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The Clinton New Era, 1889-08-16, Page 2
T. p( a' j' , r'n. � .. u . _f , - 1., �.,,eat,;,.,...,,n,,,..�...,.:,_ .,� i i r . . I I I 7 . I , . I I . . . I I I . � I � 41 1 I I 1� Q• -- TiIDAY, AUG. 1G,1880. ward with her husband and A.liss both Philip and Miriam that T fn that he fancied he could detect o 'from the crimson lips there came V. would st sin of bo efolueas, as though she cue single ward•: , of hear of it; that I won x P g a, .,*^w-'+^"^'^ 11airi3forth beneath the clear spring 1VOt11d A , „ !" When BAby was siert, we C&ve her Castoria, o� � �� (r�t A tune 1) sky. The quiet moon and Gale nover be sep.trated from her. A h thought the remembrance of the Vasbti. tiYynne called,her voice Y. 1 when she tsar s Chad, she cried for Gaetoria, ;, L� glittel'ing stars peeped in through me, I could not live apart from my road,in which he bad taken such in very faint, her face very white, her _ _- tether, would had a power to prevent ayes gleaming likC atais-"Drashti!" When she became Mtee, alio gtartg to eaatorla, W 4. hx TItE Alii_ OF "51AODALr•.NIs Wynne's chamber window at Clov- child." g Rrhtnohehadchu4nu,shts avethemeastgrlA I- „ ernook, and shone upon the wakeful j The words canto back to her often his going. He misunderstood the meattlnt, of & � Z Z13 M Ll;cACY, 1,TC, faro and wide open blue e�ps. The in the future, when tiute had taught I have every confidence in my her utterance. Z V 17 -` sole and purple tints of morning her how mnoh anguish and sorrow steward, AZrs Rainsforth. His '•Vasbti shall be as Boar t� me P omen heart can snfler without superintendence will be quite as able as though she were my own," he THIS YEAiI;'� cc CONTINUED. were fivahing tb9 eastern hear ons tUe h +' . before these blah eyes sternclose-before s:ncoumbing; she remembered them as mine." said e:lrnestiy. "You*cannot think I4,�'bd „There iB no need for apology, g N Y „ C3 alta answered, tier tones harsh and Wynne Rainsforth, fell asleep. All through the long weary years which She tried to make some light re- that I menta wish to separate ori �' o 11 'bitter. erely unhappiness and the the night long she 1 awake, re- followed -the words, "I�could not mark, to the effect that she hoped from her. She shall accompany us. p p t 0 his tour would be a pleasant one- The ale face the blue," litterin mm. . I calling every worAbe. musical live apart from my child. P P' ° ' g g a &JJ position I hold in my husbands es- , Gough = voice !tall spoken, every glance Arley Goueh looked upon the to tell him how much they would apes wejre again turned to him. OUT AND PLUG timatiou and home cannot be tuts- wed a beet face all a low with earnest regret his absence -how sorely they Realae tap hands, shedemanded. _ — taken;they must be very apparent." which the dark eyes had bestowed g upon bet-, every smile wbich had 1 feeling, the luminous eyes glisten- would miss him; but she tailed et] Her voice was very low,but there Smoking TOBACCO KIPPEN MILLS "Your little girl must be a great in with tears, the lil,s quivering tirely. The words diel away upon was neither wavering nor tremul- , ; pleasure to you;' he said, trying to curved the chiselled lips. g g I Are taking the lead in 4ristin aqd Chop• and trembling with deep emotion. her lips -she co ild not give them ousness in its clear, sweet tones; he FINER ER THAN_ EVER. ` ping • which will be done at all times, on the give a fresh tone to the conversa- CI -I APTTR X. j That sweet face, those lovelit utterance. could see that she was trembling shortest notice. CHOPPING only 5 cents, a tion; "and you must fee> exceedingly spring had blossemed into euro- ;oyes, the tender rosebud mouth how Oh how intently he was watching violent! but on the beautiful face bag Give us a ictal, and you will be con. Y g 9, . SEE viuoed that this to the right place to et. your proud of her. I never'saw a more tt� 1 ! The unprofitable meadows they had haunted bion fur many a her! And his heart was throbbing upraised to his there were no traces orlating done, as everyone gate c s flour loves child." P g sleeping, g strangely of indecision or yielding. Yet still _ eracan depend from lits own wheat, Farm - y wli.ioh had belonged to Philip Rains- ' day -waking or slee in it was all and goalie is a erten el exultant ora can sagged on getting _herr stun Monte She is as good and gentle as she forth were now the property of � the same. Loose enough,doubtless, manner. Two spirits seemed war- he retained his hold of her hands- with there. is ,,She she remarked, "Ah g P 1 Y . , ° b`LOUIi �� a FEED. -Flour and teed kept A r Goo h onl a mother can nn' Arley Gough,and the new road was had been his habits wild thought- ting within him. One was whir a firm, close pressure. constantly hand. -- — I g , Y begun and making fair progiess. less, and unsteady IIis lite, but lie per'ing to hint to flee from tempta- "Release my handa!' she repeat- To &B0 D. B, _+__LEAN, Rippon Mille; derstand tho blessing my.darling is The intimacy been Arley Gough .was not a dishonorable man, as the' tion): -to go away while honor and ed, her tone one of unmistakeable it nno,zE ox (yLINTOE MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE, to .me!" and the Rainsf°rths had in no wise j would counted honor;he was not the self-respect still remained tohim;the hauteur, "What have I done, Air Library and Reading Rooms, Town "I think 1 can form some little rr urging Gough, y (y EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE Ball, down stairs, About Leading volume; s; diminished. The visit to Broad• , one wilfully to iilj ary his uei°Lbor other lir in him with a force almost g that ou should so dee it in the Library and •art the the day on th idea," ht told her, thinking at the lands had been repeated on more -the man at wLoso table he Lad it resistible to - speak to her tale insult utel" Papers and Periodicals tis a the day on the COOK, taUle, ri_embership trcket gl per aunnm same time Low beautifully the nil? than one occasion, and thee® were ! sat, with wheat Le had brolren bread words trembling upon his lips -to He set his teeth firmly together, _ _ ' Q H. f Open from 2 to 5 p m., and from 7 to 9 P. ¢bei• -love and mother pride chased but he made her no re )l neither Licentiate oflentnl surgery, Honor Gradu m. Applications for membership received few days which did not see Arley and exchanged the cordial hand- tell her of the passionate mad love (y— ate of the Torouto school of Dentistry. oy the Librarian in the room. away the sad wistfulness from her Gough at Clovernook, The progress grasp of friend�ltip-to set himself wbich filled his heart. did he comply with hsr request. • -- -- ------- a_e, Wynne rose slowly -it seemed to 'Before you mike arrangements Nitrons oxine Gas tooth. administered for the LENM[GLER MISERY of the road was always tl source of deliberately to word to win fro ilhim Y Y g painleae extraction of teach. "I think we had better return to conversation which never failed to his wife's affcotions oh no! kis had him, waarily-front. Ler seat, for another, it would be well to a°s- Office over Jackson's clothing store, next the house," she said,presently; "pro interest Philip Rainaforth;the plans hitherto striven earnestly to shale- "I wonder where Vashti can have certain whether the are agreeable, to Postoince,clintou. �r"'.Y g FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE: baht AIr Rainsforth has returned. g� Night bell ayswered ty +: Y their neighbor was maturing for the oft' the delirium which steeped his rambled away to; shojis nowhere in to that other, she emphatically a n i NO1;�VAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH. Mint we take the same wap back9' improvement of his tenantry, men- senses as in a sweet iutoxieation, to sight, and it is time we were going "I decline most emphatically and M0:\'EY1 MONEY! MUI`EY! ' AND ASTRACHAN PINE, I, "It is not necessary -not even tally and morally, pleased Miriam; break through the spell which was home, .Oh, I see Ler-standing by decidedly to accept those you appear funds atlow make ates a d moderate d pen ee Till LATTER OF wnlC(I WE AtAAA A SPECIALTY - I, desirable, I' think. This path leads• while as for Wynne, some new closipg rougd him, to regard Airs that clump of hawthorn trees;i will to have made for ivy comfort and Terinswafttosu_tborrowQrs. , "LARGE $TOCK ON HAND, out into the park." Y o to bet,. Good evenin Mr .Gough; „ MANNING St SCOTT, Clinton - -» f. spirit appeared t° possess her -she Rainsforth with sentitneuta nn deep- g g,pleasure. I prefer making mp own. '� "a He pointed as he spoke, to 'tile ) d to Have discovered and quaff per than those of admiratton. for her I presume we shall see you at Clover- He re .,dad ..11er--_with.'_SatoniBh- L-� "-t' ' � The aUofo oruatnentnl trees and shrubber} wt. ripper _' "TE. REL! LJ� - walk leading awn from that b seemed g be Bold at very low prices, sad those },natio r . g Y ed cdeepty bf a -_perpetual fountain of unquestionably great beailty, `an-ic nock before you take your depar- ment. Could this grand beautiful r which they Lad come, but one ap- b anything it] this purchasing well save mons I`, happiness. , sympathy for her lonely life and un- tureen ' • creature who stood before hirospeak- DENTIST, purchasing hare. parently equally gloomy. Her husband was no less indiffer- congenial home. He had fought - The evil spirit gained the mastery, ing with such queenly disdain, such "Will it be dark a ain4" Wynne Orders by bed twill be promptly attend g Y ent,no less immersed in the business valiantly against the love which had Arley Gough gazed upon the sweet quiet scorn, be the gentle, clinging, NoRFOLE VILLA,'N . No.321 COLLEGE ST. ed to. Address, ask of they walked away from the of his farm by day, and his books tomo upon him as an armed man, Paco, pallid and wan and spiritless impressible woman who he had fau- TORONTO, __ _ ° summer -house• and papers in the evening,than aver and which he knew to. be very now, but he would ever remember tied was only awaiting words from JDN, STE�tARTt �ennlilier. "No, we have doe with the _was just as much swayed by his wrong and unjustifiable in the sight it as the dearest ant>t„loveliest earth him to acknowledge that she return - .I. S� `���}�®1�? j� j�� } r p —(t Lady's Walk proper. This grove of sister's opinions, and obedient and of Heaven, and now he was tom he d. Ile could not et Ler go' lilts ed that love -who he Lad thought i� 111eK&D ID10al IRSUrana Co. _ tvoes is of comparative modern 1' Y would be so easily wont Ah, bow GENERAL DEALER IN TIIIWARE, ( ,I_ �', rowta the thi_kest foliage 'is just subject to Ler rule as before. Mir- yelled to acknowledge himself van- this the could not art thus ectal — g , ism was not one whit less severe or quished;he could not cease loving her, frolu the woman ++ho had areae his he saw his mistake now when It HQ2ON STREET, CLI�TON. he'r'e•' proue'tofault•finding;and yetWynne be could not help regarding bet, with life at Brottdlauds seo,u a thing was coo late -now when all the Repairu; of all kind, promptly attended t„ T• NISIL `'lsNS, HA IRLi7OrK A, few yards father on the trees ti(pnt about singing snatches of gay eelings warmer than pity and pleasant and joyous, the summer hopes which only a few. 11iinutes be. _ rea,enahle rate,. A trial solicited_ became thinner and thinner, dwincl` airs from sdnrise to he friendship; while he was there he months' so bright and golden. He fore had been so high and`{promising GENERAL AGENT. lino down to a narrow u1eCP.• of n were shattered and dead -not:• when BIBLES & TESTAMENTS AT COST 1t,olatea town and village property, as writ] Z3 and gladsome: Miss P�ainsfotth's could se© her every day, could listen could not. All his good intentions ea farm butldingsandstock,incur d. Incur• '' shrubber , thioucL� which Wynne were forgotten, - his fit resolves lie (stood sn idst the ruins of his The,Glinton Brannh Bible 5peiety nave for anaas effected against stock that may be, ',; Y ° rebukes seemed to fa)1- upon ears to her gracious words, could bask in ° > sato at DR wORTHINGluN'S DltuEI killed b lightning, It you want insurance mould plainly see the park. And that were charpried against their Be, the sunshine of her smile, faded into nothingness. "airy castles," which had seemed so stoRE, Albert Street.,a title aasurtment of y r before they reached the Louse her Biblea audTestameuts, drop acard - the above address. verit}'; her husbands indifference Sitting alone in Lis favorite room He caught bet- bands in his own glowing ant} full of promise! 'TEST.iHENTS FROM Acts. UPWARDS - _. - . *ace Lad' regained the brightness it and apathy were never brooded over at Broadlands the whole of that in a close passionate clash, "You twist he mad," Wynne con- BILI,F-S FRott 25etS U1•n•ARUs. PAINTING. PAINTING. lead worn in the afternoon, and she now with resentful bitterness, sainn)er day, looking out over ter- "Airs Rainsforth! ' Wynne:" lie I tinned "cr you wotild not have Cosi oiynSEE, DR tcoRTHINc'ror, De- l The undersigned des_ros to intimate to the ,, was happy and contented in the en- Never had Summer been so sweet to raced garden, fertile, verdant mea- cvie'l. i dared to speak to nip as you have a - people of Clinton and viol"it that he baa o mentoftho resent hour, Arley I" J.. T,«'lLhIE SUPtGEO\ llEVTIST returned to town, and inteu s to remain j+Y P Wynne before; never had the son; doors, and calm, winding titer, mitts CkIAP'TI;11 ::1. I spoken now. , _— 1 here Ile'manently, and is better prepared s Gough had rare powers of COnver•sa• Of the bll'd5 sounded so full of incl- strained, aching eyes and aLunger- i Then he quietly i eleased bet, golds the right for the county for than ever to do anything whatever In the y painting or paper hanging line, All orders tion, and exerted them to the utmost, od the flowers seemed so frautant, ing heart which cried ' out greedily "Airs Rainsforth! Wynne!" cried hands the Hurd process of adrutmstormg chem] rpintrustgd to him will receive prompt and y, _ally pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the careful attention, '; vn please AVynne Rainsforth, count- the soft air so balmy. Little Vasbti and unceasin;dp for the fOrbiddeu Arley Gough, as he caught her I "I think I must be beside nly- safest and beat system yet discovered for GEORGE POTTS, dirk St„ Clinton. Yng himself amply repaid when leis beard tales in that golden summer- fruit, he fought his battle and form- blinds in h�s own in a close, passion- Belt'," he confessed, with a calm (lea - I, ta°t�ranteed.Ooiic . • words called up a smile to her lips time more wonderful than, any her ed his resolve; and when the sun �te,clasp• � pendency of manner y�hich touched She looked, into his face mica "For• ,IOTT'S BLOCK, over Rance's Tailor hop, HurouStreet.E;Beton. or a,,quick flash of gladness to her mother bad told her before, had ret"he mal'>,ed into the ark 1 > JVynne in spite of Plerself. 'eyes. Some- eyes. Sometimes NV nue wondered hoping to merit with ki'ynne tilde, wide-open, startled g(ve me,l<IrS P.ainsforth. I am very AU$TED : P "VITALITY . Philip Itainsforth had not return•. Miriam µ,hat, Manner of change was this and intending to imp art to her, not thing in his voice, in lits manner, unhappy."' surprised Ler, and created within I' hlrn ' f tHE SCIENCE of Life&-- oil from Itinfare, but gave that had comeover ber-what glans. the tidings of the passionate love i�llt She tlit'nP.d riwaI tnaklnn ° hrr vague sensation of alarm, the great onMedical Blan- Work of the age on alae• them a P,faCiOnS meeting. u ,,Wynne," -she said; "I think was cast over earth and -sky, And 'dreamed that she was he bore hac or of the tierce battle which he had' fought with his own a c Ino re 1 "Good evening," she said a little • P y g, > He could not let her leaveJAw so; hood, Nervous and afire cal Debility, Premature tbee bad better take some rest now, she never walking the very__verr,ge of a heart-ob, no, not of these, but of hurriedly, endeavoring to withdraw. Y e he would'go away, he would never Decline, Errors of Youth• and the untold miseries — Thtr-lvokest white -and meaty." ,upon precipice whicb,'althougll hidden by the resolve lie had formed. It ryas hit', needs from his firm hold -"good I attem pt to aro her again but he Air Gough. have been E consequent 125thereon, soo meas * azs l,roserip'- '7 am a little tired, Wynne ad - . witand no one looking upotb.e smiling flowers, none the less tache- destruction. one which conscience whispered to . hfm was right arA and lie .evening °, o l _geld not be content to carry with absent longer than usu;tl;Phi ip and him the remembrance of her scorn, ! for Cloth, full gyrus;_, s0aled. - lustrated sample free to all young and mid. Cally. composed face, could have it]) teased deadly She went out one evening into ,pro(per, determined to put it into imtned}ate .Miriam will think that something of her disdainful anger. dleaged Loon. send now. The Gold and Jewelled !legal awarded to the author by agined that it bad been agitated so by elle park, taking her child with tier, execution.. L'ut at the very outset has happened -soler thing wrong, "Forgive me!" he pleaded, very know. � humbly lug immediately be- theNatioeal 11Iedieal Aesociatiou. Address PARIKER, Lately passionate grief. ;'I hope you have not felt dull ,� The day- had been exceedin°l-v hot; had the he made a wrong stF'p, a false move. It would have bean better and You ate, (p . - y Pitt Le did not release her hands fore her. 'Ah' Wynne I love you ' ' graduate of Harvard Medical Col- lege, 25 years l,racticein Boston, who niay and lonely," Arley Gough said to she not ventured out until sun had gone down and the Mare wises• on the part of 'Arley Gough ! from his imprisoning grasp, ho dial ; 5t] dearly!"• be consulted confidentially. •Specialty, Dis- ease of flan. ofnce, No. 4l3plfluch St. • ' firiani; "we have been absent some is long had died away. The breeze was now Lad he carried out his intention of not remove his p.assiouate, lingering rr'Jz� from her f.1ce. CO BE' Ct)NTINL'E11; � s{1 Rc)lsons Ban]! time. The walk rather a b rine, and there were spots for which moving•pleasantly amidst the foliage °f the trees. She seated herself up leaving Broadlands for a time, to visit distant, lands fn search of•tbt; °' �1i'ynnt�," are whispered,his vcic� low hoarse agitation "I ` 3'1'Of1Y�a2011: U111ll tif11C1 (rilt£ifi p lle • Incor,iratedb' Act of Parliament, 1863. 1 C claimed Alrs P.ainsfott.h's special 1 on -a rustic bench placed beneath the waters of Lethe-if lie departed at and. +vitt ( ° cannot ler go;i cannot part -frons --- - - - -- CAPITAL. - b2,000,Qt)f>. attention." . "I h:tvo,ylot felt lonely or dull," branches of a wide -spreading elm tree, Red openers a book which she once without seeking for one more g interview with Wynne Rainsforth y, you you like this, Wynne,niy dear one, 1L.iN ti I ti C; & ,;COT'C, I Ii ]✓S'i FL":v li 100U 0t1U „ Iliriuu, talc( hint.• 1' have been had brought with Ler. -the lad for whose sweet sake he p I , lo}e yoip!" B�il'1"IStP1:SI SO 1.C1tOiSf flEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. , thinking during thy absence of the in which thy lines But she did not read, 1'Le boot_ purposed exiling himself for a time, 1 P g least, from Broadlands. But be' Some strange fascination appea - ; ed to rivet her eyes, for she dict. hoc TII051AS IVORKHAN,,.....,,President, J. H. H. 1fOLSUv,...,,,,,,,.Vieu-Pres. pleasant places have fallen Arley Gough- > ` Y' ° lay•all unheeded in her lap, and her dreamy eyes fixed their upon at never thought of this. He must colrvEYANCEIs, tlC., remove them from his face' some „ 1 Cnunuasiioners for Ontarioaud Manitoba F. WOLFE RSTAN THWIAS, Oei,eral Manager` .ing the vast amount of good it is gaze the spot where Vasbti was already see her once again, apart from the strange fascination t0 SCaI Ler lips, : Orr,QU NEXT DOUR TONFW ERA, CL,NTuv for though they no sound i, - •'- ------ -~_ -. •--_-- - - -`,- . `-- - Nates di,4cou)tted,Coll•'ctions mtade,Dr(tfts American Possible to do,if tbou art so minded. He looked her in astonishment, I)laying merrily. curious gaze of others; he must g parted, 0NEY TO LOAN. 1IOI t't3AQES issued from them; some strange fas-' �� Bought. Private Funds, C RIDuuT, iseucd, Sterling .and ex- 7 c6sage bought and sold at lowest it" but replied, pleasantly enough- Presently she heard footsteps,and, turned her head to see Arley Gough watch the expressive face to see`how the news of his approaching depar- cination to ehaiu her to the spot,for Office over J Jackson's store, Clinton• current rates. ' Interest at 3 per cent allowed on depgsits. "I hope to do a great deal, I as- sure you, bliss Rainsforth. I trust coming towards'her from an oppos. its direction to that froth which she ture would be received. there had been silence between she stood still and motionless as a dlnaR[aGE LICENSE',. -APPLY TO x the undersigned LICENthe SE',. Library Roo;us, Statue. r< „ I- t d „I JAMES SCOTT; Clinton. FARM73:R1�1. 11m,e} awauced to farmers on theft one notes that my tenants• will find mea land t I lovO ou e i e )ea e — with nue or more endorsers. Ao mortgage re - ]lad come. [ie soon reached her, Lem for some time after that pas- Y , 1 AItRIAGE LICENSES _SSUED By THE gusted as security. lord neither harsh nor unmindful of cannot line without you -you must �1 nndersignod, at residonco or drug store, and after a )elite greeting, sat down sionate outburst of hers, but at last " 1_RS A^�4'ORYHIrGTON: ` _ Jauuarp 1sS7. II' C. BREtiVER,tlillti� er,- ���`�� TTSDALIJ their interests; and, if AIr Rains- ' 1 ° `�' hes )oke. knov6 that I cannot!" O d) Y TO LE D tN LARGE' OR T r upon the bench beside her. E fort}! will crit}' gratify me respectlng t It was rare indeed that �1' ane "I must have bored you terribly Still that fixed prolonged gaze 111 smauaumsong(tod mortRagwswrurity, the meadows I shall be able to find i Y u )on his face -still that motionless, moderaterateofinterest. H TIALE,Clintotl Dunton Post .Office Time Table I saw him in his own park. If they during these summer months, Mrs E B A N KE RS , . employment for some time for the p „ statuesque attitude — still that rpiloxiis BRolVN, LICENSED AUCTION- Chanced to meet he gave her a few T�afnsforth. EER for the Count of Huron. Sales at• lfails are due for delivery and close for despatch poorer class. And I have often ' ° r( breathless .silence. Arta Gough ) at the Clinton Post Office as follows: - 'i kindly, courteous words, and then Do not''say such a thing, AIr Y ° tended to 'at rensonnble rotes. Seaforth RO, CLINTON. ON�i thought that the truest and best passed on. Too thorough a man of Gough you know it is untrue; our interpreted these outward signs in -----_- -- - - cues o-- ° , Y , DR APPLETON-OFFCCE-AT REST - benevolence consist in giving work intimacy with you has been a great Lia own favor. nt:NCE on on tanto atrwet. Cli,lto❑, oP. Iiamilton, Toronto, Strat• the world was Arley Gough to haz- V Y g tors, saaeorth, Grand ! to the laboring man.", „ and frequent interviews °with the source of pleasure to us all," "Your relationship to Philip gates Eugtish Church. Entrance by aide Trunk east and interme• I - Advances made to farmers on'their own "_'hat is ver well In its r, " R--' —'- --- "`- dints offices •,,,•.,,, .. 7.0Us.m. 1.50 p.m 'notes, at low rates of interest. Y y( l rautiful young wife of Pbil} p You are too kind to • mo Mrs Rainsforth is no union, he continn- J. ivALKER, ��'cEkl�AitY suitGEON ), Y ° ( , ,,, Toronto Stratford Sea - said Atiss Rainsforth. "But, Arley ed it is the veriest mockery Of J Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. forth, PP. and S. east,. ,. 1.55 p.m, B a.m Rainsforth. He knew well what P�ainsforth-a great deal kinder ), Y lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at (}oderich, Holmesvitle and I A general Banking Business transacted Gough, there are other ways of do- would be the construction put upon than I deserve. I wish I could find marriage. The tie which binds you lauded to. Otgce-Loudeshorough, Out. Grand Trunk west...... 1 p.m, s.10 a. -i Interest allowed on deposits. ing good -other ways of applying such, by the gossips of Kinfare. -word to expresi the happiness I to him has nothing sacred in it, for TT RS WHITT -TEACHER OF MgSIC- Hamerich., Toronto 4.15 ppm, 10 251a,m Sale Notes bought 1. th moi3O than b ratif ing th g love does not hallow it. 11� Member of rho Canadian Society of London, L., Il, & B. south a,m, nt,la.m. m tastes at. dyini )covin 11 estate by Wynne, in her utter ignorance, in have experienced in making your Mutt.$dans, Piano and Organ for the use of p' p o I g y Y Ler entire innocence never gave a ac uaintau(e-to tell you lioav fleas. p❑pils. Residence, Kr a Hartt's, opposite and intermediate offices 7.60 4,15 10.257.60 J. TISDALL, Mana,er. ° g 1 'Two souls with but one tingle thought, Mr Wltttehead's, Albert Street,Cllnt s' Blyth, wiugham, Kinear• _.___ making new roads: There are the thoualit to the matter. • ant the months have been to me. dins,Luckuow,L.,H,&R, . „ Two heart that beat as one,' north and Intermediate a.m. P In. a.m., p.m �/ Rewarded are those who read sick to visit, the distressed and ,tlcame here boping to meet you," They are at an end now," be added, R REEVE,-OFfICE,-RATTEIBURY' o111Ces ............... .. 9,30 6.15 a.105.00 RICHLY thtsandthen act; they will find poverty stricken to relieve-" he assts. "Z have somethin to tell "but their tiienior will dwell with -that is love -that is marriage! D it, Murray Block, two.doora eget of Britishlnnils,llionday,lvcd• honorable employment that will not take l g Y Hodpro❑s' entrance• Residence opposite d, (109dRyy', Thursday 7.00 nim., them from tacit homes and families. The She broke oft' rather abruptly, for on Mrs Rainsfortb." . me to the last day of my, life. Airs . Between Philip Rodrisforth and Army Barracks, Huron St, Clinton. Onieo 13. tiekl, Varna, Horhiann, proBtsare large and euro for every industri- 1-ietbing in thO face of the tray, 3 The lovely face—which seemed Rains or h, I am going away from yourself tbele is not one thought, hours, 8 a m to 6 p mr,„'6t ` _ Y dotty . ................ 2.30 p. m: 12.d5P•(n• oue person, many have made and ar® now Summerhill, Tuesday and making several hundred dollars a month, It i) handsome young man before bet t0' him t0 grow lovelier with '-eoch Broadlands.” UGC faelin �, one sentiment lt1 Com- pp •. . Friday, ... ........-.. 5.30 p.m,! 5.30 p,m ie easy fir any Oarson to make $$ per day warned her tbat, for the present at " STAalDepa meat of OF THE Hone Orders issued and De osits received frotu and upwards,wbo is willing to worst. Eithe st'd enough. It was summer day -turned towards him, Ile iwas watching her -:,h, so mon," jl✓J Medical Department of Vtetnr_a Un_• 5 ono dollar upwards. sex,youngorold; capital riot needed,westar ?east she had t ldepths 1 vetsity, Toronto, formerly of the Hespitale I y g I y ° and in the clear de )chs of the lilue closely. He Aaw •the O d sadness And still she .stood m,OtiOh enS, and Ipigpenaaries, New Yprk; Coroner for OtHca hours from 8 a.m. Order 7 , oc you, • ever thin new. \o special ability an expression of haughty astonish- es ha+ read sort 1 little wonder- creep back into her ejes, the 'rich and still the tremulous crimson the County of Hurpv, Bayfleld, Ont. 8acinga [Sauk aua Money Order Oftice close onq, required; you, usa ton on or u l arti u any at 6.30 p.m, one, Write to us at once for Pull particulars went. Arley Gough, boll, his hac•^ Y color ti on ber cheeks fade verb per• arted li )A s poke never'a word; blit TFIOJIAS FAIR, Postmaster, which we mail free. Address stiuson & Co nlent. P F P E ! w. FILLIAIIS, B. A. M. D„ GRADU• liest infancy, half known no re- ' P'lioton, April _.1, IAEA, A Portland, D[aiuo. ie first time 1a "Philip and Miriam were expect- ceptibly. . the.bright blue a es removed their ATF of memborof _ . _.- _ - --._. .- - _ -- 1. CitraTntur power; for, „ ° } tlfe Colioge of Physicians and surgeons, I .- �'y } , ing you this morning," she held, away from I3roacllands! she gaze, from his eagAr, confident face, Ot.t. OFFreE& RFsIp1:NCF, t11e house for- HURO1V A611® BRUCE � C_r.r7v', c�� �.. bis lift+ ho was being lectured, and simply al „They wondered that you cried, and his eargerly listening eat anal wandered restlessly, seat ,hingly merly occupied by Dr Reeve, Albertatreat the experience though novel was „ cuns,a°' ' 1 Loan �c inVes. nievlt Lo' �Planing Mill . ' g did not come.. caught the tone of dismay in Ler over the park. - displeasing to him, Miss Rains- "I could not." IIe s poke the voice. ,( t - r � C. Royal , College DENTIST, grafin- ( AI�1 y0t1 104'C the All, my � .ate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Th•l9� Company is Loaning 1lfoptey Or� forth meant well; she spoke through words abruptly, find she turned to "Yes," he returned, (IR -ling, ruy life m fate you can• of Ontario. All operations of modern den- Farm Securityat Lowest Rater of ' a mistaken sense of duty; Ler words look at him in her surprise; but his "You will be absent but a short not deny it. Your sweet yes told mliii carefully dfo performed. Anesthatiosad nterest, 1 —AND— were good and true, but both her mluistuO for the �a's old extraction of face was turned awe It was im- time -a few da s I think you said?" tecta, linco - t{ ill vi s ctrl li pro Coots' planner•and choice of time and place y' Y ' Y their• �pwn store, and I was joyful Brook, Clinton. wm vullt B1 th profession- ! p 9 g and quick to read what they told, ally every Monday,. i AIORTC3AGE5 PUI2CHASEI •y! wore unfortunate and she Lad sof- possible to read there if he was dis- The eyes looking into his wore a at Mason a Hotel. D � T I3, I ].. N were or annoyed by anything Elbe wistful earnestness, the voice was Ab.yes,I will go away -I will leave R wORTHINoroN, - l?HYsTCIAN, T ficient penetration to see it—to peC• had said. strangely eager and anxious. Broadland -but not alone. To. D surgeon,Accoucher, Licentiate ofthe S AVINGS BANK BRANCH. THPESUESORIBER HAVING new JUST COBill RP, college of Physleiatna, and Surgeons of �, k and b per Cent, Interest Allowed ri eLtschi and f the latest lits new planing patterns ceive that Arley Gorigh was not the "Don't oil think Vasbti rows "i shall probably be awe for g g with machinery of the Intent improved patterns one to submit to dictation even from „ Y g P y Y gather oro wt11 visit the sunny South Lower Canada, and Provincial Licentiate on Deposits,according toar,tou,tt is now prepared to attend to alt orders to his . fast4 she asked, irrelevantly. The ' many months Mrs Rainsforth. I 1 and Coroner for the County of Huron .of. and time Z K line in the.aost prompt and satisfactory min ltr and ice -bound Maine of the North. a lady whom be treated so courteous- a n cin abroad -it ma be ears nee and reesdoncn,-Tho building for early — and at reaa Mable rates. tie would also return continued silence and the averted ) going Y Y We will look upon smiling, fruitful occupied by MrThwattes, Huron trek. OFPICE•-Corner of Dlarket Sqnareand North S thanks to all who patronized the old m before iv; and sho was inclined to think face were growing embarrassing. before I return.'! , Clinton,an.16,1871, �- HORACE HORTON. they were burned out, and now bean in bet that trio entrance of her brother g g g' vineyards, upon happy homesteads, _ t< MANAoten, for position to execute orders espedltleu.ly "Very fast indeed. She is a fine • He was still regarding her cat,- against the boundary -walls of wbich ! 1HARLEs F. —M.—_ _ _ VE __ Onderich,Auaust 5th 188t feels confident he can give satisf:tetionto all, Philip at that moment was mcst op- neatly he saw a rd pallor spread ixxny Physician and Surgeon. Honor- ,. irl for h(r age seven I think you , gray Y 1 ' P th9 blue waters cf the AlAlediterran- FACTORY -Near the Grand Trurs y ary Member of Ontario Veterinary Medical pE,rttine, told me." g over her f (ce and e!CtE,n4*f,o her can beat and surge, and upon morin- Society. Treats ail diseasesof domesticated Railway, Clinton. The conversation.Aurned then up "Yes, seven --little more than a. ver ]i s. 'His heart be an to tlupb P animals. Vaturina:ydfice,one door em t of T �� fHO.lIA9 MCirTsNZfE Y P S tarns the BitmwitA of which are Charges moderato. Office, door oast of J. BIDDLECOMBE. - __ on more general if not,more moment- baby, you know, 1Ar Gough, You wildly. crowned with eternal snows• To- the Nows•Rocord Printing office, Clinton ous topics, and in the pleasant even* will scarcely believe me when I tell "It is a very sudden resolution,is Ether, iri far distant lands we will -- - • - ~ I� i' t I ROBED. DOW ing that ensued , and which dwelt ou that Miriam is tr tri to induce ft not, )lr Gough?" she asked, with T U. 13LACKALL VETERINARY SUR. I '% : +�, Watch & ! date( y '- 7 ' ' J. , OG�1 g begin a new life, and love shall be . n::om,HonoraryGraduateoftheOnto, r,.-•„ long in the memory of all of them, you to send iter -awe to Febool- her lips quivering and her voice a our guiding rtar, and ou shall for- Veterinary College, Ton all stns ea oe; CLINTON, Arley Gough forgot that an One P Y g g S <lotnestinated anitnala on the most niodorrl JEWELLER, &o,, Y my loving, tender, clinging little little unsteady. get the olden tp)ndage,and the chain anaacientine ginciple's. Oir,co - immedi• p sped pCeaunlUd t0 point mit LO hlIIi x ntely west of the Royal Hotel. Residence- OPPOS[TE h[iR \tAP.KET S L'ARE, Clinton. )tiant•Gteturer and Prn rietnr for the best eevp darling, to be sent away from her It is rather sudden, but I am the links of which arC `of iron, and Alh,'rt St., Clinton, Calls night onlay at- � 2 Stilt Dog in uso. Anent Per the sale and the path of duty wherein he should mother's care! I cannot bear to sure it is a wise One." which has galled thesensitivo,tvnder twirled topromfWy, BOILER CL oftheA$•Ftal F PATP,NTACreMATic wally and Af1aN Ilalnsfor;h forgot - I w110reltE'.lieepaaeClentaaaerttl(enLAf [lotLAnCLP.A\P.R. BTF,AJPFITTIIrOSfUrni9hwd think of such a. thing." "Of that, Df coutse you are thra nature so cruelly." and applied on shirt notice Clio stare of bauglity surprise loo ch "But eurel Mrs Itainsforth our best judge; hilt the road, Mr Gough ( � UN �r ', atCi98t irlOCi(S, Jeweller('. y, ,Y llut th(' I'assiuu,tto worala f(' 1 np- I )ll l� ELi,101 & �x , -, Silverware. [iolir'rp, snlrinee, nand elf h,enol of had met her from the dant gray -how will [bat get on in out• Rb- _ M+{t.hlnery repafrPa �. "ItleriRly husband will never ento:tain such g l' on ears that but direly can;ht their eyCs' an ideal It yrOnld he most Creel t0 sencel" , t.1. It. fottint, M. n„ I W. Gunn, N.D., L. R. Rhtcq we w 1 aril at rwasnnahlr reNs. (red en r► gntivfpet tory nu+neer. A happy evening, an enjoyable „ ner wrs in strange soon'! Or n)r-ensu, Thr, I,lua ryes I,,Il.cit'., r,tinimr;l,, E:,r„P•,diuburgh,I,.R. __ you both. The eager [lp: n 5 fra• t•d upon Fome distant rabjo..i,sin,l i, it'c'I- ,r I,,iinbtliv,1 re11 t llnt'i,litibu of , Li- I R_pntrin of errry rlwarriptien rrotr,ptiy Pnr> mpinmenty man`,fartur.•,I hell replarnd -evening, it waA' And Wynne„1tVOd I _- - I steam Arid witor PI c9 fnrwow I a•nl p"t an ' "�ti curet it not,Mr Gongl,l I told conttust to the gnict voice, but tyre l,, n, ., ,a p etc riPmp,F,r?in.Otnce.m, nttnntt,r to and n!1 v•, k warrnntw'l, I' it Over again when walking home- —..-_—----.. _ - �- - __-.---_--- .P ' 1; Bo'e'r; . a,,,l height Grt„;RrB, telt.; .t. i ry ii_- n,rtte lit, „r •.rr I,at'nn ^ rb ?t1'q,'o:'.,il.iCr,r•�rrnP4;`(ln r•�.,•.n�n,,irr,� ....� ' 'r; ;•' �;, ;t,r ��t :";lA'+w)I't r�n +1'i!II•tui rtw. Chi Ut�n "I�,r ,r � 1• !1drow,, fe, ry for f” `' .� *, ;ar � nRrortn, ,,,• 1. 11 �, 11 10 L11 •:, i..., • .,. ..,,.,. u. ..lir, .. .+- 1-1? ',.,n illi,..... ..,•.. �. &..•.,.. til---..---.- ........... .. ........ \A..-.-.-- .... •. ..,.e.J. ,.,.•�. .! .. ...... (.. ..... ... ,.� .:...,�e.- .,�,.-..-,....t ........... �. �...r.,1_,_ .......� b ........-....j...,.....r, J.........<., ,.•.. .-.. ,.. {Y,. n.,.•... _-,i..... wall.. i, .....