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The Clinton New Era, 1889-05-10, Page 8
FRIDAY, Md.Y 10, 1889. / f NEFi'S NOTES. NOTES. A. company pro .o3es to srend$I,. 000,000::in devote powerof the As Manitoba, and to and electric force China has not b railroad bueinet;s, arrived at the asci their only line a ti ly wrecked and too men being either et ed to death. The only countit: , NEW rower of onions near nt- ford has lost 1,500 bushels, which rotted in the cellar. The present population of Winnipeg is 21,328, against 22,- 098 last year, showing a decrease of 770. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure con- stipation, biliousness, sick head- ache;- bilious headache, and all derangements of thostomaeh,liver and bowels. The number o ed on Canadian the fiscal year 1887;88 was 20; number of employes killed, 107; number• of others killed, 104; total killed, 231. It is understoo.l that the Inter- i State Commerce Commission of r the United States Senate will visit Canada with the object of confer- ring with members' of the Govern- s merit on matters affecting the rail. j T way traffic of the two countries. It is generally understood in 0 inside circles that Sir. John Mac- donald will visit England this th month, presumably, it is stated, w to confer with the Imperial au - thorities regarding fresh negotia- vi tions for a settlement of the fish- as cries .,treaty. of Warner's Safe Cure cures nerv- ousness, insomnia, hysteria and B - neuralgia, Why? Because these all are symytQms of an impure con- eve dition of the blood, caused by un- er healthy kidney action. The pois- sale onous urea and uric acid peing re y tamed in the blood &Huse the sym- Alla d ptoms of' kidney disease first not- do ed. Mi' T. II. Cooper, commercial outs travellor.with Messrs A. Harris, . Son tt Co., of Brantford, was mar- gin rierl Thursday evening to Miss this Ornida Hineks, daughter of Mr cr t .harry Hincks, formely of Godo- ern --14eh;•-itte he-Gar}torr StreetMetho ur n dist Church, Toronto, by the pas- andan toy, Rev. Dr, Bunter, Jacob Tome, the of Port Deposit, Ma donated $3,000,000 f pose of founding a s boys and girls .in wh the usual studies, shal mechanical trades, stenography, wood, c steel engraving, sewi and all other domestic nary arts. John Johnston, sho St Marys, had lost tr father•and brothers for years. He supposed th New Zealand and adve Now Zealand paper He has just received t from his !bet relatives, • ping the water- siniboine river, supply power to Winnipeg, ecu long in the but has already dent stage. On •ain was recenl- k tire, fourteen •ushed or burn - •s in Ontario in f Piassengers kill, which the Scott Act will° be in railways durirl force after the lst of May are g Middlesex, Oxford, Lanlbtott and Elgin. At its hey -day the Act hold sway over twenty -,even con- 's#ituencies in the.Proviece, On Friday tire u•,t.5 dl: covered ssuing from the engine house •oof of the TCestvater• tannery owned by Robt. Douglass. It is upposed to have started iu some rtvings near the engine room. he buildirg is now a total wreck nd the loss will be between $3, 00 and $4,000; not insured. Do you ask how times are on e Pacific Coast? Mr C. E. Brown rites from Oregon city to the Cornwall Freeholder;..... My ad- ce is for you all to stay at home, the coast is flooded with men all trades, and scores of them e idle for want of work. Why? ocause the railroads aro doing the mischief in the way of ad - rasing for people to come out •e and fill situations at large aries, but when they get here see the whole thing is merely odgoto extort p'as$ago• anon Sy. the glowing accounts you see wn East about the big wages eh are bel°ngpaid to merchants here aro falsehoods from bo- ning to end. Tho farmers of county send their sons east he Cascade for work, and East - men come here for the same elege 1 GQda ta:day., in.Por , get 1,000 men in two hours, at the same rate per hour as is paid in Toronto or Montreal," millionaire • William Robert;'14h D. F. R. C. "Pregnancy * fruitfu • eminaryr for ° Blights d' ich, besides proportion of cases between the 1 be taught ages of 20 and 45, at e 80 woman to telegtaug every 100 men, while after this upper, and period the mortality • falls to 59 Wo- ng, cooking woman -to every 100 men." Wo- - soil kola- mat, during pregnancy aro espe-. daily liable to contract kidney disease, which it neglected will ter•- otnaker•, 'of minateinBright'sDisease, Keep ack of _his the kidney active, and maintain a seventeen healthy flow of urine by the fre- em to be in quent use of Warner's Safe Cure rtised in a during the period of pregnancy. for them. It will keep tho kidneys healthy wo for, and active. Two elders in the 'O Presbytery quarrel' called the other a fig other hit the ono on -The.shouldea,• hitter• resi the caller of the names posed from the eldership of his claim that th0 w was scriptural in itsori true in its., application, The licence law of forbids any persons buyi without purchasing some eat at the same time. the national drink• and it c sold in a quantity less than ties. As the poor arc, tt purchase lC ha.• ,e . 1 drink often " In t the 3 law is said to have greatly promoted temperate habits. Aceena ing tt, a truthful South- , crn paper a live mouse in :t Tex - tis dairy tell into a pailful of ,Wilk, • It avant ronml and round in its °H'ef'ts to t+t fait, but in vain. Itowevcl• through the actic'ity of its rnovelnpit,i iglu uaiIl :vati at Inst churned into batter, when the mouse was enabm;;d to jurnp.out of the pan and regain its liberty, S ng. Gen. Array,, ;lays of' them result U. f chr•onicrttalaria poisining;"Disord- or of the kidneys frequently com- plicates the condition under con- sideration. Scanty,,more or loss albuminous urine is often observed, and those cases not infrequently terminate in chronic Bright's Dis- ease, with confirmed albuninure, oedema - or genera} anasarca." , What at first is recognized as ma- laria is subsequently found to be 'I>right's Disease, which \Varner's Safe Care cares. ryland, has or the pus. f P.,Pre y is1 cause disease. The relative The knotty question ""Who los• it rarangeville One es the cargo ,jettisoned from the r anti the ;Missouri t i enable her to take the Lae 00nmaries 722 people aboard?" iIOSO' -haselyeen...h 3 ill greed incl 11 .3; ans4ei�ed, At des- a dinner given. by the Sons of St. p George of Philadelphia, on Tues-• er<11 used day evening, to Captain. Murrell, gill, and of dile Missouri,thltt gallant officer said: r, The ow-ner, of my vessel have wired mo that they will not Sweden charge the Thingvalla Line any - ng drink thing for the loss of our time or thing to cargo, and the interested parties Brandy is called at the,oflice of Peter Wright annot he & Sons to -day, and said they would two bot- put in no claim for what n'e lost -by nable to. throwing overboard." The tmis- is n a a, , etc• r bus put everybody on }r;, ries generosity, for 3 the Lhiuge'alla. Line has telegraphed its agertt that they will pay for tht• cargo thrown overboard. II1 the:,c ctimbt t,i(es would it not be u ;,,•,,, - roti; thing for the twit t•urnp ;nit•., to agree that the (Honey be handed Over to the poor emigrants, with lame furnilics, Echo Jr�.t :Ill their earthly belongings by 5 the disnsta�l. to the Danmark? Far:DElni Professor o University don, Engle case has no and may to knowledge titioner-, an in the kids All the disc 1 neys are su they give ri treated in t euro is the o fir'. R. A. and P1•ofees0 1Tnited ,Stat !Editor' of Author of "G proved Ilan and I)olne,,str "IamWilli and commen value of Warn Farming in scribed by C. City, in a Tett F'r•eeholder:— good-for-n of h i are the Oregon a man of good four daughters, a Chinaman to his woman fo farm is morgag luckiest thing f Canadian thistl I went to a farm milk ten cows, buy their er I u bt ter wits too hard WO fed tho milli to Can tell an Euste out having to a am told that p meneing of the r harmers go to t buy a pound of t of coffee, and n tobacco and as haven, 'sutra, the) seen in tow) . lIr Bau'n11ni once entered the Chaves of the Mcssiah,Now York of which the Rev. Robert ('ollycr� is pastor, and took a bawl: heat. The preacher ;an'• him arid said, in a loud voice: --''I sec P. T. Barhnrn in a back pew in this church, and I invite him to come forware and take a seat in my family pew. Mr Barnum always gives me a good seat in 'lis circus, and I want to give him .as good in my church." ?Jr Barnum was rather surprised at this 'pub- lic invitation, but of course he accepted it, • A dispatch states that Post- master -general SV:anamaker has ordered that hereafter the post office department bo closet! eon Sunday to the clerks and all em- ployes thoreof,except the required watchmen, Gh mon) e n b ' n CC►y a ndf o.Clerks and employes with- out •exception b'deiedadmit- tance on that day to tho main building and to the several rented buildings, and tho watchmen on duty shall strictly enforce the pro- visions of this order, This, coupled with the recent resolve regarding freigl, trains on the Vanderbilt system, would seem to show that the cause of Sunday obscrvanee is making progress. Ci; T. IIrILanrs M. f Clinical Medicine College Hospit im,L nd, says:f'Br•ight'.' symptoms of it o ng exist without of the patient or pi d no pain will be Cys or their vicinit ases to which the k bjec•t and to whi se can he preveuted into." Warner's S my recognized spe Gunn, M. D,, Dee r of Surgery of, t es 'Medical Colleg Medical Tribune unn's New and in d -book of Ilygon c helicine;" say ng to acknowledg d thus frankly th er's Safe Cure." Oregon is. thus de E. Brown, ofOrego et• to the .,Qornlval Of all tho lazy and ng men I ever Saw flrmerrs. 1 know standing, who has and he has to keep cook and wash for Iles. Every third ed here, and the or them is that the o has not got here. house where they and where e t lie 3 Making butter r•k for them—they � the calves, Uric rn man here with - sic any q [testi( ns, i•ior to the Cr)m- aining season the he nearest store, ea, half a pound logia(• s worth of mon:; as the to - are not again 11,, ;it "0- wn the felt y id - eh if' afe ci- 1), ho e; ie 0 0 nl In the Old Presbyterial, Church Orders respectfully solicited Pullman Vestibuled Tr•a lrr It is conceded withstanding the ladvent of old and new linea into the field of competition for passenger traffic between Chicago, waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, the Chicago, Milwaukee de .St. Paul railway maas therntains its leading line, and carries t position portion of the business between these this, whentis we coot nsiderdto thataccount for it was the first in the field, and gained its popular- ity by long years of first-class service. It has kept up to the times by adopting, all modern improvements in equipthent and methods, the latest being complete PnllmanVestibuledtrains running daily between Chicago, Milwa,trkeer St, Paul and Minneapolis, and its route being• along the backs of the Mississippi, through the finest farming country, the most populous and prosperous towns and villages, it offers to its patrons the! very best service their mcney can buy. Its dining cars pre celebrated through-' out the length and breadth of the land as" being the' finest in the world. Its sleeping cars are the best belonging to the Pullman company, bein_g_marvels of I- elegaiice`, comfort and luxury;its day; coaches are the best made, and its em.' ployees, by long -continued service in! their respective capacities, are experts, courteous and accommpdating to all. It is not at all strange, therefore, that an intelligent and discriminating tra• velling public should almost exclusively patronize this great railway, with itses Chicago, Milwaarate ukee,oSt Paul arunning nd between neapolis; Chicago Council Bluffs Omaha; Chicago, n s and Joseph, Mo, A. Kansas City, and St, G. P. & T. A., Milwaukee, %V s.N A J. TAYLOR,•T.P.A., No. •1, Palmer House Block, Toronto, A Maine farmer, s owing the death to foxes, placed a camas near bis barn and then connected it byawire under the snow with a bell in his bedroom. A fox could not do vigorous work on that piece of meat without ring- ing the bell, whereat the schemer. would wake up and go firth to the slaughter. IIe hilted 25 foxes by that dovice•durin;,r the winter. A 3loiitreal ,reytuur';ut i+ce},cr named Laforte was tinrtl :j200 3lonchrv, fur a third t;ffeni . for selling iiquor on Sunda}-, 4 1 r MEDICATED Diamond Tea Ph `ht cut ,urpri.c 1,f n:,,h•rU Uun . . u lit.p0 rtlik • u r,. I t ].f r. .r ,ul Ic;,. r tt e.„ 1,1� rel ,•, !71 L iii. . :urea by it,a„: lihru,uuil,n��d )1')) ;rrdnht, dac+ r,ut It'OI'"!• I' 1 cini,ti),:rti u, .;u4: Ruud,' salt nceurn, ,li?/,, ,. r' :1) 1 r ,.f Cllr• :u„I uuv,.) r 'thcr,, i•,r u; II ;uu I,re• p�re•,I t„ 1'nnli°I: tr•ttu:nui.:i.,t r. „a,•inie 1^ -r -„n- i.. u:rt � -1 Ined.in <1,ud1 u.,o. •.r rntr ,i who( i 14rit., for t, r7::, r ,.),,a• • , 1'i.iS10NL f � y Os'i'. A3 "Sees. E. E. HAYWARD THANK 1E711 i th In ankng you for 111 n -past custom and eolicit'n;; a continuance of the beg to intimate to the public that I have a full stock of D.M. FERRY'S and STEELE BROS GARDEN F I.t)WE GRASS SEED -4. Also a large quantity ofPOTATOES. FULL STOCK OF FARM .4 A full case of GLASSWARE, . CAGES, cheap. My Gook of HARDWARE, HARNESS, CROCKERY just arrived direct Teri, Set for $31.75, itncl a LARD, HAMS and BA ND GARDEN TOOLS stock of GROCERIES, GLASS; &c., is full and cojnplete Large from the old country. A good better for 42.50 CON in stock. All kinds of Produce taken for goods GEO. NEWTON, - - —�_LONDESBORO The ? _FACTORY Bo well's old Blacksmith .shop, i uron Street., Clint on undersigned has his new factory thoroughly equipped and fitted up for the manufacture of First Class Well and . Cistern Pumps. .. There being nothing doing in the building- Pis• I have improved the opportunityby o mut p business in the winter time. pared to supply them at the loesge ossable out pumps, and amt therefore, ng in this line will find it to their advantage toseemete. Those wanting pre' pendent of the•rnoving of buildings, which business is still attended ton stheret� This will be carried on rode• fore, by the uudersigned. Cistern Tanks and Pumps supplied at FewestRtes JOHN STEPIIENSON, CLINTON. r `�''`� .4. T—Jo -���-+ MS 13 Q o I FINE SPRING. GOOlIS ll.il,l1 DSVi`1L 1i PRINTS, r i RIN L S, N IC.E DRESS GOODS, STYLISH PARASOLS, FINE _MILLINERY, NOBBY TWEEDS, BOOT & SHOES, FINE • SUPPERS, , CIA PC El; •ANI) TIMOTHY SEEDF HUNGARIAN SEED, F ' � GROUND OUNODDER, CORN OIL CAKE, &c,, &Q. llrin;; eTittr Ap,l•il 5th, Fut• fru yit: atr 1>451'ffl, fir, I url.ry r•.tt i1 t:, all It! t „ IlohnesVille Saw & Shiogre 111111 i' The anore-i:: • in der and underthemanagementr0) r Willianing u Dodds, of Clinton.. ata prepared to furnish ail k{nrL of Ea(rli)er, Lath and Shingles On short 210tir.,, 1))11 Lai„sur n Specialty. (a1.+10117 sawing rinnu t0 "ilei. Hicl,est price paid for )Baas and Hemlock. 1+•. It. Irol{s•I'E1, Iioln,eard1,!, ag Ea C,sD y R'h. "ad'iv?�ma-6s 1tli.ofr o°dp Pe2Efe.p A�9s. EwA.CFinagg6r;m-•• q:ag-h, mo,m• B seam g$ mg•ri.g0 ::,4;;?...se4g.....,...t sa "r� "r... q(49$ �agmll °,on.. pa ai&�d"5oo o5C$r°•gs e0 e,Bm!,,i;Lel ei.�lu SS e't. • a3°-��a �a eoSN teOl OS 10 i4.1 sc4 R. ADAMS. CROSS -CUT Aw We have the solo agency for the "President Cross Cut Saw” universally admitted to be the ,ar;BEST IN TIIE WORLD. E k THE POPULAR • DRr GaasHous LONDESBOR' WE ARE SHOWING BARGAINS IN Ready-made made Y OLOTIIIN€: go -MEN'S TWEED SUITS as Iow as "BOY S TWEED SUITS from5. �4 to $6. Wo show a grand assortment of fit boys from 5 to 8 years old, plain sacqueo� s, plea t° sacque and Norfolk Jackets, with knee pants. , pleate have a little boy do not attempt to make im a suit, for it is quite likely you will think it not nice enough v made haveou finished it. You can buy these Suits, cut and by first-class tailors, at about the same price as you would pay for cloth and trimming. PIA..fri Full and`lttractive assor relent of Hats, new s hard and soft. hapes BOOTS AND SHOES --Full lines. Special; this week, 50 pairs Men's Heavy $1.10. This boot is sold else Buckle ie alt Plain Boots at wanta -ps;ir come -holy; they all be gone in a few days GARDEN SEEDS from Ferry Mover, Timothy and Orcharo.d Grass, Bros. W. L. 4UIMET LtONDESBORO ew Ftirnjture stock Opened out in ELLIOTT'S BLOC, NEXT DOOR TO TAE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNG , SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ES Arra A GAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST ' MADE F TURE AT REASONABLE • PRICES., URN. I 0 1iJ ,EY. NMW 13.49„1?-,\-ZIr S F1I1R, John 5 011 rm0 ” PR TI CA HARNESS and COLLAR MINERS Having bought th ^--"'��"- ����• ° y n e business anti stock of GL'O. A. SIIARBIA\, „•e ore prepared to fill all orders in our line at the lawest living prices. We are both practical workmen, well known to the people of Clinton and vicinity, and c; rantee a superior class of work atm 1 &tical the best, and by strict attention to tbusine eTeand honest dealing, C: found oe a favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. Ne have a splendid Line of SINGLE HARNESS, avhich, for material, workmanship and price, cannot be - S'trpassed, Full stock in all liries. REPAIRING promptly JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MAR; ET, CLINTON FOR THE HEATED TER1YI - JUST RECEIVED Pure West IndiaJjmejuj0 e THE FAVORITE SUMMER DRINK. • n.o's FRUIT SLAT' r EFFERiTESCENT. CITRATE ATE of MAGNESIA. J-4-1vFS3. Ur1vrr , CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. CLINTON, 01. T 1+ A Painless Cure. JtSIC�;lllt Positive Cure. We are also Sole Agenlr fm.) THE REXFORD AXE, the choice of woodsmen and the best in the market. Full stock of Coal and STOVES, IIARDWARE, CUTLERY, LAMPS, OILS PAINTS, &c. S. DAVIS, Mammoth (Stove Ilouse, CLINTON. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES M. Nr.AisEASEw •• of 248.N.gra a Win. m is $sz,mozF=c 1041.7 t Xt E., W liilyrE1.7.o. E fa Marvel of Heating, and Kohinoor of Medicines, r4E3si the terrible consequences of lindliedretiene • Exposure ono overwork. ZOT.71sTC,�! 1\ Jt �ACx�,M-E3D .41-111:› 'Vbo are broken down from the etfocta of abuse will And in No. 8 a radio iY14o'TOM9 •egarnica debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital looses, etc.. 8 fee nerpor dimnees Of o a ni aaNo. 6 &Imm as Esso. to desire —Want energy. vertigo, wantoA Dome cowardice, solitude, depression listlessness ness and inability tyl to of the anent o ons of ootloerestrd mat errs peabrtionl orare Ion nm se et et W � O seminal y mt Hat fl ni -t a �' ores to excitability 1 fluid -the ! y, gnu est fain tritt at e on of exam_r a sD 1 , emaciation, ell• y retia nbnt!p n b se or airIota females tromblin , melancholy, disturbingr reams etc„ aro all sm tom f thin torribl RR , ennoss, palpitation of the heart, hyetorio feelings: habit, oftentimes innocently acquired, ishort, the spring of vital force having lost it tension,•every function wanes in consequence. RoteutInc wt•rtersand theca erratenden+y of insane asylums unite-tn aseiribi4-,1 to±bo eirr'ets et seht,i,r,e the wasted lives"whioh come under their notir;e, If von are iucompetegreat nttor tire ardudt- duties of business, incapacitated for the allayment-, of life, Ni,. a maioefr Z. the effects of early vice. If you aro advnnu„d in years, No. E vitt full vigorrau; strength. If you aro broken downyd g h. result of ignorance and folly, send your oddr,F•s and 10 eo„ta in stamps for M. vigor Book Fortn on Diseases of Mao, Sealed fromendasecur©robeerva , Treatise n Address all eomnienicatiens to ill. V. LIIIDON, 97 6i•enio V. aLrea i • A Mac without Wisdom fives in n tool's paradise. E a urM e D (HIRES GUARANTEED. n HEAE; G� SICK. f' rl .t . 1,.18 r.;,Y et ,tu, , t ;<aljr,oluiw gv 7: 120'?'4ri ifft rt i a rr'y,, - flaw