HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-08-30, Page 6ROB. W. COATS IS AGENT FOR THE Dominion PIANO Call and see his prices when you want to buy ROB. W. COATS JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. Authorized SCHOOL BOOBS FOR Collegiate Institutes. Model and Public schools NEW EXERCISE BOOKS - AND SCHOOL •SUPPLIES COLEGIATE INSTITUTE PADS AND EN VELOPES REMEMBER THAT COOE'BR,'S BOOS STOP B Has the best selected stock in town. Every line complete. As cheap as the cheapest. W. COOPER & CO„ Clinton. WALL PAP Selling Off AT COST 'The undersigned will sell off his well assorted stock of Wall Paper and Decorations at cost for cash on delivery. This sale will probably• coutinue without change, until the whole stock is sold. A.,woR T FTTNGTON,ULinton FARM FOR SALE — UNDERSIGNED offers for sale Lot 22 3con. Hulletd (near the Cemetery3 acres, and free of stumps, balance bush. Comfort- able house, frame barn 50 x :30, with good stabling, orchard nearly an acre, never -fail- ing sprin creek, School house adjoining • the farm No better soil around—clay and clay loam Situate 1i miles from Clinton.— Possession given any time after the crop is off, Terms easy. A rare chance to secure a I I good place, MRS, , ODGSON, or FRANCIS TEACHERS —TWO TEACHERS wanted' for Porter's Hill School, Section No. 5, Goderich Township. ' One male, holding a second-class certificate, with sono experi- ence. One female, holding a second or third class certificate. Personal application to the Trustees. Applications received up to' the 14th of September. Duties to commence immediately after Christmas holidays. GEO. H. COX, ,TAMES H. ELLII)TT - Trustees DAVID LINDSAY, I EXCUR' I0:,\: S 3 TO THE North - Wes+ In order that the farmers of Outario may have an opportunity to learn the exact truth about the result of the drouth in the North- West during the present season, the CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. Offer the following very low hayvest excur- sion rates:— WINNIPEG 1 f, DELORAINE .� GLENBORO' SALTCOATS MOOSE .JAW 1 - CALGARY 6 $28. GREAT CLEARING SALE ! FOR ONE MONTH Of Baby Carriages, Express Waggons, Double and Single Harness, Boots and Shoes, Trunks a11(1 Valise., Dusters, Whips, Pine & Cedar Shingles Also, 50 cords of wood J. TWITCHELL, CLINTON. FORTY-FOURTH �� ol'lncial Exhibition of TRE Agricultural & Arts Association - TO BE HELD AT THE City of LON DON —FROM— $35 911 to loth of September 1889 Aug. 20, returning Sept. 30 Oe't. 14 Nov. 4 Sept. 3, ' Sept. 24, cc it Full particulars from any agontof the Com- pany. SHL ESM EWN. Having dorso business iu Canada for over 30 years, our reputation and responsiblity, 19 well known. We pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satisfactory. No previous experience is required. Write us for terms, which aro very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. REsr••.RntNcEs.—Bradstreet'sorDun Wiman & Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to business motr ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. CHASE BROTHERS' COMP AMY NURSERYMEN, • - Colborne, Ontario. BUY THE WHITE THE I{ING OF SEINING MACHINES FIRST PRIZE AT CINCINNATI CENTEN- NiAL OVER ALL OTHERS OVERWEVENUHUNDRED THOUSAND N.J. H. WORSELL, Agont, Clinton TO R E N T, Two good rooms upstairs and one Store, situate in Perritt Block, Clinton. Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent Canada Life Ins. Co'y' PROPERTIES tor SALE The various properties re- maining undisposed ofbelong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, are now offered for sale. In order to close up .the estate 1 these properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will 1►e made known ou apj►li- cation to the undersigned. MANNING & SC UT, i Prize Lists are now ready. Entries of Live Stock may be made up to the 17th of August. 3. C. RYIiERT, M. P., HENRY WADE, Pies St Catherines. Secretary. Toronto NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE MATTSIR OP 5. PALLISER & CO., OF Tffle TOWN OF CLINTON,. IN THE COUNTY or HURON, GROCERS, INSOLVENTS. The said S. PALL,ISER & Co. have made an assignment to the in pursuance of the pro- visions of R. S. O. 1887, Chap. 124. , All creditors are requested to file thoir claims,duly verified and vouched, with me, on or before the 1st day of September, 18449, after which date I will proceed to distribute the ess9ts of tithe •said estate, having regard ouiy to the claims of which I shall then have notice. DAVID BLACKLEY, 2} James St. South, Hamilton, Assignee. WALKER, SCOTT & _,EES, LS James St. South, Hamilton, Solicitors for Assigned, 4i CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FAIR —AND • — AGRICULTURAL Exposition 1f�S9 TORONTO SEPT. 9th to 21st. Increased Prizes, Greater Attractions and Grander Display than over before, - Newest and Best Special Fea- tures that Money can procure. The Greatest Annual Enter- tainment on the Ameri- can Continent. Cheap Excursions on all Rail- ways. Over 250,000 visitors attended this Exhibition • last year. Entries close August 17tH . MF r Prize Lista and Forms, Programmes c„drop a postcard to J. H. tlIl,L, J. d, Wi r}UIOW, i'ees, Manager, Toronto CLINTON MARKETS, Osrreeted every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Aug, 29,1889. Wheat, fall old 0 00 a 0 92 Wheat, fall new 0 BO a 0 80 Wheat, spring 93 a 0 98 Oats 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 63 Flour per bal 5 00 a 6 50 Butter 0 13 a 0 14 Eggs 012x012 Pork 5 75 a 600 Hay • 9 00 a 9 00 A large deficiency is reported in the grain yield of Austria. There is a terrible famine at Khar- toum and other cities in Soudan. The alarm about the drouth in the Northwest is subsiding on the receipt of responsible advices. The North Dakota Millers' Assooia. tion has decided to place an agent in London to dispose of floor to the bakers of Great Britain. . The full magnitude of the calamity at Johnstown has been carefully cal. oulated. The losses in Pennsylvania alone from he floods of May 80 to Jnue 1 amounted to 630,000,000 and 6,600 lives. The water in the river is getting very low there, and a great deal of pesti- lence -breeding matter is being exposed. The stedoh along the river bank is 'be. coming unbearable. There are prob- ably many dead bodies in the sand along the banks, and also in the bottom of the river. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physioan, retired from prao. t:oe, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanentcure ofconeump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and - all throat and. Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot. ive and a desire to relieve human suf. fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, .French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Ssnt by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoYES, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y,e,o.w. Londesborough _Roller Mills. As the mill changes hands on the 1st of Sept., all persons indebted are requested to bpay up without any delay, in order that the usiness may be closed Ltp. H. S. HU13Elt, Londosboro. COTTAGE 'TO RENT.—NEAR COLLEGI- ATE Instituto, hard and soft water and all couveniuces. Apply to •W. H. HINE, Clinton. x1I HOUSE TO LET. — THAT COMFORT- ABLE house on tato corner of Huron and Orange Streets. .Possession given 16th of September. Apply at MISS MOUNTCAST- LE'S Studio opposite. HOUSE TO RENT — FRAME HOUSE on Victoria Street, lately occupied by Mrs kennedy, is offered to rent ou reason- able terms. Splendid stable, &c. LACK KENNEDY, Central Hoto HOUSE AND LOT FORSALE OR TO rout, at corner of Rattenbury and Erie Streets, containing seven rooms, with cellar good stable on the lot, hard and soft water good bearing orchard and all conveniences. Possession given at once.5'3805. TIPLING MIAMI FOP. SAL}].—FARM OF 80 ACRES 32 being ono utile from Clinton, being lot 95, Hayfield con., Goderich towushsp. ood• soil, well watered, six acres bush, good orch- ard, frame house and cellar and frame baro and stn,lple. Poesessiou to work at any time this fall. JAS. STEEL', Clinton. FIORSALE O1RTO RENT.-710USE AND 112 lot for sale or to rent, on Townsend 5t, The house, which is new, contains fourteen rooms, and is heated with hot air. There is also a good stone cellar, good lawn and hard and soft water in abundance. The lot con tains of an acre, 'Perms reasonable. Ap- ply on the promises or to MRS C. CARTEL, Clinton. • t f. ]3 CTCHERING OL"T11T FOR SALE.— LI The butchering outtir owned l,v Mr. A. May, Clinton, awl consisting of a full set of tools, strop furniture, etc., with use of the Slaughter House end outlutildifigs. As Clin- ton affords an unusually good opening for a meat market, this is au opportunity not often presented. For particulars apply to, FRANK MAY, at Detlof• & Co's store. (L 1 -1 (1 11 HOUSE AND LOT, SITUATED . 1 1 lion cast Site of Albert St., Clinton, The hoose contains Hall, Parlor, four Iled- roonps, Pentry,CInthesClosct, Kitchen, Sum- mer Kitchen, Bath and Rath, Room, Cellar, Soft and Hard Water, inside and outside. Lawn, Shade Trees, Barn, etc., all in excel- lent state of repair. Terms, k cash and time for balance at 7 per cent interest. There is no enctunbrance on this property. Addicss 174 McDonnell Ave. Torque, WYM, FOSTER. FARM TO LET. --THAT SUPERIOR FARM of 90 acres one utile from (Aim on, on the Blyth gravel road, second and third conces- sions of iluliett, belonging to the estate of Thomas F. Rance, and heretofore held by the late Adam Brydon, will be leased to a good tenant on reasonable terms. Land first class, nearly all cleared, with good build- ings and fences and choice orchard. Apply to trustees. ISAAC RAT.TENBUI1Y and 11. HALE: Clinton, Aug. 17th, 1889. ^p 1 in. FaRMI FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER OF- L'E)tS for sale his faros of 112 acres, being part of lot 20, on the Hayfield line, Godericn township. About ninety acres cleared, the rest hard wood and cedar and in good state of cultivation. On the farm is a good brick house and wood shed, hard and soft water, close to school and church and is well wat- ered. Also good bank barn with stone foun- dation and drive shed. This farm will bo sold or exchanged for property in Manitoba. Address PETER COLE, Clinton, Opt. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE --THERE is offered for sale that beautifully sit- uated brick residence at present occupied by Mr P. W. Hayward, on the corner of Prin- cess and Orange Streets,Clinton. Tho house, contains dining room, parlor, kitchen, and two other rooms down stairs, with bath- room, 3 bedrooms and 2 closets upstairs.— Splendid cellar, with hot air heater, hard and soft water. Lot one-eighth of an acre, Reasonable terms. Apply on the premises. Q@� 7 ACRES EXCELLENT LAND, epYOOfor sale, situated almost adjoining •the town of Clinton (about midway between tho Clinton cemotry and Clinton) on the Gravel road. Thorn is a small barn. This property 1s very suitable for a retired farm- er or market gardener, there being two dis- tinct kinds of soii thereon. Terms A each, and balance at 7 por cent interest. There is no incumbrance on this property. Address WM. FOSTER, 174 McDonnell Ave.,Toronto. `,PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. —SUIS. A7scaxnEn offers for sale his farm of 50 ac- res being the east half of lot 28, 5th con. of Huliett. All but four acres cleared and in a first class stater of cultivation. Good franc barn, 36 by 60, frame stables, &c., ordinary dwelling house, two good springs of water. An acre of bearing orchard. Situated three miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reason- able terms, W. T. FARQUHAR, on the place, Clinton post office, t f REDUCED RATES REMNANTS • BARGAINS IN REMNANTS --- Over 500 ends Dress Goods, Prints, &c., at less than half their original cost. ' Also, BARGAINS IN ALL CLASSES OF SUMMER GOODS TO CLEAR. JOHN WIBEMAN Manager. Estate J. iIOECI�'+NBr To MANITOBA, 13BIT. COLUMBIA And,the NOR -WESTERN STATES VIA BEAT YS SARNIA LINE Steamers, United Empire Ontario and Campaua, sailing from Sarnia during navi- gation (weather permitting) every Tuesday and Friday night, and calling on Wodnee- day and Saturdays at Goderich and Kinear• dine, connecting at tithe latter place with the G.T. R. train leaving l;linfon at in a, m., fur St doe's island, Garden River, Sault Ste. Mar.0 Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port, Arthur with the Canadian Paeifle Railway. and at Duluth with the nod River Valley Railway. Lowest Rates, best(meom- modations, Express timo and choice of routes. JAMES H, BEATTY, W. JACKSON Gent. Manager Sartria A. 0. PATTISON Agents, (.linters a OR 30 flJLVQRIIIVWONDERFUL SEARING CA5iI SALE Bargain Hunter 2 In order to reduce the Meavy stock we carry, and get ready for the Fall Goods, we have decided to offer our .whole stock of Goods AT COST TO CLEAR. This is no fraud sale ; we make it a point in our business to do as we advertise; we do not blow up big slaughter sales and sell a few lines that the people know the value of, at cost or below, and charge them regular prices for the other goods, BUT WE OFFER OUR WHOLE STOCK AT COST. We keep first-class goods, just what the people need. None of the cheap trash from the city auction rooms, and unsalealllo goods from the wholesale houses, but STAPLE LINES IN THE FOLLOWING, AT COST: Cloths, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings, Gent's Furnishings, Dregs Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plashes, Mantle Cloths, Prints, Cottons, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cottonades, Tickings, Carpets, • Oil Cloths, House Furnishings, Hats, Caps, &c READY-MADE CLOTHING and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, a first-diass tit every time or no sale. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUDDERS at less than Toronto prices. 2500 pairs to clear at cost. Come and see them. You will not get such a chance for bargains again this year. - General Groceries.- Agents for TERRY'S 'STICKLE-I'LATED SHEARS AND SCISSORS; will not rust, every pair warranted, if not as represented money will be refunded. COME AND SEE US, IT WILL PAY YOU. AVE MEAN BUSINESS AND WILL KEEP TO OUR OFFER FOR 30 DAYS. Searle's Block, Clinton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBING'S ADAMS' BIG EMPORIUM 1_1O17°J=SBO E JO ALANCEOFSUMMER GOODS At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, to make room for FALL GOODS .that are coming in. 00 FARM and VILLAGE PROPERTY for sale or ex- change for good stock of merchandise. .1° p. BUTTER, EGGS and FARM PRODUCE always wanted • Aug 30th, 1889. R. ADAMS. Groceries, Crockery, Teas, &c. below regu- • lar prices • Subscriber having purchased the entire stock of.Palliser ,& Co. at a great bargain, and added it to his own largo and magnificent Stock, also bought on favorable terms, offers the entire lot for the next 60 days, at 15 to 25 per cent less than th3 regular pi•ice9. Call and in— espect and thus prove that this statement is correct., Terms cash. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. • 15 TO 25 PER CENT -J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse - Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON AN AGE OF BIG CUTS. We live in an age of big cuts in prices, Call at the • HUB GROCERY Where you can get genuine bargains in Tea, Sugar, Coffee, and all staple Gro. caries. A new lot of G'LA13SiWAIM,new design, the very lest of glass. Printed and plain TEA and TOILET SETS. Also, all kinds of BasketsButter , Tubs, taken cash Brushes and Woodenware, very cheap. Eggs and Gro, SW AL..>Li0W, c1,11rNToN GveatClearintn.s ;we BOOTS AND SHOES X. x X LADIES—We are showing one of the finest stock of DRESS GOODS in Huron county, at lowest prices 600 -Girl's Stray :fiats al 25 c on rho dollar MILLINER y --,We are clearing out lines in this department wonderfully cheap. 1st Table at 25 cts 2nd Table- at 50 cents. Third Table at 75 cents. 4th Table at 85 cents. PARASOLS—Well you rnav have them at your - own prices.. Ask- to see them DETLOR & CO. CLINTON T. JACKSON, Sr, The' Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- • wince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct Rite FINE TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and.prices quoted for the next thirty clays that will astonish the closest buyers. GODRYODChoapsidoS Stock We shall commence, THURSDAY, JUNE Gth, to clear out all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, Embroide- ries, Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Grey and White Cot: tons, Table Linens, Oil Cloths and Carpets, Men's, _Boys and Girl's Straw Hats, Lace Curtains, and Curtain Nets, AT PR1CS ESR BELO OR1GIAL COST, 'Everything will be sold without reser'.e. r We will commence this sale Thursday morning. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton B90T8 and SHOES We are pleased with the success of our Discount Sale during the last month. We have a few lines left that we, are offer - Chas. Chas. CRUICKSHANK'S ing at SPECIALLY LOW PRICES until th in order to make room for my large purchases of Fall and Winter Goods, Eggs taken in exchange. I will sell my entire Spring and Summer Stock AT LESS TITAN MANUFAC'TURER'S PRICES. See my job lots, which will be sold at less than half cost. This is a good chance for cash buyers to get goods at their own prices. NO HUMBUG, BUT A GENUINE SALE 15th of September. sign of the Golden foot,Albert SI. Clinton r 5 ger cent oft for cash. TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLVTH