HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-07-05, Page 5i L.. CLINTON 11IA,R$,ETS. W , , Corrected every T4ura, d y day attcrno4, 188on. Thursday9. wheat, f11 85 a 0 88 • - IS AGENT FOR THE Dominion PIANO Call and see his prices when you want to buy ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. FancyBASKETS. Stock now complete of Imported GERMAN BASKETS'. Great value in Palm Goods. Also, Work Baskets, new styles, prices low. Special Prices in Baby Carriages, Express Waggons, Wan Paper, Fans, &c -- COOPER'S ook-More, wClinton. T. JACKSON, Sr, The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct die FINE TAILORING TRADE AT •THE OLD STAND, HURON *Street. Immense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth - in; and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. Cheapside �aooSStock We shall commence, THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, to clear out all our Dress Goodsin every line, Laces, Embroide- ries, Dress Trimpninps,Velvets, Grey and White Cot- tons, Table Linens, (til Cloths and Carpets, Men's, Boys and -Girl's Straw Hats; Lace Curtains, and Curtain Nets, AT PRICES PAR BELO\V ORiGIAL COST. 0 -Everything will be sold without reserve. .0 -We will commence this sale Thursday morning. Wheat, spring 85 a 88 Oats 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 53 Flour per cwt 2 75 s 2 75 Batter 0 12 a 0 13 Pork 5 75 a 6 00 Hay 900a9C0 SUNDRIES OOTTAGE TO RENT — THE COTTAGE kJ at present occupied by 81r Shearer, op- posite the Model School, is offered to rent. MISS 1 OSTON, Clinton HOUSE TO RENT — FRAME HOUSE on Victoria Street, lately occupied by Mrs Kennedy, is offered to rent on reason- able terms. Splendid stable, &c. LACI KENNEDY, Central Hotel 1.ESTIVAL—STRAWBERRY FESTI'VAL with a dance, will be held at J. KILT Y'S, Hullett, on MONDAY, JULY Nth, at 5 p.m.— Violie music by Mr Bailey, and others. Ad- mission 40 cents a couple, or 25 cents single. JOHN KILTY 111110R0 -BRED DURHAM BULL FOR SERVICE.—Subscribers keep for service at their farm,Base Line, Godericb township, a thoro-bred Durham Bull,registered. Terms 51 at time of service, with privilege of re- turning, if necessary. TYNDALL 131105. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO rent, at corner of Rattenbury and Erie Streets, containing seven rooms, with oellar good stable on the Lot, hard and soft water good bearing orchard and all conveniences. Possession given at once. THOS. TIPLING T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton FOR SALE = THAT FERTILE FARM, the homesteadof R. Barkwell, Londes- boro, is offered for sale on easy terms.— There are few farms to equal it is this sec- tion. Also, desirable house on Princess St., Ciitog.Jautatt.Cr_tdaitaLL.XLi iEWE1ibt Clinton • HOUSE AND FOUR ACRES OF LAND for sale. Subscriber offers for salsa frame house, story and a half, with 4 acres of land, on which are a number of bearing fruit trees, stable, hard and soft water, &c.— Situate at Bandon, in the Township of Mil- let. Sold on very reasonable terms. L: MELVILLE, Clinton, VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT for sale—The undersigned offers for sale that new house ou Princess Street east, erected only last summer; it is a two-story frame, containing 7 rooms, closets, &c, with stone foundation throughout, good oellar, hard and soft water, woodshed. Half -acre lot, planted with fruit trees. Owner is de- sirous of leaving town and will give reason- able terms.-- MRS-C. -WHITELY— FARM TO RENT—THE UNDERSIGNED offers to renthis farm of 184 acres, being Lot No. 16, Bayfield Cohcession, Godericb Township. About 125 acres cleared. Good house, outbuildings, orchard, water, &c.— Party renting can put in fall wheat and get - full posseasiod of place 1st of November next. Will be rented for a term of 3 years. Particulars on application. ALES.WELSH Clinton, N OTES LOST—LOST, A POCKET BOOK 111 containing two notes of hand, one made by D. .W. Roberts, 61 Brussels, in favor of the undersigned, for 805, and the other by W. J. Cousins, of Godericb Township, in favor of the seine, for 529, The public are hereby cautioned against negotiating the same, and any one returning them will be suitaely rewarded, J. A. ROBERTS, Por - tar's Hill, AN AGE OF BIG CUTS We live in an age of big cuts in prices. Call at the HUB GROCERY FARM FOR SALE — UNDERSIGNED offers for sale Lot 23, Ord con. Hullett, (near the Cemetery) 100 acres, 90 cleared and free of stumps, balance bush. Comfort- able house, frame barn 50 x 30, with good stabling, orchard nearly an acre, never -fail- ing sprin creek. School house adjoining the farm No better soil around—clay and clay loam Situate 1] miles from Clinton.— Possession given any time after the crop is off, Terms easy. A rare chance to secure a good place. MRS, HODGSON, or FRANCIS KiltyTon thelpremises. Where you can get genuine bargains in Tea, Sugar, Coffee, and, all staple Gro- ceries. A new lot of GLASSWARE, new design, the very best of glass. Printed and plain TEA and TOILET SETS. Also, all kinds of Baskets, Tubs, Pails, •Brooms, Brushes and Woodenware, very cheap,. Eggs and Batter taken as cash C EO, S'A►. L4 L 4 �W, CLIN'I'ON �tr•..r ,rmn—. HOUSEHOLD TALK - -IS— J_vv_z�,w=N-s LOW PRICES IN TEAS, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS, CROCKERY 'and"GLASSWARE. 'I3titter and Eggs taken as cash 3. W. IRWIN, The :Times Tea Warehouse, Cooper's (1(l Stand, Cor. Searle's B1oek, CLINTON C-OAL:-: CO.AL Persons who use Coal should place their orders ditring the ;hilli(((er, as illuch more satis- factory arrangements can he made. Orders left will have prompt attention S. DAVIS , 31anunoth Har(ilsare and Stone house, Clinton WArTTED HOLLER MiLLS FOIL SALE The almost new Londesboro Roller Mills ; in good running order, water and steam power. Post office, telegraph and railroad convenient. Only a small amount down,the rest to suit the purchaser if secured. This iq a rare chance. Apply to J. HUBER, Box 16A, Berlin, or H.S. HURER, on the premises Londesboro, Ont. v,Y ALES'ME WANTED I■ to can rem for the sale of Nursery Stock, oe SALARY AND EXPENSES, orrnm ulselon steady employment, Apply nt once,"etating ace. fitter to thtq paper. •f. 11. NELLiS & et( r N.S e Estate 3u.o. 11---odg'cus Have just opened mg 2 cases more of those CHEAP PRINT, New Patterns. GLOVES arc HOSIERY Splendid assortment to choose from. To hand, New Lawns, Muslins, Chambrays, and Black Lace Bunting. 5 per cent off for cash JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. Ht?DCENS& GREAT CLEARING SALE! FOR ONE MONTH —UD B<Tby Carr1iti'e:W'-E:i(SI'"ess Waggons, Double and Single Harness, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises, Dusters, Whips, Pine & Cedar Shingles Also, 50 cords of wood ALESMEN to sell choice Nursery stock No esporience reqquired. Being a Cara dian myself, and knowing the country well,.I can guarantee every satisfaction to. both •salesmeu and customers. An excellent chance 10(3 or 4 pushing me n this vicinity. LIBERAL PAY guar ntoed weekly, Write for terms to F. YOUNG, Nurseryman, Rochester, N.Yimitemmemimi. Feed and Seed Business for sale The subscriber, who is desirous of going to Manitoba, offers for sale his Flour and Feed and Seed business in Clinton. It is well established, with a good profitable trade, and is a splen- did chance to pushing, live man. Terms atisfactory. ROBT. FITZSIMONS, Clinton J. TWITCHELL, CLINTON. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of the late Nelson Glew, of the Town of Clinton, are hereby required to send or deliver to the undersigned at Clinton, full particulars of their claims, on or before the 20th of July, 1889, and those indebted to the said estate are required to pay up on or before the said 20th of July. i)ated at Clinton this 14th day of June, 1889 CHAS. SPOONER t Executors ROBT.PEACOCK 1 The improved White. • Another lot of the \VHITE SEWING 11A - CHINES just arrived, which I am selling cheap. See the new self -setting needle. see the new stitch regulator, set the regulator by number for any leugth of stitch you re- quire, no need to sew a piece of goods to get the right length of stitch. The uew Tensiou. Reliever is the newest improvement on any machine; as soon as the presser foot is raised the tension is loosened, and no breaking of thread or needles in taking the geode out of the machine. Examine the new Lent Wood Cover—the strongest cover made. Have a machine sent to your House on trial. I want you to be perfectly satts;ledthat the White is the best machine for the money, if not, I will take it aw,y ; it will cost you -nothing to try enc. J. \VORSELL, Agent SPE CIAL Ia ESICINIS REDUCED RATES To MANITOBA, BRIT: COLtt\iBIA• Andlthe NOR -WESTERN STATES VIA BEATYS SARNIA LINE Steamers, United Empire, Ontario and Campana, sailing from Sarnia during navi- gation (weather permitting( every Tuesday and Friday uight, and calling on Wednes- day and Saturdays at Goderich and Kincdr dine, connecting' it the latter place with the G. T. R. train leaving Clinton at 10 a. tri., for St Joe's Island, Garden River, Sault Ste. blare; Port Arthur and Duluth, counecting at Port, Arthur with the Cahadian Pacific Railway. and at Duluth with the Red Sliver Valley Railway. Lowest Rates, Lest aicoui- modations, Express time and choice of routes. JAMES H. BEATTY, V. JACKSON Geul. Manager Sarnia A. O. PATTISON Agents. Clinton. In \VALL PAPER and DECOIIATLONS, at prices that suit the times. GOPP & LOGAN, ISAAC STREET, CLINTON. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in two certain mortgages made by James Young and his wife (which mort- gage will be produced by the vendors On the day of Sale) there will be sold by Public Auction, by JAMES HOWSON, Auctioneer, at the RATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON At three o'clock, P. red., on Saturday, July 27, 1889 The following several parcels of property, viz: In mortgage to ('. hale -1,01 number :100, on the west side of Victoria Street, in the Town of Clinton, in the ('cunty of Huron, containing one rood of land more or iese. In mortgage to W. J. t'e ,Icy — Tl,e south east corner part of torn Int number 114, in the said Town of Clintnu, having n, frontage of tri fent on High St rove and a depth of 54 feet, which said per 1 of load is more par- ticularly described in the said mortgage. There are erbeted on first parcel a frame dwelling house•with'tan( foundation, and a frame stable, and nn the aoeoud parer,' a good frame blacksmith shop, at ]troseut oc• Copied by Robert Downs. TERMS—Ten per cont of flu - In i'chagr mn. ney of each parcel to he paid to the several vendors, nr their Solicitors, on flat of sale, and the balance In 30 darn thereafter, with- out interest. Furthertenra and partienlare tn.v15 known on clay of solo, or epnu n,pplIca• tion to the unrl( rsign.'1 dL\NNIN(i .\ NUOTT. \rml,y+ S 111- 1' Clint):-, h::; • .-,w SOREL, June 6th, �188Jo� Messrs THE WM, JOHNSON CO., Montreal. Dear Sirs, Enclosed you will find $12.50, amount of your account for Magnetic Iron Paint We find that this paint is j ust the article required for roofs, both iron and wood We covered 6,850 superficial square feet of iron with seven gallons. Some time in tee future, if you wish, we can let you know how it has stood the weather. . Yours truly, JAMES SHEPPARD , & SON. THE POPULAR 1.1=11111111191101•1130•ZIMMill FTY OPULARRYQ�oo's HOUSE LON DESBORO -.11ER S1 Commencing July 2nd, will be continued for 6 weeks Our STOCK- is Complete, I-Iaving been supplemented by goods purchased at panic prices last week. Ladies who have not yet b. ° ught their Sum- mer DryGoods will find this a rare oppor- tunity of securing seasonable and desirable goods at merely nominal prices. .We cannot here go into details, these will be found in our circular, which will be dis— tributed as speedily as possible. We claim that we are offering the greatest aggregation of Bargains of any house in the county, and feel satisfied that when you have examined our stock you will endorse the statement. An' early call solicited. ITAYLO tek Sons W. L. OUIMETTE, CLINTON AND BLYTH ALL TxTs MONTH DETLOR & CO. W ILL CONTI NATE THEIR MONSTER CLEARING SALE +k, TAYLOR&SONS A FULL fel\ E OI? Ladies, Gent's and Boy's Lawn Tennis and Lacrosse SHOES Just received, which will be sold elleap, Eggs 'taken in exchange. 6 rev cent (di for (ash. 4,