HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-08-16, Page 4„�.•„ , Mr W. G. Van Station, a prominent SUNDRIES Noted of a Trip to the Presbytery tart'' of bIaitlaud. NEWS ]COTES l�itir tlliwest. _ resident of Sarxiia, died on Saturday OUSE TO RENT — FRAME Ii0U8E s: I The consurvtttivo pupurs that - evening.by SIV c�/4gPJett;re l i{t�. ; The Presbytery of Maitland held Threshingon a farm at Russell, Man., on Victoria s troot.letero occupied rea reason ant tvantad-Mrs llovoy, i allege the Liberals are ut'kiug fol' - T the , 1611 of om Port airs Kennedy, is offenod to rant on reascu- Bert' y an adjourned meeting at Whiteuhurch hae shown a yield of 3U bushels of The Manitoba Free Press draws. at- Narthweat Exoursious-C. P. R. the t oculi tit' Lord atauluy bueaudo Arthur t0 Rat Portage is varied but On the 25th ult. Rev D.G.Cameron,, wheat and 45 of harry per sore tendon to the fact that Mr Dalton Mo able to ru gIA p1KaENNEDY�cen'tral note Northwest Excursions -G. T. R. f his tufu.al to disallow the Job. beautiful; McKa s mountain, at mOderatur, pro tem. There was a A shoemaker named Henderson was the Hy in his tour of denunciation of K They are going -Beesley & Co. u I`iprt William,is the highest elevation ' p the House of Commons vote on the Jee• OR SALE =THAT FERTILE FARM, C Fall arrivals -W. L.Uulmette. tlito Aet, are misleading their , g large C tngregatfon assembled {n the drowned in the Grand River near Mu nits' Estate Act, skipped Winnipeg the Fthehomestead of R. Barkweil, Loudes- Pa{ntsriJohnston d: ui of land, but rocky hills of every eon- ellurcb. Rev. Air Forest, of Walton, hawk church Alonday, while bathing. Capital of the province, represented by bozo, is offered for sale on assIn 1. NO Liberal Or Liberal ' C°{,able form are seen along the` conducted public worship,and preach. Mr and Mrs Carlson have identified a conservative, and all other laces eo tionThera are few farms to ousel it lvn this sec - W illiam. the 32 Martin Berke as the man who rented P Clj; Also, sale or house R. Princess Bt•, a ur hue done any such thing. route. Leaving Fore , . , ed d Bgrmon from Deuteronomy, represented, and confined himself to Clinton, for sale oz to runt. R. BARKWELL i ,' P' p road ruaa parallel with the Kamials• phap,�,'41 veree. the cottage where Cronin was murder• the chief towns of Mr Watson's oonsti- Clinton Thay have more sent:e than that, tiquis River for some distaucb, then The Moderator put to Rev W. H. ed. tiency. From this the Fre a . �OUBE �yyHOP FOR BALE OR TO and consequently, al a not likely hundreds of beautiful lakes appear Geddes, the minister elect, the quer- The provincial deteotivee have given saes that Dir 1llaCarthy'e jeot w a n, rent, nt corner of en r o ms, and Erie + q on each side of the track, dotting the tious of the formula which were eat- lip work on the Galt poisoning case, all create a feeling against r Wa son, Streets, containing !}even rooms, with cellar I ; - to do any thing .bf SO foolish a con try for many miles, and lipked factorily answered and afterwards en- clues followed having failed to bring who is a Liberal fend to shied Me ars. good stable oor the aidtsad al con eniences. �ti ' p gaged is prayer, and in the name of the perpetrator to justice. Scarth, Daly, Ross and Lariviere, w}t01 Possession given at once. THOS. TIPLING nature. It is a Case'of file con - Eos nt`fhe form that s aasm of are Conservatives. This will not ncy I _ r portages. y y the Lord Jesus ChTlst and by the The Steamship City of Paris report- sercatives trying tod4rork up Bym- water -stretches of which we heard so authority of the Presbytery of Alait• ed at London on Wednesday, beat the 'to increase faith in Air McCarth a FAR>rI FOR SALE. -FARM OF eo ACRES ;;'. ( ,� p y y g land, inducted Ur Geddes to the pas• eastern resets b 49 minutes. The bona fides. 45, Bayseia con lcefoaer cn townellall. Good01,40IMmath and divert attention from much a few ears a o. The streams y FALL FAIR DATES. soil, well watered, sir acres bush, good orch- and lakes may abound with fish, and total charge of the united congress- time made was b days 23 hears 40 min• themselves. the country may be rich in minerals tion of Whitechurch and Calvin utes. ard, frame hoose end cellar and frame bare �, y FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 1889 _--0 -- and lAmber, but ver little of it is and stable. B. STEEP, to work at any time The Hoa. Chas. Drury, to 'use y church, East Wawanosh, giving him Messrs, Barnes & Co's box shook Briton Central, at Clinton, thin fall. JAS. STEEP, Clinton. ilio on debt only in adapted for agricultural pureuite. the right hand of fellowship. Rev factory at Ottawa has been finally clog- Sept. 24-25-26 B Thp Dor The chief amusement of the party, Mr McLennan addressed the new{ ad down on account of the duty exacted Mitchell, Set 26 and 27. surfs the a phrase that Sir John takes plride er0ased $3,474,219g ,ija not much to look during the earlier kart of the night inducted minister and Rev Mr 1VIc on the product when shipped to the North Perth at Stratford,Oct.3 and 4 May t s ver ell quoting, States. South Perth at St.Mar s Se t 24, 25. 'y we were on the train, was at the es- Rao the congregation. The contzre r y ' p Blau month of July. This is no r Ho is ,ration on retfrrng also ave Mr Pat O'Sullivan the ice man charged Industrial at Toronto, Sept 9 t, 21. fou r fait tU ih0 tax ay- At but a't'Ai'e Ono t0 �O. papas Of a GermaII Jew, pro a t- g with eom tic in the murder of Dr. Western at London, Sep. 9 to 14. mee tlllgratifying exhibit P determined to get all the informs• travelling for pleseure and prospect- (Tedder the right hand of welcome.' p Y Central, at Hamilton, Set 23 to 27. &� a 'Ord, l uL if they raise any ob fag. The'boys' thought it profitable During the evening the Rev. Air Cronin, attempted to hang himself in Sept. p y tion possible in carrying, out his to sing a few hymns, being joined McNabb, who acted as Moderator of jail ct Monday, but the guard stopped Guelph Septand 2fi. oCtiou3 iha 'Will be told iho}• are y is a h the Kirk session during the vacancy his action. Brantford, Sept.op10 to 12. r � 1. y policy as Minister of Agricultuure by some ladies the continued the Alexander Norqusy, son of the late Northwcstern,Goderioh, Sept. 10to12. l f Ag- exercise for some time. It pity was presented with an address and God �. "traits` l final rebels•" and in devising means for the an artist was not with us to sketch purse containing a certain sum of John Norquay, has been sppointed by ecce the Government to a position in the [�jp}hpr Marriages a�� DeathsI cue "'�— ricultural development Of thele the contortions of that unfortunate money. Atr A2cNabb replied thank- 1Jll 1110 Dominion Land Commissioners' office alae ii,ov. llr. NVild, Conservative `into Ile Will this \veal. leave victim's face and hands, at last he {ng the congreg&tions for their kind at Winuil,eg. — the u in is -running down this retreated, for a time, into another and friendly sentiments. He paid a The people of the First Presb torian By chapter 40, Revised Statutes of Ontario tete t.bough lie , " for all extended tour of the Parry coach. We here unable to ascertain high compliment to the sesaione Y C.lsa7, all liirthe, Marriages andUeaths arerO- yF. sountr •, arid should be told t0 d Algoma districts, pro- whether his musical taste was shock• and congregations for the .harmony Church I Erie, Pa,, wanted Rev. H• but qle m ni ip registeredtIwhich the Clerk of y Sound un � Ross of Ingersoll, for their pastor, but the municipality iu which sue may take F.. ] dace. Thu person required to reportabirth `,, :•wind diff own business. 110 fief r ed, or his religious feelings aroused sad concur which had always pre- have been told that the alien labor law needing as far West its Rat Pot talc by the sou s of raise to the Alan of ,ailed. His relations to them had is the rather b wether of the child; after, sal l ' r US's t11tLt L}.te SOnaLO and p stands in the way. trstiou must be wade aired 30 days after ua'4 , y altd the Rainy Ricer. It is Itis Nazareth; but, afterwards, all that been of the most agreeble charact er Wm. Butler, of Hamilton, en route hirth. !rhe person requires to register a al's 11a0108s and marriage is the clsrgyywar, who celebrates it Mr •GCnCPaI information ruaa necessary to call forth a protest and he would always entertain pleas- to Orillia on the excursion traits from and his report must ba furnishod within 90 cos ', ti:overllDl tent1011 t0 )1'OCUI'C ,r. in 1 from him was a proposal to sing- nut recollections of Whitechurch and gg ,,asx tellsive. This statement is ❑ to the a<rriculturai re p p that city, on Seturday,fell off the train person `ru(�u red co regist r aadoatlte is the iso ,t 1 r in relatio Rat Portage was reached at 5 a. m. Calvin church. He congratulated near Beaton Junction aid ha¢ his held occupier of the house in which thedoath roo '1'� true, only loyal' (?) prude Of these districts, especial- and there we were joined by bit E.O. the minister who bad now been in, completely severed from his body. takes place,. and thu return must be made Sill I . soul cc g dttcted til, a Guar a RO desirable., . He hot or tits ulteruleat Q$ tae, body. Any me. and •abject to the truth. being told• - I- h afn --River, -where it is said AI C the °-t°ae�co'p dye °m y the g Three Negroes at B#rmington, Ala., y J)0 y g y thanked the C)ogregation for the dical man w•ho was last hi attendAuee sur- its _ -� E walked sato a white-hot furnace at the Ing the last illness of any deceased person, a large tract of excellent land for hererthat the lloherty is like the C• practical token they had given of command of an old Negro, who pretends is required to register the cause of death.