HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-07-05, Page 10 TW Whole Nuniber;1209JL S N F Ar _ .. ft CLINTON.) ONT., JULY 59 1889• {ROBERT HOLMES, #'ublislier $140 a year In a4vanoe. - Leeburn. slytu. Blyth. AddltIonal Lo�a1,11�WS, Robert is with us yet; guess it On Tuesday evening ah open air Bayfield. Hullett. , 1. r411t 'orres onden Misses Nellie and Minnie Hillier, -- DIr Peteer Cowan is home on a visit During the severe storm ou Mon' of Goderich, spent Sunday with their moat have been a telae alarm. performance foe'hotel by agioungiman�n His Tlivia - Court• for a few days. day lightning struck a barn belong- cousins. The price of eggs has been raised Jude Doyle presided at the regular '.'Vial fall Ottr Correspondents please feats were swallowing a sword and sittings of the Division Court on Fri• ill .EVERY wee, Mail letters Rev Prof. Scrimger and wife, of lug to John Shanahan, rented by other feats which amused quite a day just. The bar was largely repro. Mss eleven cents. crowd 1. his son were 1n the barn at the time. City, are the guests of her sister, The school board u�et.last night in canted, `hare being present Messrs. reach ua oat tater than Wed• Montreal, are at present visiting at Mr Rontledl;e. Mr Routledge and Mrs J. Thompson and eon, of Bay one cent, making them wort now tis moron with our tennis F.W.Johnston, Hartt,Mann- 11 so as to re What >` neaday evenings (f possible. If you Mt James Gardiner e. The former was badly stunned and D. Lawson. Mr Metcalf's shop. Will report pro- g Campion, $now of an item of news kindly send DI=m (Dr) StaDburp is in Toronto in falling received a bad cut in the H. G. Horton, of Toronto,is spend- club? They don't show much signs ing, Scott, Owens, TX. Johnson, and . '`;l� : 7t to us, even if you are not a requtar this week attending then aSoc sty on- head. The fire was put out without in his vacation among friends and ceedinge nest week. of life, we think rep should y play Vanstone, Tile docket was much hes t�, corretpendent. ventiou of the doing much damage. relatives here. Your correspondent !s nearly cook- Ing Liiuyon some of these daps, and vier than usual. Musicians. Mr E. Sibben, of Hullett while de- ed but we bo a the STANDARD wont if they don't practice a little ,they HARVEY r. HICxa. — ACt10A On two Dir and Mrs Cruten formerly of refer to us as roast veal. can't win the game, promissory tinotes made by defendant Goderich Township- A pleasure yacht from Goderich+ livering cattle at Seaforth, on Mon- this place, now of Goderich, visited During Monday's a storm about a and another, Defendant pleaded non- e-• g dap, was attacked by a vicious cow, friends here on Dionday• Dir John Wilford, (alderman) offiC joinfle= of co-defendant and excess id .� Miss Morgan spent the let with containing intheharborninetee last Sunday but escaped with a few bruises. He Diise A. Williamal who bas been iated in a creditable manner in the dozen teterzraph poles on the Clinton demand.. Judgment for e. for pill, her parents in Goderich. afternoon. has beau in the cattle business for a Methodist church on Sabbath W0113- road between the boundary and the and coats and codnael fee. Mannnsg Dir McPhail sold a pony to lir Ed visiting in Toronto for some time re- log. p for plff. Deft. in person. Mies Nellie :Harrison, teacher in numbec of years and this is his first turned home on Friday. union cemetery, were more or less `' S Mr last week, for $+110. , mishap. He is at present in Luck- • Dir Whiteman, who baa been via- There will be service in the Eng• damaged by lightning. Some two or JARV18 v, Coopuit Action to recover Mr John McDonald lost a valuable the junior room in the school here y g in the spent her Dominion Day at her home now bu In cattle, and mayOne three were split open from the top to lost bill of 0. Referred,to.elsewliere. ` mhee last week mop milk fever, in Hensall, near future make a shipment to the i ]ting in our burg for some time, re loth a at eOe�etromtthebcollel;e 11 within a taw feet of the ground, leav- TwiTcaErL v. CoxNoe.-Action on an p turned to Kipp on Tuesday• o�i tiers. jug the wires banging about five order given by defendant. Judgmdnt The young people of Ebenezer DIr Harry Dehil�formerly teacher old country. Owin to the absence of Rex Jae• hunch nieces holding a festival on in the public school here, occupied picxlc.-The annual picnlewia Anderson an Sundae, MUD Alien oc• ,P bin Ed. Sherrit, who has the con- feet from the ground. It is repented j sEonOfor deft Campion for p, F.W.Jahn- ° p , connection with School No. 7, JOiiNBTON V.MILLER—Action for broach the evenia,9 of Tuesday, July 9th, at the pulpit of the English church last copied the pulpit here and delivered. tract for the brick work on the new that a barn in Wawanosh was some- ,,} the residence of Mrs Killips, Malt- Sunday morning. held in Mr Brigham's grove on Fri aver earnest discourse: Methodist church here, expecte to what damaged. of warranty of horse. Compromised. finish this week. Varna. Manning for plff, Campion for deft, ' , land con. R`efressh meats, 8tc willbeUr Hook, of Detroit, was visiting day last. Nos .4, b and 8 were in y Dleasre Slater and Sime are rush- BxANstrR4 v. HAAcxs -An interpleader of ice•cream, �+tra b nesse at D1r Gemeinhardt'S last -week. vited, while Blyth and Llorrie we;e Dir J; he xcur and S Ii. f to la t y action to decide the ownership . a served. An interesting grog was in work on the foundation for their lir? James McClymont k i in:; at horseand cart claimed by one Whitte- Casual observation would indicate also well represenntedTeplaping �neeki and at ended the g of choice music, recitations etc. will sent in running, jumping, ,new workshops. Work is also pro- the point 0f death. . that there is game in the wind. Pgreying vii-DIr Metcalf's new resi• Th- ,I{�.q�!41-. Tvo;PJ,0 g, i;vD �'VL a--'oe,:"avb'. olakmed gmen fo purchased. . • foot ball and other athletic sports for the grand lodge: they report a good they to g be given. - union' ,tort with o r des at fropi.l3aacke. Jndgmentfor claimant. -On Wednesday -Hight ' Last Tuesday the English church which a number of rizes were given. tjl[ne _ - ROBBERY.icnic r- dente p rtiar on�eraSIe goo`iT=naturei�•rivalry ex• Quite a little ansietsq is felt lately Bayfield. Ings; gpliesor new tr d and at ant -lasttlie~sum of-$100-was'atoles ft°m' @e°Pl on'saloia on fol- etween the Blyth and Hulled Don't For et the, union school is in s, ap lioation heard and lodgment fisted b y among the fair sex here about the g on the Rev •'Sir Hill, of Bayfield, ex reserved• Owens & Johnson for.elaim- ; -a bureau,drawer!n there otfge8 moan lowing Oil de'y the Presbyteriaua held bops, which made the ameg very in-Fridap ante, and Campion and Manning for r b 8 sudden departure of some of our Die yards south of Queen ane geaeachedswithverp accepRev tnb]eaer'- :1 Ben Switzer• The o p teresting. The Blyth btiiss band popular bachelors. Two weeks ago plff. mysterious one, The money bad just i their picnic at the same place. was present and did their share in you bring our baskets. mons. TwITCHELL v. CaNTELON - Action, on been paid to him that day, and no i Some of the "Bug Woks," of Clin• two of them suddenly a of them h s you b and thosawho toms be sore P e of its'presence in the ton, spent an enjoyable time here amusing to people. A neat plat few days, this week one t them has y W. y In spite of the wet and cold wearoth- promissory note made by one Marshall one was away P p form was erected and seats placed again dlesappeared and ii mons found Mr W. H. McBride has pot in a her, the crops are looking well, eapeC and endorsed by deft. It was contend - house'. Ben has had "a hard row to one daq last week. It is evident the , ++ the as plenty ofplucY, g P around it, and at about five O'clock neat morning that there was no road- new machine which he calls a milk Tally fall wheat, which .is above the ed that defendant was released by the hoe fat ,ly,bu b P are possessed of immense fun ower, average. Some farmers have tom• laches of plaintiff in pursuing his ram• and will yet come outron top of the but to give it full vent on the public the seats were 'compset]y filled. Dlr master to set the men to work. This shaker. We understand that it is g streets is what we coaeider handl the f y • looks rather suspicious bat perbaps used for making moms new beverage tented to cut their bay,which speaks ediea. Judgment on 10th. Campion 7 Crummer, Editor o the B! th Stsa- pile. A man was seen comm out of correct thing. [Our correspondent dard, was called to the chair, after we had better not say anytbing and we are going to take our girl 1u well for an early harvest. for plff, F. W. WItHJehnston,i. deft. 'i the house, whom, it is presumed, was y which a splendid programme pother in hate just now• and try it. MOORE V ABxwI$n ET AL.—Action for ,ill,E the thief, and although tracked for must be mistaken as to the identity :o nesse was The I. O. G. T, visited the West- rice of apples against three defendants. rendered, consisting of readings, re- Goderich. . some dietance, he eluded hie pursuers. of these parties] Holrnesville. field picnic in force. Thep report D1ra Josiah dark, of. DBtroilt,..11ae Scott sad Govi-- here- s' theirliability&n6- xcln.-Council met at Holmes• The return oma Set- citations and speeches all of which I� �tirae, -but-it is-matd a d-oo�stet�dad-there-wae-rro P Cot? fee ecial notice es ec_ M.r Daviel Cliddoir lost a valuable iiavin8 qn been visiting her brother, Mr Vf m. ship. Judgment against Aekwith for one _2geh._ __ DiEmbera ,all irday evening, looking- ell tanned bra-tvslrSlay a. P =--_-•-. -. -'--p- -' that for once they .got more cold Morgan, as alwo was Mrs Bodge, of amount. Nonsuit as to the othar:de Ville on J . Minutes of. . last meeting but otherwise vigorous and hearty. lolly the latter, $eswas glad ht was a e was cow one dap lagt.vgeek, newly water than they liked,. We under ,h.e sane place "" ` -feriderite: Manning"far plff."Campion #, present. Minute asaed, By-laws Noa. 3 Some of them complain of not having from twech�adr.eve�t�son_ et,- s0-t¢as _Rey W. F. Campbell,,.oar ae ..9-snd`there�were several ergs broirea I,ACRossE.--Considerable interest for deft. Goviar, Vanstone for deft6cott read and p v there h ad..enon -W° ear. Well.,..sl!gj1e kt4 ,- s ---g --- oinfecT Dieethoil,t ministertook in crossin the Maitland. An action has since igen entered s and 4. current .yea= were > cad _ end gli wasppwas assed. Moved dip Thom. L��uichil , understood that they went to London themselvesgland vwouldrabe enladeif p maession of the garmonage on Tuee g c.rossekt urnamleut at Godet ch, oII Manning &Scott, for Aekwith, to ea. At the meeting of the Y.P.S. C.E. eecoaded bX Samuel Sturdy, that the specially to eat, it was to d on Wednesday night, Mr Jacob Monday. The game wag called at tablish the portnership. ° petition of Henry Cook and thirty, eating was only a secondary consider• every or T heStandarderson ereM= NeRton,tench- daRev. A, K. Birks, of Thamesford, Hunter was presented with an ad- 11 o'clock between Clinton and Luck- There was the usual number of minor three others asking a grant of $10 tion. er of .oarlock was next called on; he who is visiting here,occupied the pul- dress and a guard and locket as a now, Clinton juniors were on the cases. per month for one year, and longer if Mr Wm. Woods' little girl had the said nothing succeeded like success, pit of the Methodist church on Sab- ml! h"k momento of the society's ap• round in good time and waited for required, in favor of one Censer Per- _misfortune, last Friday, to be shot in that perseverance was the father of bath evening,with acceptance. preciatiou of his services. Mr Hunt- heir opponents in vein and the re- A CURIOUS CAs> -At the Division Q be laid over for future considers- arm, between the shoulder and the suttees; he congratulated the commit- Miss Maggie Colquhoun from Gow- her will leave on Friday. We wish feree gave them the game, In the Court Sittings here, on Friday last, a tion. Carried. The following elbow. Her elder brother was trifling tee and Mr Plummer on the succeas ries, is spending a few days with him every success where ever he afternoon Seaforth faced Goderich very peculiar case was tried. went ` amounts peers paid viz. Star office with a loaded gun when it accident- of their efforts, - gave the children friends here. DIr J: Lobb, from the may go. and the result was 3 straights favor time ago a lad named Jarvis went VM. balance from 1888, $7.25• ally went off, and caused the unfor• good advice and poiIIted ovt to `them same neighborhood, also made a fiyw-. into Cunningham DZeMurra 's QGm. Collins indigent, $18,75; John lunate affair. The wound, although such se ;Nelson. He showed in visit. Dominion Day was celebrated by of the former. Afters cons] enable getting 2bce>Yts; Mr g store, and as he alleges, ing g Sturdy, use of scraper, painful, is not considered serious, a them how theyTeached the top round g many Blythers, who celebrated it by wrangling the game was again called some small Chan a out of his pocket Spikeman, Canada Co's Agent Exeter the childis recovery will no doubt b in the ladder of fame by pereever Fears are entertained among the going to the various picnics. The between Clinton and, Se Borth far a oiled out and drop ed on rile floor a riket from lot No. 13, Bay Con for speedy. This, however, carries a ince, and advised them to persevere farmers that the green midge w111 do Ebenezer picnic claimed amumber of silver cup. This was'the game of the p- g 1883 to "1888, 937 in full , . serious damage to the wheat crop. as g g i35 bill. Short! ,ter •leaving the years ruin with it, too many children studies sand some day they kr. are literal! the Methodist body, who doubtless day and was a well fou htg ate and store he discovered his loss, and re - the yea moa g in their the heads of the stocks y put in a big time until the weather when time was called the ame stood Mrs McRae, widow,was granted $15; !n thIa village are allowed to handle would succeed in being ae great. Mr g turned to make search for tone Indigence, Account. Wm. B. Foster;. firearms. Bops scarcely in their teens would succeed was neat called, but his filled with the insect. interfered and put a;damper on the at 2.2, when the ball was again raced In his absence Mr S. Cooper had for repairing culvert and building gree sometimes seen with revolvers, speech was very short, in fact Mr fun. About that time were not stay- off h settle the tie. After an hour entered the store" and at the lace bridge near golmesville, X25.83 , and by come of the men the streets Turnberry. ing 'app longer and know .nothing of hard play Seaforth scored. The where Jarvis had Stood . icked u i kw Dire Era per Mr ,Tremblay, one McFadyan and his speech were Willits have re- Clinton boys played well and ke t P P Bray p and vacant lots in the village are used neither seen nod he be everypplace turned from a vis ttid Mrs t o friends in We- more about returned. on, Seaforth on defenre .most of the time. what he called in answer to a liar bill, monthe board, $6, two months Pre- for target practice. We trust some- mer, who seems Dir F. b Dir Cunningham,a one dollar bill• ulcus paid per order from'Reeve $12. thin will a done to pot a atop to day from Toronto; he seems to be OUR NATAL DAX. --Dominion Day Y urord to meet again on g • at once, neat bobbed hep with a vote terloo county. 'working bis way to very high Stand- in Goderich was one of the best at Mr Coopersaya, however,and pled Council adio et this disgraceful sort of thing before 'Sf thanks to the ladies, the band, the Elliott -Bros. commenced running the first Monde in August. y iH in the I.O.G.T. as he was at the tended celebrations ever held. bele. his oath to !t, that in only picked off - Monday g more serious damage is done. committee, Mr Brigham and all those their brie yard.on Thursday, the session of the Grand Lodge' of Can- PATTOx Clerk. ' who bad helped to make the pienic a. first this treason. g Early morning as hundreds of vee apiece of •paper, cin a wrapper" ori ' About nine o'clock last Monday hicles from the neighboring townships a tin or bottle, a d that whae said PP -success. After singing the National Will J. Wilson, of Y, tae City, ja adv which closed last lt8reday. He EaSt jV�uosh. morning carriage loads of ha y look• neater art of the crowd visit!ng his parents in the eastern was elected to the offiee of Grand on the way to the scene of the celebra a D'Zr Cunningham 'was said only. in .ing people, dressed in picnic costumed, Anthem the g F and 'spent part of this township. Councillor, which we understand is tion, . and the special train from jest: He' further sal<! that 0n going Andrew Ferguson is erecting and nith well-filled ,baskets Stowe dispersed; some remained p. Stratford and other points brought in nut of the store he threw the .ieoe of •brick house thin Summer, , g g the evening !n dancing and singing. Miss Addie Porter left o'n Saturday the second position in the gift of the a er away.tYben Jarvis returned: Mrs Gregor McGowan is visiting away under the seats begin rolling for Goderich, on an extended visit to Lodge. That is a. good showing for fifteen •heavily -laden cars, In the p P g g into the village. -Soon they made ' friends in that vlccnity .No, 357, mornin a series of children's games to the store looking for l,is.money,Mr her daughter in Dliddleses• their way over to Middleton's point Auburn. , g JS g ter it! I i has returned from , Jlre Turnbull, of Galt, is at present The old Ra Prion saw mill was were held on to Court House square. Cunningham sena him down to Mr J Dliddiesex. and began the'day s enjoyment. Un= (pR�ER Smo cE LAYI•Cti•-Twee 3sy- visitin. friends in ag fortunately, however, jn twee midst of in of the carneratoneot`tbe�eig,rlletb• visiting hoer c htlle , Mrs G. Bryce , burned about 4 o'clock Thursday One of the features of the day was the Cooper, whom he founn at hie factory, at Jahn Coultes and daughter were their enjoyment distant thunder was odist church at i�'estfield appoint and Mrs letcalfe o the 10th con., was morning. It was discovered r Ur kazoo band of the town and.carr s off and demanded hie money. kir Coop - . 5 last week: clouds. began t0 lt, was in every re- DIr n ham Jos. Coventry, who was 90!119 there the ho ors d that t0theolautnch of the large Jarvis hadolosteany moneys thuuI,, alleges hht visiting.at Mount Forest beard, then the clo g menton the 25th u , Miss Margaret Nicol was on the gather, then. the rain descended in spect a decided success. 'After the exhibiting last week, ea Wig to fire up• He at once gave the pounce sick list last week, but is recovering. gattorrents,r,th d then there was a hurry usual preliminary and deaotion•al some barley, which measured 4 feet alarm and the brigade were on wand schooner recently built by Williams thane o r "a a d pante boy off w th ;•X A brother and niece of bins John ing to and fro" to find swelter. Some exercises, twee accustomed address 3 `bile Din dome from school in a short time. After about an & Marlton, would come off at eleven j + Anderson, sr., spent a few days here clambered into covered carriage, was delivered by the Rev J. E. Sow- da evening, Tomiinp, the lit- hours work they succeeded in putting o'c10ck, but owing to a disarrai�he� duct Was terra oly very a uch ;.gains`. last week. others sought twee shelter of the barns ell, Di, A., )3resident o! Guelph Con- tee eon of J. Robinson, had the out the flames. There is nothing merit of some of the weuntil late dges, Dir Thos. Black now sports a new and stables, while others fairly took ference which was well appreciated, his arm broken. left but the bare frame, •which is s0 event had to be postponed afternoon forii'itinate poe',tionAs viz�,vhicby we finds top bugggy built by John Brunsdon, possession 0f Mr Jewett's house, end Theo contributions were solicited, misfortune to get charred as to be useless. The will in the atte>noop. p Londesboro. with muddy, feet made impressions the President taking lead. E. Ham- A big barn raising bee took place has been idle for some time past, but a heavy thunderstorm loomed up, and himself. nerIndiicatedeh diand en tb a pro Joseph Potter was got his barn wi the carpets end floors that will Ilton Esq., of Blyth, gave efficient at DIr John Button's on Saturday had been run on Wednesday. The during the afternoon copious showers p the mar P raised and split and otherwise im-am scarcely bei eradicated in a day. aid !n this work, and very hearty re- afternoon last, but, as we were not cause of the fire is so far a mystery fell at intervals. This, however, did pen ;,�, has r last trough` will► into roved this year. About six o'clock the rain ceased and eponaea were made. The pastor pre- present, we cannot give particulars. and is made more so from the fact of not prevent the Iacroase�maut lkme' Po jl wererbothoin the store cvth pro Carradice and bliss Shortreed, those who had not„started for home rains of the revious tweeA Seaforth and Godes*' her, and seated, in the name of the building "schools No. 3, taught by alias A. the very heavy P11 from Halton, are visiting in the Scott stained and had a sail on one of the =edittee, the silver trowels to the Weir, No, 6, taught 'by 'Mr G. H. afternoon and evening. which was well by fine former t three b 6h g9rr9borate liam aMrnd MCa° into that s settlement this week. boats that molls in waiting to take straights. The Tiaseball illatCll bP, . �. pf them state that gentlemen who were to lay to corn• Blackwell, and No. 6, intend. holding We have in town a braes band g un looked Thos. H. Taylor, Reeve, is having them out. Thus did the Royal Tem• her stones, fVm.Dowerty Eeq Esq. Organ a union picnic in Eadle's grove, on which used to be known as the tween Eiteter sad GQdPrich molts a ev,uence. �•• . M his` barns on the Auld farms raised tars of Seaforth,• Brucefield, Varna , Manufacturer of Clinton lard one of f which we will rather one-sided a$ au Exeter which hwhat Dir Coaues possib q,ich a Saturday, July 6th, o Blyth brass band, and was supplied 1`� to I. Tl” 4� winning '1' and stone stabling added to them. • and Bayfield. spend their Dominion the stones, giving'his check for $100, give yon a full report next week. with instruments, suits and frequent' by a launch which had like a bill. It t len, and in . Owing to the wet weather Mr R. Dap Although twee rain somewhat John Neelands Esq., of Wingham, Mr J• S. Wilson, who has been fill- grants of money at the- expe:,se bf been poetroned, came ofi''at 6 10 and matter to be mistaken, and Dir Jarvis Leishman has decided to postpone nnarred the •proceedings Still all were Tress. High Court of Foresters, laid was witnessed by thousands of specta- may have dropped his bili oleo i y building hie barn for another year. of the opinion that they had spent as ,twee other atone, contributing $30. jug the vacancy in No. 6 school, the ratepayers of the village. 'But we tors. This time there was no hitch !n and some one else map have•it, but if Mary Ellie Henry has returned leasaot a day h Bayfield as could caused by the illness of Miss Porter, very seldom hear from them. They the proceedings, ins and the schooner this were so Mr Cooper has still only ,' Quite ' a procession of the C. O, of left for Caaevihe, Mich., Normal are very good at going to picnics and. P g + s rather from Essex county, where she has p Farestera did honor .to the occasion. racefall Tided ori the stocks amidst himself to blame, and pay t been for the past year, looking hale have been Spent in any other place under similar cireumany ot. After the stone were laid a supper School last week, his sister Ida se- garden parties and So on, but very he multitude. Te christening dearly for his practical joking• ,y and hearty. - -- companying him. Dir �Vi11 Hartley, slow at giving any music ,to linen up honors were performed by Miss Bessie $ was served in a large tent and hon- 0f Bluevale, completes the term for the *long evenings at home. Tell P Mr W. J. Martin has returned from Dungannon. dreda partook of it to their entire him you what it !s, hops,. if, you have no Chalton, daughter' of the American Local Churell Lliiiuey. g ilii W. Riddle, of Ashfield spent Satisfaction. The choir of the W Ing- consul, assisted by Miss Maud Stitt, The Baptist Sabbath School sic yiaiting.his father in Mich i an. He and the "So h!e" touched the throb- P reports time something the same Sunday in our midst. ham Methodist church and orchestra Pie lea were the order of the day noines ew tones give us same b the old Diced at Sta leton, on Wednesday. 4 there as here. bin bosom Of Lake Huron as natur- P Rev S. V. Petlsnd and mother are of Wingham gr."vee a rare mMusle�al Baptistevheldtthei s Iaa MrpWade's ference alnd the otherhalfwont give ally as she would: flown to a pro- Rev A. StewWt conducts the ser- w MeasraThoe.Roes and JnO. Coultes, visiting friends in GorriP. � treat. Rev.. John Scott, _ rector. The Sophie is the workman- vices in WilliFi�hurch next Sunday, • ar., were out seeing Mr H. Snell, in Rev Mr Anderson preached !n Chairman of the District, Revda; H, grove, quite a number being on the you away. chip of cur townsman, IkIr William as usual. 11 Hullett last week, who is down with Erskine church'Sunday evening. Irvine, A. W Tonga, R. Carson and grounds, and all seemed to enjoy Canada Wall Paper FaccttoorrleMonnt the Marlton who althou h onl twent E Dr Macdonald M. IP., addressed the themselves. The Presbyterians held Y, g p y' The Preabyterlans and Church of ,, cancer in the Etomaeh. The list passed off quietly here,as audience. Reeds. R. Godfrey, A. E. theirs on the Lower Wingbam flats, 'al, was !II town this week. Dir G. B. two years of age, has already acquit- England Sunday Schools will picnic i A number of our farmers have had a large number went to Goderich to Smith, end J. Edge took part to to about 300 persona being present at Phillips has returned from Toronto. ed a reputation as a Shiplfuilder at Goderich on Thursday, July 18. 11 r to plant their potatoes the second spend the day. ceremony. Total receipts for the one time. Various amusements, con- Mrs John DlcElroy left on Monday second to none s the lekee.' or night The regular monthly fellows111 hip 11 time this year, the rain having caused Some of our young friends took !n day $260. misting of boating, swinging, lawn for Manitoba on a visit to her 8.1111 gnificent display of fireworks giv meetingwill be held in both Metho- ' 'Vi the seed to rot in the ground. the picnic held at [lelfast. They re- tenis, etc,, occupied the time till the daughter, who is at present seriously en Court House square. Music was dist chrches, on Sunday morning i ,, Mr John C. Campbell is getting port a good time. Tuckersmith orthodox picnic rainstorm caused a indisposed. Mist J. Phillips move furnished by the Goderich band and next. i materiel on the round fora new sudden scattering of the merry groups, visiting friends in Wroxeter this the Doherty band of Clinton. Rev Dir Edge will preach the fun , cru next Year. Mr C. mostly takes A number of the Dungannon Tem- NOTES.— Nearly everybod"y and — week. And a (Qeth) drove to the b p erance Lodge Spent the First at the their auntie took ,n the sports, at Londesboro. Gray falba of Hullett After the LO.G Hensall oral sermon of the late Samuel Crich, time by the forelock and above's the P g P, Vit, work ahead of him. Temperance picnic held at Westfield. Goderich on the 1st; some took in Our villagers who went to Goderich T. picnic. Now that Bob lies re- RACES.—The first day's races of and John Taylor on Sunday evening . • +, A large number of our young peo- Mr Arthur Anderson, who has the rain also. Miss Sarah Turner on the 1st report a grand fraud in the turned from a short visi«to the conn- the Hensall Driving Park and Race nest. been attending the Clinton Collegiate spent a couple of days this week with try our three popular Bums can g . The icnic of Rattenbury St. Sab- '" pie took in to lst, Some went to institute, if, home to apepd the wolf• friends !n C°!borne. mporW `were. Y P course Association pbrauKht out s 1Fol p ' Brussels, Wingbam or Goderichybut COLLAR 'BbNE BROSF-While We very glad to be ab4e to re- be seen on the street any dap. Mrs concourse of eo le. on Monday. bath School will be held at.Goderich most to the I. O. G. T. picnic and daps• la in the other day the youngest Port Mrs J, Tamblpn much better S. Gracey, of Hingham was visiting lowing is the summary of the races : next Thursday, if cars can be pro•' her visors in town this week. Dir 2:tt trot, tour entries : cured. Stratford schools picnic at McPhee'8 picnic, in Colborne, Mr Robert Cook, who has been in von ofgMr Richard Cndmore had the this week. p lien. Hullo, W. Lee, St Marys .......... 1 i 2 1 Goderich on the 10th, hence change. i; The counciliore of this township Colorado for the past two or three Mrs J. Duckham, of Godericb, is J. Moore, of Hamilton was in town Rosewood w J. Thompson,Londun....2 2 1 2 ears is we are fenced to see, misfortune to fall and break his collar the guest of her brother, Mr Geo, A, last week. Dire Dr Carder is visitingg ARMY NOTES. - The Salvatlofi have bought halt an acre of gravel p + + P bone; under the care of the doctor be in Seaforth this week. Mims Sesbeth Maud B„ k. Bussenbery, itunsah:.......4 a 3 dr- from Mr Joshua Walsh for one hon- amongst ue again. Newton. , Ruby. T. H. Donneiy, London.....,:. ...a dr Army held an ice cream Social. !n the • 4' is doing as well as can be expected. The picnic here on the let was a of London, was visiting at Dr Sloan's Time -2:36, 2:43, 2:41. barracks. pn Sunday the meetings dred and ten dollars. It im a fine pit, The Methodist' intend holding Presbyterian SociAL.•-The young people in con- grand success, but owing to the heavy this week. hits C. F. Tanner was 2:SbtrotMwo curries: were led "Happy George Brown - this week Topsy, R. McConkey, Tarn • ...... . .... . . . .1 , t the converted hotel- �: - and the council have dobe wisely in Sunday schools g rain ,t broke up early.visiting Molly B., R. s, Digbrt, St. Marys. • • • • • • • • •'� 2 2 lee," and fife, 1; buying it. annual pienic at Port Albert an Wed- vection with Turners church intend. asEllaiMcKinnon=IIwho has been Time--2,ati, 2:38, 2:40i. + holding a social fn the basement of " bill commonly known needap, July 3rd, the church next Monday evening ; Our new Methodist minister preach• visiting friends in * idgham fora cots race, three entries : beeper, of Seaforth,e of h a now e , :; The "big" ed in the church on Sunday last, to anpinn, N. G. Torment, Exeter.... •. • ...•2 i 1 a striking evidence of the divine ,3. as Harrison's hill, is in a very bad Rev W.' F. Campbell preached his after which the pastor,Rev Mr Edge, nod as short time, returned home on Tues- Lofton fCuck, R. It: Mecartney, Exeterl..1 2 2is „ t it being film fArewell sermon.here on Sunday even- will deliver his popular lecture "Take a crowded house,1 etifaetionar as heard 'dap last. bliss J. Faoter thith esweek. "Running race m�io,'th'ree entries: The Lieutenlint is away at Woodland ` condition at prei , g g g g back things you borrow. g • ing friends ,in ►Wro impassible. Some eople have cum- in to a large con rel aWoII. Mr „ lues universe Devon vett. dy, J, A. McDonald, ld, Ife, . • ...1 I p gg twined damage to their rigs already, Campbell is universally, 1 Ked around •.i"• Mr James Webster, of the 13th Dir A. Robinson spent the First in IiovonshireLady, J, A. McDonnid, ttonann..3 2 Park,London,ettending scamp meet - and if not looked after, the township here, and the young people especially Stanley. , � • con. of Hullett, has a three•aere field Wroxeter; he reports having a big Devonshire Lo,,Timmehni or. 111:00 sten" " . • 2 a Ing thele. �• 12 wl11 be called on to foot a big hill for will miss him very much, PRCULtAn ACCIDENT. -On Dion- of turnips all cleaned and thinned time. Mr W. Habkirk,of St.Helena, Second day on aceo'urit of rain, races could not F>. be held. Brucefielcl. damages one of these days. Ashfield. day last during the tremendous'storm out, apd the turnips are about sin as spent Sunday, with his 'pinion Col The picnic in connection with the il,ti> rs.-Dur Royal Templera held ' . Mr Archie Robertson, of the 10th of the afternoon Mr W. McAllister, eight inches high. Dir Webaten hue' town. Mr D. Robb, of Cl' their annual picnic at Bayfield, •o0 rd time this year. On Wednesday of 'last week Mr of the Parr Line, met with a bad se- 'for some years experimented on early, lege, is at present spendin his vaca• Presbyterian sabbath school, held at Monday July 1st, The Rev. S, Ach- };,, con., is having a ba ,� gBayfleld •on Thursday last, was a had been hilin for a Porter met his constituents in this eldest. With hip wife and ce conclusion iiithat they should e sown Mr Geo.hPowelll,nof the firm of Me- rand success. The morning was exon, of Kipper, occupied the uipitt., 1118 wife, whog t,)wnship to give an account of his was driving along thn road hurriedly, long time with that dreadful disease, stewardship in a very lengthy addreea when the horse received a abock from from the 20th to the 24th of May, to KinnaII and Powell is taking -a busi- fair, and at an early hour loads of in the Union eburch last `Sa bath. ;r consumption, died last week, and his P Misshappy, awllIng individuals, mate and The Rev. J. tH. Simpson conduced;' eldest daughter is down with themame which was listened to 'throughout, the When - road lightning, an The dropped edein atop Qneure an satinhear-roe. A sWBBace WAS Visit ing week. home female, old and young, might be seen the services in Krppen. The R y,. ,! trouble, while another one shows the eat attention g buggy, Hippen, in Goderich this week. Mrs F. Tan• wending their wap t� the picnic Mr Thompson, of British Colutnbius� 11, same symptoms am her mother and Porter sat down a vote of censure threw all out of the each be= _c was grounds on the shores of the noble and formerly of Brucefield, will do*, r at the commencement of their against all those members ew�n°eclalld ing th deroad ubeforectes, came to here on Do inion day. During the M. Curtis was Visiting In !n week. oderMich hake Huron at Bayfield. After liver a lecture in tbe' Union chute l j sista P spending the ay in boat n , 8trollin illness. Mrs Robertson was a dough• for the Jeauit Act, and more especially on e y g g, on Friday evening the 12th ; his sit ,1 ter of our townsman Alex. Morton. against Mx Porter, was car Din and did 11nott t wits the worst recover Consciousness uTOa nn tuber orb dies°go into a that °bug. his parentsta flying vi sit iinwClinton croquetg&c, its inclination lead them, act will be, British Columbia. Alt' e ter Dr our tO Robertson, Superintendent of Porter made an effo p gr. P and doing ample justice to the good McCartney's Tutton colt took th ' p.eNorthwest Missions for the Presby but having beard him once they were until next day. All are doing well. gy to protect themselves from the i n he Ppo last. uss is Shane took tbiugy-provided by the ladies, all re' , 2nd prize in the year old race;,# tetian Church, is a brother of Dir not willing to hear'hi8 harraague any � The buggy was conaiderablp broken. rain, when to horse was knocked in the a cite at Brussels B the First, turned hom,, well satisfied with rho A>asall, on Monuaq, the 1st July. ;` Robertson,and with his wife attended ]on her. we has been " weighed in I It was a wonder they were not more down by the lightning, giving them and succeeded in cart in off Rome of the balance and found wanting." 1 eerivusly hurt. a bad scare i•ut doling no harm. the prizes. days enjoyment, the funeral. -" ^ t. i . - 1 1 ,