HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-06-21, Page 6SPECIAL PRICES —IN -- WATCHES FOR 30 DAYS. A Solid Silver, Full -Jewelled Lever Watch $6.85, worth $10. A Solid Silver Waltham or Elgin dust proof Watch $10.45, worth $13 A Solid 3 oz S. American Watch, with chain, $5.50, worth $7.50 A solid Gold full -jewelled Ladies Lever Watch, $18, worth tc25. A Solid Gold, Stem-VViuding Elgin Watch, 9128, worth $38 A -Filled, Stem -Winding Watch, warranted for 20 years, 823, worth $28. Remember, these prides will only last for 30 days. 11. Lauraflice'S Spectacles at 4Oe. a pair ROB. W. COATS, 'JEWELLER and ENGRAVER, CLINTON. W ia.do� SPIAnms BA HY - CARRIAGES, WALL PAPER, Prices reduced for stec]s-takizig New Baskets & Fans DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. COOPER'S Book store,-. Clinton. HOUSEHOLD TALK --IS— kr _ V\T LOW PRICES. IN TEAS, SUGARS; CANNED GOODS, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. ;—Butter and Eggs taken as cash J. W. IRWIN,, The Times Tea Warehouse, Cooper's Old Stand, Cor, Searle's Block, C'LINTON- NEw SPRI\G G ODS Oar steric is these cothpiete hi every department. Full lines in QUEEN CITY HAPPENINGS I RIVAL ROWS IN THE WEATHER state n ® ems' -Thc - How Buffalo is toying Herself to the Summer Sensoa—Orpheae and His Lyre Knocking Out the National Game -4 Conventloa of Florists — Benefit for Johnstown Sufferers at the Fair Grounds. [From Our Special Correspondent.] BUFFALO. N. Y., June 17.—Ferbaps the mast striking thing about this city et the present time b the weather. I don't know just exactly what the weather is striking for, but whatever the demands, tt seems to me there will have to be a compromise some- where before long The public is aecoming exhausted in its futile efforts to keep pace withtthe weather's vagaries, and is bowling for a settlement of the difficulties and a re- turn to something approaching a business- like basis. As matters stand at present no man can venture to leave his residence in the mornlnz without carrying an extra change of clothing, and as swain out of every ten of the business men of Buffalo go to their respective pia:asset business on bicycles, this enforcement of extra baggage is a serious inconvenience. It ain't ea bid on the days which start In bot and end cold, as it is on the days (and we have bad lata of them lately) which begin with a crispness that makes pea -jackets and ulster. comfortable, and wind up with tropical intensity. It is then that the bicycle, as a scriztituts for the couple or even the horse car, betrays its dis- advantages The spectacle of a business man in loose cool flannels, trundling home an assortment of furs with his long whiter ulster dragging its tails in the duet behind the little wheel of his steel horse, while Ws rider is afraid to stop lest either a snow squall or a thunder 5tPrm risrertake ]tuns ' sxag.O1 Y to thosewho do not ride "the wheel." The rumpasr•which has obvtonsly been ,ping. on !n. thmefflea.-of_-the-•Weather Clef will however, I predict, prove es nothing to the row which is brewing in the office of the Buffalo City Council And it's all about Fourth o' July. It seems that a committee of the Council was recently entrusted with the important mission of devising means of suitably celebrating, the glorious Fourth, and that this committee has laid out a programme which calls for the expenditure of $2,950, variously allotted to fireworks, rowing races, clay pigeon shooting, baseball games, hal- loon ascensions, yacht radix and gun powder salutes. Here is a variety of sport which ought to be dirt cheap at the figure named, but unhappily there are "kickers" among the taxpayers. Buffalo is not a niggardly city by any.means: • With scarcely- en effort 1t has to date raised the handsome amount of $24,435,26 for the Johnstown sufferers, but there are a good many people who do not ex- actly see why the aldermen should be allowed to vote away the people's money in the sub- sidizing of ball games, shooting matches, eta Hence the difficulty. It isn't to be wondered at that there should be a row over the proposed item of $250 for a baseball match. Baseball is a subject con- cerning which the people of this city have a right to b. sensitive. The official reoord to date shows the International club barks the name of the queen City to be the last in the race for fame. There does not appear to be any club in the International league which is not prepared at a moment's notion to pick up the Bisons and "wipe the ground with them." As a consequence of thia lamentable fact, Buffalo is losing its interest in the national game and.the new grounds of the club, which have been removed from an arlstocratio neighborhood where they were formerly sit- uated, to a more distant site out on Main street, are no longer thronged with enthusi- asts. While it is true that there can be found in the United States a good many people, still . outside of the lunatic asylums. who argue that a lapse or interest in baseball is evidence of a city's decline, facts and figures seem to prove that Buffalo is getting along very well in spite of the fact that her ball club is made up of "chumps" The tax assentnent roils of the present year show ad Increase in taxable property over 1SS`J of V.:42,818.81.