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The Clinton New Era, 1889-08-02, Page 4
. I .., ,. . -, R �;�r � , 'rIR� 9 Y V --- I+ ;. �I' .yam %, ,' ----T4� Chatham 1lariuer Aa a:- Ak:1VS NOTES. C.'A•NAPIAN•CR )��*• p ___p. ¢ _. � .. NEWS Ir'OTl'r8 and fed in winter, it evinces that he hale ItHl;lstAr. d. ,ag vo, r , tll� b 441 i t' Hl +{ u Is, .,.,�., is acting gccording to Soripkure,►which A gtlantity of food farm stock, with, `�'e unclerbtand tt ver reuoial de - -" — 1 saps drat a merciful man is,ruerciful growing an harvested crops, will be Tiukr,t t,geuty. v . Ja, �wll. 3 b Hou. Oliver Mowat is expected John hopper, a farmer, was kill' Special Ieporta fiom 000 lilacDS sold by public auction, on lute la and '1 1.enders fur pail,Gu,,. H. Nviltee. �jte j,, {vlt is 'ce;t Lamb Haut I to his beast. When he is keen sub- 20 8th con., of ]luliett, at one m. tpn 1t3 tier vent dibcuu,it.-JII3ru.3. back in Toronto about Sept. 1. ed by a train near Nowmarkei on in t e Dominion. uudar (late of scribing for a newspaper aqd payin� p• Paints. - Johnbun R Cu. �- DIr, Chas. Diuekenzit, of Sarnia, The death is aunounce� of Mr Saturday. July 28, regarding the state of the for it in .advance, isowa�tbat be lel Tuesday, Aug. 6th. The farm will be , I sully goods.-- Cooper d: C J. 1 hither of Beni. A. Mackenzieold + crops are on th�e4,vhole hivhl eu I offered for sale at lite same time. } Wm. Henry,Ilonrn o d resident Ot The first load of this season a } o. 3' spe�.king likes book respecting the D. Dickinson, �.uot. Pig bargains•--Letlor at. Co. (' ' coura intr In Western. Ontario latest movements in agriculture and , Registration Notice. ---w. Coats. shopla succeed Ho,a Ali: Pardee Stratford. bar toy was marketed in Belleville g b• t3 $oitse for sale. --P. P. Hayward• j on Tuesda wheat, gats, barley, peas, corp, that he will never get his walking p1. p }� ileums to rent. -J. P. Tindall. in the representation of that Rid- j Two hundrDd pconte in Wilson y etc., will be a magnificlent yield. papars to the land of poverty. ��rths, Marriaies atld Deans' . House wanted. -Naw Esq office. county,Tenn., have banded to- A loss Of some 11000 was Oaus- go, has been heavy and roots aro GaANTO�T NEW CORRESPONDENT. ''ing, and that when the time ar• `` ,5, Hutcher's Tools for sale. -Frank Dies. I gethpr to drive the Mormon elders ed by the burining of a grain ware- looking well. Yruit is a failure, ise e°ua>'irtihe�'aiarrte�s Statutes �a��sa° Teachers wanted. -James A. Elliott. ('vas he will be tendered a unani- and converts from •rho county. houaD at Spring Dld, Ont; except in the western Lake Erie A few Hints abodf rue Nest quired to be registered with the Clerk of Preperties for -Manning &: Scott mus nomination. A Sarnia Con princes Louise Of Wales dao h• Saturda night's ht's storm dame - counties. Potatoes show rot in the e, The -perry to which such may take r Aphal annrs mann-Couper & Co. j g y g g I left Clinton on the morning of place. The -person o on required toreporta birth Chalking down: -John Roberton. sept ative gives it as his opinion ter of the Prince of Wales) and ed the oat crop rn the Kankakeos the low lands, but generall will June 11th, and Toronto at about 12 s the father or mother of the altos 1 r0 's - Elm lumber wanted. -S. S. Cooper, 3' birth. must person made within 3o ¢aye after ,'. 'that Dir Mackenzie will be elected the Dupe of Fife were married at Ill., suction several thousand dol- be a good yield. In Western On- p. m. The gountry through which I birth. The perspn requtrod to tegipter a 1 Remnants. -Estate John Hodgins. i 'travelled, that is Muskoka, and e9pec• marriage is the olergppman who celebrates it t!;; Stunk taking --W L Uuimette by acclamation should ha ield to But kingham, Palace Qn Saturday, tars. tar io, with the Deception of fruit, and his report must be furnished within s0 y there will be the greatest geld in ially� Algoma, is, as I judge every days after the date of such maritalc. The w.. Douglas G. McRae, editor of the Last week Mr J. H. Kranz, of g ' y arson knows, ver rough travelling Person required to register a aeatis she �" - the solicitations of his reform all classes known for ears, and pp y g occupier of the house in which the death London Financial Times, states Loutb, threshed out 1,200 bushels farmers s ,k owlant. tr , an for day@, without seeing what you takes place, and the return must be made g 1 friends. . that he has purchased 78 Ameri- "of fall wheat as the proceeds of 33 J Q might call any --place suitable for a diva a the Wh baa t of thebody. landau nyau . Int f . 1 can elevators for a British syndi• acres. the hay crop is heavy and the white man to live in, The other In I rain crop above the average, ing the, last illness of any decease -4 tersou, �:' y a I Buston and New York traders °ate. Cattlemen from the Indian Ter- g p g , parts have been so well described so is required to register the cause of death. - while roots are promising.The man times that I do not feel like Neglect to make any of -these reports within ,�''. s ., �, aN. al'C gding through Quebec And Prof. J. W. Howell, a well known ritOry report that Texas feral' id y the speciaed time, will subjnot the person so 1Eastern Ontario buying u all the educator of Rutledge, Tenn., is playing havoc among the cattle same may be said of I�'aw Bruns• taking up your time and space until negteccing to a t,nnatcy of LO and costa. All 3 c P wick Nova Scotia, Prince Edward I get to Winnipeg. I arrived there Persons Intorested will take notice and gpv. �. ; -� dying of hydrophobia; he vas thoi Ther also state that bun• ' .ern tLumselvus accordiu 6•ly fs surplus hay the farmers have to S gIsland and Cape Breton. The at 1.30 on the 144 . It is a wonder- \►'LLLI.►9t COATS, t bitten bbi rtoen years Itgo by u dreds of cattle are dying in Okla- P ful city for its age. Its fire appliance Division Registrar, Clinton. It �j� fi 11 f of ( f IV CO) „ outlook throughout the Maritim0 CJS •4 d d}spuse of. They have to pay a black-and-tan terrier, Noma, b is something extra, aan taking it all Piovinces is favorable. In Mani. through it is a well-conducted place, BUI(N. FRIDAY, AUG. 198:1 toll of lou per cont to the customs During a thunder storm at James Saugstcr, sawmill o:vner toLaatla the Territories the recent as far as I can judge. I Rent from DIILLIUS-In Colborne, on the 13th _-----------•---- officials to get the bay, across�lhe P,osonort, Southern„Dlauiiobu, on of Florence, has his loft Rrlat cut rains have improved the outlook,) there to Portage Is Prairie, and met of July, the wife of Dir wm, Million, of l Tito blur trusts u.•, to pule t11) boundary line, and toll the farm- July 10, six horses and two colts off and part of the forearm mangl- wonderfully, and there is every on the platform, Captain Shepherd, a daughter. ik' DIr John IIcJIc:',litho, fur l,is vote ars l,lainl3 that they would pay wero instantly killed. They were od by an edging saw on Monday. prospect of a good fair average, and staid with him over night. The MOCNMVJV , -Iu Mullett, an the 2lstOf ,. alt tiro Jesuit t uti tion. As he , , , y standing 100 foot apart from ono IID sustained the neeessarsr am- next moruing he drove me out north July, the.wife of Dt�r Willis E. Dioun- ] ten per teat more for the bay if another along a fence, which is notal}on of the forearm we 1. R,ev Michae,iBaxter, one of thD on the plains to see a farm he had rain, of a eon. f: 3 that dot were removed. atoved. Ono• boli( red to have conauctod iho p r bought; it is a fine place. I have IIc.Etv_In Hullett, on the 22nd of I:appens to b,o iu tho old (,Outilr y a 31r I Richard Cox, of Watford; oldest Methodist ministers in C. often heard and believe it true, that it troops ta,cu l,,u lou; a pule to electric fluid. was in Port Huron visiting his ada, died at his residence in the July„the wife of Ur Jac. Hunkittg, of a 1 g 1 tenth of the value of the hay Noised b the Portage plains. are the garden of son, v reach him jas,t at pruaont• and sol!1 b3 the farmers therefore Frank Graham, formerly of Lon- bons, and when riding with ono of village of Fenwick,near Welland, blanitoba. I also visited DIr II. S, MEL. -in Mullettt, on the 21st cf •--`-._�.____- - - t ;;res to swell the surplus iu rho dnn, writes from Molita, Man.,— them, the horse suddenly Stop 101 Wednesday morning. His active UcLean,PriucipaloftheIntermediate July, the wife of Dir John Medd, of a ?_r Thoro ►vas a great Boal niol•e Tire crops have gone up bolus And threw him out, breaking his ministerial labors were confined School there, and late of Clinton Col- sou, •;, Wushingt.uu- treasury. Under bolus. There }~; IID straw u01• ha • Arm and sumo ribs, and inJur}ng chiefly to rho region Of' Ottawa legiate Institute, and some other Hr;Nrttaa-In Mullett, on the 23rd of fuss Over the rnarriago of the .Earl situ internally, from the effects of and the Province pf t,�uobec,L'arm- friends; they are all enjoying good July, the wife of Ur Thos, ]Iunkdngof a k`,, , , uurestricted reciprocity the farm- fbr fonder; the people are driving health, and most of them seem to be 1. of Fife and I ruleoss Louise of t1r who r,ells ha • would rot just their cattle to Wood. Mountain for which be flied last Friday night, ersvil,e, Sherbrooke Ottawa and daughter. . °-j 3 b J , + making wealth. Next I went to • ,DTra uta-In--Hullett, on tile, 2•?nd`"of 4, \Vales, last week, than there ever t' ler c li r�tul'e for hi, )testier Patsture, whore they will try'and . Whilo;Ilank Patterson a boy other places in the east were the Bralidon and remalnetl odic Stinaky. Jaly, the wife of ilii 1`'n1. Millar, ird r.. - nae about ours, IInd this was by Ln I' l winter therli: about 11 years old and the oldest scones of hja earnest ministrations. is is, in my opinion, aver suitable ' than he doe's now. t ,on., of a son, far the most important -to us; b1r I?oter, �` ingot, who has hold son of Samuel Patterson, of liar- After many years of built toil in place for a city, but tt is not booming DISI) ;: P �--- riston was standing in the barn the lvnoor tvorls of tLD church very muchajust sow. I met quite a i` _ the position OfpOStmatoratElmira p n P number of old friends there, and they Jcxon-ln Clinton, oil July 30th, Around The County. Since October 1st, 1858, died on of G. and W. Moore watching a -he was superanuated and located all seem to be well satisfied to stay Mary Barbara, eldest daughter of Mr It is announces that several" -- Saturday at the advanced age of rack lifter at work, rho whiffle- in Pulman township, whore ho , there. I started on Monday evening John Juuor, abed 17 years, 4 months ii. mer° em ,lo ccs t>f rho Dumiu}on The inaugural meeting of Godo. 71 ears. He was one of the ion- tree broke and Struck him on the resided until he died. for Calgary, there on the 19th, and E days. ,r, 1 y rich Turf Accociation will be head and fracturating his skull. — about midnight. The next '•dap Air -• --- ---_-- -- - Guvernment have been ad -led to eort3i of�Vatorloo county and sere- PROFESSIONAL. 4 {leis on Autr,,8lst. He died about three hours after Rolando, and myself visited the city . a1•f1C �tdrerti.orment5, rites suj,crun nut:te j !ist'. Can ally Miss Boland of Peterboro, has ed• for many years in the County -- or nearl all of it. It is calculated - - ' Council, the aC'Cisent• Consulting Physicians and Surgeons y �, oni tell ort ►rh3 tluso l,er nus purchased the millinery busi- at some future time to be quite Acity, ,�TI:AYI:D Olt STOLE. - FROM THE A cyclone in Hungary, 'Trans ] Thursday la -,t was the voider, from Dr J. D. kergan's International but I cannot see as yet what is going ' - preulls•,+ of the subscril)er, Cimtria, last Iles” of Dliss Graham Goderieh. y n 3', y Medical Council Association of Detrdit, :1Ioudap• nista, a well-bred blood ,uare, dark should liu kept in i,.ihme�s, at the Ilossrs In rlis & Armstron r of vania Bukovina, on Sunda • swept wedding day Of DIr and Airs Glad Mich„ will hereafter visit regularly the to make it such. They are erecting l,rowu, wit„ al!avk1l on tl,i: off. l,h.a leg; in !'t. r f y 1 Ston°. Tito Queen tele gra lLed a gr)me ver fine cut stone buildings as +,+,'Alun cuuaition, Any ono ren irbigs the ?._ publi t exp!.nse the woolen mills, �i ingliam, have Over Several thousand square miles Q � 1 , principal cities and towns throughout , .� sianat or gioug iufotwat,nu tbat trill lead to been f'orect} to make an assign_ of territot 3 . I3undrecla of persons congratulatory message to the dls- Canada. ' western Ontario will be vis- follows :=a very large hotel, bank, les recoverv. t, ill be sult.tul)•renardvd• IAS Press lots a Ineut. Ivor° killed, the cro ps werodestrO tinguished couple, and the Pripet ited every t; weeks, the first date for three stores, Court blouse, and lust rOCac,, Cl ill. -on, - - The Loll ` nl l rte f l Y' and Pr}needs of W a1CS and visci' Clinton being Tuesday, August lith, I but not least $30 00 C'atLoliechurch. UT ---,-- \G OUTFIT F'Ol: S.►hC.- Airs Gal line, of Soafurth, tvltil° ed and c uurmou5 (] pmage 1vAs dorso duan” which time the Doctors will Those buildings 'would do credit to members of the r•U 'al famil �CI1L 'a& Toe Bute, a ring uncut owned L,, Sir, A. lolttr ill, jele tp prune that a Ittt „e ,r,pin,r down cellar cue say last to houses and' churtbes, Several 3 3' consult free of charge Leith any'an(l alt any large city. The moral roue of the C�aS; c uw:� ala ruuststing of ,i fu,l set or _ art of the revenutt is ra,:ised by ". I ell a ] vke One of th4 districts were tom lately ravaged- letters to them. 1 he I r ince of persons calling, at their parlors in the city I did not think was ver nod, ol:, s op utuiture, etc., with use of tLo p wee { an pk P o y g Slau htvr Siouse and outbuilaiugs. As C11u• tl iluau'ies curl Cnn,C- u les Of tile wri.'t• Wales also, sent'a gold inkstand to Commercial Hotel, towns will be but making such a elicit stay rthere I lou ancilla an uuusup.Ily good opeuiur for a taxation U , b t 0 > An attempt is about to be made visited as follows: was not ver judge. n:cmt utarkut, ttis is an opportuiaty not r'• ;iii• Colin Mc,Arthur,of Morris, P r DIr Gladstone. A number ofAug. y able to «e welt often pruse ted, For 11 ) quently the pcordo not feel it, 4 d try in the bop f,rowjrtf; in. Liberal ladies resented a portrait hotel, blond Hotel, W.5. nod S ugg.7tl), about three miles south into thecouu• FP,ANK a>:ir, atDetl i•&cogs e. to ,. has ..011 his herd of 25 cultic, fur 'c]u�tt In D1un}toga. It is states p I Commercial everylVedn weeks ;rAday o. Our c:utum. ltd not mention it 3 Of DIr Crladatonc with his grand- tette occur ever 1i weeks on da of try and visited one farmer. This man ri ' Lilo pull of $1,50Q. ll. Stcwatty„- that a Mr Snellgrove,of Bi-igliton, - y Y • was from Nova Scotia; he liked the TIsAuilcrt tS - ill S TSACn s wan, 5, s but is sugar a Ca,( in O}tit ? r• Son. week mentioned! The coat of giant, for s otter's hilt School, Section No, u, i^ P of W in„hanl; was the purchaser, ] lace ver much and has raised some ] Ont., has 1Cusea ]and near POrtagO I tainin� these routes world wreck. an P Y Godurich Township. One male, holding m . i _ - .._-_...._.-..- -. • A young man nam(d Blakeman la C'ralrie, And will nckt >rprine; le►'• lll. 'Pulmagc �va,c, served ordinary firm, but Dr Hergan and his .grain, and Lia crop looked veryQwell, �c cud ono%ntnaietli�oiairiwith o�i;3oribiYa We notlee that Eng Ilish cu lital- died at Virden, Dian, on the ldtb begin the cultivation of hops, with with an attachment atithe Close of professional and business Associates are but the country as a ►thole seems class One fcata. Personal ecoulorth to ] HO wII8 A nC thew Of A1189 his lecture tri St. PAUI Minn.,he men Of experience,- ever and ability, , more ads ted for ranehin But the Trustees, Applications received up to i�j ] the idea of supplying the trade , 1? energy, Y P g' ' the September. . isLs are still jnvesti1)9- heavily in r'IBakeman a resident of Brussels. other ni ht. The Wanseca Chaut- and there is no doubt blit their efforts whether it will ever be fully develop- GEO. H. Cox, throughout Manitoba* anti the g will, in the future, as in the past, re• ed in this line or not is ver hard to United States 1natlStrlC,, AS L}1Cy DLI H. C. Priest has been 800Ur' `yC,yl, AUqua Ap9Cmbly wants �,2,5Q0 P y J�t.IIEs H. ELLIOTTELLInTT •Trustees eeive . deserved recognition and hearty decide, for, I think, as far as I could DAVID LINDSAY, ' ' . Are thus taking advantage of the od 'as pastor of the Baptist Church Dlra Jos ©Rraltors,a r esp(,ctabl© damages for the ductor's fitilure support from that portio) of the poPu. see it is, or part of it, in very poor of Win rham for three months to keep a lecture engagement latton in whose interests and for whose hands to make a success. They are -if is of AND LOT FOB, SALE -THERE trade fucilitios Of a country that b married woman, being unable to is offered for Salo that boautiupi ^ that i8, till the- o ening of collar°' with it. If wo remember aright, benefit the vectors make and maintain tr in to boom tip the north and y sit. aiscrjm}notes IIl.gainst Great Lt'i• opening college. pay a judgment of $6 obtained r ' these visits. y P oared brick residence at present occupied Alt J. Dlartin, of Lucknow, has iho doctor was �in trouble with south, and are, as far as I could hear, Ur P. W. Hayward, on the corner of Prin• against boi- by a Chicago firm of Dr Kergs.n's Association is the largest succeeding to a certain extent but as cess mud Orange Streets,Cliuton, The douse tain thoy must ;e traitors and're, purchased the ..residence of Mr whom sho bourrht a cloak, `on the the Grimsby Camp people for a' in America, devoted 'to the extensive g contains dining room, parlor, kitphan, dna t, I did not vi9ft either sides, to any ex• two, other zooms clown stairs, with ,bath,• belie. at'leust that. i, : the wa3 lice. Powell, on Minnie street,tor simila)' failure on his art to keep treatment -of Chronic Diseases and r room, 3 bedroo s instaltnent plan, hay, .boon lodged , tent I cannot give an opinion. iia til and z closets npstafrs.- $12.00. Ile intends removing to an enna<rement.. '1 he dotter• Deformities and in the treatment of . Splendid cellar, with hot air heater, hard rp )oucuts of commercial ' union n ul goal. Her creditors guy her b ' b nest went to hsinff, arriving there at Otwht t0 tic a str'in round his certain ailments such as Catarrh, Con. and soft water. Lot one-eighth of re acre. Pl _ ,NYingbam. o argao ill this country,and 'lie cit - On Frida • last John Taylor, -of board.. This is the first time for little finrer ever time lie makes sumption, Dyspepsia, LivarandI�idney 5.30.p. e c ve the 4cb. ' Re' 1plied ttemsouabletertns, Applyouthopremiees, 3 y .Several Cara that a woman has rt 3 Diseases, Blood and Skin Diseases. Dis•. first the cave at lite warm sulphur eurnstauecs are f,carl • parnlle.l. Tirckersmifh, fell from the to) of } .. • tut engagement, eases of the Bladder and Urila'ar Tract, s rig ,4 and was shown all through Twill Fol?, up to 12 o Bloc Du on Ia } I I)CCn imprlr.OilCd jD (n1Cag0 ,fUt' Y p g + will be received g, u -_. at cool: house upon which hc'wa* debt C. Ii. M,irvin, ►rho bored the Disalses of the Nervous System end .by the party in charge; }t seems to 'nge`ftheO Ontario fort iutragtistChhe Church.. r i ►rorkin,r dna, broke' his shoulder' , 1 ► ' a wh' -h Reproductive Organs, (both male and be well chn.ducted. «`e next tressed ape of the Ontario Sitreet BlethodrsrChurch. I. ire l ,ti ted �itatCd �rOCC7'UTA( 11t Etitht e 1 `i9 well, , no, i( . )IRS Painting to be of two coats of such color as �-.'_.. :? •, At.fit. Ilitboi•t on friday II �cri_ ;` _ ._ female) they lia►•o acquired-.a_uorld- by the -trail to.t-be-ccntre.spring,whicli ntmy'p,-,s-olectca" by tile-Commitree and-'• t bone and be L1 al I ibs.. been On.. fit ° fol home tine cloth• tc,de re putation for their success and is not used at' resent for an par- utast be dnt1C to the satisfactiuu of the•Cont• •6 • . ]ins erocid(! hat Calradiallt, cars ort,+ accident toOlc l)laeo .un the 1 P y I' . , A CU11 morcial traveller nan+C(] notice. Paiutiuc to-•iuclu le shutter and ing hjmst ]f jn rttjts Of asbcctos,}las various Systema of treatment. use. \ext t+;e went tr, Lire trot 11riC+.l l:: tl.0 1 `G,tCil , fill'lll of bh' I]I'ONKaTd. It a ). (al', P graining of front door, The lowest Or any StaIC,�� liltlrt' juhn,en fit 1I1CU all O1tCn CCllar: r 1 p . u succeeded to removing the cap of Call during LiSiG if self .Can, OGho] ; sp[lt1Ft. lileae'aeem U) he well pat, Daudet not ttucessartlyy accept,,d. Teurtnrs' v ;l tt'O -killan wus driving a mo►� til,., te1s0 tvrltr,• [o l,eadr ai:rtere Corner Of ] LV invalids muatl,y �f.,r rhea- , to 6e handed to tlx I'fAltlttsU\ ►1 rL•rsE, at pat sats, Amit 'tile SCC•I•Ctal •, Of' t('a►' IiI 1110 1'Cal' Uf lht' GO1n111Ct'- illi: well,'atld LOt4 lite Ciltjl'0 pre -3- 1 ' ionizer i 1'lutns[ee1K Gtbbiu,s' } Y 3 r 111ac•hine, t►'}1c» he fell from the Dlichigan avenue and She:by St. isa 7 , tial hotel, Scafur.th, on W edges• sure iii' the rias ill the pipe is burn- t• , matdim, al. of n h: m ser.ut tel received A. li. ar,►�:xlSc , the i'ilited tsta„e; Trea,ur' Ii s neat and Lite shears cut ori' Ili, L I I troll, ,i,tLh. Consultation and opittiva . 1 day evelling nod broke his urru, in;;. licretufore, the gas escaped free iu either case. i argrPat tbenefil. l.hey ako i,induct I - .. -...- ut.. e!C<r;drj 1!i.d. a book' k,,tll.r scut 11.t illi: Cnt1'aTICtZ C\aminAtlUtt t.r, ri'C' t urru, revered the fingers of j -__ _ __. _ �_ t.,e �uln.ulr water down t, ,tae large %- '<; - - , the, left hand and ripped down his fi'urn under rho eap,wlueh brought -� i C' P. lt: hiitel, and I undera and t:ae o,1 �,� cr 1,,3- a,l f: Inlisli�t}rm t,) tziao tl;e. llt,rrd;tvn ,high Schovl, l.abt' left.,.ls,r.r.us well as cltttinrr oft' hitt the flame> near rile round uratjl (- F3I '.£'i'i'ae., J �'is�' it Nur bath; there, but I did not'visit p W Ts I,he )I tv' a.r all .1Ainerican lir; its J. Perkin of Gorrie, t,ucccedod r » the latter was a, hot as a furnace, � �. , 1 thern. %Ve also a,+cended atnalfntaic, toe,. Tile t ictirn is in fi criliCitl malsin r'it impossible a )el sun __ about 4400 feet high, ai d we ntscrme 'I'�vv t;oocl rooms upstfiir and I;,a11 't 1;., i,e :lt die'+v York, �c mo in enrl'ying Oft' the hula • medal, :1-I. rl-m S:rw.:Lr C01IJIIT'II.E g g condition. P 1 I tI .1 and Adnru 11. ytrrntg tllo silver ordinarily drossed to get within To thr H'tlltpr o%tkeCttntptt A'rin Nz.•r i verp nit,>, views that I never will fur• one titore, situate in Porrin • to this ;r ,a I:ry ill .va'olat`jon of the medal. During the• severe `-rind and 200 feet of it.. ALt Alarvin tialyto, - I g6L There is lots of snow and ice ou • . :•nntr^'1 bpr',ity and must re• r, rain lavrtn w}iilh rCvttilcd in thehoat:u'.)und the ,r. )o was awE Si a, -=Can you tell me if Iwereto thetnpofthc+mognlaiMinthemonth Blocli, Clinton. Apply to 1. Oil W(dnc,day U. Veal, who P { s + Chicago on Saturday night an lin- fill and at Limes he}iliouRht that. wg'ply foraeidewalk, whpthtir�i wrnrkl of,iunc, and the beautiful green trees �l• I'. rh`AS1D,�LI. tAiyt in 1,mg! int,. This is pretty has lived at Wroxotev fur the Past ' 3 f, g be likely to get uaa .Alan, ns thNrO and shrubs he.►veeu makes a very+ , ,.rrrall .•u<il:,. au3'hvw, but it i.y 12 years,died after a short illnesp. occupied three story brick build- all was up wills llim Ito i+ paid any surplds on han3 frown the dog great impression, ono not to be for Agent Ctlnadiv Life. Ins. Co'y i The funeral took place nr friday, ing on the corner of Oakley 51,0:00 for'the job, � tax this vear. Ai there area lar gotten. Any person visiting Cal arv, n4il,in.; „,nt'C. titan can he expect The old gc:ntle.man was SS ours avenue find Twent.5-first street number of the cathine spec les to be or near }t should not fail to see Banff, od bct►i een W,o countrios where of u,r,+e. r, 3 was hlown over on an adjoining ! John Iliad, Of Zbront0 a wjdo►v• seen on the streets, the a mus: he a if theq do not ]ro any further. 1 next LjH.j)��ERTIE'S for SALE ilnt�h 1,•� ,. to,w:dl All Other out. It i,t )leasing• to be able• to note cottage, crushing .the latter find er liked 2J, had been ebargod with large wool collected. lruurrtruly, vitiit(d bloOaaJ'uv,and �inetthere Solite _ _ 1 , killing eightattdSeri0llK13: injuring the seduction of Sltrah Ann Hyde, hlnswALK. of the excursioners from Clinton, Tile vrtriouq properties re- --,-- t.bat through Divine Providence Y ilSeshrs ;John Gilmore and 1•lofl'att, of iiinillirT¢; nncligposedofl►elong- '1'11(, t.r,ob : ol'Saturda rave a '900d medical skill,and good care, three occupants, , r , • aged 23 years, and his, .case cur)- ltRECTY SMALL, y �, y' g, Two cases of druwnin occurred in on.att le ( lice Court on Mon- _ Stanley. I also'raet t to his fA .m w h,hle C • to the est -ate of rice sed, ___ _late -. tlotailc,l ,.t,tlr n,i0,11, covering Deal- bI►w Jas. Diallough,of' Dunf;annon, - -N3 fiat rdA A sag' tie offered co die o40.of rho To ate I;,titoi n! lila Ctlntort 1j`rw Lira - and mn ed�lover Sundaq. Ilex Lasa aro n, v o�tllexl l tar sale . Til who has been sO• seriously 111, 1s �t 3 Y y , ty two page.,,, s4lowjug that there becomiu� cUnvale,eent. nu 'named Thomas%'. World, his matter by marrying tbo,J,rirl. The 1>l;Au $re, --.AH' an official and very fine farm,and hatrhad rerq.good order to ClOsae ap tL© crtLatc� are over ni::teun minions worth Ayoung man Homed Sanderson, daugblor Lillie, 16 years of age, girl was willing, the case •wus needy person of the town I am ]oath crops for the two past years,but every t,he:+o I►ropertica must he :;old. of r0 t•rtit s ill tLC ally exempt ►chv wives a dray for DLr Bullard, and two young men manned a Stopped immediately, n license to make the remarkii which follow,but thing honked set's dry there this sea• Full l)zrticulars and term% P P light Skiff, and while crossing the was -purchased, and Rev. Dr circumiitanoes will. brar me Out iii Aon. Only for the dry weather and will be imido'icnown on appli-' . from tuxt,ion. This large Wingliam, mot•with a painful ac. what I cal'. LaA spring a certain thegrentti•(iubleingetting wellwater, cation to the undersigned. g hay ]aro In thv eveni,r.g encounter- I3rigari, of rho Methodist I]uok r. ciseni Tuesday afternoon. Ile T,ersral in town promised to' mw and I would thank it as good as the Port- , added to thn s:c)eky, debentures, erI a swell caused by a ferry boat, "'i ; prefolmod rho calDmony. l q had the dray loaded with bAl'rels my mother that anv skim milk we ag p niaq. I also met otic a num-MANNING & SCOTT, and theirskifi'capsizod. The two Kidd had been living with the wanted we enols Lave if we would o beer of other.i who originally came Clinton. mr>rtrug(•e Itn.l ine)mos, which by of cotil oil and someofthora rolled R _ _ r _ Oft one fallin 011 hi8 foot and young men were rescued, but the girl for some time, and it wag after it. I thought it very kind and from Clinton. I next ;went to Qu'- - ,,hool< or bar ert+)!c escape taxation, g father and dauerliter met. their Supposed t.bey were, married. availetl myself of the chance and went A.pp3lle station, and there I met •In n a. is es,t'nlate•] tq ntalce the ager_ breaking it, death in the water. 7tho father brought art' action far for the same, which was given me ,old friend, A. Matheson. end went ITrNaTraak?kh c� D.ir4 entry Scott, of Colborne, seduction,when he discovered it As poundkeeper of the town it was' out with him f-0 his farm, which is ' RRii Tubus 1,11,11 of reventy millions ill mother of Mrs Jas. Hetherington James Smith was tried in Judge m dui to impound .all. Avrtr belaw s about tpri utiles; and was very kindly ilio -cit• „f T,,, )t,'u which never and Mrs Mary Watson, dies at McConnell'sl Court at Chicago on was not, so. rrnning at large after 8 'p. m., and received by Mrs Matheson, her two -� Saturday on .the charge of erimin• A somewhat novel case isreport- argon other cattle it ha en x pays a c.esnt of taxation.'►7'hero is het rion•in law's recontl3.+aSho Y g, pp ed that daui;ticPre dor e f m Br4ndon,oathe-Awmam a tatof tno v pert t leis a, ►van burn in England in 1810, and ally assaulting an eight -your -old ed from Northcote, Victoria. The this peraon'.r <eow wnN impounded. eon being bulge ficin ISrt►ndon r,n tier t►,' 1 l 3, had livid in Canada about fiftygirt: IID w,as found guilty and Ttov. Mr Duncan, the ]oval clertty Ilohold my a,stmtiahroesit when the holidays. They are very eerofortabla Parliament 1'uil,.liilPs, &c., that car,. She had been Ii riiombl sentelwed to nine years penitents- man, peed a man named Brown owner presented me a bill for skim anti seem to be doing well, but- I fear `1 or'tirketA soil information to all for £3, the amount of a marriage I'll at 50 cents, avid I had to release they are in the dry belt ibis year, but M points, Ripply to shnuld l:,c neernpt, brit there i( of the "Diothodist (;f.iureh for' ar3•. Smith was greatly affected, hie cow and pay him for the milk hope they will come on better than W. JACKSON I' , i and rising to his feet exclaimed: fee. .I:,vidonce was given 'that after his promise to lily mother that it I expect. Mr Matlieson is a mission- vo icr; e,n 'shy the rimt. should be. I fifty -fico years. P 1 TDI ArtE�r. e. . K., CLIYTON -"I m innocent; I Swear bei'oro the bust benedjet had ptOmiactl tibonld be free to u+. These are ac- dry, and' has four stations, (preaching .. r, . �.-- --- As II. Liebard it peddling Avaf;• my God, whom i am about, to 'the+clergyman "three quid" for tua] tactii, lir 1t11tor, which I can twice every Sunday) which :akea him tiPi{t ANT ►v ILINTED-0001), To ro To 1'hts ,cons 1u'c,,rd l ctuA•uri to its J;oil, in charge of Thos. Rutlodge, meet, I'm innocent•" As" he fin. i+ plicrng tho nuptial k„ot. but Colborne, was coming of Wm. i n p , probe, and I.leavethe reader to judge from home abr ut half his time; b9 i Tnrnnty. Lortunitcatettunticn and bib• false' r.ta,cni�nt:± coueerning tilt b i --,hod he raised his hiind,and WiLh atter h0 was married a litt•lo timo of the kindness of this hereon. likes the work well. From tuere, eral wn:f,,s. Apply atonnn. MRS POSTER, rC1tr17NOnh lane 011 `VOdnOFda t Albc•... - m;t,Ctluton.- Y DdItOr1II1 lrttCl':ttlCC i tlf ihi8 pa Cr. t' y a small pocket-knife stabbed him. 1,e showed every diap'ofsition to FiamDra1CIi FOLLArtn, t+tkinq in the ronntry aw I Iro, back to _ %-I 1 P evening last, ono of the tuna jj .. W .�-- Winnipeg, and thoncedowiI13outhern •A'i"'iaD - ANY Ill-MSO`t HA►'I\O A We refuted lest week, 1, r it" Own f.elf in rile left breast. A scorio of dodge his revorerid creditor. A PROSPRIWUS FARMER. Manitoba, New, as there has been 11 Lady's tildiug 1;addle to +dispo,u of 3 broke, Causing tho horse to run wild ctonfiision ensued. The This resulted ,ill Itis Appearance •-- nlav ani a purnhtv,r by aaaressing b F,w., before the local mArr}r7Lrrtto who ( An much said soil written on this part :vpiw i;nA nlllce. State how long in usn An quotsrlionS, the tslrart;es it hes away; eonl�idDCAlsly smashing the doctors don't think Smith w}11 die. ri To t?w editor of th®.Fav I6reI. Ido not think it wise to say mach. lnweer, cast prim made, and it its a ►vasste of s])acc rig and injuring All- Rutledge so It turns out ho was innocent, and at once ordered him to pay tho ' 1)0As EDiTOtr,,- Aa time hangs I wgi;t straight through to Bosevain ---�)x .;,. - � Tiinr. ti:uriia _ _... . that he will he laid iip for a feet' his wife took this method of trying mono A man who won't a rather hear and as news is rather and there, met m bimber and rami} , the, homestead of It, liarkwtill, Londes- dealing %Aithst again. It ttltr}•' 3'• pay 7 y Y' F' . Clays. bis rnarria o Erse is n(+nrl Ira ticarce, perhaps a few suggestions or they all seem to enjoy the country born, la orfnrud for sale on cnaqq tnrms.- biltcs to nH 61,SiL0iTlCltta we )]OVCt to prepare iho way for a divorce, g y rather si n@ Of a prop ('roux fartUeT very much. It is U11tE 8 stirring Therd aro few farrits to equal It in tLis suc- Af r Pieter McGowan, of Lig- An icebot• r of mA nifieont ro bas as one who neg]or,taa to pq fur R P y 9 g I tion. Also, dealrawn 4onso nn Princess Ht., made, b,nd to support itself ill its j g g P will not be out of place. When lig.tts town ; they are building a large mill, catni.MN for 4,%i6 or torrent. B..Im41t wEbl, , mondville, whilo bui}'d.ing a stack portions was Seen under most fa• bis newspApor, are segn burning in his bougie before hotel, English church and store of Clinton . false positioi, charges us with ex- of hay a few days ago,rfeil to the vorlrble cireuwtalncos by those Burke, who was arrested At the breat. of day, in wintere@peciallr, stone; quite a large school and some - _' _ nxn' "- licit s,tLr; Oft TO ' presNione mad° use of by col itis ground find received serious • in- who sailed from Now York 3rlly Winnipeg for connection with the it abows that the day will never break other frame builiiings this year, but I j� mut, atcorner (it Itatteubury and trio �pondents over their own -Signa- Juries among them the Fracturing 17, on board the steamsbip'. aale,' Cronin murder is to be oxtradited. on rile breaking is of the winter of fear the real Jruu tb will leave It Snoid8tretn, containingehA coven rooms Rift collar Of three ribs on his loft sidD, Ho S adversit When on @ee h]m'drivo g g gnndatahte on fhani bail con ottwaWr taro. .i nt t AA likol ly not it On the forth day out, while the Jud rment was given on Tuesday, 7 y fiat fur LMA, ti0aa0n. I &1x0 visited g1nOd hF1iiiN ng en at 3 cud all c0u TIPL ccs, y a 6 g y' his work instead of his work driving Plamb Creek, Tbar, art of the noun• II „aaerainatsivm sinner+, xOs. TIPLING 1p�)Xis also injured in the ]eft hip were at dinner, word when thbfull conrt was unanim• P ser "we publish a )rovi•n�1l > the passengers him, it shown that he will never be tie looks very well for the dry lemon. ------ • ----•--- 3 p p] 17 3 and for A. limo his' life was in was asses around that an jm - au8 in the doeisi0n that the rule y ARI FOR sALts,--FAR'K OP so ACRKS " dantror. Better hopes arc now P driven from gwd resolutiona,and tbat I also visited Melgund and stayed P1 heing one mile fro,n Clinton, heirsg tot letter of cur correspondent C, n P , mense iceberg was 'sn sight. The nisi bocliiamissed. Bntic will pro- lie' will eertatinly work his Kay to wit'h.Mre Callander and family they c;, nnynnldcon.,Godorien tnwnnfrap. Goad simply bcPauso it finds Ir place in entortaitied of him. Peter da an iceberg furnished more attraction bably be sent to Chicago on Sun- prosperity, Mon he hall a house were all enjoying good health and sort, wolf watered, nix acros bualtti good orch- (old man bordering on 80 3 of a than the digin; room, ire was day, by which time the oxtradi• eeparaW from the building purposely are ver comfortable. I also visited aid, frame bussu unit cellar and frntne bora .our C0111m:i@. (.)ni' cotrm. llas BO y and stable. Posaoaslon to work at etliy time We have this week to record described by Captain BlArike and tion papers will have been receive for ashes, and an iron or tin vessel to quite a numher of Huronitea and they this fan. JAR. STEEr Clijiwn. j r t transport them, Itshows that be never all „eem well stitisfied with the coun- ------------------------;L.D.B i- gr6d - far failed to prove that we ever ; tlle4 oath of another of Hitron's his officers as the largest they bad ed from Ottawa. Chief of Police built his dwelling f .r n funeral pyre try, but, as ever one knows, they are rVJL ate Hoyer College 4t Dental Rurgcpus stated theft>,rmer's ennditiun wits, pioneers, in the porson of..1Lr ever soon. It seemed to be about Ilubbard;ofChicago,accompanied for his family, and perhaps himself, havingaver dry season there and of Ontario. sal operatipnaof modornden- r'hel ]eRsnd bo ,eters "but hat Andrew Aiitchetl, of Salem, near 500 foot high, with two immen'ko, by special constables' has cone to When his bu en is boarded oufFirie y tistryycarnfully pt+rfnrmrrl, Ancathetiesnd g tl it is very bard to come to a conc�asion ininiatered for the ,shims extraction of P I , %Vingham, who after suffering a glistening a ire8, reminding the Winnipo . Tho chjef's object in and in, it shows that be is going the ne to what tyyp�e result will he, There tooth. Offen - Koo er•a ,tea Stand, Qoat%, prove( its ability and willingness ]Ong Anil painful illness, passed spectatorf( of a magnificent eatho- going to Winnipeg is to personally whole bog or none in keeping plenty were a numtfer of places I would like Illbek, Clintnn. ►vin vL11t. Myth profowlcn- Lo make false statements and min• I peacefully away on the 18th July, diel, sheathed in silver. its superintend the work of bringing inside his botise .rind poverty out. to have visited, but time would 'not nny dvery Jinnany. -- quotations. Our readers+ are the At the ago of 08 years. The length was estimated at 1,800 feet.' the) prisoner And'tho wi wassep When hi4i e!ed }s safely boused in allow, I arrived home on the 20th, "-► �, , ,— r _ *r best judges Of the truth Or other. cause of doath was a cancer grow- The berg was sighted by lite look- Caf•lsort And, Martenvcn bade to Aumulpr, and his farmin implements well satisfied with my trip, and must AGENTS �`? T!� NAWNL i. L 1.� J 1' In in his e o which ho bad No- covered both winter an summer, it say that I was well treated by all Tn•nner3t•cla sNmin• nry Stock for Lake• wise of An, thin r we_ hnt c said g 3 out early in the afternoon, and the Chicago. errs much hn, }peen Said ialnly shows that he will have a good whom T met also b the oflicials,thev view `ursortea, ltnchestcr', y Y. Bton(w ntn- Y ' moved some time ago,but it grow ",wale" wag wise) Ile t At a }on Of AASaSSinatin them - that he ' y 1 Int'r,icnt to goo.i igen. Nfnwt liboral in I y P , t ? ' LtouSe 'over i)19 dead In the ltllmtrler Of are all doing all they agreed too, and 11'10V, ut . t'03,1 p,nlrlcn�0 sollelterl, and and w0 21'0 g111t0 '.willing to abid0 l arain and ultimately resulted in distance frorti Tile rletmtl g moan- dorms it r00a ild rilellt t0 Ckel'• Y ' g are giving ever information th t ie ,inn rn ,rot1N t, lt. 6 J g (earl life and the thinler Of old a n. g q y fall Pnrttnulmr4 oil sly ll,,n 6y their judgment, , I hip rjrath. tAin, ektt wmr'Q pwyihle pr•d( .111' inn. Whr n }tis cot'Ir+ err• propee'.y shielded ! tleces:ary, Fours, 1\•, r,00PE i tit>rr, ,s. Oe i ., t'. ,1....... A,lu;nrt )u t. ............... ........_..�.. _ _ - .�__ ,,.,..,,..,. �.,.,,_,.:.�.........,,..,_.�...._......,,...... .... ....._..... _.._..... _. __ _.._....._ _. .. _.i...... ._ ...............- , ....... r. - .. .. _ .. .. ._- .. ,.......'�.:.. ,,.,.�..�.,.4 ...�.w.,._-dAlL._...,a.. . a.�.,_,N.,..•.,.:xsaw..,_:,.�.W.,.r..•,•wu:__,. _- r•