HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-06-14, Page 5SPECIAL PRICES ---I b WATCHES FOR 30 DAYS. A Solid Silver, Full -Jewelled Lever Watch $6.85, worth $10. A Solid Silver Waltham or Elgin dust proof Watch $10.45, worth $13 A Solid 3 oz S. American Watch, with chain, $5.50, worth $7.50 A solid Gold full.jewelled Ladies Lever Watch, $18, worth $25. A Solid GoId, Stem-winding Elgin Watch, $28, worth $38 A Gent's, Gold.Filled, Stem-Winditg Watch, warranted for 20 years, $33, worth $28. Remember, these prices will only last for 30 days. 1;. Laurance'$ Spectacles at 40c. a pair ROB. W. . COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. k• BABY CARRIAGES, WALL PAPER, Prices reduced for stock -taking New Baskets & Fans DON'T. FAIL TO SEE THEM. COOPER'S Book Store, Clinton. .A. L .A.R M E. D_ HOUSEHOLD TALK _IS- r � r J_�►7C7 _IRWINe LOW. PRICES IN TEAS; . STJGARS, CANNED GOODS, - CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. (Butter and Eggs taken as cash J. W. IRWIN, The .Times Tea Warehouse, Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON THE POPULAR PLEICIDEZINISMODONIMIIMINA _,mom tee. OUSE LON D E S B O R O Old getWeatit WE Are sHowing a Good Assot&Tm Ent of MUSLINS in Spots, ChEcks, Stripes, LAWNS anD COIORS A fine range Embroideries et Laces,, Complete assortment of GLOVES in Lisle, Silk and Kid Good range Hosiery, back & colors A 1 value in Parasols—going fast. Light Pints, choice patterns&colors X X X What is creating the excitement in the GROCERY DEPARTMENT? Simply this, W3 are selling a fine NATURAL -LEAF 1'APAN TEA, withCUPS and SAUCERS, PLATES, &c. 'at adecided bargain. And we are selling GLOBE BAKING POWDER, with handsome presents in clear and colored Glass. 1)n not fail to see these goods. W. L. OUIMETTE, L,ONDFSBORO The President Calling. To GoDEntcu.—THE SICK TO RECEIVE BERMES Fuzz Hugh Mack Gregor Wilson M.D.C.M., of the college of physicians and surgeons, Toronto, Canada, of Albany,New York, of Bellvue hospital medical college, New York City surgeon to her majesty's forces, Canada, late surgeon in the United States army, and president of the great governmental staff of English physicians and surgeons, "inoorporat," will arrive at the Albion house on the morning of Jnne 19th, and will remain until the evening of June 21st, all those who visit the Doctor before the evening of June 21st will receive advice for the first three months free. The only one favor they ask is a recommendation from those they cure. The staff will re- turn to Goderich every three months. These specialists will not keep any patient in suspense. If your case is in- curable they will frankly and honorably tell you; also caution you against spend- ing your money for medicine which im- posters usually suggest. Remember these English gentleman treat all varie- ties of diseases and deformity. They have had a vast experience both on land and sea, also in the following hospitals and infirmaries, viz : London, England Paris, Berlin,Ediuburg,Dublin, Belfast, Heidelberg and Stockholm. Office hours from 9 4.01. to 7 P. M. Will be at the Royal Hotel, Kincardine, June, 22, 23, and 24; at Grand Central Hotel Lis- towel, June, 25, 26, and 27. Educational Pointers. (Contributed.) Wise discipline develops and strengthens that. " rectitude of will" which Epictetus puts first among the objects of human life. A child must - first learn to -choose between good.. and evil, and'to earnestly desire and in- tend to do what is right. Then—and this is often a very slow process—he must gain that self-knowledge and self–restraint which will enable him to carry nut this intention, amid the actual temptations and difficulties of life. The exigencies of the school room, the play ground, and the fami- ly circle are all opportunities for as- serting and practising that self -con trol a hich grows easy by practise. This discipline of the will and of the whole nature is education. Moral lesson on anger-,-Causes.— Anger is a passion excited by injury, either supposed or real. It it also caused by selfishness, injustice, envy, jealousy, self-conceit, strife and im•, patience. Consequences—Angerpro- ducesor causes hate, unhappiness in- justice, revenge. unpoliteness, remorse and unkindness. Application—An- ger may be prevented by being un- seifish patient and just. ' Nothing will carry a school to de- struction so quickly as insubordina- tion. The teacher of primary 'and gram- mar pupils must be uniformly bright and cheery. Do not wear yourselves out by a species of jumping jack activity be- fore the class, but seek a genuine physical activity, so rythmic as not to be exhausting. Take 'occasion frequently_to-empha- size the importance of a clean' and healthy skin, and that it can only be secured through frequent bathing. Nearly every school has some, pro- bably many, who never have a thor- ough bath. It is quite undeniable that educa- tion is progressing ; sensible object teaching, the word method, the kin- dergarten language lessons, flexible grading, and ''doing," especially in the lower grades, are all but univer– sally accepted. Manual training is coming along, and gramatical routin- ism going out; spelling with the meaning of words, and elementary science lessons are not far in the rear. 'Geographies contain less names and questions, reference books are in- creasing in number. The higher numbers of school readers are fuller of information lessons and patriotic selections, and history is more and more leaving out dry facts, and num- berless dates and names. Educational processes should al, ways be beneficial to body, mind and heart. This is a sound principle. It is of the utmost consequence that children shoulrl grow well. The three parts of our nature help or hin- der each other. If they do not help they hinder. Chat is not harmoni- ous is discordant. Here is our foun- dation, now we will build upon it. Over mental strain in school draws away from the physical forces of life, and hinders healthy bodily growth.. This effect is often seen, when, on the eve of an important examination, children lose their appetites, and are sleepless at night, irritable, restless, and generally nervous. There is more danger to be feared from over - excitement than from idleness, dur- ing the growing period of childhood.' Lazy children often make bright and successful men and women. 'There is rot much hope for a ehild who shows nervousness, sleeplessness and mental instability. Dull children usually keep their resburces undimin- ished for Iife'a work. There is no economy in drawing all the money out of life's bank, before the hank has been opened an hour.. Ir> making the arrest of a wo- man named I 'oderi(:Irv+ Eppinger on a charge of boarding infants without a license from the Board of Health, a queer monstrosity was discovered by the officers of the Society for' the Prevention of Cruelty to Children at New York. It was a child strangely malform- ed into a horrible resemblance toa fish. Its head recedes from the oycs•backward and a protruding mouth is kept constantly in mo- tion as the child; breathes in short gasps. There is the mixed ap- pearance of a fish's and a child's head all in one. The arms are connected to the sides by a thin membrane and have the appear. ance of tins. The legs are bound together in a similar manner and the feet turn outward. It i; said the mother of the monstrosity was a servant girl and the father her employer, and that the girl is suing the latter in the courts. Sale Register. house and lot, in Clinton, belonging to estate of Into David Welsh, on Sat. nrday, 22nd inst. D. Dickinson, Aunt. Coal IIonse and ether articles belong• ing to estate of R. M. Pricey, on the market square, Clinton, on Saturday, 22nd inst, D. Dickinson, Aust. e Estate Jaa 1EodgczuI Have just opened out 2 cases more of those CHEAP PRINTS, New Patterns. GLOVES 8c MIOSEErrY Splendid assortment to choose from. To hand, New Lawns, Muslins, Chambrays, and Black Lace Bunting. 4 5 per cent off for cash JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. gMCENS, AN AGE OF BI.G CUTS — We live in an age of big cuts in prices. Call at the , IIB GROCERY Where you can get genuine bargains in Tea, Sugar, Coffee, and all staple Gro- ceries. A new lot of GLASSWARE, new design, the. very best of glass. Printed and plain TEA and TOILET SETS. Also, all kinds of Baskets, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, Brushes and Woodenware, very cheap. Eggs and Butter taken as cash. 1:4EO, SW &LLUW, C1.4I1NTON CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, June 13, 1889, Wheat, fall • 85 a 0 90 Wheat, spring 85 a 90 Oats 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 53 Flour per cwt 2 75 a 2 75 Butter 0 13 a 0 14 Eggs - 0 10 a 0 11 Pork 5 75 a 600 Hay 900a900 BLYTH MARKETS Blyth, June 13, 1889 Wheat, fall,white and red 0 85 a 0 90 Wheat spring, 0 85 a 0 90 Oats 0 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 a 0' 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 53 Eggs 0 9 a 0 10 Butter 0 13 a 0 14 Hogs 5 50 a 600 Beef 550a600 Hay 900a900 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, June 13, 1889: Wheat, tall 0.96 a 0 96 Wheat, spring 0 96 a 0 97 Barley 0 44 a 0 53 Oats 0 33 a 0 34 Peas • 0.58 a 0 60 Butter, rolls 0 16 ' a 0 18 Butter, large rolls 0.1.5 a 0 16 Segs per dozen. • 0 13 a 0 14 To the Editor of the Clinton Nein E,a. DEAR SIR,—As the powerful bell of St. Peter's cathedral)rang oto the hour df six, the other morning, I bound on sandals, cast off the moorings and pulled out of Blanket Bay,and hastened to the station of the G. T. R., to witness the" arrival of that marvel of wonders the Globe train with the news of the world as its only cargo. Punctual on time, the large and powerful engine came ringing into the station. "Shove ahead that freight train" was the order given on the platfrom by some one in author. ity, "as there comes 'the Globe train; and es flyer c" And clear it was ee, s PE c iAL and the flyer came to s standstill. Well i sir, in less time than you could put on your coat the bundles and bagscontain- ing the Toronto Globe were all out of that lovely coach and in the hands of Ell Estes the agents: "Back up," .was the order given by the keen eyed, sharp looking condnctor,and in less time than it takes to write thtis the whole was over and the street full of boys shouting, "Toron• to Globe, all about the gig floods." I then turned for home much delighted with my early walk and the sights. I had often wished for the arrival of the Globe train, and musing on the wonde- fol amount of labor, skill and money •that it must take to give daily to the world such a magnilicient paper as the Globe. Just think of it for a moment. We go to our beds here at the usual hour, say ten oclock, and before we get up in the morning, news from the four quarters of the Globe is obtained print- ed and left at our door before I "got hhme, The Globe mest3enger had been there. I found breakfast on, the table and my better half reading the news of the day. . LoNnoa. IMPOUNDED — AT CLINTON,.9ve Year- lings, being one red Heifer, ono red and white Steer, one red and white Bull, one red Steer, one red Heifer with whitespots. Also five two year olds, being one red heifer, two red and white Steers, and two red Steels. U not previously reclaimed, will be sold at the pound, near the Foundry, on Saturday, 15th June at 1 p.m. F. FOLLAND, ponndkeeper `ITRAYED—FROM LCT 4, HURON ROAD IJ concession, Goderich Township, 2 yearl- ing Heifers, one spotted red and white, with small Borns and redspot on face, the other dark red, with some white spots. Any one returning them or giving information that will lead to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. Also, came into above premises, a yearling Heifer, spotted white. JOHN HOLMES For Sale or to Rent. We 'offer for sale or to rent, the House and lot lately occupied by her on Itat- tenbury Street. The house is a good two- story frame, with accomodation for ordin- ary family, and -usual conveniences, with hard and soft water. The lot is one-fifth of an acre, and being so centrally situated is a very desirable place. Terms reasonable, MRS OLIVER, Cinton, or MANNING& Scorr Flour, Feed and Seed •Busifless for sale The subscriber, who is desirous of going to Manitoba, offers for sale his Flour and Feed and Seed business in Clinton. It is well established, with a good profitable trade, and is a splen- did chance to pushing, live man. Terms satisfactory. ROBT. FITZSIMONS, Clinton FARM FOR SALE — UNDERSIGNED offers for sale Lot 22, Ord con. Hullett, (near the Cemetery) 100 acres, 90 cleared and free of stumps, balance bush. Comfort able house,' frame barn 80 x 30, with good stabling, orchard nearly an acre, never -fail- ing spring creek. 'S'chool house adjoining the farm No better soil around—clay and clay loam Situate by miles frond Clinton.— Possession given any time after the crop is off. Terms easy. A rare chance to secure a good place. MRS, HODGSON, or FRANCIS Ir the premises. SUNDRIES f'1OTTAt; E TO RENT — .THE COTTAGE iJ at present occupied by Mr Shearer, op- posite the Model School, is offered to runt. MISS FOXTON, Clinton FURNISHED HOUSE 7'O LET.—SUIT- SCR1REn offers to rent, Dither furnished or not,asmali cottage on Albert Street north, Suitable for 118111/1,11 family, and has every conve1ie11ce. Rent moderate. MISS GAR - VIE, on the premises, or -of MANNING & SCO'P'r. f iHOItO•I1ni:D-^ DURHAM BULL FOR SERVICE.—Subscribers keep for service at their farm,Base Line, Goderich township, a thorn -bred Durham Bull,registered. Terms el at time of service, with privilege of re- turning, if necessary. TYNDALL BROS. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO rent, at corner of Itattenbury and Erie Streets, containing seven rooms, with collar good stable on the lot, hard and soft water good bearing orchard and all conveniences. Possession given at once. THOS. TIPLING W O1t SALEM = THAT FERTILE FARM, the homestead of 1t. Barkwell, Londes- boro, in offered for sale on easy terms.— There are few fertile to equal it in this sec- tion, Also, desirable house on Princess St, Clinton, for sale or to rent, R. BARKWELL Clinton /VENDERS WANTED •TIINUEI(S WILL be received, either separately or in bulk, by ttie undersigned, up to Saturday, June ; 15, at H o'clock p.111., for the erection of n hapelin the Clinton. 1'lansck ptist and`specifis veneer cations can tof Iwn seen nt the otriee of J. C. COLE, to whom all I tenders should he nddressed, Hr. AND pout. AclLF:SOI' LAND for sale. anhscribcr offers for sole d frame house, story and a half, with 1 acres of land, on which ore a number of bearing I fruit trees, stable, hard amt soft water, dre.— Situate at ]Landon, in the Township of Bul- let. 801d on very rensnnahlo terms. I,: 11RLVILi,F, Clinton. 11 -ERY DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT V for sale—The undersigned offers for stile that new house on Princess Street east, ere'tc•d only last summer; it in a two-story frame, contitadajing 7 rooms, closets, &c, with alone foundation throughout, good eellar, hard and soft. water, woodshed, Half -acre lot, planted with fruit trees. Owner 18 (11 sirens of leaving town"anal will give reason Ode terms '198 <' witi'r :1.\' 111 WALL PAPER ane DECORATIONS, at prices that suit the times. OOPP & LOGAN ISA AC 8TRFIET, CLINTON. The Improved 'White. Another lot of the WHITE SEWING AIA - CHINES just arrived, which I am selling cheap. See the new self -setting needle, see the new stitch,regulator, set the regulator by number for any length of stitch you re• quire, no need to sew a piece of goods to get the right length of stitch. The new Tension Reliever is the newest improvement on any machine; as soon as the presser foot is raised the tension is loosened, and no breaking of thread or needles in taking the goods out of the machine. Jxamine the new Bent Wood Cover—the strongest cover made. Have a Machine sent to your house on trial. I want yon to bo perfectly satisfied that the White is the hest machine for the money, if not, I will take it away ; it will cost you nothing to try one. , ,J, \VORSELL, Agent 1tOLL1•.It 1IILLS FOR SALE The almost now Londesboro holler Mills ; in good running order, water and steam power. Post office, telegraph and railroad convenient. Only a small amount down,the rest to suit the purchaser if secured. This is a rare chance. Apply (0) NUBER, Box 198, Berlin, or H.S. HUIIEIR, on the premises Londesboro, Ont. ALES- M E WANTED to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock, on SALARY AND EXPENSES, or eontmineion. Steady employment. Apply at once, stating age. Refer to this paper. J. B. NELLIS & (:0., Rochester N.Y. 8 RED UUED HATES s�� mx� Bargains-in..:.TWo.od.s, .A.'2' DETLOR & CO'S DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP SALE, WONDERFUL VALUE. AI SO, Boy's Ready -Made .Clothing AT JOB PRICES., Dress Goods at Panic Prices Parasols at Wholesale prices Detlor & Co., Clinton T. JAcKsOiv, Sr, The Finest Clothingtitter in theibminion has returned to the ranks of , • the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro- vince of Ontario, that .he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock `Vonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLI) STAID, HURON Street. Iminense bargains will be given in Fine Ordered Cloth - in„ and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. Cheapside GOODS Stock We shall commence, THURSDAY, JUNE Gth, to clear out all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, Embroide- ries, Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Grey and White Cot- tons, Table Linens, Oil Cloths and Carpets, .Men's, Boys and Girl's Straw Hats,' Lace Curtains, -and Curtain Nets, AT PR1CS FSR BELO\V ORIGINAL COST. OrEverything will be sold without reserve. > 'We will commence this sale Thursday morning. T. Jackson,Sr, Clinton To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA And the NOR•WESTERN STATES VIA BEA1YS SARNIA LINE Steamers, United Empire, Ontario and Cronpaua, sailg from Sarnia dining navi- gntionRventhe permitt'in(�) every Tuesday and Friday nig it, and calling on Wednes- day and Satnrdaysat Goderich And Irinear ✓lino, connecting at the latter place with the (1,T, R. train leaving Gunton at 10 a. m., for St ,foe's island, Garden River, Sault Ste. Msr..; Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting nt ]'ort, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific Railway. And at Duluth with the Red Rlvc r Valley Railway. Lowest Rates, hest accon- modations, Express time and choice of rnllt(s. JAMES 11. til:\T9'\', W. JACKSON (lent. Mnnneer Sarnia A. 0. 1'ATTiSON Agents, Clinton �f. -.. TAYLOR &SONS A FULL LINE (l Ladies, Gent's and Boy's Lawn Tennis and Lacrosse SHOES Just received, which will be sold cheap. I' . -+ taken in exchange. 5 per cent of1 for cash. TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH 4