•, ...Every year this town is becoming more and more conspicuously the home of conven- tions and national gatherings. The books are full of dates of important assembl- ages which are ' to occur this sum- nior, conceruing each of which I shall endeavor always to give your maniere some advance information. One of the most interesting meetings, i imagine, will bo the national gathering of florists, which is to be held Aug. 21 and 22 1'ue members of the Si,ciety ;,f American Fi.riss of Buffalo are snare g no pains to rrutke the occasion a 110:4 hie r.ae' in every reypett. I fancy, from what I hear, that the prestige which Rochte- ter ha-: won in horticultural matters is the secret of a ;sods] der: of the interest whichais being tak,m by Buffalo people in the forth- coming convention of florists. They mean to show Rochester that she cannot remain ahead of Buffalo even in the pretty matter of posies. Just at present Buffalo is musically inter- esting. Surely your readers who aro railed from their pleasant summer homes to a so- ' jeurn here for a few clays on business, will be glad to learn that the evenings are being made pleasant for all strangers by both in-. strumental and vocal entertainments. To- night the Spencer Opera company takes pos- session of the Star theater for a season of several weeks in light operas, and on Satur- day evening last, after much trepidation, the beautiful Academy of Music was opened, a la Theodore Thomas's Central Park concerts, to the joint communion of music and beer. It was an experiment, and was a success. The wealth and culture of the city was not deterred from attending theconeert through the fact that refreshments were served at the round tables, and ' the programme was de- lightful. - For the benefit of the flood sufferers, Mr, ' C. J. Hamlin, as president of, the Interna- tional'Pair association; has given the free use of the splendid race treat in the exposi- • tion grounds for a series of trotting ,races, which are to take place on T'harsday next. It is thought that a large sum will be real- ized for the noble cause on that day, as a number of the speediest flyer in the country are already here. In the Fair Grounds visi- tors will be surprised at the preparation which are going on for this year's exposition. Another one of those enormous horse show buildings with their splendid tan -bark courts, is in procaa of construction and mammoth quarters are being erected for sheep and swine. The Art Gallery (only the L of which was built last year) is to be completed according to the architect's plana, and there I am wild, to be a Palace of Illusions, about which I will toll you in another letter. The Fair opens this year on the 8d and dome on the 13th of September, and eireedy I find the city active in its preparations for the great event. VrNDzz, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, SHIRTINGS, COT- TONS, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and small wares, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FUR- NISHINGS, in great variety. Ready Made• Clothing and Clothing made to .order. Remember we make up 'SUITS from ti2 to „p8 less than any ether house in town, and dont forget to see us when ordering new snits. 000 BOOTS & SHOE We wish to call special attention to our ]soot and Shot. department. We have one of the largest stocks in town and can save you from 10 to 20 per cent. We buy direct from. one of the largest Factories iri the Province, and are in a position 14) give you bargains. Conk and see Its and nnr prices. We :D'e determined to take the lead in this town for goo(' l.titel` at the,llovest prices. Searle's Block, Clinton PLUDISTEEL UIBBINGS OUR HATS Yoll'I VVe are showing the lines line of Spring&Summer Hats Ever brought to this town. All New Styles, }test Quality, and 1'riues Low. TRY US ONCE. WE CAN PLEASE YOU. We have everything that rt gentleman requires, at prices to suit all pockets. Our extensive lino of HOSIERY comprises goods of all weights, in a variety of colors and qualities, from an expensive Soblt to the cheapest grades. SUSPENDERS will also be found in grefit variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs anitl Neckwear is larger then ever before, and the finest in the place etwfl.A-' GEO. 0LAS(>7OW, CLINTON Monday morning aserious tatabb ing affray:occurred about a mile south of Dunnville, in which Thorn; Grills stabbed Wm. Barry, :t • neighbor. 