HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-05-10, Page 5SPAT, X.A.Y 1Q, 1889. TaING YOU SHOULD r�Noti'v. J o£' our readers have often "What.. is Bright's Disease Jitneys, about which we Q.1.41.10b ?" To answer their ;tett we Have secured the fol• �plt31l-#Iter ar•ticle,written 1 ,:.mupetent authority : sy pmptoina of Bright's Dis- yhlch is but an advanced ofXidny Disease) differ in fent individuals,but generally patient presents a flabby, less look, d r fatigued, has pain in the vomiting and febrile dis- tnce. The urine is reduced tflutity if often of dark,smoky exhibits to 1'gody color, and Tical reaction the presence 1e tv���1.22�hlch,o people killed. ge amount of albumen, 1 ' 1 the microscope blood 1 Two men entered W.13. Marsh's 1 d aa -t are f'ounti. NEWS NOTES Lord Walter Cambell, third dd on of the Duke of'Argyle, f fever in South Africa. Ex -President Cleveland is said to have told an interviewer in North Carolina that he will not again enter public life. $500 Offered for an incurable case of Catarrh by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy. 50 cents, by druggists. A man leaped from boat Island bridge into the Niagara river last evening. Ile left his hat, which contained a Buffalo label, on the bridge. • Mexican -soldiers and police had a tight near Guauajuato with a mob who were trying ito rcue escue four Jesuits }t'td p , ,use es an s 5 jewellery store, Boston. Wednes- 1,ere are secera! forms Of the Iday night, and while bciag shown 1`eiy,but their common pt•onlin- some diamond pins, one of the e bat •acteristic is the presence ,nen «rabbets iv p 11 worth 250 lbumen in the urine, and fie- anti lied. The -proprietor ran qtly also the co -existence of after him, and the other man ee- isy. These associated symp- cured $,500 worth of je,wellcrY sed s, in connection with Kidney rets, Loth aro still at lartre• ;are were first described in Between the hours of ten and • by Dr Richard Bright, ash eleven Wcdensday, the house of ;dish physician, -who first iu• ‘i Viniam Wilson, in the third con - gated them. Sometimes cession of i-iuutly, took tiro, eup- 4.p is a degeneration of the posed from the kitchen, while the nes of the kidney into fat,thus family were in bed, They awoke fairing the excreting powers of ' in tithe to escape being, burned. orgapot so that the urea is nTTh'e dwelling house granary and iaiently separated form the ,HIT.* HOUSE And take advantage of the bargains going For one week more we are giving our profits away on Crockery and Glassware. ;?U per cent. cash discount. We want to sell $500 worth of goods this week, which means $100 given,ta our customers. CUPID'S gaRNESS. Moet women naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere in life, but they should constantly bear ii mind hat . fair, rosy face, bright eyes, and ato a-happypmarriage. are Allthe t those best wastingtd s- or a happy orders, weaknesses, and functional irregulari- ties peculiar to their sex, destroy beauty and attractiveness and snake life miserable. An unfailingi, specific for these m:tlad}es is to be found in Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, Zander a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will he re- funded. This guarantee has been printed 011 the bottle -wrappers, and faithfully carried out for many vest's. $1.1111 per Bottle, er Si.Y Bottles for $5.00. -,-, copyright, by WORLD'S Drs. 311.1). A ys'N• woodshed were destroyed. pd. The flow of the blood, Jacob D. Shands, wealthy --•- rod 0Q, , .Jefferson en cli thro with eh -urea; _s- • farmer, aged rded through the minute ves- farmertownship, Pa., was found dead `,'congestion ensues, and exu• hay sin to a tree on Tuesday resulont. mornof albumen and fibrin is ing. Lying a few feet away The disease is often was his young wife, shot through n, as boils, by eruptionsndis f eq the the body and fatally wounded. la'associated bo, etc„ and rgem ue of David and George Shantis, sons of with enlargement of the old man, and stepsons of Mrs Theart_ The causes of this terrible mal- Shantis, were arrested. It isbile ed that the old man commit- e- are, indulgence be in too much tedsuicideand that David Shantis ER, PIERvCE' S PELLETS Auk, r as a rove b everage, strong attempted. to kill his stepmother, :ink, high living, on igen ions who is only 25 years old, to pre- iposure to wet and cold, various vent her inheriting the estate. d otheevere,maladerangem n derangements, On May 15th Dr' Tanner, "the ' d `her bodily ,ciao omenta, 'cute diseases;like erysipelas,diph- and let himself be put grave.. heria, and especially scarlet fev- coffin and lowered into a r (of which it is one of`the moot Ho is to stay in his 'box for four requent and serious after effects), weeks, and expects to come out liseases of -bones and other scrof- feeline' first rate. The Brahmin 1 affections. S. PALLISER & CO., Family Grocers, next to Town Hall. N E " Purely Vegetable Perfectly Harmless ! UMEQVALED AS .A LIVER PILL. Onetiny, Su arr-coatoed Pelletiest to a dose. Cures Sne tiny, 88 Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa- tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all de- rangements e- ry55ncentts a vial, byeerugg'lst Stomach and Bowels.. o- go into a trance ash as a complication of certain faster," is to into a ons a ec ions. - fakers do this 'sort of thing in s Common. sense treatment of imitation of the hibernating ani- l�id2�y Disease of the character mals. Will some neighbor turn � referred ,to necessarily- involves the screws on the crank. The [[removal of the causes, rectifica- world can Well spare Tanner. tion of other secretions and in.The • people of Cobourg have rease in the number of blood -red served 1111 injunction on e c `iu corptisetes, by the administration thorities of Victoria .College to .f Warner's Safe: Cale. It ly prevent filo removal of that iu- fic e\ -u❑- i -ii file ids-ancecl stitution from Cobourg to Torou- tages, when the blond has poi,—to. Cobourg's legal claim to retain 1 one, the nerve centres, restoring the College may as well be settled site secretion of healthy fluids arta first as last. ayasAbout:$100,000bes has Ie]ieving the congestion of the been paid in to carry, out the fed - rein. It speedily arrests the, in -.oration project. ilammatory session, which is mark A liastly.lrecident wa»witness ed by an increased amount -of ui•= cd a Indianapolis, as Friday, dib, r• 11rr dnai aOI t -waggon albumen yn a l unteamattached t a b he gag T Ine a when ;appears, the dropsy subsides and loaded -with coffins containing "he pansy recovers. There is corpses thatwerc being transferred standstill inadvanced Kidney from an old cemetery to a new set show who are bic.- cemetery became frightened and {(thing Vetter or worse.— r n away • While dashing down .its it aro either constantly the principal al streets at breakneck o is important therefore, that seed the waggon was upset and his terrible disease be taken in the force of it .carried it forward hind and treat ed with .a known upon the backs of the horses. eel fie. Coffins were scattered along the street. - One burst open and a :THE CROWN CROWN O b' THORNS• skull rolled on the ground, while bones were thrown, about prom- A correspondent writes: I know iscuously.' 'the masters of• painting, from The Manitobans ought to be Guido, in his wonderful - " Ecco virtuous people, for the reason Homo,'' down to the present time, that those administer the have depicted the crown that laws do not make criminals too rested upon the head of our cruel- comfortable in that province. A L'fied Saviour as a twisted branch despatch from Winnipeg says that ,of bare thorns, and that is, firs Charles King was sent up for four pis know, universally accepted as years for stealing a pair of trous- e true crown. Some years ago is• Now, if Charles King had incident that occurred in the lived in Toronto he would have oly Land caused me to think been sentenced to only five years. at this popular belief may be a in the Penitentiary if his offence istake. A party of us;wlro were had been pounding and kicking a on rneying toward Jerusalem at woman to death, instead of steal - his season of the year, which is ing a pair of trousers. If he had osteal with the passion and lived In Hamilton, and had been th of the Master, had stopped found guilty of 't cioeeh robberies rest and lunch just after enters and larcenies, he would.•have been g•the hill country, some miles oaths in jail. eyond Ramleb, when a lady of i l es • from he.party, who' was gathering the eautiful flowers that eovered,the landscape on all sides, wreathed an exquisite spray, and holding it up, exclaimed, " The Crown of • Thorns 1" Our party were de- lighted with the wreath, and, tip. am examining it, we found that long sharp thorns were concealed by the, lovely pink flowers. We were convinced that this was the true crown, and as we advanced Wryer. erusalem we saw that the whol country, evea to the' walls of th city, was covered with this flowering thorn. Tho plant and glower aro very similar to what we commonly call the flowering almond, with the addition of the thorn. Tho bloom is very thick, so that by merely entwining a ..branch a wreath is made, while the long sharp thorns set out at vgbt angles about an inch, apart -Made it a very'painful crown to - wear upon tho human brow. IN we remember that tho sol- diers, who dressed our Saviour with the purple -robe and crown did it as a m ckory, it is reason - 'able to believe that they chose this • plant, which was So accessible and would make a beautiful tip: arance, which at the same time aloe nded• His holy brow. Many who have visited Pales tine at this season of the y ear doubtless bad ibis suggested to them, yet I have never seen com- ment upon it , in any book of travels. PRING GOODS •l0p\11I11 lit. 1' all litre, ill Ulu' ,tut'l: i, 11 IW ethyl ' C lit e\'et')' ''Q� W: .?f • PQP'IJ1 IIkRDRE RETAI�:D aIWKDLN3ALEPR DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, SHIRTINGS, COT- TONS,TGLOVES, HOSIERY and CORSETS, small wares, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FUR- NISHINGS, in great variety. eReeaody Made Clothing and Clothing mad SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two -cent stamp for mailing same) to Dn. B. J. KENDALL Co., EN0SBra0'FALL S, VT. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, alnever er before reached by any publication in the same period of time. We feel con- fident that our patrons will appreciate the work and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valu- able book. ' It is necessary that you mention this. paper in•sending for the " Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. Having purchased the large and extensive stock of Hardware, &c., of the estateo„ R. Macey, which was sold by auction on March 27th, 113139, this 'n tonne, with our own large stock, we are now prepared to give you at pric' startle you. Don't fail to come at once and secure bargains. We are marking down the prices of the combined stocks which comprise STOVES, BUILDERS, CARRIAGE and HEAVY HARDWARE, PAINTS,, OILS, GLASS, TINW'AlRE, &c„ all of which will be fairly slaughtered. This Ivi11 be one of the greatest opportunities for Builders, Mechanics, Country Merchants, Farmers, fS c., to purchase that has ever been this section, don't fail to call and get prices, from $'2 to $3 lc,s. than any other Remember we make u}) SUITS11, when o+'tlerin �� new ,nits. house in town, awl dont forget to see offered in SO COAL ()IL wlu leyale and retail. A foil .,tuck hail 1 h, Ir, a and Heavy HIafdware bitsiness ,ff �Mr Mc,. y, imuntdiately 10.xt 011r owit. 'sJ Aly Iron and hardware Merchants, Stoves and "tinware, Whiten f .'tl, t,•i t: ;tad Frill bc- coutir,',,. l in flu:: 1)1,1 .tants OOTS&SH .ESTEAS We wish to call special attention to our Boot and Shoe department. 2h0 per cent. We'of the lbuyest direct stocks fromtown ofarid thecab largest you Factories vin tohe Pr the Province and are in a position to give you bargains. Come and neo tis and our town for good goods at are determined the:lowesttpr akces. lhe lead in this April '?il. l; ins. a..., --- A POPELAU INSTRUMENT. A new scale Upright Pianoforte re- cently'completed by Messrs. Newcombe Co„ Toronto, is affording ;great satin• faction. It tills the requirements for a reliable instrument by at first class mak- er within the reach of all. Write them, for particulars. - Commol Buse Cloths Dryer Searle's Block, Clinton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS J. C. STEVENSON ,lust what everybody wants, 110 feet of line in a sttuill space. Can be easily raisiec1 or. lowered, Cannot fall when raised. The handiest clothes dryer m use. Endorsed by all who have tried it, and warranted to give entires attsfaction. Can be used by a child adult person t a as , at 1 • nilly Y 0 years old s 16 C of lCarriage J. CHEIt & SON; Waggon and i',arri { 11Akers,Ethel, Sole Agents for Huron, Brute, and Waterloo, and Wallace. and Elton Town- ships, W• E. WALDRRON, Patentee. 188.0. HAR,PER'S Magazine ILLUSTRATED. IlAarsa's MAGA%,Vit is the most useful, enter- taining and beautiful periodical in the world, Among the attractions for 1859 will be a new novel—an American story', entitled "Jupiter Lights"—by Constance F. Woolson ; illustrations of Shakespeare's Comedies byE. A. Abbey' ; a series of articles on Russia, illustrated by T. de Thulstrup ; papers on the Dominion of Canada 'and n characteristic serial by Charles Dudley' Warner ; three " Norwegian Studies," by Bjorn- stjerne Bjornson, illustrated ; Commodes,' a historical play by the author of "Lien -Har," illustrated by J. R.Weguelin, etc. The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean Howells, and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPER'S .PERIODICALS. ;MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN IIOIISEHOLD_FURNITLIREI. - —AT -- TEAS COOPER BcSONSOLD STAND.. Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Fancy, Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges,. &c. . Fresh New Season'A Uncolored Japan, 15 cts per 1b., 7 lbs for $1. TRY IT. Chinese Mixture, good quality, 5 lbs for Si. j"Highest price for Butter and Eggs. J. W. IRWIN, The Times Tea Warehouse, Special lot of- PICTURES, in oil. Gilt frames, bandpainted, pain ed, chap. } Genera} assortment of Household Furniture he Discount Sale has run off most of niy old stock. A lot 'of PICTURE MOULDING-. Frame, made' toyorder., • ' PER YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE „ g,4 IIAIi.PER'S WEEKLY 4 HARPER'S BA/,AR 4 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE....... Postage free to ail subscribers in the Unite States, Canada or Mexico. J. a. s'X' iv%m -s® isT REsip.r,Non' OVER STORE. FarkalITUME STORE. - OPPOSITE OSITE TOW HALL. 0_� RkTS Yuul Lihc, 'We are shoving the tines line of Sprin g&Summer Hats Ever brought, to this town, A11 New Styles, Best Quality, and Prices Low. TRY US ONCE. WE CAN PLEASE YOU, We have everything that a gentleman requires, at prices to suit all pockets. Our extensive line of HOSIERY comprises goods of all weights, in a variety of colors and qualities, from an expensive Sock to the cheapest grades. SUSPENDERS will also be found in great variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock ilargf Serhhan ever before, and the finest in the place Neckwearuffs and GEO, GLASGOW, CLINTON —THE C'ooper's Old Stand, Cor. Searle's Blo,'k, ACLINTON The volumeu of the MAnAz,xx,'begin with the � numbers for June and December of each year. when no time ix specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of re- ceipt of „rder. Bound volumes of IfAltt'F:a's MAoAztxe, for three years back, in neat cloth binding will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 53,00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 emits each —by nihil, post-paid. - index to 11ARrVa'4 \LtoAzlxa, Alphahvtiral sentenced to three m j Analyticftl,.and Ctassiavd, for Volumes l' 1070 inclusive, from Juno, 1850, to June. 18141, ane There will be no extensive Yfiigra 001, avn, cloth, ?4,00. tion of thieves and mure er Ontariovto Manitoba. TIIEYBACK IT UP. The superior merits, as a blood• pur'ifier and invigorating tonic, possessed by Dr. I ierco s Golden 71Iedicxl :Discovery, warrant its manufacturers in selling it (as they are doing through druggists) under a positive guarantee that, if given a Marr trial, it will cure all disease arising from a deranged or torpid liver, as indigestion, or dyspepsia, and all humors, or blood taints, from whatever cause arising, as skin, scalp and scroful• ous affections. The terms are, a benefit or curc,or money returned (,ONSUMPTION CURED. An old physican, retired from prac- tice, having had placed in his hands by an Last India missionary the' forumla speedymand perle manent cure of table eonsnpfor � d all throat and tion. iLu gtis, aAffections, alsoAsthma na positive and radical cure ,for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after baying tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to matte it known to his suf• tering fellows. Actuated by this mot• ive and a desire to relieve human suf. fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with fnll directions for preparing and {ising. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOTES, 149 Power's 13lock, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y,e.o,w. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of I1Altelut & Bao•rnras Remittances should be made by Post-Otpt'e Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of hiss. Address : IIAi1PER a RrtOTiHERS, Now York CLINTONj NEW �� R R. HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ONT. 1889. HARPER'S WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED. 1101t1'ates WEEKLY has a well-established place 149 the leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of Its editorial comments on current politics has earned for it the respect aid confi- dence of all impartial readers, co acnes, whits Die variety and excellence of its literary Include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it for theperusal of people of the widest range of tases and pursuf ino Snp,pplemenst are frequently- provided, expense in spared to bring the highest order of artiFstfc ability to bear upon the illustration of the changefuil phases of home and foreign his- tory. A new work of action, from the pen Of William Dean HOWe118and one by Capt. Charles Kiig, will be among the leading features if the Wessi.Y for 1880. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR : i4 00 11ARMIR'SWEEKLY . •.......•,..•. 400 HARPER'S\fAOAZ1NE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 2 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE Postage free to all subscrthcrs in the United Staten, Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the Waastr begin the first plumber for January o1 each year. When no time 114 mentioned, subscriptions u•ii1 begin with the number current at time of receipt of order. Rond yearst back, ttn neatof lcl th binding, will wifor ll three sen by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex- pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 57 per volume. Cloth Cases for 'each volume, suitable for binding, will he sent by mail, post -pain, on re- ceipt of 51 each. Remittances should he made by Post -Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to city this advertisement without the express Order of Limina & tlabTliRllS Ad iress : 111RPM & 000111ER% Nov V IRJETTITI '1E11:R00S THE Red -•-_Rocker F--Vmitureo-re Having bought the stock of D. B. Calbick, of ache lateto gire ououf r cu tourers the Cack full at a greatly reduced figure, �i' bow enefit of the reduction. Sid e will roll Extension entire ndtock of Cent a Tables,. Book Cases, 1-Perfo -- • ated,)oards, ate(1, Cane and Wood 'Seat Chairs, BaI�GAI�� kinds tide n�. t.3® rniture " and -Upholstered 'Goods at GREAT • days. stow is the time to -buy. Furniture, as such bargains can- not last. Call• and be •convinced. . NO1ICI—Our stock of UNDERTAKING KI G G 00 DS is now complete lete in every y particulr, and we are determined to give satisfaction: REITJJ BRCS. The leading Bed Rckerr,FU mbulme erore,Cabinet Briek Makers, l�holsterers, • A CHINA. HALL. To make room for New Importations, -we will, until Dec. CROCKERY, GIVE V2; TEMPER ER CENT DISCOUNT FOR LAND GLASSWSH on our Ae RE. DECORATED IU P ECE TOILET SETS SETS• Parties in cneed of uring cheap bargains as we are boundtmiss to reduce eourr opportunity of se• istock. We offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth CO. We offer NEW SEASON BLACK TEA at 25 cents, worth 40. We offer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 25o FRESH PINAN HABDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, &c Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us;acaII' BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. - CH1NA HALLSN, RoosoN. '1THE, NEW ERA is published every Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two Columns of Fresh Reading Matter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. \Vill be sent to any address for 31.50 a year, in advance. J013 DEPARTMENT. D PARTM NT• The People's GROCERY CORNER HURON AND ONTARIO STREETS, Is the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS \vstock GOODS. We are receiving a tine RAISINS—New Valencies, Sultanas, Black Basket, Layer, Layer Valencias• CURRANTS—New Barrel Currants,tnew Box Currants, PEELS—Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels NUTS—Soft-Sheliti Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, Peacans, Pcantits, English Wel. nuts, best q s. CONFECTIONERY—Our assortment cannot be surpassed. LESIONS and ORANGES—Fresh Sweet Russell Oranges, California Oranges, Valencia and Malagas. GRAPLS—White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes CROCKERY itind GLASSWARE•. — We are giving bargains in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. FISH, Sze,—We also constantly keep in stock Oysters, Iiaddie, Bloaters, Ciscoes, &c SUNDRIES—Cranberries, Bermuda Onions, Common Onions. TI Special vpel', and wetoee the quality ve them an IOW 'as five to be the besnds for t and as ae high as 70c.. per lb• d we tion a few leading Our assortment ie too lard ou We twill tg ve yonlyg odnvalne and a liberal can bearticles, Come and see fa yourself. discount for cash. We have all the latest styles of type for it cies rlarsESale Bills, and any kind of printing that Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON. Cuninghame & McMurray, VIE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTYN ti.