HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-06-07, Page 3.. , I . ,_ , - i
- - � ik,��-r�,-,-j *;� r---, 1�_;__=A-1
J d -
Yt -V, 4 `ted �1tatutaQlt�aA
1\ \iS,iai� \ \ \O
, U
\,v a,\v\\ ,\`, :,seep\ „ v"'I" a,a..,..a , ..,.
t .,Ga.,'
Jobbing DepaAmel-it is not surpassed in the, Gounmc,y.
1; chide not at the.seaeons, for if spring,
}1Y "'' I A couple who had been divorced 4U
I need to wat,:h my feet, years before in California met on arail.
With backward look refuses to be fair,
MY love even mom tlranApril makes mesing,
And beats May•blossoms in the bleak March
So many ways I see, waytrain out in Arkansas the other
r r
REER OF ,a C ._,�T i-. >>JgE.
Such easy ways to walk in, day. They recognized each other, and,
after a short talk concluded to remrrry,
sbould Summer fail Its tryA or June delay)
To -the my porch with roses red and pate
And pleasant too. and the ceremony was performed that
The M-_: :: t :.• :,e f;, t•at
I, -- -. •, t!le
To climb. Why, 'moat before I think The famous Corliss engine that
c ;..,,t; -
I'm walking in them. was built to drive the machinery
a height, poisoning of many kinds, beget Stu-
Thank God, just here, some one comae of the Centennial Exhibition of
1876 is now in the shops Of' the
to me, 1
And smiles enthroned on my pilaff up sheaves.
I 1:1
Some messenger of mercy, Itis, Pullman Car Company at Iden-
sington, near Chicago, Ill, It is
i• ; '•
. - � -_
" (1).
Ready to catch my soul. Ind., whose martial (expertenee
.. , I . ,_ , - i
- - � ik,��-r�,-,-j *;� r---, 1�_;__=A-1
J d -
Yt -V, 4 `ted �1tatutaQlt�aA
1\ \iS,iai� \ \ \O
, U
\,v a,\v\\ ,\`, :,seep\ „ v"'I" a,a..,..a , ..,.
t .,Ga.,'
Jobbing DepaAmel-it is not surpassed in the, Gounmc,y.
1; chide not at the.seaeons, for if spring,
}1Y "'' I A couple who had been divorced 4U
I need to wat,:h my feet, years before in California met on arail.
With backward look refuses to be fair,
MY love even mom tlranApril makes mesing,
And beats May•blossoms in the bleak March
So many ways I see, waytrain out in Arkansas the other
r r
REER OF ,a C ._,�T i-. >>JgE.
Such easy ways to walk in, day. They recognized each other, and,
after a short talk concluded to remrrry,
sbould Summer fail Its tryA or June delay)
To -the my porch with roses red and pate
And pleasant too. and the ceremony was performed that
Her breath is sweeter than the new mown hay,
The M-_: :: t :.• :,e f;, t•at
So broad, so smooth, and not a step evening on reaching Eureka Springs.
Hertouch morechnging than the woodbine's
I, -- -. •, t!le
To climb. Why, 'moat before I think The famous Corliss engine that
c ;..,,t; -
I'm walking in them. was built to drive the machinery
Let Autumn like a spendthrift waste the year,
a height, poisoning of many kinds, beget Stu-
Thank God, just here, some one comae of the Centennial Exhibition of
And reap no harvest save the fallen leaves;
My love still ripeueth, though she grows not sere,
front of her. But even with all
1876 is now in the shops Of' the
to me, 1
And smiles enthroned on my pilaff up sheaves.
I 1:1
Some messenger of mercy, Itis, Pullman Car Company at Iden-
sington, near Chicago, Ill, It is
And last, when miser Winter docks the clays,
she warms my heart and keeps my bones
, i,
I guess.
Shows here a pitfall, there a snare, the largest engine i❑ the World.
-Alfred Austen.
And yonder is some evil lurking, Mrs Mollie Corwin, Shelbyville,
F3avarta's Crazy Royal Tamil}.
" (1).
Ready to catch my soul. Ind., whose martial (expertenee
On the other hand the Bavarian people are
Yes, sure as life, there's some mistake, beats the record, was granted a
strongly attached to their royal family, the
' ",`1'.
divorce on Tuesday from Joseph
With haste I must my steps retreat; y p
Corwin, her seventh husband,
ancient line of- Wittelsbaeber, and wilkhear
no III word as to the late crazy icing, The
-' !,!
Oh, how I need to watch ury feet.
from whom she was divorced last
bunt of insanity seems to have spread. The
,'r..: t!Is-
I need to watch my.hands, winter and to whom She was rep-nt
king is hopelessly mad- His chief
amusement is shooting from his windows at
I ' 'le day,
'-' , lil'
,, Least I should fail to do married soon after.
passers by -with blank cartridges, of course.
- awl sells
J1rst all I might to lighten :1'frs Fanny Dew&sc died .near
Men are hired•for the purpose to pass by and
`' ,Iuality of
t, instinct
Others' burden, Louisville, Ky., on Tuesday; at
and fall as Ii dead-
They are a cgrious,grtd erratic people,
I L.
i:r thct'um
There seems so many reasons why the a e of 115 as Shown b the
g , �'
LuPlvvig°I w�soapalledby the people for bis
I ;',i, I„It genuine,
1 might excuse myself, family Bible, still preserved. Her
connection with the famous Lola Mon tez, the
• !.I.,! t.I 'l; rank
Snob honest reasons, too, that have husband died twelve.years ago at
Aspasia, of modern times, who ruled Bavaria
- . ;.- dWj,ar, Of
Their weight in such an argument, 107, U t that time Mrs Daly
three h her infatuated lover,
g the king. An-
':: 1':at P.+,t!ach!ldIs
1. And almost, for a little, stay i seas had been able t0 attend to
other scion of the house Herzog Ludwig you
' g
Baiern, sonoY the dissolute old "Max, has
.., .. ..,•,:.1 ;"%. was, given
My hand. hes• Own work.
recen. y married,au actress, thereby forfeit-
' •" :a'c,ln)0 which was
` But still, I must remember this, A Belfast (Me) man doers not
Ing the title to &large estate. It has, how-
'•''• , I t lil'.ae, hrotleric• 11,
That Gotland heaven have first demand think so much of Ubjeet lessons as
ever, made him ver popular with the'
y p P
^'A�m He is a tall, thin, military looking
. is ••t i::'. l.: ;, t,n 17,Uc,U Hessians
t • '''''t:' ' "'''•••y' 1I;Inngton and retain.
Upon my life and being; he once did. He fell the ether
man, and travelaaboat with a young officer
tl : .'. ,: r.. ":: w.,,nra:. This blood molls}
And least I fail in this command, day, While shingling his barn, but
who seams to be very proud of being in suc11
wr,=' CDC o:.;,:.%a) 1, wiF of the vast fortune of
That man be a brother to fellowman, escaped without injury. Isis son
good company. At ,very step the people
t:.v !C 'tu::ct,,16,i. It :.o-gdeposited with Meyer
Oh, how I. need to watch my hand. was awayat the time, and on his
line upend wait for ahem to pass. Tho duke
I-I.,,t - b-, Willia.,u IN, the successor of
• return the old gentleman told him
I need to watch my tongue,
salutes If the persons saluted are officers
they return it; otherwise not. They say he
i !".••1,•:•.'•, w•.n,.o esanrphl was followed by
-ut'.:,•r ;-I',::t nuc•,; elf the ctu-th, and in a few
ah0ut the accident, and, ill t1•y]ng
For fear that I should say,
to show just how it happo❑ed,`fCll
and his actress live happily
pp y together. -Cor.
Chicago Globe.
P.:•:" t-i'� agents of kings and princes of
7,_,:-;;i, acer•c flocking to Frankfort to nego-
In some unguarded moment, from the roof again, this, time
dally for the stuff. In a quiet
rtctp l,:m:s with Rotlscbild on behalf of their
An unkind word. breaking his leg.
1.Oh, unkind words are bitter things,'
A large hand -drawn map of the
rldvlee to a Tonng elan.
p your train. rill hi h ressm•e
Never whip g p
:.u; sty l,::trwls.
I'!.,,. :; oi,wo,w). which was obtained on de-
re:uainfA with the house of Rothschild
h wind•
ff upon, t o
Once e e ok n the re ocud
O c spoken, yUnited States for School ileo iP
ua _
is den S think
to h ilk as quietly
s:n,' year '+ and when Napoleon invaded Ger-
I can't recall them,
made u❑igt10 by Lhe fld01'nn'Irtli.
as m� ily as you breathe. Never our-
y y y
serf to learn what you have no talent for,
rim:_: in thr intcricn the r_io e together
And just as likely, too, they may of each State with a sample Of its
Knowledge withoutl'ovewill remain alifeless
rrit!1 o0:or v�lR¢bles, was hid den in wine
t,i.1 ,+; „
rpt • in Itot i (nl I collar, but the conqueror
Grow much more bitter era they stay
best known commercial product.
itianufaoture,not&living growth. BE)
n'••:cr thr,uhL"t of tapping the casks, �'�jter
march. The samples are glued t0 the
ton: !,, be ignorant of many things that you
pev; .,. Nvws proc•rai .red, and \Villiarn, who irad
But there's a better way, I know, Californiaay
paper. Clfie decked With
know one thing well, and that the thing
which God specially endawed you to know.
b;.a,n obliged to seek safetyin flight, returned
"� '
To speak kind words to all below, a tin bottle of wino and a minis-
. y
It requires firetofusethematerialsof think.
h,l,nc, oda L,uthschild was dead, but his son
, lnscl:rr L•_n,it,,l occr to the prince overy dol -
With whom, I journey. tore bunch Of wine. A bag Of
Ing, no less than W malt the on in the foun.
lar ,,ith'c ;-.0.000,000, and tendered hint all
They may cheer some life as I go alona flour makes Illinois conspicuous.
help bacl4o,
But remember this, however strong
a1liti."cal 2 par cent. interest for the entire
They may some wanderer Paper boats ride upon the oceans
ti:no of the deposit. Tho princo.modo him a
' his home. � and rivers. The most remarkable
may be, physically, to: strike a blow, and
pn•:;cnt of till! interest.
Oli, yes, I must surely guard my tongue, thing about ,the map, however, is
however sharp, intellectually, to recognize a
fact and discern a diffeienco our success in
, Y
'1'!:e ,+ler ltothsebjhl had fiv" sons, namely:
At l a, w 10 succgeded his father in Fr,i fk•
' And then there's the need of prayer, that a Was prepared entirely
from memory by a clover pupil.
the game of life depends on the serious cul-
Lure which you gtveto the third formative
fo-t: rA;demand (If Vienna; Nathan `Meyer, o'
hotl,l••,n: (1!arlrs, of Naples, and Jame, of
' Along with'the constant watch, r
For prayer is the channel through which A Maine Yankee who has been
farea in human character, your moral nature;
and. of the rightful supremacy of this ele•
Paris. A:lcording to their father's will, the
live som• were to constitute but one firm, in
'• Comes strength to watch. visitilig the Pacific Const says
went a comprehensive expression, is found
whi(•h they woro to enjoy equal profits and
'*r I cannot guide my feet aright, that IIerilly everything disappoints
him. The Palace Hotel, In "San
In the right simple ward, brio. On this all
prophets, poets and philosophers are agreed,
never divide the fortune. bu fusee we.,•
to b- •roan ed at Frankfort as headquarters,
FIs i
-. .Nor -move-my hand by human might, L
. FTaneiseo, lie found to be an u�Iy
^-Professor Blackie.
to which great money center all the profits
r h ' L. b
Nor guard my tongue. l Iooden affair, nlost of whose from tae of er moneyed capita , t,crt to o
. The Dying Sn8'er '_vot. raked in.. .
But God who is my moving power I d' k 11 Th lea
Through Jesus, condescends to hear
sly prayer,
I OO1f1S alAr Ce s. 0 1 -
rooms, however, are excellent, and
the furnishings ril'C lIC
Th e- sot 0L dying, it is now ascertained, fB
absolutely free from sufYerdng; it isrealty u -
conscious, insensibility always ProcediY ••tv
A•. tho anntta] aetticmcnts were made at
Frankfort, train the brothers met there once a
year for a enrrll conference. This sy,ten
. He wives assurance in His word,
11 1, uck Wlth� the
Wa c ecla s I
s s p y
Aoyangwsh time map at>ond.mortal„Zess
continues, and, though the original live
That I may strength in weakness have,
.daring character Of the oil paint-
befog c
ceases alba Iosa,itivthousandsWho'hava.
recovered, aitwhoFu-iiad been stilTendered
brothers c ,
b, uthu, tw all passeover tot 1e 1
, P I nnI , ..
tho last of them, Jaines, having; Lhc 1 r i 1'.t:`
Just for the asking.
in -as in the barrooms, as instanced
have borne witness. Sudden a'nd„violent
i.r l:ju,4, at tlna ripo ago of '7'), yet the r•,, rr-
So if I would joy have all the day,
i 1 a lifesiz'e portrait of a blond
rah ngtptheeerises,ma notnbo,pro-
sent',tnc.-4,,ft,ruhousut,l tholargo(.Aiu, ;•f
And peasant sunshine all the way,
lad dressed in a handsome COS -
bablydsnot, painful to the victYn. Drown-
ing, banging,freczhW.shooHng, falling from
L'ttr aa•,;:;tniu t!:a p;riiuiPler.; of ur.i,.n,'.:cr-
in,I:v autl c•)nssdidatton laid d:Iwll 1•y (,;II
Oh, may I ever watch and pial•,
tl n r with apigeon h verin In
] 1 . Vlt 10
a height, poisoning of many kinds, beget Stu-
r ,. ,
=\;,>elr,r .l,r, ur ltc,thsllrild. ,
Holmesville, May, 1889.
front of her. But even with all
por or numbness of the nerves, which is in-
'1'h +greatest spocu.ator of tht• I!vu brothers
, _..,-_
its at attractions, he dCC1ClCli
compatible with sensation. Ie -sobs who
n.. ,a 11t'1 . et•'t•Rothschild, �,
t t. u. c ttiu t.,lyd, xn
1 i
that San Francisco isn't half so
have met with such ooddents, and survived
of the great old ratan. Ifo made tho gnuid
- -----'
pleasant as Batttioi', hies
thein, testify to this. Records to the effect
hit of lil.. h.e ufu•r tlu' batt o of \\'at.ol•l re..
t!:.• recut. 1'hc imt,ereat;i (If the h„u• ( of
era' -numberless, --Junius 11. Browne in The
II; L•opt watching the movonrcuts til' the nn-
Fashionable women in London
posing arlink s nn the c•ortirfent, alad followed
s lend as much as ft'Om £20 t0 X40
] s,
- T-
\ c lt;tr„ton very closelyas heapprwto`he:l the
on scents and face powders. It
A Child's hLneral in Spain.
i';ul:oue field. It Teems that tl:c Iron Duke
Thero are HOn1C big insurances
1S the tiling now only t0 tls6 One
kind face
The.Yuu)eral. of a dead child is one •of the
es in Toledo always impressing4,Sor.
v•r., rr,t at all pleased with Nathan's atten-
tion to him, rte he took him for otther a spy
on the lives of a number of pro-
of scent,F powder and
stramge A priest leads<the•pro-
or an assassin, and was on the paint of having
minent Canadians, more especially
rogue of the same odour. Then
cesdo%4ter;him walking a boy •who
him tu•rested several times. But Nathan
' r
those livinn in Toronto and Mon,.
LhCI'C l,y t0i1Ct 1VA1C1' LO rive )CI
g ]
ries;the,OofHn.:Os -Irbhead,'keeping it in place
kopt hi..i purpose steadily in view, in spite of
treal. Perhaps there is no one in
fume to the, Watorrin th•o washing
by hiy2ifted.handa. Thm fonowsa crowd of
boys,. Isandlaran
gi>• carryinglightod candles,
the fact that ballots were whizzing around
l:i, e;u> in showers. IIs eat on tris horse on
I Canada carrying as much life in.
basin. A new iog,lo has been in.
No aZterho>re' UISlitly,the gun may beshin-
t!:,• 11:11 of llnugomorit with perfect coin-
surance as Mr George Gooderham,
vented made in white, cream and
Ing tho candles,ambm•ahrg asthough.it;waa
pa.,::ro, in the t( ,.Ang rain, the whole after-
- the hell -known distiller. MI.
pink shados, A lady who thinks
dark- Ili the 'mtdA,*f the:candle beareraYs
noon, I.Iokfng" upon that terriblu struggle
Gooderham at the )resent time
tier skin wants a little artificial
borne a bier on which, is the body of�the
that was to decide the destiny of nation,,
holds elicits amounting to about
aid t0 bring out itsue beamyars
dead. There are , no algns,of grief, the bear-
of the corpse �chaffn and gossiping
ult!1 lluchur arrived anl the 1�'c11Ch WLI•o
, • to out. 1v tirnn as .Nathan saw r•
X600,000. Following IS a list O
carries a]ucketofthiH rogue in
the candle carders 'end sometimes threaten-
put enure to Ili,, horse and rnruie all ]x,ssible
sonic prominent people and their
a stnall morocco Case made espe(,:
Ing to roll the remains off the, bicrby fail
haste to Brussels, where a carriage au•l swift
,insurances :
dally for the stuff. In a quiet
Ing to curry it carefully. -Cor. Globe-Derno.
hors;rs wcrc in waiting to carry Elea to
George IV. Lewis (Toronto) ...`3120,000
corner she cru) renew her coin-
- !' "
A,'lnylight tilt' next moruiir,; 111 united'
S. Nordheimer (Toronto)...... 75,000
piCxion ,it will. flaking -up is
The 1�tnity Corrnnt Bushes.
,, 111e L'rl;ian coLst,'kheOhe focn(i it cz•
A. B. Lee (Toronto).........'... 50,000
said to be more common than
Forty years ago around,n overy family gar-
oer,lini;ly difIlcitlt to obtain a boat, tho sea
George A. Cox (Toronto)...... 75,000
den stood n row of currant bushes, loaded
hoiu :; very rough, At length lw obtaine,l rt
B. Walker (Toronto).......... 40,000
W. II. Beate Toronto)....... 75,000
Beatty (
A press dispatch is alith0l'it '
p ] S
every year- with wholesome fruit. During
the harvest timothey Ptasuishednnappetizing
'bt,:,t;nark n:, courttgc-urs Its himself, v'ho un -
d,,rtll,d; rho trislt r.„• ;:,:stair., Mita 1:(1nl,,d h:nr
John Bain (Toronto).......... 50,000
for the'statement that a record-
relfsb with every meal, and, dried in the sun,
at Dover fn.tha evening. lle lo:it notin,"-,
F. Arnoldr(Toronto .......... 25,000
breakingbovine s )rt)-
they were kept by the prudent housekeeper
Imt , ;t:1 ,'ayS I f t1 nv:il'toahnrx,'; pu;hl. 1
J. Plummer(Toronto) t 4 0
II. P miner Toren o , . 0 00
c+y is Concerned„ is the ptty
thnxt^h the winlpor, txnd were frequently seen
o , e i Y e
'n 't '•� r
t,: tI ) O w•an
i t !r nd n nn t a n the rx,';,.•r::.,,
Clarkson Jones (Toronto):.,... , 30,000
( )
H.'C. Dennie Toronto ........ 2:1,000
( )
party of an (h a11gC (Lids) County
on the tea tobleorsapplied as n relish for the
sick. But this fruftla now ravel }seen in the
rrcxt. afro ninq reuuly for hu, file s lung I,ci.,rc
tar tho '1'lli;
Henry Beatty (Toronto)....... '25,000
farm Cr, This remaF'kable. Cxl)on-
farm or viIhMe garden. The borer and cater-
+,p,�unrg of nuu'itct. vile 1!:r
In';rning of the i_'ilth, Only a dray u:1 1 tv.,,
Rev. Dr. McVicar (Toronto).... 10,000
ent of linu`ual fecundity during
pillar' have destr•oyalrthe bushes throughout
nl;;hts after the battle that: (loci,le•i Ow no.,
Rev. S. 13. Kellogg (Toronto).. 10,000
1,110 twolvo years of hor existoncC
the laud, except when gardeners have had
of trations. :Nathan had porforine:l a ,. oe I:
Rev. H. M. Parsons Toronto .. 10,000
( )
Rev. J. Ca le Toronto 10,000
Cayley (Toronto)
has brought into the 1vOrid eig i
pluck enough, to dasttroy theso insects each
11'hc. Ilo acted lila r,Ile• well. Lik,, t',,' ;;rr•1t
. ...
Rev. R. J. Moore (Toronto).... 10,000
toon calves, :111 of which are now
year as soon as they canN*.�-Chicago dates.
I•,'r i whets txditicra history hall ,ju •t e'!r„ �•d,
W. 11.Howland (Toronto)...... 10,000
living. Starting in to `double trip'
Inlar•taug to the 1)yesight.
:;ui.ian was "rand, gllxnlpy aril pcculicu•,••
is Qv! irnaneial svn,,e of the phren.-. .:I• was
S. H. Blake Q. C. (Toronto). . 10,000
Rev. T. W. Jeffrey (Toronto) .. 10,000
• f
the )I'OdllCtioll 0f twins she
�S ] 1 y
� •,
Fleeted roams ♦tulten too eyes, t, > do srrall
•t:i cmh „ to •r nP u1, ., (.•. �, • • • •e
' rC,t C l..t .,t iuf rl.uuf,n
Toronto.......... 10,000
ptlrsuefl that policy for two ea't's,
] 3 y
bonnets which do not shade the face, ,u) docs
t:, ti•, the contillent, Th" great „i,rrat o•a
Wm, Bell, Guelph............ 120,000
lila ) 1 r
b p] al Ctltl} wearying Of such
n Aare of light, or light that is too dim. In
r a ii',
11','`••",F nrrnut,l him, ci,i;ir.g hint, "'.\'duet is
i Senator Stanford, Hamilton.. 100,000
slow pro'ress in increasing the
short the eye6 IIecd a teat deal more care
than they,U-et. III health of any sort weakens,
ten, news:" Nathan sighed hol1v;;v, aril
N,,,; n!••d reluctant r, toil, LvcnUm!ly chi,,
A. G. Ramsay Hamilton.... , . 'i0,000
H. Corby, M. P., Belicville.... 25,000
Cott' census, silo set hersolf do,cl
them. Goin with cold foot causes more
flu;, rtant nitre ill' inforrnutinn was et•
G. Hyman, Lon lon...... , ... 50,000
mitiodl • to Work Ind each of the
S + t
harm to the any one ever suspects,
tort, I from bira) in strict c•onfidencc
Sir Goorge,IStepben........... 50,000
years of the next quadrennial does
of f vv
d tinny cases of weak eyes die relieved at
„illu,•h,•r, the hoa,t „f hie vtL,t nrrn f
y' o
Colonel TisdaI,lSimeol........ 110,000
siglializcd by the advent of trip-
once by hot foot baths and thick stockings
\w'vran<. was defeated by Napoit•on at
J. Logan,Pictou, N.S......... 100,000
1CtR and a1, t11C )resent time thlroo.
, ]
The sight is afttm strengthened by applica.
tions just abam the eyebrow and on the tom-
U1,7Iv, oil thQ fifth and 17th (()f June), and
there ran be no hope for -Wellington with
J, M. Hamilton .... 25,000
G.H. Fletcher,Sherbrooke, tine. 50,000
lusty vil lves are trig ring at. her
plo rather than the eyeball itself. -Shirley
Ills+ comparatively small and undisriplinod
Dr J. R. Alexander, Montreal,.. (10,000
maternal dugs I VCI•ily in thcSo
Dare's Letter.
furcc." This statement wma ,subl;tantinlly
J. Ii. Cowane, Montreal ...... 50,000
times Of Overproduction it is fort-
true-Bluc•hor• had been repulsed at Ligny.
Robert Cowans,Montreal,. 100,000
unatC that hor name is not le ion.
r the Ht y
a a
he Iluke had an awkward squad, with the
R d' the ,'tb t ad 't_ t thEnglish,
:, «•-luke
the the Irish and Clio
J. Johnston, Montreal,......., uU,000
John McDougal, Montreal .... 50,000
David Mc mice, Montreal ... , , , 130,000
John Ogilvy, Montreal, ...... 50,000
John Currie, Windsor,. t...... 30,000
John McDougall, Montreal.... 100,000
John Lees, jun Toronto ..... '-10,000
John Gillies, Carleton Place,.. 50,000
James GillieF,Carlpton Place.. 50,000
Donald Gillies, Carleton Place, 50,000
Wm. tidies, Carleton Place,.. 50,000
George Gilles, Gananoque, .... 2:5,000
A mon f6und drunk in Don -
murk is carried to his own res-
-idence, and the: Iteeper of the sa-
loon whero lie bought, his last
glass is Obliged to pay the expens.
es of the ride, which come high.
That strict prohibitionist, Mr
.1acQb Yates, Would say, put him
in the "jng;" on the t'h%ory that
the drinker should he punished,
rather than the man who f;ivOR
him thodrink. ",]nil all (Irinkrr�"
is Ilis motto. .
ca rug is keg a M. g us o e
whole vmrld of tbouglitt and fancy and
'tc•"ts Greys; to marshal in fighting grder,
imaginatiorl; tia the company^crf saint and
out Ire "got there all the sarll0•'' Nr hallo
tinge, and of tiro wisest and the wittiest at
Fecrot point oozed out, and in less thwi an
the wisvirt and wittiest moment. It enables
hour after opiening there was a perfect •V,'auic
us to'R(>rr with the keenest eyes, hear.with the
on the London Stock Exchange.
finest oars, andTlvtian to the sweetest voices
~+]than had his brokers at work, first sell
of all time, -Magazin of Auterivau History,
in; "shnrt," and, then, tvlren the' market
reache,l bedrock, buying on the •'dun;;'' sid'.
bight Have 1Tnewn iso.
flo boughtev(rrything that hr, could rai.r.
1Chon the storms of life aro upor• us, wo
borrow or berg the money for--(•nrro q,
n'n%i and hills. When the news IVeU
forget that tbey pass successively away; send
tr" r•'° 11, ftcr
arrived; fnrtynipulato-
when they are gone, we wonder, that we
n hadory is e
an had begun to rnuni (ln: n}ar•
should not have been calmed and composed
hest, nn>;1 when ho was "lung" nP +•,;,, ,;thing
by this long known truth.-Bar•IIoman.
that he had money or ovdit, to I,arrba:l•,
___. _- -__
s(-cnrtti(ta went tip with it N,oiii .,a(h;:u
C-caralva Agreements.
rI alized gti1,M0,000.
An oral agreement must bo preyed byy ovf-
denco. A
Sathan dicwl at I mrll:fnrr, lit, i ire n ;,, I i
flis'Inrt, •' ', •
written agreement proves ftsolf,
5;1, in P,'26 words word•, 1:: i,,l•
The law prefors written .to oral ovidonee,
ins; Gi kill mo: c,1ui,!k, quirk, give m+: t:.I,
because, of its peeislon.
Vold! His denth c:•t•1ttr,F n Ismail. "I 1!u
- -----'
Lcn'1„n `stock Exrhaa;;•,, ami th, ,- alf,:w?I
I Solno build rather upon this ,ihnsin,,, of
tie 1),mr o.; were greatly 4ntharrari,, 1 l.v CA,
others, and putting tricks Upon them, than
t!:.• recut. 1'hc imt,ereat;i (If the h„u• ( of
upon soundnest of their own ptnpOedine ,-
I'(,th,ehild nre now scatt„1•.,,I ovrr the I,jola••,
I Lord Bacon, .
nn,I it i, prr)bahlo that tho n=rcg•ate wca::.b
__. -_ -�_-_ . . I
ofmll,the brnnefmw of thn firm, in'-lil,ling Iho
There is nothing that will trnd SII Strongly I 1"r`i4r ;1o1H of tho vnrioii,i memher i of their
. tq the elevation and puriaeation of young ficr.rilies, exreo'la *l.0u0,One,r00_ ons' Fnl;r rl
:A,.-, men its temnleRociety.--•J. U. Holland. of (dollar,. --heron pivralrl.
Brilliant !
Durable I
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness,
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they
re mad of
a e cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. To be sure of
success, use only the --DIAMOND
DYF?s for coloring coo ng Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers;
Ribbons, $:c., &c. t•Ve warrant
them to color more goods, pack=
age for package, than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
for the Diamorfd and take no other.
A Dress Dyed ' FOR
A Coat Colored ��
Garments Renewed CENTS:
A Child can use them! '
At Druggists and Merchants: Dye Book fee.
Montreal, P. Q.
--- • --'--= lil�i lw�
, V i
. 9
I'. ,
C /'
,fr 5* %_ , -
)"1.,• „ :,nom a
cl,. int Items l ever di -o,
/ G
, l du •s
�.... .,... •fide i }pial ,: ca,tow.
t )I==:"'0 �i! I ;� "I IN CURE.
-.•., v:::,:,N- :'AY AND TROTTING bRF-D HOA
ELuwooD, ILL:, Nov: 24, I
VTI„ r'. J.' IF."TIALL CO,
P,� I!- SIr- : I Gave always purehaRed yml.r
slab'; N7,;tell, Cure by the half dozen h.,:r
w„utd ilk.+ prloesln largerqu;iritity. I thti:l
xnr 11 the bo'l, Ifnimenta on earth. I have t1.
;D my' atables for three years.
Yours truly, CRAB. A. 8Xvn
D8001tLV;, N. Y., November R',`Tsu.
nr;u• airs : I diAra to give you testimonfal of m;
q0(I,1 ot,hdou bf your Kendall'sflpavin Cure. I ha,'
ugv,l ,t Pr Lamenesm, Etl}r Joialm nal
Simvi nR, nmd I have fonnd It a sure cure, I curd;
,cL, r••• „nuneud It to all horsemen.
.,ars truly, A. H. GITAN. T,
Manager Troy Laundry Stabler
SAXT, wrNTON COUNTY, Onto, Dec. 19,188&
Gents : I feel it my duty to saT. what I have don
with your Kendall's Spnvtn. core. I have cure)
twenty-five horses that had SpavinN, ten o
itinq 119 ne, ntno afflicted with flue liend an
Seven of JI! Jaw. Siler I have Nati one oP you
books and followed true directions, I have nese
I a ease of any kind.
Yours truly, AXDREw TcnvnR,
Horse Doetot
Priec+$1 rer bottle, or six bottles for $'d All DrI,F
i a .• '
gt, hn (lt r r tial of It for you,t ,
S g
Ur it will 1r sen
u 'r
:u a address tress on r ,rel It P r1c 1 n
Y t l o glee 1y the pr art:
:OCH. Dnp H. J. KENDALL CVq Euoshur$h Fulls, Vt.
I 1'.
�) '',_�, t itr.
" 1-1.
01,) 7'
l ' u ti " 'I ¢?'
y r',, -,M-, '
, .. d ,r,
die •s' ,J.•1 U
'7"# I"19
, M r•
11 l•..J UIi LLA -1, .
J.S.A., 188-1-5, in Iompotition with the
Iianofortes of Europc and Aw,!f:,v,.- 'lire
only U.S. Internationcl MC?I:tl u, r ,' dwarrl•
d to a Canadian pianofort, ; c.1,:011eda!
.nd Diploma at the Colonic! rind Indian
Ixhibition, London, N;iw_ t�,,r;. with the
upreme honor of suP3)r!;Yi,ig Ifor Alajestr
he Queen with a Newconihe Grand
elected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fa
liustrated Catalogue, prices and ternl;c.,
lddress 003vills Newcombe & Co.,
FAOTORr, aOiOn7 n'ELLWOe6c AvrIJU'e
, . ')
Lot owned by the undersigned
nd ocoupied by .lir Lawrence, on Huron St,
Clinton Hard and soft water and good eta
Dib. Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNo
I CALLANDER,, Stauly St., Loudon south
t;ATEDD for building lots in a very desir-
able part of Clinton with about 75 choice
fruit trees, some bearingappies, pears, plums
. cherries, grape vines, and black and red cur-
rents. Fur furtber ,articulare aplrly at the
PROPERTY FOR SALE - .1;1250 will buy
a valuable lot oil the south side of Huron
Street, Clinton. three doors below tbe Cour-
wereial Hotel, on which is erected five
houses, with bard and soft water, $11111,11 stn
ble, and other conveniences. l'or particul-
ars apply to ,VALTON DODSIVORTH, or at
the NEw ERA glllbe
offers for sale that excellent property at
present occupied by himself, on the corner
of Princess and Raglan Ssreets.
acre of laud all set out with choice fruit
trees and grape vines, plenty of hard and
soft water. The bouse contains three rooms
down stairs, and four above, with good cel-,,
lar, closets, &c. This property is very con-
venient to schools, and is in one of the best
locations ill town. \Vill be sold entire, or
the lots divided. Terms reasonable, JOHN
STEEP, Clinton. .
