HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-06-14, Page 6>Q QINTEIitS ON AC,1IUCL'L-• every year a source of profit. In • Ontario wheat will not be port TURF: WORTH able to the farmer short of one KNOWING). ' dollar a bushel. Bad seasons or ether causes may make its pro- _____ duction a loss at times ; but where Thaeliiteatauy'" the N.vW I:uglau this fact exista it i.ecj..tlter_ttalnpor- Farrner, who knows OHly how t° ary or in that place the growing turn a good furrow, prepare the of wheat must be abandoned. soil for the seed, :.top the growth The question at present is, by Of weeds and promote the grvlvth whom and where can wheat I 0 of plants, has not mastered the grown most cheaply? If Ontario : than ~ India Russia the North- I '• ' 1 natural state of things could not tS tor �pl, last. If there he anything �j in 000nomies it i» that the produc- tion of a great staple of human food like wheat must, in the long Information the for Tillers run, be profitable to those en- gaged of tits buil. gaged in it, not that it will he art of successful farming. Nor has the man who knows only how 'to raiso tine horses, .li'ek cattle or fat swine, CI' le,./W t') 11_t'iilize his fields to the best edvaateg47, ruiee the best corn or p'ata',)e• er the i'an 'crow wheat more eheal)ly WOIIILN AND FIIxCE ' ' The reason why a woman is afraid of a West or the Western States it will mouse is a profound mystery—indeed, it has incidently benefit all other indus, never been very clearly proven that she is. tr:e., But it i9 doubtful whether etuck•1•ai.fngy i$ net QUI' run- ' highest yield of rats •,1• hal ley, mount niid one \vlrlch ='ho man \V'br, )•.ally ui;,kco it we should go more generally into, thorough llt'e'4.n t„ .i lall'lln,l' n1 d -t combine all these element., r,f knowledge and nosey more. It'.sed to be said that any fool could become it t ii'nlc!' ; but at the present day people begin to realize that the farmer need:. the most education. The time line gone by When the hap•liuz:u't1, slipshod, groan-yeu-licaec0 meth- ods of fnrrnim, .can t•O nettle to %'1yift"would be thutlatiht • ofd the manufacturer who did not know to the fraction of a eent the et,tat of the raw material and labor put into a yard of cloth, or the manu- facturer of leather who did riot know the exact emit of the mater- ial or labor required to slake a case of boots and shoes, or the manufacturer id oleomargarine who knows whist it costs per pound, and laughs in his sleeves at the farmer's gilt edged butter. And yet how many farmers can tell the cost of a plaind of butter or pork, a bushel ot potatoes or corn, or a .ton of hay ? They sell their produce flee watt they are offered, not knowing whether they are making of lot-ing. The remedy is thise When farm. mai come to realize that farming is a business as mull as mattufate turing, or banking, or buying feral selling goods, and by a caretul keeping of accoutlts learn to fig- ure the coat of every article they produce, then a ntic:cessful begrinn- ing; will have been made. Let them keep debit and credit with every acre of ecru, potatoes; helms or grain. Charge each 001'0 Wath il;tere,t • ..lin its value, the pruhable.anu)ufit , of 4,rtilieing iiatti,r.ial used. by the ,crop, the•eost of lithtrr itt it- Bale, Lectin it with the market vele. of1.he crop produced. The defer- - once between the two will repro-. VERY R(S''\ SPECULA- . sent the profit or los, • TIONS. A like account should be kept *id) the herd of cows. II' any of the number entails a 1055 uponyou, dispose of her. Keep a stria account with the orchard, if you have one. •Debit it with the labor employed in its care and in harvesting; of its fruit: Credit it with the value of its golden product, and learn from the balance on the right side of the ledger that it is one of your best friends. I have ,.aid that the farmer noes to be, educated for his business. One branch of study I would particularly mom -.mend : that; is bookkeeping. I speak from personal knulwlodge and,experienco, and know it pays. It is like the compass to the mar - i ner. Tho farmer's hook is one of re ference to which he can at any- time refer file date of article bought or Fold, and price given and received for the seine. This book will solve the great problem 'Where does our money go to ?' and per'chanc'e lead to amore careful consideration and eeou- omy. Hating learned to ,ca Iodate the .'cost of the products of the farm, the next business is to learn how to sell them. Make a Study of the markets, and learn for ,yours selves the prices of those things you wish to sell.. If youcannot your own prices, you can at least prevent being taken advan- tage of by unscrupUloun traders. However. in the meantime from general advices wheat will not long; remain at present prices, hnt will have an upward tender - Free Press. 0 N TA RIO'S SUCCESS 1N \1.8.R- ING CHEESE. • Englishmen sometimes ask, How comes it that a yoneg country like Canada has forced her way ahead of il%iose all coinffetitors; itj,'Ilre i hgese Markets of Great Britain? No rents, little taxes, •and great natural re- sources will; no doubt, suggest an answer in part; but if some further influence is 1..0 be sought , as we be- lieve it mtist be, it may he found in the judicious stimulous which the industry receives from the govern- ing authorities in the various Pro. vinces. Take Ontario as an in- stance. Where in England will you End an organisation which pro- vides the fru•tne'•s free of charge with such a bulletin as that entitled "Notes for Cheese -makers for flay," which Mr James W. Robertson, the Proessor of Dairying at'the Guelph Prnvincial College, has prepared,aud which has by this time reached all Ontario farmers through the Pro- vincial Department of Agriculture? In the first place we find nine prac- tical suggestions as to the manage- ment of factories and their surround- ings; next corse thirty suggestions on "Milk and Making;" and lastly four suggestions for the patrons of each cheese factory. In this lit:le eight -paged pamphlet • the Ontario farmer 1105 0 'vatic mecum' to tf,i' highest forms of cheese -making. What wonder that with such a roy- al road to success pointed out to him he should outdistance his competi- tors even -in European markets.- - Canadian (.+dettl', 'London. • for Infants and Children. ••Costerdofaeowefadaptedtoobildreath/It esstoria# cures Colic. Coasttpotins, L carne to ins. t as superior tow preacrfprlon ! Ki s Worms, ch givb sleep, Eructation, Iu'mtes ill - known to tae." H. e., Amass, N.D., lit Bo. Work/ St, Illroolclya, N. Y. I Without injurious saedioaYwn. TRs CCNTACR COa1PANIt, 77 Murray I••trent, :' ) MINIIIMMINNIMISIGNMENNEIMIMINEEMININI But some women are tonstantiy in such a ' F■A nervous, irritable condition that the slightest ,� `�r L[®', h`�], thing annals and startles them. The cause of this untortunate state of affairs is usually some functional derangement; some distress- ing or painful irregularity, sotne derange- ment or peculiar weakness incident to lwr sex ; or, it may be due to inflammation, ul- ceration or displacwnent, of some of the Pelvic viscera, or to other organic lesions peculiar to ber ex. From whichever eausE it ma; arise, hr. Pierce's Favorite Pr . erip- tion is a positive remedy, so certain in its curative results that its manufacturers eE•ii it, through druggists, under a cuarantu if its giving, satisfaction in every case, or money, pad for it will be t,rremldtit re- funded. A a soothing and strtiptr; ma nervine, , Favorite Prescriptionis tier. quilled and is invaluable in allaying and sub- duing nervous excitability, irritability', ex- haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms cum- tnonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves' mental anxiety and de- Tho.Nurth\veat farmers who're. fused to ,market, their 'wheat last winter were not the only tbolish husbandreu in" the country. -- They deelinded to sell when wheat was bringing ,1 and over in cath. at \Winnipeg, Brandon and other paints, and, according t() present inquiry for their stocks and the harvest outlook, it may be a long time before they are afforded so favorable an opportunity to mar- ket the produce.- But they can console themselves that they have companions in the .East in the Quebec farmers, who last fall were offered from $12. to $18 per ton for hey, but hoped for even high- er prices, and therefore refused to sell. To day they gladly accept from ;;8 to $10 per ton, and un- less something untoward happens to the crop they will be wise to sell if quotations as high ati those are presented to them. There is no harm in a man holding, the products of his labor for a rine,but many disadvantages attend specu- lation of this nature. .He is a cute farmer who can tell ,just when to hold and when to let go, and who never gets nipped. We are not very- sure it the: ,ir•ogreesive agri- eul.turists of the Niagara Peninsula always corns out ahead in schemes fee scettring the best possible re- turns for their labor. The nun. icer of the Canadian.) farmer