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The Clinton New Era, 1889-08-02, Page 3
. .,. .,:.._ r ' 'y ...„ 7 . .Y.� _ , ` 1:1` 1 - I 1�0�40 241i __ - — . I—— - J EE _i. R '.., , 1 75 1 , -� - V "ZI 1 S71— 1. - -t pju _—I - ,., _* i�, , , . rep "'o R :- "A= \\\\\,\\�\=V& "\\.,) — - I - - _� - - --- V"'_ 41), --=7--- �" , U-11: '� 2�? ,__`I�V! _', , . , IV I. Jobbing Department .is not surpassed in tai Counvyp e • CATTLE KATE. I NEWS NOTES. roo/gear of rtosrlseal Womes. PROPERTIES FOR BALE BICYCLES IN BUFFALO. Minnie Palmer affects light uppeme Cleanse _ A Che} a me despatch gives the The mother of the late Dr. Fanny Davenport is inclined to pointed - � -WILL BUY THE HOUSE AND following fuller particulars of the Nelles, of Victoria University, THE RIDING OF THEM NOT CON- toes, the System $13e� Lotownea by the uuderslggred lynching: James Averill and the died in Simeoe on Wednesda tit FINED TO A DINGLE SEX. With that most reliable occupie y d Lawrence, to Huron Btna Yr Cora Morris takes pleasure in glove kid Clnton Hard and soft water and good at, notorious cattle queen,Kate Max- the age of 93. ` boots. �O meth ctue-Ptune's Celery die Terme of payment easy. APPlyto JNO well, were lynched by Cowboys An Extraordinary ]Pageant Which Be. compound. ILpuriHeathe CALLANDER,24 Btanly St., Louder South The latest statistics complied b Lott& wears a shoe that might be taken '� blood, cures constipation Sunday night. The bodies of the p Y cantly Invaded the Queen City -Our I for Cinderella's. and regulates and %� NE ACRE LOT FOR SALE - WELL SIT. 'rustler' and'ran o uoen'dan led the Board of Inquiry make the •+�r1 V VA'rED for building lots in a very desire g q g Correspondent, Vindex, Discovers an kidneys,effectuauycl aDB- able part of Clinton with about 75 choice number of lives lost in the devaB- Modjeeka pedal extremities loo welt in NOW 1 from the same limb of `a big Cot- .Slstorical °`Loch of Rale --The areal � lug trultepees,somebearingap}plos,peara,plume tonwood yesterday -morning -The tated district at Johnstown, Penn., russet leather boots. 11 and dead matter. cberries, grape vines, and black and red cur - at About 6,001). Trotting Match -Other Gossip. I , rents. Forfurther, articulare apply at the scene of the lawless but justified Mdlle. Rhea wears' the thinnest of French ! NEW ERA OF I. t. f. Presbyter (From Our Special Correspondent.] kids, winter or summer. Paine's _ _ deed of the midnight riders Was The Methodist and BUFFALO Jul 23. --The number of Buf- Celery Compound HOPERTY FOR SALE - $1'250 will buy Castle Rock, on the Sweetwater Ian congregations in Brockville y tire. Langtry's fent are generally incased Pa valuable lot on the south side of Huron falonians who are -now using the airy and in .6 stent leather tips." Jombines true nerve tondo and strengthenhi Street, Clinton. three doors below the Com - river, in` Carbon County, near In.- have doubled, up for the next six jaunty bicycle in preference to the- horse p qualities, reviving the energies and spirits. g murcial Hotel, on which is erected five dependence. '-_Castl0 Bock is a weeks, and each pastor gOtS a cars,in going to and from their places of bus- Mies Frances E. Willard wears substan• •' I have been troubled for some years with a houses, with hard and soft waterpsmall eta place which bbcame historical three weeks' vacation. in iesimply astonishing. More than four tial goat skin with low heels. complication of difficulties. After trying va. hie, and other conveniences. For particul. hundredmachines et one make alone have rwus remedies, and not finding relief, I tried ars apply to NALTON DODSWORT11, or at Burin the rush overland to the The, Dominion Government hold Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett wears a faille's Celery Compound. Ilefore taking one the NEw ERA otHce g been sold in this city since the first of April full bottle the long troublesome symptoms be. -- - California gold field,: Avevill $4,000,000 in trust for the Indians Everybody rides. Evan Mr. W. G. Benton, the commonsense walking boot. an to subside, and 3 can truly say now, that I ROPERTY FOR SALT; - SUBSCRIBLR ]Puss pOJtnlilSlel' at