HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-08-23, Page 6,ik t7 ill`1TON >klAR11,ETS, COUI1 Corrected every Thursday a[tornoun. ROB. Ir. Wheat, fall t1'id hnredey, Aug, 902, e. 9. 0 92 Wheat, fall new 0 80 a 0 80 Wheat, spring 93 a 0 93 Oats 26 a O 27 Barley 0 40 a 040 Peas 0 52 a 0 59 • Floper hal 5 00 a 5 50 Donunion m P A�.NQ Butter 0 13 a 0 14 12 a 0 12 Pork 5 751, 6 00 Hay • 900a900 IS AGENT FOR THE Call and see his prices when you want to buy - ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. HOUSE TO RENT — FRAME HOUSE on Victoria Street, lately occupied by Mrs Kennedy ie offered to rent on reason- able terms.( lendid stable, &c. LA.OH KENNEDY, Central Hots HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO rent, at corner of Rattenbnry and Erie Streets, oontaining seven rooms, with cellar good stable on the lot, hard and soft water good bearingorchard and all conveniences. Possession iven at onoo. THOS. TIPLI2iG FARM FOR SALE.—FARM OF SO ACRES being one mile from Clinton, being lot ood sl,elwatered, oooiiwl old ix acrs Goderieh bushgod ch- ard, frame house and cellar and frame barn and stable. Possession to work at any time this fall. JAS. STEEP, Clinton. 11$11TOHERING OUTFIT FOR SALE.— The butchering outfit owned by Mr. A. May,Clinton and consisting of a full set of tool, shop furniture, eto., with use of the Slaughter Souse and oll.tbuildings.._As.Clin- ton affords an unusually good opening for a meat market, this is an opportunity not often presented. For particulars apply to FRANK MAY, at Detlor & Co's store. TEACHERS—TWO TEACHERS wanted for Porter's Hill School, Section No. 5, Goderieh Township. One male, holding a Second-class certificate, with some experi- ence. Ode female, bolding a second or third class certificate. Persheal application to the Trustees. Applications received up to the 14th of September. Duties to commence immediately after Christmas holidays. GEO. H. COX, JAMES H. ELLIOTT r Trustees DAVID LINDSAY, OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—THERE 11 is offered for sale that beautifully sit- uated brick residence at present occupied by Mr P. W. Hayward, on the corner of Prin- cess and Orange Streets,Clinton. The house contains dining room, parlor, kitchen and two other rooms down stairs, with kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 2 closets upstairs.— ' Splendid cellar, with hot air heater, hard and soft water. Lot one-eighth of an acre. Reasonable terms. Apply on the premises. $foo 7 ACRES EXCELLENT LAND, D11 for sale, situated almost adjoining the town of Clinton (about midway between the Clinton cemetry and Clinton) en the Gravel road. There le a small barn, This property is very suitable for a retired farm- er or market gardener, there being two dis- tinct kinds of soil thereon. Terms ]l. each, and balance at 7 per cont interest. There is no incumbrance on this property, Address WM. FOSTER, 174 McDonnell Ave:,Toronto. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. —SUB- SORIRER offers for sale his farm of 50 ac- res being the east half of lot 2S, 5th con. of Hallett. All bat four acres cleared and in a first class 'state of cultivation. Good frame barn, 36 by 60, frame stables, &e., ordinary d&V'eiling house, two good springs of water. An acre of bearing orchard. Situated three miles from Clinton. Will be sold on reason- able terms. W. T. FARQUHAR, on the place, Clinton post office, t I Londesborough Roller Mills. In order to make necessary repairs the eta above mills will bo closed down for one week 11, only, from the 26th to the 1st of Sept. After that time they will be running as usual. As the mill changes bands on the let of Sept., all persons indebted are requested to pay up without.any delay. in order.that the business may be closed up. H. S. HUBER, Londesboro. $11 1 oO HOUSE AND LOT, SITUATED on east side of Albert St., Clinton. The house contains flail, Parlor, four Bed- rooms, Pantry.. ClotbosCloset, Kitchen, Sum- mer Kitchen, Bath and Bath Room, Collar, 1 Soft and Hard Water, inside and outside. Lawn, Shade Trees, Barn, etc., all in excel- lent state of repair. Terms, 3 cash and time for balance at 7 per cent interest. There is 1 no encumbrauee on this property. Address 174 McDonnell Ave. Toronto, \VM. FOSTER. SMLESMEN 1WANTJED Having done business in Canada for over 30 years, our reputation and responsiblity is well known, We pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satisfactory. No previous experience is required. Write. us for terms, which aro very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. REFERENCES.—Bradstreet's or"Dun Wiman & Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to business mon ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. CHA$E BROTHERS,' COMP aldY M NURSERYEN, Colborne, Ontario. BUY THE WHITE . THE KING OF SE WING MACIIINES FIRST PRIZE AT CINCINNATI CENTEN- NIAL OVER ALL OTHERS , OVER SEVEN HUNDRED"THOUSAND NOW IN USE. J. H. WORSELL, Agent, Clinton S CI) j TRADE ' �\ MARK, LIQUI600 ORS WARRANTED,PU RE.L,IN'SEED'QI L, PAIN T. These ready Mixed Paints are no chemical colul)ination of benzine or soap mixture. but simply old-fashioned Paints. They are guaranteed to give better results than any other paint AMC ' E X .'UHSI O---__ TO TRE - North West In order that the farmers of Ontario may have au opportunity to learn the exact truth about the result of the drouth in the North- West during the present season, the CANADIAN PACIFIC R. B. Offer the following very low harvest excur- sion rates:— WINNIPEG DELORAINEI GLI:NBOItO' SALTCOATS r MOOSE JAW CALGARY Aug. K $28 $350 20, returning Sept. TO R EN 11 Two ood rooms upstairs and one Store, situate in Perrin Block, Clinton. Apply to, J. P. TISDALL, Agent Canada Life Ins. Co'y REDUCED RATES To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA Anditii 1Q WEiST�i,1`I,.STA,TES VIA BEATYS SARNIA LINE Steamers, United Empire Ontario and CampanileCampan, sailing from Sarnia during navi- gation (weather permitting) every Tuesday and FridayKhmer night, and calling on Wednes- day and Saturdays at Goderioh and Kiar dine, oonnecting;at the latter plane with the G. T, R. train leaving Clinton at id a. m:, for St Joe's Island, Garden River, Sault Ste. blar.� Port Arthurand Duluth, connecting at Port, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific Railway. and at Duluth with the Red River Valley Railway. Lowest Rates, best aceom- 'modations, Express time and choice of routes. JAMES H, BEATTY, W. JACKSON Gen', Manager Sarnia A, 0. PATTISON Agents, Clinton FORTY-FOURTH Provincial Exhibition OF THE Agricultural & Arts Association TO 13E HELD AT THE City of LONDON —FROM - 9th to 14th of September 1889 Prize Lists are now ready, Entries of Live Stock may be made up to thel7th of August, J. C. RYKER4P, 31. P., HENRY WADE, Fres St Catherinee, Secretary, Toronto NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE MATTFa OP 8. PArmisno tit Co., oo i Lir TAE Tow OF CLINTON, THS COUtrry OF HERON, GROCERS, INSOLVENTS. The said S. PALLI8ER & Co, have made an assignment to me in pursnanee•of the pro- visions of R. S. 0. 1867, Chap. 134. All creditors are requoeted to file their claims, duly verified and vouched, with me, on or before the L't day of September, 1869, after which date I will proceed to distribute the asssts of the said estate, having regard outy to the claims of which I shall then have notice. DAVID I3LACRLEY, ' ei James St. South, Hamilton, Assignee. WALKER, SCOTT & LEES, 25 James St. South, Hamilton, • Solicitors for Assignee. 