HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-08-16, Page 5• RO . W. COATS IS AGENT FOR THE Dominion PIANO Call and see his prices when you want to buy ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. Te JACKSON, r.tl r. The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton (Inti Pro- vince of.Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock oncferfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE AT TIIE OLD STAND, HURON Street, Immense bargains will -be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will . astonish the closest buyers. C h m eapside .Ry stock GOODS We shall commence, THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, to clear out all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, Embroide- ries, Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Grey and White Cot- tons, Table Linens, Oil Cloths and Carpets, Men's, Boys and Girl's Straw Hats, Lace Curtains, and Curtain Nets, AT PR[C EAR BLO\V ORIG/iAL COST. Everything will be ,sold without reserve. "We will commence this sale Thursday morning. T. J ackson,Sr, Clinton S ping Off AT, G.>OST' The undersigned will bell off big well assorted stuck of Nall Paper and Decorations at cost for cash on delivery. This sale will probably continue without change, until the whole stoek.is sold. ..WORT E[TN-O-TON. Clinton THE POPULAR IDRi GOODS HOUSE LAN DESBORO •o ACM First shipments of early Fall Goods. received and passed into nock A ll LINE— SIX } Tweed Dress Goods SIX SHADES Direct importation, marked at a price that will s�cnr'e n speedy clearance. - A LINEOFCHCK WINOY Good colors and patterns, and serviceable goods, selling at 12 yards for 81, cannot be replaced at the same price. We have purchased for this Fall's Trade one of THE FINEST AND BEST STOCKS OF DRESS GOODS that will be brought to the County. Do not buy a yard until you have seen what we;have to offer. IVe will announce their arrival as soon as they conte to hand. We are still offering SPECIAL DRIVES IN PLAIN & ?IGi1FEi) VELVETS. ALL SU3UsIER GOODS AT 'CLEARING PRICES. We have just received, one cask China Tea Sets Fine quality, beautiful patterns and shapes, ranging in price from five to ten dollars. OUR 5 -LB PACKAGE JAPAN TE. J, With Silver•Plated Pickle Dish, for.$2.25, is a bar'ain. We want your trade, and will try and snake it to yell• interest to deal with n'{. W. L. OU I METTE • 1 1 t, CLINTON PILUMETS. corroded every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Aug, 15, 1889. Wheat, fa,11 old 0 93 a 0;13 Wheat, fall new 0 80 a 0 80 Wheat, spring 93 a 0 93 Oats 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 53 Flour per bal 5 00 a 5 50 Butter 0 13 a 0 14 Pork 5 75 a 600 Hay 9 00 a 9 00 TORONTO'S Great Exhibition Sept. 9th to 2lst. To BE BETTER AND GREATER TGAN EVER. There• is perhaps not a city on this continent that has made more rapid progress during the past ten years than the City of Toronto, and it is still go- ing ahead. Its population during that period has advanced from eighty thous- and in 1879 to one hundred and eighty thousand in 1889, being an average in- crease of ten thousand a year. Hut ex: traordinary as this great prosperity may appear, is it not more so than the success which has attended the estab- lishment of the great Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition, which is held annually in that city,and which during the same period has reached a point in Magnitude far beyond the most san- guine expectations of its promoters. The attendanoe of visitors at this Ex- hibition, which in 1879 was about ninety thousand, has steadily increased each year until last year it reached over two hundred and fifty thousand. The number of exhibitors has also pro- portionately increased,and the indica- tions are that the Exhibition for the present year, which is to be held from- ths 9th to the 21st of ,yep ember, will be greater and better than ever. Although the buildings on the To- ronto Fair Grounds aro already, far More numerous and commodious than any in the country, the Association is expending over $20,000 again this year in providing -increased accommodation in the way of new stables on the most improved and modern plans, a new poultry building and many other ad- ditions which they consider necessary to meet the requirements of the. Fair. They fully realize ache fact that . they cannot stand still, that their patrons want something greater and better every year, with all that is new and in- teresting in the way of inventions to be found on this continent, and this is what they appear determined to give them. This is really the People's Ex- hibition. It is not, as many suppose, controlled by a stock company, but by gentlemen who give,their time and ser- vices tor nothing, and their charter provides that every dollar which is made out of the Show must be expend• ed in adding to and improving the grounds and buildings, so that the country and general public get the lull benefit of whatever 'assistance they nifty give the institution by their • an• nual patronage to the great Exposition of Live Stock, Agricultural, Dairy and Horticultural products, Manufactures of all kinds, Fine Arts and Ladies' Work, etc., there will be a much larger programme than usual of special' fea• tures, of the most novel and interesting character that it has been possible to procure, full particulars of which' will be given in the official programme to be' - issued shortly. There wililbe an Inter- national -Dog Show—the second week and Pain's Great Historical Senic pro- duction, the "Bnh'ning of Moscow,"with grand pyrotechnic displays every even- ing, and in fact every day there will be plenty to see at this great Exposition that will be instructive, amusing ani( entertaining. Specially low rates will prevail on all railways durin4 the two weeks of the Fair. Entries for exhibits in all departments must.be made before August 17th.. Canada has in this Ex- hibition an institution that the cenntry may well feel proud of ,the bostionithis continent, and those who hove visited many of the larger Pairs on the other side of tho border readily admit that it will be ,many years before they can reach the position of or begin to .com- pare with the Toronto Show. If ,our readers contemplate a holiday trip this season, they will be afforded a good op- portunity of making it an enjoyable one if they reserve it for the time of the Ex- hibition. Ca z U .0 0 0 C pq 10-1 0 4=4 w 0 8 5 0 0 000 d O q /o 0 0 co U n C 0 0 0• 0 0 0 0 lw a .i�.f '• &:si • e'.4 r �w nU CCY ✓ O .t2 Ce a, No G� pp m p'C .Cr J 0 i� 0 0 rbsi v,L 0 0 0 4�. REMVMNaNTS EMNANTSREMNANTS BARGAINS IN REMNANTS --- Over 500 ends i Dress Goods, Prints, &c., at less than half their original cost. Also, BGAINS IN ALL CLASSES OF SUMMER GOODS TO CLEAR. JOHN WISEM AN Manager. Estate Ji. EO C::1\'B FOR D 00. ARE THE WAYS OF TILT. LEKIUNGUASII SALEBirgain Hunt In order to reduce the heavy stock we carry, and get ieady for the Fall Goods, we have decided to offer our whole stock of Goods AT COST TO CLEAR. This is no fraud sale ; we make it a point in our business to do as we advertise; we do not blow up big slaughter sales and sell a few lines that the people know the value of, at cost or below, and charge them ' `---n---x x x . )IES—We are showing one of the finest stocks of RESS GOODS in Huron county, at lowest prices regular prices for the other goods, BUT WE OFFER OUR WHOLE STOCK AT / COST. We keep first-class goods, just what the. people need. Nene of ' tr& the cheap trash from the city auction rooms, and unsaleable goods fromthe wholesale houses, but STAPLE LINES IN THE FOLLOWING, AT COST: Clot iTweeds, Tailor's Trimrnings, Gent's Furnishings, Dres Goods, 1ks, Satins, Velvets, PJushes, 1llantle Cloths, Prints, Cottons, Sheeting, Shirtings, Cottonades, Tickings, Carpets, / Oil Cloths, House Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Ste RE DY•MADE CLOTHIG7�and CLOTHING MADE TO ORR, a first-class fit.Hevy time or no sal. OOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS at less than Torontprces. 2500 pairs to clear at cost. Come and see them. Fou will notig t such a chance for bargains again this year. • General Groceries. - 1 Agents for TERRY'S NICKLE•I'LATED SHEARS AND SCISSORS; Will not rust, every pair warranted, if not as represented money will be refunded. COME AND SEE US, IT }WILL PAY YOU. WE MEAN BUSINESS AND WILL KEEL' TO OUR OFFER FOR 80 DAYS. Searle's Block, Clinton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS at Clearing�le BOOTS ISD SHOESChas. CRUICKSHANK'S in order to make room for my large purchases of Fall and Wnter Goods, I will sell nhy entire Sluing and Summer Stock AT LESS TITAN MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. See my job lots, which will be sold at less than half cost. Tldi.s is a good chance for cash buyrs to get goods at their•own prices. NO 11 UMI13UG, 13UT A. GENUINE SALE Sieve ofthe dden Iliot,Albert Sl. Clinton GREAT CLEARING SALE! FOR ONE MONTH Of Baby Carriages, Express Waggons, Double and Single Harness, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises, Dusters, Whips, Pine Cedar Shingles Also, 50 cords of wood J. TWITCHELL, CLINTON. SAL.-ESIV!EN, WANTED. Flaying done business In Canada for over 30 years, our refutation and responslblity is well known. %Ve pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satisfactory. No previous experience is required. Write us s, which are very liberal, before engwith any otherfirm. Rio' UNc8s.—llradstroetsorDun Wiman 6} Co's Oommercial Agencie, soil known to business mon ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont CHASE BROTHERS' COMPMColborn, Ontario REDUCED RATES To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA Andthe NOR -WESTERN STATES VIA BEATYS SARNIALINE Steamers, United Empire, Ontario and Gainpana, sal1iur fermi Sarnia daring navi- gation (wether permittingq) every Tuesday anti Friday night, and onlling on Wednes- day atul Satrirdnysat (lndorIch and Kinenr dine, cnnecting at the latter pine(' with the (4. T, ld. trnin laving Clinton at 1n a, m, for St Joes Tlnnd, Garden Rivr, Sault Ste.tor.i Pert. Arthur and Dnluth, conncting at T'ort, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific Railway. and nt Duluth with the Bed River \'a1•lcy Railway. Lowest Rates, bestaocnm- mrintions, Express tithe and choice of J.\\IRS TT. Tlr,.\TT\•. W..TACKSO(lent. Manager Sarein. A.O. P.\TTi1ON L,eitts(lint.nn y Rats at25 0 0n the dollar I LLI N ERY—We are' department wonderfully 2nd Table at 50 cents. 4th Table at g 5 cents. ftle ,ring out lines in this cheap. 1st Table at 25 cts Third 'Table at 75 cents. PARASOLS—Well you may have then at your own prices. Ask to see them DETLOR & 10. CLINTON BOOTS & SHOES 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT, Until the 13th of Angust we will give a discount of 10 per cent off for cash, on our stock of BOOTS and SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c We have some SPECIAL LINES which we -are OLE. tfL1NG OUT at very low prices, to make room for Fall Goods. Eggs taken in exchange. 10 tier cent off fug, cash. T LOR & Sons . CLINTON AND BLV` '= Nowthis Means . usi1les +sW "°A. Penny Saved is a Penny Earned." The Wm. Johnson Co.,Montreal,authorizes • every dealer in paints throughout Canada to guarantee to his customers a net saving of at least 25 PER CENT by the use of JOENSONS PITA .w FAINT This guarantee sets forth the fact that One DOLLARS WORTH of these Pure Goods will cover a . greater surface, last longer, present a better appeardnce, and give greajer satisfaction than One Dollar and a Quarter's worth of most Paints now in the market, and that the e saidWilliam Johnson Co. will rep %int, free of any 'charge what- ever, any building or structure on which the above results are not fully realized. 1