeble and debilitated gain strength and vigor when taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. For what are called "broken down constitu- tions," nothing else has proved so effective as this powerful but per• fectly safe medicine. - otton Root Compound Composed nt Cotton Root, Tansy nod Pen• nyyrnynl—pprerared hi old ph3•airlan, 15 SUCCRSHF8LLT LSanER MONTHLY by thonsands of women, and bsq been pre- scribed In a practice of corer 30 yeah. Price, I. Will he mailed to any address in Canada and t,5. Rector's eoienitatJen hours, 3 to 11 and 1 to 4, Diseases of woven treated only. Sealedartten• lam two stamps, Lsdles only, address POND LILT COMPANY, No, 3 Fisher Iilock.131 Woodward Ronne Detroit. Minh. dog 30.3mp The prices range from 10c. to $1,25 a yard, and the styles, colors and pattern's are so varied that it would be useless to attempt to describe them. See them early and make yailr selection.. A little warm, perhaps, to talk about KNITTED WOOL SHAWLS and WOOL. FASCINATORS, however, the choicest Goods will be the first sold, and the early customers have the greatest number to choose from. We have several styles in the leading colors. NOW, 'A WORD TO GENTLEMEN. We have a grand range of TROUSERINGS, HATS, CAPS, TOP SHIRTS, buttoned or laced, and UNDER- CLOTHING. j"In READY-MADE CLOTHING, SUITS and OVERCOATS, we still hold our place in the front rank. Will be pleased to have all close cash buyers look care- fully through our entire stock, and compare values be- fore making fall purchases. W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO STIFF HATS — All the leading styles, bought from the best manufacturers. SOFT HATS — The best and cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent quality, and away down in price: Close Buyers shonld not fail to call and sec these goeds, the low and good quality aro selling them very fast Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring FRANK SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, AibertSt! CLINTON. pri00 --- — —=THE CLINTON NSW SRA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ONT. Ninard's Liniment for saleeverywhere The Grand Dntchess Vladimir, who is lying dangerously ill at Peteroi is to be made the subject of a curious experi. ment. If the other medical science fail Prof. Reiher, who has charge of the case, will as a last resort, try the opera- tion of transfusion, but not by using the blood of any'other animal organiza- ation. He will instead employ artifi- cial blood, made by himself for the pnr- pose, composed chibfly of albumen, iron, and•salt solution, "Yes ; I shall break the en- gagement," she said, folding her arms and looking defiant; "it is really too much trouble to con- verse with him ; he's as deaf as a post, and talks like ho had a mouthful of mush. Besides, the way he hawks and spits is dis- gusting." "Don't break the en- gagement for that; toll him to take Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It will euro him compietely." "Well, I'll tell him. I do hate to break it off, for in all other re- spegts he's quite charming." Of course, it cured his catarrh. X x X x x x A I AMS' BIG BMPI I.J01\71DM81301R,C) BALANCE 0FSUMMER GOOO$ At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, to make room for FALL GOODS that are coming in. —0 FARM and VILLAGE PROPERTY for sale or ex- change for good stock of merchandise. BUTTER, EGGS and: .FARM PRODUCE always wanted 0 -- Aug 30th, 1889. R. ADAMS. TILE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance, THE LEADNIG Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers, - Undertakers, Ahd Upholsterers. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. CALL AT THE Red RockerFu rn itu re E m pori u m Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton 99- GROCERY -99 4 Haying bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first- class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will be kept and sold at the closest margin. JOB DEPARTMENT. We have a large stock of FINE 1\TM-VS7- TEAS Which we guaantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We will not be undersold by any .house in the trade James Anus, 99 Albert St. Clintol CHINA HALL To make room for New Importations, We will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN PER, CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on onr large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA • AND GLASSWARE. • DECORATED DINNER ANI) TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se• curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We offer. NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth CO. We offer NEW SEASON BLAOK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 E1100MS for 25c FRESH FINAN 1IADBIE, .SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS,. &c Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give na'arcall.2 BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. - N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, isle Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX '74, CLINTON. B. LUARANCE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau- ranee's test, and a certainty of being, suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at ' • 71"1-I0311AS J �1CKON'C, SR., C1_4IN.'UON The People's GROCERY! CORNER HURON AND ONTARIO STREETS, Is the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS. We are receiving a fine • new stock RAISINS—New Valencias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer,. Layer Valencias CURRANTS—New Barrel Currants, new Box Currants. PEELS—Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels] NUTS—Soft-Sbell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, Peaeans, Peanuts, English Wal• nuts, best 'qualities. CONFECTIONERY—our assortment cannot bo surpassed. L>N`'1VIONS and ORANGES—Fresh Sweet Russell Oranges, California Oranges, Valencia and Malagas, GRAPho—White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes; CROCKERY and GLASSWARE — We are giving bargains in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. FISH, &c.—We also constantly keep in stock Oysters, Baddie, Bloaters Ciscoes, &c SUNDRIES—Cranberries, Bernina% Onions, Common Onions. " TEAS—Special values in Teas. We have them as low as five pounds for tD, and as high as 70c. per lb., and we can guarantee the quality to be the best Onr assortment is too large to enumerate, and we only mention a few leading articles. Come and see far yourself. Wet will cgive you good value and a liberal Cuninghame & McMurray, THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON