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The Clinton New Era, 1889-08-16, Page 3
_---1_1_- T_ _ . . • . a - , d . MiMF+Iw� m _. . « f 3 we will send the -Clinton Teter Er,, to r z a�� subscriber ,'' - ax.il., o gents cash, t1 this reap.:�i GW is the time in Ems] --� art] of +Canada or the United States, for the balance n 5 . �,- : � be lar est �a er In tie e aunty, , send ?� to your �� �e �� { �. s- i�-� i� , better than a to s u. ascribe fort g « � � ; 1'. � , �' ntains a Vast -amount off' home news and general inioy ���t1� � V'�r�,e��.�. letter, anti co - - i,.- . NE1I'S NOTES FORTUNE NEVER DXES- BUFFALO BEATS BARNUX PROPERTIES FOR SALE THE GRUMBLER. -- '--"' Cleanse �+ WILL SUY T11E iiOUSE ANP r When everything else fails, Dr, What's the use in chasing fortune THE INTERNATIONAL. FAIR SEEMS the Sysl 1't $1350 WILL by the under9it,•ned iN rpoTn. Fortune never dies• Sysl by Idr Lawrence, on Buran Etna Sa e'b Catarrh Remedy curet. Have your grief, but never grievance. THOROUGHLY WIRE AWAKE, �� with that most reliable pinton Hard and sett water and good 9t. His cal? was too thick, his coat was too g Waste no time in sighs. mernclne- Pa1ne's Oelerj de. Terrpsof paymeut easy. Reply to JNU thin. Mr A. T. Cutler's old horse, CALLA.N ER, 21 Stanly stJ, Loudon South He couldn't be quiet ; he hated a din. "ChArlie," at Walt, which wad 44 Everything will come to you. The President Haul }lopes to v1Rlt the Compound. •1LpuriSesthe He hated to write and he hated to read; eArB Old, (the Oldest in Canada,) world will better be- �j �� blood, cures conatlpatlon. I,NEACItE I,OT FOR BALE. -WELL BIT• y Queen City aodf Eapresee9 Some EnvT and regulates the VnATLnforbuildinglota in a very do r_ was•certainy very much injured in- had to b@ tlhot Owing to in lit i.n For rivers on] run one way, and ever y able part of Clinton with about 75 choles deed! g g toward the sea. of Levi P. Morton—The pret►t ltwtmlin- kldneys,eRectuallyeleans fruit trees,somebearinga i)ies,pears,plutne his hip bone lie t week. WULes Race to Take Place on Thune- NOW IngIhesystemofanwaste cherries,grapevfues,and �iackand red cur. He moat study and toil over work he find dead matter. routs. Forfurtherpmrticulars apply at the It i re O1 ted that Rev W. J. Overhead the stare are living—always— day. NEW ERA OFFICE, t, f, detested, day and night. ��tn�i�� -- ' - - His parents were strict, he never was Hllntel', �• D., well b0 Asked t0 The sun into some weary soul is ever [From Our Special Coryt+ondent.] LOPERTY FOR BALE - 812,10 will buy rested.; Contest the county of Carleton as flooding light. BuFFALo, Aug. 6. -Then hasn't been ,Celery Compou rid Ya valuable lot on the south siJe of Hurou He knew he was wretched as wreddhed so much excitement over the Circuit sheet, Clinton. three doors beruw tiro Con, - the anti -Jesuit and Equal Rights Slake your soul your mirror; with 3Omhlnes true nerve tonic and at rengthening mutcial Hotel, on which is erected five could be, Meekness, Wisdom, Pride• races at this point in fifteen ears as quialttw, reviving the energies and hits. There was no one so wretchedly wretch= candidate at the next election for A wise man's pillow tells him more p y p houses, with hard and soft s star, slue]] std the Dominion Parliament. p manifesting itself to -day, and to add to " I lr.tvr• been trunblrrl for some years,with a btu, acct other conveniences. For particul ed as he, than ali the world besides. corupneatlon of diihoulcies. Atter trying va- acs n)rply to NALTON DODswoltTli, lir at The Hamilton Ilel'Ald says:- the confusion and what would ordirie y rtuus mwt idles, and nut hosing, relief, 1, tried the \t:w En.+ uflleu IN uA_vaooD be a arse's] demoralization of the horse 1°ainws celery Cowp� hind. Before taking one ---- - - --- His farm is too small, his tales too big; Love our neighbor even as yourself, g tull brttie the long troublesome symptums be- i )itOYEHTY FOR SaLE - SUlt; 'RLBEN g The :►Iowat Government is to be Y g rn to sui,stae, and i can truly say now, that I r offs' for salu that ux-hent hrolwrt.v lit r He was selfish and lazy, and cross as a but not your neighbor's wife. cars, Barnum is in town. Main street g y• commended fur its proposal t0 The sweetest thing to living pian or I looked this morning somewhat as you Leel like a Lew Ulan. Dlgvrdnn .busy hnproved, prescuc o copied ),y hhusul;, ori the uuntur . pig ; ein )lo Central Prisan convicts dying r man is life. I might imagine it would look had there and 1 Laic guled t ten peunu-' to :vefgl,t siuCr I of re of la and It svt lit With His wife was too silly, his children too 1 y }' 6 g B have ewumeneed TS 'i" ; the cOmpuuud " acro of band all sot out with choice fruit rade, in the manufacture Of woolen Love ambition, hunger, wake the world been a general conflagration on the east 11ot x f ;5,00. tAt ruggi ts. Vt. trues and grope vines, plenty of linea and • • 'esus whenever it would nod- £1,00. six fur s5,00. At Druggists soft water. flra house touts ins thr�� And just because he was so uncommon- goods for the use of the prisoners and bol aspiration must soar up at and west sides, with the result of driving WELLS RICHARDSON S. CO.. MONTREAL down stairs, and four above, with nod eel- , ly good ! there and thr0uyhout the jails of y p everybody out of doors. I do not know lar, closets, Sc. This property is v�q coil - HO ha goo got money enough and to last to God. vciiiont to schools, uua is in one of tho best the Province, Whatever the at this hour which has reaped the larger �� ®� _ Qocations flu t„wu. will be st&I entire, lir spare ; y harvest from the neral out- uAu of - DIAMOND the lots liviilud. Terws ruasuua,blo, JOILN He had nothing at all tit to eat or to opinion may be as to the exped- gewill hear ou and will listen, and gc po g CAN ®� `;'_ DYES -� STEEP, Clinton. wear ; iency of employing prison labor will answer, by and by the inhabitants, Bar um or the races? Cd N _W He knew he was wretched as wretched in competition with manufa;,tures The poorest and the meanest yet have What I do kn$w is that the street cos df Dress, OP a Coat, �+ aLUABLE PRrable TY FOR SALE. - He oun one friend up on high, company has "done itself exceedingly Any, Culler VThe most desirable property )use ouir- could be, in open markett,there can be little g p Y rood" in handling the big crowd. (>�%�bOnS, side the corporation of Clinton, on the Lo a ', There was no one so wretchedly wretch- So gather u our manhood feom the Feathers, did difference of opinion as to the ad- ashes of our outh, p g 8 �� tr Road, late] oucupiud b P,ev: flood ed lon as lie. p Y Y There has been a good deal of talk here • _ Gra ,and consisting of I•i Fun -us, with good visibility . of havflag� prlsonetH Andlivo for honor, irrend"bjp, love an Yarns, Rags, etc. YEN CENTS nb0ut building a cable road and much 9 frair a House, Barn auci ter, is offered IN OLD AOE. Chant and truth! g and In many other ways SAVE Money and make Orchard, and plenty of water, f9 offered for make whatever' is essential. t0 Y ut .��— e grumbling at the Street railroad service, things look like NEW, by using DIAMOND sale. being in Stanley township, the taxes 1 e for a He finds he has sorrows more deep than their own maintenance and thus $UMOROUS. and this seems to have aroused the man- DYES. The work is easy, Sime e, quick; tri are low. Very desirable pr of arty his fears ; colors the BEST and FASTEST known. Ask for farmer who wisps to live re .•red, Will be relieve the community from Hlil� DIAMOND DYES and take no other. sold on reasoualJlc,terrns, Appyy for full 9 He grumbles too thinkhe has grumbled porting them. i For Gildipg or Bronzing Fancy Articles usE particulars to THOS, FAST, Parkhill. -� for years ; -4 Willie (who has eaten his lip- . ,� DIAMOND PAINTS. He grumbles to think he has grumbled The newest occupation for w0' pie)—'Mabel,q .l°et,s play Adam 9 ARI FOR BALE — UNDERSIGNED away' man is said to be at Of sU erill- and Eve you `be -Eve and I'll be Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only ro Cents, F offers for sale Lot 22, 3rd con. Hallett, His hgme and hie, children, his life's P + 3 (near the Cemetery) 100 acres, W cleared little day, tendent for weddipgs. The super- Ad amR' Mable—'All right. A COOK BOOK . and freest stumps, balance 5 bush, with good ' able house, frauta barn 50 x 3J, with good But alas! 'tis too truel it is no usetto say indendent,who is usually a young- Well?' Willi@—`Now you tempt `` FREE stabling, orchard nearly an acro, never -fail- . That pia eyes are dim and his hair ie flap woman, is installed ►n the me to eat your apple and I'll suc- Ing span creek. School Ifouse adjoining grey ; house of the bride to be some lit- climb,' B mail to any lad sendin UB the faun No batter soil around—clay and He knows he is wretched as wretched Y y Y $ clay loam situate 13 LAWS from Clinton.- as be, tie time befi ::e the ceremony. DI'. JOkOr—'YOGI' dolly App@al's : ; ; , «,i her post office aiidreas. Posseasiotrgiveu any tim after the crop is dff. Terms easq A rare chance to secure a There is no one so wretchedly 4vretcb- She selects the trousseau, Advises to be out of sorts to day, 008n't-:,,r;—,W � W8118, Richardson 8t Co.,QO., MoRtiecl, gold place. nlfLs,,HODGSON, or FRANCIS ed as he. what is latest and finest in under- she?' Dolly's mother (four years -" ''•�=-4iq� r Silcy,On thelpremi9e9. �VBAI', buys the mat01'la]B and.,dll- old)—'Well, I GOBS ou'd feel I rllARM FOR BALE,—THAT SPLENDID g y TSE ELEPSAxTINa CABRIOLET. farm of 110 acres, on the Maitland con - NEWS NOTES. Signs, and makes or superintends out of sorts, too, if you had all the agers of travel via rail with horse flesh cession, beim lot 77 Croderich township, the making o£ the gowns, knows sawdust spilled out of you.' situated m miles from f Clinton.l lT and four ° � Y motors, to the height of enterprise. miles from the Town of Cnton. The soil is Rev Sain P, Jones preached to all about the stockingaE boots and Summer boarder—` our tete- a sod ala lg through with a o pia te; al Spring It is not to be doubted that the success PIANOSON g y d creak runniug•throngh the place; also gap 5,500 people at Grimsby Park on gloves, laces and handkerchiefs, logue said they® were no mosqui- of the international Fair last season and THE walls. Thera is about S acres s bush, whish sees to the millinery and jackets toes hereabouts, Dor Diikemoney, the brilliant prospects for greater success is one of the best.. gar bushes in the coun- Thlil'Bday. ty; also two frame barna; sue a bank barn, • Wm. Rate, an Adelaide farmer, and wraps, tells the brides mother' this year, are•accountable for much of the one frame horse stable', with room for ten but i killed 80VOn lat3t night.'— y horses, also two good bear' g orchards, bo. dictates akemoney--`Yes, Sir; no doubt, unusual hustling that is going OII' In a]1 ingaboutaix acres inall;twogoodlogbouses. was Bo badly'gored by a- bulla and sisters what to wear, business circles. YEARS SYSTEM. About•45 aeras seeded down. Will be sold week ago that he died. to the bridesmaids, thinks of sir, But them there catalogues 'A reasonable terms. ALEX BADOUR, everything, and lets the engaged was sent Out in March.' It is a carious thing for people who Holmesvine P. o• The folio ri13 notice is posted tau le en)oy themselves with un• knew conservative, prosy std l3ufalo A regular monthly, quarterly or half -yearly pay He waa the dune@ of pia Class; • to witness the went (a slight advance on the rental rate) buys the at an induatria, establishment in P a year or two ago, instrument, SuI)erior Farm' for Sale with- anxi011B minds. that was what they said of him. "booming" spirit which is now abroad in Any piano may be chosen out of a magnificent out rCSGTVC. Quakertown, Penn.:: "No loafing But one da the tOaC @r lit this o assortment of uprights, Squares and Grands, un- _ here. Employes do enough." There is in Brunswick a little y P the city. I3aanum's agents who came surpassed in gnalicy and value. Ministers, each" FORSY�TH vs. FORSYTH negro bo whose years probably question to him: 'How do you here by the car load, just as they have oro, Government officers, and those'in receipt of 'nc mos Will find tills a convenient and nd- re ular i 0 , g r f the Y t waken u ill receive offers for the a]IB Th undersigned W e t0 o u immemorial, P S � iB. rad II1's lira em s class r . Lacrosse. � - depends B for e , a first c a e last u • a L - 2 It done i do for aecurin 0v@1 t •t i -n• van eo is mo u cos Y s John S rano n t P � gy n e er it- farm halo Lot 27 Co laborer, received notice Wednes• do not exceed eight, who'never v P sale a that 27, Con a m i tended school but w}IOBe oat- a good deal on whether the word the inhabitants with wonderfully illrlm- went. when the instrument is need for practice, a, aDd"N day that a deceased relative in ' refers to a person or a bee,' was inated paper illustrating the glories of our Soft stop or Practice Pedal saves wear on the } of .7, Con 2, s of choice la d, and nerves, as well as reserves the tons of the Piano. consisting a 150 acres of choice land, and German had bequeathed him ural genius is 'remarkable. His P the "Greatest Show on Earth," have bleen pp one of the best farms in Tuckeramith. It is Germany q name is Alexander Washin ton. the reply. our Patent Foot Pedal �astudents d Pianos is nearly all cleared, well fenced, underdrained $75,000. in-ade_fai.nt of heart at "Covering that invaluable to orpdtntsts, students and tcacficrs; d -in -a -high -state of -ell Vt ti"n It -has Ha ie known as 'Pre-- ocher,' irOm- ^� hlghel- lila C110B—NOIg}1--- I'rrces,on application. inspactinn lnvited,— A Grand Forks, DAk., despatch g the walls were t►iready ablaze with pa- good brick dwelling, and usual bares and P the -fact that, without license and bar—I understand your son �B geants of Buffalo's own show -the Inter- OCTAVIOUS N�WC�OMB &,CO, subject outbuildings. A alar' title will a given, says that a syndicate Of Ca italistB home from college. I s ose be's subject to this year's ]ease. is farm P without denomination, he makes g P national Fair. I}arnum has been fairly terms of payment accepted. This farm wil ' has been Organized til :develop a his living by preaching to theme- up in every thing? Fa out Barnumed b these Fair le and Ivarerooms- 107 and 100 Church. Bt., Toronto. be sold without reserve, and at ei early dt t y peoP , Factory, the finest in its equipments and appliances Apply to W. w. ,ARRAN, Receiver ` new canal scheme that will r@- groes,changing sometimes 6 eentB .Smyth'e-You;re just right. Hes every business man has caught thein- in the city, 89 to 97 Beuwaoas Ave. Clinton, April 30, 1639 claim upwards of 5,000,000 Acres sometimes $1, for a sermon, ac• up stairs in bed most of the day, fection of gorgeous advertising, until the ' FOIL SALE. of arid and now useless land in . but If you'll Come round in the city may be said to have been painted __ cording to the nature of his con- y north Dakota,. gregation. On Sunday last a eve'nin' about the time I'm doin' carmine; That desirable property lately ooellpieq I am ceratin it will interest many of by David