The Clinton New Era, 1889-06-07, Page 2T a
i- b
MPAY', fir[tlity and his drem"s he never not know if you would live or die,T khrea months' interest, VIA worn ani believe we sh,'wl dud each other ! -
beard Balle-for it was she -enter thought that I should have Q.:
COLONEL QUARITCL. Y. C. g gone out, Ida, I'm worn out; that's the —Dr at l+taet forgetfulness. My
the room. mad with remorse and agony." long stili short of it. There to Heart 6 so sore I know not what to LvheaBabywwaick,we6avegeroasWrAa,
f For a minute or more she stood He listened so far, and then sud- one thin; left for me to du,sud that say tU yl,u, for it i+• difficult to put When she was aohm,eheadpdforCwtory < ` t
A. TALE OF COUNTRY LIFE looking at hint :as he sat with Gia denly walked across the room to- is to die, and that's the lou and ; all I feel in Wo,'dil.
g I aw over. When she became Ujils, she ?lung W paptmfa, I °fl
eyes fixed upon the picture, and as wards the bell. IShe placed herself short of it. I get so confused with i whelmea and u,y spirit is broken, pun skeWill0 Idna,shegavethemC"toris
�- she looked an expressi(ti offjl i:y between him and it. all these figures. I'm and old man and I wiah to God that I were dead.
I 11
BY H. RIDER HAGGARD. stole across her sweet, pale face. '°What are you going to do?" she now, and all these troubles are too Sometimes I cease Eu believe in a l
' CONTINUED. "I wonder what curse there is said. much for me." Gro} wlm can allow his creatures to _;I ¢l
Oopyriobt and published by arrange- laid upon us that we should be al 'Going to dol T am going to "You must not talk li'> a that, E,e so tormented, and give us love THIS YEAR'S CA
mout with the Rose Publishing ways doomed to seek for what we send for a policeman and give you father," she answered, not knowing only ill t it may be uaily dishonor- k
'r Company.) I cannot find," she said into custody for attempted murder, whatever to say, for affairs were in. ed in o'.r sight; but who ant I that Imy Im W :) O
So he had evidently made up his He heard her now, and, looking that is all." deed desperate. should uomplaiu? and after all what
mind not to forego this new advant- up, saw her standing in the glow and She caught hie arm and looked "Yes, es it's all ver to tel so <..0
yes, y k are oto• troubles v
compared to some
age which chance threw in his way. flicker of the firelight, which 'laye 1 him in the face. n another second p
g $ p Y I ec nd but facts are stubborn. Our family we know of? Well, it will come to CVT AND PLUG � til
Pressure, and pressure alone, could upon her white face and black -deep- she had loosed it. is ruined, and we must accept 4t." an stili at last and meanwhile ,itM k,
enable him to attain his end, and ed form. He started violently, and "Of course," she said, "you have "Cannot the money be got any rue and think of me." ( Y Srr�uk([(e T013�lCC� I -
! he we,$ applying it unmercifully. and as he did so she loosed the I aright to do that. Hing and send how? Is there nothing to be done?" !'pjty me and think of me, yea, SCI PPEN MILLS
1.Well, she had done with him now, heavy cloak that she wore, and the , for the policeman, only remember eye asked, desperately. but never see me more. As soon FINER THAN EVER. I Are taking the lead in Gristin and Chop -
,c it did not matter to Ger; but she hood of it fell behind Ger. But that the Whole truth will come out "What is the good of asking we as this engagement is publicly an- SEE pine, whteh will be done at an times, on the
could not help fajiitly wondering at tthere was the Lovely rounded forge, I at the trial." that? There is onlyone thing that ° g p Shortest notice. CHOPPING only acents,a
1, the extraordinary tenacity and hard. and where Elie clustering, golden ' This checked him, and he stood I can save us, and y u know what it be ter. d go away,. the, farther the vinoeathattbie%tiieinhtyieceitogetyour
{teas of purpose which his action till'!: -1 Guile, and in their place a thinking• ja as well as I do. But you are better, Yea, �O to New Zealand,as Gristing done, as everyone gets the flour
,( y you suggested once before, and in manufactured from his own wheat. Farm-
showed. Then she turned her mind coarse rube of blue serge, on which : "Well," she said, why dont you your own mistress. I have no right era can depend on getting their staff home,
to the consideration of another mat- bur u crucifix and the White hood ring?" g pity of our human weakness never with them.
g a to put pressure on you. You must 8 FLOUR AND FEED. -Flour and feed kept
tT, &B
er, in connection with (which nee• of the nun. "I do not ring," he answered, please yourself. Meanwhile think let me see your face again. Per- constantly on hand.
&plans were pproaching maturity. He sprang from his chair with an ' "because, on the whole, I think I we had better leave this place at ha •s you ma write to me some- D. B. ]yIgLEAN, Hi
I y y IN DaovzE pN ppen Mille.
It was some days after this, ex- excl+matioa, not knowing if he had better let you go. I do not once, and go and live in a cottage times -if my -if Mr CUssev will LINTOE DfECHANIC'$ INSTITUTE,
1, actly a fortnight from the date of dr•anmi•cl or if he really saw the wo- i wish to be mixed a with you an a allow it. C there and occupy your EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE CiLibrary and Reading Rooms, Town
p y Y somewhere, if we can get enough to J Hall. down stairs. About a,000 volume#+
'; Mr Quests den ch, that Edward Cos- pian who stood there like a 'ghost more. You have dome me mischief Support us; if not we must starve, self, it will divert your mind; you in theLlbrary and all the Leading NewA `
' sey was sitting one afternoon brood• in the fireligh5 enough; you have finished b at are too young a man to lay yourself — papers and Periodicals of the day ou the .1
r, 4, Y I suppose. I cannot keep up ap- G. H. COOK table. Membership ticket $I per annum 1
ing over the fife in his rooms. He "Forgive tile, Edward," she said, tempting to murder me. Go, I earanees an longer." upon the shelf; mix yourself up in Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gratin Open from 2 to tip m„ and from 7 to 9 p.
p y the politics Of the lace take to ate of the Toronto School of Dentist ni Applications for membership received
had much business awaiting his at- presently, in -tier sweet, low voice. think that the convent is the best Ilia rose and with a strange sad p p ty'' oy the Librarian in the room. i
tention in London, but he mould "I dale say that this all looks the- place for von ; you are too bad and light of resolution shining in her vvriting,anything so long as you can Nitrous Oxide Gas admipistered'for the `-'-- ----------.- - .
not go to London, He could. not atrioal enou;h-hut I kava put on too d,ingerous to be left at large," ' a absorb yourself. I send Vol] a patnleAaextraction ofteach. IiENIlIiLLES 1�U1tSERY
„ eyes, came to where Ger father Was hotogra h of m self I have noth- Olfce peer Jaakspn's Clothing Stor41, next
tear himselfaway from Boisinghanl, this dre,s for two reaeons: firstly, "Ob!" she sair, like one in pain. sitting, and putting her hands upon p p Y to Postotuce, Clinton,
and such of the platters an could not because I havil to leave tit`s town `[Olt! and you are the man for ins; better) and a ring that, nt;6t d� Night bell answered 1y '
Y his shoulders looked him in the face. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREEI
I be atteuJcd to there Overe left with• in an hnnrs tiu,e; and, secondly, to whom I have come to this! O God! "Father," she said, "do you wish aiitl'11ac; Y bevy always worn einre �Z�`EZ� MONEY! }4IuNEY! NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH
out 'stteution. f te. wast still as Ile show flint ton veed not fear it is a cruel world." And she press- „ - I was a child, I think that it will AND ASTRACHAN PINE,
} lne to Marry that man? we can'make a few good loans from private 1.
tormined as evor 5u ma fry Ida,nmre that I liivP collie to h� importunate. ed her hand to her heart and stum- "W , fit tour little fin_Pr,tLnd 1 hope that funds at low rates and moderate expense. THE LATTER OF WBICH WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. I
Wish you to marry hint? �� Itac Terme made to suit borro-Gra. '" .
S determiriA.if posail)-le, for froal Will yLu light the candles?" bled rather than walked to the.door. -do you clean?" he said, not without v"Il.wtll alw:Lys we,ar it in memory HANNING&SCOTT. - Clinton LARGE STOCK ON HAND•
constant i„uurijlig ,nr the nlact(�r he ' 'lla did' nie�liai,ieallt,'and then 1ieHchjng jt, she turned, and her irritation and avoiding her gaze. of mP. And note ft is late and T _ __...- _
had arrived *at a condition allpruach- pulled down the blind-•. Meanwhile hands, still pressing the coarse blue t'.�t is no affair of mine. I don't am tired, and what is there more �� - The abuye ornamental trees and shrubber w•I
ing muuoulvuia. !Yr) bad been quick Belle ;,.(I se lf« l herself near the gown against her heart,. leaned het like 'thy man, if that's what you that R woman can Fav to the man f anytl dug to very
low eructs, d thsaeattmoot
to see the, ndva),tanU resulting to table• her Nce bu••if-d in tier hinds, back against the,dool. mean• lie is action, like --well like she levee -and whom she mn-.t g here. e
D E \ T IST, {,urchas,u
hjro front VIr.(�ueses tragjc de;Lth "1�'aut is the' uieaninI of al! this, "Edward,” slie'said, in a strainerl the cur that he is, in putting on the leave forever ? Only one word Orders b Arail•toill be promptly attend
Nnd the n4tuni of tbe-deeds, anti 11,4E?' lie said, • whisper, for her breath cause thick, screw as he i3 doing- but of course Good -by. IDA NuReULF VILLA, IS7 GOLLCOH STREET y ed to. Address, yQi
though 11e knew tiles Ida would hHEc ';'S 'Sister :1�nPs,' you must call mo '`Edward- I rin gojn forever- b7 When Harold vot thta litter it _ TORONTO.
y g that is the wag out of, it, and the fairly broke him down. His . hopes - JOHN STEWART, Benmiller.
Lim the inn+„ fur' Ijpjng it, hf/ ill- noWQ' ahs said, taking Tier hands have an fro kind wort]- -to se, to "
9 only way, and there you are. �r i�, + _
structed his lawyl'r to talI ill the frow her face,. •1The nicaning of it mei" If " had bean reviver] when he thought S. ` 1us-Oxg -• - - -. _
money Loup nmke' use of every ,os i that I 111er, I ft the World and Father, she said attain, twill
I ) Y 1 Ile looked at ?ler, a scowl upon you give ale ten (lays, that is, until that all was Vst, • qnd now again GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE. Meglllo� M Baal I scrance Co,
Bible legal,incans to harasti and put,l n sisterhood, which works his handsome face,and then, lay way Christmas Day. If nothing hap_ they were utterly dashed and hrok-
proasura u.pty, 11r Uo la Jloll(+. At a)purr� ilii: hour in I,ondun,and that of answer, hP turned upon his heel. pens between this and then I will en, HP cmild Fye no wav out of it, HURON STREET, CLINTUN, -
the saupo tiu,t' by dud written pri 1 have cJtl,, to bid yon farewell, a And sor still holding" her bands marry Mr Edward Cossey." untie at All. . HP could tint quarrel tte,ai`jaio ahle rates. A rial sulir;ted`r w, . HAkLOCK
TRW to the tit oleo ealliun, his Ht- last farewell." erg G{ s Promptly T; NEILANS
Y 1 a ainst bee poor broken heart she wjth Etas rlecjsion, shocking as it -- .- - ___ ___
a P , A suddtri light of hope shone ill H C — GENERAL AGENT.
tention to flit) t'ac't. that matters fill stared at her in Hruyze"writ• Went out .of the house, out Of Buie- his eyes. She saw it though he was, for the simple reason that he BIBLES & TESTAMENTdATCOST
were now unit In:ue Hs they had lie did nut tint iL easy to connect inghan, and`of the touch and know- Y a knew in his heart that she was Act• Lsolatedtowuand Village property, as %+•ail
tiled ,f U hide it b tllrlllnn, llj9 bead The Cllntnn Brannh Bible Society ties a for as farm buildings andstock, Ensured. Iasur-
been fit the heginumv, but that the the idea of this beautiful,passionate, ledge of the world. To the world away. 3 ° in; rightly and Pven nobly. But, dale at DR WORTHINGTON'S DRUG ances effected against stock that may be
Was,asllefore,x iliiugtto carry out the hnmau loving creature with ilio Leslie was dead but there is another I " STORE. AlbertStreet..a title assorttuelit of killed by lightning, If you want insurance
' n r Uh, yes, he atisWered, ,,as you "11, the thought Of it muds him sick. Bibles and Testaments. drop &card to the above address.
arrangements ttllich he had already cold sanctuary Of R sisterhood, He wort,] of sickness and sorrow and It is )robabl that to a man of TESTAMENTS FROM nets; UPWARDS --- - -- •.--,---"' _ .- _____.
wish settle it one way or the other 1 Y BIBLES FROM Here Ulttt.ARDA,
specified, provided that Ida could dill not, know that it is nawrea like sordid u'ncbanging misery and on Christmas D,tq, and then we can !pagination and deep feeling Hell COMEANDSEE. DR WORTHINGTON, Le- 4 PAINTING. PAINTING.
be persuadcul r.o cansen6• to marry this whose vary greatness and in- shame where the luvul face of Sis- g itself can invent no more hideous Poaitory, __-
Y O out with the new year. You - The undersigned desires to intimate to the
him. 'ib this 1Ir Do is Molle, not- tensity N aften the cause of their ter Agnes rooves to and fro like a see your brother James ja dead and torture than. that which he must J T. R'ILI�IE, SURGEON, DENTIST People of Clfaton and vicinity that lie has
withstanding Jijs grief and irritation destruction wh+'u the come in ad- )•ay on, returned to town, and intends to remain
Y pods own light, and there I have no one left to advise -Mie noW undergo in the position in which -� bare pe manentiy, and is better prepared
at the course his would,be son-in-law verse contact With laws which are those who would know her must 00 ' Harold Quaritch, found himself. Holdatheexclusive right for the county for than ever to do anything whatever in the
a And I suppose that I and ettin� the Hurd process of administering che)nt-
had taken above, the mortgages On fitted t0 the aveiage of their race, to seek her. pl g call entrusted
to him
re receive
All orders
Old, At an rate things seem t0 (To BE CONTINUED) y pure Nttrosyst; ni ye ids cover is the entrusted to hiru will receive prom' t and
Y + 0 Safest and beet tra do yet Beth. ha for careful attention. p
the death of :1Tr .Guest, Rnd the Rus- that are most capable of these Poor Belle! Poor, Shamed, de- be too much For me. Settle it as —�`�- the painless extraction of tooth. Cheeses GEORGE POTTS, Birk St„ Clinton.
picion that he note had as to the arrange (levelopmonts. The man or sorted woman'. She Was an evil you like. Settle it as you like," , A Weat Lol:pe, Elgin coulit3-, FL[TOTT'8aALO0B�I errRrnuce18, Txtloi
original cau,el of their transfer to uou,an who can really levo and en- doer, and the fatalitq of love and aryd he got up, leaving bis break- Curl•espundent write,: A ntan shop, Huron Street,^lintou.
the lawy(+r,hrxt_ arttovered courteous- duce -and they are rare -can also, the rush of her quick blood, and the fast half swallowed, and went pir to u1nled Jellnim- wbiluoqualizing VITALITY. ly enough, s'1}'ing .kvliat he had said when their passion has utterly unbalanced vigor of her mind,whieh roam aimlessly about the park., sL1IvC:. ill �1'au h s tlCtor3-, hap- EXHAUSTED ` VITALITY. 0111riNVII before, that Jill could not force I,is .broken them, turn thele to climb might, had she been . mole happily yo she made tltp'her mind at la"s't:' Ett'lie'.. toCNvaulll irk ii factouet tL'iLii p. r�1HhSCIECEDiP Life daughtt;r into ;, luillria:;e with bila, the stony t)atl,:: that lead to loves. placed, have led her to all tbings 1 ,batt in t'rutit ui' him. As quick 4Vorkoe tleage Aled �� Cf, but thuN if ;+] .+ L}u)ut' tO agree to it a I This was the end of her strugg ing.
l a anti(iodes. that are pure and true and of good I She could riot let her old father ()e ax Hstsb the bos(rm tit his rhirt bo• tai Dbi ty s)? oPhys
tura �
be should Of:,n no objection. Aud' I'Edward," Ole went on, "you report, had combiucd t[: drag her turned out of .house and home to I gstn tel wind and ill an it)stant .Ile' Decline, Errors of Youth r
I and file uutdld miseries -TIIE LEADING-•
there ttie+ uut:-,cr a'tood, Once or know 'in what relation we' have into shame and Misery. But the .starv_ e, for- jractically,-thE ' wpul,l i W.L8 4cft standing Airtleri�, �tcept ,cousgnuent thereon, 300
Awjca it,; lend [nut }da walking or stood to each other, and all,.that evil' tbat••'sho did-hw-I e-6 paid-'fiac[t � y th,c W,Liet bands "'1hIC7., list tae, �?agesfsvot„ i?aTTeacrip.
starve. She' knew her hateful lover 1 tions for all diseases.- 4
1.driving, tib, hu.:• bowed to flim that relationship means to woman. to her in full measure, pressed dowil well encu s to be aware that he ( aerifictld acid thu n1:'tel', lift ts':oved. I Cloth, fu I gilt, only r31, by mail, aealed. IT- UNDERTAKER
cold'ly,an(1 that tvas .1!1. Indeed, lit! Yon know ths't I have lover] you and running over.. 'Few of us need + " liuln.far Joe Leniutl, nOr:-iu�g in 1°strafed}sample free to all young and mid -
o W011ld aliUW 1)t) mercy. It wa3� 'A', tileaged men. Send now. The Gold'and —A*p,_
had' only cult cruulL of comfort in With all .lav heart, •.and all my to wait for a place of punishment rjliestion of-tlie woman or the mi,. i the s11" mill,- had the ends Of Jewelled
he elle on ,idLal awarded
MedicalAssociation, to tbeautthor by '
daily. bread of disappointmeltt, and strength, andall Iny soul; that your to et the dues of our follies and ' 1 tnc) tilts;elw cut ('tf by fhb ,Move P. 0. Box 1695,,Voston, ss.r. w Address• R M
that Lopu d•_'f,,rred which where a voice ha beett nnlsjc to .me -and g i nl-y, alit] 'She wa3 the woman: 'Ejth. , (, . . • ;.•� :7 PARi,ER, graduate Harvard Medical C.ol- E]�iBALMER.
+our sins. Here we expiate them. t eJ alis Must let him take• her or. + l<IlLt )egg, i5 years practice in Boston, who may
lady ix cougotn( d, makes the 'heart y our kiss . heaven,, , (Here she They are' with us day and night, I they roust be destroyed; thele ryas : • . A be consul t ied Confided ially. Specialty, Dis- •
more than norwlll) sick, said that trernhled and broke down,) aliout.'our nth and stout our bed s 0 4B.ulfnohsc.
r , ,, P , ! nU middle•, course. And in these... t:rr n 11 4'fs lr9'iti+ 4` A FULL LINE O.
-ps, that )w kr1Pw his listed rival, s oil know too, she; continued,' scourging us with the 'wliips of ; cilTurustanccs there was no room , ,+P�` � � The lll(�1 u
•Colonel Qiwrlwli had bctan forbid- presently, "what has been the end meruor mocking us with em )t r .itCpI.-Ili , 0!e, t 0ria. soils Ucl•ink, t -111
3) a 13 for hesitation. Once mole Ler dutC ._ _ _ Incorporated by Act of Parhanient, 1e,;:,.' GOODS K�1PI ill STOCK
den the, cas(tl. ,1 -mil that intercourse of all this, theshatr.eful end. I aro lunging and the hopelessness of de- benaine cle;ir to her. She nlast,ggi.'y 14)rllii`S�Yt)Iic7f1;t1itl tJltlfr t;�i11'llra
between hit;, ,,n] Ida was practical- not eorne to blame you. I 3,0 not s )air. Who can escape the cutwe ' CAPITAL,. - $2,000,000. •
} 1 up h(?r life, she must &give up her i ' REST FUND, - $1,000,00u
ly at ail end• blare vou, for the fault was mine, yuence of sin, or even of the WIS- I love, she rliust give up herself, J1ANNING JCUTT, - -
' But her w•a5 ;I dogged and perse and if I have anything to forgive I fortune which led to sin? Certain-• '- The bestEmballning Fluid used
verjng ,win, and jut knew the power forgive it freely ; and whatever ly Belle did not, nor did Mr.Quest, �� ell, so t,e 1'c. ShP was weary of ; HEAL OFFICE, MONTREAL. ..
,the ion" endeavor a;ainst fortune, ! Barristers, Solicitors, THODIAS 1yORKDFAN,,,,,,...President.
Of mon(w e.nd t.h+' shifts to wbjc]1 melnorirls clay still live in til} heart our even th,lt fleece -hearted harpy ; now she would yield and let the I J. H. R. MOLSON. ..........Vice•Pres. ,
people Wh , are made desperate by I Swear I put. away all bitterness, who hunted bin, to his grave, VONVEYaN(:ER:;, tku., • P. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Goxeral Manager Splendid did He9 rse.
t, tide of'utt(r misery swept over her ; g1.
the, want t.f i' Cull be driven. He and that my most earnest wish is � And. so good to I,dfi, 11sy !'liken, sea -ant.} bear her away till at I C"eil„l,dlen rn fur nntarinand Ar:bultnba Notes diacounted,Cpllcctipnti made Dra to 1
knew, mo, dri, i' was no uldusual that you may be happy as happi• she find peace in its season, last it brought her to that oh}iriorl ! Or•91•:F NExr Uotyt Tn NEW ERA, CLINT nN isaxed, SeerlinrJ and Aanerieara ex f • ,
thing fur t+c� u ho were attached Hess is to yon,. rI'he' mistake Was I - - - . - '- - - ALT EUI l ST. OLIN i0:\ '
to one uran t.0„r' , ('1'1APTEM, \XXVII1. in which perchance tLinos aro as 1 �4NEY Tu LOAN. MORTO4At;EA c4iagf bought and"Aoki at 1ptaeal ' '
]themselves to aft uijhc; that i,, it would have been ! Bought. Private Fundi. c R[DUUT, cwrrent ratrx, Residence over store.
e l OLUNk:L (I 1RITt'1t F:XPItISti�h, i11. though• they -had net^Pr beCl,• 011ie uyrrJ Jarksna'Amort;, ciiuton. Interest at 3
other. of their o t i, free will, rE?aliz- mine write we free a gents which we 1 , per cent allowed a+, deposits,
a ) I
tihe had sctu•cely spoken to ]let• -- ' — i OPPOSITE TOWN HALL -
jng that )0v" 111-ty pas;, lint wealth nre not. I shout] have loved my 1 ;'IF;ttb• ARRrAUT•. LICENSES.- APPLY TO ” F'AI%i17kn�.
luver,' T'laruld Quaritch, for sonic. .�� ! i
if filo ybtt. 'IL• ,.'' R IU h pl•Oporly 1111Rhand, of ratllcl' Lho rnan whole I -S ICOTT, Cli ti the Library Ftontna, with ji a or t o to ndorses . their own notes
-Irawii:toes no I Jfeill at
things hull be4tu goilln ttrekR. �L(= had, e,5 a}le tln(ierstUod i JA.IIEa r.'COTT, Cllntnn. githone or more endorsers, No murrquge re,-
lliereturr: hi; still 1 thought'ule lulRhund, for, with all very ill tit the: 'Uasflo. E Iward. it, OnierPd into R kind of ups ,uken I _. colied as Security.
t itltl.l(.ia LICENSES LSaUi31l lit"1'HI:
hoped that s'it), HO 11,any Cll'Clitri- ]118 fatllrR, he was Of'a dlfit;lelft Clay (; SSey's Istiw `Cl'R Lyt9'e Cfllr'lntr 1 31up•lrrsryued,atre3idencu or drug store. II. C. I1Y.ERF,h, Dl pager,
++ U } ) o Ont agreement with .het' futlir:r not to , .Mlt.i .L. \1.OATHINGTON. January 18A7• Ctrnton �j ! �T p7 �j� �t T y
3tancn h1ir.;;{n. in ,•v(liorri,;lsin' to you, Edwnrct tLuir client's iristuuaiur+s to tl•(' rlo', and t,l,at agreennlnt II'arold; UNEP TO LhVD IY LAL1ijX Uli - 1'����,.11\��, I�i�lj��"L
Orcasur,+ ui,url L4:r'1dH's spa it w(uld 1[e looked u , but said i,othing. le,,wr with R „I'L' a &nee d"Ll ill- ' ,l wauaun,Aortgood mortl1,,=H1 eAeeurity, C1jnt011 Post Office Thye Table
}' a I 1 11Hd 1111C1y1'R100dand respected. Since ; itiu4leraterateOfinterest. H IiALE,Cliut�ll BANKERS,
in tjrnr lul t,:ola'i), ]ler' t'e91RGRtItL' I`I know,' she went on, (pointing Igenuitq worthy of a cuuntq-court I their last letters to sac], other they r Dfaflsaroduotordeliverynnd close for des arch
would "011al•st•, nr'd he would 113VO to the ,ictnle over the mantel piece I solicitor. Du L da e e)Iluataa BFtUttN LiCENSEU ALl7T1UN- p
i ( , y y S tile. y found had roet once or twice casually 01' 1 F:F1L for the County of Huron. Sales at- at the Clinton Fo,t Otflcc as fotlutrs:-
1115 Wl:i. ` r, s1; tl,0 .R(?r1llP.] will "lhat'y011r 1[llnd, 1S .still sot Ilpon tiUnle now IrOIC.t UI1013 Wb1C11 t0 I)H- I at church, anti interebann,e,l a. few : tunde-t G. atreaa,nablenttee. seafurth P.U, —__ cLn9C �'�� TO' of 'A('
y I _ _ I orifi I
strew, was thl,t lir,pe H haseloss one• hut•, and that I nin nothing,and less I rass the' wreteLed squire. Some in•lif Brent worfls, though their eve's � k APPLETUN-OFFICE- AT RErII- ffanilitun, Taranto, Sir ut•I
As for Li•( is f,tuatjuu .chert+ wax than nothing to yon. 1tGen I utr► 1 $ are Of the first expenses cuunect• , 1) u6.ctt on On tar"+ street,diutou, op- ford, saTo")n', Gratin!
' o+ g b' ! spoke another ntUry, and I pt+dI[e F'nglt+h (;Dnrch. EutranrA by side Trunk cast and fnterme Advances made to farmers their own C
Gterat,,: tie, ;:,n:' to it. It bloke guile }all will scarcely give Lae a I ed with the mortgages had, they I touched each other's !woos still , gate. dfare put o9,,..,,... „ 7,00 a.m. IMP.,,, i
out in e,)1 sort. of gays, and was for thought. I do not know if ou will said bcou im ro pert thrown a run , T 1, WALKER, VE rERLNAHY SURGEON T ionto, Stratford,
Sea. 1.55 ,.m notes, at lots rates of interest.
I- � miles l tiul)d s, w i ; 1 ° y ' improperly Y I ,gaited, and that was absolutely all. I ,J t,ra-ivate of the Ontario yLterinar Col- r s a.m
ter E f ,uhlic no• succeed in yout end, and I think their client, Hnd they again and I But now that she ha,l come to this i T,',;,'. Tolegraphic ules9ages p rom, ly at GO andT unrkweste.ani 1 general Banking usiness transacted i
toriety iuv! .;,).•,• Ovcr 016 m:iu- that the methods ou are ado ,ting n ain demanded in lan gun a Nobic,h 1',l c,,. U91ca -Londesborough, tout, Goderich. ............. alas P.M.r.m.l 2,4u 11.111 Interest allowed on deposits.
Y adopting g , language momentous decision she felt that he _ _ ___ r 1 p
telpiC46 lit )•ie, yi�,tjne•i'U(tlll w:i9 ;L R!'e w'ICkt:d null shameful. But was almost insolent, the immediate I had a tight t0 learn It, and ao OIICe; �� ){.•'- - L4)ndnno"LTFI�SOr3.south 4.15p.m.;10.2:;A,In Sale Notes boul;ht jI
1 r h HITT - TEACIJER OF MUSIC a.m, 1 ,m, ala,, p,In I
fresh ,•.�.tu,;.,L• it. 1}c 11,141 by wit(-tl)er you succeed or not, your payment of the amount. Then t acro h( mi ht 9i and Enter'mediato areces 7.00 4.1( lo.3s rn '
1 Y more she wrote to hip•, 'd.A„Iltr of the Gbna,win Society of 7.
I� � )I•i• : ia;,n, Piano said Organ for the use of Blyth, wingham, Klncar. T. I . TISD!\LL• , I4lana� i
Orli. ell„aTii ,,• trnotllel' O})LtUlle(1 fast; n1RU will be WtiHt my fate ]s- was tt]reC [n)ntt18 1(ltetGdt Ort'erdllG!, ! havc, gone to Side hiru Or told Iliui UI : 1,al:ii.. Ra3ir11•uc4', 11r a flartt'A, opposite,- V, Lucknoty, L.,II,&Il. I j
Sever:,] ;,hi'r r• p'tA'Of jrl;l, ilOt;Lhly t0 love a person who is not only Irl- and this also the tresse 1 Ai'd \Ir IN {,ito wee:1's, Alhort Street,Cliutou north and intorniediato aan. p fit. a.m, p ill l
Y I tuUCt her, but RI1(^ tV011l(1 1)OL. 1'rir __ ofticcs ....... ..I.... :, 9.30 6,16 S. U, 6.uU Itpwardetl arc CLose tubo road
quo Of het' iv c;4;pt't ih'Pss Wll ll'h (lifl'f"'Cllt t04UJ, but wb0 pCsitively Cla'mor'ed Pori till the.old,gentlelllall � one thing, she dill nut dare to trust' LIt I'LE •E, --OFFICE, kATTF.NBURY British main, Monrlay,Wed- th E9and h
J)n be-, tt. � •, 1 b•, RICHLY t eh act; iheyWill find
Ut' tllrel, •yealJl diRli;;(b)i you,, and reserves all tier was nearly driven Out of Ills sense. a I -t, ?furray Block, two do(irs euAt of ne3dav, Thursdnr• . ,.no aott, t,onorablo ample •niuut that tt•111 not take i
herself 01, 81.1ch al, errand Irl bis f fo,!eoni' rniriuu•n. Rnetdnn4•e n pAlrn �, ' itny6old, ; ATIIa, Iterbison, them from their t("ut•A the families.101)oThe
),efurP, t •nolbor.luuu:s had ,t•crof Lulrt fur another roan, Rnd I Hnd as I pp hand
a COt1SCrlpenCO dI'OCt'e CVCI'y• I dear company, for' another Rh,: tv;ts I A1'u.y Rurrari[s, flan a st, Clinton. 011iee dally ................. 2.30It. in, profiteers large an fpravery' iridustrE-
insist,,.'.. ;., ,, . iwil),g 1.1•rNnlltl-d- liliow no greater )enalt • than is to body about th(1 dace out Uf theil•8,, liwiie,'(,rin to6 win. S Pridarhill, Tuesday audl I Otis person, many bavv n,ado stud are now
I 3 „ I • too prolid,thinking• the If h„1' tall)- I _ Friday .... e.3�p.w, 6.30 p.m mak,ngsov(,rnlhunrh•ndtiollarsainontii I -
lie 1:hc'” ”' s Ile; ilrhl C)t1180(1 t0 he fourid Ili that daily inisery• At lust this Htato of affairs be'giltl DlnneyUrdcrai+snadnnd Uewxitsrecuircdfr„n, EsCasy(Orauy rerspp to Ju(bku y ler dA
I o er came to livar. of it he might cU„- ' ii A V 1•.- IiU55'3ON, I.WENxI;L AU('- 1 1 )
Sri Cpl,l! y:4 n, od t hell Cultltni,• ” air til n VCr ' Consoling," " ° r F , n,.rt:Ea for th,• County or Huron. Sal'PR one dollar npw'un{,, and upwards, n o iswilling to work. Lithe
1 y � Ito sail, to tell upon Lis constitati0n, Rhicll, , Rirlr't• that it had ;t elandl•.tipe and y y, O(Bce booed from a a,n,. to 7 , tit. ses,youngnrnld; capital not ueeried,westar
di4,nrrl t ',.r!i ; I, un pi-intin, to ps:jht S1111(ily. nIL•n,lr:l s+n •w•ht•r+• In th(• r'Onnt at res- 1' you. Ever thing new, No s i i
strong as IlU was, could not at itis , undurhanl ,11+pearalice. 4l.w0,l" 1, a.. ftralilenee Alger[ titrePt Sat n s Bank and Slaney Order OiGti close y lOclal ability
il'OIII t]'f ,;: :• ,,: 't?il,gtll ilii;-RI%C Uf- " I ('Ih,ton. at 6,30 p.m, retlurred; you, reador.ean do It as well asarty
n I' `'I Ul,ly tell 3-011 the t�rilth, slhu Age withstand such constant wort'y, ;111d HO fiJle WI'i,t4•, 11•lth atll ,ht' . TIiUMAS E'AIR,p,,vtmavtcr, one. Write to us at Once for inn particuiars I -t
trait tit 1 1 r ti i l'U111 t 41 t'[ RB,nt file t111:;wel'( II. 1111at R01't of life do Ile i'ew f0 10ok Ls1rR E11der 1118 — Cliutnn, April'1fl 1Abil, which we mail free. Address Hanson & Co
r')':` ,!!• 1; " I •', e(1 ,Uf11141A. rl'biR g YY , said We 11ee+.l tint l':pnLarn fitll'S9Jvc8• It STAN XRY, GRAI)GATE GF TRE ' -- - - Portland, lYlamo.
1 you stippose mine leas' 'open that ? Sh0111dOrA aC!(lllir0d H RC001), Rnd his ,'1'lle letter WRY a pa88JU1141, oll, , " M(-dwal Department of Victoria Uni• HUI�OI',i AND t3RIlCtfe '' (�'
r)rde?r 1;,,] !••, • .t•xocutod, allld the am so Utterly broken; so entirely memory began to fail hire, especial- more passion4 th'Au one a'ottlt11 lll
nae)to,formerNew ly oftCoror"prtfur UI,Li*7TUN
portr„i', l lthonnh, Ps might robbed of hope that I have deter- ly on n atters connected with with I perhaps have expected frou) a w(r• Uw cminl.y tie lrttrou, Bayfleld, ont• LO1111 & Itrl a'Cht111rLllit, (yl)'�'
be oxl+ ,.)I.,1, •! , eololing Wn't not mined to leave the world and hide tho mortgages and farm accounts. I man of Ida's calm and stately sort. tyn.l.l.t�rs, B. A., tit, D., GRADU '
nntirolp ,;t I'-,''I;'tory, wts still ail m •self au 1 mV Iniyer in a sister- Ida too became ale and ill she 1 This Company i PlaningMill
> Y , , p I But n mountain may have a heart' �� 'il nr 1u:r P stelanAlty; mmuber o, p y a Looniest Ratr,ry or
rffeetivt iii;r t, ss and H flue ,t[;ce of hOadl” the EJpllesr tit Physicians and aitrgeous, Farm Security at Lptcr9l %i titin, of
I caught a heavy cold, which she , of fire although it 1s Clad In snows, (pelt. orj:I(:F & RHAtiwiCE the ltouse for- Interept.
Werk, now-1,uu,; in a splendid feat -o IIALd now, Edward," she went could not throw off, -and Ler face weld so it sometimes is with women merlyoccupied by Dr Reeve, AlbortStrect —_ a -AND—
over his tnau(,'11•iece• cn after a pause,"'I have somethir. acquired a permanently pained and Clinton. MOHTaAGE5 - : - I UHCHASEI
Tilern nn U,y Hfternuou ill lilies I ''"' g 9 1 Y p who look AA cold and unemotional - ----- .. _ _._— . _ .-.--_.__ •
I to tell you, for I will not go away, yet listless look. as marble. P,e.iides it was her. last R WOxTHtNcfroN, - PHY�IGiAN, DRY R I L N -'
tion, he gv;t,: -fitting lefore the tire, if indeed you allow me to go away Ut4e day, it was nu the lift of I ' urgeon,Aecoucher, Licentiate otchI SAVINGS BAND BRANCH.
c ChRIICP,—SSC Could write him no Lower
of 1tl&. nld s.P and Surgeons of .g 4 and 6 Per Cent. lniereet Allowed T LP,rUBandfurnIt HAVING JUST COIN,
his P,vU. fixed upon the portrait, of Rt all after yon have heard it, until Dezember, things Can(& to climax. ;more letters, and she had much t0 towctr Canada, and Provincial Licentiate r p rurran andfurnishadhiA now Planing Mil
v loch th+' of t'iue r as beginning to [ have confessed" -and she leaned Wh .n Ida came ,dOWri to breakfast ' and Coroner for the County of Huron. Of. on Deposita,accordinn toamount with machinery of tho latest improved patterns
' 8ay, flee and residence, -The building fotmerry - and time life. Is now prepared to attend to all orders in his
grow rlinr in r},O waning December forward and'1uoked him full in the she found her .father busy porins; I ";1nd so }have decided „ oeanDfedhYbIrThwaltes;Huroustreet• •lino inthe.costpr+inptandsatisfactorymanner
li ghi when til;' servant gill carate in r! , Jlall he �' Clinton, Jan.10,1871• OFFICE-CoinerotDfarkot3gvnreandNortl,$ and at roasmehlorates, Howould also ioturn
r ward. T shot ;'Ot7 on purpose, 1':d• over some m01'O Ic;ttel R from the H60 said, steer telling him Of, all Liffe• - - ---- -- - - `- - HORACE 11ORTON, thanks to all who patronized the old m before
find Hmioun ,'d that R lady wanted ward." law era.
Y I doubts and troubles, "I must (t0 ! I XNARY PARLES F Sia Aand sur surgeon.
VFTER' MAvepeR, they were burned out, And now being Ina bet •
to Speak t6 }tin). Ile asked what !'What," ho said, Springing from "What is it now, father?" she I it thele is no het f tletub Phy�ician and er of Ontario etorin ry Honor- Gbderich,Auqust lith iBSb for ponfidn to can give
a enters tion to
her Itatpe N oti, and the girt said tlatt his Chair, "yon tried to murder me?" sh id g p or 1t, as l think SocieLy . bTreats all dlsoaaastofrdomestinarted tesla confident he C81i give MAE{staCtlon to' all.
sho did not k!,ow because she had • (t + I you will see. I havo asked for the anhnals, t'eterinaryrldntlAtryaapeosalty- FACTORY-Near'fhe Grand Tran
+ Yes, yes; tint dont think too "What i9 it now? lie answered, tell clays' respite. Well, l really Chargoi moderate, Oflieo,onc dooreast of I BIDDLECOMBE. Railway, Clinton. rFIOHAs'X4KFNZlP
tier veil (1011111, and was wl apped ull barfly of me, I nm only iHesh end in ritably. "Why it's another c1Rim cbo Newii-Record Printing office, Clinton
in H hie•,• till]+ hardly know why, except that it is _ _- - a- - --
1 blood, and you drove me mad with for £200, 'that's what it is. I keep ' a respite. And now what iA there E. tit,AcI:ALL, VETERINARY SUR- g "+ n T
Ill dlu' ^tnil'r•I the lady was shown jealously -•-you taunted me with telling them to write to my lawyers, ]eft to any to von slice ,t goad -b ? J. (+For, Honorary Graduate of tile Ontario
Watch & lock �lakor OREli T DU�'�'l�
up. I1, had • •'lapsed into his rev- having been your mistress and said but they won't; at least the write 1 6 Y ;'rtarin�ry College, Tracts an diaoa9es of
grin fns uotl,i,i seemed to interest �) 1 love you llolold, i make no sec- dnmesricaced animals on the most modern „
,) rf that 1 wa; not fit to associate with to me too. There, I cant make I ret, of it, rind i shall never love any
awl scientific
�cueirof the Royal HoolQeRosidonce JENE;T,LER, &c., CLINTON,
.flim nniO1 ilea% unles,4 it had fo do the lady you wore going to marry, head w tail of it, i,00k horn, and other, lioniember all your ljfe that ,tibert st., Citnton. calls night ordav at- OPPOSiTETIIP MARKET AQUARE, Clintnl,. Stant,facturer and Proprietor for the heitSaW
. with 1,]n -swl he below that the Tt made me mad, and theo}pporluni• Ile showed her two Rides of H bi tandrdtnPromptly. Mill Dow In use. Agent tar the gale and
)a(1 was not ilia, beealne the Irl #; I bwo yori And have riot furgotti,n-_-._-_.____ Where he keeps a nolo,:t assortmnril of Application of the A rFIAIIRR PATRST AVT6MATrp
Y g' ty offered -the gun was there, and I Rhevt of I)aper cov(wed With st,Hte ,tall, siUd t,rvt r trill fnrg('t. „ l'Ot" t r 7 BOILERCl,9ANRR, STEAM FITTINGS farnkhrd
tt ,! A11ol r. As it hap- , I)lt,l. h.LLI01 & GUAN ' Watches Clooks J and applied nn short notice,
Raid th•Lf. ) Lr, I I sbct yol s lied forgive mc, i rnent.i of accounts, 1n� how, t 1 r elKeller�l,
Ile )I- t, p n, e(1 as wr• au P t.h"re is but I .r
penwt, 1, r, its;& iittinfi with hj9 right 4hinh thlt 1 have suffered morn bw.n not of £2oO that's clear, i 11Yerware. - salter«, Bnginer(,and,ntl kinder of
One Ivilio--the (;rave. In thn ifta ve Ff. It Elifot, it 17., I W. Gunn, M.D., L. it,
ear, in which he thea st<)neadeaf to + Jt[ntchin�ry repaired f'rppdtitunMty
s ! than you did. Oh, whehAay after don't even know whore ae are tt0- earthly COr1RideratiOT)4 fail acid earth- I 1/.R,('.1'., F.Iinb11rg1I C.P„ Erlfnburgh,L.R. I which we will vell at reasor."weiatida. and In n eatfafnetory manner.
the r1orn, so that between his in- I (!ay J Rstw you Icing there and did in to find the mono to )H the 1,,R.c;.Y.. 1,:llnl,ersth, I C. $., rldinburgh, Li- I ._r._
.- _.__ __._ _ g y pay 1 y Contracts end, and here 1 trust Licentiate nfthoMid• Contfata of the Arid -I
�7 �s ,r , • -_. - ---_ ___ I - _--__.,....-__. _ _-_ - - _� - -._ w)h r F::lrnburgh, witery,Edin,Onlco,on Repalrtnirof every dnileri(ttion promptly Harm Implements manufactured and repaired,
��ll�-p1'll?lrit r.+�' 5t1'A' �i •'#�, ��"ys ��5 ��"�a, • Office at nru(:aneld. eornerpiOntarioan(1,� atU,nte(1 to, and all work warranted. $team and water Pipes h,rnisl,ed an.l put In '
Children 'Orly for P itaher's Castorla. I I �;'irliam Sta.,Ulinton J, BtUULFCOMBE, pns(tlun. Dry iCllns 01trd tip on application
, Clinton Nnv.1889: Charger mudorato
' ,
... Yau.urn,.YtL J a r.:,J -x .: :.� Y. ...1
.-. 11.1 . .. ... ... ..", 1-1_11-1 .. ,., .v...,.,..._........w...... .11".."."'.. ..,. ..... _.