That most desirable property just out-
side the corporation of ClintoD, on the Lon-
don Road, lately occulrfed by Rev. ,John
Gray, '
and couslsting of l4 acres with
with good
frame House Barn and stable dent id
Orchard, and plenty of coater, is off ored for
sale. BeiDg in Stauley township, the taxes
are low. Very desirable property for a
farmer who wishes to live, retired. Will be
sold on reasonable terttt,yyyy����-� Apply }or full
particulars to THOS. E, Parkhill.
farm of 110 acres, on the Maitland con-
cession, being lot 77 Goderich townshfp,;
situated 17y miles from Holmesville, and four
miles from the Town•of Clinton. The. soil is
a good clay loam, with a neverfailiirg sprin
creek running through the placo; also goodg
wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, which
is one of the best sugar bushes In the coun-
ty; also two frame barns, one a bank barn,
one frame horse stable with room for ten
horses, also two 980d bearing orchards, be-
"'N0six six acres ifs all; two good log houses.
About 45 acres seefled down. Will be sold
on reasonable terms. ALEX BADOUR,
Holmesville P. O. ,
Superior Farrar for Sale with-
out reserve.
The undersigned will receive offers for tile
sale of that valuable farm being Lot 27, Con
8, and N 7 of 27, Con 2, Tuckersrnith, ILIt,S.,
consistir•;; of 150 acres of choice laud; and
one of thQ II, •.t farms in Tuckersniith. It is
Dearly all cloared, well fenced, under( rained
and in a hign state of cultivation. It has a
good brick dwelling, and usual barns and
outbufldfugs. A clear title will. be giver,
subject to this }roar's lease. Roltsonable
terms of payment accepted. This farm will
be sold without reserve, and at an early date
apply to W, W. h'ARRAN, Receiver •
Clinton, April ;Id, IS89
-----.---- -_ SALE. -_--
That desirable property lately oco,upie(F
by David Welsh, deceasud, and being lot No.
4, corned' Isaac and Dunlop streets, Clinton.
On the premises there are first -alias accom-
uiodatious-well, cistern, sheet, fruit trees;
ari(1 a garden well planted out. The cottage
is new, open for inspection at any tune upoU
I rlicati il t he 'n i gnecl -
al l o o f a dors � ,
The prewises must be disposed rf ill order
'nI ''
,tojwr 1 u) the estate of the tato DRu i,\Velslt
TeYllIs tlinrle known en apl,lication
1III:\ \\T'LSi[•13xurut 1N of
IlOr tvl 4 w,% . will ,r
,13 '1i\N1NG,1nav)II\\`11,11
i�PUltel'ty ff)i'.Hall!• ..
I will ,.']1 tuber One Or both Irt 1:I,y new
Ilriek housus on Ontario Strut -t Rrl,joiuing the
Presbyterian mein:;(,, l acro of laud to each
horse. 'rho lots run throm!i to Townsend
street on which bore is rowu for two more
houses. The pmprrty' is gituatrd in the
best resideutalpart of Clinton, 1,i -A) houses
are now•and tliorougl:ly well fiilisl'it'd tlu'oitgh
There is no vaore desiral,le proportp in Chn-
ton either as an investment or for it home.
I will sell lots oil the liay:ield road or on
Kingstreet tit a reasonable prior, from R
acre or up: Thi; is a good chanfu ter tarts-
ers and others w)io purpose emohig to Clin-
ton to reside. 'I'llcy can buy lots 11ow ah Oar,
1 tautout trees, and their property will al•
ways be ,increasing in valuo, ovrn if 0111y
don't wont to build at once, their Land win
prove agoodinvcsnu„i;t. Trrnls,asy. Hav-
alan severalother• fm•opiIrtius ill Clinton. Rily
of which i will sell. •\]Illy to (i RDE'N
1V. 11. PF.RIIIN.
Whito Brow MODE111E111 co'y,
We have the only factory in the Do-
minion.. Ottr material is pare and tine,
and is endorsed by leading scientists 0s
being Practically irnperiOmble. It can-
not absorb moisture iml cnntio+'inently
is not affected by the ft -,:t. J. Baker
Edwards, Ph. D•, I). C. L., N. C. li., of
Montreal; I', Q., says its great d ra-
bility raider till exposure to weather
and storm N fully osrnrod by its high
quality. ,It is more durable than atone
atid.will not ],),)..;c its h;.tmd,ome appear•
once from gc],),)..],),)..;cneratinm to I.Ivlwration, . I
know of no othrr t:atcrial which is
equally capable of contbinill elegance
of form, b,'ivity ofrnrf we awl i,uiefinitc
1'lcasv call rnr (:I'.write to '111i. m,elit at
Clintnit and �(.! des'!'„ ns mid (iricros be.
fore plac•in," ;aril' nal( r.
\V. ?I. GIFFI:,', . c1I_NT CLINTON
,• w i' \n
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