HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-08-02, Page 5• r ROB. W. COATS IS AGENT FOR THE Dominion PIANQ Call and see his prices when you want to buy ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. T. JACKSON, Sr, The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conductthe TAILORING TRADE • AT THE OLI) STAND, HURON Street, Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing,.and prices quoted for the next thirty clays that will astonish'the closest buyers. i de ®RY GOV VS Stock We shall commence, THURSDAY, JUNE Otll, to clear out all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, Embroide- ries, Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Grey and White Cot- tons, Table Linens.Oil Cloths and Carpets, Men's, Boys and Girl's Straw Hats, Lace Curtains, and Curtain Nets, AT PRICES FAR BELO\N. QRIGI AL COST. figr Everything will be sold without reserve, 0251-We eser`e, We will commence' this sale Thursday morning. T. J ackson,Sr, Clinton .INTON IklA.BI{Ers.. Ogrreeted every' Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Aug, 1, 1889, Wheat, fall • 98 a 1 00 Wheat,..spring 98 a 100 Oats 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 58 Flour per bal. 5 00 a 5 50 Butter 0 13 a 0 14 012a012 Pork 5 7.5a 6 00 Hay 900a900 STIFF HATS — All the :leading styles, i ought from the best manufacturers. SOFT HATS — The best and cheapest goods in the Market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, ex- cellent quality, and away clown in price. Close buyers shonld`not fail to call and see these goods, the low ',vie( • and good quality arc selling them very fast Gent's Furn. shings and Fine, Tailoring FRANK SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, AibertSt. CLINTON THE-PPULAR tt�t tttttttttt_ , . — — DRY GOODS QUSE LONDF SBORO INIONIMMIMOMOUNDIV -I m a 0 0 0 w CND L11.tc 5 y unt z M z cc tzt 0 0 REMNANTS REMNANTS BARGAINS IN REMNANTS --- Over 500 ends in Dress Goods, Prints, &e., at less than half their original cost. Also, BARGAINS IN ALL CLASSES OF SUMMER GOODS TO CLEAR.: o JOHN WISEM A.N Manager. o pq stb,,te J. iTOCZNS. SUNDUIES IfOUSE TO -RENT = FRAME ROUST, 1111 on Victoria Street, lately occupies[ by Mrs Kennedy, is offered to rent on reason- able terms. Splendid stable, &c. • i LACK KENNEDY, Central Ilotel ItOLLEIt M1L4LS• FOR SA LF ' The almost new LcOdesboro'11o11gr Mills ; •in good running order, water' and st.:uni , power. I' est office, telegraph and rai!roa1 convenient. Only n smith 11 nn • tee 11,'110 rest to suit the purchneer if i0 cured. This ' is arare clianct.. Ate to,1.tt1 1111 110.. WS, Berlin, or [1.F, IlClil,1 . 00 t1,u premises Londesboro, Out, — — _.-- The Lmproo'eti White. Another lot of the WHITE Si:\GING MA- CHINES just arrived, which I ant selling cheap. Son tho r,w self setting needle. see the new Stitch regulator, set the regulator by number for any length of stitch you re- quire, no need to sew a piece of goods to get the right length of stitch. ;L be nevi' Tension Reliever ie the newts fm emelt on any machine; es soon as the press foot is raised the teusf0u is loosened, and no breaking of thread or needles in taking the goods ont of the machine, Examine the now Bent Wood Cover --tire strongest cover made. Ilave n machine sent to your house ou trial. II want you to 1)0 perfectly satisfied that the White is the best machine -for the money, if tint, I Will take it away ; it will cost you nothing to try one. J. WOIIS111,1i; Agent • We are in the midst of Stock rl'akinri; we find many lines reduced to short lengths, and many odd pieces that we would rather sell to you at a low-cut price than carry over to another season: You are sure to find something in this lot that you can do with, and every person likes to get a bargain. Wo have still a few pieces of those DRESS GOODS bought at panic prices, and now selling at 124• C. a yard. All our Dour PRINTS now going at l0c. a yard. Don't you think it will pay .you to buy some of these goods while fliey are In your way: you know they cannot be replaced at these figures. On all DRY GOODS where prIrce has not been reduced we give a discount of 10 per cent. We have a range of•Misses and Ladies I►RUxltLLA BOOTS seizes 11 to 4, at 50c., worth a good deal more money. We sell heavy 1'r,ow BooT, which we guarantee to wear well, for $$1. We sell 14 lbs of SUGAR for $1 We sell CLINTON FLOUR at Mill prices. Our stock is woll assorted and prices are unifdrinly low. We value your patronage and try to make it to vhwr interest to trade with'ns W. L. OUTMETTE, LONDESBORO h QA'LES.-ME WANTED to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock, on SALARY AND EXPENSES, or commission Steady employment. Apply at once, stating age. Refer to this paper. J. H. NELL1t3 it CO, Rochester N.Y - - FOR 30 DAY: ONLY CLEARINGCASH SALE In order to reduce the heavy stock we carry, and get ready for the Fall Goods, we have decided to offer our whole stock of Goods AT COST TO CLEAR. This is no fraud sale ; we make it a point in our business to do as we advertise; we do not blow up big slaughter sales and sell a few lines that the people know the value of, at cost or below, and charge them regular prices for the other goods, BUT WE OFFER OCR WHOLE STOCK AT COST. We keep first-class goods, just what the people need. . None of the cheap trash from the city auction rooms, and unsaleable goods from the wholesale houses, but STAPLE LINES IN THE FOLLOOING, 'AT COST: Cloths, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings, Gent's Furnishings, Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plashes, 111.antlo* Cloths, Prints, Cottons, Sheetings, Skirtings, Cbttonades, nickings, Carpets, Oil Cloths, House Furnishings, Hats, Caps, &c READY•MADE CLOTHING• and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, a first-class: fit every time or no sale. BOOTS,' SHOES AND •RUBBER- at less than Toronto prices. 2500 pairs to clear at cost. Come and see them. You will not vet such a chalice for bargains again this year. General Groceries.— COAL:--: COAL Persons who use Coal should place their orders during the summer, as much more satis- factory arrangements can be made. Orders left .will have prompt attention S DAVIS WONDERFUL ARE THE WAYS OF THE Bargain Hunter! x x x LADIES --We are showing one of the finest stocks of ,,DRESS GOODS .in Huron county, at lowest prices X00 Gut's Stray Eats a q6 c on the dour MILLINERY—We are clearing out lines in ,this • department wonderfully cheap. lst Table gat .25 cts 2nd Table at 50, cents. Third Table at 75 cents. 4th Table at 85 cents.- PARASOLS—well ents.- PARASOLS—Well •you may have then at your thein Agents for TERRY'S NICKLE-PLATED SHEARS AND SCISSORS; will not rust, l own prices. Ask to see every pair warranted, if not as represented money will be refunded. COME AND SEE US, IT WILL PAI VOL:. WE ,MEAN BUSINESS AND.. WILL - KEEP TO OUR VEER FOR 80 DAYS. Searle's Block, Clinton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS msonemowiweollisclownwirmi e�,�,C1eCVllilb ��s� ]� BOOTSAND SHOES Chas. CRUzcxSHANK°s in order to make room for my keret) purchases of Full and 'Winter Goods, I,. will still niy entire Spring ;yid Summer Stock AT LESS THAN 'MANUFAC''.Cl1IREl'.'6. Pllioi:S. Sere my job lots, which will be sold at less than half cyst. '1'hi:i iii a good chance for cash buyers to get goods at their own prices N() 1! U. MUU, I;LI1' A. GENUINE SALE Mammoth llardtivar() and Stove House, Clinton Voter's List 1,889. 114I.I ICit•AI,Ol Y OF TUN TOWN OP 010NRON. c7171rr'T OP tTtfltOti. Notice is hereby given, that I have trans. tnitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section !f and 6 of The Ontario Voter's Licit Act, IWO, 111.1 aoples required by amid sec- tions to be transmitted or delivered of the list, mode garsnant to said Act,. of all per- sons appearing by the last revleod Assess- ment (toll of the sold Municipality to beon. titled to vote In the said Mu'niclpality at El- ections for Members of, the Legislative M- aetnbly and at Municipal Elections; and that said flet Was first posted up at my officio, at Clinton, on the Ord day of July 11*30, and remains there for Inspection. • Electors are milled upon to examine the said list, and, if soy omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedlnyl to have the said crrnrs cor'roct• ori according to law. Dated this rlyd day of July, 1880. WM. OOATH, Clerk ,of Clinton. NOTICE to CREDITORS 111 TIM MA•rr7111 OP (i, PALL/snit Tun TOWN OF ('uxwTo9, 1N T11P. CNCBCY OP BMWS, (Recuse; lNSot,vreces. The said S.l'Ar.atern & Co have made an assignment to me in pnraaance of the pro• visions of 0.. S.O. 18,7, Chap. 104. All creditors nro requested to file their claltns,dnly verified and vouched, with me, Oh or betmrs the IMt clay of September, l3A0, after which date I will proceed to db+trihn to the aaa.,ta of the said catate, having regard only to the Claims of which 1 elicit then hevo tlotlae. DAVID BLACK LEY, 2), James St. South, Flatnilton, Assign 10, WALKER, SCOTT AC LERS, di Jntn 10 St. Sintth, !Tamil', n, S'licitei P,r i els 01 the 41;4it14;ia B)94)t,Alhert S1. Clinton GREAT CLEARING SALE! Fon. ONE MONTH Of Baby Carriages, Express Waggons, Double and Single Harness, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and" Valise,, Dusters, Whips, Pine & Cedar Shingles Also, 50 cords of'Wood J. T.WITCHELL, CLINTON. SMLESMENrL Having done len /lees in Canada for nvor 30 years, our reputation and responsibl!ty is well koown, We pay salary and expenses from the start,,if everything 15 satisfactory. Nnrevious ottperienee is required. Write tie for terms, which are very liberal, bofora engaging with anti other firm, Iintm1MHOEN.— l3Tad street's or Du n'i�[mail & Coe Commercial Agencies, well known to hesitates men ; or Standard Bank, Colborne, Ont. O CHASEflBOTTIERS' COMFAMY Noels ivMTh' Colborne, Ontario. REDUCED .RAT1-1.S To MANITOBA, BRIT. COL L' MBIA And;the NOli•WEf TF.,I1N STATF1S 1 VIA BEA1 YS SARNIA LINE steamers, united }:utpire, Ontario and (latnpana, sailing" from Sarnia during nnvi• gation,weatherponnittinstt every Tnosrlay and Friday night, and calling on \\wines• day ant Saturdays at (Foderielt and Kincar dine, connecting at the latter place with the (LT, R. train leav!nl Otiuten at 1) 51j» for St Jody island, (larder liter, Miff(' to, Mar, S Port Arthur ani Duluth, e,Trr ing at fort, Arthur uith the Canaille dile Rn,!Iway. anal nt Duluth with ilio fled It!u;r Vs11ey Rnilway. Lowest Cates. beet 0001 1 1- mielations, Express time 0z1,1 ,1,,.300 of n t W..1:\CIOSON ') I l•:4 1 . . ocr 0 A O. 1',\'f Tlsf>N Gc+.1. JI tt, a>.;ur Sat.:i' A ,y.' Clinton. DETLOR & CO. CLINTON 11•111111.a.t BOOTS & SHOES 10 PER .CENTDISCOUNT. t"ntil the " 15tH. of 'August wO will givo a discount of 10 per cent oft' for cash, on our stock of BOOTS and SHOES, TRUNKS, 'VALISES, &c Wo have some SPECIAL LINES- which we are CLE IRING OUT at very low prices, to make roo-ns for Fall -Goods. • 1?gg;1 taken in exchange. 10 oer cont oft fur Cti01, CLINTON AND ti+ COPOURG- C.AR. WORKS, ORKS, Cobourg, Feb. 6th, 1889 Messrs. The., wig.. Johnson. Cot, Montreal.. entlemen,--I have used a large quantity of your Magnetic Iron Paint .on Railway Cars, and 1 find it will cover.a larger surface than any Similar paint 1 have used. It has given good satisfaction, and I have much pleasure in re- commending it to the public. A Yours truly, (Signed) JAMES CROSSEN. 4