4i CANADA'S GREAT I�DOSTRI9� FAIR 'AGRICULTDflIL Exposition xr�em TORONTO SEPT. 9th to 21st. Increased Prizes, Greater Attractions and Grander Display than ever before. Newest and Best Special Fea- tures that Money cap procure. Le. Greatest Annual Enter-' taiument on the Ameri- can Colitiuent. Cheap Excursions on all Rail- ways. Over 250,000 visitors attended this Exhibition last year. • Entries close August 17th . For Prize Lists and Forms, Programmes ete., drop a post card to ,J. H. Hl LL, J. J. WITHROW,Pres. Manager, Toronto GREAT CLEARING SALE ! FOR ONE MONTH Of Baby Carriages, Express Waggons, Double and Single Harness, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and 'Valises, Dusters, Whips, Pine & Cedar Shingleis Also, GO cords of wood J. TWITCHELL, CLINTON. PROPERTIES for SALE The various properties re- al al ning undisposed of belong- ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, ate now offered for saie; In order to close up the estate 30 these properties must be sold. Sept. 3, Oet. 14 Sept. 24, +` :Nov. 4 Full poria n1c.r= from nry n_..t.t ,!rise r,t'•• ,... • Fitll particulars and terms Will be glade known on appli- cation to the undersigned. N.1NNING SCOTT, Clinton. Births, Marriages and Death By chapter 40, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1887, all Births, Marriages and Deaths are re- quired to be registered with the Clerk of the municipality in which such may take place. The person required to reports birth is the father or mother of the child ; regis- tration must be made within 80 days after birth. The person required to register a marriage is the clergyman who celebrates it and his report must be furnished within 90 days after the date of such marriage. The pe;eon required to register a death is the ocoupier of the house in which the death takes plane, and the return mast be made before the interment of the body. Any me- dical man who was last in attendance dur- ing the last illness of any deceased person is required to register the cause of death.— Neglect to make any of these reports within the specified time, will subject the person so negleoting to a penalty of $20 and costs. All persone interested will take•notice and gov- ern themselves accordingly. WILLIAM COATS, Division Registrar, Clinton, BORN:- Sxssp,—In Winnipeg, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr H. W. Steep, of a daughter. TonD.--In Woodstock, on Aug. 12th, the wife of Mr Robert Todd, (formerly of Clinton,) of a son. CLIIFY.—In Brussels, -on the 10th inst., the wife of Rev. W. T. Cluff, of a eon. MARRIED COATES—AMENT—On the 14th inst. by the Rev. A. D. McDonald, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Mr Robert Coats, of London, to Miss Catharine, second daughter of the late J. G. Ament, Esq., of Seatorth. SPARLING-COVENY.—At the residence of the bride's father, 192 Spruce Street, Toronto, by the Rev. Mr Baldwin, ren- tor of Grace church, Mary, second daughter of Mr Isaac Coveny, former ly of Mitchell, to Mr Christopher Spars. ing, of Seaforth, DIED BENNETT.—In Sheppardton, on Ang. 13th, Harriet Bennett, relic of the late Richard Bennett, aged 66 years. JOHNSTON--At Bosque County,Texas, U. S., August lath, in the 76th year of his age, Hugh Johnston, Esq., formerly of Goderich, Out. Crops_ Notes. In Wallaceburg, according to, a local paper, apples are offered at 25 cents a barrel. It.ls:estiinated that the total wheat crop of Manitoba this year will reach 7,000,000 of bushels. The second crop bulletin issued by the Manitoba Government places the average yield at fourteen bushels to the acre. . While the farmers around Kingston are rejoicing over a bountiful harvest, the potato crop is causing them some anxiety. Should the decaying process continue there will . be scarcely any potatoes left in this part of the country. Few children can be induced -to take physic without a struggle, • and no wonder — most drugs are extremely nauseating. . Ayer's Pills, on the con- trary, being.sugar-coated, are eagerly swallowed by, the little odes, and are, therefore, the favorite family medicine. The Times Londo:i correspondent says:—The failure of the most impor- tant, European wheat crops and the con- tinuance of evil harvest Weather here in England have led to steps for the for- mation ofa gigantic broad