S1VOOtiviltel'• of Canada. To LIIO Six .Nation dignified manager of the American Press As- Mrs, Cornelius Vanderbilt usually wears and I huco e}y man Digestion has Improve , P offers for sale that excellent property at 5 n ]Pucci ten gestin lv 1 in Sln dd rase t occupied t hi ,s - g P e g ce f I I Y r telt, or the corner Kate Maxwell was the heroine of tribe, Of Brantford, belong $800 - ' smiatiou, has bought a Safety wheel, and cloth uppers and patent leather tips. have commenced takh.gthe Compound." of Princess and Raglan Hxrects. ' may be seen any morning sailing gracefully IIONESTU13 STEARNs. I'elchvIIle, Vt. acre of land all set out with choice fruit a sensational story which appear- 000 of this money, They are the in from his palatial residence on the West Sarah Bernhardt changes the style of her $1.00. Six forsri.0o. AtDrugglsts trees and grape vines, plenty of t,ard,and sort water. 7'1, • h r 'secoutainsthroe room o Syrr.ts n n throughouteh ea as' of xfc AK soN !c CO.,c:o. ed In the newspaperswealthiest Inllans in the DGtnlll- aide. He rides with s dashing disregard ten as she does her moods.J1foxT'aser. the county three months ago, down stats., and tour above, with good con- y g r ion. alike of the cough spots ilia pavements and Ella 11'heeler Wilcox always tone lar, closets. &c. This property is •vary cwt - when she raided a gambling house the soft spots of his anatomy,and Iles named y Y ANY ONE venient to schools, and is in one of the best g b Atcheson Moffat arrived at Am. „ o , Slippers in doors, with handsomely embroid• 'DIAMOND locations in town. will be sold cutire, or his wheel Whist Club, because he says it 0 = OYES the lots divided. Terms reasonable. JOHN and recovered a largo sum Of herst, N. S., from Ireland many. is "always wanting another rubber." aped stockings. CAN DYE STEEP, Clinton. money won from her employees. years ago with a capital of one Little girls, young 1 dles, and even mat- Mrs. Amelie Rives Chanler has a symme- C Stockmen Of' the Sweetwater re- rons ride bicycles in this city. Do not mis. tricallyshaped foot, which looks well in . s. A Dress, Or a Coat, An COIar [ �ALUAIILF. PROPERTY FOR SALE.- fbnny. Ije has Just died, at the / V That most desirable Property just oun. cion have been thevictims Of Castle understand me; Ido not mem the tricycle; Louis Quinze slipper. I Ribbons, Feathers, FOR side the corporation of Clinton othe Lo•'1 g age of 77, leaving -a fortune of 1 mean,- net what 1 as Y ' a m chine o two o d j a u ]toad late] occupied thieves, for year's. On account of 85 000. y' Adelina Patti encaaee her comer feet in Yarns Ras etc. Y- 1 iod re Rev. John • `•� t whorls, winch they are compelled to tido Y r Rags, TEN CENT$" GitCy, and consisting of 19 ncres, with good P ... ..- . _..-.. _- .. t the •dal' a -0ut- - - -- - -- •e prejudices against -- - 1 - .� _ . _�. _ - nn8 In -tram - u - -- ' 1 gra self-erVGa s`SA E Mone "5ndmdke 0 House Barn Stables;- a lefid' �` g -- V ld J d'afnt F e v P mm -f r �Il ]fids. Fier faeClnatin hoose uY P aefiioe "-We of �Huffalo are All'ab-&D. as Y B ,• y I 1 t COn A WeStOI'n 110wBpapA1' 1 eCent• things look like NEW, , using DIAMOND Orchard, ng in plenty y water, le offered for ..,, ..•..�l.tS• l•�•.17it6-ll.�'Q-1�1�t��( tl@.-�=�. �---.�_' >_-_- -- ..-.. -..-• cystomedto,thosiglit-that-it.ealdo,m-calls�oa• slippers -are ,mar-velain their -lice.-•• •• '�D'hES: -mh+e-work is easy, aim 1s', quick; the Bale. Being in Stanley township, the taxes I C'OrltiC111$(t t • 1 vial for these Of1enC09,` And the Y 1118 A(1Ve1•t1BOment. ,ascend glance, unless the young girl hap- colors the BEST and FASTEST known. Ask•for ,ars low. very desirable Property for a t. Mrs'. Morten makes a specialty of shoes, DIAMOND DYES and take no other. farmer who wishe to live ro$•red. Will be rustlers have become very bold. A middle-aged women who is I pan. a b. uatlsUy pretty, or is taking liar � But lesson. and sometimes upsets the equilibrium of her For Gilding o sold or reasonable terms. Appl for full capable,, honest and industrious g r Bronzing Facey Articles U$$ yy Averill and his ramal kable' I There ls one gentleman is Buffalo who will Crispin by unfavourable criticism. DIAMOND PAINTS. particulars to THOS. EAST, Park but as homel as a stone•fenee, , partner have been vary active in Y wants work." probably never learn W tido the w�oel I CIlriatiwe Nille�on wean &shoe long and told, Silver, Bronze, Copped Only to Ceuta. ARM FOR BALE - UNDERSIGNED thieving. The woman Could hold refer to Mr. Wilson S. Bissell the former broad enough for each toe tb have &.resting F offers for sale bot 'l2, 3rd con, Hullett; her Own on.the range, riding like Ml's Davidson, widow Of An- law partner of Grover Clsvelaad. ' His A COOK, BOOK ]near the Cemetery) 100 acres, 90 cleared she will not place of its own and still have room to """ free of stumps, a demon, shooting.on the slight- drew ate of the Lown- pe pss'mit it, C&res of lite "t:.m _• pe, balance bush. e Davidson,' to sit lightly upon his broad shoulders and ' spare. FREE able house, frame barn 50 x30, with good est retext, and han.dlin the lar- ship of Bosanquet, fell out of the.onstabling, orchard nearly an acre, never -fail- fat and brandingiron with the mow in the barn o❑ her farm on .,ars becoming 'a ' s° t° abash' Mrs. Frank Leslie dresses her feet as care. By mail to an lad eendin us . farm rcreek. e School a cues- is yinns 7 Y prominently in fully as she does the rest of her person, Y 8 skill of the most expert vaquero. Friday and died from the effects connection with Democratic nomination for her poet office address. clay loam situate Id miles from Clinton. - mayor of ah• city, but a dew none .of the and always has her shoes made on the Span- Possession given any time after the crop is Fifty freshly branded yearling of the fall in about an hour after- �y� hbnse3! lab last, � Well% Blchardson & Co., Montreal, off.gd Terms easyy. A rate chance to secure a steers were Counted in the Averill wards. tt Y'attasAo fast a ciey teem ilio ranks of Mme. Benjamin 06rison cares more for . ' KInd pie the!MRS, HODGSON, or FRANCIS and Maxwell holds Saturday Liverpool bought 700,000 bad'- whore 113MbitasO a President of the United eomfort than for looks in her shoes, but will FARM FOR SALE, -THAT SPLENDID morning. A stock detective esels of American apples and Lon- States has been selected, should be w barren doubtless put her best foot foremost In the term of 110 scree, on the Maitland con - whose suspicions •were aroused of reministiono s concerain(1� that distln- cession, being lot 77 Goderich township, don 350,000 barrels during the White Flour. . situated limiles from Holmeaville, and four a gulshd townsman as: Buffalo ls concerning was driven from the labs whore g PIANOS�fV miles from the Town of Clinton. The soil is p season recently ended. The im- kir, Cleveland I sgimbld across s barber a good clay loam, with aneverfailing spring he was noticed viewing the stolen portation of American apples by the other day howevim who, after. I had 1QinN'to the Housew11116 THE creek running through the place; also good property. This Circumstance the United Kingdom is On a rapid succeeded in winding bis confidence, ehowd HOW TO MARE SOAP.=Three and a half -elle, There is stout B acres of bulb, which p ie one of the best sugar tushes in rte conn- was reported to the ranchmen, increase. mss little bundle of short stiff hairs pre• pounds of grease, four gallons of soft 'Pater, ty; also two frame barns, one a bank barn, who determined to rid the COIIn• served in a time -worn envelope. • "l cut one frame horse stable, with room for ten The London StAridard lies Cori- � over Cleveland's Load,^said be u possible; one box of concentrated 179, horses, also two good bearing orchards, be- who the des aratA air. Aver- .� , after the lye is dissolved boil three hours. 3 YEARS SYSTEM Ing about six acres in all; twogoodloghouses. Y p rented to apologize and pay £1 be was Governei and I'm a s About 45 acres seeded down. Will be sold ill and the woman ' ave several ' grin, to keep ,am •until be's President again BIBCH BEEP. -One gallon of water, One on reasonable terms. ALEX BADOUR, 000 damages fol• asserting that A regular monthly, quarterly or halt -yearly pay- Holmesville P. O. - e.