HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-09-06, Page 4rw7­Wr_ - — - - . - ­- . , . , , . ­ , I I , 1. __ ... I 1. . .. I . 1! I , , I . , , . . I , - " I 1, . , , , 4 . , V . , I I I I ., , " I I I . . W, I 1-i I . t , I I I . I I— - __ _. — --t-W -79r-'r.."'r .. - -N _ "I 11- %. - I , -- ­ '" V — __ _ - _f V __1_V__1 -W__ ___.W-WV71 101111FIRK l - - . - 7 - ­ I I . I . . . . I , , , - 71%V" . . ! . . I . I . I - . I I I . I I , , , 7 I , , "I I . , I , , , - '' . i . , ,, , ! I . I I . , I , . . , ., , I I . . . I .... . . . . . A I I . "I . I . . .1 . il . ,, . I I I . . I 1, , I . 4 : . . I I I , Ii. - - I '. : - I ­. , . . I . I I I . :! "I 7 I I . !" 1 I , - I I I .. . . . I — . I . . , 1: I , , . I . . . I 11", ". - I' 1-1, . 1 , ____ - = I I unimimlikimm 0 __ 11 111111111111111100 1111,10 1111 — , fil'if ­­ - ­ ______ - — i­;; ­. . .. -, ,.- ....'", - . . -1 - .1 ­ ­Zz -11-1. - -1 -t I ­ I 11 1. I- ­. . . . , . - 11 1 A, 1 : 17,--,! - _'"_­!! . I I I—", 1.1- 11.11 .7", X-,; _C_ A I - I - . . L. FAIR DATES, ,L, , , f, Lees I 1. - ,;,:, 11 dou, ro$4 tQQk ftig u9fiAl Auumal 01040 to 40 b4ollols on mro. It is go Around The Colinty i NEWS NOM. I .1, I . Q — . . - '" 'L' TRAV :_:..a6fX#00A'19U,1A, 6"iluk 'i6 the lAke share, on Saturday 1 *'"'s — 8"' i,%rii; Zee or four hinders in Huron VeZal, 4t 01-lawnt, .:, , , ' 11 .1 the Ao 4, emu cutting from 18 to 20 1 : 1k, (Contributtea :"' O' "'Zo'b'I'l. "JVollust9u, of lic III, F.Iij.4hDateman h—as—disposed Of his ' Hom Oliver Alowat is back in On- Sapt, !444 *G-! . '00 —TLI)ckerjamith DQA,ra' la$t 4 themselves .after a sea. y , _ LO "L . ',. ,,, . . T , " to reg, lo Cilltog-) Wres. er day. There are goad crops farm f Ethel to his son - tario. Alitc1*11, E pt, 26 and 27. . 1, , "chore "VIInted .. I . jAeLt out o . I I , vo I 'he E . I I . rm for sale -W, Evans son of 40 work. Bayfield W411 t also a out High Bluff and I?ol?l&r Point Mr A, U. Jenkins, recently of the I North Perth At Stratford,oct.3 . 0ifisplia gAn Co. And all qttout harvested on the 2 It Loss And 4 , ,00U-00*10 V point of ipteresi, and 4,120 day W-40 401 of is that in the next issue of The . ! LL . , . .10 % NA, 9,nITQR--KiA4ly 411QW 1A0 Brussels Budget, has so ted the posi South Perth'aLt St.M 6nXt 0.1 povidion, - Costs. plo sautly spent on the share and in August. Captain Sheppard was buoy ging oalkorelly ' Official Uauitoba Gazette the French I arys,$ept 24, 20,, . . L I i FAXW to AcItt-ldro. Cottle, . d iling - on the 141ci and space in your newsy paper for a few tiou of manx 0 the Brant Industrial at Toronto, Sept 9 ,to 21. rowing Am. so I w#b. the race trook, roces to come off ford pallv Telegram. language will be dropped. Western at London, Se , 0 to 14, . , . _ ­ 68 Mai$,._4AO15sOU Bros. - river. 14 the coal evening' fill te. words about my reconh trip through on the 27th 4ugisst. The Portage is a . Mrs Jatietts, Sturgin, widow of the Pentral, at Hamilton, opt . , I FaR go0as—W. L Ouimette. ' Ontario and Manitoba, I left Goder- , A mud turtle, weighing about 10-Olbs., N - 23 to 97, .. 11 .. - eseed with their . nice place but toolmony half braods to late f 11 turned homes well ple was seen at the river bank at Wingliam ,tussell Hardy, of London and Guelph Sept.25 and 26. .. ":. 6rocerf.—Goo. Swallow. day's enjoyment. ich Wednesday Uet of July, on the owt mo, Ur Sheppard is doing A good L Sept. 10 - .. L . I , I apsois this week—Beesloy & Co. Campaus, stopping at KinovIr "le) bugluess in his hotel. Saw teacher Me- the other day near the bridge, and some mother of Hon. A. S. Hardy, died end. Branifard , L to 12. LL . , =.—U o watt, of 07400, Is , sports tried to capture it,'but foiled. dealy at Brie Branch. Northwe*V4,GOderich, Sept. 17 toJQL , L ft- reduction—Jas. Twitobell. Nol , ... L , thence to;uiduaro,a lauding. 01i Leon,- Mi Owinbanis and Mr Henry ' , -, I - . 1-11 " ' '"' ' . , . a few doys A tile hoino Of Mrs W. H. Cordineer, of Caniftor, Colborne, At SWIth's Hill, Sept. 26-26 A A36se for sale--Mra Corbett, 4efidi4 ure i. scenery through th,'L eviVo Is tO from 0110on here. Returning to Win- Mr J. & Wilson, of Sesforth, has to- . , Mu D—Mias Murray. her fat t turned from the old country looking who on Friday was relieved of a live Tuckersmith, at Sesforth, Sept. 16-1i . . i r To the ladies—Jobix Robertson. . ,hot, Mr Tboll. Mills- he "Soo." Boats W also passed by nipeg started for Pori Arthur. We lizaro, died on Tuesday morning after East Wswanosh, at Belgrove' 00 Dunbar slid Mies Mary Dunbar visit- the score on our o Port Art r. were delayed by a detective bridge. A just A I. He was very successful at illness lasting a year. 0 . 1.2. . t. , , , , Something new—Kro Whitt. ed friends in Stulet for a few days We stopped at Silver Islet, went heavy freight train passed over it pre. Wimbledon, having won 0225 in prizes. an At thellouse of Me John C. McLean .. I.. 1. , social—Rattenbary St. Church. last weejc. Mrs A Fraser of Ailsa Ashore, viewed the deserted town vious to our coming along, but in the On Wednesday last Hr T. Bone sus- BORN. I ;,11 , Craig. visited her arents last week, and the ponderous mill used for melb"tiIII10 it had ounk 3 or 4 feet in the tained quite a lose by his horses run- township of West Meath, Mr McLean's I , . __ she ls'4'a 4augbte .4 to walk across ning away, tWng with them a now little daughter, aged 12,undertook OL"SER.—On. the 29th Aug, the wife 1. ld& r of Bit Donald RAW crushing the silver ore. Arrived at Intel', so that we he to I 1 4 . of Stanley. Mr John MCF -well, of Fort Arthur on Friday. This is a it, some of the bridge man carrXing the binder, which they almost - completely lead a bull to water from the stable and of dr Daniel Glasoor,of Grey township, I . 1. , I I Tiverton, paid a flying visit to friends flourishing town. The Captain and lady passengers. Our train had to be destroyed. was gored to death. of a daughter. t. L . . . . . . ... on Tuesdayl lost, he was attending officers of the boat tried to in ke th hauled across by an engine on the far. Me Peter W. Carrie, of Sbr,athroy, the r u me, a ingston, declares that McCoaxicK.—In Wingbam, on the , - . 0" 0 thee side, then we speeded toward Fort a 0 y at a 27th Aug. the wifeof wrD.McCormick, - the funeral of the late Win. McMillan, voyage as pleasant as possible No I has been appointed third assistant ere now prevalent . I Arthur again, often not g i er ntArio is sed by fires in the .1 - 1 LL . . . . . . Monday last. Ing more teacherof the Goderich High School 0 a daughter. I : . . who died suddenly on rofanity heard during t-- -.--. - than 20 miles a hour. This is a teiri- in place of Mr Kaiser. whose removal Rockyy mount ins. He found smoke McDoUO"L,—In East Wawanos . I ______ ____ h, on ___ -'- COUNCIL.—The council met Aug. Eesving Port Arthur for Winnipeg , ble section for mountain and took,- was noted last week. unbroken across the continent, the 27th bf Aug. the of Mir Andrew Mo- , bers by the C. P. R. the bare rooks and I Not much farming land about Port , . - Iv tftj 27th at the call of the Reeve,mem Arthur, but I saw vory good potatoes, Rev. A. MoMillan, of Manchester- in. Harvey, the Galt murderer, imprison. Dougall, a daughter. ", 1 -4 1i gr I W) all being present, and the Reeve in stunted shrubbery on the hills was ".. (91 , lit 0 ." N fir tends to leave for Scotland about b,t. ea at Guelph, does not evince the Blight - . thechair. Minutes otprevious meet- all that was to be seen for hundreds cabbages and other vegetables raised in ADAIR.--In Howick, on the 28th Aug. ., I ing were read and signed. The fol- of miles. Saw one cow a few miles the vicinity. Took passage on the let, to pursue his studies in the land of 6, t uneasitless as the time of his trial ap. the wife of Me Writ Adair, a daughter. . I L' ; ' Campans, at 6 p. m. Monday Aug., 26. his birth. It is not yet known who preaches. He takes his aleals regularly WASMAN.-In Bluevale,lon the 24th of I . FRIDAY, SEPT. 6, 1S89 lowing motion were passed: -That out from Port Arthur, after 15 hours She had 20,006"bushels of wheat, 50 car will supply during his absence. and aleeps soundly every night. Aug. the wife of Me Win Wasmatt, a I . I , Jae. Armstrong be paid $34.76, for run saw another cow, and she ap, . AtMontreal, on Thursday, a stranger daughter. '. .., - _­ - __ - ­ . - i praying loadsofflourand,50 passengers.- Got Boyd Morrison, son ofMatthew ,Ace- I Tho UoiteriCh Fair. furnisbiDg material and repairing the peared to be on her knees to the Saillt at 7 next evening. While risen, of Walton, has been engaged to snatched 5,000 from a bank counter in 41, r . BnARD.-In Turnberry, on the 17th of I 0 — town hall ; that Samuel Snider be for grass. A few miles from W inn . 1- the boat was going through the looks, teach in S. S. No. 9 Morris, next year the vicinity of Place d'Arms, but Ahe r, r keeping Mir Williams peg the prairie countr _____ -_ - bank people and the police refuse to give Aug, the wife of Me Win. Beard, a sort. i , The Godoriub, Stur Ila$ till article re- paidl$10 7b, fic V came In went to the American side and saw the for a salary of"50, Thepr selit teach- , eg Satur- In "Ity further information. The thief es. FiNt'Ex.-In East Wawariosh, on the N.; larring to,,ifuron's Great Fair," It is kan indigent person) during his illness view. Arrived in Winnip street ears run by electricity. Now we er, A. Anderson, intends go g to Mall. capea. . 17th of Aug. the wife of Me Theophilus 'j, very kind of our cotem to thus draw and then taking him to Teeswater; day noon, making close connections are gliding along the blue waters of itoba, . 1 ittuntion to the Huron Central to be that Dr Nichol be paid $4,for visiting with trains for west and south,west. Lake Huron bound for Sarnia. Early . . Some montlis ago, a farmer narned Firinen, a daughter. 1. While about to bitch one of Ilia ant. VAXXL8TI_NF,._-In Wingham, oil, the m: -ileld, ill Clinton oil Sept. 24, 25, 26. the said Me Williams. ThecterkwaaL Had just time to take a glass of ale in the mornin when nearing there the 8 sweet, George McGowan living near K ugston, I we ' I g i . i o tit, mals. the other day, Me Theme, . This clever bit of misrepresentation instructed to draft a by-law to raise a before. taking train for Pilot Mound, passengers gled by the imearth. Lt. an aged mail, was'orderect, pur ant to NO, of Aug. the wife of Me Allen . I P... . -om the Clinton NL,w Eii.i E xeter South, Ilarrov"Iy e Vanalstine, a daugh ; " I ;s of course h rate of two mills on the dollar for a flourishing town 12.5 miles west of ly tooting of boat whistles. They verdict of jury, to pay Eliza Ali Pugb . tpr. I ' ,, --lie littlictr out,,idc of Clinton would be county purpo-tes, and a rate of 1 1-10 Winnipeg. (jot there at7 p.m,, pass. jurnped out of their berths pretty Lively The animal reared, and getting 2NIr a neiahbor, 750 for breach of I remiss. BILLBY.-In Morris, on the . 1. i ,,. it is clear now Sweet under its feet, trampled him to oil" 15th of . ,ullty of such IL trick- mills on tile Ooll-Rr for local and rail- ing oil the way some very fine coun- ! and fuund a terrible fog prevailing and Wednesday they were married aiid An . . . .1.11 %liat the wrong dates for our Nc;rtl-i- unconsciousness. . L . 1 ',., , %V"'teril Exhibition, which it has for way purpo.ses, and also to raise. the try, but owing to the drouth thL Forne wrolig, signals given so that a the inotitty reniaiiis lit the family. I The 9tatement is hardiv to be credit- ii" --o weeks given in its list of several tiurn,i r(quired by the difierent crops looked very poor. ,\ t ,pilot i large b6at bore right down for ours and Mr 0. Bretz, of Ea,st Wawalloalt, lias k the past iliry . -ectiou corporationii. The - met by 12dr. and ._,Nlra. i1c. , jitruck its, punching a go6d sized hole in leased his farm, south half lot 37 Ili the ed, bii t it is a fact, nevertfieloss thitt the fo ' , tile Canipaija but away up above tile 0th con., 100 acres, to ' Messm. Jas. & ;tL . iallsho.Vh iz- 1-Uoderich-Sept.10-12," sebool Mound was . A)l Lit) icipality of Eltoll, immediately ­ .... , ,,as n6t 00111' all unintentional error. COU1161 then adjourned to ineet aigain Cool and drove home with them and Of,fi c voars. ­ 1,^ 11:, water line. The timbers uf the bow of David Purvis, foe 4 terni, . north.of Brandon, has paid for 1.10 060 ENVAN­1101,1 ins--In Brus els, on the , - He fraud is the move glarim, in that on Sat7urday,Sevt. 214t,at I o'clockp.m. fulfilled the scriptural injonction by i the other boatsconiod to have suffored 7NIr Bretz, a orripanied by his son and gopher tails this summer, and still 'the 28th of Aug, by the Rev D. B. McRae,of , ` the Socretary, Ale R. C. Hays, 101romptly 6,RO. STEWART, Clerk. rLSting on the Sabbath. Monday en- , fortil the collision more,'azid she hail to daughter, in ends leaving Ili about a M Be 11 inailed the N Ew ERA a coloy of the Prize T, 12 I burrowing beggars are not hard to flud Cranbrook, Me Daniel Ewan to i .. 11 GARDE-; PARTY. - For genuine joyed myself immensely shooting: go back to Sarnia for repairs. The wGeR for Louisiana, w ere lie has till- ill that Municipality. Mary A. Holmeb, both of Brussels. . -list upon the uppearance of the,issue .a gophers but after slaying them -by the. force of the collision would Ila% . social eiijoyment cotumend file to I -e been other soa residing. 1% .. ), firit containing the chlinged date. Is Oil Sulidav morning John Emerson, KENNY-11UNTKII. -At the residence of ' 11, Clinton's "Great Central Fair" driven well con(lucted garden party; such at dozen ivi*th shotgun and rifle, I was greater but that the difaines of our boat Drs. Gunp,WbitelyiElliott and Head a,waiting tris l in the jail at Cob6urg oil the bride's inother, on. Wednesday,28th i ; least was -the impression formed in forced to beat a retreat. ` hey were were reversed in time. We landed lot , to such disreputable tricks in its at- pre -med a very skillful, operation at a charge of forgery, committed suicide of Aug. by the Rev G, B. Howie, Me ,; ! lompt to compete with Goderloh ?- my mind, after participating in the so numerous that it. was4 tommon to safe at Sarnia thence by train to Lot'- Goderich, on Mrs Chas. Kenyon (sister by hanging himself by two towels to 0,11 Daniel Kenny, of Detroit, formerly of . I garden party held last Friday even- see them in half-dozen lots,jeering don, and home to Clinton again much of J. W. Smith,) by which they remov- iron pipe in the water closet. A fare. Brussels, to miss Maggie Hunter,. of I I 11' aJoderich Star. t them pleaseawith my trip and the pr apects 8 .. . me because I could not shoo ed two cystic tumors weighing 10 and well letter to his wife and cbildren'was Brussel . " ing, at the reside'nce:of:Mr W. Keys, flag of of Manitoba. Yours, Mrs Kenyon is foundin the pocket ofthe unfortunate BnoTiimis-hoz tx--At the residence , . I lVe did not thilik the editor of underthe auspicesof the Methodist all at Once. I hoisted the TON. 1.5 lbs. respectively. I I L 1: in JOHN JouNs I tile Star would deacond to the church, Varna. Q,tteen's weather truce and allowed them to rema' progressing more favorably than it was man's vest. . of the bride's mother, on Tuesday, the .: , Clilitoll'sept let, 1889- . acined she could under the' cir- Shortly after 8 o'clock Monday even. 27tb of Aug. by Rev W. T. Cluff, in. . : ,. . omeannutis of tylakintr the illtjillua- favored the occasion. When we say masters of the battle ground. On _. - ever im , I i. M . . that the ladies in connection with the Friday I hired a broncho and bucIE- r cumstaInces. in-, Alfred Jones, a brakeman on an otimbent of St John's church, Me W. D. I.. . ., -tion that hu (loco. To bitimato board and started overland with Ale. A S vent occurred in Hensall I . church had charge of the tables, no The 0 NIT I'MR10 CRON A very sad e auxiliary train at gort Hope while pass- Brothers, of Wilton, to Miss Wilhel. _ McCool for Plumb Creek, 125 miles Qu Wednesday. We here refer to the ing between the auxiliary car and the reAfla, (Minnie) third daughter of Mrs . r — . . ;:, . Chat cio dato 'of the Goderich one will ae surprised to hear that the clistant, crossing the Pembina valley , Relurns of Crop, Fields, Far ... death of Mr. J, Petfield,ol London, and vall, 1.11 between the car,, and was com, James Wilson, of Brussels, lar the occasion was , % ;show was purposely giyen incor- spread provided I a late resident'Of this place.,who passed pletely cut in two. Death was instant. . r more than usually attractive. Then bordered with hills and fringed with and Stock Values, etc., peacefully away at, the residence of Me aneous. Jones was an unmarried man DIED ;. wectly ill tile NEw ERA., because the ice cream, with its cooling influ' rubbery; intermingled with sturdy for 1889. 1*1CMILLkN.-In Tuckersmith on the '.: sh about30 years of age. His mother - - intericro with Clinton eace on a warm evening, ivp dispens. oaks, and bay stacks on the open C. Benford, where she had been for the 2nd inst., Me William McMillan, aged . .] I -_ that lives nea . ,,.. at might I STATISTICS or EgrECIAL VALUE i week on a visit and in hopes r Belleville. 0 , patches of plain, the whole going to I TO Ar.m. Pas 01 years. . . ", ed with a liberal hand, lemonade, te might beneflt her,as she was 1.4',xhibition, shows bow bad jeal- make Up a picture that would dec. CULTUR.ILL AND C"X9ACXAL RIJID,Cts. he Chang York. —'---. ­_ -==-: ­_ I "' : candles, etc. were to be had in shun. 1, in very poor health previous to going Gus Witherspoon (colored,) of I "I ' . I there. o ville, S. C., who waged 1 Wednesday ousy can wMict sorne people. We dance, and the ]ads and their lasses light the heart of an eastern artist. — . . . I Me A. Blue, secretary of the Ontario that he could eat seven .dozen eggs at - eared to entei into the spir . ,- aged 89 Birihs, Marfialos ud Doans, i .. it of Further across the prairie we reach - !, were not aware that ttle figures aPP 1 Bureau of Industries,h&s just issued Robert Fletcher, an indigent, one sitting, stationed himself in a com. ,_ the entertainment. A readiog by Otenaw, on our way camping for ' until Mr A. MeD. dinner and to feed the broncho. I completed agricultural statis,tics of the years, died at Goderich jail on Wednes. fortable position, at 10 o'clock in the 13yehaptor4o,R 1 Mr Mack,& short and appropriate I evised Statutes of Ontario I areas of field crops, numbers Of live clay last. A formal inquest was hold morning, and,four hours later he arose 1887, all Births, Marriages end Deatits are re. -1 .,.. Allan called our attention thereto, address by Rev Mr Hill,- of Bayfield, Then through the Tiger hills and stock, values of farm land,buildings,live in the evening, and a verdict returned and was the heavier by 84 fried eggs, quired to, be registered with the Clerk i,2 1 , . past a small lake that swarmed with the municipality in which such may take . a' .- and a few choice selections of music 'and a few wild ge stock and implements, and average that deceased died from natural causes. which he had swallowed during that )k Tile Person required tore Ortabirth .by Misses Diehl and VaTc e and for farm laborers and I is the father or mother of the c ild ; regi.q. I'. ducks ese. 0, how rates of wages Fletcher had spent about four years time. Healed the next day in great I ace' " - i I a mild they were t once dorrected _ I wished for gun and dog! but alas, III oil. His crime was that he was &gony. E , If Ur Uays had called our atten- others contributed very much to the domestic servants in Ontario for 1889. tration. must be made within 30 days after 1 7'. . I old,j helpless and feeble, and had no . birth. . tion to the error it would have success of the party, and the pleasure both had been left behindp so the, The estimates of yield of crop are based I The gerson required to register a " . bad to remain friends. His death is another protest .To those intending to pay Toronto a ist ecierg manwho6olebratesit . I , . .1 of I visit during the next two weelm, we 1.11.8arrh1la.gre rt must go furnished within 9D , I .those present. The proceeds of game , unmolested.' on reports made on July 20, and are of d Proceeding we reached Glenboro, . days afterpt'he date of such marriage. The' . been .just as willingly rectifie. ) the party amounted to $43. We value only as showing the promise of against the action of the county council would abvise to make their headquarters il - but the recoipt of a prize list was might say that the enterprising pea- stirring town where we on, ed a crops at that date; they are doubtless in not erecting a house of refuge, where person required to register a death Is the . , pie of St. John's church, Varna. in- good square -meal. This is t oy r at the new and commodious hotel, the 00cupier of the bouss in which the death he ter, . much too high. the aged and decrepit can be prope ly Arlington, situated on King street West, takes place, and th . 1 no iudication. of the dates being minuh oi the Manitoba South West, In the following table the area of fill eared for. 6 return must be made . tend having a garden:party on Mon- . corner of John. This house is most before the interment of the body, Any me. i k . The Star Ina ern Ry,, and has a good farming., wheat in 1889 is taken from the returns Some tiine*ago a requisittoii, largely pleasantly situated,' and is furnished Meal In , who was last in attendance dur.. I wrong a I r - . Y test assur. day evening next. Mr Secord, al- . Ing the last. illness of any deceased person, .- " -any good cause, country about it. About ten 'miles, of township assessors, but all other 3igned by the ratepayqrq ,af .McKillop, .-throughout in firsf class style. Street d . .. .. - -.---- is required to register the cause of eath.- I. ed that we 4o not wilfully ruis. Ways ready to help from Glenboro we struck the Assina, i areas for this yesir's crop as reported by was forw raea to the Ontario Govern- cars pass the doorsevery few minutes Neglect tonlake any Of these ro rts within ­ , has placed his beautiful grave at the' a go ___ laaa our readers -not even ht the . correspondents. TheeStimates of totfil.. ment, asking them to appoint a commis- . 6 . ­ to the Exhibition, . the specified time, will subject t e person so I , disposal of the le. We boia river which we forded at Me . , .neglecting to a penalty of 820 and costs. All I - 8t. John's peop yield in 1889 are also computed from the Sion to enquire into and report upon the . I ,. .. expense of Goder,ich. predict's good time, as the people of Combs ferry, On the north sidi of, reports of correspondents, but it must management of the financial affairs of Tuesday morning, while James' Persons interested Will take notice and gov I I . St. John's, with their friends the tiver we strike the Sand hills,' be born, in mind Bolton, sr. , of the, second line, North orn themselves accordingly. 1 4c7-, I*. ofthe . that those reports the township. in 6omplianc6 with the Adeliaae, was driving from Strathroy I . IV WILLIAM COATS, . Mr Ross 'VindicAted. sister churches in Varna, haye with. rigbtly-named. Tiring of the sand', were made on July 20. Atthattimeall requestafthis petition- the Govern- D Islon Registrar, Clinton, ", . — , ,in themielves all the elements ofAue. we crossed back to the south side 1 cereal crops had& promising appearance ment issued a commission to Me W. F. to his home, he met with a serious ae- __ . . . ; 1. . ­ a taste near Glen Souris and reached Bran I and even the injury caused at that tiftle tentle- cident, about three miles from town, , . ; . The cess, sociability, energy, and . Findlay, of Hamilton, and that g C -4V I .1. . I r , great point which .the op- for all that is eutertaining and eli- 'don -no6n Saturday, where we met' by rank growth and rust was not very man arrived in Seaforth on Tuesday., that resulted fatally a few minutes'after- gew CA till Mist mfuts. . I . . ))onents oi th ` Mowat govern- voting. . Messrs. D. Jackson and W. Whitely noticeable., Later c ounts show that and is now engaged in the preliminar* " 1vards, A gun he was carryingaccident - — ----- _- , . I .. . I : y ally discharged and the' contents pass. 1WARM FOR SALE), -FARM 91GHTY . , of Hullett, Mr. J. Churchill from' none of the .cereals have reali7ed the proceedings. - . X aerea(ae,6-outycibe6red)bee,utifully situated , ment have endeavored to make OBITrAn' -Mri' Jas AlcClymont, . ed through the upper part of his :thigh I., ; . . Goderich ,rp,, and Mr Townsend from I Itromise of July '20; theyield ofharyand The Brussels Post sayc-sta.tion . on"Alaitland Itiver. Lots 45 and 74 Maitland I -agnanst tho It i.n'ister of Education whose maiden name was Lily Callan- Then we went Westward to i clover alone is likely, to be undisturbed and body mild severed some of the large collcosRiou'; Goderieb township, five Miles : der, daugb ter of William and Harriet -Clinton' . avent Kendall is. mliking all effort to. arteries. Deceased was one of Ade- and a half front Clinton, Best land for gou- ' . . Mr. Thos. Stephenson's, making the I ,by further, reports, for this crop has h'aV. passenger car atto011ed to tl1O lade's pioneer settlers. I crE61 farming, well watered, buildings in good 'is that be- rit"ttOd"NvIl"It -I'vas )lot A Callander, nowof Manitoba, and been unusually good owing to the fee. I trip of 125 miles in less than two . morning fr6igbt train on the London e repair, possession by ist October, Terms . - . -correct when lie said, in the Pro'.. fbimerly -of Stanley, died in rat ' quent rains of June. ILA yojus3g Italian who had been in th easy. WM. EVANS, 46 St. Mary St. Toronto. .. 1. peace in herown home,Parr ine, da s i t would bother most of the d per Huron and truce running south, and b bito elling bananas to the employees . , wincial Assembly last winter, that Cl y ' speeders todobetter. Mr.' Yiel hopes to succeed, It would be a great ARAI T6. RENT. - SU13SCRIBER OF. I on the 29tb inst. For over two years inton Crops. A c r ui. Dusliels. acre. accommodation to the people of this 10- of the Bank of Hamilton,11amilton" en. FFERs to rent that farm of 32J acres, being . . and ,Ilea. Stephenson were more than Fall wheat- 13 it h. tered that institution oil Saturday to t of lot 3:3 oil tile sth concession of Rill- 1!4191i ih wu ' b0iDc" thuo"llt il) cv0r.7 she suffered almost everything, and pleased to see us. Sunday we went I 1,48(j I cality desiring to go to Blyth, Clinton ?svJiuot -in thu. province. But the anything and everything that could ...... 822,115 19,132,007 213,3 or Goderich,and transact their business. show tbein a live tarantula. While 11.,It," (part of the Miller farm) all cleared and to see Mr. A. Morrison and were' 1, S.q ...... 826,737 14-; ' displaying his pet it escaped, and the Ilt for cultivation. 0ood barn and stabling, . l'oporl, Of (110 eumnlissionors on be done in'the medical ffile, was done, heartily welcomed by himself and , . Spring wbeat­ 10,787 16-7 and return the same evening. As it is clerks and officials. were in a state of frame hotise, good water, sinall orchard, . . but all to no effect. $be consulted the afternoon train is one only connec; illaultro oil hand to put on fall wheat; leasee . . . . 71-eilch schooji,, which the Con. and doctored with most of the leftd* family, all being glad to hear of old ' 1,, wj ........ .3!HX 10 7,07 U,642 I 9.3 tion. The morning train would Nvai great excitement all. day, each fearin.tr cau have immediate poss f land, . 'I] 9 friends in and around Clinton. Re- 1 18' * th 454i000ni. For 4lysicians of tbabowry. and in the 88 ........ 807,850 6,453,35,1) 17.5 for our morning accommodation getting o bitel of the'deadly poisonous spider. '1 t a for team and hoti.o-tu 11 . -;61-vative organs admit to be thor- F turning to Mr. 'Stephenson's we met' ,..,Barley- on S 'ai tal io'u"gl.rs apply to MRS, M. COTTLE. lfth .I .E gout noon. The' publi"c aturday evening a searching party . le " c I . t Clinton a tj t th 1 searched every hole and crevice in tho ion, or 0'riell lown bie'. 11 Wiles from Cliu. ity of London, but all failed to efrect an , - - ' A. HARTT, Mitten, Im I ,,)ngh awl impartial, bouipletoly a cure. She was born in the town- with z)gli,shman w q.yvas going 89 _­ 875.2-1 6 20,5315,517 30JI ,;rill wait. with the hope , ,e, bank and at last unearthed the taran. - __ - _. _ ,______ - _. . . I"" ...... .. )5,432 23,3611,3(39 21).1 . I all - 1.orroborates 11r 11koss' fitatement. ship of North Gower, Carleton Co. to church and 'he invited us to' a I.. thorities of the G. T. R :ill c pl I tula and killed him, much to the relief If-IOURT OF "N"ISION--VOTERS' LIST, . . I meeting after church, providing he Oats- "vith the request. : , -. I 8 4' of all. It is now on show in one of the %-/1889,-Notice is horel)ygivan that a Court ' .. 'Tile commis.sioners say that "some Suly 30th, 1860. In,1875 her parent could borrow a bulldog. llis'meet, -) ...... 1,1127,115 73,C,63,061 38,. 2 -----" Vill be held, pursuant to Tho Voters' List . - " ; oved to Stanley, near Brucefleld, ISAA I I .... 1019,66, l,,-,,4613,911 35.4 I local newspaper office windows and is 'Act, by His Honor the itidge of the c - ing opened by his taking his text - o,,Uny . I to i 'Ims ITZsR limm. 0 . . ! Peas- I Nt \ inspected by thousands. Court of the county of Huron, at the , Engl ish is taught i n every school," where, as a family, they took a deep from a box. The xt was a living ! 1889 21.8 CIL 01AMBER, CLINTON, on AlONDAT, 1 1.1 that tile Ontario readers have interest in the Methodist Church, 11 .... -709,3i;-, 15,431, i!82 . — I A bed of natural gas soeing to have tile SIXTEENTH clay of SEPTEMBER, i889, I I .both in its' financial and spiritHal , badger, Singing was commenced 18,138 ...... 690,653 14.269 863 20.5 Six car loads -of cheese, valued at ' ,*, been hitroducedinto every m by the fiulldog and was joined in the 1( b,qen discovered in the western peninsu. at nine O'clock in tile forenoon, to hear and . I .cll,Dol proopq.rity. It was here where Lily Ilay and clover- Tons Toil. ,),000, were shipped from Listowel determine the several comVisints of orrors , . chorus by six cellies. After a rous-, 1889 ...... 2,398,785 3 748,229 1.-j 6 last week. la of Ontario, promising the people in all i 4and that the pupil. -3 ill , d omissions Ili the Voters List of the Town . I the Fip.hool,q, was first seen in her attachment to the its neighborhood an unbounded Supply, of Clinton for 1889. All persons having busi. V I :in French dis - church, and where her life of useful. ing sermon for three quarters of an 188-13 ...... 2,292,638 2:009,010 .88 Me T. fi. race is now sole proprietor tbe cheapest of heat and light produc. iless at the Court are requested to attend at . I triet8 are usually hour the Englishman's proceedings A report to be issued early bi Sol). of tile Mitchell liricorder, Ile Hodge ' the said time and Iftoo. Dated this 4th day . . Hess commenced. At her father's re- I in,g Diaterial . If Canadians had free of September.. IH8q. NVAL COATS, Clerk of 1, were closed by his claiming the car, tdInber will give a revised estimate of having withdrawn Ilia intercit therLhi. access to the markets of this continent Ujo said Alunicipauty. i I , Nvoll ,ilippholl Avith English read. sidence, on the 29Lh of March, 1882, cass of the badger. Had dinne'r; cereals, based oil the threshing results , T7 W. Shine,, forrnerIv of. fit. Mar' tias discovery would - i nA, bool(s. Those who imagine by'the Rev. James LivinRst6ne, she 's, or of the world — . , I was united in maidave to her now next day with T. A. Tamblyn of the: of this linonth and careful obse"rvat '0115 has accepted the prind'Palsbil) of thy I probably bq foll6ved by the turning of Texteliers Wauted.' that French-Canadian parent.9 do Centiral Hotel, Brandon . We con - milde at the close of the harvesting ; sorrowing husband, and although the I . I Dresden public school, at it sillay.y cf I the whole of the new natural gp,s coun- -_ ;, tinued our return journey to 1%1r. t season. I . ; - The bnard Of School Trustees for the towj . niot want their children to learn union 600 I ry into a hive of industry, because it - . t was short in its duratioln', yet 1 The total area in crop not inclubing 5 * ' I * McCools, having dinner again on the - is the clicapest power that can be pro. 11111) of Tuckerswitli givo notice that appil. ., it was marked by genuine afrection, old camp ground. Mr. Stephenson I pasture land, is 7,776,133 acres in 1HWI A little boy, about four years old, son I ­tIons will be received b tile undersigned E,nglish ary : oriciu.-,I llflstal cn, . cilmd,butalltinc good the discovery ;,. . and complete with truesym .af.NlrJ.AA)uggitn, dry good.4 tiler fe"' tcael'Ors for all tile schools in this tpwn. The French-Canadian father al)d Pat"y' has 110 acres of wheat that will Rver- !,as compared with 7,616,350 in 18% will do now will be to enable some few Khip Applicants will please state class of I , itratford, fell dow curtificate, recommendations, number of I irbich never 'wearied or waned by R 11 Nv ith 7,381,560 as yearly average ,j cliant, S collar it) . . . I age 20 bushels, Mr. J. .Morrison ' " the s'tore last week and broke his arm. manufacturers to drive out of tile mar. y mrg experience mild salary. The Board 1 mother -are usually ni either W6 under the great pres5ure ' the seven ):ears 1682-i3. -ame Will Illeor oil Saturday, Sept. 21st, in the . ; . 0110 111)XIOTIS about the same. lilts. Cooke, form. kpt competitors who have not the s . " I of long afflction and trials peculiar to I Tbe-gtatistics of furin live stock in Me Win. Atkinson, it Mansbard farnA. advantage of cheap fuel. r1ehO0I house, Eginiondvifla, at 2 d*clock , that their childran 111,11.11 11 ..11 human life. Lily, the familiar name erly of Clinton has a good crop, also , the following table show increases in er,had,six law,bs stolen froni Ili$ pasture I ts are expected to beprosent, PH11.11, 1. - 11 , The prairie and timber fires have cov- , ,Ilean E'nglisb than Engllh, I110]] are to by which she was known when a gir), ,Ile. 31orrison. , r, 'llere l,saw th9l horses, swine atid poultry,' and do. flold laqt*week. Ile lias boon unable to ,, C,,, ,Q s are numberbd as follows: No. 1.2..3. . biggest ox t(am f ever came across, I creas( I area. - Starting away 111) in 1-6-7,14-9-10-11, G. I, JACKSON, Secretary. I I nd shoe-) -' - trace of either thief or Iambs ,cr0d a vast . was always religious. Frdm her youth 11ay is! _-4 in cattle a I L ' 81 ' I I _ teach thein. The fbriner al -c Ivel I , . H9111ondv ille, Sepi. 4tb, 18bg. . they' beat 'Mr. Jas. F,Lir's. _;,t ). 1.148 ,.. , find all% tenac I .., I up she loved her Redeemer. Ber nI,c. , , . British Columbia in the Kou aware thtit it' their ehildi very plentiful there. Arou Farm Live St9Gk .-Is',,. No. country, four week,; ago the fire travel- . -oil ac- tion was something likq Ti I 3ra - A rneethig (if Kincardinc rat(payers od with grent r dity, passing t trough ,., mothy's don crops are short, consinideIrabnly if - 0 I .NLoti6e of Dissoliltion. I I iluirc ;I knowledge ()f both larl'_' tplo lin Patil taid to him " And that . orses and coltq.. 61S,7 )-, ;1,1r1' -L8 oil Thursday ullanimDusly adapted a I A into she, extend-ing ilito -_ . . 1. 1) ,I ,il,, -)- !) re,;olution requestinIg tile council to Washinaton and Oregon oil the west, Notice is beroby g1v . I 1 . below the average. ,kround Glen- I Milch cowt;.. .. ..,.,. 77. ,l I '10 talla 111di I . . g a - will 11, from a child thou has known the holy I - - 1,erutoforesulQ9 - u ges the') IV.c I)o difficill- bore a ,good average. In the Londes. All otlicr cattle .... 1,112. 2- 1,117,049 snbmitaby-law granting 7000 and .. I scriptures, which ar6 able to make . in filto 'Wyoming and ,,,,1,, !.1,vr-4k;t14-,a as orm ", entthey would havobeen Sheopandlan0m ..1,344,1,40 1,340,041 exemption from taxatimi for tell yLFLrq Colorado, Montana, perhaps, ht18 00 TIT11110 aild ityY41 11.1 . fc,illn" dicir w:ly in the 'thee svise unto salva6fid throup h considerably above the average harl it Swine ............ 835,469 819,070 to a firin who propose e,itablishing a suffered the Lit ost, as the fire ran (I coulity . I ty ip Tna boro setilem Co.," In the tojN-n of ( ljt;tnjl, it., L), e I , of Huron, lim boon tIll's (111"..'11.4'.011, . -world--th-it ill riwt they will bave faith.wbich is in'Christ Jesus." Her ,jot been that tl e gophers destroye(l . 116ifltr) . .......... 11,301,298 fUr-4,111 ,love factory there. through the prairie country to tho Da. ., CA by tile rotlyuniont of Jainoriv, d10 lousitless ; religious experience was one of those about one third of them, patclv.,% of 25 The total clip of wool. is estimated at wrii, mcbityr3's barn. situattA on '1,`(,)r,ra,,,1 , - xt (10600d ativalita-0 (.)Vol. I."n'(d.ish kotc, litie, crossed the main division of tol',f c()lltttiii(-,1.1)3-'.%It,,. sI A& ".1vaniold ., , rare case3 where the child never leaves acres in many places bein-g de. troyed A25,930 lleeco-..yielding 4,5Q8,1t J(;,pounda lot 6, con.6, L st Zorra, was destro%*Co tile Rockies, set the Bittft Ronts aflame, 111"L1010 SM -1 11allIV aiiii styi(.4 rtic. oal,eq . I ., .gAji Co. .%1l (1(!I,Lr owil j, , to tim s' . lboy.4 and gh-18 of the Fame rank. tile. narrow road, but keeps within the The averago wheat crop hei o I sli;nl(i or 5.511) pounds per flocce, Thero were 01 , : , . . : by ifire Sunday. It is undor4tooA t'limt wirked into the momitains near Phil. ,fl -1 vart- . no-sbit, are tn he vaia to ill(- F10d 0,kv, and fold of the Great Shepherd,constantly gay would be about ton biiqljol t to t1le ; 851,522 ticcru.g,yielditig-t,fi')1.027'potiiid. ; tfie f1rc was c used by a sparkfrom the lip% clestroved thetimber and did great 19W1,111chl, at Clinton, tif"I'­11i'l 111"I ,)I If tho Ontario Frallco-p1rob" Ivero I a I. ; ill I t ;A, living 5,51 pounds Pei- flce6c. kitelienchimnoy, . 'WiF . -atioil ; if tiley 1,eetp,ing possession of the froe gift acre. Here I helpeil to firo it Steam 46-ly all thf) SQa- (1,tin,%ge in ilie .National. Park. But if eIrL1111'4 nt,"Ilfiqt thu saill i,1trtn(,rs1.1I,;lr0 to - )(3 Ill theiv genei t 'a 0, ongin feeding, it %villi stra I hV 111'1'q`r1L( 1l tO tile said Oake, A, SMI-Ifflold 1<110-,v how to 11 , r I)... pra -astrous the 1, 11`; ... 11 div S111110 will Iq, S,.(!;,,,l Dated es upon all untojustification 0 w r.),, filrl I The table of the values of farm pro- . op was in the barn at the time. iris Ilrea are dk for. g') to work to pre- IS C1,111fliptl 121;() bl.g. o,f %viipat, ))QVtV SIlOW that Irlull Ila,.; depreciated $" so of life. .So that when she was con- While V I . The fire occurred carly in the nftorno6n. 11 V f8,000,000 but buildings iniple. . CIt lifte Rile dotibly SO. Orm villO -v i !fill (lit), of.Aug!i,pt_t, D, 1_ I" vont '111ruiwit domination," they sciouq of her accountability and her oats and barlov. Mrs 'UcCrjol and I I over . I , 11 t t authorities in GEOR(H.: F ; I I TI10,q.'1.f1l .... n r(I's, ;vllo rulis all I ments and live f,to,:k show ilicreasp.s This weak we are ealled. upon to tin. Stuart, o a (it It,.! bo , 6XI., ."S drove to . Nvmi,r,tir .q, sA%-%yl,-lr;r,T) . IMMIld h -l' t -j 1-o8triVt the tow-bing individual responsibility, she was also _ riounce the death ofa cokiplo' of Flillar. Irmitnim: P,,,tiriatp. 'lie, lrlpi4 l,y those ' - WhilL Nlr 11, al)(1 I which plave t1le aggregate value at TAXES li. wl jtljy ofEtudish in Ere0h school... conscious -of b'er stntu- Re a child of extensive farm. , wly settlers, Leonrtrd Young fireg in 11ont-iiin at i,100-000 it day. - N Nlmqq:- , I . h I werc viowing the crops an(l tha work. nearly 51.000.000 above the rettiniq of ! t,,11's cO . - " : I . , (4od and an inheritor of the Kinkdom, ing of th ree bindw S c tile fteropq ft I last yPar. Following are the l!,,t;req' and John Campbell, both old settlers, Thousantis of acreffl of virgin til ber .LkWils ,"COTT: I I Paramount. Hei,ce it is not necessary covey of , I , * I i bors. land liave been doituded and thousands -- . I of Heaven. *L I roz,pectable old lilen, and good nf.,ig - 1, prairic c 1. cl)R. Thomili I for tl;e two y0l,rq'I ox 1. The I . - Miss Jennie Murdock at. 8111 In had a rillo I prcfvrzi l rifict gim bro`, gllt Fprni pronerty- 1-'J. 1,4.". mr youlig Avivi a member of the Eng. of cords of cut w f I d " , fol arly ellild to run 017 join i i ur41,11"', I:a,!',10, nt, co G, T. R. TICKET OFFICE. I NoTr.i order to be born again. Lrt tile by Mr lfaggard'q son 11aughing Fred," I'milll ....... 11-:N,32!j, 1133 , 1; 10. 4 s(), -41) I l .1)(,hureli.,,iitl)IrCt%i,.il)i)(,11,9, Pres. country h.'L9, licen ill it ndi. . * horne froin Toronto looking . I . . . . Oved teaching and the example -,i at tl:e and I qn ewcdvd in Wgging thr e bir(ls, 13"Ildhig.. .. E12,464,237 I .;4,293,-221 ! Ill tCViAll- Ca"ll living R faithful, chri.q. tion, tin rain ofany consc.,111011(le 11aving , . well. Mri Cstrter and babe, nf New i tilin lice. 'I'llev leave wivv,s, anil grown fallen for throv mimthq. Tlit: fire was I home and the society in which the taking two oil tile wing and tile third 1171))Ic )--t q AI.11,4:00'; 49,75 I.-43*) I . - , Stratford Excursion. children move be ofa character as to sitting. I was high1v (Joliglitc(l wit), I ive S'toclk.. 105,731,1- 102,1,:J ).235 i lip fallliloq all well prm p,It o : Haven, are t lie guests of Mrs McKay. - -Mc,l for. Both ut c., i W,Aw... Iity b\ it he i.vy ball I - and family, of ' ' I Alre Harry Lantion, I " I __ I werv. very o,d mcn. Mr Yniiwt witi in of, iiri% . I keep the evil out and thus preserve this colintry mid wiWK111g, Ilit-11 C1.111 nalw I , ______ ____ . I Barnum Show : -Detroit, are vi,-.iting her parents ot the gift alicady bei,towed, at)d the monev hcr( ca,,ior thin in OWL,Lrin. I Total Pri. ;1-2,210,';F;l ' !181,311'4.0,,J! his f,evelitietli N,.-ftr, alid 'Me Campbell A youm,, niall liat-4 Whitt-lif'.'Lli v as I I . . i present. The Mis.seq Jlpaton, of Do. Y-9( vvtitll VCR-. * I I-,ir, - t,: .,., itiolillil, ' 'f fminil oil S,iturtlai nrar t1w )iIwiiri!%I '! a-hol"i"11 I').,-%\ children will grow tip into Clifl-t On mv r(.011,11 trie loft Pilot T,)111"l ! The rental off Ica.,v,1 farms io planed WN4 in Ili4 '-vii'" I . I , trait ,who bave been rusticating at 1 ftt "I Ni 1)('11. ncm oil tile whok, farni, or I ,Cwn wr.t. ­ ft"'I wo. 1,_ Iat( A R fow in. court ll(,U,;e ("ball.Acal I)v Pitiu'l, at) I SI) V I their living hend in all tblag.4. In em 1 8th A lig,wit ant rfsarhtnd.W Iolil To', , -2 -o Iva fivro (,)I tho elvarsillo Ill I ter&4tillg fiLt't, ' t (it.o. Ill.\ go;,, starvatilm. Ho waq eq ell for bY 0`0 Maoill-11a Evm'sil-I'l , I N : the olfLhoiviv,stcad, purpose returning . ., co1lj,L,1,11i1)t, - f,mtl. lold 1. I Sept, "). fall 1_ i, oppearlince n,mire had.-ftne a Cow] slkni( evc ithig It. is iwt untl lift -1 kef, I, ," 2 ill tilp 1,1\vll- pollice. nn,l, niter rureiving I . t4bottly. Mr Andrew RichardA, of I , -4-4 tl 1(1011 T(1,-,.?_ f, r, ' (17 ' at 011r, I 1111 'a Fitt%6041 a"I'lit I doal for nur beloved neighbor and rt,yokp, oT oxc,ii and a Sp'.111 of broliello.; ,%,o ,,,,1lrL,s IN'(. I I I lietroit, 11"M Il'i FL fivirig Visit lost 111telled to q billd, V. It mill -1 fli-t! a',14 2 s.*.. ,ilip of Hovvick, biit who -4 reeniffly :14) foll, 1wing story LaM )lit\, lit, For Fill 11--atiriflars'apply t- . w9ek. ,)I r J. C, Reid7left I t9t S gi-iter. S'he r. nked among the pretty - 10.'-- .. i t xc ,titc,l at lion1dor. Motitana. fol* tll OF11110 froin MrIllingh"Im, lo;g.. rAlf're . atur- young worhen of her day, but it, W119 night ii -w Will nipt­_' nii(I in %­!,lki11,,, d"'. I - .. . c1l.11140 of I'Liq fAtl1L,1r. it WValtliv W. JAr,XE,,0K ( I dAy to rosume IdS dntiCS in the Kin- [ Ilt,(, a I TI., !.op ­:np in Sri­t,.s. I" I 1' '.. 1.4 % ( r% 11 ,itrcic.r r.f 1119 n1i9trc,iq. Annie Lind- lie It -ft th T6NVX AGT­;T 6. T' I'L, * p in her dispo-Hon where beatity wa-1 strec-ti-no-'r 111,wiling I 01oll :)L I I . i, ' 'CTAN fo.V ' ! I- -i%". "V4,11w,111i" it i, s.ii'll ti-whil. 1!',: l I strum. It-46),11461-lAtOltilat \vll(,,,, nierchant. lketittief.-il lit, \laq not allowed - _.__.___.­______ * ? cardin(l 1,lo,',,ISvh0ol. .Al"srg Diin lifillirsha'l N.1-1:1 ,.;I (.11'. r )o', and M pr( - ') , I to riary tile girl of hi -3 clloioo. On his I I I mo4t seen. T;-,niigh gomewhat retired \v,d,;!,t to the ncre, I . Brysoll wnilt A -(--o fro:11 the cotinty of . ru . "I I and Petcr ,\Tcl (.nzie arii-ced liome C11111ti,111 (.1.1hil (lit t1w ( tlw; wil I , I . . I . and qu.et in her manner, yet al wholosoillcd tonfiril v do-t illn soil stick A 6,1-d Acci lont trinli 11la,!0 at 1`111111,0" 1111ron, 119 left-41Mhin(I hint a N ()1l1lL,1 1 rifc arrival here lie fltilvtf to wA I'llipi-y. , -, I I . 11 , eavFt. The nient ' - I ways . ;N , from the " ',­') to see their mother, g,nial snd plew-a-it in convefFation I 'I) , I tIt,-f,h.Tnf tcn,kv V , ut was dirv, ted () Wimillwg, 161 ' i 11 I I , I 1 1, Wi nt to t1w, liny ni, oil Moli lav 11V wilic it 111an liftnit'd Pat.: ftlill it lit " I 1 A, --, nwl ivbo is -ing in a very all(, , e 01 -Y'S ho t4. arlict, L, L, 't , I 'I'livre also . W, ; 1 lit pro vnt 13 .,0c10t),. [lei- devotion to On nic t hiq for whl;!h plac 11 qu rt(., I & - . 7 7 1 ! indilliou. ,Nlr Jnhn Morrpy d lt'llrlwced,iwor. ,viki;v , - 4 .* to'.1 forl (-i,,;oll lll t )')is (4 -11th. 11' 111"I 012cil : dav before tile wretelied man " 14A_ I -d Qlrong attachment to t1w e - 'o'I f4rd!l all.] , (1111111.1 oil th , 4rittiol.1 lif, polinr"I a I(Ater 110 ww; min.blo to 11114 work, antl 111adc, A _ . critical c ,in hurch 1,, ,(- -',,;,,I I - , I I 'I'v. If thfiv (1,110 ec-11 flow Illy d N, 11 - 1111%,11i: gat hi4 phi., 1 -day . I a id, . I .1 ""I r.wa 1.1"xier N fl, .1 ,(,I, ling it,, .. ;. had thP, l`1" "r111"(' t'j '('" twent y (if ber clio IcF-, her rendiliehq $1114 W11- 11 1,1, 1, ill .h. ;v )11' 4 ' t') Ili'. C10111- 'Vll: . ,t 1^qj 1,(,c, j% up hig mind to go back to J I 1g,,-;"4 ru.." ,;A%' fill I i , f , ft - it ;:4 t 1 ', rn't -(.!It . k-, . .. .41 on foot oil Jliil(. 3 Ift,4t, wftlk . lambs bv d(lw lattlY, Lllastc.r Bart - qilitv 0"1 1tt!Itf,l. No.m. tho " , !-"! t Ile 1 ".1."I'411- bl!11 )V docf,q; od'-i pal ;;it) llo% if, I If, ca rt u gneii,4 to do what she could to lit lit lm,,.4k,.. , f '. 1: I .) I I I v [I ­\ t fa t;,I, ; 0 ))v ill, , . , TiRn and baby brml,er ate on Lite "' , .- 1v "NI'midav nlorn I The . 1 m'r (,\Ilelrtq lik (1111%,'11tor Al to i119 al"lig tM trArk at flif, frife nf ftbol:lt .. art every goo(l thing for the welfitre Llln A,qqi11,Xbo:,tAl1(l 11'.41 ri ors 01"re li­( I Ml, llatev,tm tir,,,v P:ii . , ItIct ill lif,,. tx j,l 111,1to,tj J;i ( ,litorn mileg a dn%. Ile wonld 11ave NO' -1 f . RickliAt, 11rTreleaver.,fifLucknow, of Zion, won fia her the regardaild gonit,finobi"'do'. Rild 1k­4i,i(-n(-.4. I 1 im, awl .11,11 not c.161I 11; - 161-0:1 illan. 11" 11r.r f oll .. it)- At, . not b"m I ;1 ' ega. h6ellf-I tl p hnr,w.. to tho -4-1-11111itni, ftli-I noom­v. 11'rvq011 fli­; prOtesting lik ,;tnr'*(-d,qCyc!.t%I tom"R had it * - (L'I.1 'tllt, J%P,r`A Ijil lJ%'jt for C. 1'. It. F ­t oilln(ll N010 fc(l hin? ; ci me to Our village and took FL n esteem ofall her brethren awl ,lt.;terq qta vd at tbe Wq,.dlsino It ool N\ li­-v I I .J . ,Tdinsm)',q 1,'1(j01, 1),,Iillj, , ,,11.0, I 11 . P N V I .11. I I. ,!,­J" lih-.w I lrmkil fmili-,".1to. (twonllc willrl,.1,11 il;11.1",11,, ,. I . i tive of 12 meirtheri of Dewdrop Lodire. 1H church fellowship. The vRst (,,on. saw )',,",(, - No% "I""- llnw,q: 1111 all(I 110'(d him m(l. nig;lt. inftll% ]I(, . I ' ,; teing All tl,,,t, %vaq present durNI­oich 11" %11 (., . . . I ., coune of people that a4%embled at her ilmlnth, 1-4rntn (Ifia-1. T ­,k Ira:q t1l., tra, k r r t ,.itlhat Ow i;or, . -)M . I)Aivll f*,'W11 thn 'a rvacllo'l ,Mollirval in ;I I I i . I I I , I I ; , , ,, , I I I - - I , - , - e D - I ere way t ----------J— I I mw a I ; i on 11 I __ , M - , 0- , '" - * " A s I , I I I I ! ! I I I I I I ." -4,.,1:!-1 . ..hil . ).o w X : .4,;1lttNL: 1110 C.)n'.111 :o.). I 11111.1t 4*11t1_1 PlAt -- - fithit r,,n lition, , : a busy time. , . tar Portage, La Praii-i-, wb, i%, I g I! it I lilt I , , 'fit `i(My and fi1V0:,,,J,J1, 1 11()NN-ll 1. funeral, tile tears,shed over be re. 1 14 1 'Ir ( catch t1lom t,wv of 1,,Iltalln iii IIA11"'Ing io)l, ,,,:' ). All.f,h, i it,-, :i -Im nivd toa-k f(,r Rsqi9tancv, N ) , . . ' . ,r . 111ains by neighbors and acquaintances h-art , v rce-pt i,m fro ii C-ij)',;, i i V'. I 11-1to W) I ii) 'i "I - I " -e )', 1,11.%-4,r) roinnnit" Ft ja"lie'a , 111111.1or, lie I'XI'l hin1w.11 down ('11 tho Public I ,I Stanley. , I 1. J):- )vc 6 roil , r,vt ,,,-;fll 11!111 I N. .),i.r.),,I,r-.I'tlr,.N,,.Ii nwl r1ri oN r. " 11ol)]v -(livire. havini, rAt-11 liot;lilw fol' thne show how Abe was valued by fill who ' " r'lla'*( : for their cmick (111111(v 1, 11 t ) Ilk fl-trm'wn I wmv tho 1) r.l ('­o,I or, \vr,.4 i ill -A ill,: till) OY, MIr I'lit r"It; ,V I , , 1) e -:a k,l t It " I ,,, at t 4 1 f t 1, 111,) t ,jlr at 1 1 im trav,h, A.4 far ft, Eh-' h7t,+1% U."p-'t"'I h,- all %vIi'' 1:o '7 11i'll. f %ther I.) I I 1 ,t:",1. i'l t i, , - - .i. 111("NIC, --A largo nutriber of the knew her. The funerAlsermon wosk, , . v 11., 1 Anst ,h% 4., 1 h, wit i lir(I"to-I t.) ("I , vall- I ,­ - , . 1,-,-1, " -.. -.I - I farthersi ofthe 2nd itrid 3rd conreq preAched at the boti4 by the pAqto, , r1%(1 V)111 I r(Aoh NVII-L, bt-o-. I I ,roq rst M, \:Iq 1y(,1.h11­1l.:!, '. t'.. "', .1v . ,.­I:) l )1 Ill , N! '11111'.0 (1'1i11Ai1'l­J;1 -hi1­)1i\%,h11.l1l1,:11n,11I I,!"" I y ,"III(,] (1111-ahiliIN. I. I Mons, j . , . . . , , . , ok-, 0 I I t, 4.1f " 11.1 (+ , o I., nvlo 11.1, . - - the lZov J 11'art. - .. . . "! .1 , . I . i oined liy othe.s from the Lou I L I lc- 1.1 'A ,.! ,,.11 '. I C` .: ', '; ,J,,I,l t C *,, "'I, \ , ; 1. 1.1 i :icill 't *1 t 1, '. A I , I 1, . . . I . I 11 . . I I .. I I I I I I I I : . . , , . 11 . ,` . - , ­ ­­ _4 - . .................... ... .­ .""'. " ', -1,-,-'. ­­­,_..".., ­ ....... . ­:­ -.­u."_.1,N.! , . .11 ..-)­..... . .1 _1 .1 -A ... .. -..,.. ..' .. , '.. ., . . ;- ,-, LLa-,.,-,.---"—.--,— .a. ,,,,., ., a, ­, :­ "I'll", .,,,',, ii;'-&-,..' . .- ,!,... , '..- - ___'-'-.,Z-,._ _­ ...... "I . .'­:;_e', ­_.