HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-09-06, Page 5:IL W. COAT IS AGENT FOR THE IIcmiIliOfl PIANO Call and see his prices when you want to buy ROB. W. . COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER, CLINTON. Authorized SCHOOL BOOKS FOR Collegiate institutes. Model and Public sellools NEW EXERCISE BOOKS AND SCHOOL i•. SUPPLIES COLEGIATE INSTITUTE PADS AN D • REMEMBER THAT" , OOOF'EP,'S POOM STO�E'vE Has the best selected stock in town. Every line complete. As.cheap as the cheapest: W COOPER & CO,, Clinton. HUB GROCERY IS THE PLACE TO BUI Your Sugars, Teas,, Raisins, Currants, or anything in Groceries, Also, GLASS, STONE & WOODEN WARE GEM A': About cos'` CHOICE TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. GEO, SW A -L L OW. I i_. -Er '0N FORTY-FOURTH Provincial Exhibition OF THE Agricultural & Arts Association SALE REGISTER. Farm Stock,&c of Mr J.J.McCaughey, lot 26, eon. 8, 'Hullett, at 1 p.m. on Thursday,Sept 12th, all without reserve, Thomas Brown, amt. Farm of Mr Frank Kitty, 2nd con.of Hullett, at the Commercial, Hotel, in Clinton, on Saturday, Sept. 21st, at 2 p m. James Howson, auct. A thief got admission to houses in Hamilton as a general inspector of in- surarce and plied his larcenous calling. T,'IARDI FOR SALE — UNDERSIGNED r offers for sale Lot 22, arc] con; Hullett, (near the Cemetery) 100 acres, 90 cleared and free of stumps, balance bush. Comfort- able house, frame barn 90 x :30, with good .stabling, orchard nearly an acre, never -fail- ing spriu creek. School house adjoining the farm No better soil around --clay and clay loam Situate 1 miles from Clinton.— Possession given any time after the crop is off. Terms easy. A rare chance to secure a good place, thel ce tS, ODGSON, ur FRANCIS KILTY AUCTION SALE OF Freehold PROPERTY IN SEAFORTH. A block of four stores, situated on Main 'Street, and suitable for any general bust- , nese, will be sold without reserve, by public auction, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 10th, at 2 p. m, This is a chance to secure good proper- ty cheap, Terms made known at sale. ,2 JAS, MCGINNIS, Prop. REDUCED RATES rst.Gs� TO DE nELD AT TISE City of LONDON —FROM - 91h to 14th of September 1889 Prize Lists are now ready. Entries of Live 1 Stoek may be made up to the lith of August J. C, RYIiEl1T, )1. 1'., HENRYWADE, 1 Pres St Cetlu'rinee• Secretary, Toronto To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUy1T r A� Andltbe NOR -WESTERN STATS VIA BEAUS SARK;'; iN Steamers, United Empire, Ontario7navi- gationing ` n1 Campana, sailing fromSaniiu - (weatherpermitting) ever, '^uoaJ and Friday night, and calling on \\'educe day and Saturdays at Godcrich and ICincar dine, connecting at the latter place with the G. T. R. train leaving Lainton at 10 a. to., fet St Joe's Island, Garden River', Sault Ste. Mar..8 fort Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port, Arthur with the Canadian 1'ncific Railway. and at Duluth with the Red River Valley Railway. Lowest Kates, bestaccotn- modatious, Express time and choice of routes. \V. JACKSON JAMES 11. 101.1TTV, Gond Manager saru;a A, O, 1'.tTTISON Agents, Callum S1L SME.