HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-07-12, Page 8«1iutofl _ -- - - l Church Chimes. lduaoN MEDICAL e� in°Cof he Hu-, Rev Mr Swith will preach an stion on Sunday mor the gut � m g Hing Jesuit qua d' 1 Aasorlation will be h FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1889. LOCAL NOTICES. Eggs taken in exchange for goods at Dicaei nee Buusearonk, Clinton. Great Bargains in Baby Carriages, to clear' out, only 5 Barout of gain Book Store. 7. COOPER'S 5000 Tubs of Dairy Butter wanted, for which the highest market price in cash or trade will be paid. 3. W. 11t1V1N, Cooper's old stand.Cliniton i A Lovely line of Ladies Fancy .Baskets just arrived front Gerinany, at COOPER'S Book Store. Having bought a large quantit. of wall paper very cheap, we will ofler morn for sale commencing Saturday and1l 15c,tfor159 a roll0 Bolls, cash, Clime, Dilase i- a na, Clinton. A. W. Carslake's Clothes Cleaning Establishment, Victoria St., Clinton. Now is the time to save money bya •ed tine your clothes cleaned and rep by the practical Tailor and Clothes -Cleaner, A. W. Carslake. Farmers clothes made up or cut. The next regularels ron hie Ica , in the Mechanics' Institute, Seaforth, at rine o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, July 1 10th. FOE, THE Wger.---Messrs W. White- ley and D;Jackn sailed , lasts Wednesday,n from th e ria, oderic are bound for Mant- Goderich. They toba, and W. Jackson " Beatty" Line Abookd gent, Music Teaching.—bliss Murray, who has rooms in the Victoria Block, k, over Twitchell's store, is prepared to teach music to a limitednumber tof f pupils. Instruction given either Piano or Organ. Terms reasonable. Os,; 1'eft at Cooper's bookstore will receive proiiipt 'a trances: MIGHT HAVE BEEN SERIOUS.— What occurred a talstable very ntown, sa few days ago. A man, who is an agent, wanted to take abuggy out of the place, but the owner thereof ob- jected, and words followed, when agent gave the other minuan a kik ek twat hat rendered him some time before he came to. next U7itUti ,r,flplt. On Sunday next Rev J. Livingstone will preach at the church opening in Southampton. Large congregations assembled in Rattenbury cat. church on Sunday last, and the attendance at the Sab- bath School was over 300. The picnic of Ontario St. Sabbath School, held below the eas successful and bridge, on Tuesday, was and pleasant as could be hd88ired. fon Captain Hays, of Arrny,has marching orders tor test. o nant Captaincy, andas been has promotedharge of to the Cap this corps. LEGAL OFFICE,—Air W. A. Reeve, Q. C., of Toronto, and brother ofDr Reeve, Clinton,haejust been appoint- ed Principal of the aw School there; the position is worth $4000 a year. speaks well for Mr Reeve's abilities when he, only a tew years a resident in Toronto, should be chosen for so that h sgo many a lawyers whhn o have been has so many oint• there much longer. ernmenteone pbeing went is not a go made by the Benchers of the Law Society. ENTRANCE.—Last week fifty-two' candidate wrote at the Entrance Ex- aminations here, 25 belonging to the town, and 27 being -from the country, CATTLE. -11r E. Sibben, of the Huron road, who is a good feeder, sold to Mr T. McLean a load of ex- port cattle for which he realized a good price. MaAINO MONEY FAST. One night rrecently a glib -tongued, gered and apparently respectable young man expatiated on the Market square, on the merits and virtue of a certain soap that he herd for sale. He ,demonstrated that it would take out grease spots from clothesw s indispensible in every ban "ho effectiveHtalk : that he object ould"mon were so scarcely hand out the soap, at -25 cents a cake, fast enough to satisfy the eager pnrchasers. His evening's sales amounted to the snug sum of $40, and when he retired to his room he doubtless laughed at the eagerness of people willing to pay 25 cents for what cost abtor uitithrree. The soap was good enough lectric soap pose, but was simply and ammonia. Rev J. Edge will make reference to the late Samuel Crich, at Turner's, next Sunday afternoon. Mr Crich was connected a eith this, church for a great many y The regular meeting of Huron Presbytery was held at Goderich, on Tuesday. The business transacted consisted chiefly of the appointment of standinfi committees, ind exnamnos of students, etc., gen- eral public intereat• An enjoyable gardeu party was held, under the auspices of the W. F. M. S., at the residence of Rev J. of j tie Thursday Refreshmentwerese ed and a programme of interesting read - es amounted $2 rendered, The pro cedted to There was a large attendance at Ontario St. ebureli, on Suffday morn- ing, when Rey Mr Edge preached the anniversary of his first year's pastorate of this church ; there was alsoa large attendance in the evening, the occasion being the preaching of two funeral sermons. Great - DtscotrnF Sae ASILLERP.-A convention of the millers ofda, Ontario ocans der at ron- to, on Tuesday, affecting their business.WieMessrs Fair, oof f Clinton, and Carr, presented the millers of Huron at the meeting. s. SENTENCED. --The Fleming boys came up betore Judge Toms, on Wed- nesday, for sentence, when Robt. was committed to the Central Prison for six months, and William for nine. A petition bad been presented the Judge,for clemency towards the prisoners, asking and we are informed the g he Judge deprecated strongly stithat thecourse, quite right inch a course, and are ntfrmed that in's° doing. some of the signatures on the petition were forgeries.. FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS, AT • Assuming crops to be good, we believe business throughout the whole coun- try will blossom like the rose, and every man, woman and child will re- member gratefully the year 1889: DICKSON'S B-OOKST ORE On BASE BALL.—Thee base ball club in connectionwvith Broadfoot ea Box's Furniture Factory,, of Seaforth,play the return match with the club of the Doherty Organ Factory here, Sat- urday evening. Shortly after arriv- ing the Seaforth players fell into line with the Clinton club, and headed by the Organ Band marched to includ- ing grounds. A large comp Y+ ing many ladies, witnessed the game, which was not very brilliant affair, as the visiting club neither fielded nor batted well. The local players po t up a good game, the catching by Quiggley being particularly fine. The Seaforth playersare a gentlemanly lot of fellows, and doubtless with raad_ ditional practice, will become profi- cient in the game. The gentlemen for whom they work paid all expenses incurred by our players at the game in Seatortb. The scoae of the match was Clinton, 38 to 6. '` A Welland correspondent writes The Aliases Dimsdale, the revivalists, the elder of whom has been ill for so long, left this morning for theirhom h Letroy.' Miss Dimsdale, g considerably better, is still weak, but it is hoped the change of air will do her much good. Rev Mr Racey will preach his fare- well sermon on Sunday neat, July 14th, in St. Stephen's church, Huron road, at 10.30 a.m., St. James' (Mid- dleton's) at 2.30 and Holmeaville at 5 o'clock. The reason ot this is that he has been appointed Rector of Blyth, and must enter upon his duties at once. While the people of this v icinity are very sorry indeed to lose him, the people of Blyth are to be congratulated on securing him as pastor of the Episcopal church. LAwN TENNIS,—The Clinton tennis 1 pair Me lle, bea F. Goderriich about two weeks weks ago, by 2 setts straight ;games 6-3 and 6-3. On Saturday they again beat Mr Fred Tanner and .Dr W, Milne, the Blyth representatives, r� by 2 setts to 1 ; games 6-4, 2-- —5. Both matches were played away home. The Clinton gentlemen speak hiof ghly kind- ness shownhema both places. As Goori AS CAN BE,—A couple of gentlemen who are able toell e 000d ut crops when they see them, drove into the country the other day for the express purpose of inspecting the growing grain. They carefully ex- amined several fields of wheat and found it to be excellent, standingainsect, well, not being injured by end the as was•teared it bad been, and to heads filling well. Hay the con- clusion he an excellent crop, o was c nt- clusion these men came t barring any unfavorable circum- stances that might arise in bet the next few days, the crops mply immense. GARDEN PARTY. -- The young ladies of St. Pauj's church gave a very 'pleasant evening's entertainment to a large number of people at the resi- dence"of Mr C. Hovey, on Tuesday evening last. The beautiful residence and grounds were illuminated with. Chinese lanterns, which made a very pretty effect, and combined with good looks of the young ladies the scene found a great attraction foo the young men. Refreshments were served on the grounds, and the musi- cal programme in the house. Miss Sibley gave a couple of recitations in a most acceptable manner. Thepro- ceeds amounted to $40. Purely Personal. Jahn Carslake has gone to Alichi,- gan to reside. TOWN COUNCIL. — The regular meeting of the council was held on Thursday, night: The ioTICe f om- che tnittee recommended payment following accounts :—S. Fisher, cut- ting thistles. etc., $10 ; G. Rentgen, for men on street work,$04.3I ; Milne, lumber, and freight on same or $78.35 sundries, charity, $3,25 ; rent' Miss White, $2 50; nursing Miss McMillan, $10; H. Te'wsley, meat to Wilson, $2.98 ; John Jackson, rent customs office, $9; B, Wet'b, cemetery, $3.75 ; for 100 feet hose, $110; J. Miller, street watering, $25 ; News -Record, printing, $5.75 ; received from rent of hall and office, $9.53. A little dis- cussion took place on the temporary appointment of a successor to Mr Rentgen, when the provisional em- ployment of Mr Thos Cottle by the Reeve was ratified. Messrs Cantelon, McMurchie and Manning were ap- pointed to visit London, St. Marys, Stratford, Mitchell and Seaforth, and report as to the beet electric light system and the best mode of acquir- ing that system, and left on Wednes- day on this errand. RETURNED.—Owing to the illness of his wife Mr des John trip, rned on Saturday, from his somewhat sooner than hopbad inions will r- be wise intended ; his found recorded in another whace. o Mr Cas, Wilson, painter, out in the spring and went to Manitoba, has`returned to Ontario, being now at Brampton, where his wife's parents reside ; he does not expect to goback. . We understand that Mr A. J. Ho coupletoba a way, ro returned frona n s f weeks since, has concluded cluded that " Ontario is plenty good enough for him," which means, in other words, that he will not go back. It is reported that he will commence business at Blyth. Mr Will Shaw, of Winnipeg, is home on a visit. 0LI1•T'i'0 POCKET BOOKS wo will give a discount of JEWELLERY SILVERWARE MISCELLAEOUS BOOKS BIBLES, old version, " 'PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS " SPECTACLES CUPS and 'SAUCERS PIPES VASES and CIIINA•GOOLS VIOLINS and FIXINGS " CONCERTINAS and ACCO1 1)EONS WALL PAPER- • • ,Y t, N {, DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, Sze, MOUTH ORGANS we will give a discount of 20 . BABY CARRIAGES , 30 ',Antes HAND SATCHELS COMBS, WRITING DESKS and WoaknoxES VELVET FRAMES -and DOLLS " - CLOTH WINDOW BLINDS " CROQUET and EXPRESS WAGGONS HAMMOCKS 10 BASKETS • , {+ all other goods at proportionately low prices, 25 per cent 20 << 25 25 20 25 20 25 25 20 20 . 1') 2 0 25 10 10 10 ,4 „ The PRICES THAT WE WILL OFFER our Goods at for the next thirty days will astonish every person who makes a purchase. We cannot' prices here, but come andsee for yourselves ; nothing like it was ever known. This is the greatest opporunity ever offered, to secure goods below wholesale pric es. Our entire stock, amounting to neawithrly in the next 500, must be reduced- toms n,00 STOCK TAKING 60 days, as. we com on the 1st of August, And balance our books on the 15th. Little Local Items. Mr. Snyder, of Colborne, has pur- chased the Jas.Walker property here., Mr H. R. Walker, who bas been confined to the house for several days, IS now able to be out. AIr W. Jackson has bought the handsome dwelling known as the Perrin property, on the Bayfield road. Mr. Josh Hamner, who has been working in Toronto for some time, will remove his family thatto city. Mr Fred E. Corbett, of Detroit, is home on a visit. Mr Frank Hodgens, of Toronto, is home on a visit. Ailsa Cora Williams has gone on a GEO E PAY -8L Co. THE LOW PRICED -STORE, GLINTON Come and see ourstock, and get our prices, whether you buy or not. No trouble to ow you the Great Bargains we are ng. Terms cash, or 3 months credit to respon- sible parties. visit to friends in Oshawa. Mr S, Nilson, of Chicago, is home on a short visit to his family. Air Blatchford and wife, of Wood- stock, are visiting friends here. Mrs H. Ker and mother have gone on a visit to friends in Michigan. Miss Lottie Mitchell, of Ypsilanti, is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs W. H, Cook. Mr Will Kay, of Michigan, was called back to Canada by the death of his sister. Mr and Mrs P. Donohue, of Men- dota, Ill., parents of Mrs D.V. Yann, are here on a visit. Miss Sadie Morton, for some time a resident of Clinton, left this week for her home in New. York. Mrs W. Coats, jr., who has been away for about three months,Teturned to town a few days since. c��.son.,Clinton- Chris.D NEWSPAPERS AND NEWSPAPER DIEN._'1'heillness ofMrAlex, �atthe.jj ton, of the very. ryStraseriousanature, and tomaid bc of a anxiety yyis felt by bis large much anxiet9 circle of friends at the alarming sym- ptoms developed. Mr Robt.Matheson, ate Berlin H ghe School, 1, ald master so editorof of the NEW High or three years, and lately editor ERA for three of the Chicago British American, has been engaged as Principal „ of the Billings, Montana, public schools s several membera of Mr Alathes0n'a•. family reside in Billings, where eson's his brother is also Mayer; Mr old friend., in Clinton will be , Said a glad to hear of his progress. man, who has been nearly all over Canada and the United States at ere that not knas ood town two as g tally andotherwise, a ,the Clinton." Thanks, p.Stes, editor of the Paris Transcrf died suddenly on Saturday. Mr J. W. Irwin, groeer,will shortly move bis family into the sP 4y dwelling owned by Mr John Johnston, Ontario St. Air T. C. Bruce, dentist, late of b a haying ren ed hehas ted housesofaMrs Mow- haying bray on Albert street. Dr N. J. Logie, who left here a couple of months ago to attend the New York hospitals, has re -opened an once in London. ROBBERIES.— Some time during Friday night an entrance was effected to Riter's Liquorstore. ohethief cho choice then secured a quantity liquors, and was mean enough to turn ton hethe liquorsof barrels allot( o to run.e An attempt was made to force open the till, in which was a email quantity of change, but it was unsuccesafnl. Not satisfied with all this a ^nuisance, was com- mitted on the flo nrturethe miscreant then took his depart • ther daure. one entered the F,xp The crew office by a back door,and stole^rI.75 from the cash drawer. On Thursday afternoon last a tramp entered the house of Mr L Pot- ter, Huron Road, during the absence of other members of the family. Ile ransacked the drawers, and succeeded in carrying off three watch chains, two watches and about$8 cone but Ile was seen leaving it had comm committed a robbnot, known et ery, or his ar- rest might have been secured. CLINsoN, J rNt: 11.1 `r9• BIG RACKET OBERTS ONS Goads gettingno It at led round and bundled • Wholesale PriceS.t For the Hut Weather 111.11 ought to have guiding LHT Mr Thos. Cottle has been tempor- arily appointed Superintendent of Public \Vorks, in place of Mr Geo. Rentgen, who is prostrated by illness. It is rumored that a young business man of Albert street, will form a life - partnership with a popular young lady, before many weeks have passed The rainfall in this county during the month of june amounted to about six inches. A good many people thought there wile more than that in one shower. Miss Chalmers, of Berlin, and Miss Crawford,of Hamilton, are the guests of Mrs Turnbull, this week. Mr Chas. Grant left on Tuesday for Spokane Falls, W. T., having taken his ticket of A, 0. Pattison. Miss Brierlansister of Mr Brierlynof the StaThothas Journal, is spending her holidays in Bayfield, and gave us a short call, on Monday. Alesers T. M. Turnbull, of the Bank of Commerce, Montreal, and J. F. Turnbull, of the Ontario Bank, Peterboro, are enjoying their holi- days in Clinton. er of the Clinton Collegiate Inatitute, will devote a portion of his vacation -to the study of botany and geology in the Niagara district, with Prof. Pen- ton, of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. The season has now arrived when every body who is anybody is going somewhere. THE NEW Eue will be pleased to receive items for this col- umn, or items for any other ciilumn for that matter, as long as they con- tain an element of news. What about A STRAW HAy, - 50 cents. A NICE LIGHT PAIR OF PANTS, $2. Making a total out fdr $5.00 CALL. EARLY AND NOTICE THE BIG REDUCTIONS Robertson's ting cult 401_411Na' 00 IV BEESIL Mills met :SALE 1 10 Get the most for your BUTTER, EGGS and MONEY, Some of the Cheap Goods we are offering era' Life Insurance Co., Toronto, and. youngest son of Mr C. A. Hartt, Clin- on, was married to a Toronto lady pn the 1st inst. The average attendance at Clinton Public School for the first font days of July wag 394, an exceptionally large attendance. In 1888 it only reached 306 for the same time. Messrs John Jacksona Geo. Glas- gow, and John Gibbings were yester- day nominated to fill the place of Mr James Thompson on the Public Sclaoul Board. Should all stand, the election will take place on Thursday The young man Moffatt, referred to last week in connection with the Fleming bort, was not released on bail! but was honorably discharged, the judge stating at the time that he should not have been sent upota there was no evidence to show that he had dny connection with the theft. We bad a call yesterday from Mr 6, R. Commander, one ,of the former bueiness men of this town, who, in the years that bave intervened since his removal from town,. has under. gone little change, as he looks nearly as hearty and aetive as ever. He was accompanied by his son, Mr Sam R. Commander, now one of the flour. ishing business ram of Helena, Mon- tana. who has been in Canada for a tew days,! and is visiting the scenes of his boyhood. The ArneriCARS have evidently used him well, and he apeaks in the most pleasant manner of his surroundings in that westerti city. IT IS A RARE RGAIN latsrs WHITE SRI,/ S, 75c. and $1.00 MEN'S LIGHT,MiliERCLOTHING, 50 cents MEN'S 'LIMA NECKWEAR, 25 cents KEN'S LIGHT HOSIERY, 25 cents LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS 'WAITE AND COLO RED DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, LACE . CURTAINS, EMBROIDERIES, LADIES WHITE COTTON U-1.7DERWEAR, JERSEY FLANNELS, COTTON, LISLE AND CASHMERE HOSIERY, CORSETS, COTTON, ' LISLE AND SILK KID GLOVES IN BLACK Bosun or HEA.LTIL—A meeting of the Board .was held on Friday. The general health and sanitary con- dition of the town was found to be good. It was decided to send a dele- gate to the Medical Convention to be held shortly in Belleville, to receive the benefit of a discnsion on Bactria. -We have the largest and best assorted stock in the coctinty Ladies and Children's Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmed, at greatly reduc ed prices, and the largest and most com- plete stock to choose from west of the cities These Goods are Bai gains. viewed from any standpoint. Nothing 'better can 136,:lit, had. The quality and style are there, and best of all, LOW PRICES. Don't forget we pay the highest prices for Butter and Eggs acliAon Brothers, THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS, cLIN'roN Beesley's Great Millinery Emporium. tadi6 .fuoth Nalishmellt