HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-06-14, Page 4. "I, . ­) I - 1. I., . 757. It'. . I. . . . . .1 . . . . . I i., ­ . . .. . . . .. 11. . . 11 .1 . . .. . . 11 tkkwwla I. 1 I _ ____....__.____ ___ - ------- _____, I .'' . _____ I . I ­­­­.. ; , ­ ____ -, _ "'. ''. ­ . � . ____ k W�___ .1 ascot of ,$tri ;tiriu, •..,,- s•::(ee r- t r t»ti old ,gun of George I!:.Cuoj4er Brua 11 EtYS 1 OTkS U()lltt4 t'vunttll. )pistakM. The weight ut evidence goes i lit! A��i+slitlllb0i11e C01t11111'1 j, r _ div {dt't' "tl$.1lifll S J_ : it, litirast) driving our p-rupte a• •%y. ,els, fell off a writinb deck to the t, show that 4) or 5,1 acres are better a i (, x ccatatwt uF erat�ass Tuat:sit r,>t�. than lou or over. la many Cases tLe tBy nue who %vas thAxe.) I fiuui and bt'Uke his collar built- .. llIary Schufielrt, :i a „than Of •.eltt'ders fvr uoal-- Iiartard Bros. _ witldings are much were expensive than { l'u BC CU!`Tr: t'Lt+) r 10u5e f)abits while it, a drunken Orderefor cowl- S. Davis'. r,ted br and tLt o�cials recommend Toe acenerl of Nativaiil X.ek� �"_� sirs 11 m. f)uk(a, it well knusi'tt , i Jailor Dickson reported that there , r , ! condition, fell from u two arse Faint GU rout -Alex �� nlsliI chis er and ,lamer oats. p or'e Band -1V. Jackson. are at present in jail, 7 1arisot:ers-5'I p• l The amallzr 3iuut.taiu Park i+el)rcially „ttractist, }} [jpp�pnnpp Farmers r (pp }r�{p re.iduut of the C •u. of U:'t}' window its TOt'ontoTu(ioda night. Ctrilzn males and d females; one of the females iustttuttons,aucji as would be ample fur becau•e of its rarie:y, l),i,rr moon 251 iit1rU11 i Urlllbrs 1!!t)tilUlU. 'Ilea 011 the tZypt n'rl L'1r[Lc1:+F. Y �' Clearing salty -J. Twitchell, y p the couuty of Iiuron, do not average iu I taics are higher, but we Lava no use _fle klAd a0veral ntrOkOa of j,:tru Hsl' head struck the corner of a Riindow shades &o• -Cooper & Co. fs insane, her case has been duly • re ort- coat scar „13,0uu. The i t'or thea%. Tilese ascend above the We propose in this issue to give a l3ais. wooden il.}ekiu CsaO underneath, For hot weather -W. L. Onimette. to the asyluliu ianowThe other,itMary Bra- committee agree will us ntha o smaller I clouds. In fair weather the .sky '& al• which almost relic her ear off. Big outs -G. l;wallow• dy, was committed for six months by Firma sad cheaper buildings would meet titude 13 so much greater to in adroit fuller report of the meeting of the above Mr Iieirne3, hotel ken ur, Mow- Gpotk+iut;-•Jackson Bron. society, trhiali was held in the Town p Tha sxtent Of Lev 'tnjut'ies is not 11S16ieia facts -pay & Cu. Dlayor Butler. She comes from the every %cant, aud save a large and un i no comparison, so ttiat o p,rraun uu- Hall Clinton, -on the 5th and fith of ton, R short tilrie alio found R wild township of Jicli`illop,is 57 years of age, necessary expense. I familiar with high lands cannot, in June, than we vAre able to in our last. duck's nest containing 8 eggs. Iia yet known. "1"taoacl"sat Coat -J. Robertson, wesk minded, and has no friends that Mod .1al- Dr. Wilson. we know of. Of the males, Robert Your committee would nest call atteu- , detached Spurs, observe any appreci- The meeting was ottlled to order by has now 8 young wild ducky which The firm of J. L. Ayer .k Co., m Taints --%V. Johnston. tion to the number of inmates, and •the ! able difference between 700 feet and the President, at about 2 p.m., on Wed have been hatched by a hen and Lowell, 'Mass., has enured $Claim Pletcher, of the township of Howick, p j 76OU feet in the elevation. Horace nesday, who, after a few remarks, in- - committed as a vagrant is al.Out UO coat per head of tht se institutions follow hetdAs their mother. against the Government amount - ' years of ago, wank aud feeble in hod c.,t,,ur Greeley, late proprietor of the New troduced Hon. Chas, Drury, who gave ing► to over $12(,000 for their es. __ y 11,:u. pu.nrotu. T:,':1. )ie;% -1. Mr `•V. Wastcott Of Ilensall, , and mind. He has been in jail ever Elgin .. _, ,;3 I,),, $,•,,; c% York Tribune, visited Yosemite'Val- a ter a few remarks f practical al ua. , since the '35th of June, 13iti, and his tvaerrluo...... ;., s'., tt� 3s c,; _ ley, �. IYa& fia transported..atsfg"ht silex a few ramarka of a personal ua- one day last week, shot a very tAblial]inent at St: John s, Glue., 6`, '" of Ca3Cade 1 il1U feat high, th@t he t regard to the duties of hisotlice, ore, in large bird of the Fisk fishing' a >� three years ago, for appease cus- e present sentence expires on the 25th of Llnx in 1., } ` r'` and the work of Farmers' Institutes, be br a p. tier, but which this month, when h> ,.vitt have to be re. Sllddlesex.... I e4 4u 1217 51 6) evolved, ftom his to ernal conations• toms sere u{ari committed, and soon until death claims Norfolk,...,... 56 u, -t 40 33 peas, over two columna of misty said he would take for his subject, Cles, andwhtCh measured over six, "Does farming pay 7" and said that feet from tip to tip of the wings, seizure, it will r remembered,.rho P,...' him. Another of the males is under wellington..... ai 4:: til . .aa u7 t4 read -ea leism. Iiia was a repre• 1 and over five feet in length. I'%xchequel• Court held t0 be un- �. sentence for laroen •. The remaining Welland........ 4i 13 r•, o p g that often asked (z., ,, n could only y Brant.......... sentative paper, and the article was wultanted. r three are insane, have been reported on P p have one answer, viz., ` It depends on ,t • �' tt and are waiting removal to the asylum. It will thus be seen thatit directly Ou't copied throughout the great Repub- the farmer who makes the attempt." DIr John Gibson, of the 2nd Con. While a laborer was removing g There is no doubt but that competition of Stanley, had the misfortune to ��V /l` Mr Ainaley, Bridge Commiasioner,re of the local municipal eachequero has lie t y every typo who knew ensu night soil from a Closet i❑ the ' Ill Olt g p is becoming (teener in this as in all lose, l)} death, a eery superior g (5 v ported as follows: All the bridges been paid the sum of $0,984 in two to stain old ra s with lampblack. other professions, but in the case of the rear of Warnings Cooper- shop, which you gave orders to build at the years. To these Bums must me ridded In Canada's park are cascades 4000 Clydesdale mare on Saturday last. FRIDAY, JUNE 14, ld 1;1 January meeting have been duly placed the sums of �y584 16 and $483, respect- feet high, and mountain lakeletS farmer, the competition was not as Y Y St Marys, h0 unearthed the body R _ under contract, except that over the ively, which are the amounts estimated whose beauty surpasses aught else in much between individual farmers to The animal was worth cruse. I e ofa full matured child. It was _ p p y North America. between different countries, Ow to flammtttion was the cause. We 3 -- -" Sauble river'on the boundary line be• by tt,e Count Treasurer as spent b the Sulphur mountain is particularly I? tween the toivnehips of LTsborne and county for the same purposes as the local p ticularl improved transportation facilities all I oho learn that Messrs James Ha- badly decomposed, And may have r r.rhe School Book Questiqu, the food producing countries of the 1 ) been there man months. The ,:• Hibbert. Some improvements which I grants in the same years, and chose, two interesting, fro, tliuut:h nearly two P g I iron and JoSoph Foster, Of Hills Y g r miles high, it is clothed in evergreen world %vers brought nearer to consum- 5 1 coroner was at or,eo notified. As A good deal of capitol has been think should be attended to this sum- make a rand total of on less than $10 - ing centres of population, which result Green, have a SO mot with similar }'et there is not the blightest Clew mer are the following: -A stone wing- 751, or $5,375 per anaum. � forests to its very summit, a Cense- ed in a general lowering of the price of losses, t Y Y uence robabl of its milder tem- our great stn lee. The consequence tending, . grade against the educational De- wall to Egmondviile bridge, and the Ever member of the County Council q p y+ g q f to unearth the mystery. stonework of the Maitland, Manchester is also aware that these sums do not in perature. Eight hundred feet above g Dir J.Ands t don Of Hullstt who • (partmont of Ontario, by Connor• tI oma a serious �e reciation in the price r ' The detectives are at work and ` strength of what and Clinton bridges to be repaired by any way represent the full amount of its base are found the Hot Spring$, of farming land in Ontario. The hon. lives about two miles from Blyth, expect an early solution of the Aativeo, on the b ng filling the joints and cracks with ce• the charity bestowed by this county. already celebrated as specific in rbeu• gentleman cited an instance coming was logging ou Saturday with A piobiem moot. There wile likely be about the private charity by individuals, churches, under Lia own notice, of a farm, which young yoke of` oxen when they lie- ', ' t;]y , worn pleased to CAI( the usual amount of money required for and societies to lar el given to the mstlam, and other febrile s$ectinn9. of Book Ilene u1 Tho re- g Y The'tem ersture fs 1.'30 ° Fab. Sup- ten years ago was bought for $6,000, came unlnanagfable, knocking Dir Since the Johnatolt n disaster chU P 3 Y small repairs. Tha amount of money very same parties slat receive muaicihal bein cold Istel for a little over $4 000, g' o OO 10 are discovering dangerous `' cr likel to be required for the year 1333 aid, posing G possible that we might, g Y pp p Acether large item of eapense to the sone day, have the rheumatism, and As farmers are unable to enter into sue• Anderson dowtl and dtRWdng a 1 . P P . eatCdly alteged that a higher for lirtdgges and a roaches and re airs dams everywhere.. It is now said '% II'f ohne fed )arentF to the county buildings; will, I estimate, county is to connection will the running having been told that au ounce of cessful combinations Por the purpose of foot ki„ across his hod}'. Only that the pt• ergt artificial body Ol; �riCo was bot 1 raising rices, their only remedy was to f'Or the timely a) earance of his c bu schUOl bOokH, than not exceed $6;000. The Cdnnoil d ti 1>, of the goal The manner in which thi,ses- prevenuon i$ worth a. pound of tura, chea en the cost of production, and this j p wr :et• to the United StgteSI situat- +avliO hAtl t5 Y ed by a majority of 1 ! to dispense % t ,$nae is aid is as follows: The Goan• we, strut our eyes and .dived ids, we p neph0w he might Of btt0n killed. i C could only be done by increased- onergy ed 782_ feet above Olean is liable t sit ' ne(essft' fol', :tnd the December aessionthis year: ernment pays for all paiacrers typo are be8 to t,e r $cu9ed tgl,lin_g'rrur . enaa ., iMd ski'llyon tlYe part Of. the #ars:ieia The' Pi'sall}tCv,�-OS-�Lai.tlAtiel-n1'et• t0 give 'a at An ' mOtrenf It Was t}icle i5 } } , ._.,_ } ie. r- uu •Tlta-r.. rt-ot it.: IalloGb.,_LL $,tar- - , senna whsle we were bc,tled. Fut. y i Dula s church,Walton,on Thura- "'"°"" - 'opts% tsrha=l tte%>r-plat a the Or *o charged• irj"th' 1"nd ete.Fite otPl noes' itY�d He gave another instance of the stead ' rl Q u East Huron, was read and grderei to the county pays for all others, Tile last it to ray we have not had rheunl:atis°t fall is the rice of Paras products. In formerly used to feed the old Gen- fall clirpuaed to b(lieve be printed in the minutes. quarter the lioveinmeni • was charged since. Three miles north and but p p da '•of last weokfot rho purpose of �.i,Sti•}.^ + 183:3 he received $80 per head for fat } •, exec Y+'lle}''Canal,but is'nOiv rne1•e- r .,f0 A circular from the •Provincial Assoc• wish 119 days and the county with 1513 100 feet up the mountain, are the steers; in 1885, $7:3; in 13:10+ $63, and in indu(+ting 'Rev. David Ut•rCst, ly a FpOrtsnttin'a paradise. It is One- t,lcc a►Irsratiuna. This Chug iation of Public and High School Trac- days. of this 1513 days, 1433 days is cave and basin, whose beat is S6 ° ioi. 'it' tees was referred to School Committee, 188H, ; in per head, showing a shrinkage tato Of Bayfield. The usual quos third larger than the Conemriu�h l cSgAflrst the chargeable" to the••maintenance.of indt- C F30 in six ears. Quoting. cr A motion to grant the East Huron eats. In coasPr uence of this the noun- Fah. Here artistic , wi�a cottaRea in value of Y 4 g .tuns having, been satisfuetucil}' reservoir. About ten years ago ilewever, has fatllen to the ground Farmers' Institute the sum a $?5,thay g t ,, are erected nor the comfort of all who from the report of the Bureau of Indus- answered b Dir Forrest he waa ty had to pay 854:., against ,0,46.39 paid 'r tries for the year 1886, he said that the y ' it burst, letting out fifteen feet Of having 1 desire to "wash and be clean.'r solernu�• inducted into the past0- water and flooding the valley for by the report Of a special Commis a geld the usual number of meet• by the Government, or About 14-15the of On our arrival in the park we look- number of farmers in Ontario was 180,- n a Ofnfed to inquire into the ings, was referred to FinanceComiYtittee the whole expense. •If there bad been no a g 1i dir.'tancOOf 150 mile.. . oto pp and granted. Mr iadigenta confined the Government ed along time without speaking. 1Ve 000, owning 43,000,000 aeras of land, r al chat ere of the cong•regfatdon and One ed to inquire at into the Moved a DIr Eilber, seconded by r about 10,000,000 of which'was not un- given the inght'hand of fellowship ttofiattel, would have bad to pay nearly two-thirds were feasting on sublimity, and felt der cultivation, the average falrm being Advices recently received state r It Conservative. Kelly, that the clerk as from t and the county something over one- ourselves being rapidly assimilated, by the members, the Presbytery. that the Mormons are flocking flaps more, betuj, treasurer of this county if Dr Williams,g - 130 acres. The value of the produce of The Cordial. reception given to him third. rn this way the coat to the coca- till we nearly believed we were a the farms was M60,o00,000,which would into Alberta from Idaho and L� tah. '"�'he Cbmmittou ivaa composed of police Magistrate, has paid the said p leave about 93,0,0 et farm; $700 of that and to Mrs h Orrest augurs well for treasurer the sum of $100, being the ty was for Indigents alone over $400 for art pt what surrounded u3. Emo + p They urchased large traetii . iniac Toronto gentlemen — the amount for a note reported by said Dr. the quarter. This quarter is not --above tions arising from multiform vatll;ess would represent wages. Supposing the rho future as to hearty CO -Opera. } p tion on the part of the people, and from the Alberta I:ailway DRi Coal rrirtan MrBain,Richard Williams to said treasurer of one Pat. the average, so that the county pays are sometimes o tear than the tracks value ot;thefn,mtobe$6,000,theremain- ,A. 11 'ublic Lib ing. 00 wouldrepreaentaninterest of ii working together unitedly, Dufi"s Company. bIr Columbia r,neh atol' w Brns. and Jun_ rick Ball, taken in November 1O, 1587, annually about $1,600 for maintenance at thought.o traveller ever wrote da3 the British ColumbiA ]CgfslatOr y per cent. Some man do not oncoses in e I43rowo,, of Bre n , for Scott Act fine; and in the event of of indigents in the goal. Y the subjearriving tea a foreign inteshornalit The farming because they think they know church Wlll enter upon a new ora who left that Province to join the p. ii©r County Judge Morgan—and such sum not being paid, the clerk in- The conclusion drawn b the Commit- g sensorium of the architect is it all, and are acorea to changg or im- at' pro perity'' 3lormon colony at Alberta, insists _ sttuct the county solicitor to take such t(e from their invests ations are: +their decision has jest boors made legal action as to him seems advisable 1, That, so far as could be ascertained, made to hold a tiny track of thought, provement. The Other extreme was �-"�"+ that his associates will practice ublic. It is.to the efl:ect that the against the said Dr Williams, Police the people of these counties were satin- materialized it becomes a railroad, also to ba avoided, viz., fickleness. Some polygamy if they like, and the make refits, which, in Magistrate, to recover said sum of $100. tied with the result of the operation of steamboat, palace, cathedral, cants- people are constantly changing txhovo NEWS NOTES Dominion Cannot prevent their' ,publishers P Carried. these Houses of Industry', and that the lever bridge, tower or monument. practice, and never thoroughly p opinion of the arbitrators, g anything. A want of promptness is Forty-three ersgn8 committed the p . Moved by DIr Wilson, seconded. by opposition at the time of Heir oraction The same impressible, intangible en- y p doing s0. Conditions and ie tdty apprehends the sublime, and also a fault. Some people are always r suicide in Vienna in May. sttaint - might be imposed upon are below the average of profits to Mr Raine, that the warden and clerk had now died out, notwithstanding the little too late. A want o! faith in their memorialize the Legislature of Ontario, fact that in one or two cases the annual .thrills, but cannot weave it into form. calling was another source o! we Mr G. NV. Monk, M. P. P. fur the Mormons if they purchased $which publishers might be eon to enact such legislation as will tom- cost of maintenance had exceeded the too Further, as in distance an'd magnf in some farmers. They are constantly Carleton, is lying ill at his home their lands from the Government,, el all sleighs to be so constructed that low estimate of the promoters to a very declaring that farming does not pay. at South March. aiidered entitled on the sale of lis runners will be of a uniform width considerable exrear. lode, it is hard to conceive what and but they are buying from suthe 'books and that the prices Com• of three Peet nine inches s art from 2 chat their erection appears to have %°here a mountain really ia. Want of sof the is another char- ' each other at the bottom, and that ata We asked, '• How far off is that acteristic of the unsucaessfnl farmer. A Kansas man is in Manitoba dosed railway companies. If the are favorably with those for obviated, except in the smallest degree, , (pointing to a mount "Oh, 'twill do well enough," is a fa.' looking over land, and says he and D[ormons continue to flock sato p Y specified time all sleighs at present in grants to indigents by the smaller muni- mountain ?' p fifty neighbors will remove to the school books in the United Status. use shall be so changed to make them cipalities , had materially lessened the cascade), ci " Three miles," was the vorite expression 61 his.. Want of care a the Northwest Our Federal f ule>'A that.unles8 th0 conform to the before mentioned width lumber of tramps end vagabonds ;and answer. No, no, we mean the one of:their implements is another frnftfn1 Prairie Province nekt 3plirig. Will soon have 'a Eet sous problem . They recommend further, that the clerk shall correspond just back of that white house across source of loss with some men. , Creduli- On thei t hands. Lad provided a comfortable home for the I j „ cc t in listening to the scores of agents A tornado at stroye's; Ill., h, Minister of Education can see his with the clerks of eac1� of the counties helpless, who otherwise would have sof= the slices, Yea, that fa three miles a d drummers infesting the country Fridayev.eningdestl eyed $church, MARRIED. Of this Province asking co-operation, to- fered severely, even under the best distant.'' Seeing we were not vary .. way to increase the rice$ Of the Yr should be avoided, and then we should blew fresrrht car from the tynck:i, I? wards securing this legislation. Car• vans available to minor municipalities. well posted owniountaine, our filter- not hear so mnch•of frauds on farmers. a Roci1E-BaxEs.-At, the residence o school bookB th0 privileges p0s rigid. ' S. 'that from the information obtained Incutee regaled himself on our left• Iie,,did not think it creditable to farm• ruined' a factory and unroofed brides mother, East Viatvanosh, on the ishArs 111 nEt'OnT OF TAE E vcnLlzXrroS C01131ITTEE b our committee, the erection of 8 hand aptitude t0 learn. "How wide ors that they should be the only class barns aud 110US08.'. 5th ins%., by the Rev rMr Godfrey; Mr I. sessed by certain publ Your committee be; to state that in y y ear to be an is that line of show?" "Three feet." who were supposed to be unable to take Housercommswould app At St. Jacob's Ont.; on Sunday Charles F. Roche, of Clinton, to Jenny, connection with the same shall be view of the fach'�lant next d other ear the met of economy Industry well as one of humani- ire answered. "Its s '200 yards wide care of themseI' 9. Another habit OP only daughter of the late Mr Baker. t equalizatioi�of t) TzEax+n•TTlrwtrso:v. - At the rest- inued to thaw for at east A +one 'into estensivel ty. From the report of your Com and 500 feet deep. Why, ,were- re a poor farmer was attending credit some boys of 14 and I6 wont gas Cont will have to he F, i of mitres furniaYied at tbg January session, plied. ,,".it is a miKhty'mountaia tla• salsa, and buying unnecessary 'articles shooting, and Israel Snyder was dense of the-biide's mother,."on t'he 12th" year. And thus another cam- and 1'denovo, crud a differentlbasearg the amount granted to indigents in cies" "It is so;" h- rejoined, "and. merely because they were cheap. In accidentally shot with a rifle, but inat, bye Rev. W. Craik, B. D., James , . D' equalization fixed for future y conclusion, he grove some very good . c, ides is explode;]. z committee deem i€ inadvisable to 1887 wee $5•,863. This is'but a portion were you a few miles tartber west, seriously butt. Braman Tierney+ r East `gland; sto sign slAtyou r formerly, of Stowebridge, England, to . _ • make changes this year: Your com- of the cost, as it is 'well kpbwn thP9e you could sea a glacier larger than tae oftheirfarms, an tolfost rland ionto- Sam Y i Y uh, a • Milivaukeo mittee (herefore recommend that the grants are largely' suplemented by pri- Switzerland s combined, How w vote a feeling of taste in reference to p Cecilia Emily, eldest daughter of ul- A Cryin; Shaine.. schedule attached be the equalized val• vate'contributlons. The annual cost of apart are tbo9e-saw teeth on Razor their'home and surroundfngs. Chinaman has been sentenced t0 pate John Thompson, Blyth rand, Sul- �- - w nes of rho municipalities. for the ,car- maintaining an inmate in a Floure of In- back Mountain f'' Looking more John DICDPillan, M.P. for South Hu• priaOn for fifteen years fol Ittring lett. 1. I1e'some. of the. county rent year. All of which. is respect• dustry may be set down at ..55.' T carefully, we answered, Forty-eight I eon, took ae Lia subject The cultiva- little gfftis into his laundry f0I' GILS, Ma GREEN n t the Methodist Just while g' church, Macleod, on the 29th May, by fully submitted. County would probably -all 1.5 in• feet " --It is just half a mile, said (tion of the'soil." .There were several immoral purposes. Rev, Wellington Bridgman,.blr Robert -o6uneillors from the back town. J. A. ROr.LIN6, Chairman, mates, and the annual cost would be $6,- he, smiling. m requisites; the first was thorough drain- , o 875 ar an excess of $1,000 above ,that One morning we concluded a climb Mrs Chas. R. White, of Isar- Gilmor, of the N. W. 51. P„ formerly ahipA were pant week discussing The warden, clerk and DIr P. Kelly g age ; second, removing stones; third, Poor $oUsB uCatiOn, and Ob• now paid by the muicipalities, but this while our►aced in hanging of �Vingham, to Miss Rosa Green, all of 1Lho P Q appointed a committee to attend a con- some is certainly lest than that which the to the top of a mountain would add a the use of proper mplementa, and ex- u0 tains fell from a step -ladder Macleod, N. W. T. . veation in Toronto to consider 'tax ex- good time to our experiences, Staff pressed a decided reference for such DIED ;gOCting thereto, a poor woman emptions and the assessment act. itiesTciompeisith given cote ooatribute to hand, we began the ascent of Tun- plows as the South Bend chilled plow and received injuries which result- �rom the township of Grey, about Mrs Bay was granted an annni tgy of to the support of the indigents rf the nel Mountain, whose altitude is about over the old fashioned Scotch iron plow. ed in death. AnusTt:osc.-At Naltaceburg, on the n $100 a year, her late husband being en- County. 7400 feet above the sea. After a Another important matter is to thor 30th Olt., the wife of DIr J. Armstrong, .430 years of age, was being.con- titled to, but not having secured, some wbile sav two hours, we reached the oughly harrow the ground, and keep The agricultuild report of the and sister to Mrs R. Tiplady, Clinton, �vo ed to Ilse jail, for the simple allowance, on his retirement. 4. That respecting the extent of farm the manure near the surface. Different United States Government, just aged 39 years and 6 months. Y Goderich township was granted $100 required, the opinions of the ofltcisls Summits but the adjacent tope were I kinds of soil require different treatment. xeason that thele was no place to aid in building a bridge over the materially differ, in nearly every en- so much higher thattbe'climb had, Theeveningsesafoncommenaeclabout issued, da IOObC]dy upon veryt'lV �ii�'cl�ticicdlts. stance the keepers of these houses visit not increased our view, so we went . 8 o'clock' by Mr John Linklater, of Col• fltvorubie, , the Crcouta fo Of fall _ _ a�laU to pot. hue. As it has Often Maitland river. s p borne, singing a song, •` Grandmother's ivltC,it bei rig 9:3 and of spring 93. di,• A motion to increase the UmNkeis ed were in favor of large'farms, while down, C�Ii1I TO IiG�T—THE UNDERSIGNED D iieen Jointed out before, it is .t and Paddlers Liceise fee was lost. the inspectors'believed fifty acres ample. Our Canadian Trorthwest, in mild chair," atter which Prof. Robertson, of 1' ] The" extent desired depended upon the ness and salubrity of climate, in fer- Guelpb Model Farm, gave an dddrests, i'ho c0y0ne►'s jttt'y ill IOhnstOwe Lot No. 16 i-tayfieid`aCones cleaf 184 c(=oitGoo :risco to a wealthy county like The• following report of "the _pecisl has found the members of the p I tflity of Soil, and adaptation for stock illustrated by diagrams, ori " How a cow house, o , About 125 acres cleared. Good ILauHo committee, sit Attie Poor Iiousc, was character of the keeper. When he not• " %, little farm well roll that it has no 1, oot I ed to be an energetic farmer he,desired a growing, is far ahead of any part of makes milk." s South Fork k`ishing Club, who . house, to fall dnheai a'ad het. Hu paid Ni the tAble:- cry 1 e •e tbC • large. acreage, and wished to establish the United Stateit, and could.we so tilled" Sas than Riven by the chJir, cultttUlle(1 the big pont', ,rCHpOn laps possession o ,taco 1st of November )t' Ih)ttae. of Iiefnat, ii 11.1 RIPOkT ON inert pores, nest. ,V ill im renter for a term of 3 Ceara, hid a8mething lake s mOlct farm in aonnec- lar humble ourselves as to practise a after which DIr John DIcDlilliin gave inn p j Y Fnrt,""l .rs nn application. AGI S.s1'F LSH ,laud and�impoveriH6cd could I address.ou. ' �1'liy boys leave tp,a farm." Hib1C f(>r the liver% and ro icer Clinton. , CoatattTTtla-ylessrs Nelly, spanning, tion will the house of tndustrp, in tithe of the boast and pulli°g that is The choir sang' "Pilot Brave," and in lint in the flouts. _ a .dx)nio f:>r th('iy drelirlill(r clilyh• Proudfoot, Rollins, it -on, Koine, and most cases fifty acres employ all the in- ° bone by tae Yankees, our country row," Dtisg Grace Robertson gnic a re• White Cupp have rnA(IC thvit � - tLe R'arden. mates able to ivory, and above that ex would soon outstrip the Republic. citation; 'Messrs T. Jackson and Oakes o Ont. GILMORE7' BAN 1D 7 has Lena prolr,l uv Ci Ant] overt tent hired hep must be employed. The In accordance with the instructions pbOur press is at present largely Hwuy, the 1 )earance in An)hc rs ur , , n p� ••�� t%(rn chat Btleh a method of lool.- wet ht ofo inion a rears to be that 50 ed by 'kickers' who inalst that Cana• snug a dsinivhon Prof, Robertson t} ' lid LONDON, JUKE 21. I contained in the resolution of this conn- g P plOneuf Lia [nimitable talks,illustratedhy unit on We(ineaaay night unmel'- acres is sufficient. da has chronic afro h and must cifully whipped Alex, Primeau, r ing after thu pour is tile, Cheapest oil at its'January session, your special p y+ response to an encore, "Itow, boatman, committee have endeavored to obtain all Your Committee, before closing their take an altereative, which drug, they blackboard drawings. It is impossible f'ot• being it habitual drunkard and Excursion Rates to London, including' and bust ; r;rand juries hate i c the information possible relating to the Report, would respectfully call your at- contend, cannot ba obtained any- " to giveba synopsis of this address. It rr $3,25, .92.50, ud tttiCntit)n t0 the cost of laLd, buildings and maintenance tentiom to the repeated recommendations where save in the.United States. A fairly bristled with points given in his re in to support his family. admission r the Concert, ]roatedly call l Y I 33.73, according to location. Special cr fisc of the various institutions called I#ouies matte by the verious Grand Juries anti consequence of this kicking is, seye- own racy and unique style. It %vasjin: A little dAughtOr,Of James D1001', train leaves for Clinton after the per• i necessity of having "t 1)061 ho , of Refuge, for the care or the poor, -in the Judges in past years. gal Canadians have gone to tbeStates. tended to show rho •folly of the farther of ;Malden township, was shot by formance. Only a small number of et some of tl)e county councillors precinct, and other information of a . . P. hxLLv' Chairxian. seeking the political solvent which exhausting himself, and sinking to a his Clder sister', tv ho `'didn't know seats left. Apply early to it oil thv ground of es• kindred nature. Asub-committee, con- It was resolved that this report be re- dissipates every evi;. In that `llap- level with the brute, by more unthink• +" 'opPo• e o eistin of .pleases Proudfoot and plan- ing, unintelligent labor, instead of using ft tvaB loridod," the other day, and W. JACK$Oli I g ferred to a special committee consisting piest, 'richest coup ry three million TQWN AGENT (i. T. R., CLINTON ]sense. Thu Same councillors can ning, has collected the Btatiatics which of the clerk and Dlessrs H. Eller an the powers of mind with which the the little One bled .to tient i men are now out of work, so their Creator has endowed him, and thus f3onic of the shot alert Ht'. nolo 1t 1 •mriko 11, grant of 25 cents a oda}• to we hereby eubmii, and which will be Manning to have the figures thoroughly statisticians affirm; More idlers than mnkin g the ,Owers of nature- his ser• found of great importance in considering considered and 'corrected,. and hen i I little brothel . COAL ; ; e � ��� ) 'the vuluftteers while they are out j this! subject. the male population of (.anadtf, till vont and agent. The meeting was s 3 J i)rinted for 'distribution and that no told brought to a close by the ctitirC ands- At the CUnvUCatiOrt of Toronto . )n rhes► annual drill, (maltittp; a four committee have aimed at giving further action be taken at present. Are the Yaukeoi the most content- once singin;,g the National Anthem. (JpivOrHity on Friday the honor- — to the council the very fullest informa• - It was resolved that in reference to ed people the world? They should (ln tLe mornin; of Thursday a very (le,gee of LL D, wAH form- persmis who elite Coal should tlOnaticm of $1000 G) .them) {rut tion concerning this important matter, Dir Dloouey's motion re insane desti• p p + . for the )our, The o) and the information has been obtained tate persons, Mr Mooney endeavor to be, cfktainly,, if Canada s salvation smell audience met t,jte speakers in rho dry o phlee tholl urticr5 dttrittg the ru)t a r,Cnt f j j lies iii their hands. Their condition Town Hall. The meeting was opened ally bestowed on Sir' DLACdon without reference to the leanings of the procure admission of these persons into I I old, Chancellol• Boyd, DL, Oliver }iosltic)ta to a Door IIouvu comes meuibeis of our committee. ThC cub• should be contentment and peaceful by the 1'reaident readiu'g a )aloe on guuuuer, art rlrtrch more :4atiai- y same Provincial asylum, and that in ) "('arm yard manure," its importance, Drowat, ,Ir IV. It. Dl:e1-edith Dr. . only ft•orn the repl,"entativesOf committee thought its first duty was to that course he have the approval of Mr rest. Is such the case', reduction, management and applica• , ` ' Yaotory ;tyrant enlCutA Can 1)e i ot)tain a correct account of the amount Dlilne and the warden as to terms, otc. No. -They are the most restless, p , 1V- 1 , ililtinH, Ituv, .sono Hoskin, tosvnshi tri ti'1)o aro Afraid that .the tion, which I rof, Robertson took as ,% psoric. . Orders left will have 1 spent by the various municipalities of the if a satisfactory arrangement can bo discontented people earth. lies be text for a continuation of his address of Q.C. protlilit attention I 1 nurearte of taxation would be too county under the heal of "Charity." I made, the above DIr Milne and the else could forty thousand families be the previous evening, Which was list% f)rY,by, the wull knutvn Japall great. Such uurroic-mindedness This allo%vs a comparison---tbough an warden on behalf of the county to pay found going; at one rush to Okraboma: e(l to with evident pleasure and interest 1 imperfect one --to ba made between the to Wm, Mooney the total coats, and the Where else would such multitudes t,y the small Unt intelligent audience. lie, will vis ilk again in Canada. S DAV % j should Lav(+ 1,n existence non here, oast of keeping the poor in our own county to be liable for #uture costs, ex floek;to Teattle, Saeoma, Port Town- ", D1c"i Alien, President of the fruit Ile will visit LhC various Dletlio• V 1 7 )' in rho composition Of county and the cast in a county Lacing elusive of all necessary certificates of send and Loa Angeles? /Ind where <;rotvi. Association, rave a short ad- (list Conferences in the DOminiOn jlarrltilritlt 11ar(ly♦are stns et al t c p n Elouse of Refuge. The returns under insanity; provided .that the weekly else can be seen so man ersone P in the interest of a project for Stove Ilonsae, Clinton y p dress, in which he said that despite the Ilion wiir) are slippo.ed to be the this head embrace tha years 1887 and cost of asylum maintenance should not ruined b booms begging hep to et losses in the le trade of last season _-.- •.•- ---- y gg g p f� pp building a great centra saber. mboditnent of wiallom, and the 1888, and are as £ullows :-- exceed tt'J, Carried, back to places they had left? he hacl still confidence in the future of naclC in TolciO,at a cost Of w83,000, Amounts ens b the various monies- - '+ ..."-"` -4ouncr :1 enure liberal charitable p Y r We assert, fearless of disproof, that that industry. He also expressed din• Y + Malities of the count of iluroa upon •lion. Charles Drury, Ontario � ointment at the.amallnegs of the A site cOHting y4,000 has ahead t Y t every farmer in the United States appointment I)cen paid fbr: stns humanC disposition is plaCti- Charity in 1897 and 1888. Ministor of Agricultural, is doing I would lad'dy Sell Out Eo -day, if they attendance its these meetings in Weld tally mar.ifcsttad, the better will I,,;, t,, j, good among thevarmcrs'Institutclo, badactance. Not because he wishes Huron, tiebard Bickle of Fast /.sera, n l,ni•la .. slay ru Ysts oo Iso was presented with an address to leave the counts ,but his biggest We mast say it seems arrant a that gn ! ) it be. AAifivi,t,,..... ..... 3.•, _ fix y3 p y few farmers avail themselves of the has it four-year old buil with :t 1.1i th...... ................. 45 sit rs 47 d>y the agriculturists in the neigh- wish is to get away from where be is. advantage of listening to such men as third horn attachod to the tip of - nr„ssels.. . ......... ....... 147 73 tnl G9 boyhood of Napanee on Saturday. In the older States farina are largely addressed the various meetings of this one of its ears, rind .John Nichol, Cunenn .. 2ta 7a 321 a0 cultivated by tenabts, who are con- Institute, men who enjoy not only a , j . If cjvcrtile'`votcofthanks' bulli• (Thome...... ........'...200 r0 277 15 A Montreal despach Hayti: Gal), tinuall vowing the wish they,'had p p s y g y Provincial but even F oro can re uta• of :iTorth A.astho o, is the happy iruH `Leen into the ground and Exeter.......... .....,•. 19569 `2#17'1 rig Blasts u4furmer of Point sus'tion. It does seem ageless to invite possessor ofa uelkling„batc ed b (iodericb Tot%n..... i........ 536 05 n„1 09 5 not rented the dang d old pace. mir%fC Flijlt'Ult1(y 1'Idl('.tlI0l1H, It ItAH cioderi°h T4wnshit:... .... 2a2 76 IPi 30 Trembles ha4 revolved n letter Still restless everywhere. Bach mon to come long distances, often without feet, while Jas. Rohe. ty, r + 20,100 1:#3 00 from his (dau ghtel•, the wife of We bage spent ten years in that at considerable ex Once and trouble„ of the same township, rejoices in t t been darim, thu recent Hesstions of itis i'i • • • . ' f' ha county, and have looked a' when only Buell a handful can be got g tlowick,.... ., 2r,t a to 3:, Na )oleon L'ourtou from' John• ` ppy' y+ y the ownership of ri);osling with the Ddel.hcxliat ConferenceH, If t snort r,0 0.. :;) on d ) ' little at seventeen State$, and became together tc, Laren to them. A Oi lop . ..... ...::.. 130 M) t,5 25 stown, I a., informing him of the funs fent. ti Stoats. somewhat familiar with the working i Home mlrli,,ter there react •a jlaper )1orr"sSaforth,..,. let 5”, 20l 22 terrible disaster which LAA fallen and status of their civic and literary Around TLA c0ultiy A runriway occurred ut Ver- »' gAyp an adalreHs e1) Hffine 1'Clig. atanlcp.... .. . . ...... 101 nn u7 14 on that town. After de.4cribing institutions. Canada would lose by -- � wood, oil Tuesday,by which NVm. 10,16 Hill)`Cct, hu wriH HUaigfhtivn}' TeckeStephi-ii... .., .. .... 27,5 sac aro en the afflicted woman says: "All adopting her code. However, the A itew G. T. R. station is tri 1,(Y ; Howson, lost a valuable team of 1 Tnrnh+•rry....,, .... . 171 k0 2ai Kt perished except tho,ke who were most abyect wretch there, the man awarded "ii vole of thanks. It Osborne.... .. .. . ' 3,3 ^a 21#1101 0t corns tit �Ving*ham. I horHC t. He drove to the grist mill Fast i%•nsun"eh,. .... l;2 I11 70 00 ill) in the hills. This is not all,. who never had a home one on whom , F•OIt ONP MONTH )� high tints that men who pro. R'rstiPnannneh . 1t1 r.2 173 no (sone father. Lam now ivdtnout fortunen ever frowned is still rood of Tile Ma le Leaf hotel ('oyri(+ 'end left them tied while ho wont GREAT CLEARING SAL 1 wlntrhnm - ..., 207 mt 173 n3 ' p p ' 'Ito fI'ApAi1Ct HnmC business. �h0 fess to rlog'till for ihoglory of God' ivrox,•n•r m husband and seven children his country, always speaking a good was entirely burned lA.r+l treelc. j animals bocamo fr llten'ed at a Of I;atiy Carriages, Iuxpress __,_ y T word for the atars and stripes—the lasso r train on rho C. l', Ii. and �val;gonst, I)Olt' )10 And Simile �honld rlhit thoiy;child'H play And ,,,.t.„lino ,t,vra(,yrnr moral• without shelter, clothes oy m'oncy nation's slag. 5I1H Slime, of Brussels, an in- , p•, Ila rnes4s3, Iiootta autl Shoes, c c et pelta human rnitelesnot rrportins ,$i,la:S On :;,31+00 and exhansted thr(,ug,Th FickncRH Our kicking press, storesaid, on Hane p(�tHon, hAH been sent to jail.I t»oleo posits. 'Choy lttn fbr a Truinkit ttnd ottli'aal I)ttstrrq, fo lUshnCHH, and a and fear. jam imabl0 to irrite the contrary, ie ever seeking'to be- DIr ltobcrt ,ld ntc•h,,jr., of �VMR f short di9tani a Alen:; with the Whips, Titre fkCedar Shin ;less heings who realize their Oblihn. The average cost of fionses of .leftige mot r, for td a ret•cr,t.. Wors little Canada In the eyes of the world, tir)Ith, has, inane an assignment for I p g with land and buildings in the Counties P € train find then lringgCd into a Also, ti(1 Cords of wood 60 TI.R. Life is too coal a;td Het- mentioned below is the sum of than tell this, howeCCr, is the tlnd r°ot unirequentlq misrepresents tlt0 h<'ncfit t)I' hi+ ('rC<litnrnr i inn(I, tvhtlyc they %acro Loth { T�iTCHE�� CLINTON. Sin r, 0,60 but the resent feeling of drosvilin g of •r,nt• Hon Alfred witt, � tl)e moat obvious, facts, instead Ot 1 d , ioust fhr vnnilies+ of thus king]. 70 p g 1, } , • l ' J. , all cancg rood is that largo farms area l,i; tt'Ife peri 1l nr rhilrliKCn.” fnrlerinx and encouragtng the ?coli on Friday, sett}, h Icx., the' fg,nr i rru drOtvnrt . 1. . . ..... . . .....--.....,a-,..-I �._...--w,...,,artrt..._..,...._..4 ...1._1.11..1...-.......,_...41rr......._11AL._._._.. .�.