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The Clinton New Era, 1889-09-20, Page 4
• + .. n . . .. ' .... . C T ' .1 . .. �.. ' P }.'., M 11^`' f.S ,. .i eta • ^'L,• . y{ • P, d - - Anything or any statement to enable NEWS NOTES. gmw Af111terflo"fi'11>rl oto". NESVS nT�S ; � � � $ � Pointers CO>UtCerning•tllp ]lu- seated as they should have been, and them to make 'Mowat go•' If the ---°-' The Vanderbilts own eaveral farms, fW � dttstrial ExLibit><On. the large building was noticeable par- arty should lock back and think of The London Daily Telegraph esti- _ _ titularly because of iia emptinege. Phe grand effect which the 'Facts tot iseonductedonetrigt bgsinessprinoiplas TFBY-13.O, ,-TAF. PATENT T#ikiN6- ;entiges wanted-Hodgens Estate mates the cost of the dock strike et $lU, • and an account kept of all exllensesa 1 rAs a g keyboard, for EMarc , and. or - (Contributed) OMalde the exhibit teas much bet• Irish electors' and the Lynch Con- 000,000. ggas, ie a groat success. o' ]are y cltrans- pp ted letters Phomas Fair and income. Iu this way tnrnipe are One., is repared co fill orders for Trans- 7?ozf tdela-Cbrts• Di akson- P cordant' roduced for thein, they John F. O'Neill, of Woodstock, a well• raised mt a cost of $3 er bushel, ha y It may beeaid that the anniversary ter. Irr g 11 de aptmente of stack possibly will issue same such address- P Y posing tangs, and organs, at reaaonmble >� 11 nary opening. -John Robertson of the farmers holiday and festival there was o0d corn etition, and what known hotollseeper mnd spartiug man, at $65 per ton and gate b about five price, . ' t3peottzl-aohn Robertson period ling again came round, and the orae lacking inside was, to a certain es again. It is to be hoped that they died Saturday morning. times what they can be bought far at -- Remember -Estate J Hodgeas Reports from the mountain districts the feed stores. TO tiottegtate tn;tttuto Pupttu. ae for sale -New Pro of3ice wonted fairs are being held for their extent, counterbalanced by the show will, and that the same result will of Colorado tell of a general suora fall, On Monday at Queenston Joseph N. Hou � ea ecial delectation and instruction, outside. Heavy teams were exeep-• follow. in accordance with the School Lary and $o.ts3 for Bale -Mrs Thos Cooper p of which, as usual, is tionally well represented, although I shall ahotly take notice of some and tourists are flocking east a . Wynn, a resident of that village,: lost resolution o1 the Board of Tursteea, Collegi- jie boards -A Matey the premier of the little pap- g t Ismao Friend, one of the oldest mer- hie life b a cad and painful accident. oto Institute Foes mast be aid in advance. the centre several of the prominent breeders fed thin e, that for- ey p '' `• I (;.olle'iate Inatitate-W H Hine now being held in Chia cltt�y+mac of the were absent, the stock of Mr 1lcMil- merly barked themselves hoarse abou chants of Milwaukee, was killed oa Sat- He wde driving a pair of horses attach- plasetake notice and act accordinglisae a i Dress (cods-Detlor Bc Co of commerce, trade and , p day by falling through an elevating ed to a steam thrasher down a hill. epees moat ba paid before the and of to pros - I Boots and ShoestlTaylor &Sona finest province of the Dominion, if Ian, and others, being at Pte Detroit the Ross Bible, and now yet about. As he was walkin beside the machine out month. Announcement-Plnmsteel &Gibbings. got of America, and truly for some es.poaition. There was the usual French schools. CITIZEN, shaft. g w, H_ IIINE, he etnmbled gad struck one of the rear ;: all o the best section of the Contin- dissatisfaction over judges' decisions, Uxbridge has voted to grant a bonus wheels, which knocked him down, and Treasurer Board of Trustees. % ant. I am glad that thane few lines and there will be until the ane-mmr „Around The County• of $6,000 to the Cabinet and Organ passing over his head crushing his propert for sale or to rent. are to find the public eye through,the system As adopted. This will not Company 4or the establishment of a skull. The unfortunate man was con- y '•,' columna of the NE�y ERA, as its 91ewa crave dissatisfaction, but it will, to The East Huron Teachers' Coriven• piano factory. scions for two hours end a half after Ilio -r Px.Attone General Clarke, of Win- A cottage on Alpert a lately occupied le on political economy are in keeping a large extent, remove the judge from tion will "-be held in Brussels the 2nd y. accident. He wgs 28 years of age and Mr James OToore. Five hod rooms, double with the aims of these exhibitions the impression of being interested in week of October. nipeg while en route to the Pacific coast unmarried. His untiine)y death will be parlor, dining room, kitchen summerkitoh- I mourned b the residents of the village, ea and pantry. Hard and Soft'water. Stab - ?I . and the labors of their promoters, the this or that entire hare, and conse- James ➢McLaughlin has been engaged on a C. P. R. train, diad from the burst y th ee lots on Map and trait crane• There aro 1: •;. ,, `y tom etition called for not being con- I quently biased by its progeny. to Coach in School Section No, 13 How• Ing of a blood vessel. where his family have been life-long three tote on Msp1e Straetbesidea Cho one on a a ', p Y Mrs Geo. H. Dunsford, wife of a lead- inhabitants. which the cottage stands, making an acre of fined to a small circuit, but open to Phe attendance was very fair, but ick, for the remainder of the ear. rcund in all, The cottage and oup lot will _ _ the world, I liking to be consistentas there was no reason why it could not Wm. Ellis, who lives South o1 Brus- ing citizen, died at Reading, Pa-, on Very many readers will hear with re- ne sold separately it desired and on reason- `'', ----" - -! every one should be. The open tom- have been much better. The day cels, had the misfortane to break hie Friday after being thrown into spasms Bret of the death of Lionel E. Shipley, able Corms. Ppeaession given at line, Ap- .`' • � �t���j1'� >etition is not only that we may be I has gone by when a fall fair can be right leg at noon on Thursday while while laughing, during which her arti• of the eleventh concession of Lobo town• ply to MRS THOMAS COOPER, Clinton, ��� �11t �J/� Ii logging. finial teeth were swallowed. ship, which ocurred these on Sunday iV �Y A� able to learn ,where to obtain the most eucceeafullp conducted oa the old 'ori'' improved manufacturing machinery, lines of being purely an agricultural Findlay McIntosh, son of Mr Geo. Wm Watson was shot dead near Lan• last. Deceased was bora in the town- lf3ouae and Lot for Sale or to i, and latent inventions and discoveries display, and while some people ate McIntosh, of Seaforth, -we learn got ark Village on Friday night by Benj. ship of London in 1835, Bind a year rent. IDAY SEPT, 'LO 1889. Cameron, who fired off a gin to frighten later the family moved into Lobo eown- :: FR in thearta,aciencesnnd manufactures, opposed to the innovations of the kicked with a colt on the 9th list."and cn,ied b ]Yfr E. Holmes, on Queen street; _ _ _ __ --- but that also nc and foreigners Aho now suaceseful eahibitiona, it is nev- lad several ribs broken. Watson and a number -of drunken com- ship, where deceased has since resided ell ua,s offs od for es, o r torrent on lib. '' - - r us with s visit, may see erthelesg ► fact that the innovations ` Samuel Ford, better known as "Uncle cantons front a hones where they were the townli cul iLi net fE . Shipley entr eral term&, The house contains s rooms ' I^ Future Relations oY Canada may favo I Sam," died at his home in Exeter on illtreating an imbecile girl. o Uilitcd States. and learn what there are that it would are an aasential to success. 'Windsor will be the next Ontario city. eyed Lobo Council ae Deputy•Reeve in tach et Bu with woodshed and good ce at- a11d til 1861 and subs& uentl was chosen rasped, and two some apataie l good cellar, ';y.. -- be profitable and advantageous to ex- PRIZE j,tsr Eng and Did h d reached the Dage Of It has now &- opulation of 9,931, or q y hard and soft water, heli -sore lot with trait : " • n re'udiced; dispassionate change with them and they with us ; lloRa s -fired from imported sick 90 years. only 69 short of the number requisite. Reeve, end in 1874 was elected Warden trees and stable thereon. Thema se ie situ - Let nay u p ] „ in fact, they are schools in which on both sides, three year old Filly, Jno of Middleeea. IIs took a very great toed . one of rho moat pleasant parts of the man sit down and natal Clink What g g arrow, S Smillie. Year old Fill Charle aeon o£ Jonas Thornton, of There was an increase of 1,300 inhabi- interest in agricultural manors, and session at en yatimeT Fill parttculste on ap• Y political economy is tau ht; that P Y, 'f`` ' •will be the future relations of Canada physical or material interest is mu• John Landsborough, Robt McLaren. 4th inst., met with e f hila r s the tante fn the town last year. was honored by his fellow farmers ae plication at Flaw Ea►ot5ee. Year old stallion, John McKay & Sons. 4th tier., by which one of hie arms was The peach crop of the Niagara penin- "icor men have been. Mr Shipley wee ```' , and the States ?" Here are two Colin• tual, and that unfettered and unlimit- Ht avT Dnnaonr-Brood mare acoom. broken above the wrist. The boy is a 8 . % this year is magnificieat. One an active politican all his life and ran LrSCURSIONB TO '1' tries with so little to separate them in ellen terc oust ofd trade is the in- panted by ler foal, John Wilson, Geo mere child, and fell backwards over a or"chard, whioh has only been planted in the Reform interest in North Mid• Detroit, CibYetulldy ChtCago, g Clair. 13ve years, has yielded 1,600 baskets of dleeex against Mr Timothy Coughlin, ` some parts that they are virtually one. I am also glad that 1 have such an Dale, James Reynolds, Foal, George audience to receive thane utterances, Dale, WWilson, G ECresswell. Three 9 The little son of Mr James Robinson, the finest Ernie ever seen in St. Cath- .M. P., being defeated by a.comparative- and Western PQt1ll Trains and boats cross and recross from Sept., 27.28. est 9 the readeas'of the NEIv ERA afford year old filly, D Donovan, J Cnlddwnll, ofiad his e e rases ogtowi geto. a can erpuxing ole storm oa Snndey DIr Jno. genial tempera ent, averse to saying $3 00 ' one country to the other with elm a r ^' gun• me, believing ae I dO, that the] have, ' Cummings John Sullivan el Tw ter growing behind - the eyeball, ie Macdonald, 01 the 12th concession, of anything which could be construed into From Clinton to Pa Huron .... 3 OU I � hourly frequency. Friends in one c from week to week, for many yearn, West Williams, had his large barn and harshness, and was highlp respected << . ' '' try visit friends in the other without had laid"before them the truth and year old filly, John Stanbnry, JohaMa• again ill as the cancer continnee to lone, J E Date. Year old stallion, Jno grow. outbuildings arrack by lightning and and esteemed by all who knew him. Cleveland ...... 5 00 let or hindrance. Individual members common sense views on all matters Malone. Draught team, McKay & Sone The farm of Mrs J. W. Shiel, adjoin• totally destroyed, with all this year's he nornineo of Mr J lin Vat rseM. PI Milwaukee...... 9 00 that related to their material interest, y. ing Brussels, has been leased for a term crop. Chico o........ 9 00 ;:; of a family tteonre positions across the and not f#attered or cajoled with the John Malone, H Di Chesne Col. T. F. Farren, special agent for for the vacant Middlesex Registrarship. g A°RICIILTIIRAL oR GaNBRAL Pmose,- of three years to J. J. Coates, of Sea- All tickets good till Oct. to For all border and in the course of time foal fallacies and falsehoods of the mfs- Brood mare siocompanied by her foal, forth, who takes possession neat month. the American Steam Boiler Insurance This year, we learn fng a the Cana• information apply to ' ly ti overcome sentiment, As a con• named protection achewer, (which ie John Aitchison, John Munroe, P O'Con- The rent is $250 per annum. The Company of Ghicagof enieided db Den• dins Gazette, ie proving a remarkable ae enoe of all these circumstances really a kind of imprisonment, so far nor. Foal, P O'Connor, John Leiper, fast is very desirably located. ver, Col., Monday night;-ca+ther„ than one in the Canadian live stock export W , JACKSOR , . , as trade is concerned), but that their Robt. McLaren. Three ear old filly, trade to Greet Britain. The total slit TOWN AGENT G. T, R., CLI. ' grade between the two conritrtes is Gar- y On 84tnrday tie 1st tint a mare be- pay the penalty for stealing from tie P- !; interests lay in the dfreetion of^free- D, Donovan, A:. Tyndall, Robt Char. longing to Mr Howitt,of the 8th con. company, he being a defaulter to he menta to the United Kindgom to date vied on with greater or less freedom, dem of trade and intercourse, which tore. Two year old gelding, T Dodds, of IIullett; gob her foot into a well, amonat of $6,000. gra evanfabove those o1s1887, which orae ' C;} p y D McGregor, W Dale. Two pear old with her. head protruding over rho op• Miss Chambers, hoasekoeper for Mr joust as Circumstances and wants allow. would be practical reci roCit , ae no p H, g, O Reilly, Owen Sound, while do- a year of good Clings in the live stock OUSE FOR BALE OR TO RENT.-SIT- �Yy. tariff between ole two trade could be Continued witb.put filly, D McGregor, W Gibbings, WCar• posits side and in that mannerthe nor world. The actual figures are given HUATED on Wast side of Victorip St., con - The castomo; buying ss we e c selling, and vice nochan. Year old gelding, SproatBrog. animal strangled to death before assist- ing some housework° on Saturday fell taining seven rooms and Kitchen, with all Year old filly, Joseph Ward, W Robb, once arrived. from a chair against the end of a car- by the Meat Trades Journal thus : a purtentncea thereto beton ng. Posees- is as high as it will ever be. The pro. versa Cattle. Sleep i �i babilities ere that any cbango will be in The Industrial Exhibition eEe DlonteithmJSA Murray. OGenerail cur Rhile ploughing one day last week pot•sweeper handle and received abuut 18S9 to Au + 22 43,043 82,0')1 sign 1st October. JNO, McG RVA, the, direction of lower duties. But a practically opened on the lot utnthe P accident, The ground being hard two o'c)ock'on Sunday afternoon. 1888 . , , .. , . , , . ..36,898 15,851 Londesborough holler IrIi115• lin A. Macdonald, b one team; James Cornish, J St Clair, M nno Oesch, of Hay, met with a pain• ire which resulted in her death about ( 6 ) • . b Sir JO 1887 „ , , , , , , , , ,,,,,, • 43,104 15,203 As the still changes hands on the 1st of trade that is yearly increasing is car- a%hibita were rather in a backward T Tipling. the horses were pulling hard and walk. The Nicely brothers, in jail at Somer- The increase aver 1887 is therefore 6,j Sept., all persons indebted are requested to vied On between the two. Are there CARRIAOE-Brood mare and foal, A ing fast when the Clovis broke, and Mr set, Pa., under sentence of death for per cent. in•cattle, and nearly 51} per ay up without any delay, in order that the condition for inspection, gid many of ` $night, J M Govenlock; J Broadfoot. murderin Farmer Utnberger, over- mn °oonsiderat%ott that are likely to them not then oh the round, but I Foal, W Swallow, A $tight. Two yr Oesch having tie linea round him was g cont. in sheep, wlile over 1888 the . in oudess may bo closed up. H.S. HL'BER, yr 6 drawn in ahead and fell on his face on powered the sheriff, and when a deputy crease is no less than 19 per cent.• in Londoeboro. degrease tine volume of trade, or, in the that the ProvintC al fat London& and old gelding, A Gordon, R MoHee, John the colter, cutting his upper lip and sheriff'went to pia desistance one of the cattle and 48 per cent. in sheep. As a Stsnbury. Two year old filly, Sproat nose, brothers, with the sheriff's revolver,shot matter of fact it will take less than 10, COTTAGE TO RENT. -NEAR L'OLLEGI- netWa;l order of things, do the probe the Brantford and Kia ,atop shows Bros, 3 Wood &Bros, P MaEwen :- Aco Instituto, hard and soft orator and - + The directors of the Neat Wawanosh and dangerously wounded tie deputy. 000 more lead of cattle to bring tie all couveniucea. Apply to w. H. RINE• bilitiea favor an increase. were being held during that week,but Year old gelding, J Sibben, S IInnter. total 01 1889 np to the oriole of 1888 Clinton. , c• admit that vve look for the falliig'off of visitors, in eompari year old filly, J M Govenlock. Pair meetinn gine Tuesday a 0th et., The T ,A Bad act dentoOccurr d on the farm and there will'be many more shipments We frankly _ HOUSE TO LET. -THAT COMFORT- We ex act to' see trade son with last year, was very, small, carriage horses, G A ➢Mills. Single corp ng is still progressing. DMr Mor• of Mr Geo. Eveland, about three miles before the season wanes ; wlulo in ABLE house on the corner of Elaron and r, an increase. P There has been considerable increa-e driver, Robt' Brock. P y g south-east of Vienna, on Wednesday shee the 1889 total to date is alread g rish, vice•president, gave in lite reci na• y Orange Streets, Possession iven 16th of develop between the two, even in the in space and accommodation, three RonnsTERs Brood mare, Wm Neves; tion, on account of leaving for Mani- afternoon, 11th inst. It appears that 1,600 head above thnt,°f the whole sea- September. o pp site MISS DIOUNTCAST- face of tie high tariff on either side, very fine and lsrge horse stables hav- John `yard, A Buchanan• Three year toba. Mr Bannatyne was ahpotnted an old lady named Margaret Pace, 74 non of 1888. LE'e Stadia opposite. It is in the natural order of Clings, and ing been added,and more sheep pens, old, W B Ween, R McLaren, Robt vice-president during the remainder of years old, was setting fire to some brush _--- - W--�----- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO e doubts if &von a heavier tariff and a far better poultry building pro• Charters. Two year old gelding, A Ba• the year. piles, when her clothing caught fire and THE WITN ESS PRIZE •COMPETI• =en t, dt in ng se en roo s, w and Erie We hav TION. Streets, containing seven rooms, with cellar vided. The accommodation find im- chanan, Two year old filly, G Singl Mr Hiram White, o{ Brussels, on his she was burned to death. Her body good stable on ilia lot, hard and soft water - would prevent it. The trade returns provement In this exhibit is very chael, W Chesney, T Tipling. Bingle -_- asst roadster, J Sparrow, Wilson &Young, way through Guelph for- Toronto, lost .ivas horribly -disfigured. oodbearingorchard and an conveniences. slow mh increased trade every year marked. his urse containing a sum of money On bfonday night of last week Mr The winners of the Montreal Witnesses 'on given at once THOS TIPLING There is an increased number of Rutter &Roche. Year Old gelding, A P since 1881 -some yedre more than Buchanan, Roadster team, L. Hunter, and notes amounting to over $100. DIr David Tomlinson, of the 15th con., of "Dominion. Prize Competition" ave agricultural .implements shown, nn g Logan, suffered a heavy loss, by the de- just'bean announced•. The competi• ARM FOR -SALE. -FARM OF 8o ACRES Pereonaiil' we think.tho best bent class and with James Beattie, J B s Broadfoot. J t`Vngiton board theitrn ns lreturned to F criers. y, doubt of the very Sibben, 2 mnd 3, James Broa atruction of hie fine frame barn end tion, concerning which we notice come 45 being one mile from Olinton, beeng� lot ``r h dna im rovemente, but they Guelph, and was handed his purse and stables, with contents, by' fire. There writers request that it should be made soilBweaiw teuedt goR aria bush hg od or h .. thing that' could happen, to bot C their latest p CATTLE ---Durham, Cow, 1 and 3, El- ores in rho building 1. p P p' trd, frame Louse and Cellar and frame barn da and tie T7nited States would be the need to be seen to be appreciated' and coat Broa, 2 W Carnochan. Two rear contents by an honest cab driver who a acrpa of , gas, 2 annual, c at least re acing, p as i ti and stable, Possession bo work at any tome understood. old heifer, Elcoat Bros, Year of veer had found it. Ile received ase reward acres of wheat, 6 acres of barley, a lot itl device for at re a ttl atrioime- entire removal 04 the tariff wall. At lea riCultural exhibits,'ete.,from g & W D Smith, Elcoat Bros, i- for pia honesty the sum of fifty cents. of hay, besides some implements. The and native literature at ole same time, thiefau, JAs. STEEP, Clinton. s tm oeailile. But it T a nd Port 'Arthur are aur- fer, OR HALE OR TO RENT,- HOUSE AND resent that t p Manitob a Carnochan. Heifer calf, H & W D it was a mattlterr of sad surpr s a was fire is rip o bush SresO O There ewas� a all lsch of c ildren illust at ve�of Pio Fiot for sale or to rent, on Townsend St. P en ' seems like a nonsensical course to per- prisingly good, especially from . the Smith, James Broadfoot, Elcoat.Bros.. Friday morn}nom 1 s such roductions are that n of Mr Andrew Messenger, a small paper published to roo asgoon8 B� g� �e11a=itgood lawn and hard n tyro eo le latter pace, a P Bull calf, H & W D Smith, ElcoatBros. made known ,that James Sherrie, 01 small -insurance on ole bnildin�s, neer life in Canada. Tho Norkhern The house, which is new, contains anuria petuate bad itlood betwee P P scarcely expected from: that hyper- H'erd, Elcoat 'Bros. Special prize for"°the 4th con., of Morris, had ceased Henry, youngest so the same office, wmS offered as a prize and eofl water tnmbundtnce. The lot con - 'r that are largely one w seritimetat and b arc6l sod rocky region. best cow, by DMr George Sproat, E1Loat bor tine from whence no traveller returns Mentz, of Poole, had a narrow escape for the best tale in every school in the tains } of an acre, Terms reasonable. Ap- on Tuuraday night, He had only been {rom doth the otter day. The little Dominion. A prize o£ greater value ply on the premises or to MRS C. CAREER, aim, The agricultural produetio:-g of Bros. ilJ for about a week. He moved into follow attempted to get on the fly whesl Clinton. Y GRAnRa-CON, S Broadfoot, '2 and 3, Dlorris abort 17 years ago, coming pf a passing steam threshing engine Macliulay s liatory in favo volumes, was Thp United States is our nearest Ontario are not yet full on exhibi- sent to the writer of the beat tale in ARM FOR SALE. -FARM EIGHTY• tion, therefore I cannot say anything T Govenlock. Two year old heifer, from Wawanosh, where he lad follow- while in motion, but he fell under the neighbor. Does it stand to reason that S roat Bros, Elcoat Bros, G E Cress- y engine, one of the wheels of which each county, and a set of Parkman s Maitland R ver. Lots 4 nand 7 ly eiitland - babout them. P ed hie trade ae a shoemaker. B hard works was he reward of the best of on Maitland River, Looe 45 and 74 Maitland our trade therewith shall decrease, or, The most prominent feature and well. Year oldheifer, i and 2, S Broad- work and economy he secured a com-, passed over his thigh, ,causing a com- concession, Go6ertch township, five miles earl rovince. The judgeQ3 appointed and a half from Clinton. Best land for gen- will it be greater in ole years to come? iroprovemeit• in the machinery hall 3 Elcoat Bros. Herter calf, 1 and 2, fortes -home and itis summer had d ppnnd fracture and badly cruahino a to award these prizes were men of re- oral farming, well watered, buildings in good exhibits are the electric lights and Sproat Bros., 3 G E Cresswell. Two large bank barn built on his farm. - finger. cognized ability, the judge for the pro. repair. Possession M 1st October. Terms Think the niatter over. Throw aside Un Wednoada of last week John viuce of Ontario having been Mr Wm. easy. H.W, EVANS, 64 St.Mary St, Toronto. re'udipe. Dis9buse our mind of re• machinery f[ r Eta production. At Jamesl Scott 1 Ye r old steer, J,1 y On Tuesday afternoon, while thresh• P 1 y P night the number of "lights and their Dickson, Elcoat Bros, F Case. Fat Ox Sperain, 15th coh., Grey, was at work ing with a steam thrasher at the farm Houston, Parliamentary Librarian, AR:ti TO RENT• - SUBSCRIBER OF- conceivetl notions. Look at things ds btilltancy is so great that the eyes are I or steer, 1, 2 and 3, Geo Dale. Fat cow on his farm burning off m fallow. He of Wm, Leake, Logan, apdrks £rom tie Toronto. Finally a Dominion prize, m Fpsns to rent that farm of 321j acres, being o iii It be, There pained with their superabundance: had taken out a Cul with him and had en ine tau ht a stack Ot oats on fire.- s lendid typewriter, was awarded by ioir(part of the M ller farm)all ci ared and they are and as th y g T ere is no doubt now but that the or leiter, II Eft W D Smipp T Gteers, Despite tl e.efforts . of the threshing Lord Lorne. The Dominion prize has fit for cultivation. Good barn and stabling, is no necessit of introducing politics h lock, G E. Cresswell. Shipping eteere, filled it with water to use in rasa of ars Y g very curiously been taken by a young frame house, good water, small orchard, y electric fluid will be the'future source T Govenlock, G Dale, J Stanbury. fire spreading. His little son, 5 yemre hands over thin was burnt. Barns, into ole c ueation. Would it be better sntREs-tow, 1 and 2, Thos Hill. grain, and bay, everything that grew lady out side ole Dominion,the Witness manure a hand ed put on fall wheat; t lan , I of artificial light and motive power AYR old, who accompanied hip ,was amps- havin in view of its numerous reactors stn litre immediate possession of lana, to negotiate with rho States for freer wherever it can be transmitted to be Bull calf, Roderick Gray. ing Himself by playing bout the tub, on the farm of 100 acres. There a a g par ling for ply t and house room. For ducking his head in •the water, &c.- small insurance bat it will not nearly in Newfonndlancl,counted that Province a ticulare aplily to MRs, M. COTYLE. 16th business relations, or would it not? used at a distance, and generated by HERnrORDS-Cow and bull, .7 Diode• The father came from behind a burning cover the .loss. for the purpose of this competition, as con Godoriah townshi lt, mills from Clin- water power. Already in places where land. ile to see that the child was all right ton, or C, A. HaRTT, pClinton, lm Never mind it they have acted ugly in they have abundance of water power, Rev. A• C. Chambers, a well-known though i, had been a part of Canada, DUTCHERING OUTFIT FOR BALE.- `' silos to consider is of bundan .ower t only t+2 . JERSEY -Ball and cow, highly com- when t° his surprise and i rte nse f86 the and respected Methodist minister of the No one will be jealous that our little 1)yTh° butchering UTFI owned b Mr, A, ilio past, THo qne , the cost p -- saw a god sized bear app g Montreal Conference, died at Napanee, sister province has carried off the honor. ae the county develops, can oro trade pec horge power per year. Thin will mended, John Hannah. tab, wt pin a few rode of ole boy. Mr on Monde afternoon after a lingering The winner is bliss May Selby Holden eMonls elhpp° tnrnitnreeioto with tris Of the Y be a great sawing to those who only SsEEp-Leicester, aged ram, G Pen- Sperain made a rush for the little fel•_ y wVitliin ourselves, Or mist vie seek an illness. Thd deceased was a broiler of o{ St. Jp ea s, whose portrait and sato- Iona fiord House and fly go d ope. AS for a require a small power. hale, Robt Charters. Shearling ram•, low calling loudly to him, and Bruin the Rev. A. B. Chambers, L L B., of rapt• appears in o took scho with her ton affords et unnsn is good popening for t extension elsewbere? Give the matter Altnough eeareely the thing for an Penhale, Charters. Ram lamb, 1 and3 quietly turned away and made off•- the Easton Methodist Church, Naps- tale. Those who Conk school prizes rt oicen IIpresentedniFors p ticu a apply to careful thought, and we can furnish agricultural fair, yet "the people will Penhale, 2 Charters. Pair ewes, Pen• It is supposed the bear had boon fora FRAM' MAY, at Detlor& Co'e store - haws it a0 "and apparently the most hale. Pair shearlings, Penhale, Char• drink the night previous and was going lila laat. He was is en ill at Ashton E. Jervis,raClintonhl Jo n e Simpson, 1 the conclusion that will be reached. + back again when he found the ground Y 1100 P _ attractive to them, a dozen dancing tors. Payr ewe lambs, Penhale, Char- which was hie ldi g outntment, gad Whitechurch; ie T Jessie , Gtbon, ' oa.tntsideofAlbertSt,Clinton StillVron*�. Hungarian girls have been !ntrOdue- tern. already taken. his h eician folding out no hope for Wroxeter; Willie T Gardner, Lucknow; The house contains Hall, Parlor, four Bed - g The Financia g his recovery lie woe removed to the William Howell, Seaforth; David S. rooms, Pantry,ClothesCloeet,Sitchen,Sum- b ed, but their dresses were like a ser- SOUT1IDOwRa-A ed ram, 1 mnd 2, G t Distriet'meetin Of mor Kitchen, Beth and Path Room, Cellar, ndod the twin French lady's, which Tallprand, E Croswell. Shearling ram, 1, 2 and 3 ttto WinghamDietrict was held in the home o{ pia brother, whore kind and Scott, Belgrave; Ii. J. D. Neftel God - Phe Star has hrievoasly won what he thou ht G E Cresswell. Rdm lamb, 1 and 2, G Methodist church, Brussels, Tueadap loving hands adminisbered to all pia &rich ; Dlise Priscilla May Aldrich, Lnfwn, sh e gees l+arnnatce, aIl inuezcel• tender feelings (i the Clinton NEw ERA when be was asked „ g ECresswell. Ewe lambs, 1, 2 and 3, G o{ last week. In alio case of Blne6ale wants daring his Fong sickness, Newbridge ;Miss. Bessie Lowell, Turn- •ant state of repair.• Terme, 3 69911 and time by insinnnting that the incorrect dates of anti how he liked it,said, he liked ECresswell. migaion it was decided to ask ole Mis- berry ; Joseph Forest, Varna ; Nor• .yr baltuco tt 7 per cont in Wrest. There is for ole Northwestern Fair whirl ap- it very well, but he thou ht it cow man Bailie, Nile ;Diiss Alice Bell, Hen• no encumbrance on this proPert , Add:ass eared for two or three weeks in that g which a p it very too late and ended too soon, Sanopsamps-Aged ram, Jas Cooper, ionary Board for a grant of $340, with A distressing accident occurred at tar r7iuteriiiaaalArrlir-efsev,era1minis- DDWilson. Shearlingram,JohnDun- the understands t'�1SBeithe - eet. petyeerr -a M*;,,b � ��ll Mies�➢Sar is°nbS�a ttionro• 174lTcDoun°1�1sASve'To gC IB°ESiiOF '~ �^'- jo,urne} were no kin, W Cooper, J'T Dickson. 1fam, J roise theNEw LRA avers that the dates were tars here,alid t ey gently remora4trat- D kin 2 and 8, D D Wilson. Ewes, lige -were arranged. It was resolved butcher, will lose lie life. It m using noquo s few days mgr, was riding k a sons for elle hie Cara of lli acres, being su posed tp '3 rrect until Mr A McD ed tannin a little fringe to be added ll° g spirited horse over the railway track, part of lob ao, on fps Btyfleld line, r d, the P t'on to ole Sgnrea, g James Cooper, John Dunkin, W COC- that Superintendents be responsible for that m number of boys were amuein township. About ninety aoroa cleared, trio Allen called,,tr t to both ends, producine great indig--� or Shearling ewes, John Dunkin, J theeduotytionel work on Choir respective themselves wih a revolver ahoobing at gild carrying a reaping eickie in his rest bard wood and cedar and is good &tato when they c•� bunged. All right, let nation &moa the ci ncrn a ladies, P hand. He was hard of hdaring and sa of cultivation. On the farm n a good brick ° it that ora I'ut is the linin g . m from Cooper, J T Dickson. Ewe lambs, I ©sae et< t � e cad and accepted w th• a a the SenayA diepnto arose m to did not Hoax Cho approaching trait by, house end wood shod, herd gad sort avatar, us tak y g and 3, J Dunkin, D D Wilon. close to school and church and is well wat- nation any worse, qr as much an exhi- who said. it -prevented the which tie was killed. He was a man of ered Also good bank barn with atone foun- as the distorting .showing their artistic skill as dancers; The balance of the prize list is un-, out change• o titonod llphnghame$77 a the sc rffledwh chtfollowed he revolver sterling character, a consistent Chris• dation and drivge shed. This farm Rill be bition of "jealousy, p avoidably left Over. by the Nnw ERA of the Star's comments but it is strongly sue acted their real Teeswater, 552 ; Wroxeter, $50 ; Brus- was diachnrged and the bullst struck .Clan and alife-long Reformer. Hehad, Addr99p PETEReCOLE, Clinton, OnEnrtoba. on Cho Northwestern Fair, to make reason was that they thought they Sala, „55 ; Auburn, youn g Howden at the base of the nose, by industry and perseverance, become them apply to ste Clinton Show ? were puttidg their "lights" under a JUD°ES" Heavy horses, TIoS Creon, Q allyl ; Walton, $51 ; y one of the wealthy farmers of Ontario. . Logan; John Gofton, Wroxeter. Londesboro, $57 ;Blyth, $57 ; Belgrave, half way between the eyes and entered TrOUSF. AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO Goderich Star. •bushel, As I die not see them I can- Li ht horses -T J Berry, Hensall; J $4.2 . Bluevale, ?32, It was decided to thebrain. As soon as possible thehorri- r1Rratbe There is ouated for knee or ce waa np "distortion" wbatecer not Fay 'anything as to their artistic Scarlet, DleSillop; L Hunter, Ueborne. hold rho AIay Uisti'ioai meeting at Tees- fled lads carried the nears of Cho asci- •rhe heueing of nrgtllnent On at pratontoccalf ledybyt Ilir p.b�ICkHtyward, ° TherC merits. Cattle -W Pridham, Fullarton; W dent to people living in the vicinity and The Star said nut n word about "Tie I water. �� on the coruct of Princess and Orange Streets. 1'he bicycle performance is certain- Sproat, Semforth; C DI Simmons, Lobo. the unfortunate youth was removed to the plea in ilia ,Jc'xuit \ 11 Cttas Clinton, Tho house eTmoins dining room, Norhwe3tern 1 air." That etas left to ly a marvellous exhibition of aCroba• Sheep rand pigs -J C Morrison, Me• NE`VS NEAR IiUDIE• -a house near by where be now lies, beihro the Con t•t of Aplieal hay parlor, kitchen, and two other rooms clown tla skill and a ilii No one could Killo J R Murray, liinburn. Medical aid was promptly summoned perm fixed for the 3Gth tnvt, stairs, with bathroom, S bo cella rris tad •L inference. The Star- simply spoke of g y P4 -_- -- ---•- •-- - closets npstard Splendid calor, aitli hot A reliable DlcGillivray farmer says bort not the s ecov st lope ie entertained - BORN air beater, hard and soft water. Loc one - "Hurons Great Fair" and ilio NEw ERA featelcould beBpermfo medic a ahnla fur the lade recovery. c[ghth of nn acro ltatsontblo terms. Ap- hnew thtt, torm applied just as much vehicle. It appeared as if nothing REPORT ODi R)J1CF3 �CHOOi,S that he threshed :a eld ofs of barley yon Central to be hold a nl og9ible and if it bad been of[ seven acres, pr n yield Of 56 buslelS d y evening atnCopenhagen, Mlab de the 13th inst.Gtilerwife Ofw MrtpJohn ply on Cho preniisea. to the Great Hu to the acre. $900 7 ACRES EXCELLENT LANU, ora 1 p To Ehe ICdefor Of lite New Era, � J for sato, eitnated almost tdjoining in Clinton Sept. 24.5.6 as to any other, part of the performer more strange SIR - `The re ort of ole F.S Com A•n East 'Zorra patlimaster nmmod t° lvanu' Re nolds,, w fewOf a farmer O Roseof In Clinton, on Sept. 14,th the the town of Clinton (abont midway between and made the nppliaatioii. Tho Star and dilhcult feats' could not have John Beam, has been fined $10 and Sy y the Clinton cemetry and Clinton) on the P ri't- z. done. 'moi;ether acrobatic perform- m!gaionea is a c:uehing blow to the coats for nepslecting to enforce the law living in that eection,wds killed ineba ori{e of Mr W. A. Loss, of m daughte Gravel road. There to t small barn, This should say what it means instead of antes ere similar tc what has often Minister of Education. Such ig ole ageinat nortoas weeds, ly. She was assisting her husband to gmrw.-At Summerhill, on Fl jdsy, proPem to very suitable tore retired farm- ambi +nous praxes. been eeen and described before, they information which the editor of the D1r Ferdinand Schroeder, of the On- drsvv in some ants from the field, and 13th inst.,the wife of Mr G. M. Kilty, of tinct kindseot e ll thorcon Termswi} o ch, Clain$ f, P was on the top of the load driving, a Ban and Uslance at 7 per cent Interest, Tiiere is therefore need no special mention. Empire gives to lig readers, but he tario House, Erie•street, 'Stratford,died her husband walking a abort distance n° incumbrance on this pro city. Address Tun Presbyterian ministers are fol.' A novelty in the shape of .. *Ottinfr takes good care that lis readers shall on Tuesday afternoon. He has long behind the waggon. The horses sudden• 11tARRIED wbt, FOSTER,174 DicDonnoil ess.,Toronto. lowin in Cho wake of the 13sptistg, by dog named "Doc," iii another great not have the report from him. been a sufferer from inflammatory rhea- ly bolted forward and Mrs Renyolda OaE-BLARr -At the residence of the-----�--- g misters' attraction ; a challenge is extended He tells his readers that the ➢finis- matism. I either attem ted to jamp or tell from bride's father, Colborne, on the 17tb , PLENDID FARK FOR SALF,, -Si B - agitating for the taxation of m to all ponies of a certain het ht, but ter made the report imperfect by his Mitchell was startled on hearing of the load tote ground. Mr Re nolds ac)eing °tears for ale hie farm of m ac- g y tint., by ble Rev. Jas, Harris, Dir Chas. vee, bats$ the case half le lot 48, och can. of salaries and church property. Lt iS not none hay yet been found fo beat it. crafty precautions, thereby insinuat• tie death in Qolorado of Mr Hotbam, was quiclfly by her aide, bit lite was F', Oke, (eon of Mr Thoa. Oke,), to Miss nnllatt. All bit torr acres cletred end to a e erodit of the DTethodiat body t}iat It is driven by a small boy,ita trainer. ing that be gave the Comnliseionere $rother of Mrs James Hutchison, o[ 08tinot, her bacit, and seek laving been Annie, daughter of Mr William Blake, Rftb claveyteto of a "tale$ Good' haslet t° th P broken b the fall. The deceased was - _ barn, n hos Kama ood s r tet., ordinary it is in the rear on hie quest'toi, The attendance np to ilia time Kae instructions clow t0 draw up their that town, and whose arenas tiro in y all of Colborne__ - An ad ng house, two good epriitu of water. not been equal to last year. report. Hibbert. 45eo f old, did loaves threO daughters - Ail aero of Clintonorchard• situated three " The comnihsionera were Professor Births �rr a es a�1d Deaths. ablae hem Clinton. „wilt ba sold , reasone IT to gild that Mr JOo Beck, Reeve o[ '1'oront0, Sept. Tt3th. Mrs McNaught, mn old, a'nd much one of whom ie married, tend one Son. acro terms, W, T. FARQvIIAI1, on he Rayner of Victoria University ; Rev respected lady, and one widely ,known John B. Carpenter, one of the most r place, Clinton post ofifce. t f Colborne, will be ilio Conservative can• D. D. McLeod, of Barrie, and J, J, all over this western country, died at best known farmers of this Province, l3 chs ter 40, Revived statutes of Ontario dolbo mt the tpproacling Local elect SEAI'OIiTH SNOW. Tilley, Inspector of Model Schools, her son's residence in Monkton, on died at hie residence in rho townShtp of i8ml, ail Firths, Marriages and Doathe trore. men of honor and of qualifications Tuesday Sept- 10th, in the 73rd year Townsend, near Simcoo, early bfonday quirod to be registered with the Clerk of ' I a 1 i ricin. If ho is be will be buried under p1 n. the municipality in which such may take e ma'orit ae the TuckerPmith Branch Agrictil• fitting them for tie duties required. of her age. from iBri b e disea a for8e ome tome, ipiha t ie r° r m E4er of c o=e �i a aiogih * f nearly as tart an' tdvcrs J y Lural Society Fall Show orae held at The report is well worth an attentive One by One ilio pioneers of North but had $latterly been improving in { the last Conservative candidate was. erusal ' it resents a clear unbiased Eagtho a are slowly but surely' passing Crab.' Ther er made within ao days t r ,% � � 1 SeafothI on Monday and Tuesday P P P health, and his death was Suddeh end birth, Tho paraou required to register r n -+sem last. To say it wa8 a grand euceesR stat meat of a(imirs. as they grand at awry• Another name was added to the Cion �octed. IIo was in pia 70th year. marritao ie thQ elarn�mtil who CeI°bratnfl it )''r resent in the ecbools. The report long list last week in the person of Mr t n Cho onto of such istie(l agt Tho is firm n ou which ho reaidpd, iS sod his sTpart meet bo htrnlehod within 90SQ n G It may surprise Some people t° know would be a stretch of the imagination ji H P days eft not warranted by the eireumstanees, la completely free' from pblltical Duncan Fisher, who died d Friday, s, Known for males around as rho Dlodel Person required to regigter a death is the that Great Br}inn's trade with Cana• tannins the ripe age of 82 years and 5 months, Farm, and has been fro4aentlyldescrib• occupier of the honse in which tho death and if the directors' expect to draw a g aftermn illness of only three days, c1 Oi11150}'1 S } 1001` ri1111t9 Atf` ds se less than three per rent of the It seeing ver strap a that the ed b the daily rens of Canada. It takes rhe i and Cha return must lin made i CSOwd, and keep up interest, they Y g yr betora the intcrmnnt ae the body, rihy me• t' n R nnld not �ttr• st Ado t methods that are progres- Minister of I dueatinn, by hi��`crafty lir John Wilapr., RnsgeldnlF, tion dis• wtq ilio winno ° the first gold medal is r,l man w o oris lest in auSe of de h - whole, Discrimina ip mu P r�cautions,' should have eticli are- coned of his bnainesS tot ,lfr I. C,. give» by the Agricultural and Arts 11x• tip [bo lftst iuness of toy dccotaad parson, tin the L'riton cavy badly, Give, The inaidediPplay waa virtual P t d awn a Ra would ragult in A f'areY, t SirlioOl teachrr at �t'nn,istprk, Aocintipn. IIiS Contribution to the ver• � +��q�?� �o static nl y ottiineo rnat,orta witiiiu , �� idt�lj tLncl ffll'Gf1111j�' ); ilci'lI'11 f !y a failure, there only being a good �Or r P tvliu, }in[vcvr•r, does l,ot take pogscrmon tone {,Inds of ilia Dlethodist Church of the sp^ciflerl tinlr, nfit subj�oct the pnrsnn a.o _._-_ ... - exhibit in the tincy work depart- crushing blow to himself, yet such mull I'cbrnarr neat Dir K'il�nn Kae which lin ryas a member, have for years ❑oglocting to a re's ill of o od costs. ell fop tll('il' tilllCl{ lll')'1;} , 11E'ilt1� [ y ig the to is rif the i;m ire, and grippe onndnrted businrss bore fur ilii, },as"t Lr•rn ecrredinkly liberal, lie is Sat•• persons Intrrested will ink° notice and $civ• o tarn ul.f+arbor +,+Ctrs• a rnI the I went. Of course the gcarcit of fruit ;I P qp - lL this ear Recount; toalarge extent mill be the stock in trade of t , nr be'aF bad as { ; ' ni,,gtPen coats, he h:ts h••rn l,� Quua.+ter ciccd by a n•i�tow and t lark_•. family Of ,ft's :L•en.�aR•es to tbr[I�,It•1�t COATI. 1 ;reamer 1,altic, s ..ms t> I Alereilith%, C'i'1•ightong, C,raigq, etc., tV ilial t,lll�ll)jlltl . ,..,,c for t o spare die:p ac, bitit the other airro i`. -I. amt h�,+i'�l��t� ri+:-., .incc �t i.,^ and (inny(l,.ri^i. Dk•IgfanRagtstrtr,Clina>n. at (fret• myortril inside dr(Iar:mei t ivere not repre• f.':ni noir until tae coming election• 1-_, 1+� " • - + v, . '' A P s.7r. _. ii Ass