-" times been ordered to emigrate or g asci than I91 sand Is= to his wits." I won- quart of molasses, one-quarter ounce of ment (a slight advance on the rental, rate) buys the �1,- Father Coveny, of Dunmanwa der u cease approprist,ng mavericks, ' Yr kora Clweland will ever'.receive that whole cloves, one-quarter ounce of whits instrument. Superior Farm for dale witir- Ireland, publicly appealed to God Pm*w or what she'd do with it if she Gad Any piano may be chosen out of a magnificent P but had disregarded all warnings. itiI ginger root, one-half ounce of whok allspices assortment of Uprights. Squares and Grands, un- Out reserve. After her celebrated gambling to strengthen the hand of the one ounce of birch, one-half ounoo of oasesp surpassed in quality and value. Ministers, Teach• man who killed Inspector Martin We are havilg wbet may be Celled ideal ers, Government Officers, and those in recolpt of FORSI'TS vs'. FORSYTI[3 house escapade Mrs Maxwell. de- p -•steer just now. Bu'ffalo's 8a free. Boil all for three hours. Aftter Lakin regular incomes. will find this a convenient and ad- ' At GwedOI e, spun are d vil ltageous mode for securing a first class inatru- generated from a picturesque rouse« than lbose >a • Colorado stage °DBCh, k from the fire pour it intoe ck&n tub and ,Hent. When the instrument is used for practice, The undersigned will receive offers for tie but her trtmlmaae mads for ties discom- add on° and a halt allouts of waLee. 'Let ifl our soft Bto or Prnetice Pedal saves wear on the sale of that valuable farm being Lot 27, Con character Into a reckless prairie On Thursday afternoon the g V 3, and N J of 27, Con 2, Tuckersmith, H,R.S., governor of the electric light ma- �` The msn Who` iia' BuffalO at this nerves, as well as reserves the tone of the Piano, virago Of 100s0 morale, and lost g g ti er yye roan wise can come stand until milk -warm ; thea add two labia � consisting of 150 acres of choice land, and Our Patent Fool Pedal attachment for Pianos to >40rs )ores ode of the best easme lr Tuckersmith. It d most of her following,' but con- ehinory at the MattawaB Hotel • and desir& Y • ]Pool spoonful's of bakers or brewers' pewA Stand. invaluable to or antats, students and tcacYlcrs• nearly all clasp ' Prices on application. Inspection invited: and in a hi �' well fenced, un, it has a tinued partnership with the post• Kingston, flew off, stiieking Wil- �� se ration was occasioned ber• away In the collar or snrtle anal place during high state of cultivation. It has a. P along liam Layman in the face and kill-- y�ym°robwby• atraotp&rattdo4 til& the night, covet it. The next da it OCTAVIOUS NEWCOMB &•CO good brick dwelling, ti usual barns and master. ,Word was a136ed a on Y ilig Y outbuildings. A clear title will be given, most . b The su oct to this troigw e5araoter. ALL w ] to ear's lea stain • 1 fib 1' or two se. Reasonable i trrl be far bolt One o raisins y s e n him instant] s nil �- °the i and fiftee to twenty g II was r ver,, ns' y Y• a CC Its ap_WQ&& wet tb• ,Mood of a.brass with a hole punched In tUra w1'�h aiork add Warerothee-107 end lies Church St., Toronto, terms of payment accepted. This farm well { men gathered at a designated much respected map, and leaves bassi wak6, s the diver nearer p Factory, the finest in its equipments and appliances be sold without reserve, and at an early date a wipe and four children un rovid- was iMen't9 k a gre It:ly to the flavor. Put it in Strong bob in the city, 89 to 97 Bellwoods Ave. Ap ]y to W. W, FARRAN, Receiver place and 'galloped to the cabin of p qqts big cl,o:lw &&WU . inton, April 30,1889 . Averill and Cattle gate without ed for. • by siat/esn wilds form prwsded by s yid. ties, cork tightly and tle down with twine. -_ - - __- tbos of >�s�d pdIcs. Thea, aglow" rev- Set it in a cold calcar, and in will fie fit, for . . FOIL BALD,. unnecessary noise. The rustlers .ry Bnni meetiot• �lv.n tostin , The Toronto Humane Social fbsnd by use m fbar' days, That desirable property ]Patel occupied were at home,and a. es' through Y llvetlelt t y y, ped peep g R=te Adler �b Cit1e • rig, tla• $Act AL -Soak, ham over.& t•in . by David Welsh, deceased, and being lot No have issued a nice little .pamphlet rho window: disclosed the thieves..!1>•nets tit +Ftit>r waw protrsbly .ever seen 4, corner Isaac anis Dunlop streets, Clinton - on the subject Of check -reins for boron is dAmor tither milk. � the morning � nn}ilrbrOwn, then On the premises there are first-class accoul and a boy in their employ, sitting aqw city 'Itconsitrted tnothe p premises cistern, sired, fruit trees. horses. The Society ie &Inst t� a gor'R�tw�� cart, abmA ten Leet reniDve too aplather. Fry eggs ey dipping and a garden well lanced o,tt. The cotta beside a rude fire lace >smokin'g Y ag g n 1 . p n the check -rein as earnestly as the in ' �° kWl&� aides and black of wbieb gravy over them until -done, bletead of turn. ie new, open for inspection at any time upo ci ai ettes. adhteed'*216 09 pr in Leen take u care and l& non the g wets p&tnttprs, !e ascot. application to the undersigned. parent society in Britaim, 'The ug � sgmommati festivities. And pray P � y upon t The ,remises must be flis osed of in ord, As half a dozen mon rushed in- Y di n opinions of eminent physicians to what do n slices of lie's awls up the estate of the late David Weh to the room, a Winchester was p Y lee !C�}pose tJiia enormous `and Terms made known cu application. veterinary Burgeons aro 'tooted 1V1»i0thie'tdl` was hitdhed9 Not to a R'PCE PdDDisc. One teacup of rice, one ALEX. \vELSH, Executors of I poked through each Nvindow and 4' yoke of • ; =W to a st4pg of Tessa steers. pint owh of milk and wit teni' Wone quart'of a command to thio- up thtii �g"alnst the use of the ruin. It is lintel po r [ A��;�il.a�i��H'S iil� 4i , hands was given throw' ' 'up 'than. interesting in connection with this but to an edoe elephant, who Marched milk, one cup of molames, ttlne teas onful KENDALl.'S Dav \ sl II g 'hmg sd "o -O ly between the abaft' trs any for' to note that all the best drivers in ms's burse, of salt, ons-third.of a nutmeg and a piece of j r, , e�;,t C �E �� �I D able earnestness. The trio sprang L'ritai n are diBeal'din tido rcing Thea oet�a more Roma& chortle ra butter the side of'an egg. In mixing reserve I' V (1I L�ALESMV L ii, sell ct,oicr \urs, r stockfor their weapons but were (luick• g g onec of milk riot to be added until the --- "-- '1 1 11 Ov01 OWel'ed. Ave1 filo hC g©lj t tri• baiita tied old, olid aider Lllem r pertoncerlruircd. Pe,n a ('at;a- I m. Il h� , anotLer-olkiirfN creetiou of the carriage pudding has been in the oven from one-half �, .,self', and hunwinl; the country�p1f can guarnutce every wl.dtifactionand whined, protestincr their til- Mayor Crelge.• anti Congress' maoer'Birrt. Itwa&nutquite-so massive as to three-quarters of asst piour.; First mix all �.,. t i th llgUasai-mnen and rtlsloPaers. :1nnOCOnCO. IiatC Clll'sed. Ilex exc- man l+rank La\vial of Chico ro the a1)Oplttwt wlegua, tors it upas tnosc tie ent chance for :t Dr 4 ntsl,in menin the fi4grediones together in a buttered earth- _ _ tgip aaa3etjl ly resplendent, raid was .-_ 7I'll- _..,.:+ter - . _ ; vicinity. Lllil:}{,\L 1':11' lUar- Cl'ati0n of the ly;nchel.i was ,omO. lase( for f3raiiiwood I11., t•0 meet l`l9b en pudding -pot; bet it stand on tike back of : - _. r V d weekly. \\'rite 1or ter,us to Iogtlrbig'white Camel, whose driver -"-- �= - - ` r �r,, \urs, lj,unu, ltorhestc.r, N:Y. thing terrible in its .way. She the Committe of Relief in behalf was od i in the-00sturnp of Lha Opie t Dian the stove until ready tobalke,.sq a9 to let rho R y rile, 'trust Nucc f'y rul 1?6111'dy' over disc cursed ecerything•and everybody, of the Starving miners, hIr Law- oufvriders in eversin dress ae,,00m rice swell z d bake about Wo hours. Do t; --- -'- -- ----• -_ _ _ - g p¢nicrl the , •� u• . "•twin hvlf; elfr•,•r.nu,ld,:,d tr rr ocUdon. - a.,t l,!6:,n: heed i.ruut b,!!uw. �j lthallan.,iltb the •Deity to h:i: ul Cr reported the Condition Of' af= to not stir after }roe olid the rest of the milk. �f �1j�jjf oP p1pgp j� nn� , ppj (l 1j� her if Ile had, the power. An at- . fllily In the Brai-d-wood regions as Of cettrco everybody, jumped to the con- If ft is baked properly it should •Rave whey V " ey ►, � 4A? �F;y� ��. �9'e t1 L1�U BlU11GU ' lt�'oUillL8llt Uo J f erosion tt� Par•nu}n had come to f.'owtr, but tt 1 P".3 fir•:u�.pa a.r �T"" d f,9NRE tempt Wali made to gatrg line, lint n1Utit hOt't'ib1C. In OHC instance, it,soon turlaed out that this was only a little °n the top like an Indian, puddin5. Uso ST. ,7110 \1.14. O,7'.11ll(). , h F r r 11 ' '�: ' .1R I.FS - • r tr ' r C.. ha A. ,sv ti \ .1 •ti DRR t 1 was , u vioicn 110 , , lice Ftt t� I n l t ., 1 C dic(I ill LhC tuwtl sur dark molasses. Serve het with b.tttCr and 11'c hat'c tlt,r rna',` f:1Ct0!'