HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-05-10, Page 6W WPM NYOU WANT A, 'AIR OF PEUTAULES CALL ON R. W. COATS CLINTON And have 3 our ey es properly tested with lung's Optometer, the best, eye.tester in the world. ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER, CLINTON. for Infants and Chlijren, •.."Castor!!g,i3so.wenp(laptedtochildren that Oastorlae:t' rni Cnnrtipatrlt -+•-• t recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Storni.... •..r, h.ma, trnowu to me." H. A. ARCHER, 31. D., Solis 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes 1118a Oxford SA, Brno gesaon, Brooklyn, N. F. Without injurious =edict/hon. rR : C'itYr t ,v • „ • li;, , The Rush COOIIOUOS FOR Those Lace Curtains And Carpets, H DETL08S GREAT SALE Their displa of -New Millinery is immense Deti.or .& Co., Clinton CLINTON MARKETS. Qorreoted every Thursday afternoon. Wheat, fall Thursday, May :I, 1S89. 0 05 a 0 98 - Wheat, spring Thursday, 95 a 1 98 ats 0 28 a 0 2d Barley 0 40 a 0 45 Peas 0 63 a 0 53 Flour per cwt 2 75 a 2 75 Butter 0 18 a 0 18 El;ge o5 75 0 9 9 a o 00 9 WE ARE OFFERING SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Pork Has' 9 0o a 9 00 pBINTS BLYTH MA1uETS, Zenhvrs 9, ld•3J Blyth, May Wheat, fall,white and red 0 95 a 0 97 Wheat spring, 0 95 a 0 97 Oats 02'3a028 Barley 0 40 a 0 45 Peas 0 53 a 0 53 EggButters,, 0 9 a 0 10 Hugs 0 16 a 0 17 5 50 a6 00 Beef •. 5 50 a 6 00 Hay 9 00 a 9,00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, May 9, 1y5J. Wheat, fall 1 00 a 1 03 Wheat, spring Barley 0 4 43 1 a a d ;i 0 53 53 Oats 0 33 a 0 34 Peas 0 56 a 0 56 Butter, rolls 0 22 a 0 24 Butter, large rolls 0 18 a 0 20 Eggs per dozen.. ,0 12 a 0 13 ALESM E 1WyaBWANTEgDst11 SALASteadyReuY ploD employment. Apply or oneQ stating age. Refer tothis paper. J, 13. NELLIS & CO., Rochester N,' - 8 REDUCED RATES To MANITOBA, BRIT. COLUMBIA And the N.OR-WESTERN STATES VIA BEAT YS SARNIA LINE Steamers, United Empire, Ontario and Can,p,tna, sailing from Sarnia during navi- gation (weather permitting) every Tuesday and Friday night, and calling on Wednes- day and Saturdays at Goderich and Kincar dine, connecting at the latter place with the G. T. R. train leaving Oliuton at 10 a. m„ for St Joe's •Island, Garden River. Sault Ste. Mane,.Port Arthur and Duluth, connecting at Port, Arthur with the Canadian Pacific Railway. and at Duluth with the Red River Valley Railway. Lowest Rates, best accom- modations, Express time and choice of routes. JAMES H. I3EATTY, Gonl, Manager Sarnia -W, .JACKSON A. 0. PATTISON Agents, Clinton, SH I NGLS SHINGLES - SHINGLES Jas.—Twitchell w'itchell has received Three Car' loads more of tilos; Warranted. XXX Geotglati Bay S1linries Carpenters gay they aro the Shingles J. TWITCHELL, CLINTON. SPE CIAO, WALL PAPER �Il�TS Sr-)11.ing. Off AT G Tl)(: II.: ie•I,.'1 ',pili ,t'ii',di' 1 i ttt,ll :I,•I,i't('I ,tuck llt'11':d; 1':lpcl • :i1Ltl 1)l'I' •:':c'.I,,I1 ilt t'(,a fu l' l'fl,ll On (1('Ii': l'ry. \\'iii 11I'(11n1I'ly ,n17,1:'ll' \ylllUpllt ('llilll��l', IRltll'.the sold. .A.WWO] -T FTNGTQN,Clinton STI FF HATS — All the leading styles, ! ought from the hest manufacturers. SOFT HATS — The best and .cheapest goods in • the market STRAW HATS—Our stock is N orth seeing, ex- • cellent quality, and away down in price. ('lo -e buy-ct', ,hor(1(1.,nnt fitil to (•a11 :Uel see these goeds, the lulu prices and t!n)d quality :u'c,('llin'� them vet'y fust Uent'y Furnishings and Fine Tailoring FRANK SHEPHERD, The Leadilg Tamar, AibertSt. CLINTON 1tOLLEIt J11Li.S 1''Olt SAL1: The almost new Loudesl,oro Roller Mills ; in good relining order, water and steam power. Post Oleo, telegraph and railroad convenient. Only a small amount down,tho root to suit the purchaser if secured. This is a rare chance. Apply to .l, H II131'4R, Box 1(W, Berlin, or' IL5. 1IUIU4It, on the. premiers Londeslioro, Ont. TO CONTRA crofts. The board of School Trustees of the Town ship of Tuckersmith, will receive nefaled tenders for the erection of a brick school house in No. 4 eection,,,the building to be forty foot long, twenty1)ye feet wide, end ceiling thirteen feet high. Alan aaeltarate tender for the erection of ,,. bt•i••It Iean to at the end, 2.5 fret long, le fret wile end 10 feet high at the lowest end, to be used as a wood shed with two water closets therein. Also a separate tender for tile fencing of the school;grniinds with posts and boards, con- taining a small gate. Alaoseparatol•,buder for the digging of a wsll, bricking up -and placing a pump therein the well. properly covered and drained. Alan aeperato tender for the moving of the old wood shod to now 6rounds. Plans and specifications of build- ng can he seen at the offlee of the under. signed. Tenders will he received up! to May 1.i, 1880, work to be completed before the 20th 0etober nest. E. G. E. .JACKSON, Srch'tary of 13mi r,1 Egtu ll:31184, April 1, I85'0 FOR SALT. That desirable property lately occupied by David Welsh, deceased, and being lot No. 4, corner bleat/ and Dunlop etrcete, Clinton. Oh the promisee there aro first-class accom- modations—well, cistern, shed, fruit treee, and a garden well planted out. The cottage is new, open for inspection at any time upon application to the uudereil{ncd. The premises midst Ile 4(87(0sed of in order teewitel up the estate of the late DavidWelsh Terme made known en application, .ALEX. WELSH, Executers of. 110111. W1'lt.SH,', will of Alf. MANNING, S David 1Velsb Property for Sale I will sell either one or both of my new 'iricli houses o, Ontario Street n.djoiningthc• Presbyterian manse, } acre of Iam1 to each house, The lite run through to Townsend street on which there is (0001 for two more, 110uses, Tho property i3 situated in the best resirlental part of Clinton. Both houses - are new and thoroughly well fin iehod through - There is no more desirable protpo•tp in Clin• ton either as an investment or for n, home. I will ell Tote on the hayfield road or on King street at a reasonable price, from a 1 acre or up. This is a good chaa.g[cr, Ior farm- ers and others who purpose cowling to Clin- ton tan reside. They can Inv Io,s now cheap, plant out. trona, and their :property will al- ways he inercnmiug in value, even if they dolt went to build et nnee, their Jami will prove 1gond investment, TeriTiseasy. Hn.v-I alsoaevrrn1atter properties In Clinton, any ofn•Li,1,Ityill sell. Apl•ly 1', (;O1:DEN or ',t• it I'ERIIIN 1., 1',ALL 1'.1i'i:11 n:.: Ul;l 01;.1T:0Nr. t., nee t .: -flit the Lem-, 1 COPP °OGAN,.. ISA 1(' —'l'l 1 1 Cid N•i',)`: 1:11'ORTI:D CLYDESDALE ST.1Ll•.,)N PIIIDE OF OXFORD, <c,. 131 S. C. ti. I,., ,rt' Nand:; 1, tr,a .:atel mares during tL, season of lee 1, (,s r,.Ilotrs : Monday, 100yes Ids own :,nl lr, best: Line, and proceeds 10.101111 Baker's, Maitland con., Goderich Township for uuoil, the00e CO Se arts' Hotel, Hell„c.syule, for the night. ueadny proceed 1 y the Huron !toad to George Edwards' for noon, thence down the ttlI con. to Thou,as'I'ichbournc'v for • night. Wednesday, byway of Porter's Hill to the 7th con., to Robert Elliott's for noon, then north to sidoroad and across to the 4th con., to. J. G.Steep's for night. Thursday, proceed south to Bayfield Line, then ea'stto John Anderson's for one Lour, then to Ww, Wise's for noon. thence to A. Innes', Stanley, for night. Friday, proceed to the Hatterfbury House, Clinton, for noon, then to Owen Flynn's, 3rd con„ Mullett, for 111511 Satur- day, to his own stable, whore he will remain 11111 the following Monday morning. J. J. Me,- LA1tGHLIN, Mangier. INNES & MC- LAUGHLIN, Proprietors: FIRST-CLASS CLYDESDALE STALLION, PINCIIER, • No. 553 S. C. 13. of Scotland, bred by A. Tu- nes, Stanley, toil, stand for flares this season as follows: Morality, will leave Mr Nott'e stables, London Road, and proceed to the end cop. of Tuckersmith then 5011(13 to El- coates corner, then limit to Broad foot's bridge, then west to let Laudsho.rongles for noon, then by O'Brion'e corner to the Huron Road. then east to James Holland's for night. Tuesday, takes the Huron (toad to the bomb, dh'torth to tcon. nf ,}enwesttoW Aichison'stor oonthen on to Enos Hull's for night. Wednesday will proceed west to the Gravel (toad, thou north to East's corner, then west Io the Base Line, then south to Tindall Eros., for noon, then to (ho Central Hotel (late Spooner's) for the afternoon, then home for the night, and remain till Thursday noon. Thursday noon, leaves his own stable to the 20(1 con. of Stan- ley, by Granton, then north to Hayfield con., then west to Wiggington's corner, then south tosouth to the brlidge rthenithom ot. f byy'the11end con. of Stanley, and remain until the follow- ing aMonday AVERY &IgNOTT, Proprietors.OTT Mnager. COUNTY OF HURON TEACHERS EX- AMINATIONS 1'185, Second and third chase non.prcf'saional examinations at the Collegiate Ulstitutesand 111511 Schools in the County nn Tuesday, 9th -111ly, 8,40 nem. First C., July lith, 8.10 a.m. (lnrndidates who wish to write, at either Clin- ton or Seaforth must notify I). H. 31,101,0) rr. Esll., 1'. S. Inapcetor, Clinton 1'. t), not later than the 2,2114 of May. stating which of Die two schools they intend to write seem') those who wish to write nt (ioderirh t,lnat notify •1. E. Toef,Ee,l, P,S. Inspectnr,Goderich P.O., ntc Ih came dote, The notioe moat he ac- eompanied be a tee of s3, pr . l0 If the Can- didate applies for the First Class ns troll as Second (lass Faat,,;natinus. No 11011(1' will be forwarded to the Department nlese the fee accntnpaniea it. Ir`It rorl Masters of the Callegin.te institutes or Higt, Srhnnla e 111 pleeee serol the applieatiots of their ('aurB- rdatee to the Insme:ter of the 'tivieinn in tvhfrh the ColS'qln 00 Institute nr 115)3 Sehnnl is sitna,r'4. Fnrins of aplplit;ition may be 1.0.x1 trent tee: 5,01,1)0(0 I'ETEtt ADAef t)N, Sle,'1' lit EX 8, l-•rill„.1; III le .1 148 • See our 7 cent PRINT. Also a job line of KID GL Josephi GLOVES, 2 buttons, for 25 cents Fv--�,N-- Special value in CARPETS, LINOLEUMS OIL CLOTHS, 5 per cent off for cash LACE CURTAINS AND SCRIMS JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. iO ( W SPECIALTIES JOHNSON'S Superfine Coach and Car Colors JOHNSON'S Pure Colors in 011 Johnson's French Permanent Green JOHNSON'S Magnetic Iron Paints The fact cannot be too forcibly impressed upon .the minds .of all users of'paint, thal good results can be produced only .by the use of good materials. The main expense in painting is not in the cost of the paint, but in the costal' zoom and ore„ and .it required more labor and more oil.to apply inferior paint than to apply the best dhat can be obtained. The above Brands are the acknowledged stand• and by which all other paints in the. market may be judged. •°l ;14.1'i'r�'1,riC� '�u1_dA13Xfn1'J7lia)umimz'x1d `�.rt�' - o t11n1tYn aauslfIIIIIfl HMI?' 311,\NIh(5, igilim1XIXi1YY14'X 1Biixi 1/ 1n10 .?p ” tJttI' r411t1 1,4 �P":-:icir" HIT GROcEy Wo vnnl,1 like to .(1010 011 ryboll: \ilio feint; a 0001) ('1'1' OF, TEA, whether it le, Green, , Black, or.7alntl:. We keep the VERY BEST COFFEE to be had, and grind it fre0h, , Crockery, printed aped plain, cheap In SOAP we give Li;{ bargains, :, lb. Lars for 25 cents. L'rooms, Brushes anti; 1\'oodenware. See our STEEL 11001' 1'AIL, no dropping off of Hoops, or pail falling to piece.,. CIIOICk: FLAX SEED for sale. flutter el- Eggs as cash G -F:® � Ar��r��c)w, (:Y_,II\TTON B. LUARANCE'S Spectacles New Line of Baby Carriages ALL NEW STOCK NEW WAIL PAPER, CANES, WAGONS, EASTEH CARDS. COOPER'S Book Store, Clinton. 99- GROCERY -99 Having bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old stand. Wo have everything that is to'be had in a first• class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will be kept, and sold at the closest margin. We have a largo stock of FIN E 1\T+l VIT TM.AS Which we guarantee to give sati.afacti'nn. (.'all and get prices. t we win not be undersold by au►3' lionise in the trade - James Alfas, 99 Albert St Clinton .nese celebrated Spectacles afflicted in overfly instance with B. Lat;4• ranco's test, and :t certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You cat'' depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANCE 8PECTACL1 by calling and examining the stock at THOMAS JACKSOZ�T'G, s ;, CIC.INTCON 1880 Om; stock for this season is very complete: The quality awl stylet of our goods aro VT. IT superior, and our prices ;tl'low. AN ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS' AND ,VALISES CHEAP Eggs ttlkon in exchange. fi per cent o fl for chs/). TAYLOR & Son CLINTON AND BLYTH