HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-05-24, Page 5TO.R A I r CLINTON MARKETS. LAIIIiiiNCECorrected every Tburs4 y sfternoou. 1 Thursday, May' 23, 1889. Wheat, fall 85 a U 98 Oateat, spring 28 a 0 28 a 0 45 Barley 0 40 SPECTACLES Peas 0 53 a 0 53 Flom Butter per owl 0 16 a 0 17 2 75 a 2 75 Pok • 5 795: 2g Hay 9 00 a 9 00 —FITTED AT— ROB, W. COATS' These FOR 40c. • A PAIR were bought direct from Laurance, and are genuine. I fit with KING'S OPTOMETER, and guarantee satisfaction. ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. :.�o"k"-��‘%\\•"h\oq\i\-•\Q�\XV'ss O\`.\�����\0��,"Z`3�i.�'��;A'a`�1��,;1:��1`������\� ��\'\V -far Ir>f 'ants arm Children. "Caetorlaissowell adapted tochildrenthat Castoria dares Colic, Constipation, I recommend itassuperior Loony prescription ISour Stomach, Diarrhea, Eructation. known to me." IIA.. encase, M. D., Sills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- gestion, 333 8, Oxford 8t., Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Mltrray-tl'rrll The Rush Continues FOR ThoseLace Curtains And Carpets, -� DETLORS GREAT. SAS • Their display of New Millinery is immense Detior .& Co., Clinton -THE POPULAR DRY GOODS OUSE LO -N DES HORO Ask for our SASH RIBBON, in inches wide, at 25 .cents: SPECIAL GI VALUE IN outs Hosiery NICE ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS and MUSLINS. I:113. Grocery Dep'rt We are offering special inducements to purclia,sers of SUGAR in I00 lb. lots. Ask for prices, OUR .JAPAN TEA, in :, lb. tin Cannisters, at 40 cts. ' a pound, is taking the lead. We have a 'large quantity of first-class POTATOES that will be sold cheap. Try our MAMMOTI[ S. S. CORN for fodder. GROUND OII. CAKE, at Mill Price. Your patronage' solicited. W. L.--,OUIMETT ;, LONiDERBORO BLYTH MARKETS ,Blyth, May 23, 1889 Wheat, fall,white and red 0 95 a 0 97 Wheat spring, 0 95 a 0 97 Oats 0 28 a 0 28 Barley 0 40 a 0 45 Peas 0 53 a 0 53 Eggs 0 9 a 0 10 Butter 0 16 a 0 17 Hogs 5 50 alb 00 Beef 5 50 a 6 00 Hay 9 00 a 9 00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, May 93, 1889.', Wheat, fall 0 93 a 0 93 Wheat, spring 0 88 a 0 83 Barley 0 47 a 0 52 Oats 0 31 a 0 32 Peas 0 60 a 0 60 Batter, rolls 0 19 a 0 21 Butter, large rolls 0 17 a 0 18 Eggs per dozen 0 13 a 0 14 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET About 350 butchers' cattle, 200'calves and 300 sheep and lambs offered at the Eest End abattoir. There was an act• ive demand for shipping cattle. Twelve cattle ships are to sail during the week. Good large cattle bought at from 4ic to 5o per lb., and a few best butchers' cattle brought over 4ic. Calves sold at from $ tp 2d. pach,. x,6fiy few. broug11t Qver 45,. Good demand for sheep for shipping; ordinary sold at from $4 to $6.50 each, or from 4c 44ic per lb,; lambs from 52 to $4. Fa^t`hogs lower, from 5.1c for fed, • Flour, Feed and Seed Business for sale The subscriber, who 1s desirous of going to Manitoba, offers for sale his Flour and Feed and Seed business in Clinton, It is well established, with a good profitable trade, and is a splen- did chance to pushing, live 'man. Terms satisfactory. ROBT. FITZSIMONS, Clinton QALES'ME Wto canvass forA saleN TEgD Steak, on SALARY AND EBPENSE9, or commission. Steady omploy.ment. Apply at once, stating age. Refer to this paper. J. B. NELLIS & CO., Rochester N.Y, •g The Improved White. Another lot of the WHITE'SEwIlG MA- CHINES just arrived, which I am selling cheap. See the new self -setting needle, see the new,stitcb regulator, set the regulator by number for any length of stitch you re- quire, no need to sew a piece of goods to get the right length of stitch, The new Tension Reliever is the newest improvement on any. machine; as soon as the presser foot is raised the tension is loosened, and no breaking of thread or needles in taking the goods out of the machine: Examine the now Bent Wood Cover—the strongest cover made. Have a machine sent to your house on trial. I want you to be perfectly satisfied that the White is the, best machine for the money, if not, I will take it away ; it will cost von nothing to try one. J. W0R8ELL, Agent COUNTY OF HURON TEACHERS EX AXINATI0N5 1869. Second and third class non-professional examinations at the Collegiate I ust itu tes and High Schools in the County on Tuesday, 9th July, 8.40 a.m. First C., July 16th, 8.40 a.88. Candidates who wish to write at either Chu. ton or Seaforth must notify,A, M. MAnl.ocn, Esq., P.S. Inspector, Clinton P. 0, not later tljan the 22nd of May, stating which'of the •two schools they intend to write at, and those who wish to write at Goderich must notify .1, E. Tom,Esq. P.S. Inspector,Goderich P.O., at the Same date. The notice must be ac- companied by a fee of or 810 if the Can- didate applies for the First Class as well as Second Class Examinations, No name will be forwarded to the Department tinless the fee accompanies it. Head blasters of the Collegiate Institutes or High Schools will please send the applications of their Candi- dates to the Inspector of the division in which the Collegiate Institute orHigh School is situated. Forms of application may be had from the Secretary. PETER AD:1MS0N, SECY. B. JOSS. ouch:rich, April 22nd, 1880. • In the High Court of Justice. Common Pleas Division. FOltSYTH vs. FORSYTH Pursuant to the judgment of this II on or- a ble Court, doted the 2)t1 ci=ty of .Marel.,1',r-', made hetrein, the creditors of the defendant. Alexander Forsyth, the younger, lately of. the Township ofTuckerswith, in the County of Huron, yemuan', are, on or before the tato clay of May, 1889, to send by post, prepaid, to Messrs (Jarrow n: l'roudfoot. of tltc Town of Godorich,iu the County of Huron, Solici- tors for the plaintiff, their cbristian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts; and the nature of the se- curities, if auy, hold by them; or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said judgment. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before me at uay Chambers in the Court House, in the said Town of Goderich, on the 22nd day of May, 1889, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudication on the claims. Dated at Goderich this 23rd day of April, 1889, S. MALCOMSON, Local 'Master at Goderich jJA$ItO \V & PEOUDFOOT, 31 Plaintiff's Solicitors, REDUCED RATES I1 To 1IANITOBA, P,RIT. COLT."MBIA And the NOII.-WESTERN STATES VIA BEATYS SARNIA LINE Steamers, United Empire, Ontario and Campana, sailing from Sarnia during navi- gation iweather permitting) every Tuesday and Friday night, and calling on Wednes- day and Saturdays at Goderich and Kilmer dine, connecting at the latter place with the G. T. R. train leaving (Minton at 10 a. in:, for St Joe's Island, Garden River, Sault Ste. Mar.5 Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific Railway, and at Duluth with the Itod River alloy Railway, Lowest Rates, bestaccom• odations, Express time and choice of routes. JAMES 11. BEATTY, Gcul, Manager Sarnia W. JACKSON A. 0. 1'ATTISON Agents, Clinton. SH I NGLS SHINGLES SHINGLES las. '1'tt itrhelI 1,,.t-; torr, load,• t:u•rt of Warranted , XX (r('ol't. i;lu Il:lf Shingles Car(tenh'rs'ay they are the e estate no Bcdgeni Have just opened out 2 cases more of those CHEAP PRINTS, New Patterns. L• COVMS Sc. HOSIERY Splendid, assortment to choose- from. To hand, New Lawns, Muslins, Ohambrays, and Black Lace Bunting. 5 per cent off for cash JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. -IIQENB. IT THE LE AD G ► . e Furniture Dealers, Cabinet Makers, - Undertakers; And Upholsterers. PICTURE FRAMING, A ••SPECIALTY. CALL AT THE Red RockerFu rn itu re -E m pori u m Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton Another Lot of BABY CARRIAGES NONE BETTER OR. CHEAPER NEW WALL PAPER, EXPRESS WAGGONS, WINDOW SHADES, CANES, &c. COOPER'S Book Store, Clinton. • M JD_ HOUSEHOLD TALK LONDESBORO FINE SPRINGG000S HANDSOME PRINTS, NICE DRESS GOODS, STYLISH PARASOLS, FINE MILLINERY, NOBBY TWEEDS, BOOT & SHOES, FINE SLIPPERS, &c.• - CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, FODDER CORN HUNGARIAN SEED, FINE GROUND OIL CAKE, &c., &c. April 5th, 1889. R. ADAMS. BANKRUPT. Stock -of o Special. Prises for One Month on the Hardware Stock of R. Dd. Rsicey . In Cutlery, Spoons, Spades and Shovels, Rakes and Hoes, Harvest Tools, Nails and Hinges, Paints, Oils and Glass. We .have also REDUCED OUR PRICES ON STOVES, and our prices on Tinware are now about 25 per cent less than ordinary prices. PURE MANILLA and. FLAX BINDING TWINE, order early scras to secure it. ' .Full stock OILED and ANNEALED WIRE, RIBBON WIRE, BARBED WIRE, Sc. Call"early and secure a bargain before all is cleared out. II RI &:N -JJ 3E31R,CDS. Iron and Hardware Merchants, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton _W"..IIR/Wil\T WALL LOW PRICES Selling Off AT GOS'I' PAPER IN TEAS, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS, CROCKERY and. GLASSWARE. rB'titter and Eggs taken as cash J. W. IRWIN, - The K Times ' Tea Warehouse, Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's.Blo(:k, CLINTON • Notice to Owners of Lots 1n the Clinton Cemetery The Cemetery Committee having examin- ed the Clinton Cemetery, find thata number of the lots are in a disorderly and Unsightly condition, by reason of certain unsuitable trees and shrubs having been planted there- in, contrary to the by-law, destroyiing botchy their own lots and those adjacent thereto.— Many of the monuments and fences are broken down and leaning over, and theColn- mittee request the owners of said lots to have them put in proper order at once, as the Committee intend, if possible this year, to put the Cemetery in much better condition than it has hitherto been kept. The Care- taker of the Cemetery will undertake, for a small fee, to keep lots in proper order. Fur- ther information can be had ou application to OEORGE TEDFORD, Superintendent W. C. SEARLE, 4i Chairman Cemetery Coni, SPE CIAL SIONS in 1'.\i'1:1; nu.. f)I ('f11t.1Tl0'. , n1 I ids., 1104 suit ti.r Flint+. J, TWITCHELL, CLINTON. I COPP 84 LOGAN! Clinton Court of.Itevision t Take notice that the Assessment Roll of the Town of Clinton has this day been re- urned by the Assessor to me, n,nd that the Court of Revision will hold its first sitting in tho Council Chamber, Town Hall, on Thurs- day, May 30, 1889, at the hour of 8 p.m. for the purpose of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors ou the Assess- ment Roll of this present year: Persons in - Wrested are requested to tante notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. COATS, Clerk Clinton, May let, 1680 Never SayDie When such a Wonderful Remedy as RialliokiledIcated1103 I. at hand, Cheat , rmenelm's, at d Prompt. ,yet,l\'1•;li, 1- 1l)XEY c1 liLO0I) diseases• .reeti>vl with wonderful skill. Composed '1(1111'011.1a herbs, each and every om ,lesigt(irtod to do its part in the transfer. suit inn of the human system. The weak ,Wade strong, and the strong made +1Pnnger. Prove it for yourself and In in.ppv, as in days of yore. Sold by drug 1lists end authorized events. Pushing Lady Agents wanted to whoa: rill inducements will b • offered 2J AND 50 CENTS 1)f,\MoNl) T1;,\ co, W. 1/. Pon ,sat,,+. Chief Aunt, Lot,rlon The undersigned will sell oft' his well assorted stock of Wall Paper and Decorations at.cost for cash on delivery. This sale will probably' coutinue witlaout change, until the whole stock is sold. A.WOR�HINCC --TON,Clinton HUB GROCERY We would iikb to sec everybody who wants a GOOD CUP OF TEA, whether it be Green, Black or Japan. We keep the VERY BEST COFFEE to bo had, ana grind it fresh. , Crockery, printed and plain, cheap In SOAP we give big bargains, 5 lb. Bars for 25 cents. Broome, Brnshes and Woodenware. See our STEEL HOOP PAIL, no dropping off of Hoops, or pail falling,to pieces. CHOICE FLAX SEED for sale. Butter & Eggs as cash Gi EO, W ALLOW, CLINTON BOOTS & SHOES 189 SPRING &TS RIMER 1889 Our stock fur this season is very complete. The quality and style our goods are very snliet'ior, and nay pri('es nl'e low. AN ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS -AND VALISES CHEAP ;ggs l4lken in exchange. 5 per cent 0(1 for cash. L9 & Sons O UNTON AND BLYTH