- '' �' le ask wh r the Sep o by P. R., it ap ears a have i monopoly their kindness, to be a prophet, and whet persuaded Neglect to make e, w Of these tthereports son so ep i�UmO 1440p 3 aml'1Cn1tU1'al pU1'1)oaeS, la t the specified time, will subject the person so the ntario Cannot � of trade in the North �V,est and Mani- Mr Geddes enters on his duties them that they were representatives of aoglocting to a penalty or ew and costs. All the wrat�t Schools lit O found. The members of the On tuba. The country gradually {til with encouraging prospects and it fa Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. persons interested wit take notice and gov. Gr ''t` be abolished as Well as those Of roves from Rat Portage to Winni- confidently hoped that his settletnent They have not come out yet. ern themselves acoordiu ly pro " tario Government all act on the p tctLL�iA�t teams, or anitob'a. For the Simplejreason the Yet host peg, but this is more noticeable the over this charge will produce the Robbie the Delhi, me w son of ng lar Drciaiou Reglstraa Clinton. tin 1 principle of doing y last fifty miles. At Whitemoutb, we happiest results, Parsons, of Delhi, met with a singular _ — ea f t',hat they Were provided for b3 p- p } g Playing BURN. �ti Ct they can for the interests of the meta former Cliatonian, AIr Roes. — uponethe grana he rolled over, beaxing R.k%,sFonn.-AtStapleton,onTuesday, , ?the British North American A Two of the `boys' "did not feel in Prwjnce. best of ap{tits during Chia day. With ( �reuat! Tt18 COultty his whole weight upon one arm, which 13th inst.,the wife of John Rausford of f!_ .and that cannot be alt°red or am-•-�.•• -- lengthened faces and closed eyes they under the= gave way, causing a a son res CROP NOTES. Winrham Civic holiday, Set 5th. fractaro above the wrist. flu 111ded, without tris consent of all sat r if endeavoring• i solve a very J Sept. AlAxarxO.-In Clinton, oil the 12th fie - .abstruse problem in science, and,.we 1 The voters' lists for the town of Wing. Revr. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, who is ihst., the wife -of A. H. AIannutg, Esq., bei t�h® E'tusiuces. llanjtoba tvas cuoPs tN IsnrA axD'EscLAaD. afterwards discovered, that one of ham has 419 voters for municgal and now in England, hos consulted Sir De sot Reeve, of a son. + ° ati0n from India show that hem wits iavesti affil the digestive, I parliamentary . ,ur oses. Andrew Clark, the eminent London P Y J au t,'. *orOvided for after confodul , official figures t R R h p y 1 p and after a thorough exam- WATTS. -In Clinton, on the 12th !list. it.t 1. p proc, a+ by experimenting on the din. Mr�Herbert Crich, of the 3rd con., of. physician, .abs LIe11C0 the djtlCl'CpCO, the deficiency; in the wheat aro is near- matron, that gentleman declares that the wife of -IIx F.W. Watts, of a dauEh• pl ly double what it was stated to be a ner rite had eaten at Port Arthqr. A Tuckersmith, has corn, some of which the•trouble affecting the,dnetor,ie only ter. z: "'� - month ago, It turns out to be 25,918,• good sleep at Winnipeg, aided, no .measures 9 feet 3 inches in length. temporary,andcanbespeedilyromedied• p'NKu..—At Bruco[ield, oil the 10th L doubt, by a dose of paregoric and i fur Alex, Sproat, of Tuckersmith, A man named William Sargent, sus- inat„ the wife of Mr Frank O'Neil, of We are Coniinttully being told 704 bushels less than the average for i i, to the past four years. Reports from the rhubarb, or tea, assisted them to ar• i who has been in the London Insane ected of being the person who has been rt ' roy the super -loyal press that It harvest fields all over England show with rfyfng at a satisfactory solution to the Asylum. for some time is not noting p g , p twins—boy and girl: ab Cl:lti0nd Will: t1t0 creasing effects of the bad weather, w y I } stealing horses in the western counties HARRIED oto deulc for better 1 roblem 1; and once more we were ( much better. , for some time past, was -arrested art In- t' it more mildew than has been known be• cheered by their smiling faces and Mr Jacob Ruby, of theBrenson Line, wood last Monde night b Detective JACKSON-DEPrm.-At Roses Cliffe iJniLed states would be to dis- fore in the last ten years. Y Be sparkling wit. Hav, threshed on Saturday last and he Falrbrother, of St.Thomas, and brought Clinton, (the residence o£ �V Doherty, 1�, urinate against Great Britain. TRE wnEAT CROP. Winnipeg is a fine city; its broad had a yield of 52.1 bushels of ffill wheat to that city last Monday evening. 'Esq brother-in-law ,James Li iu of the bride) by lin .,,r1 the Rev James Liv iugstone. on the 15th Lo oma of them explain What Col. G. D. Rodgers, editor of The streets and fine public buildings from 2'� acres of snruiy land. It turns out that the Office which Mr last., Mr Fred T. Jackson to bliss - '%' Jill b , Market It�ecord, estimates the wbeat would do credit to a city ten times 1 The Turnberry voters' list shows 660 James L. Hughes applied to the Ontario Clemie Depew, all of Clinton. $ kind -of discrimination it i3 that crop in Minnesota and Dakota at 85;- ite. age, There we met several form voters to be registered this year -610 government for and did not get was T rr 23 per 000,000 to 90,000,000 bushels. The er Clintnnians, amongst them being I qualified to vote at both municipal and that of inspector of modal schools.- AScgEtrzTE-FAKE: At the residence levied an average silty of 1 ro samples of wheat sh6wn by the various Aleesra Rowlands, H. 8. McLean, H. 1 legislative assembly elections: Had he secured the appointment de Mr in la Ralth bride, Clinton, brother- m '3 cont on imports from Great Brit- elevator lines from houses widely apart Scott, J. Shaw, C. Campbell, and P A horse belonging to Jno. Sominex• Hughes would now be valiantly defend- fn -law of the bride, on the 14th last., L C at. on imports show almost uniform excellence. .The Scott, J. Sha. Sunday, we went to 'Dille, Morris, was so badly injured by Ing the goverment's educational policy. by the Rev.A.Stewart, Dr.MoKenzie, to �iin and 15 per Q P kernel iabright and plump, in striking of Toronto, late of Wingham, to Hies to `` £tom the United States, a9 was contrast with that of last year. The Zion church in the morning, to hear 1 the reaper running on its heels that it A young than named Nicholas Seat• Maggie Pake, of Clinton. n 17 ,�cCarte done last year on goose Onteting half-dozen cars of new }cheat received 'an old friend, Rev A, C.Crewe,preach 1 had to be killed. The neck yoke broke Ing, aged 19, who the 12th was working for Mr DIED - - thus far has been sold titan advance of his inaugural sermon. I n the atter- ; or slipped lel) Ing the macl'iino ran on was found dead in the harvest 5e dr the ELLIOTT.--In Wingham, 'on the 7th I: this country. about 8 cents over offerings to arrive, noon ch went to Grace Church Sun- •the team. +i ..� 88 cents being the top figure. It is ex- day School. The `bops' were invited � Mrs Harrigan has traded her hotel ether day. The family were, absent at Inst., Tyrrell Albert, youngest daughter v ectad that witile top cru r6the.-crap_ in t�ddreas.tlle school- but their -es- � at Amberly, with Mr Keiper, of the 8th a funeral, and finding on their return of Dar R. Elliott, (of the Times) aged 2 It was announcod a few days p'innesota will be harvested fn ten days, frame modesty compelled Ali to I concesgioT>-o{ Ashfield, for a farm. Mr- that the cattle had not been attended months and 0 days._ y . AI y TIPLINA.—At Wingham, on the 8th tri • <r o A1an{tobtt Govern and in Dakota in fifteen day's, decline, but nevertheless they noticed helper intends cominrr to Ambezl on ,his bode was found as stated. w Martha A. Tipiing, aged 18 years i 11ago that t}1 or about the first of September.° ,- Y Inst., d t0 C11aC01ltlnne' the PLENTY .OF Ooprmns. a few things which presented quite a p and 9 months, neice of Mr T. Tipling, ti alletlt intends little six-year-old son of Mr Wm. The Hollis brothers -were suspected According- to the Morden Monitor, contrast t' the ClintonCli 1 room schools. n 1 and the usly of prolific crops gophers They have a fine school room and a 1 Cruickshank, Lower from emast re Gillis andiher twa d nghters,w who were Clinton. "Grantham Pince," St. s -Cpa1 stn Schools one of the most p p g P h driving a young colt f 1 Hbi:1IER.-At G t •. re. As a C- is being harvested this year in. Mani- beautiful piano, but P•of. Foster as I field in cOtnrany w•ithanotherboywhen found dead in. their honse;inMcDowell Catharines on Freddy, the 8th fast.,• ti 1,lie I'luuult Ianl,ua�, ,} toba. At Crystal City the, other 'day, a much better methr,d of dismissing it struck him in the forehead with its couutry,�V. Va.,on Friday. • Acili�ar ed Dorothy Helen, daughter of the ]ate s Yr suit thereof, :HOD. Ur Prender- the farmers brought in so many that a school than any we sawn while �pt�il font which necessitated the putting in committee, ft it now learned, ap b • Thorpe' Holmes, aged 60 years and 7 a the municipal ;treasury was cleaned sen:. The avenin found us at Iyfoox ! the Hollis brothers; hung them up y months, and slater of Eir E. Holmes, C 1st, I rocincutl Secretary of that f3 Of two Or three stitches. :�• ri ;ht out-oicr;50,000 tails being offer- church, tthere we heats Ur 1)uval i the Heels to the IimU of a tree and then 'i' 'iovincu, ttnd tvhu represents the ed in one day, so. it is supposed that reach on the test-•'ll0th Job fear Alr C. E. Mason, of Brucelield, amid' shot them to death. late of Clinton: --- p e3 Home front the Uld Conutry on Wed. • s ;l+reneh oloillent, pari hander in what the farmers will less by the God for nought.' I nearlay last, lie brought w•ith,him five The report of Col.Walkor Of London _. _ drought this year they will gain by Dloada The business men of the ; 91V ,'AdVCltl0t'tlll4tlt"ee: p " ' .',� n which has been „ ails. The, Winnipeg Gonuner. yr— wtalliuu, and a nany. lIc hag twro having beau taken ill, wvbicltwaareceiv- C r `ltd re trn:.tlo , gopher t 1 g art spent the forenoon in enquiring' throe -year olds; twva'two-year-olds and ed in the city last'light, Ila been con. - - __- cial says gophers' tails, for which . a p y P - J accepted. It is unquestiona,bIN" a nu aid, in menu rural into the commercial' interests of the a yearling. They are all wood horses firmed. While fishing Ou Grand River �1n1tVA\T tvn,NTHI) -GOF)D GENER.IL p bounty is being p he was seized strwatit, 1pl+ly to UliS C. E, tION'EY p and w•erii landed in 1iitO et�ndition. Gaspe comity, Quebec, c°9 , • 'lifiicult mutter to deal with, but municipalities fn Manitoba, are become city, while the teachers aid , viHt6, Mr J. C. Hefi•ernau, of. the township with a par.slytic stroke.. many regret Cltutou. LL l .rC cCrtttinl believe that it Wili engjra legal tender in sottte'parts of the in company with Mr McLean, to Dir will befelt b thecolonel 'emnny friends ---�-T •�� gT r y country. It is said storekeepers in some Somerset, the Chief Superintendent of Iiay, who by the way, is one Of the mid ac uaintances at the misfortune B U 1 tit HE C„ HIr1,L' ;hu mol•c satisfactory for Manitoba district§ have been accepting gopher of Edueauon for Manitoba. Eduea Old pioneer farmers of this section, ]las which acquaintances (he has since 11 .° tails in payment for goods. • tional matters are in a transition over twenty acres of flax which on weall THE KING OF HEWING MACHINES %0 dual with it now than in years died. aOP,,, state, as the. Government purpose average will measure four feet and we ) mu. [low the resignation of making several radical changes. The were shown several stalks ,which meas- The Ottawa Free Press is authority FIRST PRIZE AT CINCINNATI CENTE'N- to come. b The Hops in Prifice Eidward counts g NL1L OVER ALL UTHEltB - -will af- are being destroyed by vermin, mould dual languages are to be abolished, ares over four feet six inches. for has been started, which will ,the Provincial Secretaryand honeydew. The same map be said the two Boards, Protestant and Ro- One day last week a valuable mare company only take risks from people professing OVER Rp•,VFN HLNDRED THOUSAND €i ut �lr-GI'CCnway's intentions' re- with regard to the hopyards in Leeds man Catholic, are to be abolished belonging to Ur Jag. Campbell, of 'the Protestant principles. The President NOW IN USE. anuins lit ee be Been. and.Grenvelle, and from all appearances and a Public School System is to take Bronson Line, Stanley, by some means of the now Company is Col. F. C. Deni- J. H. WORSELL, Agent, Clinton y there will not be one ton of good hope its place, This is a step•in the right fell into a well ,r, she %vas After some son, of Toronto ; AT Dalton McCarthy, - -" - �J' picked in all these counties. "direction. Non -Sectarian and no trouble, however, she red got ant and E=C4V:R8X0N sicca an il• it was found had suffered- no damage, M. P. the sole ams and the es an rase• The Detroit NCwe PurATOEs. Separate schools are what we want in which is extremely fortunate, as site dents are 1lr�amer L. Hughes and ➢Tr To td ustrttti0n that is Worthy- Of COn. . The English potato crop, according this country. In our opinion they will' had been in for four hours. E. F. Clarko,Nl, P. I . r W I w N I IP �ii G to the Gardener's Magazine, is in peril, make a mistake in substituting a The following shows the all, fering p We have again' to record the death of uiideration by those who Oppose as although the reports from all parts AIin{stet Of Education schools for uld b efree an old resident of Howick, in the per. among the atrikeng miners at Brad- AND TIIE �'ommerc'iul union. It starts put of thecountry are favorable, continued tendent. Our schools should be free son of Mr Win. Willits. Deceased had woodone ,lies children last Ross,who this NORTH WEST heavy raids, when the potatoes -are ap- from politics and sectarian teaching. been a great sufferer from catarrh for one dead in the house, hes wits sick, y ShOWinj; that land in I:dSCx preaching maturity, stave invariably After spending a while ri jail, and of his life it bduriugthelast few weeks Y no �'�.RE Qte�$ i. been followed by serious damage to the having a look at the prisoners, es- of his life it had made fearful ravages no money to pay funeral espcnato at r tt�D r•+ county, Ontario, will grow two crop. ostially Burke,the teachers called on though his system. He expired early food in the house, and nothing to eat v T i l,Iadch of grass whi,o land in anAesr;. Mr Papham, of the Collegiate Insti- Sunday morning. The deceased, with for two drys but a little bread. The TU I�,�I�A AUG. 20th V.1. Wayne COtlilty, Michigan, will Lute, an old classmf to of Mr Perry's, his brother Crooket, were amongst deaths wore dile to want of food and Mr Jardine, of Saltfleet, has some of medicine. This is a specimen case of For all particulars apply to then a run to the hater, dinner and the early pioneers in How�ek, having situation in this district. W. JACKSON '11 only grow one, and in other ways the finest grapes that can be seen in awn over the rairiea. come in over thirty years ago. I this section of Canada. Growers from y P TOWN AGENT,G, T. R., CLINTON . proves the suporiority of Canad- Grimsby, Winona, Niagara and else. Regina is reached at a. m. and Monday afternoon a man named `rand while we are resting and waiting the . _.•..�.- Brice Crawford, employed by O• Defoe E y CURSI ON �y ian Soil. Yet land in Essex, in where complement hem on the {, g g in rolling los in the Ottawa River was LL U 1� 17 appearance of the Concords and Nia. awakenia of the town, a smartlinshow- NEWS NEAR HOME killed by a large stone, weighing, about side a"radius of five miles fr•Otn garas, AIr Jardine says that the frost ,er of rain falls. Here we take up rano -- two tons, falling from the bank of the TO THE Detroit City Hall, is only w9rtb did no injury whatever, but the wet each man's claim' being in proper- With the Stratford clerk dureng July river and crushing him. His fellow- l ° weather may have spoiled some of the tion to the breadth of his understand were rogistered 14 births, 7 deaths, and employee were unable to move the stone, North est from $125 t.o. $85 an acre, ivbile Niagara%. tag. Another Cliatonian appears in 13 marriages. and had to•go two miles for help... In within the sorrae distance inWayne . . the form of C. Howson, :!loose Jaw, The by-law granting $10,000 to the meantime the poor fellow was county, it is worth from X1000.10 where we spend the evening and Y g c . screamin with agony, and died in that _ Teachers Certificates. night, is our next stopping place,but lish water we was carried in Lttbk g now Monday by a majority of n3, position before help came. $300. �"r'hy the diflernee in rel- these places have been described al. Ili order that the farni0rs of Ontario milt'y Below is seven the result of the exam- read b others. ONE OF THF. ed al. About noon. on Tuesday, a man nam. During the month of July the net baveaa opporateity to learn the exact truth ue ? The Letroit a er uses the y y ed Tlobt. Badcock, died suddenly while debt of the Dominion was increased b about the result of the drouth in the North - P p inationd for 2nd and 3rd class certift• � -- y west during the present season, the Illustration its . argument in eates. - A CANADIAN, ]3ANGEn-A Boul. ww'orkinginJthnDuggan'%gardor.,Strat• $3171871} and is now $237,050,716. Godrrich--Third Claga-S. Bays, M. ford. The interest upon this enormous debt �������� rhvot Of COmmurciftl union and der, Aiontana, despatch of last Friday r Crook, ri Cr Thi C. Ctvsar, C. D d, M. W. IS. cLeo,d, publisher of the St. amounts to nearly eleven millions of cavo don't think it is tory fur out. B.Daltan, ir. Finlay, E. Halls, T. Haw- night gives 9tbe following report of �I trv'q L%� us, has been committed for dollars a year. The Dominion debt is _ kina, H. 1lonning, Albert Johnston, N. the exec tion of Geo. 1). Brysnn,who I trial on a chants of criminally libelling iticreasing.4t the rate Of about r melissa ----- ' " MacCormac, AI. Parson, H. Smith, lt. a few ye r , age rt' move's from Htrtaich, t.,eo, Moir, of the Journal, dollars a month 'on the avec ,'e. DIr ?til tire; stated the othQr „ A. Tiffin. Second Class -E. Huron county, Idut., and settled li I the Foster's borrowing powers, as well rs PACIFIC R e R, `E'hC 1 { Straus, A ;\Ir R IL Grahain marketed slay that theta Were nearly CiO,- Addison, B. 1'inlay, T. AIcLaughlin, Bould r:-C}eorge Imucan Brys iu first fallwh(at of ,the season at lit. Ices powverR of taxation and collection, R , McClouskey,E. AlcNath, L. McLean, was hanged to -day. The drop / ell are taxed to the utmost to provide men. Otiar the follow'b(iouwrates harvest excur- sJQO Canadian rirl i living in the L. O'Leary, , S. Stafford, E. Watson, AI. t)l41 twee tMaryon lushels. It turned out h y at ]1130 a,m, He was prano ted twwtty.five bushels to the acre and et' for hes spendthrift colleagues. e State Of'Massachusettsalone. It Watson, A. McNay'. dead in seven minutes and was Cut ,stood the standard test. Scaforth-Third Class -F. Clarkson, down at 11.03, He was calm to the A fatal aroident happened on Satur• 1YID N IPI':(% c @nQ fleems that we,not only supply the 1i Elliott, A.. Glass, A. Hayes, F. Hen• last and maintained his innocence. William D. Wood, formerly an ap- dav, to Mr John Robinson, a well-to-do DI:LORAINI, Z $28 `entice in the St. Afar s Jourpal office, farmer who lived at Ardtrea, six miles GLI:NBOItO' AmcricanS With horses, CRttle, dry, C. Latta, D. McDonald. Second Bryson was hanged for the murder was accidentally drowned in Toronto from Orillia. Mr•Robinson was driving v" - C lass -B. Dixon, J. Govenlock, J, AIC• of Annie Lindstrom in 1888. The XOOS OATf3 iambs, barley and varfOtts other' hcrYtzie, Al. Peirce, A. Simpson, E. Bay,on 27th Jufy. It is an old story of Nemo with s load of tanbark and hada MOOSE JAW ��� 1? woman was his mistress. She bad a bathing and getting beyond depth, spirited team. Some bark off the load CALGARY C things, but with female help a8 Smith. few hundred dollars which B,r'Vson On Sabbath last the remains of the came down and frightened the horses, 1 . , Clinton appears elsewhere in this squandered. It is supposed be then well. This is one instance where- paper q late Mr J. A. Catlin were laid in St which ran away. The jolting of the Aub O, returning Sel)t. 30 tired of her and killed her to get rid Andrew's cemetery. A very large con- waggon shook Mr Robinson off and be ,r, 2 {n Commercial Union would not of her. It will be remembered that course of friendsland acquaintance stook was either kicked on the region of the ' do us any good. iia matter )low An outrageons assult was committed atter his condemnation efforts were part in the procession. For the past 32 heart by the horses or run over by the Sept. 3, " Oct. 14 �� Sunday night in Belleville upon three made to smuggle poison into his cell. years Mr'Callin hag been a resident of waggon. He only lived a couple of Sept. 24, " Nov. 4 high ori how low the tariff, our young men of the Pioneerd'OP'3Comeng David Bryson, father of the depmed Shakespeare. hours after the occident. to Kingston to takelpart in the denomin• �� Nil AIr IIOrnee Weston, of St, Thomas Meldrum. J. P., a rancher Full particulars from any agent of tl,o Corn- . Wali still find their way ation. Two of them were in bad odor man arrived from his home in Ifpw- q Party. OVvt there, anal 'Wo Cannot holo it. With the members tof hem a inevad odor ick, Ontario, last week, lie wentto A{art's. was driving on the road between and trader in Chilcoten country, 20 -_ __-_- . Blues, the latter havens accused them Boulder, and Sheriff' HAlford permit. Ht. ➢larys and Stratford a clog ran out miles from Soda Creek, B. C., who has The Empire sr,, that an of of divulging satiety secrets. Ae the ted him to visit George in his cell, of a nate and caused his hdree to run been ill for the past four months, hag r } trlf:de "to 1tCe them i tram was leavens the Belleville station under the strict surveillance of the away. Mr Walton was thrown out of made all preparations in advanao for NOTICE to CROIT010 fort l0 P his arm was broken and be his btuial. Ile personally selected theor c(xrn lr .' }3 •all moa I� three members of tbo Tfue Blues atepp- death watch. sloth father and, son the buggy, IN Tne bIATTaa ov B, PA N. 114 n & CO„ TY I nut• own y y , ed on the coach platform and saying: were deeply a`tected at the meeting, was otherwiac serionsly injured, spot where he is to be buried, and has Tun Tow:r OP CLINTov, i t Till Corxcr hadhis grave dug. His coffin has been or livito.4, Gaccans, INSOLit:N1'9 . but as, all prcciolis efforts fip eat ,,There are the (using filthy ex- Mr l3rysOn could not believe that hen The first new w'hont of the season was made and tested as to whether it is a pressions threw carbolic acid over Ron is tialty of the awful crime charg• bought by Mr Stuart on Wednesday The said S. PALLTRFn & CO, have made an to be failures, ice aro afraid furdi- them, The faces of the young men es• g � good fit, Ile has also made st'a`y ar• aasignmco me in niranance of tlio pro - Y g ed against him. He says that George last. It wag tftown by Mr Alex. Mur- rangement for the distribution of a Mn`1R. C. 1g Cha 124, f cr ones will be slue. Girls are caped, �ut their clothtts and hats were was always regarded as a good,dutif it ra . O{ lfitchclI Variety, Democrat vtstons of S. G P• badly burned. Child, and an industrious bay u to y large property which he has amassed All crMlitors fire requested to filo their P yirad, twenty five, bushels to the acre, during his residence, in Chilcoten. AIr just like everything C1iC In the elainiq ori,dut the lot aurl ,cashed, er, mil, j �Cm. Shurtz, a wealthy farmer, of the time when he, left home which waH anti thn s (m?(le pinntp but not large. 1leldrum is a mail of high intelligence, cn lir hetero the rat day of 8aptembcr, 1899, arel mat rant of Colrimere-e—wherel they' Iklvirlere, N. J., drew 93,50U out Of at the so of 18, And he appeared 'o Thr t:st Ftnnrl n04 pr+un(ls. and tuns formerly a wyealthy merchant atter which date I et11 proceed tO diatrihute I li halt wa ea fur their the bank Monday morninrr. On the kee up that char -actor to the time Of can of the) way home lie wile asked to ride b a ,\n ol(t ,ls(k of liitrhell, wha was Of Barrie, Ont., ant reverses came and rnilr�tntheclsstq of nllmaotrwhlchlBhallithen rhave g g g Y Y Nia IsL9t visit hame,cchich wag in 1'353, ':L CH tbhi rho . will Ol' and stranger. They soon met a seconrl b(tl•iod last wrok.waH rivnn,a;few months he emigrated tO this country in the notice. services, y The Old $rntletran line CreAted a tri 1'\ stet Hatt °1.11 iti CnHh and early aexties, I10 has been farming DAVIT) PLACRLFy, stranger in a secluded place. Shnrtz 1 untof FlCntittichtal C011Hic•• and `ebbe favnrableiml)rossion here, and re. H „ir 1',urn. A f•,w ,};two brfmr hilt ar.d trsdingeter since his arrival in 27tJamesBt.South,I[an,I1Wn;Asaignec. iso amount wan then over -powered d 11 arses aq a thoroughly houeQt ar:rl ,?cath mo,t of th • tf;r+n, } nml 11(n linen the co(mtry. Ile has been n juwiv of t`.,tT.Klili, SCOTT A 11. IIA 1.! lCt n lo'rip The strangers drove hnrii• sly away, I g , ,, r. r ow imria) tl,n roarcf%r some years, nils is nr.ic^rs• _,, .talo( 4 "t. Snnth, HautCt�n, �irati0n �t'lll acel•t th¢ - lesciny* tLe uLl mill; in n daxe,l cnnrli- (u{ttight allot, .,r,u rl ``Ding th re ;,, L r tr i.•.., R rt tf r r.,, all-, rva trctrd in the district. I "116trr= t r .\t+i, t; oaf supply and demon !. tiin. r14 rt anti iy n I atlas o ow a mimunity liviCI(i, + r , , u t t,,t= til'' ins, } 4• r UTCHERING OUTFIT FOR SALE.— I The butchering outfit owned by Mr. A. Clinton, and consisting of a full set of s, chop furniture, etc., with use o1 the ghter House and outbuildings. As Clin- affords on unusually good opening for a t market, this is an opportau ty•not • ; n presented. For particullars apply to FRA WAY, at Dotlor & Co's store. EACHERS—TWO TEACHERS wanted y or Porter's Hill School, Section No. 5, erich Townshipp. One male, holding a trd-class eartiticate, with some experi- e. Ono female, holding a s000liIbonito s eartificate. Personal II,Pp Trustees. Applications received all to 14th of, September. GEO, H. COB, i JAMES H. ELLIOTT • Trustees DAVID LINDSAY, ) HOUSE AND -LOT FOR SALE --THERE is offered for sale that beautifully sit- ed brick residence at present,occupied by P. W. Hayward, on the corner of Priu- s and Orange Streets,Clinton. The house tains dining room, parlor, kitchen, and , other rooms down stairs, with bath - m, 3 bedrooms and 2 closets upstairs.- , undid collar, with hot air heater, hard soft water. Lot one,.eigbth of an acre. asonable teams. Apply on Q* pre,'atses: _ 41 _ 4' flllll7 eCRES EBCELLENT LAND, J00for sale, situated shrO;it actlOining town of Clinton (about midway butw•een Clinton oemetry and Clinton) on. the Gra road. There is a small barn. This party is very suitable for a retired (arm- or markot gardener, there being two die- ct kinds of soil thereon. Torms �l each, d balance at 7 per cent interest. Tfiere is Inomnbranee on this property. Address M. FOSTER, 174 McDonnell Ave.,Torouto. . PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -SUB- scaumn offers for sale his farm of 50 sc- being the east half of lot 28, 5th con, of Ilett. All but four acros cleared and in a t class stato of cultivation. Good frame n, 36 by 60, frame stables, &c., ordinary clltug hunse, two good springs of water. acre of bearing orchard. Situated three . les front Clinton! Will be sold on roasou- e teruts. W. T. FAl1QUHAR, on the scc, Clinton post 011140. - t f oudetil►orough , Roller 111.111%• n order to make necessary ' repairs 'the ove mills will be closed down for one «•eek 11, from the 3dth to the 1st of Sept. After I cimo they will be running as usual. As the mill chaugos hands on the 1st of pt., all persons iudebted are requested to v up without any delay, in order that the siness may be closed up. H. S. HUI3ER, ndesboru. 11 00 HOUSE AND LOT, 8I`tVATED iV oil egstside ofAlbert St.,Clinton. Th house contains Hall, Parlor, four Bed- ' ClothesCloset, Kitchen, Sum- er Kitohea, Bath . and Bath Room, Cellar, oft and Hard Water, inside and outside. La Shade Trees, Barn, etc„ all in excel- nt state of repair. Terms, i cash and time r balance at 7 per cent interbst. There is o encumbrance on this propertyy. Address . { McDonnell Ave. Toronto, WSI. FOSTER. Voter's List 18849. . ' MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN 'OF CLINTON, , WL'Ir7'Y OP EiLRON. htotir,ft-ilihereby given, that 1 have trans- itted or delivered to�5o persons mcntt�led - n sections 5 and a of The Ontario -Voter's lot Aet,1880, the copies required by said see. I one to be transmitted or delivered. of the at, made pursuant to said Act,, of all per - ons apgeiring by the last revised Assess- . meat Roll Of the said Unnielpality to be en- ded to vote in the said Municipality at El• etions for Members of the Ld'gislative' As- ombly and at Municipal Eledtious; and that aid list was first posted up at, my Other, at linton, on the lord day of Juts 1659, and . re sherd for inspection. ... Electors are called uppon to examine the aid list, and, if any omissions' or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate roeeedings to have the said errors correct- s according to law. Dated this Mrd day of `uly, lM, Wm. CULTS, Clerk of Clinton, Ii O R E � • i ; T%vo good rooms upstairs and one Store, situate in Perrin Blocic, Clinton. Al)ply to J. P. TISDALt, Agent Canada Life Ins. Co'y'' PROPERTIES for SALE The YariouS properties re- maining undisposed ofbelong- Jig to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, deceased, - ai% now offered for sale. In order to close no the estate these properties must be sold. .Full particulars and terms will be made known on appli- cation to the Undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. FORTY.F(5URTH Ppoviocial Eikiop OF TME , Agricultural & Arts Association TO gE IIELD AT TfiF. • City of 'LORI DON F ltO)I -- 91 to 14th of September 1889 Prize Lists are now ready. Entries of Live Stock may be made up to the 17tH of Attg;ust, J. C,ItYKERT,It. 1'., LIEN ILY WADL•-, fres St Catherines. Secretary. T.rohto ,. CANADA'S GIivEAT 11BUSTMA19 NEI -AND- AGRICULTURAL EIpositioo 1sso • TORONTO SEPT. 9th to 21st. Increased Prizes, Groator Attractions and a. Grander Display than over before. Neave%t and Best Special Fea- tures that Alouey can procure. The Greatest Annual 'Enter- tainment on the Ameri- can Continent. CheapExcursions on fill Ita11- way -4. Over 2.70,000 visitors Attr nrle,l this F:xi:thitir n . last year 1,•iltrie3CIOSC AlleflrlUst I71h, For IY7,o T.1-ta lit„1 rcvaA, T're, rmn.tnos et rh•opa t,n+t nerd to I ii. I,1 1,, ,J. •'. \\'1'lilt°\\'. Pt, •. - , r,,r,,nro ,. I1• - n .....:..,. •. ,,,t