HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-06-07, Page 5• SPECIAL PRICES —IN-- WATCHS FOR 30 DAYS. A Solid Silver, Full -Jewelled Lever Watch $685, worth $10. A Solid Silver Waltham or Elgin dust proof Watch 610.45, worth $13 A Solid 3 oz S. American Watch, with chain, $5.50, worth $7.50 A Solid Gold full -jewelled Ladies Lever Watch, $18, worth $25. A Solid Gold, Stem -Winding Elgin Watch, $28, worth $38 A Gent's, Gold -Filled, Stem -Winding Watch, warranted for 20 years, $23, worth $28. Remember, these prices will only last for 30 days. 13. Laurance's Spectacles at 40e. a pair ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. Another Lot of BABY CARRIAGES NONE BETTER OR CHEAPER. NEW WALL PAPER, EXPRESS WAGGONS, WINDOW SHADES, CANES, etc. CQOPER'S Book . Store, Clinton. ,ALAR 1!/1 E D - HOUSEHOLD -TALK --IS J_�►7C7^_YRWINB L. O W PRICES IN. TEAS, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS, .CROCKERY and GLASSWARE.' CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday atteruoon. Thursday, June 6, - 1889. 85 a 090 85 a 90 26 a 027 040 a 040 052 a 053 Flour per cwt 2 75 a 2 75 Batter 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs 0 10 a 0 11 Pork 5 75 a 600 Hay 9 00 a 9 00 BLYTH MARKETS Blyth, June 6, 1889 Wheat, fall,white and red 0 85 a 0 90 Wheat spring, 0 85 a 0 90 Oats, 0 26 a 0 27 Barley 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 0 52 a 0 53 Eggs 0 9 a 0 10 Butter 0 13 a 0 15 Flogs 5 50 a 6 00 Beef 5 50 a 6 00 Hay 9 00 a 9 00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, June 6, 1889. 0 92 a 0 94 a 0 48 a 0 32 a 0 60 a 0 17 a 0 14 a 0 14 a Wheat, fall Wheat, spring Oats Barley Peas off -Butter and Eggs taken as cash J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse, Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Block, CLINTON Wheat, fall Wheat, spring Barley Oats Peas Butter, rolls Butter, large rolls Eggs per dozen NEWS NOTES. 0 92 0 94 0 54 0 34 0 60 0 18 0 16 0 15 Mr Hugh Finlayson,. Police Magistrate in Paris, and es -M. P. P. for north Brant, died on Mon- day. • Tho London Daily News is re- quested to announce that owing to calisos.b.cyoud his. power to re-.. list, Mr,Gladstono is unable to. visit America. The body of a man with ft bul- let hole in the head and a revolver in theJ..aft-hand was found in the C. P. R. tool shed, two miles from B urketon station, last Friday. Patrick Cleary broke jail at Lincoln, Kansas, Monday night. He was pursued and.. shot by citi- zens,' who then hanged Cleary murdered A man last year. The foundation stone of the new Presbyterian church at Ludic - now was laid on Monday by Prin- cipal Caren., of Toronto. Tho edi- fice is to be of brick, with a seat- ing capacity of 600. At River du Loup, Quebec, yes- terday, three boys played 'hook- ey,' got hold of a flat boat and were carried down the river One was drowned and the others were rescued owing to the boat catch ing against a rock near. thelrapids Miss McAlinclon,, daughter of a respected farmer near Metcalfe, Ont., went into her brother's room early Monday morning, seized his razor; and bef'oro.she could be pre- vented cut her throat, dying in ten minutes.. No cause assigned. THE POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO Ask for our SAS -II RIBBON, nine inches wide, at 25 cents. SPINIAL VALUE Gioves Hosio.r NICE ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS' and MUSLINS. In thi Grocery Dep'rt We are offering special inducements to purchasers of SUGAR i11 I00 Ib. lots. Ask for prices, OUR JAPAN TEA, in . lb. tin Cannisters, at 40 cts. a pound, is taking,,the lea(J. We have a large quantity of first-class POTATOES that will be sold cheap. Try our MAMMOTH S. S. CORN for fodder. GROUND OIL CAKE, at Mill Price. Your patronage solicit 0(1. W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO W. Kent, of Sydenham, gave an exhibition of his strength a few days ago which -ended fatally for him.. He lifted a barretof whisky from the ground and was imme-. ,diately taken. with vomiting -as the result of an internal strain and soon after died. -A box of bones, said-to.be human has been discovered at.the bottom of an old well on the Lambert ho- tel premises at Springfield, about which there hiss been considerable excitement in Elgin county, ow- ing to a report that a man named Williams was murdered there about eighteen years ago. A laymeuAeonvention .of the Niagara Methodist . Conference was held at Ingersoll, June 5th and was largely attended. A new platform was adopted, the princi- pal feature of Which was that in future Stationing and Conference Corn initteOs and Church courts should be coniposeil of Ministers and .laymen in equal numbers. A despatch from Orangeville tel Is'of it .light between tWo farm-. ers named Elgie and 11eCenna on the town line between Mono and Adjala. Elgie let out with his right fbr his oppouent's head, hut missed his aim, and the arm was broken in its violent contact with the aforesaid heat!. rise Estato Mu). Hodgens Have just opened out 2 cases more of those CHEAP PRINTS, New Patterns. LOVES oc HOSIERY Splendid, assortment to choose from. To hand, New Lawns, Mullins, Chambrags, and Black Lace Bunting. 5 per cent off for cash JOHN WIBEMAN Manager. Estate J. HQEN5k SUNDRIES r1OTTAGE TO RENT — THE COTTAGE; V at present oocupied by Mr Shearer, op- posite the Model School, is offered to rent. MISS FOXTON, Clinton FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET.—SUB. scummy olIcrs to rent, 4aithdr furnished or nota small cottage ou Albert Street north, Suitable for a small family, and' has every convenience. Rent Moderate. MISS GAR - VIE, on the premises, or of MANNING & SCOTT, BANKRUPT tock - of -Hardware. Special Prices for One Month On the hardware Stock of R. IL Racey In' Cutlery, Spoons, Spades and Shovels, hakes and Hoes, Harvest Tools, Nails and Hinges, Paints, Oils and Glass. We have also REDUCED OUR PRICES ON STOVES, and our prices on Tinware are now about 25 per cent less than ordinary prices. PURE MANILLA. and FLAX BINDING TWINE, order early so as to secure it. , Full stock OILED and ANNEALED WIRE, RIBBON wIR,E, BARBED WIRE, (tic, r HORO-IIRED DUItIIAM 13ULL FOR �SIdIIVICE.—Subscribers keep for service at their farm,linse Line, Goderich township, a thoro-bred Durham 13ull,registered. Terms at time of service, with privilege of re- turning, if necessary. TYNDALL i{ItOS. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO rent, fit corner of itattenbury and Eric Streets, containing seven rooms, with Minx good stable on the lot, hard mud soft water good bearing orchard and all conveniences. Possession given nt once. THOS, TIPLING HOUSE AND FOUR ACRES OF LAND for sato. Subscriber offers for sale a frame house, story and a half, with 4 acres of land, ou which are a number of bearing fruit trees, stable, hard and soft water, &c.— Situate at Bandon, in the Township of Bul- let. Sold on very reasonable terms. L: MELVILLE, Clinton. \TEItY DESIRABLE i1OUS1: AND LOT for sale—Tho undersigned offers for snlo that new hoSuse of Princess Street east, erected only Inst summer; it is n•@Cwo-story h•nine, cdotnining 7 croons, closets, &c, with nidus foindntiou throughout, good r•ellar, Lord and sett water, woodshed, 1ln If -acre lot, planted tt ith fruit trete, Owner is de• sirens of leo% her town and tail: give reason able terms, AIRS C. \1'iI1TE1.) ; I rOTiCII - ANY PEI;SON Ott PERSONS 1\ f, nt,il ti<L•i;i::, shoot ._•, , r tr:•<t'assiu1l from the bill h. he:ei of Lot s.'., trill l..• pmn- secItt-d TIiO11,1S TRICE, .FOSEPH f%%,AlII), JOHN JENIINS Goderich lain.)+hips, Ainv Ia, Iw+U Call early and secure a bargain before all is cleared out. HAR2.,i i 1):Eos.', Iron and Hardware Merchants, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton HUB GROCERY We would, like to see everybody who wants a GOOD CUP OF TEA, whether it be Green, Black or Japan. We keep the VERY BEST COFFEE to be had, and grind it fresh. lAitM FOR SALE -- UNDl'HtSiGNED .12 for sole Lot 2'2, :1,1 col. 11 111et.t, (near the Cemeteryl I('f) noes, t10 clenrerl and free of stinting, balance bush. Comfort- able hoose, frame born 80 x:in, with gond stabling, orchard nearlyan acre, never -foil- ing spring creek. School hoose adjoining the farm No better soil nroundnelay and clay loam. Situate 1}1nilen from Clinton.— Possession ( en any time after the crop Is off. Terme Easy, A}•are chance to secure a good t ace, MIS, IIIODGSON, er FitANC1s KILTS', S', nn the promises. • Crockery, printed aria. plain, cheap In SOAP we give big bargains, 5 lb. Bars for 25 cents. Brooms, Brushes.and Woodenware. See our STEEL HOOP PAIL, no dropping off of Hoops, or pail falling to pieces. CHOICE FLAX SEED for sale. Butter Eggs as cash GLO, SSV ..� LLQ W, CLL-NT4 N MS, all the wap ap from 26 cds pir 16 "Give me another pound 01 Tea, I believe that is the best Ma in town," So much for the -Secret Blend Tea to be liit.l only at •our store. Butter and Eggs Wanted. S. PAL.LISER & CO SE]H TBbI Bargains in Tweeds, AT DETLOR & CO'S DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP SALE. WONDERFUL VALUE. AI SO, Boy's Ready -Made ,Clothing AT JOB PRICES. Dress -Goods at Panic Prices Parasols at Wholesale prices Detlor & Co.,.Clinton T. JACKSON, Sr, The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion • has returned to the ranks of .~the‘.Profession, And begs to announce. to the people of Clinton and -Pro • vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock • Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct illi' FINE -TAILORING TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Street. •°Immense bal Family Grocers, next to Town Hall, tlllrttRR 'g k1113 Will - given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will b Flout, l'( 1 and Seel astonish the closest buyers. • �e( Business for for sant' The subscriber, who is desirous of going to Manitoba, offers for sale his Flour and Feed and Seed withbusiness in rlofitable trade, and isaalsplen- with a good 1 live ratan, Terms did chance to pushing, satisfactory. RO1tT. FI'I'ZSIMONS, Clinton For Salle or to 1tetit. We offer for sale or to rent, 'tire House and lot lately oceupiefl by Ler on Itat- toubury Street. Thb house is a good two- story frame, with accomodation for ordin- ary family, and usual conveniences, with hard and softwater. The lot is ono-tifth of an acro, and being so centrally situated is a very desirable place. Terms reasonable. AIMS OLIVER, Clinton, or Mn«INa& Sco'rr The Improved Whi5te. Another lot of the WHITE Si/WING AtA- CiiIN1:S .lust arrived, which I ant selling cheap. Sea -the new self -setting ueodlo, sec the new stitch regulator, set the regulator by number for auy length of stitch you re- quire, no need to sew a piece of goods to get the right length of stitch. The new Tension Reliever is the newest improvement on any machine; as soon as the. presser foot is raised the tension is loosened, and no breaking of thread or needles in taking the goods out of the machine, Examine the new Bent Wood Cover—the strangest elver made, Have a machine sent to your house on trial, I want you to he perfectly satisfied that the White is the best machine for the money, if not, I will take it away ; it will cost you nothing to try one. J. WORSELL, Agent r 0ItENT—Store and ntldce in Perrin block Market Square, suitable for any business For sale, the homestead of the late Mrs Finkle, nicely situated on Victoria Terrace, Clinton, and on the Bayfield River, close to the London Road bridge; 2.1 acres of land, fine orchard and all kinds of fruit and lawn, shrubbery, carriage house, stable and weed- ahed, suitable for retired gentleman or any person who wants a good home nt a reason- able price. Small payment down and long time given for lin lance nt' 8 per cent. Apply to GORDON e• W. 11, l'EItltIN. ROLLER MILLS FOR SALE The almost new Londesboro holler Mills ; in good ruining order, water and steam power. Post office, telegraph and railroad convenient. Only a small amount down,thc^ rest to suit the purchaser if secured. This is a rare chance. Aptly to J. HUIBER, Iiox 168, Perlin, or H.S. HUBER, on the premises Londesboro, Ont. ALES -M E WANTED IR to canvass for' the sale Of Nursery Stock,, on SALARY AND EXPENSE'S, or commission. Steady employment. Apply at once, stating age. Refer to this paper. J. B. NELLIS & CO., Rochester N.Y, REDUCED IaTEs To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA And the NOR -WESTERN STATES VIA BEATYS SARNIA LINE Steamers, United Empire, Ontario and Ceinpnna, sailing from Sarnia during navi- gatiot (weather permitting) every Tuesday and ] iday bight, and calling on Wednes- day and Saturdays at Goderich and Ninear ding, connecting mt the latter place with the G. T��,,RR. train leaving Dilutor) at 10 a. m;, for St J'e'e's Island, Garden River, Sault Ste. Mar.?, Port Arthut and Duluth, connecting at Port, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific Railway. and at Duluth with the Red River Valley Railway, Lowest Rates, bestaccont- tnodations, Express time and choice of routes' 'W. JACKSON JAMES 11. BEATTY, Gen). Manager Snruin ° A. 0, PATTISON SH I NGLs E cull,SHINGLES `91-i I N(xtT'.�+ 1• Y .. S I NS In WALL PAPER. (Intl DECOI(ATiONS, nt prices that suit the times, COPP 84 LOGAN, 1S AO ST12T•Ir;T. (LTNTON. to 'I'ttiuclull Ictt received Three ('ar leads more of. tltnsr Warranted X XX Georgian Bay ShinglesCarpenters AYLop, Jz s ons . Carpenters say they are the Shingles,91[ J. TWITCHELI, CLINTON,I CLINTON AND BLYTH - \ G ®Y ... Stock IDR We shall commence, THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, to clear out all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, 'Embroide- ries, Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Grey and White Cot - •to -ns, Table Linens, Oil Cloths and Carpets, Men's, Boys and Cfirl's Straw Hats, Lace Ciirtains, and Curtain Nets, AT Pft1CS EAR BELO\ij ORIGINAL "COST. fir Everything will bp :sold Without reserve. - r\Ve'wi'll commence this sale Thursday morning. T. J acksoni � Sr Clinton TAYLOR&SONS A I'Ul.L LINT; OI' Ladies, Gent's and Boy's Lawn Tenn.1is and Lacrosse SiHOES ,lust receival, which will be -x'111 c!il;ip. Ings tl,ken in exchange. 5 per cent nil for cftrb.