HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-05-24, Page 61?isIi a1s furFarE.
Useful Information for Tillers
of the Soil.
Some persons won't eat cream-
ery butter, while others won't eat
any other kind. Why? Because
each wants the best and each
thinks his choke is the best. One
or the other or neither may be
right ; in fact both are only partly
right. June grass, supplemented
by a small feed of bran daily,
makes the best feed in the world
'for good butter; every farmers
cows can nave these. Cleanli-
ness, the next requisite fur good
butter, ought to be the motto of
every farnler•'e wife; of some it is.,
Such, could, , liar e good butter if
they understood all the details of
making and handling, but every
'creamery is cleanly, it must be, it
cannot exist without being so.—
The sale of butter' being the sole
dependence, a thing so fatal to
success as a Iot of dirty butter
could not be tolerated. Hence,
while country butter may be clean
and first class, creamery. butler
must.be clean but not necessarily
first-class. Adulteration is the
bane of the creameity: The oleo-
margarine law is very good but
and lay better when there is
amale bird with them than
otherwise ; at least it has proved
so with me, after careful experi-
ments for several years. It is
natural, and the presence of a
,cockerel or rooster promotes egg
laying. Their presences excites
the hen to the business for which
nature intended her, and beats red
pepper, ginger, and all your egg
food out of sight. Biddy does
not want to give an egg to the
world until it. is made perfect in
all 'its details, and she looks to
her companies to help her out a
little in some matters.—Geo. 0.
Dow, in Country Gentleman.
The taking of depositions in the
suit brought against the manage-
ment of the Horne for Incurables
was begun in Chicago, ou the'Jth
of May, under an order of the
court. Tho depositions of a num-
ber of iurnates of the institution
were taken. They were general-
lyof the tenor to sustain the alle-
gations in the complaint tiled in
court"a couple of days ago by cer-
tain ladies who averred that they
were unable to right the wrongsono in an
b b d y otller way tlON!
Bing r
by an appeal to the law. The
unfortunates were very loth to
testify, a number of them declar-
ing thht bliey would be made to
to suffer fur it. Their stories
were pitiful ones, IDA told .f peg-„
lect and harsh and cruel treatment
from the matron and the attend-
The only medicines sold by druggists, under
a positive guarantee from their manufact.
urers, that they will do just what is claimed
for thein—that is, benefit or cure in all cases
of diseases for which they are recommended,
or the honey paid for them will be promptly
refunded—are Dr. Pierce's world:famed spe-
cifies, manufactured by World's Dispensary
Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures
all diseases arising from a torpid or deranged
liver, or from impure blood, as Dyspepsia, or
Indigestion, Pimples Blotches, Eruptions,
Salt rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, and Scrofu-
lous Sores and Swellings. Consumption, or
Lung -scrofula, is also cured by tbie won-
derful remedy, if takep in time.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the
world -farted remedy for all those cbroniu
weaknesses and distressing derangements en•
common to' American women. it is a most
potent, invigorating, restorative tonin, or
strength giver, imparting tone and vigor to
the whole system, As a soothing nervine it
is unequaled. See guarantee printed on the
bottle- wrapper and faithfully carried out
for many years.
opyright,15$8, by WOW'S WS, .RD. ASs'N
it has not yet abolished.all the '•' 'Ls.
petty swindles that had ci;ep. into
the business. This .leaves great
Advantages on the side of the
"farmer's wife. She can have the
beet of feed and generally the best
of water for the cows. She can
have a clean stable free from bad
odors. She can be as cleanly in
the handling of the milk, cream
and butter as any ono living, and
people generally have confidence
in the freedom of her butter from
any mixture whatever, If the
farmers' wives will study butter
making, and strive to make each
churning better than the last,they
will always have a market for all
the butter they can make, and at
a little better price than can be
obtained for the creamery article.
The opposite now is true. Coun-
try roll is kicked about in the
city markets at from fifteen to
twenty cents, while good cream-
ery sells at from twenty-five to
thirty five cents per pound. -=
American Stock Breeder.
it may be an. advantage to
•point •out some of the friend, of
:he farmer, which, consequently,
• no farmer should destroy or allow
to be destroyed.. Among these
• are, toads, which are, -tinder all
circumstances, the farmer's friend;
' moles and field mice, probably, do
a vast deal more of good ..than.
harm; all birds, especially robins,
wrens, thrushes, orioles, cuckoos,
phebes, blue birds, woodpeckers,
swallows and cat birds. The de-
struction of all these arsii many
others, except for scientific pur-
poses, should be made, under very
heavy penalties, illegal in every
place. The house sparrow, known
better as the English sparrow, is
to bo rated an exception. This
bird is now universally regarded
as a nuisance, first, because of its
• grain and vegetable destroying
propensities ; secondly, because it
drives away insect destroying
birds. Among insects. many
wasps are friends, especially those
' with a more or less protruding
horn or sting at, the end of the
abdomen. Lady -bugs • and lace-
wing flies live entirely upon de-
Rtructive insects, especially plant
lice and, scale insects, and should
never be destroyed. • Dragon flies,
or devil's darning -needles, are also
-useful as well as harmless.
Two of the 'patients testified
500 aFF_
00,ltr for an incurable ease of Ca.
••:•‘•‘ tarrh in the Head by the
pproprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. By
Its mild, soothing and healing properties.. it
cures the worst cases, no matter of bow long
standing. By druggist8, 50 ceute.
that on the' morning •)ofore the
night that James Botton died they
heard a conversation between Mrs
Barlow, the matron, and an at-
tendant named • Tuxford. The
conversation was relative to a
proposition made by Tuxford to
tie Mr Botton's hands. Mrs Bar-
low agreed to the proposition, the
witness , said, and next morning
Botton wts found dead in bod
with his hands tied and his face
and eyes blackened from the at-
tendants blows. Others testified
that a paralytic was forced to walk
without Shoes or stockings through
the snow from ono building to an-
other ; that a patient suffering
from chronic dyspepsia was not
allowed to have the food 1'n•escrib-
ed' by the physician, and nearly
starved to death ; that another
patient, suffering from ;t spinal
affection,was forced to sit in a stiff,
straight-backed chair,causing him
intense suffering; and, generally,
that patients were treated toabuse
and, cruelty. •
Ilcw is a man who keeps' 1200
hens to ascertain which are his
best layers, and how is he to know
where those are that lay but few?
It is a very important matter to
him, and I wish some of your
readers would suggest a plan. It
is all well enough fora person
who has only fifty hens or so to
keep watch of them and discover
which are which,hnt suck a course
is impracticable to follow with
the man who keeps a very large
lot. IIe would have to remain on
watch in his poultry house from
morning until night fornix months
to do it.
The man with lots of hens has i p
of course many in the lot that are
poor layers, worthless to keep,
the name as with a. lot of cows.
The poor milkers ('a41 he picked
'out easily, fattened and marketed,
but not sal with hens. Sumo pure,
positive proof i; wanted, I have
aro du:nl"tt that i and feeding and
caring for at lest 100 hens to -day'
that 'lre unprofitable fur int' to
keen', 111141 this 111Cil I, quit(' a slim
r,f l's: 11) 1 1(•, LH t Ilnt\• tlm 1 to toll'
ih(J',i.p .ili\c.ly, i-. thy r1R(tion.
1 \.1,I.t '14 kt ' I :i g nd layer a5
l,n .4' „a I i':u;--dr, not are i(shc
1,1 1 t':1' 1'P:11'� tIll -h!11. f.(1111nt41
get I'd .1•11 ln,,t1' milt• trio 5(1)11, IPI
ni11tt4.•r :r ,ht• -(',ars tlin('ty•,ix
poit41-, :,441 '.would win every l,�•t'-
101'110 i•1 the ( ,lltltry.
more s:iltjc('t pertaining 1 i
n•1 I •..t ,lore Contrary
• Inn crowded city street an ill-
natured mastiff :seiresl.a. little dog
by*the throat,,alid began viciously
shaking him. A 'crowd' soon
gathered. ; Words,: blows and
kicks failed to macre the mastiff
.let go his hold. • Tho little dog
was howling piteously. At this
juncture, 'when the lookers-on
were wondering what to do, a
young man, exquisitely dressed,
came along. , He at once compre-
hended the situation.
'Leave him to me,'he said. • 'I
cari•manago him.' --
There was an incredulous laugh
from the crowd,and cries of, 'The
dude's here !' 'Thinks he' smart'n
the rest cm us !' 'Let the dude fix
him 1' and the like,
The young man drew from his
pocket a silver snuff box, and held
a pinch of,snuffunderthe mastiff's
The powder soon did its work.
The big dog began sneezing'.vigor-
ously anis of course had to open.
his mouth. 13e dropped the little
dog and took to his heels, fright-
ened and ashamed, his tail droop-
ing like a whipped cur's.
The crowd broke into a round of
applause; the young man smiled
and went on his way.
"IT is a fact that many of the
hest proprietary medicines of the
day," said the late Ih'. J. G. Hol-
land in Scribners•Magazine, "are
Xndrp successful than any physi-
cians, and most of them were first
discovered or used in actual medi-
cal practice. When,however, any
shrewd person, knowing thcir,yir-
tue and, foreseeing their popular-
ity, securer and advertise them, in
the opinion of tho bigoted,all vir-
tue went out of thorn," Failure
of eye sight, tickle appetite, head-
ache, extreme wakefulness, fro-
quent desire to urinat, especially
at night, gradual failure of
strength and dropsical swelling,—
these are symtoms of kidney, dis-
ease. If you neglect the gym•
toms you will eventually have
Bright's disease, Warner's Safe
Cure is the only specific which is
disc'overe'd for this disease. The
Tate Ih', Dio Lewis, over his own
signature said: "If' I found my-
self the cietim of a serious kidney
trouble, I wnttl i n,r' W'arn,'r's Srtfie
A 11111 t i 111' 4110111('4'cn t iy dropped
asleep on 0 purl: hene'h, \shell, his
head fallili!,: forward, he uncon-
sciously r'hul:(v1 to death over the
:tiff',. t'1Ip,'(' of 111-1 vellnll,it1 null -0l'
A do„ died in Illinois 1110 uth' I' •
day from d41111(ing the watt's:'
which 0 11:111111.1 •Lint ha 1 It I
rn-t d.
.A St. 1, tui; man has ilii• 1
((1 erysipelas eontr:u'ted fres) III
WI:111t2cis 1110,- r 41101' !sante sat-
in;" into this I,c'r'I:,.land a clan in
Chicago was toasted to llentll L\
142 1:1,,-t pats•! •C that 1 l,c;ve ,('en (tilt" 11'11!, (tt' i.i-I cotton and('1'-
I11 pi int I Is.iieve !Sprit 0 psi) U1'l 1.14ttl:,rl'„ ,;w le, 41: ie.! thC: l (Rise
hens will 4orntnrr.4.1' l;l', in r -(,(4l'('2'
And take advantage of the bargains going
For ons week more we are aivillc' our profits away on
Crockery and Glassware. ?O per cent, cash discount.
We want to sell $5OOwnrth of goods this week, which COOPER asoNsoLD STAND
cleans $100 given to our customers.
- –AT—
Family Grocers, next to Town. Hall.
N o•t W
Ont' ,tock iv 11uw e:vtn1Jcte in overt' unix;rtuletl:. i''lil lines in
small wares, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FUR-
NISHINGS, in great variety. Ready Made
Clothing and Clothing made to order.
We have made arrangements with
.Dr. 13. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A
Treatise on the Horse and bib Diseases,"
which will enable all our subscribers to
obtain a copy of that valuable Work
(ser by sending their address (enclosing
a two•cent stamp for mailing same) to
Du. B. J. KENDALL Co., ENosn . its FA Ls,
VT. This book is now. recognized as
standard authority upon all diseases of
the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests,
over four million copies having been
sold in the past ton years, a sale never
before reached by any publication in
the same period of time. We feel con-
fident that our patrons will appreciate
the Rork and be glad to avail themselves
of this opportunity of obtaining a valu-
able book.
It is necessary that you mention this
paper in sending for the " Treatise."
This offer tvill remain open for only a
short time, -
April '_11i
--- ..o.- -
1lenleinher we make up SUITS from $'2 to $3 Jr" th:211 ally other
house in, town, and do nt forget to see IN \when ordering nc\v suits.
A nt^ty scale Upright Pianoforte re -
,:eptly compacted by Messrs, Newcombe
.c Co., Toronto, is affording great satis-
factio3t. It fills the requirements for a
reliable instrument by a first class mak-
•er within the reach of -all. Write -thein
fair particulars:
. —TH E—
T— 000
We wish to call especial attention .to our Boot and Shoe department.
Wo have one of the largest stocks in town and can save you from 10
to 20 per cent. - Wo buy direct from one of the largest Factories in
Mt Province, and are in a position to give you bargains, Come and
see us and our prices... We are determined to take the lead in this
town for good goods at the:lowest pricey.
.Comhiia Sense Clothes Dryer.
Just' Dat cverybQdy wants, 1:,U keit of lisle
iu a
sax] 11 spaee. Can" be easily raised or
lowered. Cannot fa41 •when raised. •Tho
• llanriestelothes dryer in use. Endorsed by
al/ 'who .bave tried it, and warranted to give
en8tresatisfaetion. Can be used byaobild
of.10•years oid as easilyas by an adult persdn
J. CODER 8& 140N, aggon and Carriage
Makers, Ethel, Sole Agents for Huron, Bruce,
and Waterloo, and Wallace and Elnia Town-
ships. W. E. WALD1RON, Patentee.
BARPER'S Magazine
HAaraa'% '.GAMINE is the most useful, catcr-
ise •ttttning and beautiful periodical in the world.
Among the attractions for 1089 will be a new
novel --an American story, entitled "Jnpiter
Lights"—by Constance F. Woolson• Illustrations
of Shakespeare's Comedies by E, A. Abbey - a
series of articles on Russia, illustrated by T. de
Thulstrup ; papers on the Dominion of Canada
and a characteristic serial by Charles Dudley
'Warner ; three "Norwegian Studies," by Bjorn-
stjerne Bjornson, illustrated ; "Comutodus," a
historical play by the author of "Ben-Ilur,"
illustrated hy J. R.Weguelin, etc. The Editorial
Departments are conducted by peprge William
Curtis, William Doan Hi,wolis, and Charles
Dudley Warner. -
Plitt' YEAR:
Pnstatm fret: to all subscribers in the Unite
States, Canada or demes,
The volnnues of the MAUAZI,r, be_iu with the
numbers for June and Reesuili 1' of each year.
When no tin10 is seedier), subseriptinns will
is tau with the Nnt:nccr current at time of re-
ceipt of order.
Round volumes of }Lko'elt's )IAa,/180, for
three years bawl., 1n neat cloth hindine will be
sent by mail, pa•t 1,111 1, nn leeeipt of $3.440 per
colonro, Cloth (.8044, (10,11llin., 111'•rnt,u1011
- by mall, post -MCA.
•1l lox to 11A1(41a04 MA4iAZi1i0, Al1hab,••tdcal
Analytical, and Classified, for Volunms 1 to 70
inclusive, from Jute, 15511, to .1140e, 1,s5, one
col, bvo; Cloth, ti 1.00.
N ew•,lmpCrs are trot to copy this advert,s0ntent
without 1I0 cxprossorder of 11Aaraa& i3!ionlaas
Rerni08114044 hould be made by Post-efliee
Money Order or nrnit, to avoid rhnnr0 of loss,
Ad,lr( IIAIRI'EK t New yo
Searle's Block,
Fresh New Season's Uncolored Japan, 15 cts
per lb., 7 ,lbs for $1. TRY IT.
Chinese Mixture, good quality, 5 lbs for $1.
AN -1i ighest price for Putter and Eggs.
J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse,
Cnrtl4et'', Old Sttu.tl, Cool', Searle's Blo:k, CLINTON
99- GROCERY -99
Having bought the Or�,cery Stock of A. ANGUS, I inten•l to continue the
bnsiness in the chi stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first-
class Grocery.
Nothing but first-class Goods will be kept,
and sold at the closest margin.
Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor
Suites, Bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and
Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cane
and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges, &c.
Special lot of PICTURES, in oil,"Gilt frames, hand painted, cheap.
General assortment of Household Furniture sold cheap for dash, •Tho
Dikrount Sale has run off most of my •old stock. A lot of PICTURE
• • MOULDING. Frames made to order.
11441110044 \VrraLY has a well-ednbli-hed place
t- the leading illustrated newspaper In Americus
The fairness et its editorial romments nn rurreut
softiies bas earned for it the respect and Cnn1l-
10nc0 01101 impartial readers, and the varied'
and 081'l'llence of itirldtentry content,, which
include serial and short stories by the best anti
otod popular writers, fit it for theerusal of
pd'ople of the widest ram:, of tastesnn'1 pursuits,
MI l k4)ug4t are fretl:Iently provided, and no
e, pens, is 44par(td 1.n brim: the highest order of
mist), 44))' ability to bear 4)14)4 the IIln-tratinn of
the ch:ur_rful phnsrs of home and foreign his-
t44). A new (4rh of fiction, from thr pen of
\I)!Iiam Dean Howell:, and one by ('844. Charles
lOn ,gill he, a(l( t thr 1;•n lin, 1r.ttor).s,,4 the
\4, r.'u., 2,I,' ,s."t
1'e1: \'r1'1:
1I.\1:1'I;I;•`; WI•:FJII,Y
11.4Rt'r:l1 \IA(;,\'/.iNt:
11\lil'I•:l n.\%411 .....
11 4ltl'l:l;'' \'l t1 :h. I'Et tl'1.)
fr. 4 ,
OAR HATS You'I Like.
We are showing the finest line of
Spring&'Summer Hats
Ever brought to this town. All New
Styles, Best Quality,•and.
Prices Low.
We have everything that a gentleman requires, prices
to suit all pockets. Onr extensive line of 11 ERY
comprises goods of all weights, in a vari of colors
and qualities, from an expensive Sock to "cheapest
grades. SUSPENDERS will also be found in great
variety, at all kinds of prices.
Stock of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear
is larger than ever before, and the finest in the place
We have it, large stock of
FiNF•' T\T Erw `:SAS
• ;Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. (`all and get prices,
We will not be undersold by any house in the trade
James Amus, 99 Albert St. Clinton
To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN PER
our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA•
Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of sr -
curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock.
We eller NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, wcrth 60.
We offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA . a 25 'cents, worth 40.
We eller NEW SEASON GREEN ,TEA at, 25 cents, worth 35,
NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS- fcr 25c
Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town, Give usia;call.,
B. LUA.RANCE'S Spectacles.
1 441
1. (4)
'1'14 vs f t!. 414r4•t„ , f,rs'
r.l, , tr; ( n, I, u',,. 44 1,•
(4 (4 „ r ,rr• .' ,1 I','. • t r. , 1 . ,
1.1 •
" r `yrs have illl the latest style of typ() f(lY' C11'ClllilPS, Sall.'
't, rills and anykit111 of printing that can be desired.
;1• 'r'', "4I ! ,!' „ t r h.(1\vc, \ T('l: the Finest and satin-,
Prices ill ,
r•' .• r t • ',1 ', • t - I faction guaranteed. 011('. tl'liil 1s certain
ei It.1 rl 111'111" allOtll('1'.
These celebrated Spectacles aro fitted in every instance with B. Lau-
rance':s test, and a certainty of being suited is giaranteed. You can
depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE SPECTACLES
by calling and examining the stock at
Tilt) NC ,.7ACKSO�T'C, R.s
CIN. 910 CO IN
. - THE=
R. IO'LMES, - - Publisher.
�LITON, - - ON T.
THE N E\V ERA is pUb1is11td every Friday ; it
gives about Thirty-two Colulnus of Fresh Reading
Matter Every WeelS ; Correct ,Market Reports
from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a
Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad-
vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address
for wl..it► a year, in advance,
' 4 ll.w.,.. ,`.1, 1 .s
STIFF H -ATS — All the leading .styles, 1 ought
from the Hest manufacturers.
SOFT ATS — The best and cheapest goods in •
the market
STRAW HATS—our stock is worth seeing, ex-
cellent quality, and away (town in price.
(114-0 buyers shun111 not fail to call and see these goods, the. low priee
r{nd ;40041 (Iuality are selling them very fast
Gent's Furnishings and Fine Tailoring •
FRANK 3I5PNERD, The Denting Tailor, AWL St: CLIFTON
The People's. GROCERY
Is the place to get ('heap CHRISTMAS GOODS, We are rceciv'irrg a tine
new stock
ItA15!NS—New Valcnciaw, S iItanas, Black La-ltt.t, Lap. ,Laytrl\ n1(ncias
CURRANTS- New Barrel Currants new Box Currents/.
1'1 1, LS—Letson, Oran:,•.+ and Citron feels
NUTS—Soft•Sholl .\hnmld., Itr11iil, Pill;, rt 1, r• .sr r °. i'r.:00.ts, English
tints, best ,jnalitit:a.
CONFECTIONERY -011r ft -4"11r1, ht erns):• 1 1;" ,'n•i:a=sol,
LI,IIONM and OI{ANGE5' Fri -II S•: -•t 11.1-,(11 (lranl:r., California
(Iran;'t+, Valencia 11101 llalto!a.4•
(ritA I' ' r, Whitt. 'Malaga and hole, ra t',1a••k (]r:t
('I1:O('l'f'Ii( and (1I.ASSWAIti: Wt. 1.•u's:.ti1:5 in 619
lime, and a lilo•t^!l 11i=1tt'nnt for cash.
\;� X11= , (• ..;r,ntly 1;., 1 i , 1. 4.• lin,,,ii', I ,
ill-NI)ltlES •('::utturri, lortutt•la(YI.i•.1 (''..:•:'nUnia,
TEAS u''' its .nl'v= in 1',:1+. Webs;( tilt,., 1141,,t; 15 :11vr' 1,(11:!15 fpr ,'and
ri. 1 1 1•t : I0 , 21': I ' a'4 ,•1 (rI ltt '1?' 1 nlIity to le the be t
u= 11i�h t, 7
C‘ •I i_ t 1" t 4'01, at a: I 1" '4)(1)12 0 a irtc Icerling
ini1. 1 ' lr ,t l.,f.,::n\Vtr• trwillto -i, '1 - ,l \ :l'tg' 21:1,1 a liberal
Cumingihane & McMurray,
11:1 1'?:(t1'LI', C; lr)('1;1l1•. CLINTON