\VAN`P!':i). Having rlrmo humus ill ('ana.la. for over :SO years. oite refutation awl responsiblity well known, \11• pax' selrryn'' expenses from the wort, if everything is s•ttisfnetory. No 1'r vi'tt oNporirnvo k requirl.1, \\'ria: us'for terms, which ore very lila rel, Wore engaging with am other firm. ares. -'h•;ulstreet's`titlal'mlultn d: co's cement rehil :\g,'neio•., „• 1,1141114,4 IID., 1 ; lar 1 Una;:, Colborne, Ont ('HA -b; 1:1;(11111:1(S' ('o'li•\?l' .11'x, • BUS 'II if. a \VHITE TI11; 111),6 OI' H \\(N(1 ,r\c'llfNi;'i: NIA /. '. t '\ 1(,L (I':ri\li'I (11: Tt,N n\'1:3: eft:\ 1:`: l,r7;l5C1'rt 1 t.ut',.\..n TO RENT, CLINTON ATARS,E Ts Oorrecte(4every Thursday ettereopu. Thursday, Sept. 5.1889. Wheat, fall olcl 0 90 a 0 90 Wheat, tall new 0 80 a 0 60 Wheat, spring 98 a 0 93 Oats 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 ra 0 40 Paas 0 52 a 0 53 Flour Battedhal 00 14'a 0 16 • 014a014 Feat - 6 764 6 QQ Hay 9 00 a 9 00 TORONTO'S GR:E,A EgPOSITION In a few days the great Industrial Exposition, which is to held at Toronto from the 9th to the 2lst of September, will be in full swing,and visitors will be flocking to It from all parts of the country. The entries show that the ex- hibits in all departments will be larger and better than ever, and a long pro- gramme of special attractions for every day of the Fair has boon published. Several new buildings have been erected during the present year and many new features introdulibd.• Excursions are be- ing organized from many distant points inthe United States, the Maritime Pro- vinces and the Northwest, and there will bo two special cheap excursions front every point in Ontario. The annual suocess of this great show is something remarkable; the people ap- pear to justly take a pride in it, and make it the occasion of their annual boliday outing, and there is every pro- bability that this ,'oar's show will be away ahead of all others both in extent and quality of the exhibits, as well as the att,udance of visitors. Over '700 horses and 600 head of cattle have al- ready been entered, and every foot of space in all the buildings has been ap- plied' for. The great Dog Show will be one of the interesting features of the Fair, and the Firework displays \ria grander than ever before. Two good rooms upstairs and one Store, situate in Perrin Bloch, 'Clinton. - Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent Canada Life Ins. Co'y- C AN A„DA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL N!fl —esp— AGRICUbTORAI, Exposition TORONTO SEPT. 9th to 21st ucreased Prizes, Greater Attractions and Grander Display than ever beta' .west and Best Special 1 e a- t'a'i-4that:!I •'ley ('an -proem • Glen',est Js . 7t+tt- '' ➢iter• tfii0inent on the Ameri- canCoot-II:out. CIaPap Excursions or. • i' l£arl- w11yF. Over 050!01 visitors attended thisExhili..lun last yes Entries close A ugitst l 7t!, - For Prize Lists and Form,, i'rogrammes etc , rlrnpn past card to J. 11, 1111,1., J. .1. WITl1ROW, Pres. \fanlg'r„rot•ntlto r�9r L+ .� d.J lr 1�1':7j- CAVY 'la TO T11F: North West 1n order tint the farmers of Ontario may Matson opportnuil} to learn the r pert truth about the remit of tilr,i)•ont', in the North \\ CANADIAN - :.n rates. - hl.f.PE I.Tp FG' ', Fo • SALE T11e various pI'(>I4'l'tiC4 re- jiiaining undisposed ofbelong- ing to tate estate of the late Charles Mtid(I1('ttln, deceased, ar•r 11OtV O fered OW 41t1e. 11r (,EtLOr to (Awe Hp the estate these prope'f•ti('s must be sold. Fon particulars and terms 'will be nuld(' i,noun on appli- cation to the undersigned. 1rL \NN!NG 4(, (4C( 1l�etolt, WINNIPEG (:I.ENI10110' `r.A Lri'('O, ATS MOOSE .1.0. C.‘ LOA RV S28 $35 AT!. `.:(t, ret til']fing.Seal..:'ri) Sept. 13. ” Oct. 1.1- Se;tt. `? t. ,. Nov . .1. , f „ ,,r• NEWS NOTES The great debate between Rev. Father Whalen and Rov. llr.ilurl- burt, of Ottawa, on the Jesuit question, was to have taken place in Montreal on Thursday, ;bur' as there Was a disagreement in the matter of an umpire, the whole thing has. collapsed. It i; stated that a gentleman of Boston, who suffered injuries of .11 grave character in a railroad accident, was waited upon by 27 lawyers immediately, who offered to bring a snit against the rail- road company for damages—their fens to bo contingent. Bob Donnelly, of Biddulph tra- gedy fame, with his wife, little girl, and three -months -old babe, spent Thur(aday night in the Po- lice cells, St. Thomas. Husband and wife were picked up in the streets drunk, the woman being the worst of the two. They had been put off a L.&P.S. train. They were given an opportunity to get out of town _ f Loudesborougtt 'holler 1llills. As the mill changes hands on the 1st of Sept., all persons indebted are requested to b]ay up without any delay, ill order that the usiness may be closed up. IL S, HUBER, Londesboro. - COTTAGE TO RENT.—NEAR COLLEGI- ATE Institute, hard and soft water and all convouiuces. Apply to W. 11. HIDE, Clinton. x1I HOUSE TO LET, — THAT COFORT- ,u t.r. jfhouse un the corner of Huron and Orange Streets. Possession given Pith of September. Apply at 3(553 MOUNTC,tST- LL'S Studio opposite, RENIN, NT , HOUSE TO RENT — I'RAMR, HOUSE on Victoria Street, lately oecupi,",1 by Mrs Kennedy, is offered to rent 011 reason- able terms. Splendid stable, .ec. LACE KENNEDY, Centra: Hote TjOUSE AND LUT FOR SALE 011 TO rout, at corner of ltattenhury and Erie Streets, containing seven rooms, with' cellar good stable on the lot, hard anti soft water good bearing orchard and all cmivonie1 et's. l'ossessiell given et Once, THOS, TII'LISG BARGAINS IN REMNANTS Over 500 ends ib. Dress Goods, Prints, &c., at less than half their original cost. VAR)! FOR S.tLE —PAR\I OF wi ACRES being one utile from Chutou, being lot 4.1, Bayfield con., Goderich towushsp. Good soil, well watered, sis acres hush, good orch- ard, frame house and cella' and frame barn and stable. Possession to work at ally time this fall. JAS. STEEP, Clinton• GlOIt SALE Olt TO RENT.—HOUSE AND L' lot for sale or to rent, on Townneml St, The house, which is new, contains fourteuu rooms, and is heated with hot ait', There is also a good stone cello', good lawn and hard and soft Crater in abundance. The lot ecu - tains } of an acre. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply On the preuliseli orr to 11115 C. CARTER, Clinton, t f. 7)UTCIIERING OCT. -IT Foil SALE — l7 The butchering outfit owned by Mr. A. May, Clinton.awl consisting of n 0111 sot of tools, shop furniture, etc., with use of the Slaughter House and outbuildings, As Clin- ton affords an unusually good opening for a meat market this is an opportunity not often, )!resented. For particulars apply to PEA: . 31.15', at Dutlor t Co's stare., (L+1 y Also, BARGAINS IN ALL CLASSES OF SUMMER GOODS TO •CLEAR. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. nil HOUSE AND LOT, SITUATED • A 1 on cast side of Albert Sc., Clinton. The houses coutnins Hall, Parlor, four lied - room s, Pantry, ClothesCloset, Kitchen, Sum- mer Kitchen, Bath and 'Bath .`Room, Cellar, Soft and Hard Water inside and outside. Lawn, Shade Treys Earn, etc., all in sxeel- 'ept state of repair, Terns, 8 cash and time 'or balance at 7 per cent interest. There is n.1 encumbrance on this property. Addle, as 174 McDonnell Aye, Toronto,\vat, FOSTER, FARM TO LET. -THAT SUPERIOR FARM of 90 acres One toile from Cilium], on the 1ily'th gravel road, second and third ('11ne4- 51(118 of Hullett, belonging to the estate of Thomas F'. Ranee, and heretofore 1, ;'1 1.y the late :Adam Dryden, will be 1, .1. l to a. good tenant on reasonable tuft:.. 1.,.tn1 first class, ucarly all cleared, tvi' 1. t.,, ,•] I, •41:). itigs and fences and rhr» ,•„ .:r •lrn•'1, .1;•;,11. to trustees, ISAAC 1:.\1'•I'E:.:'.'itV awl 11. HALE. Clinton. Aug. 17111, 1' 1 ,c. IA11d1 FOR S.1L13.—SU11,('i,I 111•:11 1 ?n i1t't:r,s'ior sale. his Pe rut t,1 112 ncret, 1 ring pert of lot 9,1, nu the lsrtyilelri lfur, (40' Brio township. Al loot ninety nrrrt cl'sr 6 t .o rest hard woad and radar and in co d 9 uh' Of cultivation. O❑ t111: form is n i Cod .,ricin house ani wood shod, haul and Oft tcnt.•r. glosc•tosehoolend chore and sw'I1 Ont• Also good hank barn wi 1] 850Ie frnt:.- lntion anddlnr shed. 'I'Li; ar 1 „:11b, al l r n t'rinIl) l'rl for 1 rr I ,•rty :, .\4.11,•4 1'RTEIt 001(1 , Clint n:. Om. lig he. J_0ei(•sr; \,111,0.1'1'101 rlll':I;r. 1 is t'er. for ,1 for• '..,; int i.• i1,1l, 1111t1,,1b,'i4'ii '1• •-1111,',• I.f 1,r:..,. . ,•, 1:1 I- 11r 1'. \1' ll:;ttvlr,i. r,11 1'.,. ',, r,,,.,.,,i 1'ri•1. eo limit:; 11i1:u,, r' /1 1. 1'n t•L �t•. Si1,1,, n, : .1 t'„', r,;,1.(f. 1•u, ,4 ,l �t,: 'd;l' with 1,n 11 r.111,1„-li ,gnu; an')'2 1 - 1+ n1'-';1•. �1 ir1, 1)11 (1• 11311•, sit)) 11, ! :1' 1,1;:t, r, 1 rt•l ell•l ' 1' 111, l.rrl •';(• 1'I'.. I.Il, of ^t, !•: . t:' a• 1 nl i, 1 r;rt-. .1jq•I, -a, t;. 1 r't state ;.:_` _ HODOEITS, R 307 � Y cul '+ w' '1' 1`�f,%� jI � � ` CLFARTNG VA6;i SALE In order to reduce the heavy stock we carry, and get ready for the Fall Goods, we have decided to offer our whole stock of Goods AT COST TO CLEAR. This is no fraud sale ; we make it a point in our business to do as we advertise; we do not blow up big slaughter sales and sell a few lines that the people know the value of, at cost or below, and charge them regular prices for the other goods, BUT WE OFFER OUR WIIOLE STOCK AT COST. We keep first-class goods, just what the people need. None of the cheap trash from the city auction rooms, and unsaleable goods from the wholesale houses, but STAPLE LINES IN THE FOLLOWING, AT COST: Cloths, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings, Gent's Furnishings, Drees Goode, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, Mantle Cloths, Prints, Cottons, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cottonades, Tickings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, House Furnishings, Hats, Caps, &c READY-MADE CLOTHING and CLOTHING MARE TO 01tDE11, a first-class fit every time or no sale. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS at less than Toronto prices. 2500 pairs to clear at cost. Come and see them. You will not get such a chance for bargains again this year. General•Groceries.-- Agents for TERRY'S NICKLE-PLATED SHEARS AND SCISSORS; Will not rust, every pair warranted, if not as represented money will be refunded. COME AND SEE US, IT WILL' PAY 1'OU. WE MEAN IIUSINESS AND WILL KEEP TO OUR OFFEL'. FOR 80 DAYS. Searle's Block, ' Clinton P.LUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS eatClearin�.swe BOOTSP4D SHOES Chas, CRUICKSHAI\TK'S' in order to make room for my large purchases of Fall and Winter Goods, I° 1vil1 sell my entire Spring and Summer Stock AT LESS TITIAN MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. See my job lots, which will be sold at less than half cost. This is a god chance for cash buyers to get goods at their own prices. NO IiUMBUG., BUT A GENUINE SALE Sign oil the Goldrn Boot. filbert S!. Clinton THE POPULAR 0000s OUSE ....... LO N BESBO RO We are now showing the richest and most complete stock of DRESS GOODS we have every offered to our customers. Many lines have been imported clii'&ct, and the balance has been purchased from one of the best Dress Goods Houses in Canada - WONDER' -'UL ARE TIIE WAYS OF THE Bargain Hunter 1 t t LADIES—We 'are showitig one of the finest stocks of DRESS GOODS in Huron county, at lowest prices 600 Girl's StrI! it: at 25 c an thi iolltr MILLI N ERY—We are clearing out lines in this department wonderfully cheap. 1st Table at 25'cts 2nd Table at 50 cents. Third Table at 75 cents. 4th -Table at 85 cents. PARASOLS—Well you may have them at your own prices. Ask to see thea DETLOR k, CO. CLINTON T. JACKSON, Sr, The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of' Clintcln an(l Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct Ole FINE TAILORING TRADE • AT Till OLD STAND, HURON Street. Immense bargains will be' given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and. prices quoted fo.r the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. Th prices rang') from lOc, to �l.t'.i r, varcl, anti the style,. colors awl pa tet 11 T . J a e I s n S 1” , (J 1 1 l i t C)1 1 The i Are s.) varied that it would be iist'lt'sv to attempt to (lcscrihe the1,1, the thee, early and make pin'. t;eicet1r)n. t'rr. ,c little\arnt, perhaps, to talk altout 1(N!` !Trull) W0()la Slf.11%'i ant! WOOL 1''ASCIN:%TOi£S, however, 111e, choicest Goods Will ile the first sold, and the (':driy c•llSto111eI•); have the t;leat( sty number to choose from. We h1)51' s('0e11a1 14.0-1es 111 • the lenlllI1i' colors. N OW9 A ,; D TO a E TL w Mu'11 \\re have a grand range of IIATS, CAPS, TOP SHIIt1'.S. blittonedl or laced, anit' LTN1)EII' (,4;q00bt;, ,'f.'t :.`,�''H:'', :`• `,,.:',, ,. CIaOTIttN C�. ft4 - Iii ICI;,A. DY-:1I/11)I, L'LOTII [NG, t,„ t , . • t f •1t , hl'I'I S 11118 O` i.IZ(O:1'1's, we still hold our Disc(, i1) 1' , , . , �, • i i i t . r l 1 \ , ri• b , t i, , r 1. b0, ,'/.), : , , ,�.,,.,•..,,. r i ;.;, ,. , ,r •1.1 1\11i'-i•r, l"r .tl,il''s lilt \\`) Ilog, 17i t 1)'i•,,115,,..'1''1r 1;,, 1 .) (,1'l,1ttl41/ 1'51(1,1 111lt 551,11 ti-' 1 t :nu ,•I,, r -••r , h h rt r, ' ''L, a et 1 I .5 11 1 1' 1 ?' 1' r' r,an 1 , r ,• i 111,:1�1n rP,. 0'n,i', 4:.,'' 1 � I .•'C 1.' ' :' 0,1 .l ',t .l. , ,,',.• in ,,..,.,f ,,,'), , . .,,•1. 1,,1': 1 r.,,, fr„lki C"in; ,. P, .'.1 1 _ : i ,•1 0. \'. 1', t! t ;, , ),Ir ti1 e frt111t rank. be pleased to liav t' till ('hoe citsil Layers through, 0111' entire tan('1 , 111111 compare fore \)11111tH;;' full purchases. v unarm mararetvncrrar,ocems+emszeravmrmyrraaxzraasur..azezvs.,rcemrsemrmessornoammcmlica OOTS and HOES e n with the successof Wee pleased Out ai p a Discount Sale during the last month. We have a few lilies left that we are offer - look cart'- I ing at SPECIALLY LOW PRICES until the vallle11e- .15th of September. W. L OUIMETTE,1„,,,0110 a Et CI 11 0 ' �.. Eggs taken in exch:l,''t'. 5 per cent oil for cash, r:rs�,y Sons CLINTON• AND D BLYTH qw