trust in Lon- don. Four of the largest metropolitan bread companies, controlling pearly ;00 retail bakeries, with a certified total yearly profit, of °460,000, are already in combination, and others are expected to follow. The consolidation will be known as the London Bread Union, and, of course, it is announced that by a re- duction of the administrative expense and a l ssened competition this new monopoly will be able to lower the price of bread. Wheat has gone up to -day in all the English provincial markets. "Like Mag!o," THE effect produced by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Colds, Coughs, Croup, and Sore Throat are, in most cases, im- mediately relieved by the use of this wonderful remedy. It. strengthens the vocal organs, allays irritation, and pre- vents the inroads of Consumption; in every stage of that dread disease, Ayer's Cherry Pec - 1'a} toral relieves cough- �;i ing and induces refreshing rest. ' "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for thirty years and have always found it the best remedy for croup, to which complaint my children haveBrooklyn, N. Y. been subjiect."—Capt. U. Car}ey, "From an experience of over thirty years in the sale of proprietary medi- cines, I feel justified in recommending Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. One of tho best recommendations of the Pectoral is the enduring"quality of its popularity, it being more salable now than it was twenty-five years ago, when its groat success was considered marvelous."— R. S. Drake, M. D., Beliot, Kans. "My little slater, four years of age was so ill from bronchitis that we had almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man and of large experience, pronounced it use- less to give her any more medicine ; saying that he had done all it was pos- sible to do, and we must prepare for the worst. As a last resort, we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly say, with the. most happy results. After taking a few doses she seemed to breathe.easuer, and, within a week, was out. of danger. We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely well. This has given me unbounded faith in the preparation, and I recommend it confidently to my cuspmers."—C. O. Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind. For Colds and Coughs, take CAyer's Poctoral, PREPARED n'v •`� Dr. J., C. Ayer & Co., Lewell, Mass, Price $1 ; sit bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. l:)[ FOR ALT( 1: — l•N1•.1 .IliNED Flt' o:r'na for as r,,5 2'2,31.1r.c P. Mullett, Hear the Cie. -well 1 •r ,times, .':1 (•11.01-0(1 an,1 tree of stumps, i,',ln::'r 1ru'.h. Comfort- able h.un<,', faun' barn J', x 1, "i'.i1 (411(4 sta',lir OrOn,r,ii:e°np •,nn"r', 1 ,'.•.nil• 11`e f,trtn No 1-r'ter'sen •.r to 1,'v itt(1 (lnt•l.,tt„ al:nn1,.•i- ,-• r t1,�r,n.n._. (' 'e. ••.i 'n y:l till AM.,,'t'nl• l< 'fl' Terms easy A r i .• 1 " re a r„ '1 ,on 1[110 11'1r,'I , ANC1S. h; [LTV, on the prerrist REMNANTS II EMNAN TSREMNANTS BARGAINS IN REMNANTS --- Over 500 ends - ii Dress Goods, Prints, &Q., at less than half their original cost. Also, BARGAINS IN ALL CLASSES OF SUMMER GOODS TO CLEAR. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. 1-1t?7DCENS. R 30DAYS ONLY OLEARINGCASII SALE In order to reduce the heavy stock we carry, and get ready for the Fall Goods, we have decided to offer our whole stock of Goods AT COST TO.. CLEAR. This is no fraud sale ; we make it a point in our business 'to do as we advertise; we do not blow up big slaughter sales and sell a few lines that the people know the value of, at cost or below, and charge th regular prices for the other goods, BUT WE OFFER OUR WIIOLE STOCK AT cos.. We keep first-class goods, just what the people need. None of the cheap trash from the city auction rooms, and unsaleable goods from the wholesale houses, but STAPLE LINES IN THE 'FOLLOWING, AT COST: Cloths, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings, Gent's Furnishings, Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, Mantle Cloths, Prints, Cottons, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cottonades, Tickings, Carpets, Oil Clothe, House Furnishings, Hats, Caps, &c READY-MADE CLOTHING and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, a first-class fit every time or no sale. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS at less than Toronto prices. 2F100 pairs to clear at cost. Come and see them. You will not get such a chance. for bargains again this year. General Groceries.- -Agents for TERRY'S NICKLE-PLATED SHEARS AND SCISSOIts; will not rust, every pair warranted, if not as represented money will be refunded. 00318 AND SEE tib, IT WILL PAY YOU. WE MEAN BUSINESS AND WILL KEEP TO OUR OFFER FOR 30 'DAYS. Searle's Block, Cli nton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS • AMMOIMMMEIM LL PAPER Selling Off AT COST The undersigned will sell off his well assorted stock of Wall Paper and Decorations at cost for cash on delivery. This side will probably coutinue without change, until the.wholo stock is sold. .A-WORT'FTTNG-TON,Ulintan Authorized SCHOOL BOOKS FOR Collegiate Institute:y, Model and Public senools NEW EXERCISE BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES COLEGIATE INSTITUTE PADS AND ENVELOPES REMEMBER THAT 000PBR'S POOK Sf21O1RP Has the best selected stock in town. Every line complete. As cheap as the cheapest. W. COOPER & CO,, Clinton. AN AGE OF BIG CUTS We live in an age of big cute in prices. Call at the HUB GROCERY Where you can get genuine bargains in Tea, Sugar, Coffee; and all staple Gro. ceries. A new lot of GLASSWARE, new design, the very best of glass. Printed and plain TEA and TOILET SETS. Also, all kinds of Baskets, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, Brushes and Woodenware, very cheap, Eggs and Butter taken as cash c�-EO• S'W A.LLOW, aLIrvTOI i veatClearinb swe BOOTSAND SHOES Chas. CRUICKSHANK'S in order to make :room for nay large purchases of Fall and Winter Goods, I will sell my entire Spring and Summer Stock AT LESS TITAN 11ANUFA0TURER'S PRICES. See my job lots, which will be soli at less than half cost. This is a'good chance for cash buyers to get goo.s at their own prices. NO I1LTh1BUG, IIUUT A GEN l'IN h SALE Sigel of the Golden BootoAlbert Si. Clinton WONDERFUL ARE THE WAYS Ca' TEE , Bargain Eunter! • ----x—x—x LADIES --We are showing one of the finest stccks of DRESS GOODS in Huron county, at lowest prices 500 Girl's Stu gats at 21 c on the dollar MILLINERY—We are clearing . out lines in this department wonderfully cheap. 1st Table at 25 cts 2nd Table at 50 cents. Third Table at 75 cents. 4th Table at.85 cents. PARASOLS—Well you may have them at 'your own prices. Ask to see them ETLOR& CO, CLINTON '.Te JACKSONS.r 9 • The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks' of the Profession, - And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully' cheap, and will conduct ''.ilia FINE TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and pricses quoted for' the, next thirty days that will it astonish the closest buyers. DRY G®ODS Sto�t .CheapsideWe shall commence, THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, to clear out all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, Embroide- ries, Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Grey and White Cot- tons, Table Linens, Oil Cloths and Carpets, Men's, Boys and Girl's Straw Hats, Lace Curtains, and Curtain Nets, AT PRICES FAR IRA ORIGJNAL COST, to -Everything will,be sold without reserve. tarWe will commence this sale Thursday morning. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton B0OTS and DOES We are pleased with the success of our Discount Sale during the last month. We have a few lines left that we are offer- ing at SPECIALLY LOW PRICES until the 15th of September. Eggs takd i 'in cxehange. 5 per celtt oft for 'cash. TAYLOR & Sons CLINTONAND I LVTH