HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-06-07, Page 1WEN?Y-'FOU1iTri VOL
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. • %C A. �
,• • -
CLINTON, ONT.', JUNE 7, 1889.
__ -
1 $150 a year in advance -
W hn- Number 1203 -
Goderich Township. to be a terrible drawback in the Blyth.
Tueliersmitll �VingLam. country, the sooner we have closer PERSONAL. -Mr T, V. Dickson, of
Stanley. \Ira G)eo. W• Dyke is at present trade relations to the Btatea the better• Wroxeter, ie visiting at Mr J. For -
To Our Corre:;Iroudents. votes -Mr W H Scott is putting Dcar'ti-Mr. E.Aiason, father of Chas WARFARE. -If the rain ceases, the visiting friends in Goderich. George
up a back kitchen. Contemplated Mason, one of the old settlers, died on sun shines, the summer comes, and B ' It is expected that there will be a sytBr this week. Mise Dolly Shaw,
Wednesday, at the age of tel years and the duet flies, we are sow prepared to is keeping batch, and wears a long P
We appreciate fully the efforts our large turnout here, on the 19th, at of Brussels, is visiting at Dr Sfoan's
picnics have been indefinitely post- 4 months. wage warfare with the latter, as our face in eonsequnce. the district lodge of the I, 0. G. T., tbis week. G. F. Middleton, M 0.
correspondents make to send usfull par- paned, owing to the weather. llof• Corm oa Rrvistux.-The'court of re- water works are finished, and our ACCIDENT -The other day while when several items of interest are to Tonto, was in town thin week. Mr C.
P water cart clad in a new coat of paint. Mr Nelson Yeo was cutting saw logs be discussed. It, is to be hoped that R. Carter, of Toronto, was in town
tioulars of all events fn their locality, FOR 9IANITOrrA-1leasra W. "vp SERVICE, -As nest Sunday is with Mr Thos. Parsons, be had the .
be a rest convenience if fat, of the 2nd con •, John Gilmour, vision for the township of Tuckersmith misfortune o Cut his foot almost every ledge will send the full lot of offs week. Dir John W. Campbell, ,,,
bat It would g Geo, Whittingham, and D. McTavish was held at Daly's hotel, onthe29th of Conference Sunday there will be no delegates. of Toronto, was in town this week. �,
0o y could reach us a little earlier than - left on Tuesday, on a trip to flan. May, at 10 o'clock. F(ve appeals were throw u the large joint. JESUITS -Several of our villagers NoTEs.-Word has been received
p entered a aittat the Assessment Roll by service is the 1lethodiat church. ll e g1,
Thursday morning. We often com- itoba, taking tickets of W. Jackson, the following persons, James Landes- wish to censure no one, but think as WEDDING -One of Lite marriages want to Blyth to hear the Jesuit quer- from Mr Metcalf, to the effect that
to condense or omit altogether Clinton, borough, Donald McKinnon, Alex Gray, there is real good local talent in the recently predicted in the NEw ERA, t o t d scussea. lVby does not our M. therI are one thousand delegates at
yelled p y g; P. representative come here and give the It G. of the I O.G.T., at Chita-
lVm. Cudmore and Joseph Dyson, all congregation, it hardly ,warrants the took lace on Wednesday- evening; an laccpunt of himself. Face the
some items that we would like to pub ofOladieai b9lonting° to the Stan ep a ainst the assessment of their prop- we extend our congratulations. It is go, Mr Job Walker ba•t moved into
lish but which reach us s) late as to Mission Band gathered at the resi- er y as being too high, Their appeals act. -Revs rumored that another will take place music, John, it will get no better by his new quarters. The Y. P.S.C:E.
eke it im ossible to put all the copy deuce of Air Douglas McTavish, for were disposed of as ecoonded by dames ScotDt and McQuarr a excanged pule before a great while, but ft might leaving it, and if you can't face it, will hold an entertainment on the
m P make a potudero trpuble if we were to take a good look at Ottawa neat sea night of the 20th. It is said that a
into type. We have that experience the purpose of making some quilts to tion of Wm. Elute, s lot 2' pita on Sunday evening. We likes to
I tances.--'En. send to the Northwest missions. ` alker, t e aZess cut onborough, was see this friendly feeling manifested give any names. Sion, for it might be the last time third party lecturer will address a e
, ' this week in severO ins Judging from the amoqnt of work 3,° PICv1c-The pupils and you❑g you'll get there -if those SeaFortn meeting in town this week. There -';:,
°;`' Nawv Eli.+•] they did they must have spent their lowered $200, viz to -5600. on motion in the different branches of Christ's P P �" is some talk of the I,O.G,T. debating
of James Walker, seconded by James church militant, believing it will even- people of S. S, No. 11 purpose hold- fellow's can will it. trio going to work again ; the bops 2,
;,a•, - • time profitably, for during the after- Sproat, the assessment on E k 4, con. rosily help to swell the nambors of ing their annual picnic in the grove jRullett.
;u': Belgrave noon they succeeded in finishing two 11, was lowered $200. That on S 15, the church triumphant in Heaven. of Mr Jos, Izzard, on Friday 14th of should not take too long a rest, as it
quilts. We would that others world ion 8, remains as assessed, both owned June. An efficient committee has SCHOOL -The following is a report is much better to keep in practise,
WHAT PEOYI,E ARE SAYING. -That follow their example in furthering co , McKinnon. It was moved by ANTI-JESrIr MEETING, -A great the affair in charge and should the of S. S. No. 8, Hullett, for May :- and thus keep the rust worn off; we .11.11
t,:"' the frost has done considerable harm. the good cause. Jacob Weber, seconded by James enthusiastic meeting was held in the weather not prove unfavorable, it SE vlox DEPAATUENT-Senior Fourth should .be pleased to have the oppur-
haf Vaa done the boys up on the DEATBS -Word tv»s received here Sproat, that the assessment of Alex Presbyterian church, on Monday Promises fairly to be the event of the -Dan McConnell 638, Henry Leri tunity of hearing another of their
T evening, to discuss the Jesuit goes•
24th in Wingham, That the games last week .of the death at .Marlette, Gray on lot 22, con 5, 11 R. 31 be
014, s v r unable cp attend, season. As no pains are being spared npx 62G, Herbert Bell G20, James -debate,, -• Rev A, W. or Co and•`Dir _y_- `
`;t" s fraud iu W}ughum.' 1 hat the of a former resident of this ered •4,300, that on lot V tion,. A_ we were to make it a success. No. 11. -sill Webster -568; J'naeph- WeFister 54"j, ' N• LI young left for Conference,
were Michigan,
t>` roved avec s nod dial°Sue andn the person L. R. -S., bo• -lowered $200, the whole the cannot give the. issues, but would dill maintain ftsreputation. Afoot Annie Wood 509, Thomas Aflame which meets at St. Marys, ou Tbura-
4 .`_,Blyth c......t a en4ertxian,ent. That township, I P naw stanc3r;at 14'200. It ass moved state that our syropathfes were en ball match will take place in the aft- 498 Bettie Gray 41 q J 413 hn MOc ha day morning, Messrs ll'atepu Bt Free -
j. • gtlartette at don, better known as 1liss Redmond; b Jacob Weber, seconded` by J{imea
young mon-niust'be scarce in Chicago of the Babyldh line; her death was Walker, that the assessment of Wm. tirely with she meeting, and let us ernoon, also games for the children. ❑et1 456, Addis Cr p P man have shipped about four car
';`. when the Yankees have to come he.e the result of infiamm_atioa of the be do our little all for the disallowance. PIc�Ic,-A Picnic was held on the Whiney 380, Maud Dtogridge 376, loads of fat cattle this week. The
,::9000 a head , Cudmore on lot 25, con. 3, L. R.. S., vote on the organ question in the
to bop them uP at lunge, and she leaves a husband and lowered &200, and that fit now stand at Why, sir, siI°ul: there be public mo- farm of AIr Robt. Thompson, of the Jennie Woodman 356, Charles Mail -
ratty high ain't three children, One of the old real- y given.Kith con. on the 24th Of May, at I ning 196. Junior Fourth class - Presbyterian church begins ❑ext Sun-
�,I,, P $4800. The fifth appeal was withdrawna that isattenmity ogthe gospelllot day. Rumor says one young man,
ENTERTAIN�IF.NT,-The entertain dents of the township, in the person The names of the following p Jesus Christ. • which was coueregat:d a goodly num- I Ephraim Gray 690. John R. Bell 690,
IA4 S of DMra Stephenson, of the Goshen were ordered to be placed on the rel! ber of the oung people of the tom- Nelson Bell 6G7 Fred Johnson i91,
who lives `as you go to Belgrave; in-
;, meet, on Dlundap ui, ht under the instead of those of the strias assesse3, g
1 ` auspices oft I. O. G. T. was a great line, died at the residence of her son P A BAD FRIGH'r.-One day last moults, al} of which apparently en- � Frank McConnell 404, Kate Roberton tends holding an indignation meeting
su.p y R11;obert on Monday, at the age of 83 the properties Navin changed owners : week, as one of our lady citizens was joyed themselves to the full extent. 393, Sarah Mains 378, Heb. Mogridge over the affarr. Manager Plummer
succeS�, nptwithstanding the beau g g and his troupe took in the LO.G.T.
1, rain Rev Air Godfrey taking the years. She has been in declining George Watt, instead of James 11
Voung, welkin in the outskirts of the town, After dinner a football match be- 1297, Lavinia Brigham 264, Raymond entertainment his troop at Auburn, last Fri-
t aborti after eight o'clock, health for some time. Mr Arthur lot 38, con. 1 L. R. S., Thos. Devereux, with a baby is a baby carriage, she tween a hometeam and a team from McConnell 104. Senior third -Len -
chair a yfew versea of Rescue Stephenson, Of C110ton, was a nephew instead of Peter Ke nedy, lot Elsie, was chased by a •sow, and had hard S. S. No, 11, took place which re- fiord Whitley 631, Florence Garrett day night, when an enjoyable even-
:; „ After singing a P H. R. 18, It was m Y , jug was spent by all present; the proI 11
�'` the Per}abing, Air G•lifrey opened of berg. j;, seconded by Jacob Weber, that the fol• work to escape from the brute, but at salted in a victory for the latter, the l 554, Mable Bell 99, Ada nt Mc
the meeting with prayer, after which ---- lowing names be.added to the roll as length she reached a lace of safety, t; + ceeds amounting to $17, still P. asps F
kk P y+ score standing 1 goal to none. Are- 543, Id er 499 Vincent DlcCon ,his receptacle is patties slimmer.'
'f. a lengthy programme, consisting of .HOIDIZV lie. those of persona. entitled to be so ant- when she fainted from the shock, turn match will be played on the nail 448, Ida Riley . An Sarah Hill t,
'a^ ` lengthy pr and vme, music, recita- :;DYES -.lits A. K. Birks isvisiting eyed as persons.
sone, and also ander after she recovered from the swoon, grounds of the winners on the after- 431, E(•va Adams 347. Annie Brigham JESUITS. -There was a large and
• , In she gave -her baby nurse, which had noon of Friday 14th June. 289, Ida Anderson 274, Leonel Hag- y
G± tions. readings, dialogues, and a fine her parents for a short time. Rev, J. the Manhood Franchise Act. Neil Ken• yard 254, Loranzo Brigham 222, Nellie very enthusiastic mass meeting held
Speech by Dr Macdonald, D.. P. for S. Fisher left for the annual confer• nedy, lot 7, con• 9, H: R• S•+ Rowland a very injurious effect upon the child. in Industr Hal}, on Tuesday even- ?
Y ' Huron was igen. 'rhe doctor ce on Thursday morning;i[rs Ftsn• Jiennedy, lot 7, con. 9, H. R. S., John in so much that it sent it into fits, AIoDNT PLEASANT CREAI•fERY.- Anstin 171. Junior third -Rob r'• (o The chair was occupied by
c.. Ea. t Hur g Cole 549, Eva Cole 494,. Alvin Brag- g
`'. received the ver given.
Ot attention en Y Stratford, ll'ood, jr, lot 4, con 2, L. R. S., Robert If she had waited till she had got Arran emente have been made, that don 488, John Moore 412, Thomas Councillor John Wilford. The first
rete Y er accompanied him to ti speaker was Rev A. McLean, who
throughout ills address. As a public where she visas friends. Local talent l: nod, lot 4, con. 2, L. R. S., Alexander thoroughly 'over her frighC, before out down forifallnor winter creamery butter Wallace 407, Belle Cunningbame 371, '
a esker he has few a oats and hits nston lot lV 6, con 9, H. feeding the little one, it would have be accomodateI at a reasonable price Jeanie Roberton 359, Alice Brigham moved a motion of about the same
p q + will supply for him on Sunday next, l^t- ith, lot 19, con. 1, L. R. S., and had no effect on it whatever. tone as those being passed at the va�
the nail on the head every time on The average 'attendance at the David dol' y by applying to Mr Wm. Herbison, at 336, Cora Newton 315, Annie Nelson
R. S. d• F•, axd that H. W. C. Meyer TsE CIITENESS or FRAIIDa.-A tions meetings being"held all over.
1.the temperance question. Ho be school rues sixty for May. be entered as owner of part 1.4, con. 1, the creamery.. All stock holden, of i 223, Lawdy Young 160. our Province, for the diseuseioli- of
' -DIr Alex. Cloakev, ac DIEETI\G-The postponed public g R g„ slid aIilas \iciiill 3 LeR❑S. few weeks ago several of our citizens ons share or more if paid up by the.l JuNlox Iir,P.vicr�tENr -- Senipr ?}iia question, condemninz the action
NOTES. received letters from a Chicago firm, end of the season will receive a d}v}-
com anied by Dliss Minnie Dleikle- meeting held under the auspices Of ered as owner of lot 25, con. second -Bernice l(onre 5U0, 0, Ade i
P glands in Tu- the stating that if they would forward to dendiof 7 per cent. Shareholders of Nelson 450, Wilfred .Crisp 410, Ada of the .Legisl»tore of the Province l
john, Is on a visit to f the D7 usual Improvemnenl= Temperance
Cerstons waslst a ck ?from the folio
rollwthe them a photograph they would return not more than S5, ands ordinary g }3r;gham 382, Lyda Shobbrook 32-4, 2uebec, in incorporating and ea-
A, Armstrong attended j1Giety, took place Y P Rrm, Kyle, Thos. beautified to the dowing from the public funds the
;(h • ronto, :Visa R rt enlar ed and + ronb will et their butter made for `Willie Rogers 258. Jack Woodman •. w
`$' the marria,e of her cousin, near Notwithstanding the state of the wee dot- being killed , g gis also of
week, and re OrLS hav' then a goodly number were present: Eyre, John Daly, John Folland. It value of thirty-five dollars ; there 4c, per lb. Share holders of $10 and 233. Junior second -Louie Ouimette action of thesllomit» on Government, nt,
Brussels, last v was inoved by Wm. Elgie, seconded n positively over will et a reduction of one
in a good time; we hope that ere Those`who took an active part in shill, James ZValker, that the assessment would ositive] be no charge, as g X77 Willie Townsend X03, Alias
g . Armstrong will be attend- !fig the programme did so creditably. as now corrected by this court be they simply wanted to advertise their quarter of a cent per lb. to be refund Mountain 459, Rose Cole 41#, Eddie lnncial Legisslaturecan ltfurt further, om•
long Dliss A f; g Rolled to all .that have paid up their Mogride 408, John Crawford 288, g
�: in an eventof the same nature whidh Rev, J. S. Fisher gave an excellent now ado ted'and passed as the revised work in Canada. Several were sent, shares when the last payment for mending the action of I•he `noble
r� es not require any invitation. Air address on prohibition, urging the . assessiue t• boll for the township of and last Saturday one or two receiv2d Senior second part -Ethel Barr i7�, thirteen, who dared to he true to their
ar does q butter is made. One fourth of each Eliza Garrett 507, Robert Townsend
' Munroe, editor pf the Wingham People to work valiantly in the cause, Tnckersmitb for the yens 1tiP'.t. The lettere ni the effect .that the pictures share is asked for when the first sale . .
Time's attended the concert under HoASE LOST. -Dir W. Stanley 1o;t court then adjourned. were finished and framed, therefore 48f,, Rose Riley 417, Carrie CrawFord .convictions. Rev A. N. Tonga se
: , n T. which r on Saturday lust in - 'l,e council sat, they would have to send thirteen d9J of butter is made. There area fete 377. Junior second part-Svdney cpnded the motion, and made a short .
;!? the auspices of the I. 0 a valuable horse win COVNCit, \I> t it�u. sines-.
success, The uliarmanner. O g i of general business, tars sad fifty coots;, ren order to pay shares pet t° be disposed of, Parties HTea 4G4; Fi'}llie Aleyere 4G6'Toinm i but its°D nald, 9AS P.�of �V ngham, ( in favor of lt� one
;: proved to be a grand a somewhat pec for the transaction b Y
mens of the Lords Supper will to the railway fence .befog in a feeble art but not smart enough wishing tO'become share holders, can DheyerS 456;E1va Wallace 38 ,
�I .. .acre r d on :After adoption of minutes, the follow- for .the framing. These frauds are be ac commodated'('wblle tlieplast) by Lee 383, Wesley Lee 365. of the noble thirteen) was. tho next '.
t `he dispensed in the Presbyterian condition, the animal was found 1....accounts were ordered.. to. be laid: -pretty smart, •
9th- of June. What man 's road: - pis fir J. Jot g , P • writing to the Secretary, Ii. Elford, COUNCIL.-COuncil met on the 27th speaker, He said hs appeared not as
e�l�}Iyrch, on the, the Co p Y Account of C. Murray, reparr to .cul• to catch `�,n hamites with a ieture Idolmesville. 1i ay, at Londesborough, pursuant to. belonging'to any party but simply as
a tau -es F3illy to wear a smile? Only a dan was driving it out the animal vert, at lot 8, ,con. 4, 16, account of A. frame. �atiYZEn -J9i
Mr Jpuas'\ew• coke its front le v so 1'lewes, building culvert at lot 25, con. A. FEty I I(:CREA A. (JOgsr u.-C,nucil met un \lsy- a•ljournment, all the inembe s be; mr Canadian, and proceeded in a quiet
b bouncing d,tu�bter, in some way b $
r of Sunshine, who tit had tO be shot. 'The 35 aecoui}t of F. Holmested, for Mr Editor, fast week you inserted ap' -7ti, a: Court of Itevia'un, r mber� lug present. The minutes of 'the ,speech to discuss •the situation o£:'
Combe, formerly this severely the !-t-m,-
i iatives in es ought to give more 1rofesaional service 4n, suitCharlesworth , editorial concerning church giving• ualifird, court opined - 'CI for mer meeting were read 'and con Canada and the Order of the Jesuits
Ft, has been visiting r . comp»ny doubtle g g P
work where -building in the west v s. Tuckeraziiith Council in the school hon hinted that the giving sptrit,wr; ment of John R,%i , ler tc i. r aced 'firmed. The following,acco Glazier, for stronginefacts sent and tiguresrme, His fpr which
d to �e fence b ,agent J Glazie -
vicinity, returns attention t i g .
a been for (he paat.tR'p years , ail Of the psis are so decayed board question, including the somewhat cold. We think .you bud ;:100 as asked by him'. �toverl by .John :Ordered to be paid :' $•
j he ha•. be ,.,Isar on'e of a n p P
# for ti.,e r rte vr• no use: Had it b Toronto arguing .9 question
Deputy same reason fpr your expressions. lieacnrn, sen. by 'I'lronncs Churchill, work surveying con. R.' eum+ofr$ )CO able authftnd he in eN ority.fie up his
,f;: preparing a home its to be pt li
rt' datrie rUrnnr is afloat that not been for the deep interest 3Ir bench of Judd on t} eyquestion of mire you scatad that in one church with a 'that the 'anpeul of Walter F. Flick Adam Glazier, •.o• The
his hes n Reeve re nor c
A ghr,rt time ar'd tion bps- 'takes In the 1 i en Road, that metnber�hip pf 351, theTaum total having been assessed for part of lot I was granted for repairing roads and address with lin appeal , Canadians
he will return in Belly, the sec + ;now. fences on K pp
he balaarn ,rove d more serious acci• t,. eatherland and collected was $2733.97, Now, sir,•did 12, con, 6, olrould have been a�se,;sed bridges through the township in 1889 t° be true a themg io us their coos• A
take a (h)viite uu7 oft matter, other an rred, Matthew Scott, Rob h
tit ill Lnc:e
Sam's domains., „ mi •ht have Deco greeable to building the congiegati°n consistonly of mem for part of lot 99, Maitland ern,.-- under the direction of the. councillors, try »end their religious convictions.
and plot, dent {, lJm 13uboli were a�
what will U our lura will be his _ - the fence as required provided the ber,, funf each member gave say Carried, ('reoTe »nd Edward Faul• and that the Treasurer pay the same The Rev xt speX1caker,
n of Montreal.agood
and sure the Yankees a ill
gain, a
we are Porter's Hill: the f it paid at the rate of 20 cents per twenty cents per Sunday, including knee were placed on the roll under on the orders of the respective coon- was the next speaker, and gave a good ' .
some of our Canadian lost rod. C. `'an Esmond,who isnoiaf inter- pew rents, it would make a ,in the Manhood Franchise Act. Sever• eijlora. 'Pathmasters, fence vieweri address. The chairman then put the ;`r
appreciateNOTES. James H. Elliott ` increase of $936.4
Miss Jennie Ferguson, of 'It, , i Lizzie ested in the road, declined to build lfoe of $3670 4U, or art, al does were struck ofFttie roll, hav• I and pound keepere were appointed motion, requesting a standing vote,
talent, a valuable colt gas. wee?, 1IisS L z
he nest of 1iis3 Vary less than 30 cents per rod. lVm••ain over the sum collected Ise? year. jog died pr been killed since assess- I for the presentcurrent year, Sections when nearly every Pierson in the hall
Helens, wast g AIr Cam belt Lawrasnn has gyne t° Detroit, where
few days. P was authorized to conclude• a bar, Sorel e thi'a' E'avorei Canada, that 8 and 9 of By-law No. 9, 1886,-defin- rnse to their feet in favor of it. t were
t. Daly, for Y ,crit the She will remain for some time visit•
with theparties, The following sums Y,went. The Court of Revision closed,
end his sister, of Riveradale, rl , k p last Sunday 1 f to LQicoolas Price, small sum could be spared weekly, ed The minutes of last meeting of coon• I jug the duties of pathmasters were John Wilford and Johu Moffatt were
a 8 were voted as retie ,
's birthday at lir Meiklcjohn g, in friend -4, 1 wee ago to cent Comber, The not, how should we fare if go til war read and usae when ordi- re Baled. Sixty cords of Rravel was appoints delegates to the Toronto
G;ueen 310, J..Iiller,
Mr Jofin Meiklejnhn,who Rev DIr Forest preached an q S5, Ld ordered to be put o❑ S R, 2v 26 under meeting leill the was
and 12th. e R
of Morris. clerk, as returning officer, reported the by the old DiOsa'c law, we had to nary business was proceeded with, P ..
ksmithin • »t Molesworth, was tarewell sermon to his Baha ° to the result of the vote takenAl give unto the Lord a tenth of our pos- Mr (leo. Cox. or., was heard in favor the directi:ru of R.�Scott, J. Lanham silver collection was taken »t the
is blac 6 re gation • many here were sorry follom� as
home for ri few days.
Miss Sara K r; Yof a petition he presented, asking the and B. Churchill, and fifty cords on door, which amounted to $Ifi,32, •
Sitar a Ot Whitechurch, is the guest Ipso him. 1liss Jackson, of Clinton, Mev `22, on the I3y-law to abolish the eessinns. • tin
P :>, IiU�IA. tN REAi, LIFE• -If council to reduce the number of days S, it, b-6, under the direction of J.
f Diiaa Meiklej°hn. The members was visiting at DIr John Beacom T�wv�VlariBoardof Trustees: the readers cE i NEW ERA likes statute labor to bewrougl,t by farm- Britton and 3. Brigham, and that DuriL;annott. `
° Rather an amusing circumstance
of the L,` O• rF., Belgrave, received Ia�,t week. Hiss Emma a 10 romance, let them read the following. er'a eons, IaboerS,ne,clon(r from
ed �� order of theasaid respeetivecoun- occurred here a few days' ago. Last
an invitation to be present at the lay• continues ill, although having the No. 1 . .. , • • ...° G3 ' ,
�o -' ""'Ti 1 •1 young want well knows to sonic to One day; a P
in of the corner .stone of the new moat skilled nmedWea}baoten soonetohbe `lo• 3 • • • • • • . , ,,;14 cill'ors. Mr Braithwaite, town5t,ip 4vinter Our V• S. was called upon to },
g t church, at Westfield ; the can -be gotta p do 4 71 42 residents of tbis town, during the lat granting the prayer of the petition. Clerk and Treasurer, tendered his attend »patient of the equestrian ?,
pin as a body; 1Ir able t° chronicle her recovery. Misi The 139 -law having received a majori ty ter part of big bachelor became The clerk was ordered to amend t e r order.. In a few days a complete re- '`'R
Court intend going g by-law accordingly. Moved by John resignation ag such Clerk and Tress -
Toho NeilanS, of Wingham, High McCluskey was visiting at Captain of votes in each of a majority of the
told him of a ver worth itrer, and being accepted, James
r iS to Iu one corner McDonald's during Imt week. Our wards has therefore received the a's ei_t y Y Beacom, Sec. by Thomas Churchill P P' injunctionovery swa eget rid of him but the as soon r'
Court Treasurer, Y p• spinster, who would snake a good that a grant of one 4undred dollars Campbell of Said townsbi was a
stone • it is expected to take place teacher, i11r W. E Struthers,
in of the ratepayers of the townrhi It rovi led he
aro }} ed the Teachers institute was moved by James Walker, seconded sP°nae, She was hired at a certain be given to be spent on 14th con.side Ppinted to the esid office, p as you can During the same time , s;
about 25th of June. Croquet is r> we understand the attend- law No. 6. Y the came V. S. had another case on ..
this summer:' Clinton, by James Sproat, that By farm house, and hthore herwas a coat- line between lots 78 and 79 on Dials• In
sewhich thenrjtV f adjourned tfto hand, He closed his attendance with '•y
the rage in our village y Y ; g' abolishing the township Board of Trus- When he arrived land con, in accordance of a petition J
The I. O. G. T. intend taking part in sate. at our rsir school is
the average tees, be considered and finally passed ,.,I by the mistress, to whom ne stated of 4fi ratepayers. -Carried. It was meet at Londesborough on Saturday. the acme parting injunction. The r;.
the mission piaiic and entertainment fires speak stiles met a few days a(;o,• a tater
Wa. fur January was ri?, February 43, at next meet'ng of council t° be pen I that. an interview with her hired girl agreed that the road Comore, uners Conned met no June tat »t Lon ren- was the order of tjte day, enc: after
to be held pen the island in East March 53 April 51, and May 5� ; expend $200 each and no more unless born pursuant to motion pF adj purn-il
y lune 20, at 2 o'clock at Dixon's hotel way wished (For the life of him he ' P du1 extolling their res active »ni11
wanosh, near Westfield ; a good time P meat, all the tuembers ens prejent. P
lV Johnson, ,.it., such an attendance will keep our Brucol Bo A communication from the + 8 mals it was effected. Chuckl(n. with
is expected. .lir m• J + movie during Schou] Board asking that the to meet Whlen,thetdamsel cameforthin her Sent all themembers.ahThe follow- The minutes of the last Betio were y g
of the 5th con. >Iotrig, intends start- worthy pedagogue v he I. U..G T. lodge 12136, be raised ontIletownst p ins accOtintS were paid:-H.B.Proud- read and confirmed. The hoods of delight they pursued their respective
in for the t)Id Country in »few • school hours. burn taking ordinary expenditures for the year 1889, glory, he told her that be needed ti foot, P. L. S , p J. Campbell as Treasurer, being satis-
g lead of fat tattle. spent the 24th at Lee g wens received, and theamount asked for wife, and would she for him fulfil that profession 50er Th qauras P , NOrEs.-D1r Wm. McAllister ' bad :A,
days, t"itb a rt in the rand demonstration held factory were accepted, -and a By-law way. ,
Pa g ordered to be placed in the estimates. office . As it was a difficult question tin hos for assessor, , W flax re aged and passed appointing a hive of bees pen the 17 h, of May ; ,.
-�.. - there, Several took in the pleasure A second communication from the to a❑ewer an entire stranger, she hemi- Mason, culvert on Base line $3'ppm him as Clerk and that he ancho#
tri on the mighty Huron, which all , ' the same hive has awarrrlecl. twice
p B y School 13pard wens rend. It asked that tated, Nell,'' said our hero, " I J. Patton, Serving notices on a sal fired to de nsi- Townshi Funds to
1lorri;. enjoyod but relentless fate remorse. ;1215 be raised by deben• 9ve.ypu until this dap week to con: to�Court ofRevieion, :1.50' assessor's p ` P since. The Dungannon V. S. has
the sum of .; "i' er. At the appointed time he salary, $35. Council adjourned to the Mullion's Bank, Clinton. crhe successfully brought through a very
p. 1OTf ,-Some evil disposed per leanly followed one bright youth ; cure to defray tihe_cost of anew school i lr ,• critical case of horse disease for Airs
school house of landing becomin 'dangerous the boat lrpnse and site and oter therewith.csarappeared, and received a' favorat+le inect ag,riu nn the last Saturday in following accounts were ordered to
Sous have entered the <' buildings in connectionba paid ;'H. B, Proudfoot, for survey McCabe. Mr James Wilson arrived
so ve t ' Morris, three or tour made for GOderic harbor, pur duade"; it chnirman W. G, 13roadfopt, repro- answer, and aloso a promise to become June. JA�t�4HP�T'roN Clerk, of line between con. 4 and 5, $24 50, home this week this wr,ek from fit -
his wife .a week froffi that date. On
times and amused themselves tossing being one of' ftworld-widevey ntntion, °'senting a deputation from the Board and lV, Rion hoard for surveyor, tending the Toronto University, Miss
the teacher's books around, tearing seems he too P tai a thousand dollars, where Noris -Our cheese maker, DIr $2,517, ,T. J. McKenna P. L Survey• Frances Crawford visited friends in
kin windows; as immediately pen landing at th»t was hearc1 i}' and favor of Jackson were leavio , be handed hbr a purse eon 1'Ir cheesetit. pp Lucknow during- the week. Mr J.
window blinds and bras f3 rising with to prepare for the weddinn , F. Orcinols, is doing a rushing buei or of F>ublin, ,was appointed of 7.rwn-
if the parties tubo engage therein thriving city, �t,te aiitrecand7 made heard s as Crich
those opp nasi this season, making from 12 to Ship Et were tendered to Brait4 Smith and family, residents of our
don't wish their names to.appear in the juven he fact b cries of " new the scheme: It ��¢$ Shown fame builciinu which r ay they place lei in due
the rhe lest
print the had better be more careful aware oft Y the q house whit pp 1G cheese per day, Mr Alex, Me- Count oil!»ge,h»ve gone to reside in Chicago;
prt Y Duplex in Canada. pearmid ie making preparntiotiS for wafts On his retiring from the oHicea DIr Smith was a" eyewitness of the
in future, »s they will be exposed if dude in town; If
bot finallynre- in itse 23 y.cars, was not in the centre terrible accident which occurred is ,
i 'continue Such conduct. Air he nearly P of the seetton, was flat in a proper state the erection of a nary house on his of•Clerk and Treasurer of this town -
they farm this Summer, ship, for his long, .faithful and effi- Chicago some time ego. DIiSg Mattie
I 'Proctor, jr„ had his barn covered his friends, or -they recov- of repair, tont if the building of a new PATIENCR A `JIRTtTE•-'rhe Court YTQ -On Monday ]est » tient services, and hope he may be Pentland is visiting friends in Gorrie.
Char es house was left to toe people of the see. of Revision for this year was the
raised on posts t»at week °end lie 1°" aged him ; he is going tO take another longest ever known in Win ham, it ACCIDF ion spared to autos awell-earned ��e ate sorry to learn df the illness of
tion it would likely be built on the Mrs W. Glen. We pleased to see
tends putting a stone Wt11 under the trip. i+resent site and the injustice com• being in session for over n week: Seriousaccident; w occurred to Dlra JDun-ohn season of rest from his active call o.11
same. Owing to the recent heavy ,IYIcliillop. Having buslfleas there, we noted save McKenzie ; while visiting' at being
Council adjourned to meet at call of that with
Mullin, who has been very
plained of continue. It was shown on the Reeve.." J. CAb1PRELL, Clerk.
rainfall the Maitland river has swot- the other side, tont 45 of the people gal things, which appeared somewhat. can McRae,e, I:ochalah, not being ill with diphtheria, is now can vales-
len considerably the past sew of W IOTES.enloes h, ve Win. McLeod c sa and
th directly side,
interin the school had Strange. In the first place, the acquainted with the' house she mis- I I tlI ••• -(1. cent and able to resume her duties as
A large number of the members of passed their University examination. petitioned for building bate 6school 0 spent Branswrck hotel has undergone II� tock a cellar far a mom door and fell No -lir William r teachers the public school. The
the Orangge order, from this township, { improvement during the past twelve down the r.stairs injuring her opine; Forrest has Women's Missionary me Society will
went to Goderifh last week, and re- Sacrament `til da dispensed Re D r i and rep7aiir ewaujan lake that
school as months, but yet it rs assessed for she boles arin B, ce entertained for condition,
moved from his residence in the oil- hold their regular meeting at Airs G.
e church On t4ti y ,
turned perfectly disgusted with the lags to his farm on the 4th concee W. Echlin's, Dir T?. Hannah .has
r which was given to Jesuits by Forrest, of tValtpn, will conduct ser- good as new, that the township real im rove- cover Dir and Mrs Joseph Agnew moved into the 'house of Mr J. Mal-
favo tubers of the order; vices on Friday, was about to be abolished and thwatt Id
queens,oundergoing gear, while the but pip p g aion of St»utas• On Monday lapee
Some prominent me go forward with the scheme, Mr John Dowzer was engaged P lough. we understand that Dir Jr.
no uncommon thins to hear field. add tinancial ditH°ulnlizin the already
Dol emeots, remeaemn ro}11p9rwo young men want- behig killed the h tee ta>ffngefr fright ing logs in atr Mustard's log ytheard, his wihotel keeper,l,ere, intends giving
it is B,ty
staunch, old Conservatives in this - v Mr DicConmll while difficult rusts of oqu g y ed to be assessed on their Income, at a dux, will a returning from Gode- axe glanced, the reault being ,the lose u his r@ant business and resuming ,'
of St. Andrew's values of each section, The council b both of age, !d y gthe of his large toe. A number of the bre more honorable business of black -
part say they will never support sir Nuri:.,. ]te Royal Templars, of Varna,
Sohn asin, bat we,. are afraid they filling the pulpit had the mix- ° urianimous vote declined to raise the tither $280 and board per buggytfaado received severe visited smith in Port Albert. A inertias
1.money asked for. Nm Cooper, assess- h our lodge here on Monday eveaing
will forget their promise ere election foieune last of havinghisGorse get fame; pr, was paid $80, the amount of his These cases had to be left over for we ops to see diem around opsin K was held here t° re, Clier rte ,Teen(;
day forges the and a yery enjoyable evening was question, ex•Rreve, Chane+ (3irvin,
on.__ the Rev gentleman wiry obliged to re, salary. A difllculty having arisen be• decision frit the Court could not agree shortly. � spent. Mr John McLean, of the Mill occu in the chair in a very accept-
(xoderich. . main over for a couple of days. The tweet) the council and. b1r Jos. Fisher, Ss to whether money paid for board
was considered income or not, which LondesborO• Road is at present laid up with con able pin»niter ; a committee wnv form- r,
ossE THIEF ARaE9TEp.- Con- "upper tel of our village are going relative to the remuneration to be pard we believe iS most decidedly such. Mr John Brunedon hag tills year geslion of the lunge, As Mr John ed to arrange for a muss meeting to
H purposes Walker, of the Mill Road was re
stable Win.1. .Hun of the county of in ext@nsifie;dv fiipu3edsvn w blood acgood sapd J l isiQeref°rrr° t making theom the lands of most
Thn• we could not help but notice ao}d ten binders; gopd Salah for 40 turning ftom Seaforth, on the even he hold fere °n the evening of the
Brant, arrived at Goderich, on Satur- what Bay a said
the tower fo early in the Season,• 29th ult., whin 17r Macdonald, of
night from the towr ship of Cul• course. One of the colored
kfolk iai Jacob Weber, secondod1ilib `1 P., of the patience
ofmpletelytun emunera- STEADY WO[trc, -DIr W m. l)ap, ins of the 24th of May, when neatly Win ham, and Mr Hughes, of 'ro-
dap g Sproat, that John bis osite the residence of Mr Chart-Wing
county of Bruce, with the Indian been engaged for some t e hard words from those who is employed here on the Sections opp ronto, were to address the rneeting,
Toronto ears fIullett, be appointed to arbitrate on five, and in fulfilling their duty Dit blit the evening was ao stormy that
Harry Brant, a liaeal deacendant of lob Trinity e ee by ]the r makes papers
good the art of the council on the question p{ton to tack Dated ; indeed, we left shas worked there t tsenty five months ,to, his »h dao suddenly
buggy. D the speakers could not come, and so
Captain Brant, ,,Treated for s'teaiiaug J of remuneration to be paid to J• Fisher who had appealed and never last a single day, holidays
ht,ree, waggon and harness fromThos. that Mr ant turned from
was yire�wno hefs)}nvt for the, court with a very hi h opinion included and has put in considerable Walker received several sa the meeting post}>oncm until Tues.our
year in toe 1Tni • 1 Of the said'officials, who gave their overtime besides. but no serious damage way done. day evening. A good many of our
Hunter, of Tuscarora. Brand taken entering the second y pair ravel t w roads ins ilei ltmfiii l"e g Olt William O1eQ�ieen, pf this dace y
lodged in jail over Sunday, (,arried. Tay• 1 P time awl labor go freely evening after °,ten men •Attended the Orange de r
E in athmastera enc] onndkecpers, and carried ofF first Blass Finnnrs in O ash' mon tratir,n he;