�' in ter I)o a, o � prise gotten up by tea Advertising Heref,,.lt , .• - thaL 'this Was abatxloned, Ser anti the 11O,h ora, ,tr�prwd from Phale,nx Of .the BufFaio International Fair,'. milk. _ u lies• T,u,tr,en 1FIED "r minion. Ont• rllntcri.11 k)'tlt` at)hfinr. -- - --- - . .- - - -- - -- - 1•:nnvrJo�tr, xr,v.2t;f nil;] is curfnr-d 11v b.l,lin < -wi,,, tLicty as Ca1�C(�-fel' her u\Vlt t01'Nu to t'1t C 1�'•--iiOt1C5 ]t1 a C\V Mitlt;tc'6', :111(1 4a1d-ai�tTio oonc�,ron ofthe pa7:adeth'sele•:�OCt:Ctu..t`tlr'nr.--Unerupufs+_urrream, t r T.r,.�Nn't•a.Cu. , , Palen II Phi, the camel and the chariots sq crated t I lime xnwny.i pnrchaawl y,v,• bein;., prarttrallt illi,• I;�1;aa,.r, IIr,;tn to ih.e tree r)cic(trd fur a rl'lltfUld, 3 tet; fail,I lilll tr )C<) )lU. p one cup of sugar an,l three eggs. ].Ise the I'll ; ,�'I: ('ere be du' halt ,Innen t 7 1 and took different routes into the country to r ; rel, os to Int , r r nnnrlt f t;,f, nut ab nrb ?,1":"t!11-;1. i c nc•ut The hrCa. , tr f .n, .t l p'I 1.4 ait(I vaulletl antl'Ide the alllttlal'4 t, Uf mOthCl'� Illlt',yltl,, distribute the show paper of the Enfr. I a•i- white of nue egg for fTrdtin� an,.l acnsonwith r 1•.!r •:.. 1rilnlun• lts, n ,.nrth. I lel„ i; lint a,fcrtr:cl )�% ill ;rr t• ,I. 1 niter thud' infitntN hr,:135hat'CiltM t]�3• visa Who live ulon; the }Im of lemon, tf 1'„ Sears. I E((tV(1,. Mi. D., I . (;. f,,, back frons the ground. Averill , „nly, r'CIAS. A. $:'. . 1''. ( . 1., of er did not re.,ist, and the buy, Who dt'ie(t 111) fol. I,u•k of, tlourishnlent., the routes taken either ty the elepliantor tb3 ,,r- .5 s 9 rv, 'Montranl. I'. (,)., < it, y,;rcat it ra. :utd ('lrlldren mn ht: r'CCn «'it}} camel to aneea)enfortheir•Cnlnio7. tine1'•,rThe01r1.Ilatlt. �'7 �,� 1pi]itp nu,ttr nil rx(n.L;•,. tov:eathcr had been told that het t(`ould not p Y t Lp.,..,a11,It� s'3 >����r�5 )Vo They make a very curious b )ectacle. " - and storm i•: tulip ;,- ,: , 4 Timet have cling •ed," said tad Ify;on, t'r<., . r.v>, s.';., ti.,;e,r,t••r^.:. ,.. , I' I l.', its high 1)C harluCll fullU\\'U,I. I;ilhvl' ca 1 tet'shin hat(lcned :utd tlriolJ lliuti• Tbereseamsto,beno end to ticadverti' J.:;;:el,,;,, l•,,, Inalit}: It i; n;,; ', t, li' the r'a1110 rU ,U vta� [;l lllJet] ilt'r to t1tC lunnp•t ul' I mournfully ; "times }utve chnn�od.'' a than singe ] 5 their 1i1CCs, itig expedients of the managers of ti1O Inter- t ,,., : �I,..f�•• rn (d•:r, y,vt .,•^!tm•,nt.11, r my ant{ will not )„ ,..: it, hxn"l o1;i(; n) pen• I "And as o whercforo . asked thr+son. i.'i d"4 r", r r, l„Irta'•Cpaatn,:u I , Triv 11 :1 }J011t tl]C IIC('llti !,[ t11C 1'll�tll'1'.t a> , ❑trtiona] Fair, 1�011ody can 1'0 -tray lvalk - I Y�,r l.ituteliv.., '. , ,101r, .dud atl(T from ,h1,r,l'lll bill Ln t',•n„1'IlflUll. .(111 a l 11 ) r lett ) (' r, c u rr'd l at. Ili• r, It r•a• r n form r rim. - '1 r ,r;nw n” Dither u or down hta3n street lvitbnut seeing I c s.0 1 th of 1 fcllr,ly, r, � t t,,,•,• G,nn�l it n.,rr.• cu,•� , t r„n a. kllmv of lt�, l tel' KAt ill tllt'll' s:lddJ�;. 1. JI(' r, Ir. "nlJe•4ul It ;,, nit lors'.11-n, - "ilh�l' t^,1I, 1'111 \': 111 r1,t Y llulnt', .lhnt,ulay morning of a very an enormous co "man ate ter, ereall,1' ::•uty. +,. 