HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-09-20, Page 5A Wake up And see the prices of ROB. W. COATS' WATCHES. A Stem -Winding Watch$2 75 A. Boz. S. American Watch5 00 A stem -wind screw bezzle Am erican Watch 9 00 A solid silver dust -proof Walt- ham Watch .. .10 45 A solid Gold, 15 jewelled La- dies Watch, with chain ..18 00 A Gent's Gold -Filled Elgin Watoh,warranted 20 yeaf s 28 00 A Solid Gold Stem Winding Elgin Watch 28.00 REMEMBER THE PLACE ROB. W. COATS, - JEWELLER and ENGRAVER, CLINTON. HURON CENTRAL :EXHIBITION Prize List Correction. HORSES—Cuss 1. as follows :— HEAVY D1uuoBT, IMPORTED OR CANADIAN BRED. DIVISION 1.' - 1st 2d 3d Heavy Draught Team $5 $3 $0 Brood Mare, with foal by side 4 3 0 Foal, Colt or Filly 3 2 0 One year old Filly 3 2 0 One year old Gelding 3 2 0 Two year old Filly 3 2 0 Two year old Gelding 3 9 0 DIVISION II. ,, HEAVY DBAOGHT, CANADIAN BRED. Heavy Draught Team $6 84 Brood Mare, with foal by side 6 4 Foal, Colt or Filly 8 2 One year old Filly 3 2 One year old Gelding 3 2 Two year old filly 3 2 Two year. Gelding S 2 Three year old Filly 3 2 Three year old Gelding 3 2 $2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IN,CLASS 2 ADD— One year old Gelding 83 52 $0 IN MISCELLANEOUS ADD— Saddle Ponies, ridden by boy under 15 89 $1 $0 IN CLASS 16 ADD— Geese, Toulouse 50c 25c 0 1eese, common 50o 25c 0 ,Stalls, Double, 50e. Single 25. Allotted according to Entries. Exhibitors are requested to send their entries to the Secretary as soon as pos- sible. They will save themselves a great deal of trouble in doing so. {By order of Board) - W. JACKSON, Seoretary. W AN TE 0SAL>• 8M>r to sell Nursery Stock. Alll Goods War- ranted FIRST-CLASS. Permanent, pleas- ,profltable positions for the right men: ood salaries and expensoe paid weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners. No prey. ious experience necsseary, Outfit free. Write for terms, giving age. CHARLES H. CHASE, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. Mention this Paper. ffO W.N LOTS FOR S AL.F. In the Town of.Clinton. . Belonging to the Estate of the Late NEL- . SON GLEW There will bo sold by Futile Auction, on the MARKET SQUARE, CIA:, TON, on Sat- URDAY, OCTOBER FI6'TH, 1:529, at one o'clock P, ill., the following property:—Lots 62 and 63, Matilda street, no buildings ; Lot 39, James street, with small Frame Dwelling thereon. Title Perfect. TERMS CASH. CHAS. SPOONEI', i Executors ROBT.PEACOCK, D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. Teachers Wanted. The board of School Trustees for the town- ship of Tuckersmith give notice that appli., cations will be received by the undersigned for teachers for all the schools in this town- ship. Applicants will please state class of certificate, recommendations, number of years experience and salary. The Board will meet on Satnrday, Sept. 21st, in the school house, Egmondville, at 2 o'clock p.m: Applicants are expected to be present. The -schools are numbered as follows : No. 1-2-3- 4.6-7.8.9-10.11. G. E. JACKSON, Secretary. Egmondville, Sept. 4th, 1869, Notice to the Public' As Mr James Sheppard has gone on a trip to Manitoba for the benefit. of his health 1 have placed my books at ldr F. Rumball's carriage shop, who is authorized to collect aceounte and grant receipts on my behalf. Parties interested will please bear this in. mind. WILLIAM STANLEY, Holmesville. FARM TO LET, -THAT SUPERIOR FARM of 90 acres one mild from Clinton, on the Blyth gravel road, second and third conces- sions of Hullett, belonging to the estate of Thomas F. Ranee, and heretofore hold by —Me tate A'dtim-Hrytteif, WitrIPT-Ida'tisd"ranr" good 'tenant on reasonable terms. Land first class, nearly all cleared, with good build- ings and fences and choice orchard. Apply to trustees, ISAAC RATTENBURY and H. HALE. Clinton, Aug. 17th, 1889. p 1 m. TO -RENT, Two good rooms upstairs and one Store, situate in Perrin Block, Clinton. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent Canada Life Ins. Co'y- Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore angbsisting between us, the the names and styleof"The Oakes .Organ Co.,' in the town of Clinton, in the county of Huron, bas been this day dissolved by the retirement of James W, Worry, the business to be oontinned by Messrs. Oakes & Swaffield under the said name and style of The Oakes Organ Co. -All debts owing to the said part- nershipBre to be paid to the said Oakee and Swaffield, at Clinton, aforesaid and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said Oakes & Swaffeld by whom the same will be settled, Dated this Pifth day of August, A. D, 11189. GEORGE P. OAKES WILLIAM S. SWAFFIELD JAMES H. WERRY. Witness :- • JAMES SCOTT: SALESMEN WANTED. Having done business in Canada for over 30 years, our reputation and responsiblity is well known. We pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satisfactory. Norevious experience is required. Write as for terms, which are very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. REPHRENOEe.--Bradetreet's or Dun Wiman & Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to business men ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. CHASE BROTHERS' COMPAMY NURSERYMEN, Colborne, Ontario. BUY THE WHITE THE KING OF SEWING MACHINES FIRST PRIZE AT CINCINNATI CENTEN- NIAL OVER ALL OTHERS OVER SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND NOW IN USE. J. H. WORSELL: Agent, Clinton PROPERTIES for SALE The various ., properties re- maining e- maining undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for sale. In order to close up the estate these properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will be made known on appli- cation to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Clin ton. EXCURSIONS TO THE North West CLINTON 1114111/HTS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Sept. 19, 1889. Wheat, fall old 90 a 0 90 Wheat, fall new 0 80 a 0 80 Wheat, spring 93 a 0 93 Oats 230022 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 60 a 0 60 Flour per bal .. 5 00 a 500 Butter 0 15 a 0 15 ESP - 014a015 Pork 5 75a 600 Hay - • '900a900 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, Sept. 19, 1889. Wheat, fall 0 85 a 0 87 Wheat, spring 0 87 a 0 87 Barley . 0 41 a 0 45 Oats 0 30 a 0 30 Peas 0 55 a 0 57 Butter, rolls 0 15 a 0 18 Butter, large rolls 0 15 a 0 17 Eggs per dozen 0 15 a 0 16 FALL FAIR DATES. Huron Central, at Clinton, Sept. 24-25-26 Mitchell, Sept, 26 and 27. North Perth at Stratford,Oot.3 and 4 South Perth,at St.Marys,Sept 24, 25. Central,at Hamilton, Sept. 23 to 27. Guelph Sept.25 and 26. Colborne, at Smith's Hill, Sept. 25-26 East Wawanosh, at Belgrave Oct. 1.2. Morris, at Blyth, Oct. 8-9. SALE REGISTER. Farm of Mr Frank Silty, 2nd oon.of Hullett, at the Commercial Hotel, in Clinton, on Saturday, Sept. 21st, at 2 p m. James Howson, aunt. Household furniture of Mrs E. Car- bett, Huron St., Clinton, at 2 p. m. on Saturday, Sept. 21st. - - Jas. Howson, Anat. Farm stock of Jonah Nicholson, lot 17, lake road west eon., Stanley, . on Saturday, Sept. 21st. D. Dickinson, Anat. THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENS. • - A real, live, vicious tarantula in the West Thirtieth street sta- tion house ! He measured three inches across and about nine in circumference. If there is any- thing on earth that youdon't want to fondle and pot it is a tarantula. He is a terrible fighter, aux would not stop to think twice before attack- ing ,a six foot pliceman with a club. The rascal knows full well his advantage, for if he gets one chance to bite, you send a District messenger for the coroner and the undertaker. When tho doorman went to get the gas -lighter he started the beast from his slum- bers. That doorman yelled. Perhaps he thought he had a well developed fit of delirium tremens, or perhaps he thought it Was the devil in disguise. - No matter. which, he let out a tone of horror like that of a fog -horn on the Grand 'Banks and retreated with the speed of frightened lightning. SergeantSheldon skirmished about for a while, but finally hit the fel- low a couple of blows with a crick- et bat, 'which had a tendency to knock the fight out of him. That tarantula is now in the best of spirits, namely alcohol. — New York Herald. ' Sarnia is excited over an alleged case of criminal assault of a hien-• ous character. A girl aged 18 years has- made a complaint chat -ung her father, Richard L. Kelch, with outraging her on numerous occasions. Tho Sarnia officials failed to arrest the man, d on Sunday notified -the' Port iron officers. It took Detective uckcridge but a short time to locate his man, and in two hours ho was behind the bars in the county jail. Ho will, it is said, he taken back to Sarnia for trial. Referring to Thomas Paine's empty boast that Christianity was waning—that it was good enough for a .by -gone age, but not at all suited to the enlightenment and progress of the 19th century, Rev. Dr. Burns, of the Hamilton Ladies' College, the other evening, pointed out that during the past year there bad been built on this continent 3,650 churches—an ave- rage of ten churches a day, and three of every ton were Methodist. • Five Man itoba Mennonites brutally maltreated a young girl, and were lot off with a fine of $1 each by the Chief of the village. B In order that the farmers of Ontario may 1 have an opportunity to learn the exact truth /1 about theresnit of the drouth in the North- West during the present season, the CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. Offer the following very low harvest excur- sion rates:— WINNIPEG DELORAINE GLENBORO' SALTCOATS MOOSE JAW CALGARY *28 s~ 835. Aug. 20, returning Sept. 30 Sept. 24, " Nov. 4 Full particulars from any agent of the Com- pany. INNIENNINA E TSO Specially invites every visitor at The EurOn Central E thibition, To look through his stock whether 'they wish to buy or not. SEE HIS SHOW at the BUILDING. Watch for his Waggon in Procession. Don't miss the Grand Display at his Store in the evening., REMEMBER, he has his MILLINERY and 'SHOW -ROOM open- ing during thy Fair, Saturday night following for town ,, dirs. ERTSON'S GREAT CASH STORE, CLINTON wo Things to be Sure and do. Visit the Huron Central Exhibition in Clinton, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 24-25-26, - While in Clinton visit the Dry Goods PALACE and see the magnificent display of Millinery, Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Carpets, Gent's Furnishings and General Dry Goods. ' Our Show Rooms will be open on those days. We invite all to call on us and examine our stock of FALL AND • WINTER MILLINERY, which will be found complete in every particular. 5 per cent off mor cash. Estate J. NODGENS. reatClearinggnle BOOTS AND SHOES Chas. CRUICKSHANK'S In order to make room for my large purchases ofrFall and Winter Goods, I will sell my entire Spring and Summer Stock AT LESS THAN MANUFA(ITURER'S PRICES. See my job lots, which" will be sold at less than half cost. This is a good chance for cash buyers to get goods at their own prices. NO HUMBUG, BUT A GENUINE SALE Sign Ed the Golden Boot,Albert St. Clinton 4 - HUB HIIB GROCERY THE PLACE TO BUY Your Sugars, Teas, Raisins, Currants, or anything i u Groceries. Also, GLASS, STONE & WOODEN WARE GEM .JARS AT About. COST CHOICE TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. G -EO, ANN, A:LLA W, CL IN -T N' OLS and. YARNS O We handle nothing but the BEST QUALITY, and sell at the CLOSEST PRICES. LARGE STOCK OF 2, 4 'and -8 fold. Andelusian, Crewel and Ice Wools, Saxony Yarn. FINGERING and SANITARY YARN made specially for underwear. W. COOPER & Ca, Clinton. 11 AMi[III1YCEME1Y To our customers and the public generally we wish to make it known that we are 'now ready for the Fall Trade with The- Lir est and most varied Ston of Goods That has ever been kept in Clinton. Our two stores are both filled with goods that are required for a general trade. Full lines in all kinds of DRY GOODS, bought on the best terms possible, Some special bargains from the stock of goods bought from Mr. Thomas Jackson, at 64 cents on the $. FULL LINES IN ReadyMade CLOTHING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER cheaper than any house in Clinton; come and try us and see for yourselves, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. FELT BOOTS of all kinds, coarse and fine, in all the different makes, at from 10 to 20 per cent cheaper than other houses sell them. We mean business. Full Lines in HATS, CAPS, FURS, ROBES, To be sold at a small advance on cost. Ai -1 we ask is a small commission on these goods. GROCERIES . PROVISIONS We aro getting ready as fast as possible to supply our customers with all kinds of Groceries and Provisions. Goods delivered to all parts of the town, DRESS & MANTL « aking Wo will open out in this department next week, and will give you city work and city styles. Work guaranteed to be.,sarond to none in the trade, and prices as low as the lowest. Come and see us. We are bound to do'lmsiness. We do not advertise anything bit what we intend to carry out. Come and see our stock and getl'prices. 2 stores in Searle's Block, PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS CALL AT DETLOR & CO'S While attending the Fair and see their Yew Stylish DRESS ..GOODS: —AND Mantle Cloths (Mantles cut free of charge) During this month they are offering FLANNELS, Grey COTTONS, TABLE LINENS, and SHEETINGS at marvellously low prices. Don't forget to see them. A lot of TWEEDS, job in price. The rush continues for their great line of KID GLQVES DETLOR CO. CLINTON T. JACKSON, S The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stack 9 Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buy 'rs. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton What's the Matter wirb your feet? WHY YOU WANT A PAIR OF Taylor & ions he MI6 Shoes T FIAT'S ALL Come and get suited during the Groat Fair, Sept.24-5-6 We Will be glad to welcome you. E,rgs taken in exchange. ' 5 per c9nt oR for cash. TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND 131.Y11-1