ia,to a very great extent, controlled by foreign influences over which ,he has no control, • and which .are pretty hard to eol'rectly gauge. As experience goes,it is generally safe for him to nmiket his pro- ducts and gets his money when prices are fairly good. Sot0on as speculative values have to be taken t•rtu account, there is danger that delay ie selling may bring loss, as it certainly has done to the spoil - !eters in wheat and hay who re- - fus d to sell when prices were ccg paratively.high, beeauate they either did not know the extent of the shortage in these articles, or failed to take into account the fact that ahen one food, whether for man or beast, becomes abnor- mally dear, those who are in need, of it may refuse to pay the price asked while opportunity is pre- sented to get another class; at a comparatively low price. For in- stance, the apple and potato crops in Canada and the 'United Status, as well as ir, many parts of the Old Couptry, were very large last year. Both could easily be sub- stituted for wheat and bay as 30r4 for man and beast, and no donl)1 were, and this may in part to -- count for the small demand for the wheat and hay of the spoor. Wars, Nature often thwarts the selfish: all too gay �p from 25 :IL pi: 1b, - "Give, tuettnother pound of Tea, I believe that is.the best Tea in town," So much for the Secret Blend Tea to be Ila only at our store. Butter and Eggs wanted.. Copyright, ls'64, by Woman Dib. Mao...hang. DA PIERCE'S PELLETS Anti - 13ilious Granules. aro Laxative, or Cathartic, according to size of dose. By Druggists, 25 cents a vial. Use Barkwell's sure Cora andWartCurz SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. TEE WHEAT 'PROSPECTS.' Spceulutors are hammering at the price of wheat, urging the promised large crop as a reason for snaking it cheaper. In this market it sells for about 84 cents a bushel. It in flOt certain yet that the wheat crop this year will be a large one. A number of contingencies, such as continued drought, or its opposite a wet harvest, insect pests and fungoid enemies, are yet liable to diminish the present prospects of a good crop. Both the visible and invis- ible supplies of wheat are now much below what they were five years ago-1884—when it reached 512,000,000 bushels, while then other countries on which the world depends for wheat had much fuller ('raps than now. The Aus- tralian, Indian .and South Ameri- can'whent crops this year are all much *smaller than for the last five years. The decline in prices a few years ago took thousanddof fanners by surprise, and has doubtless discouraged many. The surprise was the greater because the now factor of cheap Ifildian and Russian wheat was not then fully understood. Under thi18 in- fluence wheat prices were `.breed down below cost of production and for the most of the time have renrialned PO ever since. This un. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. 3, Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work fro, by sending their address (enclosing; a two -cent stamp for mailing same). to I)R. I3. J. KENDALL Co., ENOSliOno FALLS, VT. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phetionienal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold ih the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in tite same period of time. We feel con- fident that our patroua will appreciate the work and be glad to avail themselves "f this opportunity of obtaining a valu- able book. _ It is necessary that you mention this (raper in sending Lor the "'Treatise." This offer will remain upon far only a short time. April Y,;. —..,•.,.•r-- • -- i. il:-. An Important Improvement. The NEW Sovt S'r0. 01111Practic Pedal 9.t tachl]ient to ti Nr. w9 1'1 \No staves the oervt;'s r 1 til'e ,listener or performer,. 1'utr,:4'0 ,. a' well l.: the in4trunteflt from •n•.•ar, tri) l irre. servos the tone. Comll Suss Clothes Dilyler. .lust what evt•rybn,ty'i ant::. 1 ;u beet of line in tutu, space., can bc ,ur•i1?'.r£,i,e:dur ldwered- Cannot fa11 N.10.11 - ruitN.l.,. The handiest clothes dryer i,, )511 1-:11.lorieri by, all who have tried, 0, and warranted to Give entireaatis/action: Can I,t used by achild of 10 years old as easily na by an aduit person 1. COJIER a SON', 'Weuuou and Carriage Makers, Etbel, So1e.Agenta ter i 'Iron, Bruce, HMI Waterloo, and \Va71a4•' and Eltua'rown• ships, W. E. WALDRON, Patented. . 1889. HARPER'S Magazine N'rRA'WED. IlA,l llIi s ALLoAZINg in the most useful, enter- taining and beautiful perioditai n1 the world. Among the attractions for 1860 will be a new novel- nu American story, entitled "Jupiter Light." - by Constance F. )Woolson ; illustrations of Rhakesptare's Comedies by E. A. Abbe) ; a •erica of articles op Russia, illustrated by T. de Thulstrup ; ,paper, Ott the Dominion of Canada and a charaeteristie serial by •Charles Dudley Ware, ; three "Norwegian Studies," by Rjrhn- stjerno lijornson, illustrated: "Contmodus," a badories1 play by the author of "Ren-ilur,' illustrated by J. R. We,uetht,, etc: The Editorial Departments. aro conducted by George Willia(n Curtix, willlant Dean Howells, and Charles Dudley Warner.' A. S. PLLI SE R & CO., Family Grocers, next to Town Hall. . • N E W . SPRING GOODS Our stock is now complete in every department. Full lie's in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, SHIRTINGS, COT- TONS, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and small wares, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FUR- NISHINGS, in great variety. Ready Made Clothing and Clothing made to order. Remember we make up SUITS from $2 to $3 less than any other house in town, and dont forget to see us when ordering new suits. IHARPEIt'S PERIODICALS. Prat YEAH: • HARPER'S MAGAZINF ' 4,4 HARPEE'S WEEKLY f U HARPER'S BA%.elt 4 I,AItPEIt'S YOL'N0 PEOPLE . Postage free to all subscribers in the Cnite Stites, Canada or Mexteo. The volumes of the M,AnAztcg tit C i1 with the 1 ,nllsrs far%tune and 'Dece•u, Nor of cavil year. H•ht•n no time Is 914 itierl', snbseriptions will begin with the Number current at time of re. ecipt of order, ' Round volume. of HAIllatI s MAUA,.tly for three years Iniyh, in treat cloth binding will he rent by mail, post-paid, on tet:eipt .if $3.i' NO' volume. Cloth eases, for 1101(100f, d.0 ivIdseat+ by mail, pt,st•pald. index 19 11001'00'S MAUAzr3R, Aiphabvtirn1 >`inatytica1• and Classified, for Volume- 1 bolo incl u•tii•t., frau, June, 1,150, to June, 1.41), ace vol,,iseo, cloth, $4.00. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of 1ltttita& 0,, rusas Remittances shoala l be meds by Posh( tpae Money order or' Draft, to wood (hence of ]o... AQdrrs• : HARPER ,t 11140THRIK New vork Don't hawk, and blow, and spit, t• but use Dr. Sago's Catarrh Home. dy. Of druggists. 50 cis. 1889, HARPER'S WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED. 000 BOOTS & SHOES \1'o tvi h t,) call-pecial attention to our .Boot and Shoe department. We have rine of the largest stocks fn town and.cun save you from 10 We u> '?il.pr'r'cent. \i e buy direct from one o#'thcJ•ar'grcrt Factories in the Province, and are in a position to give 'y'ou bargains. Come apd ti see us tied out- pricer. We are determined to take: the lead; in this tow]) flit• eoocl goods et the:lowest piiees. Billie )t $ WEEKLY 11,44 a well-estuhlishcd )114co as the leading illustrated newspaper hi America. The fairness Of Its editorial comments on current polllics has earned for it the respect and confi- dence of all impartial readers, and the variety and excellence of its literary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of ',wide of the widest range of testes and pursuits. Supplemenst are frequently provided, and no expense i, spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign his. tory. A new work o4 fiction, from the pen of William Dean Howells, and one by Capt. Charles Ithrg. will he among the leading foatnres ,.1 the t\'N.KarY for 1889 TIA1tl'ER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR HARPER'S WEEKLY iiASPEit'S MAc1AZINR HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE s block, . • );Linton 1 1 OURHATS • ..On • I'LIJAISTEEL & GIBBINGS We are showing the finest line of tc^ Spri I1 g &Summer Hats. Ever brought to this town. All Now Styles, Best Quality, and -._ Prices Low. TRY US ONCE. WE CAN PLEASE YOU. THE LEADING �oa Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers, - Undertakers, And Upholsterers. PICTURE FRAIIINQ A SPECIALTY. CALL AT THE Red RockerFu rn itu re E m po ri u m Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton dooxisemwxte.d 99- GROCERY -99 Having bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first class Grocery. Nothing but _first-clss,;aods will be kept, and sold at the closest margin. We have a large stock of rTMAS Which we guarantee to sive satisfaction. tall and get prices. We it'ill not be it ersold by any house in the trade James Anus, 99 Albert ' St. Clinton INA HALL To -make room for New ImPortations, we will, until Dec. Int, GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CAI H D GLASS\VAREon our large ock of CROCKERY, CHINA DsECORATED DINNER ANI) TEA SETS . 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. - Parties in need of anything in this line should not4iniss the opportunity of se- curing cheap•bargaill,, as we are bound to reduce our stock. . We"cffer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth GO. . We cffer' NEW SEASON BLACK. TEA at 25•'cents, worth 40. • - We offer NEW SEASON GREEN- TEA at 25 cents,: worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, • cheap. 2 BROOMS. for 25c, , FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, fIERRIIvG. BLOATERS, an Goods, a promptly delivered to any part of the town,' . Give us-ca11. °BtITTEit-AND EGGS TAKEN -AS CASH. - N, ROBSON. CHINA HALL. B. LUARANCE'S Spectacles We have everything that a gentleman requires, at prices, to suit all pockets. Our extensive line of HOSIERY comprises goods of all Weights, in a variety of colors. and qualities, from an expensive Sock to the cheapest grades. SUSPENDERS will also be found in great variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear is larger than ever before, and the finest in the place GEO. GLASGOW, CLINTON d4 00 4 00 400 200 THE - L I N T O N NEW E R. HOLMES - - Publisher, • - CLINTON, - . - ()NT TUE NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it • gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh -Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct , Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. ' u tege free to all Ruhscrlhers in the Coifed States, Canada or Mexico, The volameg of the 1KKKi.v begin tho firkt Number for January of each year. When no time ag mentIon 4l, subscription, will begin with the nnmhbr current at time of receipt r4 order. Round volume. of 11 A R rens' W RRK Lv, for three years hook, 10 neat cloth binding, wilt he gen t,• (tall, pnatsge mild, OF by expreg4, free of C•;l• 1„•st (provided the freight duos not execed one (loiter per volume), fur 81 per volume. Cloth 'ere+ for each volume, suitable for binding, will he sent h,t• 111111, pO l -palet, on re. . oipt of et ear+. Rendttanre• g+outd he made by i'ost•011ice steres 1(gist or Draft, 411 avoid thanee r f Ings, Newwp„pers are not tocopy this whorl's( ment w ithont the expressorder ,.441481114 .t Illttn RRs Ar;d.'r•• 1 11551'111 & IIItOTi1ERS, New Y JOB DEPARTMENT. We have all the latest styles of type for Circulars, Sale Rills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON. These celebrated Spectacles are fitted in every instance, with B. Lan- . rance's test, and a certainty of' boiug suited is guaranteed. You can depend on;;citing, the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at . MAS J-ACK$$OIN'S SR., CL IW TON aUT 1 STIFF' HATS All the leading styles, 1 ought • from the best Manuf'acturer's. ' OFT HATS — The best ani! 'cheapest goods in the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is worth seeing, .ex- . cellent quality, .and away down in price. . Close;huyc)s absurd nt,t fail to cell and see these goods, the low price and good quality aro selling them very tact 11it'llt't, H'1L1'lliylllll.�Pi tnfl Fine r1)ai1U1'ing PRANK SHEPHERD, The beams •TatIor, AihertSt. CLINTON The People's GROOERY CORNER HURON AND ONTARIO STREETS, Is the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS. We are receiving a tine new stock RAISINS—New Valencias, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, i-a:trr \•altncias CURRANTS—New Barrel Currants; new Box Curr'tinta. PEELS—Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels; NUTS—Soft-Shell Almonds, Brasil, Filberts, I'eacans, Peanuts, English Wal- nuts, best 'qualities. CONFECTIONERY—Our assortment cannot he surpassed. ' , LEMONS ,ted ORANGES—Fresh Sweet Russell Oranges, California Oranges, Valencia and Malagas, GRAIL.., --White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes ' CROCKERY and GLASSWARE — We are giving bargains in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. FISH, ale.—We also constantly keep in stork Oysters, •Haddie, Bloaters, Ciseoes, &c SUNDRIES—Cranberries, Bermuda Oniona .Common Onions. TEAS—Special values in Teas. We have them as low as five pounds for $, and as high as 70c. per Ib., and we can guarantee the quality to be the beat Our to we tion a few eading articlesQort"�nmetin anrl see far o yourself. We will give yon! goodnv value and al liberal discount for cash. Cuninghame & McMurray g THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON