HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-06-28, Page 5ROB. We 00ATS1 IS AGENT FOR THE Dominion PIANO Call and see his prices when you want to buy ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. • TAYLOR&SONS A FULL LINE OF CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday ottoman. Thursday, June 27, 1889. il Wheateafall Oats 26 a 0 27 Barley Peas .. 0 52 a 0 5 Flour per ewt , 2 75 a 27 Batter . 0 12 a 0 1 Egels • - 0 10 a 0 1 Pork • 5 75a 6 00 Hay • • 9 0,0 a 9 00 85 a 082 spring • 85 a 88 0 40 a 0 40 3 .5 3 ••-••••41110-..-•••••• A farmer named Collins, living I near Oswego, while talking with two men counted out $12,000 with which he intended to buy a farm. The two men grappled with Collins, and robbed him of the money and fled. The Rev. Wm. Henry Beecher died at Chicago on Sunday. He was 87 years old, .and his death was mainly due to his advanced age. Mr Beecher was ono of seven brothers, all of whom be- came preachers, and all of whom were more or Iess famous. George Burden, 73 years old, has arrived at Chatham,N.Y.,from Albion, Mich. He walked all the way with a wheelbarrow and his trunk weighing 150 pounds. Ho was eight weeks on the road. The Cleveland Leader remarks hat the widespread damage to rops from exclusive and long- ontinued rain islikely to be more erious, in a pecuniary sense, than hutwfu I fl9ods , the da valIiy-ET. The faimers of a ery wide belt of country have bundant reason for complaining f the rediarkable succession of torms that have made June an nroasonable and almost unpre- edentedly avet month. t e c Ladies, Gent's and Boy's awn t Tennis-alid Lati.s6S-Se- SII0 S Just received, which. will be Sold cheap. Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per cent oft for cash. TAYLOR & Sons CLiNTON AND BLYTH u SPE CIL. DESIGNS HOUSEHOLD TALK 1 — Ws- — • In WALL PAPER ant: DECORATIONS, at LOW PRICES prices that suit the times. IN TEAS, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. AgrButter and Eggs taken,as cash J. W. IRWIN, The:Times Tea Warehouse, Cooper's Old Stand, Oor. Searle's Blook, CLINTON COPP & LOGAN ISAAC STREET, CLINTON. Flour, Feed and Seed Business for sale The subscriber, who is desirous of going t0 Manitoba, offers for sale his Flour and Feed and Seed business in Clinton. It is well established, with a good profitable trade, and is a splen- did chance to pushing, live 'man. Terms satisfactory,. ROBT. FITZSIMONS, Clinton Great e Estate Mom, Rodgens Have just opened out 2 cases more of those CHEAP PRINTS, New Patterns. ' GULICIATIES HOSIERY Splendid assortment to choose from. To hand, New Lawns, Muslins, Chambrays, and )31ack Lace Bunting. 5 per cent off for cash JOHN WISEM4N Manager. Estate J. EMMEN& OUR HATS Nil lie We are showing the finest line of Spring&Sumnia Hats Ever brought to this town. All New Styles, Best Quality, and Prices Low. TRY US ONCE. WE CAN PLEASE YOIT. NEW We have everything that a gentleman requires, at prices to suit all pockets. Our extensive line of HOSIERY comprises goods of all weights, in a variety of colors and qualities, from an. expensive Sock to the cheapest grades. SUSPENDERS will also be found in great variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock of Slkirts, Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear is larger than ever before, and the finest in the pia& GEO. GLASGOW, CLINTON AN AGE OF BIG CUTS • We live in an age of big cuts in prices. Callat the HUB- GROCERY Where you can get genuine bargains in Tea, Sugar, Coffee, and all staple'Gro• caries. A new lot of GLASSWARE, new design, the very best of glass. Printed and plain TEA and TOILET SETS. Also, all kinds of Baskets, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, Brushes and Woodenware, very cheap. Eggs and Butter taken as cash. GrEC). SNV CI_ANTON • Our stock is now complete in every department. Full lines in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, SHIRTINGS, COT- TONS, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and small wares, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FUR- NISHINGS, in great variety. Ready Made Clothing and Clothing made to order. .Reinember we inakeup-S-UITS• from-$2—to-$3 leskrthairTity house in town, and dont forget to see us when ordering new suits. 000 BOOTS & SHOES We wish to call special attention to our -Boot and Shoe department. We have one of the largest stocks in town and can save you from 10 to 20 per cent. We buy direct from one of the largest Factories in the Province,. and are in a position to give you bargains. Come and see us and our prices. We are determined to take the lead in thia town for good goods at the:IA-est prices. 40% Sealita'stoBnlock, PLTJMSTEEL & GIBBINGS slaughter • J. C. DETLOR CO'S', CLINTON, WILL BECIN ON le SATURDAY JUNE 29•1889" 100 Ladies & Children's Hats 25e DRESS GOODS from 8ct. up. Ladies Hats at 75c. formerly 1.25 See that line of Dress Goods at 'trimmed IVEllinery equallycheap 20c., regular price 30 and 35c. Men's Straw and Felt Hats at nearly half-price The entire Stock of TWEto to be cleared out at a BIG seascitzrzcE. PRINTS reduced 25 per cent. Big Bargains in SHEETINGS, TOWELS, CRETONNES and WHITE QUILTS. PAR A.SOLS at less than wholesale prices. BOY'S and WIEN'S CLOTHING at prices to clear. Butter anc1 Eggs taken ,at the highest' prices J.. C. MICLOIR she CO., CLIATIrOAT •