1T. rurrleT, alnall} crt(,nL c• r f ro glut ink rlogil bo , mado a ,a,5 with a knife al Y py of Rosa Botthenr's Horse 1 3 1 painfillnature• ilialittic3year- heir, which, in a splondkl lvaI't frame "And now Y” Z.,IWLverTroyL;me,,lrystal,le., offrnnt,h,.;1,Ilvnf'nr.t +ultlinrletini the man V,`hU was I1utC Old damn adorns the roofaof Mr. A. J. flu noes hat ,y, p 9 �+ _.,._ preparing ,,titer of Will, ('laP1tC \vhf Y "They cremate the nein.” I">,��S�,iAd,LIS SPAVIN CURE. Ltrnl:,ilit,. ' $"C1 is GI 1O3' hanging, ill., \vas lmo(•,kvd•iln- store at No. 293 Afaln. A few, years rigo 11r. That r c til ,ul lir R'1•11r to .,m• oW, -11f t . li:\ eR Olt a 1ai'tll neat the tu\vn park, Rayrlar w 1.9 Qne of the large -qt deafet•s in There orae an nlcftal p else, ad young $AIT, lV INTny COCNTY, Onto, Dee, 19, la'+s. Clinton ;ltl,l ,: ,i: els ;ol,l Nricvs b " I t It t �Ctts]blc by a ilu\t' \rile tile i \1,11 )layintr 3 el II son walked out of the cotntin house on DR. 1t, J. Ii 6.Nr1A1.1, lo, y •"111 the •aril \viieti she furs in Be o,. used to have an immense Y g• Gr•uts:IY„vl It nn duty Np any w•hstI hove dnn< "I•(' p hwilw),ell't,n let'. Cud Of I'CVUICCI'. 'hh0 lad \tai :1 j,1C1iC'll ill, (l I)ot1lU (4)ntaining ti01t1C tenr'tartditlg tpoldly out nn a txutm pro,lect. histiptoes, and told one of tho salesrneri be walh y,a,r Kendall's Shut-in (.lir,+. I have con•,' \b', T. (('; l i'FI\ -�”" r tw' ntt f)vo ht,rsrw lent had Spnvins, ten o, 3 •1(i)•-, 7 ,'11,1'():1 L10 �nhcly of thin bandit (Ween. ing f"m the roof Of his establishment' on was afraid the old man w'as breaking up 'itl.nu hone, gnu• nnnernd wtth IllR ]lend at,,, 1 1 JI(]lll(I, \1'J1IC11 tiIIC dl'altk. She Ind- •evrhoffii Jnw. :;ino,•IhnvehrnloueeY a ,� 11'hen preparations for the exc mediates hecltmedant* rho night of Cleveland'' election fir IS3{fo fast. {{rr yr,nl 'riu ,. 'I'm, I,t 4.111,. ?`r,.;;,1 Sin.o- ,}'- CI'011sl 1lI ;a„ ka nl,�l followr,l the dlrectlpns, I have nate, rution had been completed Aver. � Y + fell with a crash to the sidewalk belAw,-de• -- ° 'r„ta CA.e of any kind. )1I:\'1 C'.(r: t\Y, �'1, 'I'lln'I lti, OWC.' P tilld on theassistatleeOfamCdiC-11 molishing ernadiental lampposts and nar- Y -.,urs truly, .ANDRF.wTt,"rn, IIIc alto 11)C W0111a11 WCI'O aHl(ed LO CntlC1)laTt 1)L'ltlg call it way rowly escaping Itivng a Harty of exuberant No( so so FLalterin7. HorseD000r; speak, The mail spoke 0111 ' Uf Democrat who vser•o in Cu -t- d wish I hall come here a week g� e 9 r 1 3 fOtlnd tLlt L1tU lil]Illll Nlie had tilt - passing 4t the time. IL I@EAI9AL S "���ll! C��� hitt office, Saying that ho did not on Was'earboliC acid. 13y ison",tite that the Fair has reared Its ago. CURE, -n►-- _.. __ t`1 t7 Cn- wish a cer titin man t0 be hiS sL1C- massivo picture, which it is to be !loped will Hotel Pro prietor-Ah thht's ver Patter. rlr!-- I a;';e'er bottle, i4e r six itfor a u, or it w All Drug llouscfl'Ol'ts the little child was 1 . Y ,renh ge,,ip, qr!(-e.rr ttw lPr(,pPP,1 not w doil0 tlaa eau of the beth. in to establishment.:1r!-?:)'_r.:dr, ,n on rr., •,.f Pt ofr'rice by th„ prenyl" d ::^ dq; CCSS01'. I1C WQH )I'OIt118Cd tl]U Ill- rr h mpie g Y•. 1.. 1,. J. N lex n A 1. I,('r a, ,,n-hur oro _ a-. e � 1 1)rOtl„ht 0 COnSCiOttgtleSH, tilt it Speaking of ta;r3ls teem aloftj+befaht ra•l:hsalb,,vt. q�d�o,oe1�,Y�c,z minds me of the tate oY Guest I13don't know about that. 1�'hat 3fiLI� ),I{ � t�I, I)ttTlEr(pfI'3T�]. �'Z�e=s'� o O-,>ePG9 � fluence of the party or aunt ler is a in WO r t,gllb Of doubt v'hethCt' she poor Pnafossor lik D. CAndidatc. 11atC made (]itlt0 an will 1CCOVOr Or nut, Hogan,wbowIrisin tieOampbellA.ir Ship Lmean is that Ishould have preferred to fZyo`a,•fio.;ba"s .4 address. She wished the affair mems now to bave been a certattitp The eat this fish then instead of now. " 'a g S o .. ' E.s Proksstlr was, I am told, under oO t : og' r 9 A a " ( ` ma a kept as quiet as possible, desiring There is really no getting along �� a2. p;7S•A. h ,tip, a elude f)t"s bdI,00n ascensions and What Mrnek IIia - • a o . o • c s -"- p Eye A9 Remarkable. ;7 a9 Jap a % "a- • •9 ° i 9:E�i that her mother be ]rept in ignore with some ministers of the f,r0spel• chub drops during the Ilio in t5epte a. "Uid anything abrntt the defendtult etrfke e o o'°"s..eA.e. vo g, o ante of her :disgrace and tragic Isere is Rev. C. H. Schnur, of St. Itisnot yet detm'nitned wbo will tktse bis your a as remarkable naked the judge ° HU".09°0?"aag•e•a'•.,a dealt. It was useless to deny 11lark's Lutherfln Chureh,Omaha, pence: 11lndalowLutwvhwwienbim less Y Y j g V, -j �r.Z*id^t'2"°Ed' that their herd had been stolen who has actually resigned because than three wean ego. ]de e$owed bi»fself of the plaintiff in a cane of assault and "a 1 .. i3.O 0 � • • cp from the ranchmen of that sec- his congregation would not per ih that I101-riew. to be perfectly without battery. 11Ia. ..9.4 N p fees 0"10 Mashhad so me that he had never • "It diel, yer honor." 0 ,e E �J La 9 v R; o tion, but if they did not wish to mit him to choose a wife for him- teea�dwka 000real*t etodr;m sel'40941' ° e m «s a5 Wf w M -a9pi And what ora' it? continued the judge. ° x,m k r divide it among themselves she self. Without over say ing a word thorn ate• '�� s: � •p��;;; " �3 a - t TLfs "His fist, yer honor." r a_1 ati „„, eo would like to have it fO•d and the about it he popped the questioh a&essagett d a herd d t►sdned teem es'+ . E+ e , e..'OL� 4 : gt,_ boea ihBkWAm,Aor lite Host few &,Vfpcom. v% w o 8 ". money given to a home for home to Bliss Nina L. Charles, a young p]� bler� ambtbiEloo at Tee game Stick. i' °e�fKm�Q;;,;=�� g^sIN j °gloss girls. Kate bade her nephew lady of rho congregation. Just tic. pair, Iii- eioto&s,d t11&t t Lad Flneheaith t hotel entrance No & 13 a -0 8•�$C ,e �• g hey art tatrl� Y (a entrance) , -No, Q u Iv o « u- '�•r�oc good bye, add commenced to do• think of tbat. Itdid not matter 'human to the gamic of their acoobipllab. I have no money to spare foryou.. I don't J W got Arg °dBc1 9.443 liver ;a blasphemous harangue, to him although one of the moth- menta, � so", FbYWt mtr�u.l hlstru= see why an able-bodied man Rho you should J r1 : o'�.. > �0 R"A.- o 10 The horses were led from ander aril in Israel had previously edlect- 'aftb' of sewing °1°e�"ee ttt� d°fns go around begging. � Q E d S 2'n o w°� _ 0 1a 51':k3 Many aiisi s tbat orchid not be e:- , e e a eg.Etir a the .pair, while Kato was still od him for a son -ill -law. A3 was plow oft Iazy Tramp -I epose, mum, its fiat (� () r. "40" aaw�2;AN • I a ` cursing. 'Both kicked in lively quite propor and natural quite a It seems to have been esttkd that about the Same reason that a healthy woe tQ v%� 0-0 p.0.4,A wron The NEWERA stylb for ten or fifteen minutes. number of his congregation left the great ms,;sh rase between 1� my WAke s igen like you boards at a hotel instead of � a 0= 0 S •F-' a e;� : =*. and Belle Ham will tale piece at the kee in' Rouse. l0 a sti=b 1-9 p- A tow bullets were fired into and said that Dor Schnur had not »ving park WMIn Buftlo on Timrsdiay, P CM tf. N.•, a_. Averville's body,and the lynchers shown duo respect for the opinion Aug, e. As bile$omQdts�tfs . trecord of steges c1, �''l;. .bra- Job Room sur rode away. of his people In one of the most Q. JS and Hairy Igram s'1 2tisX, tae rasa When 1?hyllia turned hdr eyes on ole na I. as,t, _�° It is doubtful if an inquest important concerns of life. Mr bills Ar ao bo ono •t The awd oseitfntf, u I blushed and hesitated ; o A e.N<I � will be held and the executioners Schnur is now lookingfor another *A as w:.:at tmtporbmda trotung events ever held n, ttis country. !t For though on terms f&milfar,;ws h vo no fear of bein unished, corner of the vineyard. y �7 r bra woukd passes all others p t p Y be ipterestd to title the portraits and Were not at all related. The cattlemen have cell forced bearing the reccir* oft two famous raw gorses, representing u they do the rival I felt her mild,'repro•achfrulghnos, A COOK BOOK to this, and more hangings will Children) Cry for AlmoutmW Wilkes strains of blood, I will And knew her words would rankle; t follow Unless thele is less thieve ; endeavor to supply both the pictures and try To tell the truth I had b chance l FREE ing. Pitcher's' Castorla. nlaat®ri&1 in my ao:t we•k'o letter. VmDam Been looking at her ankle, By mall to any lady sending us hat poll Once In the county. . address. Wells, Rlchardton 8 Co., Montreal. t N �=w CD r--= �9 .1 , a . 11t ,n . - �O n ''I i =' tniiii . 11 em+- 1�� .:` t;�__4 . , I )111111� ., 1� 11 . � 0. � pigniiiii! � !:;;� .. _ . _;� % P. 24 .- � t I " IF . . �:w tt.111 is M , pop I K. CD M 11111111111111 *1111111!- , M PM, 5 J MTT�� • e+ 9Z . = . V -. - CD C . V` . J , 0 1 f.i�tl s I I l � 1- T-01- , � a 1� . '>� ,9 a. r . q - Z �, 77-�- .. VL 7-� T+ V1 , *=W oe= , 1111114, M � y', /n = I *Wa *MW�. M• p C low 0 O low • 11 I'll '.0 1,