W'eish, deceased, and being lot No On a two-mile circular track at Times reporter heard this ju'ven- the chores, you'll see him out 4, corner Isaac and Dunlore are streets, Clinton - On reariera to tab a peep fIt a Couple Of Un the promises there are first-class steam• Laurel, lid., on Friday, the speed ile exhorter delivering a discourse there in the front yard with a t)le astounding outfitq" whit]] the Inter-' modations-well, cistern, shed, fruit trees, and a garden well plaute(I out. Thu cottap of two miles a minute was main- off the gambler's, -near the Pope snowshoe in his hand ehasin' a national fair people are sending through is new, open for inspection at any time upo tained for ten miles by the three- Catlin'S dock. in 'a quaint but ball, over a fish net in a way that applications theistbundersigned. .1 o The premises it) list be disI, osed of in ofd, ton motor of the Electro -Auto- thoroughly Sensible manner he will make your eyes stick out. tolwind aI) the estate of the late DavidWelt matic Transit Company. This condemned them to everlasting The Night Key Useless.—Nash , �, _ Teruls made known an application. ALES. %VELS11, Executors of equals three miles per minute on death. • His use of English so got home in pretty bed BhAPC last ROBT, WELSH,2 will of a straight track.' readily, always having words to evening. A hack brought him ` xr =""'�— A.Ff, MANNING, S David W.elsli express a thought, is certainly to the doorway, and he had been ,c- . Dr. Auguste Hamel,of :liontreal P ' KENDAL V7 i -W- A W r� ,MI D has instituted a suit against ]lir remarkable. The negroes'almost knocking for an hour when a pa M l'S�A��IP� �a�l�h�: {I4' ]icemen Came along. 'haven t i t 1LEBJIEN to sell Choice Nlinery stock w01'Bhi him on account of his un• g °"'t ' —j'! '? No experience required. living a Ca John Young,of Toronto,for insult. P you rot a night ke sir? asked ., h' It appears that while the doctor usual intelli ansa. y b g' key, dire myself, dna ]tnowiir, the country the polite official, as be saw who ! . °•°``w"" well, I can guarantco every satisfaction was attending him at the central The case f' Herman Carman, P ,) to both 9alestnen and customers. An the knocker was. 'Of C -C -course oxeellent ghance for 3 or 4 gashing mon police station Young called him a the wealthy real estate man, Of , t _ in this viVinity. LIBERAL PAY guar - I've Ot a ni ni-ni ht k -key' ���sw-«..«+s"' _- r uteod weekly. \\ rite for terms to F. d--- d French Canadian and also Chicago, who masa an unsuccess- ,answered Nash 'butgd-do yo � =� "" - . . _ '- - ` Yoo,ri. Nnrserv>natt, Rochester, N.Y. THE CASfEL COUPE.' - s — --t=usiss spat in his face. The amount of fol att@mpt to commit suicide, is B, ose a ni ht ko c•c can roll me damage claimed is 5000. b the const' . I tlierefore vC ou the il- The arost !41teceimfal Remise ever drscv n regarded y the doctors as ono of P g y y 6) y „ eml, t,, ft is certaht fn its efl'ev[s and duea TlTL, i1 1 u Bt-Bta•tau s?° lustaatiolls above, lest so'l'e ciaay the Eke- sot blister, lead proof below• W 11��(? B��������m�,�t UO The'Japan Gazette says about the most remarkable to the kind P phantine Cabriolet" orthe «'+QanielCoup&' 1' 3I u i 100 p@rsons were drowned, 12,- fa record. Notwithstanding the may come rumbl into our town and KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, fact that the second bullet fired. NEWS NOTES y S y � 9T. THOMAS, ONTARIO. 000 Phouses washed away and 2,- you be ignorant of fheirartfulpurposse. OFFICE OF (AARLRa A. SNYDE$, We have the only factory in the Do• 500 acres of cultivated land ser- by the man passed upward through A well digger named John In each of the carts shown in the ac-- - 13RKEDLR OFy the roof of the mouth and pene- Collings f411 down a well, a d'ls• CLEVELAND DAY AND TROTTWO IIaED HOF and isminion. Our materia} is pure and fine, iously damaged in four of. the Com�ianying illnatrationa, is cl)JTrt)d a ELMWOOD, ILL., NOV. I and is endorsed by leading scientists as seven cantons which suffered trated the brain, he is Conscious, tante Of fifty feet, at Woodstock lavish display of colored paper illustrat- DR, D. J. Ktc,nALLCo. being practically imperishable. It can. D-ar airs;I have always purchased our most from the overflowing of the and recognizes not. only the mom- on Thursday afternoon, He was Ing the wonders of the forthcoming Buf- ,jail's s r,avtn cure by the halt dozen �uu not absorb moisture and, consequently hers of the family, but also the engaged in bricking up a well at falo Fair and I.am told that it is the cus- wOtOrl like prices in larger quantity. I till, is not affected by the frost., J. Baker river Chikoga; in Fukuokaken,by ane istablesforthr a yea earth. thaw u' Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L., F. C. S., of. the recent heavy rains. doctors and- others whore he has the Thompson House,and bad just tom of the turbaned gentlemen who con- au niy the s forth years. Q,, says great d rat. seen. He knows all. that is going reached the top when the board on duct the two caravans,•to cover every va- Yours Lewy, CeA9. A. BN; O. Montreal, r po its Wm Shipley, a Delaware cattle on about him. The doctors prob which he was standingave way, cant wall and barn they can &rad with bility ander all exposure to weather g y KEN®ALL'S SPAVIN CU[__,.. and storm is fully assured by its big;l hu er,recentl b6lc ht about $200 hi hl colored paper. The els haat )s' BROOKLYN, N, Y., November S, Ir.R±t. quality. It is more durable .!;tan stone y e g ed for both duels, and found the letting him down. A 'opo was making about twenty miles a da in his Dn. R J, KFINDALL CO. and, will not loose its ha cesoine-h ea? worth of cattle from Mr Ryukman, fiI'Bt ball lodged in the thick 4lone lowered him, and, fortunaloly � ` y y Dearsirs:I desire to give youtevtimonialof my '� pl' w xil h mel s onl I n work t o t e ca i miss►o ar once from generation ti y fr s c a on to t.nerati n. n, , 0 9 o f t nolo❑ of vnur ICenda 1' B v t v of Ildertan, for Which h@ paid g i s pn f i Cure. t ha % -o € near the oar; the other, and the enough, be was able to cling to it covering about s}�eteen. The elephant „ped tt for l.umenese, Stiff Joints rand know of .rinig `other material which ' over the full amount to Mr R ek one likely to prOv"e flitAi, was till he was pulled u ). There were tip ovine; fin (I I Me,nosund It iff Joints o nd man's Bon. Among the money P 1 was yesterday in the vicinity of Ashta- tSN r,rr>_mniend it to as horaemen, equally capable of combining elegan( found in the top of the ]lead near no bones broken, but he was very hula, Ohio, and the came] was said to be Yours truly onager Troy A. H rGylsiva es of form, beauty of surface and indefini' ,. was found a bogus $10 bill and the skull. The effect of this bul- badly bruised. somewhere near Hornellsville, durability. R Ckman: immedifitely took action !" pr' Please call on or write to our anent r y let is to paralyze the right side' of A sad drowning accident occur• From one of the gentlemen who hAd-KENDALL S SPAT .{yYil��s Clinton soil see designs and prices b against Shipley for false pretences the body, and from this, fact the red at Teeswatar, on Friday after- the pleasure of visiting Deer Park last SANT, WMON CODNTY, onr6,the. ie, 18s. fore placing our order. Police Magistrate Noble dismissed doctors know whore it is. Dr noon, the victims i3eing two boys, ' Wednesda as a member of the dale Dn. B. J. KENDALL Co. 1 Y y - Gents:I feel ItmydutytosaTwhet'Ihnysdone W. M. GIrF1,N, AGENT CLINTON with our k endalll' B my n (, the Case believing the mone`q to Graves says there is but one hoe Robert aged 9 and John aged tion which was sent to invite President y K s r i ore, 1 have cured p , g , f �' twenty-five horses that had lSDavinti, ten ,pl' v a have been passed' unrwitlingly by Harrison to thea eeable task of opening .11chtl and of a complete recovery, and that 1 Bans of Robert E. Little, w110B0 p g Itln¢ none, nine .1 S nee with 1;I TRr ST. Tnnxa RtlnTr•. Iin,>�zr•° itnNv- the )3uffalo Exposition on 6o September 3d °,even of IliiR' Jaye. since t have har� one Or yrzut q the cattle buyer. lion in r©moving a part of the fa s ajoius Andrew Little's millp books and Yo110 ed tho directions, Ihave neves )IRN`7 C OMP.tNT, ST. Tn MIAA, ONT. , zst summer a new est teas n out the bullet dam. Tho bo Baro Bu osed to next, I have obtained some inter©sting !Data enaq of anyurs truly, kills- ] p skull and takinr, y pP particulars of the visit. Sonatur Frank YoursAtrufy, A:;DReHoYrpse Dectoe _ ` reported in cattle in Now Jersey, from the brain. bac@ Bono out on craft, and, from Hiscock and CongressmanFarqulrtrwere �CAi.3�,S gPAIN CURE - - D;�Teleware, Maryland and Northern the position of the bodies. when in the delegation, The President with a . Y irginia. The post has again A pretty big' real estate deal recovered, it appeal's as the small- Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. 11foK" and D rs. - Price$1 per bottle, orotxbottles .for g5.All DrnR ostrs ltavr it or can get it for you, or It Will be sent ..+��•vy ib LS .y�e� A*• made "its a ]iearanee this summon has ]nkt been consummated be- or boy fell into the water and his McKee's baby were on .the veranda of any midresson reeelptofhIriceray the proprio ��•-1c.= ^e; u It is a small fly ,which settles In :Ors. na, 8. J. KRNnALLCu., Enusl+ur, fi FRlls, Vt. m 9e voila uic"' q two Uncle Sam and the Sioux. bl'OLh01' In trying to save him was the Cott i,� when the CUII11nIttCe Called. y r i`�y-a'.",&g , ��-°E 71o'q- +rea� numbers around the base of I ]even millions acres of their re• also drawn in. Tho first beard President Harrison was much interesWd dOLI3 ISX ALL I➢1[YJ&t<4IIi�i''3, =1-=4.9..%as...; ` the horns and on other portions Of Servation in South Daltota have of the accident was when their in the fact that Vic* President Morton I'•?-t°;a'0.-"1ri°;5 the body where it cannot be reach- been bou ht for Sr14,000,000. little sister, sent to find them, saw had• been ori exhibitor of ciuern- • n `'VQ-..`°�0m a �.0 Qu;; a g +:.vim maw ° UZ Cd by either tailor bead. It sucks Chiefs Gall and Grass signed the' their hats floating on the water, say cattle at the Buff Fair ip O„ wse° aFq� t<. last year, and regretted that he did not o m p' '� a•�iad.'�'.°g; ap°, a moderate amount o� blood, I o- agreement, partly because they and ran to the mill arae] gave the have any to exhibit. The Buffalo gentle- ' m 5 , am 13016. V. Fa e doses the condition of the cattle believed the white mon would alarm. qS-" &°��°oe°''", and lessens the yield of milk b take the .lands anyway and art] A cold rain, with bi rh winds 16e rating he Exposition lite all i s a rep- * aSol�GtOX.-a y y y y partly b s resenting the Exposition in all its attrac- V)`ab U i P'Aae from oTj°third to one-half. because they wantod the money, in Lngland,i has taken another tiveness on the piazza and Baby McKoe a ,'. m=' m s"9 to BrIZ Hoppe,a railroad laborer Sitting Bull alone held ont, Tho five per Cont. Off the wheat Of0p, became immediately excited. 11'Ir3. HAr- E, • e � (sem '" °ase ; living at Minnesota City, put a tract coded extends from Missouri Even before this the grain in Nor- rison reminded the President that he had a;� C.wga,rn . R` p�q�n,alt] - heavy log chain about the neck of to the Black Hills and then nortb; folk was so beaten down that the an ©ngag'emont to visit Lafayette College �; , o a 9 spy s a d aq his 1'L•year-old son, looked it so it embraces, likewise, a part of 'bulk of it will have to be cut with in which her (Mrs. Ilarrison's) father was 3t�j >' V,.� a,0 EP °oa'• h; s Eod tirrhtl that the bo was near] the fertile Winnebago -Crow Crock a scythe instead of machinery, interested, at about thio time his presence P m a a�„%Q�2"A0 pE Av r, y y Y do.tvf111 requested at Buffalt�, but the Presf- d 4 r, a ° , p as �:« w "' E;Ab choked, Tibo or.th eewent ho�tlsalaterr the Missouri to rcscr�ation ver,Bouth of Piercen the -cast bank £ manding an -rsincreaee of theand laborerefore, foi dent said he ells not think that engage. � W 94 Q i� o0 -ti." ,M - "R%e g g meat would interfere. Iia ffaid he shtxll� r� m w « o N neighbors rarriad the lid t0 a The area of this great ti -act is tho harvest. The Standard Says, like very much to visit f3tiffalo and made 01 [� a° Q�G0Z N. 9;, . ' ' kilacksmith shop, where the chain equal to that of Nov Hampshire after an exhaustive review of the a pleasant reference to his pro'dewssor, d ° :paP 'e0� M� He hopes to be able too n tete Fair. r„ a ,.w a ow �•�•�`� C��p waq removed. Wben Iloppo rC- and Diassachusetts combined, and whole situation :--On the whole P' M w a ° e-ti,..;� The mel .lE.t Il%`9f I1 RA, turned home the nei rhhors turned it ]floe, all of it, in South Daltota. the year's products of wheat in It )s al!o ether 1[Loly that 13nn,jamin � W.td a a Jib ��':`,, A iiarrison trill open the International Lx- :. a 40,::2 y is C. -00 out, and, after a struggle, chained These 11,000,000 acres, will pre• the world is Almost certain to bo position. s.`' Fpr° ca��-, ,� , him by the ne k to a port: The vide farms for 60 000 families,and mu -h less than it was last ear, Tlrero ly a gI•eat deal of dNeiisgion con- �n , w cl'- ;,�c".;y'c� �°., ' 4l y terrain the Belle Tlu.mlin-Marr Wilkes ff, a :1 I., d ° ^� `�" Job I6� ��� sur- � bop had offened him by ft a the inns is said to be of the finest when nothing but the extraordin g Y ��� 3 � 1, °-•,��"� _'" rase for $10 000 which takes place here �i�l?W,•1"I?�it!! ea �• t :. ? � c y lot of sheep,which had been con- quality. The Indians retain as cry Russian hardest prevented a next Thursday. Both horses are said to r. •- ;,n _r=:• -Z M fined in a pon and were sulfbi i g mile], of the reservation ao th ey serious deficiency, and the roservo bo "fit to race for a kingdom" and bet - for water. Tile father saes he it' can well make use of. • stocks are now much io*er than ting runs high and about even, with pe�,SSe.s all others sorry nett that the boy didn't t l ). - a real ago,' Hany Wiilfos perhaps a Fhai}c bettert I S' `i:) cents e� h will Ct the thought of. The race will n c, will e • 3.7 CCntS CIi511 will +'Ct t1lC about h p, m. on Thursday rand will be A Ci��+ C� - 25 cents Cash will got the TN l'' finished within tho hour, a.� thr, owners ' Nmv EPA t0 r,ew Slll)SCrib- I �EW I.RA) tO 110W subscrll) 111:w ERA, t0 new silbscrib- of Harr Wilks° objected t, to gktnd- FREE l ' 4c�f y ors, for the IN1401CC of 1Ra,) ers, for the balance of 1q 'f a' 1 Y I� �'�� �'41:I1��. CJ'S, or the balance of 1. ► 4�,) tv}chin rat of other hcata. ti tNnrat. By toot] (o any lady sending us par past office address. Wells, Richardson & Co., Montreal, . p i + "r ,.-. `I Z tt , (T �t 6� . �,00' (1. .� Vr ` '`' ^� (v (.1D_ �N" . *-WP . M =.� . �= 5.. � .Q TPe V< 0-d- . J P S O � .;L• �='--,.O� Vaale 1001024 F '' ..40� ' ' e law: l"e , �, 7 . : 5 (r frl- 0' .a I Peni.t4 . ].,�� I I ,J - �.,-4 f''" - + . . omd .d, - ; . - � � .+ tdn�_ - ._. a, :,0 r' IT.,�, i I LV I - ,I (1. .� Vr ` '`' ^ r .. .tl l t� !- . :,0 'he i ;1, 11 • ",-1 (1. .� Vr - (' e h 1 , r j�t�L •)A..i s , p (% e�* ,, Vaale 1001024 i ;1, 11 v 1J :.