1t appears that Mr. GriIlls' horses broke in Mr Barry's 'field of grain and this morning whilo the latter and a third man were driving them out they were joined by Frillis who is a sickly man, when after a heated conver- sation both men drew their knives and clinched. Barry, who seems to have been the cooler, closed his knife before taking hold of his opponent, when he re- ceived two serious cuts in the back, which, although serious, aro not considered fatal. Griffis ..has been arrested. Have just opened out 2 cases more of those CHEAP PRINTS, New Patterns. GLOVES at HOSIERY Splendid assortment to choose from. To hand, New Lawns, Mullins, Chambrays, and Black Lace Bunting. 5 per cent off for cash JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. HOI GEN B. AN AGE OF BIG CUTS' -'44 'We live in an age of big'cnts is prices, Call at the - HUB Where you can get genuine bargains in Tea, Sugar, Coffee, and all staple Gro- ceries. A new lot of GLASSWARE, new design, the very best of glass. Printed and plain TEA and TOILET SETS. Also, all kinds of Baskets, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, Brushes and Woodenware, very cheap. Eggs and Butter taken as cash. CEO S % AL.i.OW, CLITVTCIIN CLINTON MARKETS. corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, June 20, 1889. Wheat, fall 85 a 0 00 83 a .90 Oats 213 a 0" 27 Barley Peas Flour per cwt Butter Eggs Pork Hay 040 a 040 052 a 053 275a2.73 013 a 014 010 a 011 5 75a 6 00 9 00 a 900 , BLYTH MARKETS Blyth, -June '20, 1889 Wheat, fall,wbite and red. 0 83 a.0 90 Wheat spring, 0 85 a 0 90 Oats 26 a 0 27 -0 40 a 040 052 a 053 0 9 a 0 10 013 a 014 5 50 a 6 00 550 a 600 900 a 900 Barley Peas Eggs Butter Hogs - Beef Hay TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, June 20, 1889. Wheat, fall 0 93 a 0 96 Wheat, spring 0 97 a 0 97 Barley 0 48 a 0 52 Oats' 0 31 a 0 32 Peas 0 58 a 0 60 Butter, rolls 0 15 a 0 17 Butter, large rolls 0 13 a 0 15 Eggs per dozen 0' 12 a 0 13 • MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET About :300 head of butchery' cat- tle, 75 calves and 300 sheep and lambs offered at the East End ab attoir. Trade was active and de- cidedly higher prices were paid. Latest cablegrams from Britain re- port cattle advancing, and though the scarcity of shipping space pre- vents shippers ft'oln forwarding, 11ic prices of' good _shipping bul - lotcks are advancing: Good butch- ers' cattle sold readily at 4 t ,, or al out }c' higher than ton days ago. There is an active demand -for calves let advancing rates. Sheep in active demand at $4.50 to $ 7.50 each, lambs'from "$2.51) to $ 4.25, fat hogs dull at front 51c to 5`ic• per lb. The receipts ofcattle fell considerably short of lint week, owing probably to the bail reports from the other side, The trade in horses is quite. Prices are to high in the country and the prices of common stock must become lower before any .active trading can be carried on here. Fair de- mand for good drivers' and com- mon workers. There has been a fair trade and little change in val- ues either in export or butchers'; the latter -market being well sup- plied, mostly with inferior Stock. Short supply of sheep. Hogs quiet, choice lots bringing 5c. , rrHORO-BRED DURHAM PULL FOR J.. SERVICE.—Subscribers keep for service at their farm,Base Line, Goderieb township, athoro-bred Durham Bull,registered. Terms $1 at time of service, with privilege of re - 'turning, if necessary, TYNDALL BROS. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO rent, at corner of Rattenbury and Erie Streets, containing seven rooms, with cellar good stable on the lot, hard'and soft water good bearing orchard and all conveniences. Possession given at once. THOS. TIPLING FOR SALE = THAT FERTILE FARM, the homestead of R. Barkwell, Londes- boro, is offered for sale on easy terms.— There are few farms to equal it in this sec- tion. Also, desirable house on Princess St., Clinton, for sale or to rent. R.SAWSWELL Clinton HOUSE AND FOUR ACRES 01" LAND for sale. Subscriber offers for sale a frame house, story and a half, with 4 acres of land, on which are a number of hearing fruit trees, stable, hard and soft water, dec.— Situate at Bandon, in the Township of Hul- let. Sold on very reasonable terms. L: MELVILLE, Clinton.. Flour, Feed and Seed Business for sale Thu subscriber, who is desirous of going to Manitoba, offers for sale his Flour and Feed and Seed business in Clinton. It is well established, with a good profitable trade, and is a splen- did chance to pushing, live man, Terms satisfactory. ROBT FITZSIMONS,Clinton FARM FOR SALE — UNDERSIGNED offers for sale Lot 22, 3rd con. Hullett, (near the Cemetery) '100 acres, 90 cleared and free of stumps, balance bush. comfort- able house, frame' barn 50 x 30, with good stabling, orchard nearly an acre, never -fail- ing spring creek. School house adjoining the farm No better soil around—clay and clay loam Situate llj miles from Clinton,— Possession given any time after the crop is off. Terms easy. A rare chance to secure a goo place. MRS, HODGSON, or FRANCIS the premises. SPE CIAL The wife of' Samuel Turbot, of the M. C. R. shops, gave birth, to a babe Las week which has seven toes 00 each foot and two tlrllinl/s on each hated, The Manitoba Government's crop bulletin, of .Juno lst, shows that a large acreage of wheat was unusually early, but the season has not been altogether favorable for growth, It is understood that Dir Dewe, Inspector of postoffices,, is to bo superannuated. His superannu- tion will date from the first of July next, Some other promin- ent officals are spoken of as likely to bo placed on the superannuation . lif-t, SUNDRIES rIOTTAOF. TO RENT — THE COTTAGE lJ at present occupied by Mr Shearer, op• polite the Model School, is offered torrent. MISS FOXTON, Clinton FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. -9011• sr-rttnM:a offers to rent, either furnished or not,a small cottage on Albert Street north, Suitable for a small family, anri has every convenience. Front moderate. MiSS GAR. VIE, on th i premises, or of MANNING & SCOTT. VERY DESIRAi3LE HOUSE AND LOT for sale—Tho uudereigned offers for sale that new house on Princess Street onet, erected only last summer; It is a two-story frame, containing 7 roDmn, climate, &e, with stone foundation throughout, good collar, hard and soft water, woodshed. Halt -aero lot, planted with fruit trees. Owner in de- sirous of leaving town aryl will give reason• .able terms. hfltS C. WIiiTRLY :1 Li WALL PAPER am(, DECORATIONS, et prices that suit the time;. COPP & LOGAND ISAAC STREET, ('LIN'roN. The Intpresve(1 1V" lair('. Another lot of the WHITE SKEWING MA- C)IINiIS just arrived, which I am selling cheap. - See the new self-settin1g, needle, see the ties stitch regulator, set tics regulator by number for any length of stitch you re- quire, no need to sew 0 piece of goods to Jct the right length of stitch. The new Tentitou Reliever is the newest improvement On any machine; as soon as the presser foot is raised the tension is loosened, and no ]freaking of thread or needles in taking the goods out of the gtachiuo. Examine the new Bent Wood Coi7er—the strongest cover made, Have a machine sent to your house on trial. I want: you to be perfectly satisfied that rho White is the best machine for the Motley, if not,' I will take it away; it will cost you nothing to try one, .f, WORRELL, Agent 1f,uLi4EIt MILLS FOR SALE The almost new Londesboro holler Mills ; in good running order, water and steam power. Post office, telegraph and railroad convenient. Only a small amount down,tho rest to suit the purchaser if secured. This is a rare chance, Ap1,ly to .3 HUBEI3, Box 168, Berlin, or ILS. HeitER, Oft the premises Londesboro, Ont. ALES -ME WANTED e® to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock, on SALARY AND EXPENSES, or commission. Steady employment. Apply at once, static ago. Refer to this paper. J. 11, NELLJS di CO., Rochester N.Y. 0 EEDUUFD RATES To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLIJMIBiA. And the NOR•WESTERN STATES VIA BEATYS SARNIA• LINE Steamers, United Empire, Ontario and Camptna, ealll,pg from Sarnia during m1vi- getion iweather permitting) every Tuoeday and Friday night, and calling on Wednes• day and Saturdays at (loderich and Kilmer dine, connecting at the latter place with the G. T. R. train leaving Lilinton at 10 a, tri., for St Joe's Leland, Garden River, Sault Ste, Mar.?; Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific Railway. and at Duluth with the Red River Valley Railway. Lowest Rates, best aeccm- modn,tfons, Express time and choice of routes. JAMES H. BEATTY (leu]. Manager Sp,rpiti W, JACKSON A. 0. PATTIsON Agents, Clinton, smnai rpm -1m Bargains :in _Tweeds, AT DETLOR & CO'S DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP SALE, WONDERFUL VALUE. —AI SO, Boy'.s - .,..ReadyAV1ade C1othing, AT JOB PRICES. Dress Goods at PanicPrices Parasols at Wholesale prices Detlor & Co., Clinton T. JACKSON Sr, The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people. of Clinton and Pro - 'ince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct tite FINE TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON :beet. Ilulnense bargains :will be given in Fine; Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that. will, astonish the closest buyers. Cheapside t:; Stock We shall commence, TIIURSDAY, JUNE 6th, to clear out- all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, Embroide- ries, Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Grey and White Cot- tons, Table Linens, Oil Cloths and Carpets, Men's, Boys. and Girl's Straw Hats, Lace Curtains'; and Curtain Nets, AT PRICES FAR BELO\V OR1GIAL COSTI Everything will be sold without reserve. ]Wc will commence this sale Thursday morning. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton TAYLOR&S ONS A FULL LINE OF' Ladies, Gent's and Boy's Lawn Tennis and Lacrosse SHOES Just received, which will be sold cheap. Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per cent oft for cast'. YLOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH