HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-08-09, Page 51 ROB. W. COA IS AGENT FOR THE Dominion PIANO Call and see his prices when you want to buy ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. 1a1NWIWWW11011111•110111OSOwl1WPOWSWIWIWISO T. elrACKSON, r. The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TEADE • CLINTON MARKETS. Clurected every Thur.day afternoon. Thursday, Mg, 9, 1889. heat, fall 98 a 1 00 Wheat, spring 98 a 100 Oats 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 53 Flour per hal 5 00 a 5 50 Butter. 0 13 a 0 14 0 12 a 0 12 Pok 5 73m 6 00 Hay•9 00 a 9 00 Lk_ NEWS NOTES. The health of the Prince of Wales is teported as anything but good. The petrified arm of a prehis• toric'gian t was unearthed recently on the farm of J. A. Male, near Kearney, Neb. The hand was tightly clasped. A young son of Male, while playing with the curi- osity broke off the fingers of the hand and nine large diamonds of the purest water and as large as lima beans, fell out. Male will examine the remainder of the giant's body. Wekiey Appleford had his arm taken of in it threshing machine Tuesday afternoon on the farm Of Angus McCallum, South Dor- chester. An old country papergives cur- rency .to the report that Queen Victoria has at last yielded to her physicians and will take a long sea trip, perhaps to India, or pos- sibly to Canada and the United States. AT THE OLD STAMIII HURON" Street. .1 • Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. Cheapside .D.:Y..Stock We shall cdriamence, THURSDAY, JUNE Gth, to clear out all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, Embroide- ries, Dress Trimming, Velvets, Grey and White Cot- tons, Table Linens, Oil Cloths and Carpets, Men's, Boys and Girl's Straw Hats, Lace l Curtains, and Curtain Nets, AT PRES RR KIAR ORIGINAL COST. 0–Everything NI "We.will commence this sale,r.fhtirsday morning. REMNANTS REMNANTSRENNANTs Tho Japan Gazette report a ter- rible riot between two factions of Chinese coolies at Sang Kong, Siam, Five thousand mon engag- ed in a conflict, spears and fire- arms being used,and a great DUM- • bOr WOPO kiliod. 'The coolies wore under the influened of drink and fought like demons. Several dug spears into the wounded men and held their bodies aloft yelling hideously, Edward I{anlan, the famous oarsman, arrived home on Tues- day morning after an absence of nearly two years, during the greater portion of which time he has been in Australia. He has arranged for RH exhibition tour in California and the Western States and will leave for that district. in IL few weeks, taking 31rs Harilan With him. Walter S. Davis' of Hamilton, fell dead while watching. the races on Wednesday at Buffalo. , SUNDRIES BARGAINS IN REMNANTS --- Over 500 ends in Dress Goods; Prints, &c., at less than half their original cost. FOR SALE THAT FERTILE FAR,M, the homestead of 'R. Barkwell, Londes- boro, is offered for sale on easy terns.- There are few farms to equal. it in this oc- 111 Also, desirable houtio 012 Princess St, Clinton, for sale or to rent, R. BAREWELL be sold without reserve. — Clinton Hoi.tgaEt'grLO07; IntiisiiYyEaTia I Streets, containing seven rooms', with cellar gOOCI stable on the lot, hard and soft water • ' gond bearing orehs.rd and all conveniences. Possession givon once, THOS. TIPLING • T..J ackso7,Sr, G linton LLP' • - • .- FOR RSALE.—,FARM OF fol.ACIIES -12 being one mile from Clinton. being lot 45, Bayfield con., Goderleli townslisp, Good soil, well watered, six aereF, bush, good oreh- ard, frame house and cellar and frame barn and stable. Possession to work at any time this fail. JAS. STEEP, Clinten, LITRAYED Olt STOLEN — FROM THE Li premises of the stibseriber, Clinton. la,t. ---- — • Monday night, a well-bred blood male, ( a] , I brown, with spavin on the on hind leg: in Selling 0 f AT G Osi • . ,a1910 or giving information that w ill lead to medium condition. Any one returning. the its recovery, will be suitably rewarded, JAS YOUNG, Clinton, Tile undersigned will sell off iis well assorted t4ock of Wall Paper and Decorations at cost for cas on delivery. This sale will probably continue without cliang ., until the whole stock is sold. Also, BARGAINS IN ALL CLASSES OF SUMMER GOODS TO CLEAR. JOHN 1jOIRTELI. arroNxiinton AN AGE OF BIG .CUTS' We live in an age o big cuts in prices. Call at the BUB R 0 E Ry Where you can get genuine bargains in Tea, Sugar,Coffee, and all staple Oro- ceries. A new lot of GLASSWARE, new design, e very best of glass. Printed and plain TEA and TOILET SETS. Also, all kinds of Baskets, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, Brushes and Woodenware, very cheap. Eggs and Butter.taken as cash '1E430 WIN A LLOW, JII1NT�N • V.A.MTC-Y. 0-00.3iS 1 We havo-just received a large new stock of Fancy Goods Materials, consisting of Pluslies Pongee Silks, Felts, Canvasses, Arasene, Braiding, Emb., Rope Silks, &C., latest shades, best makes WOOLS AND YARNS. We carry nothing but the very best Wools and Yarns, and as we import, our prices are the lowest. SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES. COOPER'S Book Store, Clinton. COAL»: COAL Persons who use Coal should place their orders during the summer, as midi more satis- factory arrangements can be made. Orders left will have prompt attention S. DAVIS, Mammoth Hardware and Stove House. Clinton - - TO RENT Two good rooms upstairs and one Store, situate in Perrin Block, Clinton. .Apply to J. P. TISDALL, Agent Canada Life Ins. Co's'. TIOUSE TO RENT — FRAME 'muss JL on Victorie Street, lately occupied by Mrs Kennedy, is offered to rent on reason- able terms, Splendid stable, &c, LACK KENNEDY, Central Hote "r1.1T FOR SALE.— BUTrhCejihiR1\ tc11e',Criin oWned bv Mr. A. lily, Clinton, and consisting of 1 f uil set of teols shop furniture, etc., with use of the 9 WISEMAN Manager .....14.1•111••••••••1•0 estate 1-10DOENS. F R 30 DAY, ONLY AR1,1TETHDEWYS)11:1111: OLEAR1NG0dASH. SALE Bargain Hunter ! Ia order to reduce the heavy stock we carry, and get ready for the Fall X X X Goods, we have decided to offer our whole stock of Goods AT COST TO CLEAR. This is no fraud sale ; we make it a point in our business to LADIES—We aro showing one of the finest stocks of DRESS GOODS in Huron county, at lowest prices clo as we advertise; we do not blow. up big slaug ter sales anct , lines that the people know the value of, at cost or below, and charge them regular prices for the other goods, Bur WE OFFER OUR WHOLE szock AT COST. 'We keep first-class gods, just what the people need. None of the cheap trash from the city auction rooms, and unsaleiNe gee& from the wholesale houses, but STAPLE LINES IN. THE FOLLOWING, AT COST: Cloths, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings, Gent's Furnishings, Drees Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plashes, Mantle Cloths, Prints, Cottons, Sheeting, Shirtings, Cottonades, fickings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, House Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Sc READY-MADE CLOTHING and. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, a first-class fit every time or no sale, l'?0OTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS at less than Toronto prices. 2,500 pairs to clear at cost. Come and see them. You will not get such '' a chance for bargains again tliis year. General Groceries.— Agents for TERRY'S NICKLE4LATED SHEARS AND SCISSORS; Will not rust, every pair warranted, if not as represented money will be refunded. -COME AND SEE 05, 1T WILL PAT VOL'. WE MEAN BUSINESS AND WILL KEEP TO 0011 OFFER FOR 30 DAYS. Searle'i Block, Clinton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS vett Clearin BOOTS AND SHOES 11..Chas.CRUICKSHANK'S In order to make room for my Dirge purchases of Fall and Winter. Goods, I will sell my entire Spring and Suumier Stock AT LESS TITAN MA.NUFArTUP ER'S PRICES:. See my job lots, which will be sold at less than half cost. This is a hood chance for cash buyers to getvgoods at their own prices. NO 1 -101B1. -G, BUT A ,U.ENUINFr' SALE Slaeghter House and outbuiblines.• As C lin- cn,Itt'taei presenied. partijullars ri,ply otoSi°u lit the, IN'ithirtt Boot,A.Ifbert St. Clinton • f„rriolit FRANK m..kv, at Detlor ..i.' Co's store. The Improved "%Visite. another lot of the WHITE SEWING MA- CHLNES just arrived, which I am soiling cheap. See the new self -setting needle, see tho new Mitch regulator, set the regulator by number for any length of stitch you re- quire, no need to sew a piece of goods to get the right length of stitch, 'I' he new Tension Reliever is the newest improvement on any machine; 119 000110.0 the presser foot 19 raised the tension is loosened, and no breaking Of thread or needles in taking the goods out of the machine, Examine the new Bent Wood Cmver—the strongest cover made. Have a machine sent to your house on trial. Vivant you to be perfoctly satisfied that the White is the beet machine for the money, if not, I will take it away; it will cost you nothing to try one. J. WOKSELL, Agent Voter's List 1880. AtIVOICIPALITY OP TRH TOWNT OP CLINTOM, 00VIITT OP EILMON Notice is hereby given, that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persona mentioned in soctionr;ce and 6 of The Ontario voter's List AM, 16, tne eoptes required by 61%01500. tions to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of alt per- sona appearing by the last revised Asses ment Roll of the said Municipality to be en- titled tollottio the said Municipality at El- eetions fdt Members of thd Legislative As-. sembly and at Municipal Elctions; and that field list wee first posted up at my aloe, at elinton, on the wird day of July 1880, and remains there for inspection: Electors are 011110 n on to exe.mine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceeding's to have the Raid errors correct. ea wording to law. Dated this 28rd day of ' July, 1839 WM. COATS, Clerk of Clinton rrEACHERS —TWO TEACHERS wanted -11- for Porter's Hill School, Section No. 5. Goclerich Township. One male, holding a second-class certificate, with some (xperi- ence. One female, bohliee 9. seconder third class certificate, . Personal applicatien 0) the Trustees. Applications received up to the 14th of September, 0E0. H. COX, ,3AMES H. ELLIOTT • Trustees DAVID LINDSAY, 1 AGENTS WAN1ED To sell firsieclass Nursery Stock for Lake- view Nurseries, Rochester, N.Y. Steady em- ployment to good men, Most liberal. in- ducements, Correspondence solicited, and full particalars on application to. JOHN SIMONS, General Agent, Aylmer,Out. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—THERE is offered for sale that beautifully sit- uated brick residenbe at present occupied by Mr P. W. I3ayward, on the corner of Prin- cesa and Orange Streets,Clinton. The house contains dining room, parlor, kitchen, and two other rooms down stairs, with bath - 'room, 3 bedrooms and 2 closets upstairs.— Splendid cellar, with hot air heater, hard and soft water. Lot one-eighth of an aero, Reasonable terries, Applk on the prerniaos,, ALES -ME WANTED IR to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock, on SALARY AND EXPENSE9, or commission Steady employment, Apply at once, stating age, Refer to this paper. J. B. NELLIS & co. Rochester NJ. PROPERTIES for SALE The various properties re- maining 'Indisposed ofbelong- Ing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton'deceased, are now offered for sale. In order to close up the estate these properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will be made known on appli- cation to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT, • Clinton. NOTICE to CREDITORS 1 '511 3rtArt`91/1 or S. PALLISAR & CO., OF TEA TOWN OP ClAtITOX, Et TF11 COCtTY OP EiGSION, GROCZ28, INSOLtliNTS. ThO !Mid 8.0x.r,r.rarut dr Co, have made an assignment to rue in porenance of the pro- visione of R. 8.0. Chap, 124. All ereditors aro requested to ale their 'claims, duly verified and vouched, with me, n or before the 1st day of September, 1A92, after which date / *111 proceed to distribute 9110 /%8924.9 of the said eatate, having regard only to the claims of which I shall then have notice, DAVID BLACKLEV, 2,James St, South, Hero Mon, Assignee. WALKF.R, SCOTT ,1, 7 EES, 2,1 James St, South, Mimi' ton Solleitors for Assignee (N. 4 i NO Girl': ki &t a12 : th011ir MILLINERY—We are clearing out lines in this department wonderfully cheap. IA Table at- 25 cts 2nd Table at i5O cents. Third Table at io cents. 4th Table at 85 cents. PARASOLS—Well you may have them at your own prices. Ask to sec thein DETLOR & co. CLINTON BOOTS & SHOES 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Until the 15th of August we will give a discount of 10 per cent off for cash, on our stock of BOOTS and SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES," tize Wo have sonae SPECIAL LINES which we aro CLE A.1111.CG OUT at very low prices, to make room for .Fall Goods. Eggs taken in exchange. 10 oer cent otl for cash. YLOR. Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH GREAT CLEARING SALE! 1:011. ONE MONTH / Of Baby Carriages, Express Waggons, Double and. Single Harness, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises, Dusters, Whips, Pine & Cedar Shingles Also, 50 cords of wood • J. TWITCHELL, CLINTON. SALESMEN WANTED. Having done business in Canada for over 30 yearn, our repntation and responsiblity is well known, We paparilary and expenses trom the eters, if everything is satifactory. We previous experience is reqtaired. Write us for tonne, which are very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. angzasusclie.—Bradetreet's or Dun Wiman & Co's Oommereial Ageneien, well known to bUBLZIOSO MOD; or Standard Bank, Colborue, Ont. CMASF4 BROTHERS' COMPANY N 'emit artativ , Colborne, Ontario. REDUCED RATES 4' To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA And:the NOR -WESTERN STATES • VIA BEAIYS SARNIA LINE United Empire, Ontario and Campana, sailing from Sarnia daring nevi. gation (weather perinittinW every Tuesday and Friday night, and calling on 'Wednee- day and Saturdays at Ck)tierich and Eincar dine, connecting et the latter place with the 0.1, Ittrain tearing Mown at 1.0 a. no, for St Joe's Island, Garden River, smolt, 'Ste. Man.?: Port Arthur and Deluth, contuYeting at Port, Arther with the Canadian' Pacific Railway, and at Duluth with the Red River Valley Railway. Lowest Rates, best accom. modations, Express time and choice of routes. .791131115 if. Tit ATTY. W..TACRSON fleni. Manager Sarnit A. 0. l'A'rTISON Agents, Clinton Detroit; Mich., 10:30, '88 Messrs. The Wm. Johnson Co., Montreal. Dear Sirs, --I have used your Paint and find it covers, much better thau any other paint I have used, audit looks as though it would last longer. Yours very truly, (Sgd.) - A. DAY.