The Clinton New Era, 1889-08-30, Page 5IF A BODY 11IBLT A BODY -I the result is u collision whether "coming thro' the rye," or. not. Life is full of collis- ions. We are constantly colliding with some- body or something. If it isn t with our neighbors it is with some dread diseases that "knocks us off the track" and perhaps dis- ables us for life. Women especially it seems, have to bear the brunt of more collisions and afflictions than mankind. In all cases of nervousness, bearing -down sensations, ten- derness, periodical pains, sick headache , con- gestion, inflammation, or ulceration and all female irregularities" and "weaknesses," Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription comes to the rescue of women as no other medicine does. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a Positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it will be refunded. See guarantee con bottle - wrapper. Copyright, 1828, by WORLD'S DIS: MBD..&SS'N. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleansethe liver, stomach and bowels. They are pnrely vegetable and per- fectly harmless. Otte a Dose. Sold by druggists. 25 cents a vial. hi Never SayDie When such a ' Wo nderf Remedy as 1I11�oll] 1f (11I1e(t Tt Is at ha rd. Cheap, Eilicacious, and Prou pt. LIVER, KIDNEY & BLOOD diseases treated with wonderful skill. Composed of different herbs, each and every one • esignated to do its part in the transfor .. anon of the human system. The weak ade strong, and the strong made stronger. Prove it for yourself and be appy, as iu days of yore. Sold by drug gists and authorized agents. Pushing Lady Agents wanted, to whom iberal inducements will be offered, 25 AND 50 C'E'NTS DIAMOND TEA CO., W. D. EDWARDS, Chief Agent, London 114 I TRADE r' MARK. UQUI eCII0RS' WARRANTED PURE LINSEED OIL PAINT. For Sunday Reading THE BURDEN. To every one on earth God gives a burden to be carried down The road that lies between the cross • and crown ; No lot is wholly free, He giveth one to thee. Thy burden is God's gift, And it will make the bearer calm and strong; Yet, lest it press too -heavily and long, He says.; " Cast it on me, And it shall easy be." And those who heed his voice, And seek to give it back in trustful prayer, Have quiet hearts tbat never can de- epair ; And hope lights up the way Upon the darkest day. Take thou thy burden three Into thy hands, and lay it at his feet ; And whether it be sorrow or defeat, Or pain, or sin, or care, Oh, leave it calmly there. It ie the lonely load That crushes out the light and life of heaven I But, borne with him, the soul restored, forgiven, Sings out through all the days Her joy and God's high praise. These ready Mixed Paints are no chemical combination of benzine•or softy 'i11ixture. but simply old-fashioned Paints. They are guaranteed to give better results than any . other paint A23.6 tVHEBEST -AKIN POWDER —Yrs4 Cok's_Fiffl1 KARENNS GEROIIE d, No Alum. Nothing Injurious. FETAILEU EVERYWHERE. GARTH &CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves, Iron & Lead Pipe Loose Pulley Oilers, Steam let Pumps, Farm Pumpi, Wind Mile, Cream Separators, Driry and Laundry Utenslls. 536 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. MAN u TORE CARRiAGrIAAN1S E ;git 4 S1lVER ME0A1:8•AW ONTR A <" CHADWiCK'S LEATHEROID -SPOOR STEEL -LINED TRUNKS InSample,Ladie and othkds. COTTON. Ltarailtest aernd tuintu¢est rorHand and T.R13NKS machine 'tree. . In the World. 4fAS, NO SUPERIOR. J. EVELEIGH & CO MONTREAL. ASK FOR Ir. soleldfrs, far the Don1n'n HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Notre Dane St., one of the ranee centrist and elegantly furnished if°tele tri the 1 City Accommodation for 400 guests. .Kates: CI IT wooDRUFF, Is to $3 per day. , V , VV Manager DOMINION pEARse LEATHER BOARD Sole A¢'ts for Canada, J.PALMER&SON Wholesale Imp'trs of DRUGGISTS'SUNDRIES H43 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL. SOAP. player close. Do not speak to, anybuuy, as 11 may take away the hul,uwed feeling of the ser - i V;.r'. That persisted iu fUl• 8 fiu.nth will have the desired ef- fect. The rigid form may re- main unburied, but the thing it- self will give yuu no further trouble. DUTY FOR LOVE'S SAKE. Duty done for its own sake is drudgery. Duty done for love's sake is a pleasure. Love is only a sentiment, but sentiment shapes character and shows character. Sentiment controls conduet more sorely and more ex,ten:ively than a mere sense of duty can control it. If only the sentiment be lofty enough, character and conduct follow as they ougkit to follow. Tho lad who loves a good mother will gladly do as his good mother would have him do, and he will bo more of a man for doing duty at the prompting of such a love. A love of country, a love of learn ing, a love of heroic being and do- ing, a love of nobleness of soul, will incite and cheer a man to such achieving as he would never attain without the stimulus of an all -inspiring' sentiment. He who has any sense of God as God, will love God because he is God ; and that love will he in itself the ful- filling of God's law. "Many wat- ers cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it ; if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utter- ly bo condemned." But this love which is all -swaying in its poten- cy is more than a mere emotion. It is not a matter of feeling. It is a matter of one's very self. He who cannot love that which is noble, that ,which is good, that which is worth living for and worth dying for, is .not the man to be faithful to duty as duty. Hence he who will not do. duty for love's sake, will hardly do du- ty as drudgery. HOW TO KEEP THINGS MOVING. COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASBESTOS MILLBOARD Steam Pocking, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, This is a PerjeotFriotion RECKITT'S BLUE. EHE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. • PAPERS Wrapping, Manilla, .4, 4. NETS, YO aLL SIZES 4 AND WEIGHTS 1 , ro ORDER �► 21 EaEre?OlFSS!, nig v „,,ttoltNs oN ACHE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER i PERFEdT FO"00 OR THE SICK ARMING Si pUTRITIOOSOEVERAGE 1 A POWERFUL rNVIGORATOR A GOOD INVESTMENT is that which yields large returns from a small outlay. Reader, the way is clear 1 No speculation, no chance, big returns ! If you are like most of mankind you have somewhere a weakness—don't feel at all times just as you'd like to— headache to -day, backache to mei.- row, down sick next week—all because your blood is out of order. A small outlay ani what large returns ! You invest in Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and soon pure, fresh blood courses through your veins, and you are another being ! THE BELLES OF BETHLE- HEM. There is a market inside” the Jaffa gate, and I can see it jtiSt under me as I write. Great piles of oranges and lemons lie upon the flag sidewalk, and there are scores of women with baskets of veisetables• before them. Many of the,e are from Bethlehem, and :he Bethlehem gi; Is are the pret- tiest you see in Jerusalem. They have straight, well rounded forms, which they clothe in a long linen dress of whits:, beautifully embroi- dered in silk, so that a single ,'own requires many months of work. This dress is muen like an American woman's night gown without the frills and laces. It falls from the neck to the feet and is open "at the front of the neck is a narrow slit as far down as a modest decolette fashionable dress. Over this they hakte sleeveless cloaks of dark red stripes, and their heads are covered with long shawls of linen beautifully em- broidered. Just above her fore- head each 'girl carries her dowry in the shape of a wreath -like strip of silver coins which stand on end fastened to a string,. and crown the forehead with money. Some of the girls have several rows of these coins, and some have crowns of gold. Not a few havo coins of silver and gold the size of o"ur $20 gold pieces hung to strings about their necks, and none of the wo- men hide their pretty faces, as do those Mohammedan girls -near by, who, in shapeless white' gowns with flowery white and red veils covering the whole of their faces, lock like girls playing ghosts in white sheets, Beside these are Russian girls in the peasant :os- tumes of modern Europe and Jew= 'sh maidens in gowns and flowered shawls. There are Greek priests with high black caps, and monks. of all kinds, such as yc I see under the black.cowls of Europe. The, Syrian, the . Turk, the Bedouin, the African, the Armenian and the Greek are all in 'that crowd below me, and among them all is 'the form of the ubiquitous Amer- ican traveller, who, in pith hel- met hat and green sun umbrella, has conquered the east as well as the west.—F. G. Carpenter's Jer- usalem Letter -"in the "Post -Dis- patch. - All progress is motion, but not all motion progress. In any ent- erprise, spiritual or worldly, those eager spirits whose only concern is to "keep things moving" are not always guides to progress. Activity in a work iy nece'ssary', but never sufficient. "Things must bo kept moving," but it is essential to success that the mo- tion be toward a right point and on a right track. There are re- trograde motions, and backward moves, and down hill pushes. In keeping things moving, it is of the utmost importance that _fatal - moves bo avoided.—ThGhi et way that opens itself to view may be the worst way on which to move. Tho shortest cut across may prove to be the longest way around. The slow and circutous approach may be the only approach on which real progress Is possible. We cannot afford, for the sake of indulging our feverish eagerness, to keep things moving, to rush on regardless of the warning voie- es that protest against our too hasty choice of the direction in wbicb our energies shall be exer- cised. HOW TO KfLL A PRAYER -MEETING. This is something that scarcely needs a recipe. Leave it mostly to take care of itself—that will have . the desired effect, .Most fires die by being leftlone. Sup- pose the evening of the meeting arrived. If one has any other en- gagement, religious or social— well, of course anyone Can con-. duct the prayer-meeting—there is no need for you to be there. It wants ten minutes to the hour— of course there, is no hurry, you know—it is only a prayel'•mect- ing, and it does not matter about being very punctual. Then find a hymn ; never mind which ; the sevens and sixes have the sublim- est sentiments, and if they are too heavy to fly well, it will tend all the more to check all unhealthy excitement. Wait for somebody to start the tune, and if it is drawl- ing and dull—it is only a prayer - meeting, you know. Then pray ; say for fifteen or twenty minutes for nothing in particular ; lan- guidly, and for things in gener- al, kind another hymn whilst you are repeating the Lad's Prayer ; nothing is more likely to destroy a superstitious regard for forms and appearances. Call up- on two or three to pray : the long- er they go on the better, there will he fewer needed afterward. Have anotherwl,ymn, and if Sou can expound the verses mildly it will taro up time and effectually destroy the lyrical effect of the singing, which is a hesetment of' modern life. Then after another il ii 1' ren ' rV fg,D P - " HEBILLED IT. Docter Talmage, while engaged in delivering a discourse on a very ,Naim day in his Tabernacle re- cently, was closely watched by a little girl. Alfly seemed to bother him very much. He brushed it away several times. It finally lit upon albald spot on his head. He kept on with his sermon, gesticulating in his peculiar angu- lar way with one hand while he raised the other devoutly over the' fly and finally came down on it slowly drawing his hand down and looking at it. The little girl suddenly called out': "Did ,00 till it?" It is unnecessary to say that the audience smiled !audibly while the doctor answered"Yes I killed it." • for 1,hfaRt$ and Children. "C.sio4'bisww.11sdaptedil0ebtld,eutbat EOYIMIn cures Celle. C011st p.ttnn, t reoommeadlt as superior to soy prescription Sour Stomach, arrhossi Eructation. known to me." a A. Awns, MD.. EEL Wciorms. pies sleep, sad promote, di. 111110. Osford 8t, Orin/WmN. Y. Mgr Igjtaloea madlafJao. Tag CerrrAca COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y THE POPULAR RC GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO First shipments of early Fall Goods received and passed into stock A QUEER CANAL. - , The strangest canal in the world is one I never saw mentioned in any book or newspaper. It is a canal sixteen miles long, between Worsely and St. Helens, in- the north part of England, and is un- derground from end to end. In Lancashire the coal mines are very extensive, half the country being undermined, and many years. ago the Duke of Bridgewa- ter's managers thought they could save money by transporting the coal underground instead of on the surface. SO ;}he canal was constructed, the mines connected and drained at the same time. Ordinary canal boats aro used, but the power is furnished hy- men. On the roof of the tunnel arch aro cross pieces, and the men who do the work of propulsion lfe on their backs on the coal and push with their feet against the cross -bars on the roof. Six or eight men will draw a train of four or five boats, and as there are two divisions in the tunnel boats pass each other without dif- ficulty.—St. Louis Globe -Demo- crat. John Holdsworth left Mont- real a few days ago, intending . to settle in Ontario. Ho had eight $100 bills in his pocket, and lost them while attending a picnic t:t Weston, on Thursday. Pitcher's Castorin A GRAND LINE— l Teed Dress Goods SIX SHADES f Direct importation, marked at a price that will secure a speedy clearance. A LINE OF CHECK WINCFY Good colors and patterns, and serviceable goods; selling at .12 yards for $1, cannot be replaced at the same price. We have purchased for this Fall's Trade one fo THE FINEST AND BEST STOCKS OF DRESS GOODS that will be brought to the Do not buy a yard until you have seen what we;have We will announce their arrival as soon as they come County. to offer. to hand. We are still offering SPECIAL DRIVES IN PLAIN .8z FIGURED VELVETS. ALL SUMMER GOODS AT CLEARING PRICES, We have just received, one cask China Tea Sets Fine quality, beautiful patterns and shapes, ranging in price • from five to ten dollars. OUR 5 -LB PACKAGE JAPAN TEA, With Silver -Plated Pickle Dish, for $2.25, ja a bargain. We want your trade, and will try and make it to your interest to deal with us. W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO i STIFF HAT All the leading sty,•l.es, bought from the best manufacturers. SOFT HATS — The best and cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent quality, and away down in price. Close buyers should not fail to call and see these goeds, the low price and good quality are selling them very fast Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring FRANK SHEPHERD, Tie Leadieg Tailor, Albert St! CLINTON TS THE —___ 4LINTON NEw ERA R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. THE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct . Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTMENT. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars; Ale Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLVIES, BOX 74. CLINTON. HOUSEH+C ►L D TALK • -IS— k .'1Y V _i '1V i]B LOW PRICES IN TEAS, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. xi -Butter and Eggs taken as cash J. W. IRWIN. The Times Tea Warehouse Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON IT THE LEADNIG OS, Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, And Upholsterers. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. CALL AT THE RedRockerFurnitureEmporium Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton • 99- GROCERY -99 • Having bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first- class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will be kept and sold at the closest margin. We have a Large stock of a FINE NES?' TEAS • Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. We will not be undersold by any house in the trade Janes Amus, 99 Albert st.. Claiton CHINA NALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. let, GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER ANI) TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS.' Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We offer , NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 60. We cffer NEW SEASON BLADE TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 25c FRES8 PINAN 8ADDIE, SISCOS, KERBING. BLOATERS, to Goode promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give as a_call.I BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSO1. MINA HALL. B. LUARANCE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance with B. Lau ranee's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at THOMAS JACIKSON's, CY..INTON The People's GROCERY CORNER HURON AND ONTARIO STREETS, Is the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS. We are receiving a fine new stock RAISINS—New Vdlencias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, Layer Valencias CURRANTS -New Barrel Currants, -new Box Currants. PEELS—Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels; NUTS—Soft-Shell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, Peaeans, Peanuts, English Wal. -note, best qualities. CONFECTIONERY—Onr assortment cannot be surpassed. LEMONS and ORANGES—Fresh Sweet Russell Oranges, California Oranges, Valencia and Malagas. GRAPLn—White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes" CROCKERY and GLASSWARE -- We are giving bargains in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. FISH, tie.—We also constantly keep in stock Oysters,• Middle, Bloaters Ciscoes, &a SUNDRIES—Cranberries, Bermuda Onions, Common Onions. TEAS—Special values in Teas. We have them as low as five pounds for $, and as high as 70c. per Ib., and we can guarantee the quality to be the beet Our assortment is too large to enumerate, and the only mention a few leading articles. Come and see far yourself. We will give you good value and a liberal' discount for cash. Cuninghame & McMurray, THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON �l • J..